Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Conspiracy Of All Time

(It went down 7.14.’09)


SUN BLOCK <= Blood oxygen corrupted => BLACK SUN

A plan exists to block sun rays from over-heating the planet, by sowing tons of hydrogen sulfide particles, reported by the Wall Street Journal 6. 15.’09. A multi-billion dollar hi-technology scheme, pitched as simultaneously “fighting global warming” and “reviving the economy (no kidding -- ‘attacking unemployment’).

Paul Krugman just compared Americans to "Boiling Frogs". Temperature of both earth and global economy are rising too quick for frogs getting boiled to jump out of the water.
Now, spending big billions to create a sun block is just the kind of scheme "all good hearted and right minded Americans and people of the world” might be induced to get behind. “United, we can get through this and solve these problems. BUT WE HAVE TO JUMP OUT OF THE POND NOW! ACTION IS IMPERATIVE!

The title of the original article was “Save The Planet With Chemtrails”. Timely, given that said chemtrails were widely noted in various early June skies, particularly over Austin, Texas, justifying wide spread government-air-poisoning-fantasies to go with Swine flu pan(dem)ic.


Return of the (TokenSpaceShip <= negated by Criticism => retained as text of UGF* (unconscious group fantasy) of Cosmic Return: of the 12th planet from beyond earth’s orbit around the sun, defined set periods of its 36,000 diurnal revolutions. The concept is that of “orbital container”; whether the period of 72 Great Year cycles of planet earth’s plane of the ecliptic was known to them, or to who and how many of them can be left open.

This is the time-binding “Coming closer to earth every minute” fantasy riding piggyback on stories of dark skies, poisoned waters; lost XX and XY gender boundary, “I” vs. “You!” identity; effeminized males, America defeated, shamed, swamped by impenetrable lies, increasing unrelieved desperation in private lives …. NIBIRU APPROACHES! A REAL* TOKENSPACESHIP ENTERING THE MORAL DIMENSION, AND THROUGH IT, 3 DIMENSIONAL SPACE


World renowned, universally beloved, TV news anchor of many years just died -- Walter Cronkite. Surely an anticipated all-media-engulfing sorrowful event by those closest to him, who needed to make suitable arrangements. The chief scene to be brought back from his years of broadcasting would surely be his coverage of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. …And in THAT, unless I am mistaken, one sees the reason for sudden announcement that the original tapes of the landing is NOT what the public will be looking at in these shots with Walter Cronkite – so you beady-eyed photo conspiracy theorists can give it a rest. Accidentally erased, theze got, darn it. An edited version will have to suffice, although such will admittedly give it that more polished Hyper-Staged Michael Jackson look, if you follow my drift.

But … whoa! could that be what’s behind the sudden release of the tapes of MJ’s hair catching fire shooting the Pepsi commercial? Why, Michael Jackson TAUGHT US THE MOONWALK! – how it looks, and feels to be a kid moving around, steppin’-out, up there. His recent death, brought back with images of BLAZING HEAD OF HAIR – KING OF POP – SINGING “I’LL BE THERE” –BRINGS DOWN TO EARTH, NOW, FOR OUR DOLEFUL-YET—JOYOUS RE-ENACTMENT, A RITUALIZED DEATH-REBIRTH TEMPLATE OF GROUP-FANTASY EXPERIENCE. Page 1 content from the media of mass communication connected through Page 3 unconscious group fantasy (see below).

There is more, another time-binding connection through levels of overlaid, deep text-token connections. This one runs through the very underbelly of European academics: Freudian psychoanalysis. Analyzing signs used in communication through ‘frames’ supplied by unconscious* (* as various ‘off-line’ factors were generically communicated) processes inferentially, and metaphysically, link conscious sign-use, in general, to these frame-formations (censorship, substitution, condensation, suppression, etc.). That is the bio-neorological / / psychological point “X” of transformation from physical/quantitative to psychological/qualitative processes. Freud grammatized the “v” ( <= energy component of conscious content). Kant had already grammatized the “Ql” (<= phenomenal givenness quality). Psychosemiotics adds to all variably determined Ql,v components of conscious content, the meaningful sign, S*, communicating something other than itself (thus, already ‘beyond consciousness’, as an individually- centered totality). Thus is obtained the expression => S*(Ql,v), depicting and referring generically to conscious content under sign-use (<= communicated by actual S*)

From these theoretical connections, I wish to connect the content S*x =>Michael Jackson bringing Moonwalking to earth, with S*y => Chapter 7.C of Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams (1900). Here is the depth connection.

