Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Monday, April 24, 2006

Falun Gong and Judas Priests

Falun Gong and Judas Priests

A Sermon blog

How many saw … ?

In a well publicized gaffe, a reporter from a Falun Gong newspaper in attendance at Presidents Hu and Bush’s White House lawn press conference, commenced haranguing the Communist Chinese leader to stop persecuting the sect, and demanding that Bush make him.

Hu had already been insulted by not being received at a formal state dinner. Then, when the moment of gravity in addressing the American people along side their leader came, it is shattered by this incident. The insult was palpable a formal apology was tendered.

Two straws in the wind in the aftermath show which way it blows. a. Bush’s apology as criticized by some right-wingers; the word ‘kowtowing’ was used; b. The Falun Gong woman’s protest was equated with Cindy Sheehan’s: “How come Sheehen is lauded as peace activist, and Wang WayLi hauled away like a common criminal?” These are the political follow-up spin. Bush is soft on human rights in China. What would Lottie Moon say?

The name wouldn’t be familiar to all, but Southern Baptist’s in the 40’s and 50’s, until now, I suppose, would all know of Lottie Moon’s Christmas offering. She was our Mother Theresa, beloved missionary to a mysterious, barely known people, in fulfillment of the Great Commission. (Mark 16.14: “Go ye into all the world and proclaim the good news.”) Allowing her work to suffer at the hands of Maoists wouldn’t sit right with many of Bush’s Christian supporters.

Actually, though, the difference between the two religions is so stark, take away the bloody crucifixion, as to amount to laughable comparison. For one thing, Falun Gong demonized animals. Everybody has a “beast” side attuned to some species of animals, communication with which cultivates spiritual energy. Foxes, for instance, are able to ‘refine the elixir’; snakes and some other animals are able to cultivate themselves (in attuned persons). Purity of spirit is sought by overcoming tendencies due to The Beast within.

If this motif is translated from lower Mongolian Asia into 0 a.d. Jerusalem religion tradition, however, the picture of the crucified comes back, in context, as precisely the end of the way of being represented by these people fighting demon animals in themselves. In the Western version, this instinctual kinship with the animals is externalized, that is, projected onto specific animals, and sacrificed; for instance, by Egyptian priests, the Aphis Bull. Animal sacrifice as a sacralized ritual act, carried out for atonement, forgiveness of sin, in celebration, is widespread throughout Mesopotamian, Mediteranean, Egyptian civilizations during the Age of the Ram. It is a major psychodynamic thread leading onto, but not extending beyond, the Age of Pisces. The transition is marked by completion of the sacrifice complex in the Archetypal figure of Jesus Christ on the Cross. The sacrifice to end sacrifice – by bringing the principle of its truth about ourselves vis a vis the animal world to consciousness, and using that as a stepping stone to higher form of humanity. Sacralizing that act recognizes the violent disruption of the unity with all of life which “being human” instinctually involves, while at the same time, representing the completion of what that form of humanity is, by doing it.

This is brought out vividly in the ancient manuscript recently published under the title “The Gospel of Judas.” After seeing a vision of a “great house with a large altar”, with 12 men before it called priests, and a name, receiving offerings, the disciples go and tell Jesus. He asks “What are the priests like?” “Some sacrifice their own children, othes their wives, in praise and humiliation of each other; some sleep with men, some are involved in slaughter, some do many sinful and lawless things, And the men who stand before the altar invoke your name, and in all the deeds of their deficiency, the sacrifices are brought to completion.” Jesus acknowledges the sacrifices are received in his name, and says it is them: “Those you have seen receiving the offerings at the altar—that is who you are. That is the god you serve, and you are those12 men you have seen. The cattle you have brought to sacrifice are the many people you lead astray.” “(And they) have planted trees without fruit, in my name, in a shameful manner.” “Stop sacrificing …over the altar, since they are over your stars and angels and have already come to their conclusion there.” He repeats, in telling Judas of the generations to come, “the stars bring matters to completion.” He is saying (my interpretation) the Judas priests of every generation will be those who collect sacrifices from men, profiting from sin. They continue the sacrifice routine with no inner connection to what it is about -- or they wouldn’t be doing it. After seeing that, there is nothing more he anyone could do. “It is finished.”

