Adam Lanza shoots Mother Nancy in the Face (eyes, first reported)
Individual/collective effect of neurobiological processing of Sandy Hook Elementary trauma:
As an act, this mirrors SHATTERING THE MIRROR imprinted in infancy through mother's gaze. Generalizing through the tokens, from Nancy (Lanza, Grace Pelosi) to Nanny (state Democrats), converts Adam-shooting-mother, into basement video game warriors emerging to kill their caretakers and protectors (Reagan's "gumment"). This prospect arouses amygdalan fear in adults of a wave of potential violence of disaffected youth.
The fact that Adam Lanza shot his mother as the first act of his rampage exemplifies (a) Will-to-obliterate First Look*. This is *Adam-seeing-Adam (himself) bonded to Mother's gaze. The Symbolism of this, awakening empathic generalization by each person to their own case, shatters the earliest instinctual, impulsive, emotional containers imprinted as an 'image' on the nervous system. The site is the right-brain hemisphere, where pre-frontal cortical processes bind amygdalan, controling behavior from fearful states and reactions which were first experienced pre-verbally. In psychodynamic terms, smattering this image is Reality Shock, since the reality function (what is psychologically taken as real: Freud) is geared to the love (libido cathexis) seen in that first mirror.
The neuro-biological effect of symbolic 'shooting' individuals' self-for-others, reflected from mother onto Social Mirror, has been studied. The conscious image, bonded in love, also literally binds amygdalan modules, to integrate instinct, to re-cathect fear of trauma, and to bring control of behavior under rational accountability. Complexity of these behaviors mature through personality development. Image of ones self, as others relate to personal appearances, unfolds through social relations. But when the image in that mystical inner mirror is shattered, the 'social contract' through which Adam can relate to society through love is broken, leaving organization of behavior split into personality fragments. The hormonal marker of this is increased output of a chemical in adrenelin, cortisol, to Fight Fear. This is where the violence is stored, deMause concludes. The split off 'alters' are formed around irrational infantile resentments of (possibly bad, in which case justified) mothering. When, in over-determined compensation, 'mothering' becomes 'smothering', a reactive struggle-to-evade-reminders occurs, and the energy attracked by self-love, through the mirror, is psychically transformed into hatred of the self it reflects. This reversal directs release of whatever violence is pent up, toward any and all reminder of love of life, itself.
That is the neurobiologic transmitter of Adam*'s psycho-criminality. The even think what 'he' did, in the symbolism of the moment, administers a psycho-chemical shock to the brain where self-image lies. When it is said the massacre goes 'beyond words, these are the words censored from consciousness: " -- shot mother in the face". The predicate is rejected by the reality function itself. To entertain it as true in one case immediately generalizes to all cases, since textual reference cancels feeling-content of the reality function per se. If He could do "it", "anyone" could. And that, according to Gail Collins, is in fact the case in America, 2012 "We are doing this to ourselves." It's as if
all feeling for what is real, as opposed to pure unreal fantasy, has been blown off the map of tokenspace. As if Adam*s act were sent, this Christmas season, to kill Mary's adoration of Jesus, and everything.
The above can be taken as a footnote to:
or vice versa.
Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power
S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."
About Me
- Name: Sid Thomas
- Location: Binghamton, New York, United States
This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence
Do you not think it best to let the dead bury their dead?
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