Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

False Alignments


Why it won’t work: IT IS OBAMA’S BLACKNESS, but IT ISN’T RACISM …any more than it is misogyny (hatred of women who he and the Dems generally represent); gaynxiety (“homophobia”);, anti-AIPAC/ADL anti-semitism; anti-DHS, Federal Reserve, police state government on whom all are dependant – whose common denominator cultural level is Michael Jackson, Borat/Bruno, re-born Spockers, soda yodas…

Now taking over our children’s minds.

The Beatles Rock Band (all sing) : “Here Comes the Sun..” (Black)

The vignette of Beatle cartoons leading children, who will be learning how to play video games to their music, to The Black Sun (segue by visual image: Leipzig Monument, reincarnating Heinrich Himmler; the Black Sun SS group. Despised ‘weak Christians’).

To be released 9.9.09. Number nine, number nine, number nine ….



Thesis: the chasm in American group life dividing liberal-left and conservative-right politics, pivots around, and deconstructs into the collective grammar of Fatherhood, Identity and Birth – all three contained in Mother’s Womb (<= dissolved into common purely potential prima materia fetal origins of experience: reaching the centre of the omni-present rings of developmental trauma). This chasm opens up on either side of “the Birther Movement”, as if it had been Archetypically scripted for these events at this moment of history.

Fatherhood is the Sun, in alchemical astrology. In individual psychology (Jung), the Sun is consciousness (thus each conscious person is a son of the sun, in this sense. It is not seen in the womb, but eyes are growing therein which soon shall. In the original psychological darkness, the sun is a retrojected “son”, waiting to be “released from matter”, as ancient Gnostics put it. It is the origin of the Christian soul: Spirit of the Christ-Child, first in Mary; then in each through Her Son; identical with Gold in alchemy; returned to heaven to be with The Father, until He returns again. Expecting Return of The Son from The Sun in Heavens is built into the grammar of reproduction through consciousness. It is a wish existentially satisfied, in ur-memory, by perpetual repetition as each next baby passes from darkness into light.

However, in the intra-uterine interval before that sun arrives, a reverse-sun,created from internalizing the moon, light of night, nocturnal ways and monthly emissions, can be constructed from fantasy, kept entirely off-line from conscious thought, ‘forever’ unconscious – there is no time in The Unconscious – but exerting an enormous attractive force on the flow of process. The Black Sun, connected in Bulwar-Lytton’s widely read late 18th century novel The Coming Race with previous planetary convulsions driving human antecedants into underground caves and tunnels. These would be coming out, too, as group conscious Fatherhood takes on a black face.


“Birthers” <= Fatherless Lib-left Commies (socialist jokers) tag us birthers “right wing extremist fringe,” in the same category as abortion doctor shooter Carl Roeder (“Tiller’s a baby killer; act like it”), incited and manipulate by corporations, hell bent on disrupting democratic processes, seized by dementia praecox processing like lizards. The sputtering, snarling, contemptuous snobbery evinced by Olbermann, Maddow and other cable TV anchors was beyond amazing. You could see they were struggling to convey a point about what they perceived as right wing extremist mentality that was – what should one say? – deeply offensive, existentially repulsive, for starters. Actually, in recent group-memory terms, the same convulsive besides-themselves verbal behavior was on vivid prime-time display when Republicans tried to impeach Clinton. I remember a Pa. Rep. Goukas, literally wringing his hands in anguish on TV, speaking in pained, strained tones, wanting to convey how he FELT about Bill Clinton’s defilement of the White House. Showing the audience the reaction, on which his judgment rested, went wholly beyond words. I remember grinning, “there goes Goukas”. When text becomes pre-text in communication, token-talk will apush to the fore.

From that one example, plus the indisputable fact that Republicans in Congress, whoever and whatever they represent back home, always voted unanimously, as a bloc, on matters of symbolic national discourse, ample justification exists seeing a monolithic, if fuzzy “right wing Way of Being” here. It is not a totality created and sustained solely by projection. This, in fact, is the heart of America’s dark soul, post-Vietnam, matching the projection of darkness by its inner
hidden forever unspoken, unforgiveable guilt.