This post Vietnam war generation has brought America to this: era of the Judas Priests. That is it is to equate the anti-Communist agitators Falun Gong with true Christian spirits, such as Lottie Moon -- to get a “Chinese persecution of religion” protest for propaganda purposes. The work of Judas Priests, made easy by public indifference to the difference. The Judas generation. All the right words it has for other’s benefit; no soul has it of its own.

I put credence in this download by an escapee:

Falun Gong: homophobic mind control cult created by the CIA
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2006/03/01 - 7:37pm. Hidden
Hidden by Cam - duplicate
from the San Francisco Sentinal
Dear Editor:
My name is Samuel Luo and my parents are both Falun Gong practitioners who have been hurt and exploited by this cult. Among the many harms done to them, I have been seriously concerned that they have refused needed medical treatment. In 2002, my step-father initially refused help when he had a stroke and he has suffered painful gout attacks unnecessarily for five years. He did so because he was being brainwashed into believing that Li Hongzhi, the founder and leader of this cult has the power to cure illnesses and taking medicine is counter productive.

The Falun Gong is also extremely homophobic. Li teaches that homosexuality is not the standard of being human, the priority of Gods will be to eliminate homosexuals and that gays are demonic in nature. These teachings are honored by all Falun Gong practitioners. Recently when I confronted my mother with these teachings she said that the elimination of gays is already happening. When I wanted her to give specific examples she said that all the natural disasters that happened recently are directed at corrupt people, gays included
If this smacks of truth (it, too, might be a CIA plant), it makes the incident appear to have been arranged for its propaganda purposes, to give Bush cover for acting tough toward China by defending human rights, etc., while at the same time, for those peering deeper, its rabid anti-homosexuality resonates with his right-wing Christian base. It has all the earmarks of a Rove Special. Wang WayLi would have received press clearance by someone; would they be the same ones who cleared the homosexual whore Guckert? He, and other “reverse gay” activists organized Republican political gay bashing. This is the same as “Christian” Judas priests accepting offerings intended for Christ, whom they have killed. Some of these Christian Judas priests would share demon communion with the reverse gay political manipulators.

Note: The phrase “Judas Priest” is coined by Bob Dylan in the song “Judas Priest and Frankie Lee,” from the late 60’s John Wesley Harding. Album. The heavy metal music group from Birmingham took the name, and launched the genre. It is one in which the musical chord has given way to the rhythmic, hard-driving, barely musical, loud metal striking. In Rene Guenon’s terms, this represents the bottom line of industrial age replacement of quality by quantity, the transformation of sacredness in sound to the Smithy pounding his anvil. The group emerged in the 70’s, then in the 80’s, now most recently in ’03. It is an amazing coincidence that Dylan’s ballad should apply so presciently 35 years later, by publication of this 1,700 year old sectarian text. The Gospel of Judas for this Judas generation. It’s, like, the baby boomers got to have even their own revelation. “I’ll see you up the road.” (They’ve become a pack of hyenas.)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Judas Generation


------Now, Its Own Gospel!

A Non-scholarly commentary on The Gospel of Judas as God’s Message for Today

By Sid Thomas, Ph.D.

(hint 1: it’s OK to betray, if you go that way)
(hint 2. but you really don’t want to)

All boundaries between the sacred and profane once regarded as categorical metaphysical differences can be addressed through this question: what fate befell the one who betrayed him, as it relates to us?

The mainstream media gobbled up the recent publication of “the Gospel of Judas”, as if the betrayal role it relates that Jesus assigned Judas Iscariot to carry out somehow was somewhat excused, he was part of God’s redemptive plan all along. On the whole, in today’s highly excited religious context, it’s message was received as a good thing. In as much it removes a condemnation-reflex evoked by the name itself, one linguistic well-spring of animosity toward Jews is capped, some said.

Close reading of the text, however, and application of it to the post-Vietnam war “baby-boomer” generation, shatters this picture to smithereens. In fact, it shows the appearance of The Gospel of Judas to be part and parcel of the web of self-deception this generation has spun, as it has succomed to the ministry at the alter of the twelve sacrificial priests. They are by the thirteenth spirit; Judas.

