Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, March 03, 2011

The 3.3.11 Octave Spiral


The Spiral of Esoteric Psychology

Gurdjieff taught that the human anatomy described in pre-Sumerian texts (from the 'Sarmong brotherhood', of most ancient SW Caucasus), discovered himself and brought to Europe via Russia, and America (1940's) functions by three independent "brain-centers": spine ('snake brain'), heart-gut (mammalian brain: 'psyche/soul), head (cranial). There has always been a Great Work on earth to understand, by objective self-observation, how we operate purely mechanically, in actual dream-states; and how it is possible to become conscious of ourselves, as beings on earth, by awakening. This process, some taught (cf. his British pupil Orage), activated an actual "4th center' which we were born with the capacity to attain use of, by proper Work on ourselves.

The First Complete Thought -- God is Thought Thinking Thought brought to consciousness (in me) --'circles', in the sense of textually circumscribing, such a 4th center. I do not claim such a higher-level sited capacity, nor is such a claim required to arrive at the first completed thought. However, the dynamics of 1. agency -> 2. thought -> 3. consiousness ("->" =df. "acting on"), directly affects functional processing; as if specifically designed to do so.

If the 7 step text-token ladder is taken as a "Stairway to Heaven" (cf. Z. Sitchin), transition downward, from top-to-bottom, would simultaneously transition from the most inclusive predicates to the most individuated particular subjects. Taken conversely, from the bottom up, the transitions are from the smallest particles of organized matter to the cosmic totality of all types. The movement of highest-grade thought through the type levels to the theory of lowest grade particulars, presently assumed to be "quantum theory", can be represented as a down-in spiral; convesely, the movement from lowest grade particulatity up the scale of types of organized individualsd can be represented as an up-out
spiral: from atom, to cell, to organism, through perception, consciousness, thought, to the cosmos as common container. Other spirals may be represented through lines of sign-use, adjascent to, overlapping, or derivative from these, but they are the ones structurally built into neuro-psychic functioning.

Reality Spirals In-Down-Back (\ = NW-SE Quadrants of TokenSpace; Up-Out-Front (/ = SW-NE Quadrants of TokenSpace)

APPLICATION NOW -- threading The Father- Son Group-Fantasy in TokenSpace

ALL Pervasive -- a swirl of etherokrilna in the Omnipresent Okidanokh, spiraling in in spirulets wherever the inner side of this bond is manifesting (->(as if) plucking a harp-string; cf. vulgar version: 'pushing our Daddy buttons': this arouses contents of pre-Oedifal//Oedipal thought-ring transition, attracting Text-Token matches from lower (earlier memory) levels.

Transcendental (<=introjected transcendent totality: Kant) =>transhistorical

{Planetary-international: "NO FLY ZONE" over LYBIA
\-To punish Khadafy for EU-NATO's sins (German-Kosovo nativewarrior targets U.S. servicemen in Frankfurt.)

( Another case of Institutional Super-Ego/Father Pakistan: Judge rules Davis did not have diplomatic immunity -- public outcry by eye witnesses --<--America and the Jews trying to use the legal system, which cam be manipulated behind everyon's back, to avoid guilt for contractor's killings, if they were wanton.)

SCAPING THE GOATS It's all scapegoating, at the Prc. Dream-level 2 --(the dream within the Collective Dream)

Khadafy as MAD DAD. Ludicrous sustained "I am their children Love me"
(staged address to hired crowd, manipulating the media)

Charlie Sheen as MAD DAD: his being a father to sons of future generations who might 'look up to' their Dad as an Ideal (idol) is he unconscious dream-thought driving State seizure of them, using the law to favor the Mother's claim, even though she is alchoholic.

Taking care of both EXTERNAL (really alien) and INTERNAL MAD DADs, at two entirely distinct levels of dream-grammar. The fact that they are brought together now under the influences of (Reagan-Bushs etc.) by Memory Movie Moonlight --> "Inception" as pure form

1. Transhistorical Egypt Re-born 2.11.11 in Tahrir Square (just born: SONS (1/2 men))
(cf. The SPHINX, the Nile, Sirius and the Triad )SIRIS< ISIS< THOTH => HORUS (light-time)

