Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, January 02, 2011

The Times On Time Is Not Square

The Times on Time is not Square


How The Unc. Works (just figured it out, 12-31 -- 1.1.11 (It's now 1.2.11) Every day next September will be another 9.11.

(hint: the secret lies in the double-doubles. These are easily infected by reversals.)

People are now beginning to address experienced 'Wholes' - Psychic Totalities in TokenSpace - in editorials, articles, comments. Ex."The Times (NY)" (THIS TIME'S NOT SQUARE...) The newspaper editors would now teach us metaphysics.

Seldom, I think, have human affairs presented a more pointed, demanding moment to put philosophy of historical thinking, beginning with thought about what is called time, into the arena of public discourse. What all are living through, now,
is stamped on everyone's mind by the calendar -- the duration marked 12-21.'10 to - 1.2.'11, for instance, in which a lot happened in a hurry. And it all seems conspiratorially connected, as if a denoument (or coup d'-etat) had occurred. 12.21 was the dark-on-dark cold-on-cold winter solstice/lunar equinox conjunction. The 111th Congress' Lame Duck session is in the midst of passing Bush tax cuts for the rich, repealing the ban against open homosexuality in the military, mongering nucleur threats and getting 911 victims benefits. Heavy snow storms pervaded the northeast between holidays. "These days" merge by intrepid unconscious association to "end of days", at that proverbial "days end". Opportunity to capture, in one frame, such a moment of time within time by the Times (New York), and address it philosophically, lacks precedent, I think.

However that may be, here is a reply to their brief editorial 12.31.'10, in four parts.

Part 1 - Editorial is politicized metaphysics - (-> Zionist Jewish psychosemiotics: set theory for the masses, heavy Hegelianism for the Learned Elders)
A Year Anew
Published: December 31,2011

. Perhaps you can remember when the thought of a brand new year — even the very numeral — was exciting. Somehow, it is harder to place the moment when the excitement of a new year turned to wariness and then to alarm and then to futile questions about the nature of time. Are we tunneling forward into the future, or is time blowing past us like a stiff breeze? Perhaps we simply carry time within us. To be conscious at all is to be conscious of time.

Remarks: Call the italicized sentence S*. If S* is true (it sounds good, if not profoundly right)... what does it say? Imply? Which defines the other, time or consciousness? How can there be "consciousness of time" if time is essentially subjective, i.e., not given to consciousness as a content". Certainly, there is the being-sensation of what is called the process of flow of duration, but can that intelligibly be said to be "of time"? Since the causal theory of perception assigns sense qualities to the results of neuron firings in the head-brain, what does S* imply about the relation of quality and time? In re this last, Rene Guenon's work on The 4 Yugas as Quantity ovetaking Quality is one classic answer. Consciousness as a quality of qualities degenerates into quantities of excitement-burts in the brain. But the theory of higher-order completions, as Masowian peak-experience to Reichean orgasm climax --as spirit-instinct gradient -- makes demands on metaphysics here. WTF is "consciousness" without these?

The Sufi philosopher Gurdjieff held views on consciousness and time starting from the assumption that "everything is material", i.e., a form of solidified energy. Including what are called thoughts. The Western philosophical tradition uniformly fails to distinghish consciousness and thought, and the NY Times' editer's thought, expressed above, is no exception. The trick that glosses this, in S*, is played by the little grammatical partical "of". "Consciousness of time" is a illegitimate (psychosemiotically unsquare*) construct, since duration is not experienced as something objective. The following is Gurdjieff's succinct account, with reasons: "Only time alone has no sense of objectivity because it is not the result of the factioning of any definite cosmic phenomena. And it does not issue from anything, but blends always with everything and becomes self-sufficiently independent; therefore, in the whle of the Universe, it alone can be called and extolled as the "Ideally-Unique-Subjecive-Phenomenon." (p. 125)

Part 2 The editorial continues with how "it" feels (=> cathexis to the date-signs),
By now, of course, 2010 feels like a completely familiar, totally used-up year. But why does 2011 still sound like an annum out of science fiction? It’s not as though 2011 is a remoter outpost in the hinterland of the future than, say, 1971 was. Yet here we are in the second decade of the 21st century, living in the very future we tried to imagine when we were young so many years ago. Surely we must have colonies throughout the solar system by now. Surely hunger is no more, and peace is planet-wide.


1971 was Vietnam war year I remember looking toward to defeating Richard Nixon's reelection. But George McGovern made America and what it had fought for over there look weak, so after proffering his secret plan to end it, he rallied the 'moral majority' one more time to keep it going. And won. So anybody looking up ahead to 2011 expecting civilization to efflouresce but knew the darkness of the stain was a pie eyed idiot. The eds here show there were many of them. That view of reality, that a superpower nation can go across the world and do what the U.S. did, then helicopter-out smilling down memory lane about it all later ... this mentality has been blindsided by its own psychosis in 2011. If members of the baby boomer generation who knew of, but did not oppose, the Vietnam war obscenity, and all that lay behind it, undergo suffering due to direct or indirect blowback from Nixon mentality, they get what they -- but not we who opposed it -- deserve. The Vietnam war is where the split in mentality led to split reality -- and reversal: far from containing Chinese communism, the interests of that vast region now merge with anti-American interests from Russia to Africa through Iran.
The European West, with Israel, is encircled once by this justifiably enraged region; twice by the Serpent arc of The Learned Elders of Zion #3.

The Symbolic Snake – "People's Rights" – Liquidation of the Goyim – "Sovereign Lord of the World" – Universal economic crisis – "Ours they will not touch…" – Secret masonic agents.
1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolise our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice

Part 3 The editors resign and reverse

The coming of the new year reminds us, again, that we live, as we always have, somewhere on a sliding scale between utopia and dystopia and that we continuously carry our burdens and opportunities with us. 2011 is merely a new entry in our ancient custom of chronological bookkeeping, an arbitrary starting point for our annual trip around the sun.

Such is the permanent gloss of textualist metaphysics. Time, promisingly linked to consciousness in one thought, is reduced to numbers marking a progressive bookkeeping system. With arbitrary starting point. That would be designation of birth of Jesus.

Part 4 hallaluah! and kumbaya bipartisanship!

The editorial concludes But it is also so much more. Who can live without fresh intentions, new purposes? Who does not welcome a chance to start over, if only on a new page of the calendar? Life goes on, but it goes on so much better with hope and renewal and recommitment.
Last night was a night for banishing regrets. Today is for wondering how to live without new ones, how to do right by ourselves and one another.

over ... and out. This is the mentality completely split off from its own history, as if it had the right to start up again, after all, "this time around".


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