Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

SBC High Priest of the Black Sun



S asha
.. B aron
.. .. C ohen

B O R A T -- self-hating Jew routine to expose ‘anti-semitism’ deep in the heart of Texas, widely supported and advertised by certain now-becoming-obvious regions* of TokenSpace, Ex. Drudge.

B R U N O – self-hating “cruisin’ for a bruisin’” homosexual routine to expose ‘homophobia’ down among the Arkansas hillbillies. This movie, with SBC shown in trailers actually peeing in a urinal, dirty looking jocky short clad back turned to the camera. (“Piss Jew” Maplethorpe comedy, I thought at the time; Americans oughta stand in line and pay good money to see that!

Well, it didn’t work out that way, and I’ll get to why, exactly, in a minute. Despite one of the biggest PR campaigns since Holy General Mary David Petraeus and the Bush-Neocon “Surge” reversed the results of the mid-term ’06 national election which called for getting out of Iraq, BRUNO apparently got tweeked off the radar screen after a day or two – until word of how he mooned the planet spread.

Then: S W E E E CH ! SBC gives an interview declaring him dead. We’re talking about a lot of Mad-as-Hells here, and I do mean to include Friends of Ron Paul. I have to quote a snippet to convey the flavor (he’s stepped on the garden rake, slapping handle-to-forehead)

'When I create a character like Borat or Bruno, I learn to love them. I stay in them for a really long time, and in some ways I do become them.'

"How weird" (the interviewer adds). "He admits he is reluctant to put Bruno to bed, so to speak, even now that filming is well and truly over. 'It's wonderful that the films are successful, but every new person who sees the movie is one less person I can be Borat or Bruno with again, so finishing a movie means having to say goodbye. Admitting that you're never going to play the character again is like saying goodbye to a loved one. And that's hard

That was July 19. But here is Hohann Hari posting on Huffington July 21st (today => 22rd), claiming critics of the great satirest have missed the point.


The Bruno-Bashers Have Missed The Point.
(btw/ the ADL ‘missed the point of his anti-semitism ‘exposee’ also, until it was explained it <= and flip the tpken => any pub is good pub).

Sacha Baron Cohen's new baby, Bruno….”

Lets stop right there a minute. Everybody iunderstands movie producers and actdors regard their product as “babies”. It issues forth`their creativity. In his case, he says, the become him; or he them; as if an alter (or non-?) identity that remains (‘perseveration” was Jung’s term; “compulsive obsession”, Freud’s).

Taking him at his Word, what we have here is KING OF THE GAY JEWS GIVING BIRTH TO HIMSELF AS BY THE HEAD OF THE UROBORUS DEVOURING ITS TAIL. (The male snake brain, alchemical sulphur, is in the self-consuming Dragon’s tail, disappearing into its head (intellect => Zeus => Athena.)

It had already been deduced, psychosemiotically (credit to B.D.E. for this one) that the unconscious group fantasty of male reproduction, by anal rape of Islam masculinity, was the driving depth psychological force of Bush Jr.’s Iraq war. Remember old Sodom Hussein. “What did you think all those torbans and white robes wuz about?” to parody Willie Nelson’s “Cowboys Are Often Secretly Fond of Each Other”.

This male jock-up stench was the “noisy”, up-front Oedipal trauma psychic level. Undernearth, penetrating to fetal origins and birth trauma regression, the figures of “killer mommy” -- CNN’s Nancy Grace; Brother to Fox’s Glenn Beck – is War (=> child sacrifice<=) on the POISONOUS PLACENTA. “Al Quida”  “the Children of Israel”: the Mysterium Conjunctios of opposites to America’s soul. Friends of one, foe of the other; irreconcilable with each other they are. This is the Zionist wedge, using the Bible as proxy. It organizes the group rebirth fantasy (war is always the fetus fighting for birth – the ‘nation’ for “rrebirth”—against the poisonous placenta, brought back by squeezing, reptilian (claustophobic—walls caving in) slithering, proprioceptive (‘touches”) soul cues, to flow toward imprinted child sacrifice ritual (repitition- compulsion), linking the grammar of “shared blood sacrifice” with the sorrowful mothers of those who died young. That is the “Semitic” edge, or wedge of the Conspiracy Process, and it will be there to twist like the Sword of Longinus long after SBC has (ried to) bury BRUNO.

