Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Tea Bagging Birthers


-- the way they teabagged the Birther’s

First there was Bruno, now sadly deceased, according to Sasha Baron Cohn, who played the role of the bold, clothes-fetish homosexual lethario from Austria in the movie. His shtick was literally landing in your face or lap with a camera, if you are anti-semitic or homophobic, and clicking off your matrix … “Tea bagging” is gay slang for the “balls to the face” you’ll get from "gay" Bruno; unobjectionable to each other, but a metaphorical insult to straight males they are expected to pass off as a joke.

In the soul war now waged in public discourse, this Bruno strategy to control sign use as been woven, as a MO, around what is called “the birther movement”. “Birther’s” are a media construct every bit in need of a visit from Bruno, as Ron Paul was. In fact, Ron Paul had been linked to Birthers on James von Brunn’s website “Who Are You?”. And, again, Janet Napolitano’s DHS Spring ’09 memo specifically mentioned gun-owning Ron Paul followers as potential domestic terrorist threats. “Balls to the face of Ron Paul!” Bruno says. “Ya wanna do anything about it? – tell it to Holocaust guard Stephen John’s family, and Janet Napolitano.” If you are a “birther”, as they have it figured out, you are (use fuzzy math for logic): a white supremacist, conspiracy nut, Federal Reserve (Rothchild/Rockefeller) hater, Holocaust perpetrator (right wing, Southern, Evangelical Hitler admirer, --finish it youself). A follower of Haran; Amalekite; the diseased plague of uroboric humanity. Believers in the Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion, if they have even got that far….)

Because, in locker room parlance, the balls are exactly what “Birthers” have got the neconazis by. It has driven them absolutely bonkers. There is no more possibility if a rational discussion of what the facts are and what they mean than it is discussing Israel policy with a holocaust denier.

And hey have been brought very close together (holocaust denial/ Israel policy) not just in Von Brunn’s act but the legitimacy of everything predicated on Obama as 44th president. In no other case is the place and parentage of a U.S. President missing fact. In psychosemiotic terms, this spans all tokens under the categories of Paternity (historical line of Fathers of their Counry), Identity (raised as a child under influences shaping karma; Conjugal origin (“Heavenly Parental Union” => Me). But in a reverse, perverse, psychotic way: Orly Taitz tagged them “Brownshirts”. With cause. Sons of Neocon now require Seig Heiling, or U R gone. She wouldn’t Seig Heil, so “she self desructed”. That was the way Huffington Post reversed and verified her call. Brownshirts without a Fuehrer. What are they gonna do.

What gave the tea bagging of Birthers away was the Token detail of the forged “Kenya Birth Certificate” forgery. That;s right: it is a forged forgery, a made-up to look like an original that had been made up to look like an original. For a day or two it was whispered in news blips that some Birthers were claiming to have a Kenya birth certificate, to back up an aged grandmothers recollections. Then one appeared, on a site of Dr. Orly Taitz, no explanation of its origin sought or offered. Here was their proof Obama wasn’t a natural born citizen. It didn’t take 24 hours to debunk it. Next day, Olberman is citing the sequence 47O44 for his number identity, and “EF Lavander” signed as parent. Yep. Not making it up. Next day after that, ‘research’ turns up additional data that the (now exposed fake) document was identical in form to an Australian template, numbers and names filled in.

However, the tea bag tokens on the forged forgery give away the game. It turns out that THE DOCUMENT ON FACTCHECK.ORG CITED BY O-BOT OPERATIVES WAS ITSELF A FORGERY. So, the sudden appearance of ANOTHER forgery, to back up a bogus claim, IMMEDIATELY REFUTED AS SUCH, can only be taken as intended to have a neutralizing, ‘buffering” effect. As if to say: “YOU SAY YOU WANT TO SEE FORGERY? Well, HERE’S FORGERY FOR YOU: OBAMAS OLD MAN IN KENYA WAS EF Lavendar LOLOLOL”. This is the name of a laundry detergent (like “SURGE”); needed for astronaught’s
drawers after a month unchanged in outer space, yuka yuka yuk.

Balls to the face, chillun. Your new Papa, here. You’ll like it when you get used to it.

One of von Brunn’s claims was THE JEWS CREATED OBAMA. According to what this history of debunking the birthers shows, they not only possibly created him, but cleaned up the toilet bowl afterward with a touch of titillation, an enhancing whiff of gay married’s wedding night, almost.
Psychodynamically, the energy Birthers* are aroused by is fetal rage. Fetuses in later term wombs have been photographed “rageing” --violent threshing, head-buting, prolonged, convulsive rage. The picture of a coiled cobra head ready to strike, but pacified by musical rhythms, externalizes this imp;rinted experience, for it is retained deep below the level of consciousness on the snake brain/amygdale circuits. The return (“flashback”) of this deepest arousal to consciousness is the behavioral snake brain imperative

-* => drives MSNBC’s Olberman into a writhing, shape shifting lizard.


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