Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Elaborating B.E.

Quoting Brandon Emerick
..."...the constant stream of fetus worship/womb/rebirth fantasies in the media grammar since the Palin candidacy was announced:"

A. Elaboration. This refers to the cumulative effect of: Gustav; the GOP convention, anthrax investigation, Olympics (Phelps as aquatic alien), Russia-Georgia blow up, Israel threatens Iran, -- then the news is taken over by Palin ( please add )

B. Group-Fantasy tokens in play in these stories*

: DOWN SYNDROME doubles* ABORTION as sex-guilt reduction mechanism.

Abortion (the act), is fantasized from the RW* position to be baby-killing; murder of The Unborn. It is thought by anti-abortionists that what these words communicate unquestionably applies both descriptively, and disapprobatively, to the act of terminating a pregnancy. Disapprobatively, as they would apply to a born infant; descriptively, as they would apply to the fetus. Such uses are tendentious, manipulating the sign users into making an evaluative (perlecutionary force) commitment, along with the act of reference (illocutionary force) predication: in effect, obliging whoever talks with them to see the objective reality through their eyes. This requires a philosophical critique to correct.

The critique is, that terms of reference to what is commonly perceived must be distinguished from and kept free of judgmental language, if common cognitive discourse is kept objective. Unless each person has a way of calling linguistic attention to what is discussed as common perception, without presupposing agreement or disagreement with how someone else feels about the thing, there can be no relief from mass hallucination (the Emperors clothes fantasy). By Kant's argument, this is immoral because it cannot be rationally (consistently) willed. It's maxim, "Let no one have access to language for objective data that is required to correct what others have premptively claimed to be (self serving) fact". This cannot be willed consistently with the will not to be preyed upon. Jefferson was able to convince many that there were inalienable rights, which could not be willingly abrogated, such as life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. This was used to de-legitimize slavery (a person could not sell themselves to another, without all legal recourse).

The preemptive predication on the fetus as "the Unborn", continuous in development with "baby", transferring "killing" ("murder") of baby to abortion of the fetus, incorrectly connects the inner duality of sign-use functions: downward, in relation to memory; backward, in ontological sequence. The way this gap is bridged in communication is by the factual* mantra that "life beings at conception." Joe Biden was just recently summoned before some Catholic hierarchy and obliged to pay homage to just this mantra. Descriptively (to repeat the dichotomy), it is a tautology. "Life" is quantitatively continuous in a human body from gestation on. Approbatively, "life" is used for what is given at first as only a potent totality; the retrojected application cancels all differences.of quality in successive stages. One can lament the termination of a song, once begun; but one cannot reasonably lament songs that remain unsung after the first note. Musical notes, by themselves, are not songs at all. Even aborted ones.

This represents a complete argument refuting anti-abortion which America never got to hear. Instead, the public was immorally manipulated into predicating on the quantitative, vrs the qualitative polarity of "life" by allowing abortion to be equated with "baby killing".


The repression of consciousness of fetal origins prevents distinction between quantity and quality of life, as reflected downward (inner strata of recollection) and back (before 'time' began). Adding that the fetus has the Down syndrome chromosome caps off identification with "The Unborn" with a second-level unconscious identification: with "The Defective". Thus identification with The Unborn Defective is constructed as an unconscious content on which to (consciously) predicate (not: an sich --in itself as such -- only through a mask or euphemism). Identification with the unborn defective is perpetually present by being unspokenly absent.

"Sarah won't abort you."

That is the unconscious thought her reassuring presence brings to the campaign for Republicans.

