Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Birth of Birtherism

OF BIRTHERISM (White Male Movement)

Replying to Chris Hayes on Tea-bag protestors Acting Up:

“The problem is the overwhelming instinct on the part of pundits and the MSM to look, and see old white men in overalls and Legionnaire hats and think they are watching someone give voice to the sentiments of broad swaths of the electorate. And it's just not true. What we're seeing at these events are the voices of radicals, extremists and zealots’”


We who insist “Show us the Proof” are only saying “verify, or won’t trust”. That are labeled “right wing”, but facts are facts, neither Right nor Left in themselves, and in this case they are on the side of the Right since no such proof in fact exists. Wherever the Left has belittled the Right’s inferiority (crazy, lizards, Dark Knight Jokers) it has acted as bigoted Supremacists overriding fact with bombast, thus further empowering it.

The Black Sun of the Left is Nazism, the force that kills Jews. Nancy Pelosi, people’s woman of the Left, saw swastikas among protestors signs. To give the Right any “talking points” at all is tantamount to supporting Hitler.

Left supremacists trumpet DEMOCRACY! Because it’s 1. unassailable 2. anti-autocratic; 3/ applies to the ’08 electoral process certifying Obama. Few Left supremacists are white males. As white males are pushed into occupying the Right, Leftists tend to become black and females.

For the Right, popular vote is a necessary, but not sufficient condition of Presidential certification. People are easily deceived, popular votes rigged. For Commander in Chief, only proof positive can suffice. Thus Birthers represent the Morality of Truth based on Fact (albeit negative fact). It is incidental to the case that they are, by majority, White Males. Yet, because it is, in fact, THEY who now block possible fraud of historic – even ahistoric (metaphysical) -- proportions by demanding the certification all other Presidents have had, namely place of birth, father, attending physician, White Males are the Ones for these times. .

The electoral process is sufficient certification of Obamas legitimacy for Democrats (Left), because their authority has come through application of the formal procedure. It is not sufficient for Republicans (Right) because there is a question whether the formal procedure has been satisfied. Here, perhaps, is just where the rigor of right-wing authoritative insistence on following ritual to the letter might be required to save the Nation, and humanity. White Male Supremacists can therefore trumpet PRINCIPLE! For them, the Black Sun came into Europe with Communism, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Sons of the sons of which are neocon AIPAC ideologues. These are ahistorical (Archetypal, transcendental) Enemy of Birthers, who are <>.

The Sun of the Left is mirrored in the Sun of the Right. The Right claims Male potency, Will, Law, Principle as force of (Sun) Consciousness – w/ the old elite blood hierarchy in tow. The Left claims Female potency. freedom, expression, pleasure in the body, and the good life as (Moon) Consciousness. As the Sun is the Unconscious of the feminine, so the Moon is the Unconscious of the Masculine.
The Blackness of the Black sun can appear from the side of Luna / earth, but also as a black hole in TokenSpace where flow through of Etherokrilna is blocked.

By FATHERHOOD, if it computes at all, the Left will mean something different than the Right, which is why Obama can satisfy. Children who never had one of their own, strongly accented, will not communicate the same thing by the word as children who have, and reject Obama. If this analysis is correct, they feel free to do so because he is a creation – moon – of the Female’s Sun: the satisfaction of a Democrat’s wish, not their own. Because he is this – a Moon product projected from Female consciousness – Barak Hussein Obama is instinctively rejected by White Males, supremacist or not. It’s not anything personal, nor even ‘racist’. His missing Birth certificate is like a missing tooth in the cog-wheel of the Master Clock, perfectly coinciding with the ninth toll of the midnight (2012) bell. Though born in constellation Leo, carrying golden consciousness, he is nevertheless a Mother-Moon-child, Perfect Personified Conjunction of Conscious/Unconscious, Right’Left, Male/Female political-historical group process. Unable to find a White Male Father acceptable to its unconscious, like Walter Cronkite, America took the black man as groom. Birtherism represents the backlash, almost instantaneously generated.


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