In reality: We represent the White Sun of America’s original theological Fathers. “We” are those who, in protesting the war, put America first, central, and all the way through. Some made a Jesus trip of it. The WWII fathers of the baby boom generation broke the sacred inner bond between fathers and children, particularly sons, by ordering them into that war. Sons like John McCain were of course rewarded by going along with these false fathers, but HIS old man saw to it he got the best treatment, just like the old men of the young neocon warriors set them up wherever money, force and trickery prevailed. Big Daddy Warbucks Fathers privatized the very national discourse we are required to use in communicating about anything, then turned it’s dissemination over to their brood of whelps. (National Review, Weekly Standard, Fox News, CNN dark). The terms of reference and grammar fixed by use have become Black Sun conduits. These are the mortal enemy of White Sun

A black father’s son slipped in as 44th after a line of 43 white one’s, lacking witnessed certification of place and circumstances of birth …

..crooned over by latex mother shoving poison vaccines (“Here, this will make it all better, precious.”) into children veins. And poison BigPhaR into The bloodstream of America’s communication.

You give up your “God The Father” thing, you get all the health care you ever wanted from the government.

How lame the frame, if you are liberals debunking Birthers to get at

Anti-health care reformers. (MSNBC’s Olbermann, Maddow both did this p.m. – 8.10.09

They sound like screeching beserkers*. (*term used for Pre-WWII German beer garden patriots praising the Fuhrer – now Obama) snarling, contemptuous,

This shows how the Black Sun now shines through both sides of the Liberal-Conservative (cable TV network) political alignments.

Olbermann-Maddow liberals lump opposition to health (and anti-abortion, but leave this aside for now) together with opposition to birthers and that defeats everything they say. Sustained hysterical screeching to accept their Father/President – Obama – as our own. But they are a largely empty, vapid fatherless lot ruled by women folk (“feminazis”, ‘ol Rush calls ‘em; pussy whipped- or-worse, in Savagese) – “San Fran” (Castro Street) Pelosi pushing Big Pharma government run health care onto us small town country folks ? I don’t think so.

Birthers are indiscriminately lumped with the entire gamut of “right wing extremist fringe”, most especially anti-abortionists. They are the type, to these liberals, who ideologically support Roeder, Dr. Tiller’s killer; afflicted with poisonous, if not criminal, mental processes. (=>launch into “haters”, “racists”, “anti-democracy”, “anti-semite”, “homophobic” – Pelosi’s USA Today’s article called Town Hall disrupters “Un-American”).

But that is overkill; and not just: it is reverse McCarthyism to boot. As a position regarding the facts of the matter, this lumping is one sided, tendentious, self-hating, self-defeating – and unjustified.

What birthers demand is that this 44tth president produce proper signed document(s) certifying place of birth, as the other 43 had. If he is to be accepted as belonging to that line of Fathers of our country, this is only reasonable.

Since so much has been brought out about the present case, all relevant documents claimed to exist must be placed in the public domain for scrutiny. Then all can see for themselves what the facts are, and won’t have to depend on 2nd hand sources. These have shown themselves to be not only capable of passing off a forgery, but of rounding out their deception by scathing excoriation of those who point it out (not deigning to responding to claim that it was that). Until that happens there is no reason not to press the demand most vigorously.

But of course liberals are all of a type, too. All the right wing talkers and gawkers will tell you. They also share a common mentality. Nor so harsh and crypto-criminal, maybe, on the surface, but more insidious. It leads to Charlie Manson, Marylin Manson, Madoff, Michael Jackson moon jerks, Bruno; Anna Nicole Smith, John Mark Karr, Klebold and Harris, Octomom love etc. . Whatever tea bags daddy, goes. That’s the ticket. They are all about giving it to the old white guys, especially Christian Bush supporters like Falwell’s Liberty University in the old South, where militarily aggressive Republicans cluster.


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