Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, October 30, 2008


image (<= dream replay of alternate brain content)


- IMAGINATION The inverted Y. Brains 2 and 3. Soul and Snake, send signal energy to Intellectual Brain 1 consciousness by way of sense experience. It (Brain 1) works in the present through what is given in re-presentation by words and writing. (Exodus 20.4).

Thus Descartes split imagination off from intellectual grasp of reality as not providing 'clear and distinct' ideas. What color words recall to consciousness, apart from the visual sensation, for instance, is, at most, a slice of a spectrum of hues. This is fundamentally John Locke's rejection of "abstract ideas" as the basis of knowledge: there wasn't anything 'there' (in 'experience') on the tablet if the tokens giving the signs a claim to momentary sense content were removed. David Hume then asked about the idea of "idea" -- as if were a word that stood for a tokenless text, or the for text of all tokens.

Imagination can re-arrange the tokens to satisfy one brain while the intellect arranges them according to an entirely different text. The "seeing" of "Palin", for instance, as Isis, or as Madonna through transpersonal imagination of "woman". (And what "I" am, who is one.)


This distinction in words marks the contrast between Brains 2 (=Right) and 3 (wrong) as will controll sanctioned by the intellect. "Moral Choice" is the decision of which brain to follow as guide, but it can only be made consciously through the soul brain. The snake brain merely acts. The 'choice' to ignore morality, to "go amoral," is the permission to let torso-instinct rule the situation. ("Cut loose", as in 'go gonads' in fighting; complete the act of intercourse or killing. This is the Freudian Id, recognizing no constraint on the pleasure principle except force; also, the totality of impulses he later called death instinct.

Just as the distinction exists apriori, prior to acts OR judgment, so the choice between Right and Wrong has already been made tacitly, prior to application to particular cases. This would be through an inner inclination of the will toward Soul or Flesh. Whichever way it goes, the snake brain will manifest as the force of 'righteousness': Saintly or Lustfully.

In metaphysical terms, "right and wrong" are a duality for Brain 1 processing, distributing S* over the totality of human acts, reflecting the distinction between itself, as such, and the two Brain processes it spans and mediates. "This is right (Ex.: not killing)" vs. "That is wrong (Ex.: wanton killing)" are exercises of the Soul brain; the other wouldn't care. "Morality", as a (constructed) Unity, then, is a contender in the realm of Duality that arises derivatively from attribution of moral distinctions to personal acts. The logic of this relation is given in Thoth's saying: "The Contention is One against the Two; whilst it flies away, they try to hold and detain it. But the victory of both is not alike. For the one hasteth to that which is good,the other is a neighbor to the things that are evil."


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