The entire thing turns on what is to be made of Sacrifice, in general, to which the pre-Christian Jews were ritually addicted. Jesus is quoted saying: “some sacrifice their own children, others their wives, praise and humiliate each other; some sleep with men; some are involved in slaughter; some commit a multitude of sins and deeds of lawlessness.” So The Gospel of Judas says the disciples And these sacrificers correspond, today, proceeding backward from the last: Iraq; Abramoff/Libby scandals;, civilian-Pentagon war planners; hatred of homosexuals politically stirred up for the 2004 election; comraderie at Duke University LaCross team, etc. (boys ‘acting out’); security moms; actual youth and children killed.

The disciples speak of “a great house …large altar …twelve men, priests … and a name, and a crowd of people is waiting at that altar until the priests receive their offerings.” Jesus said to them: “Truly I say to you all the priests who stand before that altar invoke my name. Again I say unto you, my name has been written on this (… ) of the generations of the stars (as Pisces, on the Zodiac? See below) through the human generations. And they have planted trees without fruit, in my name, in a shameful manner.”

Comment: If, as the parentheses above suggest, the missing terms link what Jesus is called to a star-object, a “luminosity”, or “spirit” represented by planets and star constellations, a startling cosmological background of the drama is brought into view. The text has two straightforward metaphysical indicators pertaining to Christology. One is this radical dualism: “But you will exceed all of them (evildoers). For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me.” Of all things to sacrifice, that would be the worst – Judas’ lot. The “me” consciousness speaking is “clothed” by the body that will suffer from his betrayal. As identical on the spirit-side with the “god” of the twelve, the metaphysical dualism extends from individual to shared group-consciousness by communication (using his ‘name’). That is one of the metaphysical indicators of what Jesus’ inner life was taken to be like.

The second consists in use of the phrase “self-Generated”, in English translation, as part of the description of “A great angel, the enlightened divine Self-Generated, emerged from a cloud. Because of him, four other angels came into being from another cloud, and they became attendants for the angelic Self-Generated.” This bears unmistakable post Aristotelian earmarks – the “Self-Generated” as “Self-Caused cause”, the Self-actualizing Form of all Forms, “thought thinking thought” – but is as undeniably interlaced with specific Sumerian-Egyptian tokens. The Johanine doctrine of “Logos” – Word made flesh – mediates these in classical Christology. The composit of Self-Generated Divine Being (which Judas is not supposed to have seen, incidentally; except that “his star has led him astray”), plus Spirit of unity of the Twelve required to complete his manifestation, and the “Logos” voice of the Teacher (which this gospel has nothing of by Jesus to the multitudes).


Judas is called “the 13th disciple”, twelve being the number of the strong circle through which god-spirit energy works. Jesus draws Judas aside and tells him his inclusion in the group is temporary, he will do different and difficult things, and be replaced when the unity of the circle is restored. This replacement is specifically related in Acts 1.26. This is an important textual link, lending the new discovery credence, if it is not a forged retrolink.

The number “12” has great psychological, symbolic significance, as well as linking with star maps of the heavens that lay out the 12 30- “day” (24 hour periods) division of the year into 360 degrees. It also links the number 72, which Z. Sitchin identifies with the secret number of YHWHAlso, and x 360 = 25,920, the number of years of the Great Circle marked by the Precession of the equinoxes. This is marked by a point on the horizon to which the apparent motion of the sun, due to the planet earth’s minute wobbling on its plane of inclination, returns after a Great Year duration. This is advanced objective knowledge, Hermetic (Thoth, Ningishzidda) in style and content. Marduk brought the 12-month calendar to ancient Babylon circa 2000 BC, in the transition from the Age of Taurus to Aries. Jesus identifies himself with the “Spirit” of the “god” in each of the twelve disciples; this would be the source of strength of their unity, and to that, no 13th disciple could belong. If Judas has been led by his vision to believe otherwise, “his star has led him astray.”

Judas’ Fate:

Jesus: “Come, that I (… two missing lines…., but that you will grieve much when you see the kingdom and all its generations. (Apparently, is preparing Judas for the sight he will see, which “no person of mortal birth is worthy to enter, for the place is reserved for the holy”.)
When he heard this, Judas said to hih, “What good is it that I have received it? For you have set me apart for that generation.”
Jesus answered and said, “You will become the thirteenth, and yuou will be cursed by the other generations – and you shall come to ruile over them. In the last days they will curse your ascent to the holy generation.”