The content of the anonymous , ‘collective’ dream he relates there is a father’s hypnogogic dream-experience (felt really real) of his dead son in flaming shrounds, lit by a candle carelessly tipped. One who had come across both images, such as I, could hardly fail to connect them; perhaps only I made them conscious, as here, in S*x  S*y. The flaming hair of King of Pop Michael Jackson; the flaming shroud of a son seen by his father in a delusional state. This connection – formally: through the tokens – deserve further elaboration, since it bookends an epoch.

C. The Wish-Fulfilment
The dream of the burning child (cited above) affords us a welcome opportunity for appreciating the difficulties confronting the theory of wish-fulfilment. That a dream should be nothing but a wish-fulfilment must undoubtedly seem strange to us all- and not only because of the contradiction offered by the anxiety-dream. Once our first analyses had given us the enlightenment that meaning and psychic value are concealed behind our dreams, we could hardly have expected so unitary a determination of this meaning. According to the correct but summary definition of Aristotle, the dream is a continuation of thinking in sleep. Now if, during the day, our thoughts perform such a diversity of psychic acts- judgments, conclusions, the answering of objections, expectations, intentions, etc.- why should they be forced at night to confine themselves to the production of wishes only? Are there not, on the contrary, many dreams that present an altogether different psychic act in dream-form- for example, anxious care- and is not the father's unusually transparent dream of the burning child such a dream? From the gleam of light that falls upon his eyes while he is asleep the father draws the apprehensive conclusion that a candle has fallen over and may be burning the body; he transforms this conclusion into a dream by embodying it in an obvious situation enacted in the present tense. What part is played in this dream by the wish-fulfilment? And how can we possibly mistake the predominance of the thought continued from the waking state or evoked by the new sensory impression.”




Nibiru returns to earth for its gold. Sprinkling of vast quantities of this material element (symbol Au) is required in order to maintain habitable surface conditions throughout the duration of its enormously elliptical orbit. (From Z. Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles) The idea of Nibiru’s return, needing more gold, appears to be the template for the group psychotic fantasy* of shooting massive quantities of sulfur in our sky to protect against global warming. (But to different effect in the two cases: one to block, the other to retain the sun’s radiation.) If it is more than just idea, but deep morphogenic planetary memory reborn in each 1-2-3 brain transform system, it is not just a thin link of analogy, it is a line attraction-and-repulsion of opposites: earthlings blindly impelled to act out something in their genetic-instinctual apparatus they don’t understand. The psychodynamic figure for this would be Neoplatonic Nous striving to mate with its Parental (X,Y – paternal/maternal) Placental opposite-origin containers, outside the body, through what emerges as a totality (soul) within it.

