Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, January 13, 2011



Explaining Palin's BLOOD LIBEL SMEAR

Completing The Unconscious Collective

- She/they had to block-and-reverse completion of LEVEL 3 DREAM-THOUGHT BLAMING RIGHT WING for Rep. Giffords' shooting.

The charge of "anti-Semitism" had already been floated (on Politico) as news broke that the victim was a Jewish woman, and that's the last thing the right wing scripsters need to have happen, if McCain-Lieberman-Bolton-Netanyahoos are going to push the U.S. to WAR FOR ISRAEL.

DREAM LEVEL 1 - America's group-trance (crazy; collapse of unifying group-fantasy under Obama). All objectively verified evidence belongs to and must be narrated in a single story-line at this level.


DREAM LEVEL 2 - SACRIFICE - Wacko kid delegated (in the group-trance narrative; not consciously to himself) REVERSED (Loudon killed the "killer mommy" "for us") (<= Female Jewish Democrat Health Care liberal . Rep Giffords was to crazy right wing conservatives.) TO CLEANSE THE BLOOD


=> 1 + 2 : OBAMA'S CONSOLATION BRINGs US TOGETHER -- (official double dream-state analysis)

REBIRTH THROUGH LOVE OF HER, HATRED OF HIM (<= Symbolic "vitriol" <- poison in the bloodstream of communication projected into America's young pot-smokin' politics-hatin' social misfits, of which there must be at least as many as there are blackbirds in Ark..)

DREAM LEVEL 3 "Blood libel*" re-injects unconscious group-fantasy of Satanic Jews killing, draining and drinking blood of Christian children, found in 15th Century Italy, Spain, England. Associated with Jews, and Jewishness, itself, as poison to pure Aryan blood by intermarriage; dreampt at Level 1 as "PURGED BY THE HOLOCAUST" in Hitler's Germany. The liberal-left MSNBC politicos smeared Tea Party/Republican conservatives with motivating Loudren's violence, and Big Sis's boys were cracking down on gun owning extremists everywhere, as if to STOP A VIRUS FROM SPREADING...a sickness in the very kind of human being right wingers represent! His acting-out as delegate killer-of-the-killer mommy, which "Gabby" Giffords would have Archetyped for them (as Loudren may have secretly thought in some part of himself he was 'doing it for' -- that Jesus-reversal thing nearly always turns up.)

THE ATMOSPHERE* WAS VERY POISONED AGAINST THEM - PALIN, FOX, LIMBAUGH, BECK, .... "Why are you doing this to us?" all scream. "Everybody sees he's a nutcase, not political rimjobs like us. Where's the discrimination?"

THEY ARE SMART ENOUGH TO FIGURE OUT WTF IS GOING ON -- TO DECIPHER THE DREAM 2 CONTENT PROJECTED ONTO THEM IN DREAM 1 REALITY SCRIPT => Palin had IN FACT "TARGETED" G.Giffords, and "targets" were everywhere (thnx, B.); S. Angels language of "2nd AMENDMENT REMEDIES" in store; the blood shed in this act "as if" completes that line of thought -- the one sure to be followed by the group unconscious in its trance-state, whatever the hell was in that crazy kid's head. The deepest blood-sacrifice dream thought, matching: "she died for us - our martyr" of crazy Dems/ /"he did it for us - our gun" of first-reflex real nannystate haters" haters kneejerk, completes that thread of thought. Both political sides see the same blood; the craziness in it, from whatever psychological turbulence in personal lives, ramifies in their respective worldviews opposed to each other. But what is ramified -- then fractalized around the uroborus -- is the NAZION poison-blood fantasy.

That is what the scriptwriter had Palin's head saying over and over on TV, leading up to Obama's scheduled 8:00 pm remarks of condolence, on behalf of the nation. "BLOOD LIBEL!" ... anti-Semitism's strongest taunt coming out in the strangest way. But of course all the media outlets would have to dissect and comment on what it meant.

Palin was delegated the drop the poison pellet, to block any cleansing of the bloodstream.

If we had a Palindrome in the tokens somewhere ...


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