If I could make this voice preach, it would cry out and say: “The Judas Generation is Now. It has crucified the body of Christ, betrayed the Spirit (in America), defiled humanity. And now it has been sent a Gospel that shows this about itself to itself. But that is what Judas’ act that led to the Crucifixion did. It showed the mob who cried “Crucify him! Crucify him!” the truth about itself, even as/by the crucifixion.

Judas represents the Mother’s claim on the only begotten Son of God, the Jewish origin of his body. Its destruction is not something a human could want. “You will exceed (the evil of those offering sacrifices to Saklas) For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me.” The blood of that body is on their hands. (Mathew 27.25) And, related to that awareness, that he has “died for them”, representing “them dying”, and put an end to the sacrifice ritual itself.

This is the Archetype of Incarnated Spirit metaphysic, sacrificing the sacrifice. That explains Jesus’ insistence on purity in use of his name. To “sacrifice in his name”, as he says the twelve priests and later human generations will do, reverses the inner meaning of name of his sacrifice. Similarly, it explains why Christians cannot share ritual blood sacrifice commemoration with others, since by hypothesis they do not participate in the difference the shedding of that blood makes. And it is no minor thing, for it follows “the generations” down through the corridors of time into the present, by its presence.

Of note: that the inner, spiritual side of his nature identified with “the Father,” the“72” unit of the luminous 12 presences (“spirits”), is categorically exclusive of the thirteenth in the way that what is wholly contained in a circle, or globe is distinct from whatever is outside it. The complex of numbers 11-12-13, extending beyond Pythagoras’ sacred tetractys, is the series of ‘less than complete// complete // beyond inclusion in the complete’ as if fluctuating inside and outside what exists a totality. What “Judas” represents is recognized as an existing part of the totality, but as its internalized incarnate spiritual negation. There cannot be a “thirteenth” if “twelve” is the totality, except as the ‘self-negating (group)’ idea in each, projected as real for all, that is, except by a kind of illusion. It is sufficient to bring out the sacrifice complex and its priests.

Next: How, Who, When and Where the 13th spirit manifests in this accursed generation.


Monday, April 17, 2006

Neo-Con Easter service



Killing Christ While Betraying America -- the AFTERMath
(Remember Iran Brown?)

News April 17, 2006 “American Morning

Daily round-up of regional child murder
-arrests in the missing Alabama teen-age Holloway girl case in Aruba
-10 yr old girl found dead in Oklahoma, talk of cannibalism
-two boys found gruesomely slaughtered in Wisconsin

Pro-Rumsfeld men speak out against the retired General’s calls for his resignation.
This seriously demolishes the solid military gung-ho pro-war group-think front.

Segue to Miles O’brien segment titled “If Iran wanted nuclear weapons, How Long Would It Take to Get Them?” – (rhetorical antecedent: “Would Ahmadenijad want to hurt us?” Interviewing a New York Times’. reporter hosting a show “NUCLEAR JIHAD” on the Discovery Channel this evening, laying out revelations from Pakistani bomb-make of A.Q. Kahn, zooming cam lenses in on sketched site targets from a walk-in lap-top of an Iranian escapee….

(Comment: However, this blatant Kill Iran war-selling by the same “FOOL ME TWICE, FOOL ME UMPTEEN TIMES..” neocon Libby Lobby Zionistas who inflicted Iraq on America is confronts, this time, a phalanx of sound opposition:

Seymour Hersh, Mearsheimer and Walt, the General Newbold’s brigade …. Joining pre-Easter trumpets Murtha, Moran, Mathahir, Sheehan … Immutable Opposite Number to theirs, represented in increasingly formidable numbers whenever allowed to be heard.

Like the original Gospel, spreading like wildfire wherever preached.)

-News that a restaurant in Tel Aviv had been hit by a suicide bomb, a second time for it.

