Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, August 07, 2009

Krugman Concurs


Yesterdays poll numbers…
Today’s Town Hall Mobs attacking Democrats Health Care Representatives

Chris Matthews discusses Krugman’s “cultural & racial anxiety” hypothesis.

(Comment: This is double shorthand for “God fearing White Supremacist”.

Matthews went over a list of “what I see,” looking over the rambunctuous crowd of protestors. “What do you see?” about the same thing …some fired up, but largely uninformed, opponents of whatever the government was putting over,absolutely and in principle. It was obvious they had not come not to listen but be heard. One Congresswoman likened them to “Brownshirts”; Pelosi noted a Swastika appeared at one place; but “Birther” Orly Taitz is calling MSBC interviewers “Brownshirts”; Limbaugh calls them Nazi etc

They have come to see the Black Sun, only, in each other, through what each other sees the other as.

It isn’t (just) “anxiety” (although one can call it that if so inclined). The class of people standing up at the Town Hall meetings are those who have actually been threatened, if not black-flagged, by the Janet Napolitaro/Gay Jew cartel. And where they culturally overlap -- as oppose to where they cleave, which is what Matthews and the MSM probe for, is almost exactly the agenda on James von Brunn’s website before it was removed, beginning with “Who Are You?” --calling attention to Obama’s missing original birth certificate; followed up with “Obama Was Created By The Jews.” Proceeding to: Anti-Federal Reserve as illegal (=>Ron Paul groups); pro-Gold; anti-gun control; tending to anti-gay, anti-abortion, white supremacist racial God fearing people – a fuzzy class of whose members can expanded or shrunk by selecting, spinning, framing, linking S*.

And shouldn’t one mention: many were finding themselves out of work faced by higher tax bills, with diminishing prospects?

No. No mercy. In the MSM, “these people” are “Timothy McVeigh types”, mentioning David Duke, plus the network of genuinely nutty “Christian” Falwell-Robertson-Lake conservatives tracing to Buchanan’s Southern Strategy to elect Reagan, and now a active list of violent ones, like von Brunn who are “going off”, and starting to shoot Leftist Liberals -- indeed, authority itself! For the list will include the shooting of three policemen by a right-wing skin head in Pittsburgh, 4.4.09, the day after Jiverly Wong killed 13 and himself in the American Civic Association the day before (4.3.’09). The shooting of 22 yrs old Wesleyan University co-ed Johanna Justine-Jinich; the (fake, staged) “homegrown” Muslin terrorists from Newburgh, NY.; The shooting of Tennessee Universal Universalist Church congregation by James Adkisson; the strange murder of beloved Iowa Coach Ed Thomas; the shooting of abortion Dr. Tiller by a rabid, but consistent, member of the “abortion is murder, act like it” group; the shooting in a Tel Aviv gay club (following the obscenely provocative flaunting of homosexuality in the movie Bruno); the shooting specifically of women in the LA FITNESS center in Pittsburgh (closing this circle geographically) by a man who took actual self-help courses to learn how to have a relationship with a woman, but failed, and deliberately planned the mass killing to take out his revenge-for-rejection on all women. (Jesus, man….no one there to say)

Tea Bag conservatives with corporate backing -- This is Olberman's shtick. He's nailed them on his show, doing it in the open. A veritable journalistic Perry Mason, this Olberman.
Krugman's bottom line: Nationwide Health Care reform, which is what we need (the active initiative of the Obama administration as good husbandmen), is resisted not because of what he says, but because of “who he is.” The black skinned 44th President is being rejected as the Sun (=> Father/Light/Sky consciousness, pneuma of the Living Presence on earth); and/or (rejected as) the Son (Father’s spirit-essence reborn through earths materia prima ). The essence of the Sun, hardened on earth, is Gold. (<=gold nuggets => eyes of the sun glinting in dirt). Golden Glory no longer shines through Obama as president as it once promised to do (“Is he keeping his promises? ?). He’s passing out only paper money –‘greenbacks’, ironically. People who want the real thing are turning to Gold.

Text –Token split as factor

Town hall protestors who almost unanimously raise their hands, when asked “do you have Medicaid”?, nevertheless shout down proponents of “any kind of government run health care”. That is one thing that prompts Krugman to conclude their opposition is to him, not the program. Validly, I affirm. They withhold textual authority for command power over private domains. This is where text – the official story; illusory narrative – splits from token. Where the gap between Appearance and Reality opens onto the abyss; what is said is systematically unsquare with what is done. Brilliant journalist as he is, Krugman sees the dichotomy, often contradiction, between the meaning of words people use for others vs. applied to themselves. Added here is the formal analysis of this insight as following two the two sides of communication.


Obama personifies the karmic feedback from America’s dark side from Vietnam.

The karma of the Right-Wing continuation of what Father/Son transgression led to in the 2008 election: 1. fetalized McCain <= invoking Willing Child Sacrifice motif to redeem guilt for all the rest; => matched with anti-abortion mom Sarah Palin – not much Sol and Luna there, but great prospects for reptilian oddspring.
In (original) Reverse forms, McCain/Palin are an incestuous Father-Daughter pair. It is the Dark Side of Republicans re-birthing itself through one of those Daddy’s-not-mommas-world girls. This is the Dark Side of American humanity sustaining itself almost like a retro-virus.


Psychologically, the Democrats are the Feminine; Receptacles; Selene, bathed in full moon light reflected from the sun. Also Mother Tiamat, from whose belly, gashed open by Marduk, the first human children were born on earth, according to Babylonian myth. The relative softness of this side is compensated by Hillary Clinton’s toughness. The already well-blackened, in the sense of accommodating, Democratic majority (cf. New Jersey, 7.09) is compensated by Obama’s essential whiteness. His outer blackness ‘buffers’ the core inner blackness of McCain/Palin; his physical presence lacks the force to confront it with equal hostility.

His black exterior acts in the Omnipresent Okidanokh to block Etherokrilna, the energy actualized through Sun in the Son. These are the two higher grade cosmic energies manifest on earth only through body fluid- the blood (as libido). Obamas image as a libido-cathexis is strictly down-played. The athletic gym, beach shots are wholesome asexual physicality. It would simply be too stimulating; a grin could get Beatle-fan squeals. He neutralizes the very libido he attacts, professionally and adroitly, one might say. This turns aside the thrust toward the White Sun behind him, which needs to pierce the blackness of McCain/Palin. That is what is ever re-birthing itself – now squarely as Birthers! This applies in reverse, of course, to Anti-Obama birth certificate.

…vs. 2. Tough Woman, Black Father <= Union of opposites inside the Democrats as opposition.


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