Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Crawford Sacrifice?

Comment on David Corn's remarks

"Fantasy" is the right word for Bush's world, alright. "Sure knows more than the experts on ...." is DC's nice way of getting at the same point.

But I, as professional academic (emeritus Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy) may perhaps be excused for insisting this be taken seriously.

I have already posted in the Rove Scandal and Sheehan threads that the particular mentality is A. actually shared by all, in the manner of a Jungian Archetype (model: his "Wotan possession" diagnosis of Hitler's Germany); B. consists in the unconscious delegation, by the group fixated Terror Threat of anal male rape -- afflicting the flatulent baby boomer generation (cf. Nick Nolte in fine move "Afflicted")-- of G.W. Bush to Do It to Saddam Hussein (and all manly good-looking hot blooded Arab-type men Dixie Chicks seem to prefer) before he gets a chance to DO It to them.

Further confirmation of this analysis comes from the comments on Pat Robertson's shameful, shameful remarks on the website"

Horny old Christians Posted by: pjrsullivan on Aug 25, 2005 1:22 PM

If you take the word "Assassinate," and break it up it looks something like, "Ass," "Ass," "in" "Ate."

A psychiatrist might find a latent sexual predator in someone who likes to "Assassinate" other people.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

As for that, here is an extension of the same analysis to Crawford:

?Bush braces U.S. for sacrifice as protesters gather

I submit this is an odd construction, explained by what we are talking about.

By Jeremy Pelofsky

CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) (GWB), assailed by sagging poll numbers and criticism from anti-war protesters camped outside his ranch, called on Saturday for Americans to show resolve and brace for additional sacrifice in Iraq.


"sacrifice" is the unconscious group-fantasy token of War-as-Birth. It always stands for the archaic ritual of child sacrifice -- to be re-born (actual children are projectively seen as the rebellious, 'evil' child-in-ourselves, merged with the placenta in the severly regressed group-unconscious state, who have to be "sacrificed to God" (=poisonous placenta/super-ego demanding Its (supra-human) due from sinful humans)... in order for it (the group) to be delivered from birth trauma.) All wars are re-birth rituals, and "Iraq" as token of external sacrifice, is also "America", token of internal sacrifice. The situation at Crawford is saturated with Kent State flashback death portent, may it thankfully remain at the unconscious level.

Since, as also previously noted, such events as brings the pro- and anti-Bush factions together are hugely over-determined, we also get the spectacle of:


Bush praises families of troops in Iraq By Joseph Curl THE WASHINGTON TIMES August 25, 2005

NAMPA, Idaho -- President Bush yesterday paid glowing tribute to family members of soldiers serving in Iraq, telling hundreds of Idaho National Guardsmen that America owes them a debt of gratitude.

The president singled out Tammy Pruett of Pocatello, Idaho, who now has four sons in Iraq and whose husband and another son returned from war last year.

"Tammy says this -- and I want you to hear this -- 'I know that if something happens to one of the boys, they would leave this world doing what they believe, what they think is right for our country,' " Mr. Bush said.

"And I guess you couldn't ask for a better way of life than giving it for something that you believe in. America lives in freedom because of families like the Pruetts." The crowd, made up mostly of military family members, broke into cheers and "USA" chants.

*****/ Now it's Tammy, from Pocatello, Id. vrs. Cindy, from Valparaiso, Ca. Let ‘em skinny wrestle in the mud. Pound for pound, who packs most blood? The weakness of this man can only be illustrated; no words for it exist, yet.


This is the theme of "gaynxiety" – (mostly) unconscious male anal rape rantasy – delegated to the "bitches" to act out. I have already noted that Cindy Sheehan ("menapausal valley girl" – D. Horowitz) was the neocon's ‘killer mommy' – a group-fantasy content nurtured from the time of the Poltergeist movies, tokened by Hillary Clinton, Grandmother Bush, Mary Matlyn (Medusa, Madonna, Dr. Phil, Larry King and, above all, Oprah. Among others.). Their war-for-Israel agenda calls, not for this kind of second or third post 60's generation Calofornia hype, but – ironically, as the lit. ones say – pious, dutiful, self-sacrificing security Moms. The kind that stayed at home and lit the candles for the German Nazi youth going forth to defend their country in WWII.

These be two distinct anima types (crystalized in the collective unconscious of anal rape-challenged males, aka America conservative manhood group-fantasizers). The inner war within and between these two deficient types of anima opposites, using Carl Jung's analytic, is delegated to two actual women to symbolically "square off" and "have it out". Squirm, scratch, bite and pull hair in a stinky cell-pool. Another battle in their externalized war on terror. Cindy speaks for her dead son. Tammy speaks for her kin. Bush flaunts one mother's bond to their sons over another – the one whose sentiment favors him. It is for the sake of their blood shed, he is now saying, that "we" must "stay the course." The final twist: the justification for shedding more blood devolves to having previously shed it, by choice ("war of choice, not necessity", it is admitted).

Maybe Tammy is so big, strong, powerful, sexy, beautiful as a woman that she can do whatever she likes, and comes naturally, to pathetic little Cindy in the moshpit. If she can't, they'll find one who can. Because she isn't really being counted as a person; "she" is a collective content, an archetype ("stereotype" they say in referring the trait to others), and they are fungible ("tokens"). Ms. Sheehan is not. Though that is the level to which the CNN/Fox One-eyed One would fane reduce her.

The lesson to be derived from seeing this? (killer-mommy wars as displacements of Big Daddy BAD DOG Dictator War safe aathole sanctuary) –

…too soon for you to get to. Try to absorb what is going on at a metaphysical level, first. What you learn will be commensurate to the amount of time you spend in the classroom.

Posted by JONES 08/27/2005 @ 2:16pm


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