Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Artificial Life

Artificial Life

Paralyzed man moves computer cursor through thought

By Patricia Reaney

LONDON (Reuters) - A paralyzed man using a new brain sensor has been able to move a computer cursor, open e-mail and control a robotic device simply by thinking about doing it, a team of scientists said on Wednesday.

They believe the BrainGate sensor, which involves implanting electrodes in the brain, could offer new hope to people paralyzed by injuries or illnesses.

"This is the first step in an ongoing clinical trial of a device that is encouraging for its potential to help people with paralysis," Dr Leigh Hochberg, of Massachusetts General Hospital, said in an interview.

The 25-year-old man who suffered paralysis of all four limbs three years earlier completed tasks such moving a cursor on a screen and controlling a robotic arm.

He is the first of four patients with spinal cord injuries, muscular dystrophy, stroke or motor neurone disease testing the brain-to-movement system developed by Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems Inc (CYKN.OB: Quote, Profile, Research) in Massachusetts.

Comment: This follows the pioneering work in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) by theoreticians Dave Grunder and () Dilts late '70's. I participated in one of the early experiemetns: finger on cursor connected to big screen; ‘concentration’ (you have to figure out how) on the screen te see lines move; watching the ‘message’ pass from my brain-to-device; -- Wallah! – electronic Ouiji-man! (I didn’t get very good; ‘learning curve’ required, they warned; (‘convenient’ I muttered, feeling stupider than ever)

This is cutting edge techno-hookup, recalling Barney Clark’s artificial heart implant in the early ‘80’s – Reagan recession years, after he was shot, when America needed an artificial heart, and got one from his "trickle down" economic ex-perts. His 'sacrificial" killing spree killed legitimate US economy, leading to war, massive deficits, repeated by the Bushes. No one thinks about paying them off, anymore, just extracting the difference from trade with sweatshop countries. Ross Perot was the last one with common sense on these matters -- anti-NAFTA/scc gov. The Clinton years were boomers, alright --but, again, artificially driven by the hugely expanding electronic computer gagedtry.

Note on psychodynamics: The fantasy of controlling material objects by the mind occurs around age three ("I can do that!"), during/after the anal phase of psychic/libidal development. Learned: control of bm's; pleasing/unpleasing to self(squishy --ugh!) and Parents ("good boy"). This imprints the idea (unconscious fantasy) of “omnipotence of thought”, and "Command-control power", which reappeaers in the classical sourses in

"God" Creating "heaven and earth" by speaking ("Commanding The Big Bang", I guess, for the religio-scifi sycretists);

Moses (NOT!) Commanding the stone to produce water for the Hebrews in the desert (he whacked it, instead; got reamed out for that)

Jesus Commanding the waves of the sea of Galilee to subside ..

Baby Boomers getting another shot at life from their little electronic gizmos.

Rambling on ...They are hooking up the wrong things without knowing what they are doing
(brain-to-movement loop sans e-motional memory – off the brainwaves from the hippocampus + impulse; what is getting communicated?)

These instances of mechanical control are not part of the story of full-fledged human beings (creating or evolved, take your pick) adapting as members of their species to the enviornment. It is essentially brainless (amygdalan unconscious, cut off from the cortical loop but acting out crazy ideas)predication on Terry Shiavo-esques. Had the worshippers of the dead hooked on CNN TV for months in ’05, as I recall : as if a human body manipulated by a pull-me-up contraption showed someone having ‘experiences’, after the body had been certified non-sentient. And look what they did/do to Jesus, projecting subjective guilt onto another pre-arranged grotesquerie.

If cell- life is all you’ve got, there will be an irrational compulsion to extend it indefinitely (displacement of ego’s will-to-survive onto the neurological substrate). Unless thay way is given up. (But then you don't just have cell-life anymore.)



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