B. Alchemy and Esoteric Christianity (Neoplatonism and The Dark Sun)

Esoteric Christianity, recovered by psychosemiotics, is required as higher Oxygen to complete the totality threading humanity => Christianity => America (Vietnan  Obama). It can only come into play after 1st Conscious shock of Criticism (Kant) has reduced content of consciousness to Quality (incl. feeling-qualia). 1st Cs. Shock reduces claims of non-empirical knowledge, such as theologians claimed for “God”, “soul”, “Holy Spirit”, “Incarnation” to claims about organization of inner qualitative content under the grid of three dimensional space and absolute (Newtonian) time. This translated talk about Transcendent deity to talk about Transcendental unity of apperception, reversing the ground for what satisfies the phrase ‘the existence of God” from something external, to something internal; presupposed by content of consciousness, including systematic misuse of “god” by most philosophy of religion (Ex. “Monotheists believe there is One and Only One God”.) The entire projected metaphysical underpinnings for this pre-Kantian externalized “transcendental” assumption of God* use, as if it referred to something externally surrounding the totality of Newtonian space and time. This was the Thomistic (Aristotelian – Catholic) fideist theology: salvation rests on the inner attitude of assent to, or belief in, certain credos or propositions, originally written in Latin. By contrast, Protestantism has used the King James version of the Bible, read and interpreted by personal authority, to communicate what “God” means. It has accordingly taken what “faith” means less legalistically, more commitment-requiring. Baptist doctrine emphasizes experience of re-birth after confessional cleansing and immersion, through faith by grace. One leads to textual legalism, tending to idolatry on the token side; the other leads to token fidelity, tending to variant emotional doctrine content. Kant is called “The Protestant philosopher”, I think, because he brought use of the term “God” down to a humanly conditioned sign-use, taking it out of the domain of any other person’s ‘mystical expertise’ besides ones own, seeing it as what would be psychodynamically called ‘a projection’. The lurking metaphysical problem Kant’s Transcendtalism has, however, was uncovered by Freud’s l923 “The Ego and The Id”, which destroyed the assumption of a unified consciousness under “I” (last vestiges of Descartes’ abstract general idea of soul). As long as “denke” had its Ich, all could seem metaphysically intact on the inner side. The experiencer could see him or her self as a kind of “subject”, a point of central identity, around which Qualitative data whirled as they danced in a circle; or through which quality, shapes, motions pass, as on a theatre stage. But if “I” is a linguistic, grammatical construct – a token hook for every self referential text – there may be -- in fact, are, Gurdjieff holds – many of them, alternately organizing the totality of present conscious content, each one with or without knowledge of others. This metaphysical situation undermines Kant’s 3-dimensions in space + absolute time transcendentalism. It re-opens the possibility that the “I” perceiving “it” ( <= object over there I can walk around, kick, etc. ) is only one metaphysical alternative, “Lord of the lower Triad”, and itself standing as a totality in a hierarchy of ‘subject’ relationships. This situation would call for a new transcendentalism, if unity (of experience and reality) is to be retained as an apriori category of the understanding. Esoteric Christianity is the response to this metaphysical call.

This remains to be shown elsewhere, of course, but the above articulates the thesis. “Pop” Christian language has gone with th politics of of Appearance, allowing G.W.Bush to subordinate America’s God to the Catholic-Jewish understanding, already in 2001, before 9/11. It leads to the Apollo 11 moon landing and Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk with flaming hair. This is the substitute “We are The World” end chapter of Humanity, Christianity, Ameroca. But there is a continuing thread: Luke 22.10.

C. FOOD FOR THE MOON (<= non-reproducing maleness: Bruno/Michael Jackson <= G.W. Bush: unconscious group-fantasy of forced reproduction of democracy in Iraq by “shock and awe”  impregnation by male anal rape, to “give birth to a new nation”. (credit for this deconstruction goes to Brandon Emerick)

<=– Glenn Beck


Montezumas Real Revenge

Timely, given that said chemtrails were widely noted in various early June skies, particularly over Austin, Texas, justifying wide spread government-air-poisoning-fantasies to go with Swine flu pan(dem)ic.


Return of the (TokenSpaceShip <= negated by Criticism => retained as text of UGF* (unconscious group fantasy) of Cosmic Return: of the 12th planet from beyond earth’s orbit around the sun, defined set periods of its 36,000 diurnal revolutions. The concept is that of “orbital container”; whether the period of 72 Great Year cycles of planet earth’s plane of the ecliptic was known to them, or to who and how many of them can be left open.

This is the time-binding “Coming closer to earth every minute” fantasy riding piggyback on stories of dark skies, poisoned waters; lost XX and XY gender boundary, “I” vs. “You!” identity; effeminized males, America defeated, shamed, swamped by impenetrable lies, increasing unrelieved desperation in private lives …. NIBIRU APPROACHES! A REAL* TOKENSPACESHIP ENTERING THE MORAL DIMENSION, AND THROUGH IT, 3 DIMENSIONAL SPACE


World renowned, universally beloved, TV news anchor of many years just died -- Walter Cronkite. Surely an anticipated all-media-engulfing sorrowful event by those closest to him, who needed to make suitable arrangements. The chief scene to be brought back from his years of broadcasting would surely be his coverage of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. …And in THAT, unless I am mistaken, one sees the reason for sudden announcement that the original tapes of the landing is NOT what the public will be looking at in these shots with Walter Cronkite – so you beady-eyed photo conspiracy theorists can give it a rest. Accidentally erased, theze got, darn it. An edited version will have to suffice, although such will admittedly give it that more polished Hyper-Staged Michael Jackson look, if you follow my drift.