Another coincident use of this notion of "doubling" (of contents from two layers of the unconscious), with "down", in R. Dreyfuss' remarks on Bob Woodward's book "The War Within"

Still, much of it is astonishing. And I don't just mean the juicy tidbits that Woodward gives us – that the United States spied on Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki, that a supersecret, high-tech assassination program killed large numbers of militants beginning in May, 2006, and so on. I'm talking about the dangerously sycophantic advisers surrounding Bush, the ones who stroked the ego of a know-nothing president as The Decider doubled-down on his failed war in Iraq. And I'm talking about the machinations of a rogue general named Jack Keane and his rump staff of strategists at the American Enterprise Institute who worked with Steve Hadley, the national security adviser, to promote the January, 2007, escalation called "the surge." (Emph. added)

Here the "doubling down" also involves repression -- of the demonstrated rejection of the war by the American voters in '06. Dreyfuss incredulously cites C. Rice telling him "I think you probably have to do it (referring to the "surge" -- influx of 30,000 more troops into Iraq). But this is going to be one of the most consequential decisions of all time..." etc. His act of increasing, rather than decreasing military commitment in Iraq doubled the sin of having committed them for false reasons in the first place. He went ahead and did it. His hand was called; his turn to bet: Fold 'em or go all in. He went all in.

So his personal integrity was placed squarely on the line. Keane, Hadley, Petraeus, became committed to supporting him as "strong" for doing it. David Brooks philosophizes that that in him which led down wrong paths and decisions previously, did paradoxically bring about the right thing, this time. From then on in America's psychohistory, everything in a certain segment of MSM communication was predicated on "The Surge Worked" meme. Then, after this is spread through the media as the accepted myth for the Iraq war, there naturally evolves the meta-judgment that those who opposed the surge are deficient in gung ho-ness (faith, will-to-win, American spirit). This proceeds automatically from having doubled the bet. If you didn't stop it then, you won't stop it now. The Surge Worked. If it worked once, it will work again.
Wonder if Woodward documents the incredibly extensive PR campaign
The Ari Fleisher deep pockets neocon effect. Decider's Dictator?
What happens if you double the doubles?

First Double: Identification with Defective Unborn (token: Sarah Palin.

Campaign manager Rick Davis, who gained instant fame for saying it wasn't about issues, it was about the total perception of the candidates, including their character, integrity, values, biographies... also said "This is the New Republican Party -- only four days old now. It is a psychohistorical fact, in my judgment, that they are acting out a HISTORICAL GROUP FANTASY OF REBIRTH THROUGH SARAH PALIN'S WOMB.

Second Double: The Surge (reversal of '06 vote) / / Re-Surged : After The Surge Worked (token: McCain)

The First + the Second (double double) => The Surge, initiated and sustained by steadfastness of the Leader's Manhood, tested against the opposition of those who turned back, the spermaticus spiritus impregnating Sarah Palin's higher, inner womb. As Pallas Athene sprang full blown from the brow of Zeus, so "we" (those who would "vote" for her) would spring full blown from her brow. The children of America's future, if this ticket is elected, will be that of her 6th child.
BIRTH = CHANGE in the unconscious. Both candidates are running on "CHANGE".
Obama is openly and rightly holding McCain's claim to represent "REAL Change" up to ridicule. What fails to be noticed, probably, is the reversal*: use of "real" to label the unchanged.
(also: REVERSAL: as in: change-into-its-opposite; mask; masquerade; shape shifting. "CHANGELINGS" is used for abnormal children in old English.
Ball Joint Dolls (BJD's) can CHANGE characteristics (hair color, eyes, beast size, nationality)
ALSO: The thing about the EYES... see the films "The Tales of Hoffman" and "Blade Runner" for referents.
Killer Mommie: (reversed)
Mary Matylin interviewed by stool pigeon MSNBC Gregory at 6:00: "The Democrats want to kill her." (true, of course, but irrelevant) THIS IS A REVERSAL OF THE DEEPEST KILLER MOTHER/POISONOUS PLACENTA DOUBLE. Like bringing together two ends of a previously polarized dichotomy (as also: gender difference; sexual preference, Father-Mother super-ego roles) The fact that llizard James Carville's 'wife' was onto it to be able to precisely reverse the content bears pondering.


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