Application C. THE SPHINX is a SPIRAL

-""Each part of this allegorical figure gives to every member of our society in all three indepentently associating parts of his common presence, namely, in the body, in the thoughts, and in the feelings, a shock for corresponding associations for those separate cognizances which in their totality can alone give us the possibility of gradually getting rid of those undesireable factors present in every one of us, both those transmitted to us by heredity as well as those acquired by ourselves personally, which gradually engender within us impulses undesireable for us, and as a consequence of which we are not as we might be." (All and Everything, Beelzebub's 4th So-Journ on Earth, "our" = The Akhaldon Society of Atlantis)"

Body Of a Bull - indefatigable labors toward self-perfection
Legs of a Lion - faith in Mightiness
Wings of the Eagle - Highest soaring ("...that during said labours, and and with the mentioned psychic properties of self-respect, it is necessary to meditate continually on questions not related to the direct manifestations required for ordinary being-existence")

"And as regards the strange image of the head of our allegorical being, in the form of the "Breats of a virgin," this expresses that Love should predominate always and in everything during the inner and outer functiongs evoked by one's consciousness, such a Love as can arise and be present only in the presences of concentrations formed in the lawful parts of every whole responsible being in whom the hopes of our common father are placed.".

2. International Historical narrative spin-off => LYBIA (MAD MAN Khadafy -> no fly zone)

Scapegoating MAD MOAMMAR (Whose fighting who anymore? - At least all good men can agree on punishing The Bad Dad who is punishing his own children.)

(Rapist-Killer fantasy father: "They love me -- I have to punish those misled by the American-Jewish//Al Qeyedah instigators" -- many will unconsciously buy into that as squaring his mental state)

3. Charlie Sheen -- "Bad Dad" ...=> why Vietnam was a good thing "it kept the young males from turning out like he did; this shows why strict authoritarian childrearing is required."

(-any sympathy shown toward him as father by a father must be rejected by all who love their own because they are NOT as he is -- "if that's all it means to you, dad...I've got to work"...clunk . Most beautiful then: if I hadn't understood, this would have remained as a satanic wedge between us. She can't respect a father who could respect that kind of fatherhood. She sees Sheen's condition, as does everyone, whether he is 'acting', or spoofing on 'being himself' or not. What you see is what you get here. It's like an episode from the 60's TV show "THAT WAS THE WEEK THAT WAS", elaborating the broken time-lines of American group-fantasy (cf. The Dark Knight, movie: comicbook Superheros defaced, broken Batman Beacon)

Metaphysical analysis of group-process now (2.25.11), tonality of its convergent totality (including the Dark flipside of everything) with the sound of anti-music. American political cacophony

After presidents lie (Nixon=> Reagan => Bush), the very intonation of official historical narrative can no longer be Squared (mind x soul; mind/soul x body) when the President speaks. The Voice that would project Command Power lacks existential, theoretical, geopolitical, military consistency. What it initiates cannot be sustained because words do not coordinate with experience, and experience does not coordinae with reality. "Everything is a little bit off". It* is (e.g., war, once the supreme token of group identity defending against a common enemy), but also, at the same time, is not.

Example: There never could be such a thing as "war on terror" in the token-sense. Terror, strictly considered from the standpoint of common use, stands for a subjective personal state of unbearable neurological arousal, originating in human experience in birth-trauma. War, in strict common parlance, stands for a state of all-out armed conflict between nations, terminaed by only by surrender; compromise having been ruled out by the intention of first shots. Substituting symbolic synonymns, "war on terror" becomes "deliverance by (child sacrifice)" from ("rebirth through child sacrifice") or sacrifice in order to continue sacrificing. It is the most vicious, hidden, twisted war-on-oneself possible to imagine.

The entire narrative of US, Israel and The West as Champions of Democracy in the Arab-Muslin world hs been transformed by the events in Tahrir Square, 1.25 --2.11.11.
into Historical World Class Record "Caught With It's Pants Down" , have-it-both-ways, self-contradictory -- schizoid/psychotic - situation. The uprising of youth against the Father-In-Their-Head, re-inforced by terror on the street of Marbarak's goons, acted out rebellion against Bush's "War on Terror". This functioned as geopolitical anchor of the Dark Father dominant of the unconscious, i.e., acceptance of the Mubarak regime, repleat with CIA, Omar Suleiman, Israel torture.


Built by Atlanteans who escaped the planetary convusion; on principles of objective science known to the Akhaldan society.