The Oedipal up-front thick- neck Abu Ghraib abominations staged by MC Rove et al was the upper level of the dark side emerging post-Vietnam. Right wing masculinity getting mooned by The King Of The Jews! Can you imagine that? Getting Teabagged, like punk rock rapper eminem. Balls to the Face fer Jesus! – liberating the souls of an entire new generation from the bondage of homophobia, seen from this vantage point of history as a left-over, un-evolved spiritual attitude, consonant with Westbury Baptist Church evangelism.

What has happened* (from above), and I think has blind sided them all, is the all- powerful BLACK SUN vortex, spiraling the backlash through ’09 into Existential Revulsion (cf. G.., All and Everything, “revolt of one part of the psyche against the sheer unbecomingness of another”); and radical splitting (“Y” – sign of the Sun/Son unconscious). Michael’ Jackson’s hair ablaze => moonwalker <=Luke skywalker  Spock & Cap’n Kirk from Iowa <= shooting of coach Ed Thomas in Iowa by “satan” shouting youth <= many stories of tragic violence, the official MSM versions of which are of suspicious origin, compatible with black flag operations, as the 9.11 anthrax bioterror was proven to be.

Michael Jackson was the vortex certer point of America’s post-Vietnam war
Child sacrificing Nothingness, its Dark Side acted out like a SBC ‘satire.’

Continuing Johann Hari’s piece: “ a shrieking faggot who embodies every prejudice ever thrown at gay people -- that we are shallow, callow, and perverted. He buys a black baby from Africa -- the price? an i-Pod -- to mimic Madonna. He preys on straight men by charging into their tents naked. He penetrates his pygmy boyfriend with massive dildos powered by exercise bikes. Oh, and the staggering success of the film is a stride forward for gay people.”

That’s his thumbnail. Here’s the response.

“ The Bruno-bashing backlash -- swelling yet further this week -- has profoundly missed the point. Baron Cohen -- one of the great satirists of our time -- is taking a prejudiced position to its logical conclusion, in order to expose its absurdity. It's how satire works. When Jonathan Swift wrote the greatest satire in history -- A Modest Proposal, in 1729 -- he suggested the starving Irish were failing to show any initiative. Obviously, they should eat their own babies. There were many contemporary readers who took it as another attack on the barbarian Irish hoardes. “

Apart from wanting to put SBC and Jonathan Swift in the same category, I fail to get the point of the writer’s explanation of “how satire works.” The content evoked is as cruel as evoking a satire of Judenhassen to poke fun at whoever laughs at the clown (Daffy Dafoe’s AntiChrist script). The Irish potatoe famine had not happened yet, but the remorseless attitide some Brits apparently had toward it does, indeed, go well with this KING OF THE GAY JEWS! attitude toward his fantasized poisonous oppressors.

The one BRUNO really slapping Balls To The Face to, of course, is Hitler. 1939 => 1939: Anschlauss: Nazi German Wehrmacht, under the sign of the Black Sun, crushes Austrian resistance, annexing it, with the old capital of the Mediterranean sea Venice, to Germany. That was the real beginning of WWII, a barely parelleled history-changing Victory in War for national pride to be remembered, whatever came later.

Now teabagged; balls to the face of Hitler’s boys. Look who’s laughing now. heheh

America’s Dark Side since Vietnam; think about it, running through the shared cultural fantasy life, ‘ringed” in the unconscious by the two shared trauma of early life … A single perspective, or vision (intuitive; not mystical) emerges in the threads. A common historical group fantasy life, a “we”, each one an identity (or multi-identity) but pat of the collective flow. The group fantasy life, the more patticipation mistique the more vivid, is the delegate consciousness traceable to fetal origins, brought out and insisted on as a “right” through “democracy”. The psychosemiotic discovery of the possibility of reversal coming into this, so the Light side is perpetually bound to the Dark by child sacrifice for rebirth, has yet to be considered. Other blogs have argued that only Esoeric Christianity (and that properly understood) can cleanxe this sulphuretted atmosphere.


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