Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, September 02, 2010

On Justice (un-American SCOTUS)

On Justice (Pre-Greek -- )

-back to the Psychosemiotic foundations
- - subtext: Russell's logical type theory

1. In order to apply the Greek concept of Justice (as in Plato's Republic) in the present psychosemiotic comtext (cf. <= The Great Sickness <= sinfulness)....

2. ... It is necessary to assume a position of consciousness that cancels the purchase on existence ('right to life', 'right to exist', 'equal right to marry') of those who have brought to pass the present state of affairs.

4. => and consistently adhere to this position wherever use of its terms overlaps, or is token-identical, with those who have co-opted use of its original grammar.

This specifically includes "rights", "democracy", "God", "America", "Zion", "The Bible", "religion", "history", "marriage", "Jews" and the Swastika, among terms from our Greek intellectual heritage.

The sins are that perverse, their effects that pervasive.

It takes a philosophy, this time. The obfuscation goes to metaphysics because the mix-mis-matched ~S/S* text-tokens have been taken up for higher-level

3. <= Even as they have preemptorally cancelled that of others:, first in conception, plans and plots; then in lethal pre-emptive attacks, perhaps not without 'black flag' ops; then in covering up incriminating evidence and glossing over all politically correct official discourse; and finally, rounding out by punishing any who dare call attention to and unfavorably judge their behavior. The existential situation this establishes for shared collective "we" reality is The Great Sickening. It leaves those contained under its psychosemiotic rule in Forever Unborn Fetusland (of pre-Greek Zionist Group-Fantasy). As a Group-situation defined by them, under that system of justice which hadn't yet even arrived at the concept on a universal plane, only through Old Testament theocracy, this is irreversible; sealed now with blood.

And intolerable for people who have had a taste of freedom.

5. => This anti-PC position of consciousness un-enroles "We"-users who follow the West Bank Zionist fable from the ranks of recognized humanity. Their pre-emptive definition of 'rights', related to The Bible, has left children of parents twice-born through the blood of Christ with only de-oxygenized air to breathe and microbe-infested water to drink. Old Faith Christians, reborn into a nationalized politico-religious ideology under Black/White Father of "our" Unborn Children, are called to sacrifice their spiritual birthright, because they are deprived of the means of cleansing themselves of poison and corruption. It has battened onto the psyche like a strangling, sqeezing, hot, inexorable Poisonous Placenta crushing its fetus (<= US, under the shared N-Z complex.). Since second-birth parenting "squares" the evolution from reptilian to mammalian brain-formation, further development of which is expressed by the language of religion, the existential situation imposed on Christians could be called "soul war". Since sexuality is the next trauma-sensitive layer of systemic neoro-psychic development, this war Christians find themselves could also be called 'soul-rape'. Same old story: the Snake brain using Eve to seduce Adam.

<= Until Justice is extracted for corrupting America's soul-language, no talk of 'Justice' can be universal and objective. Corrupt "justices", making judgments about 'justice', fool-proofs corrupt judgments against prosecution.

The proper stratification of predication-levels as set forth in B. Russell's theory of logical types prevents precisely this kind or error. "Predicates cannot be predicates of themselves", except under specified conditions of extensionality (all predicates of F are predicates of G when (x)(Fx => Gx). If unrestricted predicates of predicates (of predicates, ...etc.)
is allowed, paradoxes and self-contradictions of just this sort arise. It's psychosemiotic apogee is particularized self-declaration of the Word as Word (form of position of consciousness of Incarnated Totality under S*). This would be self-contradictory if it weren't true, and it couldn't be true but once. Jesus is not 'the Jewish Messiah" in Christian theology; nor "martyr", "prophet," "esoteric adept", "wise man" ...but a partilarized position of consciousness (aka "a site, or way of self being aware of self in the world"). Only at the top of the S*-predicate hierarchy can text predicate on its own token; and, then, only if what is true of it "above" is true of each instance of it "below".

Note: this argument sets out a case for demanding the entire SCOTUS bench to recuse itself, in a lawsuit that they are disqualified from judging on whether their position of consciousness is not American.


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