Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Three Reasons Not To Vote for President


Firstly, the legitimacy of the result, whatever it is, is already nullified by manipulations of the campaign process leading to it.

The position of both candidates on fundamental national issues has been determined by 'wooing the Jews' from both sides of America's political divide. "In my experience, the most obvious way politicians try to woo Jews today is to demonstrate their support of Israel and to appeal to long-held social values." writes P.H. Schweitzer ("People of the Button", NY Times10.13, A29) This is a major pivot among tier 1 issues dividing Republicans and Democrats. McCain, having discovered his narrative while writing "Faith of My Fathers", the Times report, p. 1, demonstrates his ardor by singing readiness to bomb Iran. Obama, no less supportive of Israel, but willing to talk to Ahmadinejad, attracts the Sarah Silverman, pro-choice, gay, minority-rights liberal side of Jewry. Thus, the campaign's political division delivers, as unspoken union of opposites, the appearance of a bond of unity not voted on.

Conspicuous by its absence here is a politics that does not woo the Jews. Whatever it is, the vote in '08 has been guaranteed to produce a certified Jew wooer. This, although the issue of U.S. -Israel relations has never been debated and voted on, as such. The process uses Jew woo voo doo to subvert democracy.

Secondly, but not entirely unrelated, the vote, however it turns out, will seal up, by texting over, contradictions in group psychosemiotic processing encompassing vast historical --even trans- Biblical -- expanses of content. It is as if all pasts and futures, including those of both Old nd New Testaments of the Bible, have been dumped into our collective TokenSpace here in America. This sense of repetition is conveyed by the very name Palin, in "McCain/Palin"; in the Greek language it translates into "again". "McCain Again", the button says; as if showing Him re-enlivened by conjoining with Her.

The mythic vista opened here is that of Egyptian Goddess Isis, who collected the severed parts of her brother Osiris' torso which had been dismembered by his brother Seth into 13 pieces, and strewn up and down the Nile. Then, having re-assembled the torso, she, helped by Thoth who had the secret of life, restored him to life, with potency to impregnate her. This occurred by their supplying a wooden cult phallus to substitute for His missing 14th member.

This mythic impregnation of Isis by Osiris gave birth to Horus. Revenger of his Father's death, the presence of the Son is conveyed by the ubiquitous EYE OF HORUS. This great icon mirrored this mystical progeny of Isis and Osiris as The All-Soul Seer: a TOKEN of the perceiver's bond to the Other Side of perceptual consciousness, activated whenever it is dwelt upon. The EYE OF HORUS functioned as kind of psychosemiotic map, or schema, of consciousness, in Kant's sense. It reflects individual consciousness under sign use as included in a vastly larger, collective, all containing counter-consciousnes: what is looking back at hus wen we are looking back at it..

Such a reflected presence was omnipresent in Egyptian iconography. It has returned today in the mysterium conjunctionis of McCain/Paalin, giving birth to an embryonic Big Brother Police State.

A vote that set that up would be an act of soul-suicide through the democratic process. Freedom is Slavery.

Beyond the servility of both candidates to Israel, to returnto that, at stake are sudden, irreversible shifts in lines of authority and command over money, resources, and military deployments, brought about by the Wall Street crash, debt crisis, and nationalization of finance markets and banks which will be certified by the vote.. It will usher in a historically unprecedented centralization of controls, a New World Order indeed, that few can grasp the import of. At the very least, the vote must be delayed. There is simply not enough time, even if there were the will, to convey a full picture of what is taking place, in a way that informs the public sufficiently to make an intelligent choice. Whoever is elected, the vote will be used to authorize NON-elected, finance-industry related individuals to act in the interests of the nation, to oversee a vast monetary-service bureau-ocracy that will operate essentially out of sight. under no external control.

Thirdly, just as there has been no discussion of alternatives to present U.S. policy toward Israel, there has been no discussion of alternate policies regarding the residual cold war NATO alliance stance toward relations with Russia, over several things: the unnecessary missile shield Eastern Europe is said to require to protect against possible Iranian nukes down the line. And, over the question of Georgia's invasion of S. Ossetia. The military thinking of the current administration has taken the wrong, bullying side on both these issues. This cannot be claimed as confirmed by the democratic process if it is not discussed, and alternative strategic overviews considered.

The quote from Mr. Schewitzer's article, above, tartly concludes his apt remark on how politicians woo Jews by adding "The less obvious way is through, well, political buttons." And thereby hangs the tale of his pitch. "The People of The Button" indeed. It used to be The Bible.


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