Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Politics of the Absurd

The Absurd In Politics
Politics of the Absurd


--How much energy-charge* can the two-party system contain?
--add in: 3rd party ("Tea Party") movement ?

Energy-charge* here is a totality of cathexis available to (potential, latent in) Delegate Positions of consciousness under "We"-Group S* (-5.3,2,1). At present, this must be judged very high for "America" and "Israel" around the globe -- mostly as hatred.

1. -Sanchez- Stewart: goosed into (is/is not) anti-Semitic remarks (may be true, but not supposed to say ...)

Left with:
"its OK to say Jews (like Jon) run the media"

2. So. Carolina Sen. Jim deMint speaking in Spartansburg, addressing the issue of education. "What kind of people do you want teaching YOUR kids?"

Calls for barring open homosexuals -- AND single women w/ live-in boy friends (?) -- from public school teaching.

Comment: calls for the homosexual ban, while draconian, still makes political sense as an extreme line-in-the-sand position. After all, homosexual advocates have pushed their kind of childless copulation incessantly and relentlessly now for years. (DADT, same-sex marriage. poisoning the concept of "rights'). This has driven defenders of Bible morality and sexual common sense over the wall. Washington D.C. is reportedly a very gay-feeling town. deMint would have to stand up for the manhood style he grew up with, and that's what he was campaigning on in Spartansburg.

But barring single women from teaching public schools for having a live-in boy friend? Really (as they used to say). That's absurd. Even the Puritans couldn't have gone that far. And he has to know it.
So absurd is it it defeats any complaint about homosexual teachers as anti-erotic authoritarianism per se. Which it's not. That's one of the tricks of sign-use used in the "Elicit-Split" mechanism (completed by => "Dump-Kill" : "Elicit! Split! Dump! Kill the poisoned"). deMint defeats himself by over-kill. Or, his lines were scripted with that intent and he merely recited them, like Rick Sanchez.


As the Palestinians consider withdrawing from peace talks with Israel unless a freeze on Jewish settlement building in the West Bank is extended, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is engaged in his own calculations about whether accepting an American offer aimed at prolonging the freeze would destroy his political coalition.
Mr. Netanyahu is examining an American offer of a 60-day freeze extension in exchange for security and political guarantees. A deadline looms this weekend, since the Arab League is gathering in Libya on Friday

Netanyahu's coalition is called "The "forum of 7", in which he belongs to the 'left leaning" side.

Comment: A. The U.S. is put in the position of trying to cajole "the Israelis" (<=evoke delegate Group-process to link "the forum of 7") to do what it has long been stated that they must -- from every source: stand up to the IDF's Avigdor Lieberman, Eli Yishai of the Shah party, Moshe Yaalon, Benny Begin. Opposed "on the left" by Barak, Merridor and Netanyahu himself. This is the "vibrant Western style democracy" of "our chief ally in the Middle East". Netanyahu is positioned to "bravely stand up to his more extremist" political foes, do the right thing, and extend the freeze another 60 days (until after the elections). The arrogance of this beggars all comparison. Who wants to bet the 'political guarantees' include cooperation of members of the oppressed minority, yeah, "like Jon Stewart", who run CNN. To shape domestic propaganda so that any serious questioning of the assumptions and direction of these policies is laughed out of court or otherwise silenced.

B. In context of Birth Trauma anxiety of America's "Mid-term" election, the "peace process", bringing together the two sides, becomes a grammatical subject* to which the conjunction of "Christ" with "Israel" can be predicated, bringing tokens of the Holy together under higher text.
This conjunction comprises the initial (~1.1)* step of a fibonnaci sequence, proceeding through the religio-political future held hostage to this "Israel" and "Christ" conjunction. A next step (~1.1).2 : offshoot of a Texas Protestant mega Church on the Syrian border, home of Avigdor Lieberman and other Russian immigrant Jews, praying for peace. America's Collective Unconscious is obliged by the 'political guarantees' to absorb the (~1.1) unit as a starting point. (OT/NT; Judao-Christian). This creates a divide-and-conquer dynamic, as each delegate of other Groups is called upon to align against a split-off, dumped-into poison container. This divide-and-conquer dynamic is eating its way through all processing nodes ("StopEnders") in the hierarchy. Whatever is "born" in the electronic Petri dish Nov. 23 will be a monster, no matter how fine Louise Brown turned out to be.

4. Bob Woodward appears, touting Hillary Clinton to run on Democratic "dream ticket" in 2012, replacing, maybe exchanging jobs with, Joe Biden. Biden, of course, was known to have actually called an insult an insult, on the occassion of his visit to Netanyahu, over East Jerusalem settlement expansion. Hillary is under a $10,000,000 cloud for her 'o8 win in Pennsylvania, in which she screamed the words "BOMB IRAN" as if paid to do so.


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