But … whoa! could that be what’s behind the sudden release of the tapes of MJ’s hair catching fire shooting the Pepsi commercial? Why, Michael Jackson TAUGHT US THE MOONWALK! – how it looks, and feels to be a kid moving around, steppin’-out, up there. His recent death, brought back with images of BLAZING HEAD OF HAIR – KING OF POP – SINGING “I’LL BE THERE” –BRINGS DOWN TO EARTH, NOW, FOR OUR DOLEFUL-YET—JOYOUS RE-ENACTMENT, A RITUALIZED DEATH-REBIRTH TEMPLATE OF GROUP-FANTASY EXPERIENCE. Page 1 content from the media of mass communication connected through Page 3 unconscious group fantasy (see below).

There is more, another time-binding connection through levels of overlaid, deep text-token connections. This one runs through the very underbelly of European academics: Freudian psychoanalysis. Analyzing signs used in communication through ‘frames’ supplied by unconscious* (* as various ‘off-line’ factors were generically communicated) processes inferentially, and metaphysically, link conscious sign-use, in general, to these frame-formations (censorship, substitution, condensation, suppression, etc.). That is the bio-neorological / / psychological point “X” of transformation from physical/quantitative to psychological/qualitative processes. Freud grammatized the “v” ( <= energy component of conscious content). Kant had already grammatized the “Ql” (<= phenomenal givenness quality). Psychosemiotics adds to all variably determined Ql,v components of conscious content, the meaningful sign, S*, communicating something other than itself (thus, already ‘beyond consciousness’, as an individually- centered totality). Thus is obtained the expression => S*(Ql,v), depicting and referring generically to conscious content under sign-use (<= communicated by actual S*)

From these theoretical connections, I wish to connect the content S*x =>Michael Jackson bringing Moonwalking to earth, with S*y => Chapter 7.C of Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams (1900). Here is the depth connection.

The content of the anonymous , ‘collective’ dream he relates there is a father’s hypnogogic dream-experience (felt really real) of his dead son in flaming shrounds, lit by a candle carelessly tipped. One who had come across both images, such as I, could hardly fail to connect them; perhaps only I made them conscious, as here, in S*x  S*y. The flaming hair of King of Pop Michael Jackson; the flaming shroud of a son seen by his father in a delusional state. This connection – formally: through the tokens – deserve further elaboration, since it bookends an epoch.

C. The Wish-Fulfilment
The dream of the burning child (cited above) affords us a welcome opportunity for appreciating the difficulties confronting the theory of wish-fulfilment. That a dream should be nothing but a wish-fulfilment must undoubtedly seem strange to us all- and not only because of the contradiction offered by the anxiety-dream. Once our first analyses had given us the enlightenment that meaning and psychic value are concealed behind our dreams, we could hardly have expected so unitary a determination of this meaning. According to the correct but summary definition of Aristotle, the dream is a continuation of thinking in sleep. Now if, during the day, our thoughts perform such a diversity of psychic acts- judgments, conclusions, the answering of objections, expectations, intentions, etc.- why should they be forced at night to confine themselves to the production of wishes only? Are there not, on the contrary, many dreams that present an altogether different psychic act in dream-form- for example, anxious care- and is not the father's unusually transparent dream of the burning child such a dream? From the gleam of light that falls upon his eyes while he is asleep the father draws the apprehensive conclusion that a candle has fallen over and may be burning the body; he transforms this conclusion into a dream by embodying it in an obvious situation enacted in the present tense. What part is played in this dream by the wish-fulfilment? And how can we possibly mistake the predominance of the thought continued from the waking state or evoked by the new sensory impression.”




Nibiru returns to earth for its gold. Sprinkling of vast quantities of this material element (symbol Au) is required in order to maintain habitable surface conditions throughout the duration of its enormously elliptical orbit. (From Z. Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles) The idea of Nibiru’s return, needing more gold, appears to be the template for the group psychotic fantasy* of shooting massive quantities of sulfur in our sky to protect against global warming. (But to different effect in the two cases: one to block, the other to retain the sun’s radiation.) If it is more than just idea, but deep morphogenic planetary memory reborn in each 1-2-3 brain transform system, it is not just a thin link of analogy, it is a line attraction-and-repulsion of opposites: earthlings blindly impelled to act out something in their genetic-instinctual apparatus they don’t understand. The psychodynamic figure for this would be Neoplatonic Nous striving to mate with its Parental (X,Y – paternal/maternal) Placental opposite-origin containers, outside the body, through what emerges as a totality (soul) within it.

