Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Tuesday, July 21, 2009



(First assbook entry: STRIKE A MATCH !)

Karmic heptaparaparshinokmobile jolt to the galactic rim, where I a maintain a shack with Ahknaton. See myself riding back on Nibiru (Anu, Enlil, Enki… pre-Marduk, Horus … approaching Ararat, Pyramid Eye missing; can’t land yet...)
Sulphur is found in meteorites, volcanoes, hot springs, and as galena, gypsum, Epsom salts, and barite. It is recovered commercially from "salt domes" along the Gulf Coast of the USA.
Jupiter's moon Io owes its colours to various forms of sulphur. A dark area near the crater Aristarchus on the moon may be a sulphur deposit.
Sulphur is a pale yellow, odourless, brittle solid, which is insoluble in water but soluble in carbon disulphide. Sulphur is essential to life. It is a minor constituent of fats, body fluids, and skeletal minerals.
Carbon disulphide, hydrogen sulphide, and sulphur dioxide should be handled extremely carefully. Hydrogen sulphide in very small concentrations can be metabolized, but in higher concentrations it can cause death quickly by respiratory paralysis. It is insidious in that it quickly deadens the sense of smell. Sulphur dioxide is a dangerous component in atmospheric air pollution and is one of the factors responsible for acid rain.
Comment: odd – that the material having the distinctive sulphuric odor should, in different chemical combination, have the insidious effect of quickly deadening the sense pf smell. I strongly maintain this applies to what has happened to America, psychically, during the Bush years. These recycled into (2 x 4) = 2008/9 diurnals another repetition of the 40 yr old narrative template from 1968/9) => Vietnam to Obama. This, in turn, repeats the (2 x 2) = 4,000 year periods, looping back in, finally, this week (7/14-21) to these convergents in TokenSpace: A. references to the 40 year period, spanning the Vietnam war to Afghanistan; B. An “earth sized spot” (projection: why not “Io” sized?) found on the surface of Jupiter.

If “Sulphur”, “Sulphuric” is taken as a content of consciousness including the qualia alchemists called “philosophical sulphur,” it might be used to describe an experienced effect, say, of someone’s tone of voice (cf. ‘scathing’, ‘volcanic’); or of a group atmosphere (cf. ‘jaded’, ‘poisonous’). It should be explained that in alchemical psychosemiotics, sulphur, as well as mercury, salt –and of course, gold and silver (Sol et Luna) are what Jung called “duplex” entities ; material substances handled in elaborate laboratories; and mental contents retained through the quality of impressions and observed chemical transforms (“reactions” they are called, after discovery of the atomic-molecular structure of matter). If one intellectual pivot from medieval Aristotelian to modern Newtonian view of the material world were designated, this shift from the concept of “matter” a potential ground of ‘occult’, as well as observable physical, influences … to the concept of strictly quantified cause and effect explanation of change … is most fundamental, after Copernicus and Descartes. Jung was a transitional figure witnessing, and translating for us, the language of one psychological era, when unconscious processes in the individual psyche were experienced externally, as unseen but powerful, real forces pervading whatever reflected consciousness – from the starry heavens above to the rancorous, gnawing feelings within … into the language of another, after humans had learned to frame sensed qualities as internal. (<= the causal theory of perception). The chief psychosemiotic development of since 1800 has consisted in grammatizing the “modern”, post-Kantian position of consciousness. “Post-Modernism” is a position already under preparation in the late 19th-20th century romanticized reaction to the world science was unfolding.


-Dragons head  Christ
“Sulphur is the masculine element par excellence the “sperma homogeneum”; and since the dragon is said to “impregnate himself,” his tail is masculine and his mouth the feminine organ …the dragon devours himself from the tail upwards until his whole body has been swallowed into his head. Being the inner fire of Mercurius, Sulphur obviously partakes of his most dangerous and evil nature….
“Further, this dragon is equated with the human-headed serpent of paradise, which had the “imago et similitude Dei” in its head, this being the deeper reason why the dragon devours its hated body.”
“Hence we get the parallel of the dragon’s head with Christ, corresponding to the Gnostic view that the son of the highest divinity took on the form of the serpent in paradise in order to teach our first parents the faculty of discrimination, so that they should see that the work of the demiurge was imperfect.” Jung. MC, p. 116

*** note

Jung’s last book, Mysterium Conjunctionis, unfolds the title concept (“mystical union of opposites”) by elaborating cascades of material accumulated over a lifetime devoted to analysis of unconscious psychological content springing spontaneous and autonomous from the human psyche. He wrote contemporaneously with Freud, but a little afterward, as Word of the great Jewish Vienese psychologist’s discoveries about dreams wafted upstream to Zurich. He and Brauer were taking care of the real loonies up there, near where the gold was kept, up close and first hand observers of psychic “surds” (indissoluably irrational end-products of humanity, taken to the asylum there from all over Europe). He kept seeing these same contents spring up all his life, around the globe in runes and rituals: conjunctions of opposites; as when a man of science, trusting in weather patterns, prays for rain. )


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