Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Confirmation Contingencies

Posted on The Nation, under Corn thread, 9.6.05


On the new justices? It is out of our hands. If there is resistance to Roberts then the nuclear option will be triggered, it a few democrats roll-over and confirm Roberts the democrat votes will be portrayed as evidence Roberts is a moderate. Then we will see a real nutcase ideologue nominated for associate, if challenged the GOPhers will just pull the nuclear trigger calling democrats obstructionists."

I read that, capt. Loud and clear. Except....

What if...the U.S. Congress actually gets involved in the confirmation process. Ted Kennedy gets a crack at John Ro... no, wait. Kennedy is Catholic too. Make it...? hmm. TANCREDO! ...? umm.. whoever; new face ...Cable TV nets grinding....
"lets go into whether your religion, Roman Catholic, right? ('right?' ...receives confirming nod from the man in the chair down front; who reads prepared statement about how far he'll go down this road...threatening to pull a "hi-tech Pope Crucifixion!" hystrionic if crossed ...presence of clergyman identified by distinctive collar with law degree from Notre Dame University leaning into the near mike).

"Right. Would you object to a law that required all federal employees to swear an No Higher Loyalty oath to the God the U.S. Constitution was signed under?"

(Distributes copy of oath forswearing signers of owing any debt of any sort to any power, authority, organization of any sort that trumped the absolute debt they own the God of the U.S. Constitution. ...

Pointing out particualr places, for example the interpretation of abortion by John O'Connor as equivalent to Nazi's gassing Jews, where there has been deliberate injection of Catholic teachings, as such, into the American democratic process. And point out that any candidate judge not willing to sign such an oath cannot be presumed, on their word, not to harbor hidden intentions or impulses to violate it, therefore cannot be confirmed. etc., This last is in consideration of R.P. Hanssen's penetration into the FBI hierarchy.)

scenario tbc


There is such a thing as "the dynamic", capt. A little stunt like that -- off the top of my head, but pretty good, don't you think? -- or another hurricane or two up America's wang -- or maybe (I don't wan't to say it)...and suddenly all the nice little pre-programmed scenarios look like corpses floating in the bayou, where they belong.

Remember, Katrina was a punishment meant for them -- the ones that blessed America with Iraq.

Here was Sen. Joe Lieberman (Dem, Con.)on CNN just a few hour ago, railing! I tell you!.. railing! "Our investigation is going to ask those TOUGH questions. UNRELENTING! NO LAME 'MISTAKE' EXCUSES!" I'd call it the "couldn't be more outraged than I" Jewish number (seen 'em all) if it weren't so non-PC. I can't speak for anyone else on this, but it didn't sit well, for me. Here's the '00 "God loves Gore" campaigner, which very likely cost Gore the election, since who could stand the thought of a Lieberman just a heartbeat away? still slinging his shlong. How long before we see Netanyahu and Madona sending red threads relief convoy concerts. But I wax cynical.

Here's the deal.

What used to be "liberalism" as the core of American politics goes over to Stalinism: as in Soviet-style control of the economy to benefit the people...

plus ....

the illiberalism of aroused folkish political milieu goes over into Hitleresque cleansing of worshippers of false Gods from the life blood of national communication (oath of No Higher Loyalty - introduced into the Senate by Hillary Clinton, and Maurice Henchey, upstate Rep.).


It (this cleansing) won't have to be Hitleresque in the sense of actual pograms, heaven forbid, if only it is carried through at the upper spiritual, intellectual and existential levels of national group life. As Above, So Below.

It is time for true Americans to call for a reckoning, from both "Left" (anti-national globalists) and "Right" (neocon Zionist Christian false-G-d 'conservatives), in the Name of the One whose heritage their cabals dared usurp.

I do so stand. It is the exact centre point, on the flip side opposite Katrina's Eye. THAT is the dynamic of the karma of their self-contradiction. That's how far 'right' the (false) "centre" has moved. They think it's where "God" is, but a vast gulf separates them.

Now, all say: America for Americans.


Posted by JONES 09/06/2005 @ 4:54pm | ign


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