ReBirth of Old Egypt (? - cf. Egypt's historical background in Dynastic Pharoah - Ghiza Pyramid Complex) arouses memory loops embedded in 21st century Sign-use tokens, such as the eye on dollar bill where the top of the Great Pyramid was broken in the distant past. And the history Cairo beside the Nile. The Sphinx will forever gaze on the horizon where the dawn star Sirius, abode of Isis, forcasts the Great Surge of The Bull God, Osiris, again flooding and fructifying the soil. How this all fit together, with Horus, the daily Sun-God, forever being re-born by Isis' re-assembling Osiris body, dismantled into 13 parts, minus the phallus, a wooden substitute by means of which she contrived, with the help of Thoth, to impregnate herself with the Sun/Son. Being Watched by the Omni-present Eye of Horus during daylight hours is the inner psychic bond under these great symbolic tokens. "The most religious of all peoples", the Greek historian Herodotus wrote of the Egyptians. It functioned as transcendental apriori unity of their apperception, aka frame* of the consciously experienced totality. It is possible to reconstruct and enter empathetically into this era of pre-Biblical history by understanding what was communicated by these tokens.

With the passage of millenia: blood of the New Psychoclass

Now, terribly, sadly, agonizingly, the rape of Lara Logan in Tahrir Square the day after Mubarak left has rent a huge hole in what was otherwise shaping up as a narrative of Precociously Mature and Wise Young Generation Rebirthing the creative soul of Ancient Egypt. It has dealt that narrative a crushing psychic blow. The Archetype of Arab males raping and beating pretty blond journalist CBS on the scene, cying "Jew, Jew", the NY Post (only) reported, is too horrendous to even think (so it was kept out of the news -- repressed -- for days). Yet some must. 'It is what it is." If it is not given space in consciousness alongside other news, knowledge of what happened will fester like a wound. Festering wounds must finally erupt. The warring -/+ mechanisms operating below the level of consciousness are fed by karmic feedback from festering psychic wounds.


With the left foot: Mubarak out of office

Freedom with peace in Tahrir Square. Younger psychoclass
bursting inner bonds of oppression.

This Collective impulse reappears in Madison, Wisconsin, with The People (Middle-to-Upper Class) uprising against the Republican Governor. "Republican" is the party of Reagan's castration complex:
sacrifice children to purify The Blood owed to Father ("communists" are Father Killers, in the Oedipal Head; his psychological conversion from liberal good-guy, as a young man, to rabid anti-communist with right-wing anti-government (<= elected by ressentiment against what, as President, he came to represent; thus beginning a ~1-1-2 fibonnaci predicate-sequence on "government" (=>octave of 'hated necessity killer mommy nanny state", spiraling out to => authority => legitimacy => police state/crowd crackdowns on peaceful protesters=>deaths=>funerals =>recycle)

With the right foot: Lara Logan's gig

-> Altamont after Woodstock in the 60's -- glimpse of a New Nation ... wiped out by too-far-gone to advance.

Note on: the Unconscious Hesitation between 7/8 as numbers of a sequence, and Ti-Do as completion of the seven tone musical scale (the Octave)

(...can be mapped onto) -"The Golden Ratio*" ,, The ratio (A is to B as B is to C as C is to D...etc. to G of lengths on a line traced from the center of the forst tthough Fibonnaci sequences of squared rectangles ("The Golden Ratio", iIllustrated here ) in mathematics and nature.

How: number, sheet music (=>the grammar of sound transcribed on notes AB C-DE-F-G on 5 parallel lines for C/D/E'F/G/A/B'C/D... etc. on the piano. What is called "The (7-tone) Scale is the sequence of sounds struck in the order Do-Re-MiFa-Sol-La-TiDo of a tuned instrument. In standard notation, the half tones marked by the diagonals are missing between MiFa. These indicate points along an imaginary line of increasing vibrational intensity within a given spatial volume (the 'notes'), at which supplementation is required for a completed octave. If these supplementations are not given, the ascending energy of the octave cannot complete itself externally, and spirals back down to the center. The "incompleteness" of the number 7 (even thought it is the number of unity of an ascending-six sequence) consists in this: unless such a process receives a "shock", an external 'boost' or 'kick', the energy whose impetus has sustaining the cumulative development returns, along with the form it has gained, to the ever-repeating cycle (7/1 = 0.142857) of lower order development.

