Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Monday, July 24, 2006

Kristallnacht in Lebanon

Kristallnacht in Lebanon

Points in common

-Jewish poster boy

#1: - Hershel Grnzspan … A 17 year old kid killed Secretary Von Rath of the German Embassy in Paris Nov. 7, 1938, motivated by mistreatment of his Polish parents. Kristallnacht, November 8/9, the ‘night of broken glass” was the unprecedented barbaric spasm of killing rage against Jew’s life and property that broke out all across Germany. The fact that the attacks were so extensive and coordinated showed, among other things, that Europe’s worst pogrom had been planned in advance, with Grnzspan’s murder used as a prop to focus the hatred. His name became the street-talk touchstone everyone could lament about and feel threatened by to justify what they did.

*2 -Gilad Shalit …. 19 year old corporal in the Israeli Defense Force captured and held hostage by the political group Hamas just outside Gaza June 25, 2006. This, followed by two further abductions of IDF soldiers by border-crossing Hezbollah fighters a week later, was declared an “act of war” by Israel, unleashing “a spasm of destruction” across Lebanon, in Bob Herbert’s phrase, turning Beirut into rubble and many of its citizens into chum. The Jews had to cower in their homes praying the Nazi’s wouldn’t bust through it and drag them out to be slaughtered. The Lebanese Hezbollah could only cower in city buildings and wait for the killer bombs to hit. It is Kristallnacht in Lebanon. Throw in “holocaust”, “ethnic cleansing”, and “final solution” too. It’s all about “self-defence” and little Gilad Shalit. But once again, according to Juan Cole, the atrocities perpetrated had been planned in advance.

There are indeed twists and turns in the comparison of these two outpourings of collective violence. First, the roles of the Jewish boy in the collective psychodrama have reversed from killer to victim. He isn’t a killer kid who set off racial German violence; he’s a kid kidnapped by Jew-haters sparking an entire world’s racial/religious violence against Muslim-Arab people. “We will amputate these little arms of Iran,” said Israeli Ambassador Daniel Ayalon. (castration anxiety: Freud)

Second, the ones persecuted in Germany have become the one’s doing the persecution in Lebanon. Like evening the score with reality. As if passing the abuse they suffered at Kristallnacht, where it appears their alleged Almighty God mightily failed them, on to the sons of Sheiks and Mohammed. “If our God didn’t work for us, your God sure as hell won’t work for you. We’ve got the nukes to prove it.”

A genuine religious war has been ignited, intentionally or unintentionally, by the State of Israel. It is not accepted as a regular principle under international law that hostage taking is an act of war. It is reported on youtube by Naom Chomsky that, in fact, it was Israel who had crossed over into Gaza the day before, June 24, and seized two civilians, a Doctor and his brother, taken away and not heard from since. Leaving open the possibility that the kidnapping of Shalit was either deliberately provoked or made to appear so. If it was deliberate, part of the plan, the rhetorical use of this poster boy ploy (such a beautiful kid) would effectively silence and reverse the outcry their own identical behavior would arouse. Since users of this rhetoric wrap themselves in the flag of Israel, and ostensibly worship (in so far as they are Jewish) the God YHWH, making him a kind of shield of their way of being, it must be recognized that THIS is the source of the racial hatred and aggression. It exports the “terrorist enemy” it carries around as the very theme of reality in their own head to whomever will go along. But these are the Jews, “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” Jesus sent the disciples out among (Matt. 10), who rejected them, and him. (cf. Hebrews 8) Kristallnacht in Lebanon is reversal of the name of God (Christian: a Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) into YHWH (“monotheistic” rival of Allah”). The war above is between God, as a trinity, three in One, vrs. “The One”. “God” as “One” is less differentiated, stasis at a lower level of psychological development. As above, so below. That is why it is a religious war.


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