B. Alchemy and Esoteric Christianity (Neoplatonism and The Dark Sun)

Esoteric Christianity, recovered by psychosemiotics, is required as higher Oxygen to complete the totality threading humanity => Christianity => America (Vietnan  Obama). It can only come into play after 1st Conscious shock of Criticism (Kant) has reduced content of consciousness to Quality (incl. feeling-qualia). 1st Cs. Shock reduces claims of non-empirical knowledge, such as theologians claimed for “God”, “soul”, “Holy Spirit”, “Incarnation” to claims about organization of inner qualitative content under the grid of three dimensional space and absolute (Newtonian) time. This translated talk about Transcendent deity to talk about Transcendental unity of apperception, reversing the ground for what satisfies the phrase ‘the existence of God” from something external, to something internal; presupposed by content of consciousness, including systematic misuse of “god” by most philosophy of religion (Ex. “Monotheists believe there is One and Only One God”.) The entire projected metaphysical underpinnings for this pre-Kantian externalized “transcendental” assumption of God* use, as if it referred to something externally surrounding the totality of Newtonian space and time. This was the Thomistic (Aristotelian – Catholic) fideist theology: salvation rests on the inner attitude of assent to, or belief in, certain credos or propositions, originally written in Latin. By contrast, Protestantism has used the King James version of the Bible, read and interpreted by personal authority, to communicate what “God” means. It has accordingly taken what “faith” means less legalistically, more commitment-requiring. Baptist doctrine emphasizes experience of re-birth after confessional cleansing and immersion, through faith by grace. One leads to textual legalism, tending to idolatry on the token side; the other leads to token fidelity, tending to variant emotional doctrine content. Kant is called “The Protestant philosopher”, I think, because he brought use of the term “God” down to a humanly conditioned sign-use, taking it out of the domain of any other person’s ‘mystical expertise’ besides ones own, seeing it as what would be psychodynamically called ‘a projection’. The lurking metaphysical problem Kant’s Transcendtalism has, however, was uncovered by Freud’s l923 “The Ego and The Id”, which destroyed the assumption of a unified consciousness under “I” (last vestiges of Descartes’ abstract general idea of soul). As long as “denke” had its Ich, all could seem metaphysically intact on the inner side. The experiencer could see him or her self as a kind of “subject”, a point of central identity, around which Qualitative data whirled as they danced in a circle; or through which quality, shapes, motions pass, as on a theatre stage. But if “I” is a linguistic, grammatical construct – a token hook for every self referential text – there may be -- in fact, are, Gurdjieff holds – many of them, alternately organizing the totality of present conscious content, each one with or without knowledge of others. This metaphysical situation undermines Kant’s 3-dimensions in space + absolute time transcendentalism. It re-opens the possibility that the “I” perceiving “it” ( <= object over there I can walk around, kick, etc. ) is only one metaphysical alternative, “Lord of the lower Triad”, and itself standing as a totality in a hierarchy of ‘subject’ relationships. This situation would call for a new transcendentalism, if unity (of experience and reality) is to be retained as an apriori category of the understanding. Esoteric Christianity is the response to this metaphysical call.

This remains to be shown elsewhere, of course, but the above articulates the thesis. “Pop” Christian language has gone with th politics of of Appearance, allowing G.W.Bush to subordinate America’s God to the Catholic-Jewish understanding, already in 2001, before 9/11. It leads to the Apollo 11 moon landing and Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk with flaming hair. This is the substitute “We are The World” end chapter of Humanity, Christianity, Ameroca. But there is a continuing thread: Luke 22.10.

C. FOOD FOR THE MOON (<= non-reproducing maleness: Bruno/Michael Jackson <= G.W. Bush: unconscious group-fantasy of forced reproduction of democracy in Iraq by “shock and awe”  impregnation by male anal rape, to “give birth to a new nation”. (credit for this deconstruction goes to Brandon Emerick)

<=– Glenn Beck


Montezumas Real Revenge


Blogger Hudson Atwell said...

too hard to read the writing is very ADD. Is this a marketing tchnique?

1:35 PM  

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