Not to despair: the shapes, colors, fragrances, tastes,that could be called The Glory of Nature are attained by this return.

What it* is in Sign-use transcribes notes in the Octave into sounds, words, voices, songs.
These ululations, when produced by the Leader, carry the Command Power of The Voice narrating History.

Conceptual Use: Whatever is modelled by an octave development can by modelled from its formal derivatives. These include: the historical narrative, in song and ceremony. Thus Command Power can be conceived as a 'bending of the will' of a "We-Thee" audience by the Leader's "I-Me", if there is such a thing as a "national Anthem" "playing out" in history. The (much over-used) performance of The Star Spangled Banner is a (now mostly compulsive) attempt to perpetuate that tone of unity. But this is only one use. If "Center" and "peripnery" of an imaginary circle representing the completion of natural process sequences, then the model applies wherever a 1-1 pairing of squares is taken to originate a Fibonnaci sequence. Specifically, since tonalities of voice are among the first vibrations humans exchange with their enviornment, in and out of the womb, sounds they produce put together in syllables to make words; written out (in hieroglyphs or alphabet letters), then re-processed at a secondary level by reading (=>scrpting =>re-imaging =>moviemaking / /<=commenting on) - starting up again wherever the Spirit moves. Completing totalities in Sign-use complete are seven ing tonalities of token

Practical Use: "I.Me//We/Thee" command power of The Leader

The octave progression of imtensities can be mapped on a series of S* (of unspecified complexity: words, sentences, book titles) imposes the Mi'Fa Ti'Do

A B C D E F G (A ...
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 (21,..

Why Spirals (3.2.11)

Spirulets are swirls in TokenSpace, with circumference, line of transition, center.

-identified by a conjunction of polarized opposites (<=attractive-repulsive forces in the Collective Unconscious => The Psychic Casamir Effect in mass population = = > brought together as higher level forces => self-negating-through-the-other as single predicate => dynamic unity splitting the individual (subject term) to which they apply.

-"Comimg at the same thing* (idea, series of perceptions) from other sides is the result of transiting a series of S* points ("Stopenders")

Spirulets are both phenomenally real (where consciousness and thought/tokenSpace and geometry coincide) and S* constructions: series of signs constructed in a line through the 7 S* points, transiting each, squaring words on linear memory threads (recalled and secondarily repeated by active mentation). (<=this is a drawn-out description of a process instinctively completed by texting a unity never given in experience except through it: a sybthetic apriori representation, in Kant's sense).

3. APPLICATION A. State Kidnapping of Charlie Sheen's twin sons (substitution of collective state authority, determined through the will of the mother, for the Father's natural right to authority over the children he takes responsibility for). This is the Thing -- Dislacement of Father-Son abuse in Vietnam onto an instance symbolic of evolved bad ass Daddy-killers then, who refused to serve in the military and actively opposed

, spiral center, over time,

Father-Son opposites, (transcendental) => to Vietnam (Martin Sheen killing Brando in Apocalypse Now - Dark Col. Kurtz at the head of (Yalloo) river (squared in the film scene) ("You've come to kill me, haven't you?" ... family ... the river..)

...Dream thought sequence continued .../ /... first words in INCEPTION.

Father to Son (<- Martin to Charles: "dissappointed" (ans. "fuck that")

Transcental: Oedipal Father in Heaven ruling humandy according to Law (fate <= destiny <= planetary orbits. Names of planets and Zodiacal constellations => starlobes in TokrnSpace, given on Egyptian Horizon

Taking his sons away is an attempt to reverse what they did in Vietnam. Dream thought: punish the Idea on Your head of post 60's fathers establishing and independant identity reproducing itself through fathert-son bond.

-Who signed the papers? (=> Mal -- vengeful wife after psychic rupture)

Old Psychoclass Fathers asserting claim on Puplic tokenSpace
-What charges were brought? (."unfit parent"? -- much too general to prosecute -- demonic, in context of 'split-dump-kill" (<= their own father-hatred "tiger blood" (<=abusive, authoritarian (Rapist Killer) Father fantasy mode.)

