Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Teaching This Moment^

(With Brandon Emerick)

A Thread Through the Rose Garden

What Beer On The Grass Patio was staged to do needed doing. A gash was cut in public discourse about the standing state of affairs in re police authority and citizens all, though this one was black; with the Head Honcho, also black, branding the aggressive police action stupid. With him representing the Dem-Fem political side (Son of the Black Sun, alchemically. He’s their guy) and Janet Napolitano DS threatening to imprison anyone potentially threatening authority (could be turned either way here), the incident was a lit fuse, to switch metaphors. Only misogynists would rub further salt in the wound rather than allowing the beer bath to heal.

Maureen Dowd -

Wonders aloud in print why the story about Gates allegedly yelling “Ya, I’ll speak with your momma outside” to Cambridge officer Crowley can neither be affirmed nor denied.” She, and other sources, reports, say he “wrote it in his report”, but Gates denies it and it sure doesn

F. Rich: He’s “punked” us.

-“sinking sensation the American game is fixed..” – run by powerful ‘special interests”

-“what disturbs America…” “-…everything fixed, manipulauted”

Dave Rossie

Falling polls has it all been a colossal mistake?)

Birthers: is he certifiably legitimate? (for

Abortion: Roe v Wade up for grabs with Sotomayor

anti-abortion tough women, hero Carl Roeder. shoots Doc Tiller

Health Care: No Dem Fem -- None have legitimacy for not confronting S.S’s Catholicism

Existential Crisis: 1`. Acceptance of Obama’s Black Fatherhood. 2. Acceptance of Fem-Dem government authority (symbolized by health care

(Pittsburgh: Spurned-at-love woman killer at LA FITNESS center)
(Tel Aviv:


Explaining the explosion*

(*violence at Town Hall meetings where Democrats Representatives pitched Obama;s Health Care Reform bill)

At the deepest psychodynamic level, it is collective Fetal Rage of those trapped in their individual Unconsciousness: squeezed, (see illustration of F. Rich’s “Is Obama Punking Us?”; intuit link => between picture, birth trauma, his text), uncared for, ignored, asphyxiated, starving unseen, unborn, in America’s womb

Rich’s rhetoric: “….the sinking feeling the American game is rigged”, “…almost everything, not just government, is fixed or manipulated by some powerful hidden hand…”)

This feeling of unborn, but conscious, fetal helplessness at the deepest level of S* processing – birth trauma anxiety -- is overlaid at the Oedipal level by reduction to helplessness, impotence, and dependence on provisions by the nanny state for daily needs. These two levels of trauma, birth and sex, make two rings in the atmosphere of TokenSpace mediating from etheroklilna through libido. Collapsed on one another, like the Twin Towers into their own footprints, at the bottom is the “Sulphuretted essence, the masculine element par excellence, the “sperma homogeneum” of the Uroboric Dragon in its tail. “(A)nd since the dragon is said to “impregnate himself”, his tail is the masculine and his mouth the feminine organ. Like Baya, who engulfed her brother in her own body and dissolved him into atoms, the dragon devours himself from the tail upwards until his whole body has been swallowed into his head.” This is the narrative the Black Sun of America mirrored in its consciousness – “love” (=> cathexis-with-hatred-to) of the creation of Fem-Dem consciousness recoiling back on what has been spermatically incapsulated in the Dragon’s head. (cf. The incest motif; ‘self-hatred’; the Great Whore Babylon)

The political question raised symbolically is: whether children of the union of black father and white mother, translated externally to the group as a totality, are to be accepted or rejected; and on what basis. The unchangeable Archetypal template of President-to-people as masculine (Consciousness) to its feminine (Unconsciousness) has been grammatized through tokens (even the name, “Obama”; 44th; ; 2.20 etc.) for
language required for common use: for ourselves, and others, required as common coin of communication just to get along, much less thrive and “make it”. Now “She”, America, has become The Moon Bitch, incestuously reproducing Herself through one of her post-60’s black sons. Matched for the younger later generation, by the death of Michael Jackson, foisted off on the public with ritual tribute undertexted by unspoken dark fantasies of orgiastic pre-teen child abuse. That is what The Birthers are holding up signs, screaming against. It isn’t racism, while maleism, authoritarianism …its BIRTHERISM. The text of its deepest unconscious thought is: “I may be in this hole you have thrown me in down here, but by God you ain’t gonna be the one who pulls me out


Obama is being rejected by the masculine side of the (already feminine) Unconscious because he is black, but not (primarily) from racism, but because his skin color visually cathects America’s Sulphuretted sun.

..The Son of the Black Sun  the Fem-Dems  San Francisco/NYC (Goldman-Sachs, Gays, Jews, Sex And The City. The Uroboric Dragon who has succedded in swallowing its own tail, and become the Mother’s Head/


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