..On What Grounds? (WHAT DO THEY THINK THEY ARE JUDGING HIM FOR? -- what sorts of things were cited as 'evidence'? -- i.e., what do they think they can frame him for for public consumption ? -- <=the thrust of the action is to PUNISH THE IMAGE INCOMPATIBLE WITH THE FLOW OF COLLECTIVE MORALITY: The Media Mogul Contractors cannot allow "Charlie Sheen", name of the TV sitcom star manifesting in the bizarre manner as he has after cancellation of Two and a Half Men, to communicate the father-son bond to American media's Collective Unconsciousness (Dream-level 1, in Nolan's Inception world). What he manifests by his individualistic, rebellious way of being, is existentially incompatible with the psychodynamic dominants of the current flow of process under S*. Cutting the real-life blood bond between Charlie Sheen and his twin sons was Theologically required )Transcendental unity) to purge the rebellious Son of Sin. But it was the older ones, rebellious in THEIR youth (cf. John McCain), who sacrificed the blood of Sons in Vietnam. Severing the Collective Bond between this wayward Son of the rebellious 60's way-of-being (Charlie Sheen) and HIS sons, is a 'split-dump-kill' purge of Old Father's blood guilt, projected onto him. It is an attempt todestroy the other side of themselves. An Archetypal act of America's hatred of itself.

WHY? (--What personally motivated those who signed and executed the order? -- "never let a celebrity breakdown (:not) go to waste.. (=> if it can be made to seem that way, use it as a purgative).

Each man who has fathered and raised one has a natural right to have the "why" understood for himself through his son. Removing his sons from the home is a criminal violation of his personal rights.

APPLICATION B. The Thing (Prequel to Logic)

1. "THING" is a word-sound used as a dummy-referent (a pure 'variable' or universal pronoun for any "it*" in a sentence serving the role of subject S, for predicates, P as in "S is P" (formally: "x is F"). (cf. In Nordic futhark tongue, associated with "Yueng"+ling => Yuengling (popular beer).) ("Youngling", my lower-case friend's mind says.)

2. Things are Spirals -- intentional production of the word-sound, as if preparatory to factual discourse as a totality, actualizes tacit inner scrutiny of the hierarchy of predicates, P, from top to bottom, as if 'scanning' for 'proper' S* to fit or match the actual situation. This secondarily activates spiralic 'terntacles' in different directions, emenating from the 7 S* ('chakras*). The Name of a thing Squares the Thing Itself when the Octave of Sound harmoniously communicates the Octave of Light, brought together by right use of "S is P" (=> a true proposition; formal, for the 7x7 = 49; informal, for 6 x 6* (= 7/0 = .142857), presupposing given token totality). Spirals are formed in imagination by
quasi-motion connecting sequences of notes in the narrative. The vibrations in S* consonant with things themselves is the Voice of Truth (with command power of Reason, used according to Law).

3. That's why they are called "things"

(That everything is anything is something. <=synthetic apriori through psychosemiotic association.) (cf. the movie "The Thing" -- it* is a Destructine Force of nature, energized by attempts to defeat it; in other words, feeding off the energy expended in the 'battle' against non-being itself, in order to be. The only resolution is to re-organize the entire communicated experience routines, giving up impulse to fight projections as "evil".

Application C. The Sphinx in Egypt

-""Each part of this allegorical figure gives to every member of our society in all three indepentently associating parts of his common presence, namely, in the body, in the thoughts, and in the feelings, a shock for corresponding associations for those separate cognizances which in their totality can alone give us the possibility of gradually getting rid of those undesireable factors present in every one of us, both those transmitted to us by heredity as well as those acquired by ourselves personally, which gradually engender within us impulses undesireable for us, and as a consequence of which we are not as we might be." (All and Everything, Beelzebub's 4th So-Journ on Earth, "our" = The Akhaldon Society of Atlantis)"

Body Of a Bull - indefatigable labors toward self-perfection
Legs of a Lion - faith in Mightiness
Wings of the Eagle - Highest soaring ("...that during said labours, and and with the mentioned psychic properties of self-respect, it is necessary to meditate continually on questions not related to the direct manifestations required for ordinary being-existence")

"And as regards the strange image of the head of our allegorical being, in the form of the "Breats of a virgin," this expresses that Love should predominate always and in everything during the inner and outer functiongs evoked by one's consciousness, such a Love as can arise and be present only in the presences of concentrations formed in the lawful parts of every whole responsible being in whom the hopes of our common father are placed.".

MORAL (of the tale): What goes around comes around (FatherSon Sin in Vietnam: sending youth to die for political, not national security causes.)


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