-Segue to annual White House Easter Egg roll, all welcomed by Laura Bush, looking lovely, husband in tow on left side, she to his right, looking big. Marred by scene made of some objecting to gay dads, pink triangles and all, pushing the right of their little adopted boy to roll easter eggs on the WH lawn, too, eaten up by the CNN camera, bless ‘em all,

-Segue to talk racially re-segregating schools in Omaha, righteous black man shown on the left bemoaning it as a step backward; adamant “I’ve had it” white parent representative on the right, saying it is best all around. The New York Times Easter tribute to this continuing theme of emancipation -- called “The Civil War” by neocon-abolitionists, “War of Secession” or “War Between the States” by us Southrons – was publication of the article
April 14, 2006
The President Who Died for Us
Worcester, Mass.
THIS year, Good Friday, the day commemorating Christ's crucifixion, falls on April 14, as it did in 1865. On that evening, in the balcony box of Ford's Theater in Washington, John Wilkes Booth fired a handmade .41-caliber derringer ball into the back of Abraham Lincoln's head.

In which it is related that . "Jesus Christ died for the world," said the Rev. C. B. Crane in Hartford. "Abraham Lincoln died for his country." …plus …”: "It may be almost impious to say it, but it does seem that Lincoln's death parallels that of the Son of God," words of Garfield. Linking the fact that his death April 14, ’65 coincided this year with Passover- Easter ccommenorations. It would have been too much to expect, really, for the Times’ editors and Mr. Fox (credited as“religion writer”, doing book on Pope Benedictus XVI) to have passed up the opportunity to post this: “Most American Christians turned to the Jesus analogy because they realized how much they loved Lincoln. They took his loss as personal, often comparing it to a death in the family. Many felt attached to Lincoln almost as they felt attached to Jesus.” And, most shamefully, this: “he can — and should — stand as historic demonstration that a republican hero's sacrifice for the people comes very close to Christ's ideals of self-denial and self-giving. (credit: Richard Wightman Fox, the author of "Jesus in America: Personal Savior, Cultural Hero, National Obsession," is writing a book about the aftermath of Lincoln's assassination.)
This ecumenicalism called for by a Catholic writer, preaching the abolutionist’s man Lincoln for todays “(R)epublican party cause, has an vivid, seldom mentioned conspiratorial connection with the event at Ford’s Theatre that day, and the “Know Nothing” political party. It has never been settled beyond controversy whether John Wilkes Booth was a Catholic; the data is available through google. One reason given for saying he was not – it was a touchy subject in those days, because the American Party had its roots in FreeMason lodges, where Catholics, in particular, were not welcome, but a few Jews had got in, historically. These Free-Mason based Know Nothings (so-called by their verbal quip whenever asked about politics – taking advantage of the secret ballot) had arisen almost overnight on the scene of American politics, Andriding White Anglo Saxon Protestant “nativist” rancor against the wave of Irish Catholic immigrants in the East and Mexican cathedral outposts in the Southwest. This was not white-black racist conflict, at all. It was economic rights -- they got the jobs to build the canals; squater’s (“we were here first”) rights; rejection of religious bloc-voting dictated from the Vatican in Rome; unabashed anti-Catholic animosity among some, represented by Bill the Butcher in The Gangs of New York movie. They regarded themselves as Sons of the original Fathers of the Revolution. The conspiracy angle would be, the abolitionist nutcase Booth wormed into one of their lodges precisely in order to carry out the assassination: discreding them, while simultaneously empowering the Union with a genuine martyr. And, of course, freeing the slaves.

Restaging all this in Nebraska, a swing state in the United States, has that same CNN touch as the pink triangle dad’s kid rolling easter eggs on the WH lawn.

Today, Brown is the color of the wave of illegal immigrants thronging the streets from LA to Atlanta. Flying the Mexican flag, protesting for rights, the sight is guaranteed to excite ‘nativist’ rancor. Blessed by the good Roman Catholic Archbishop, they empower the religious wing of conservatism, “republicans” getting introduced to Lincoln this easter.
Iran Brown was the name of the 14 year old boy shot by a sniper in the DC area in late summer of ’02.
Bodies showing up here and there amidst rubble. You never used to see that. As if to say: “That’s all there is. Human mortality stripped of pretense.”

ELABORATION … The Religious grammatical factor

Killing Christ by giving away His distinctiveness.

This comes from merging the innocent blood self-sacrificed for all humanity, with the innocent blood of all humanity sacrificed. In symbolic terms: Taking Calvary to depict “martyrdom”, common to all who endure innocent suffering and death; a vivid picture of man’s inhumanity to man.


Christians so-called through the adult baptism, cannot settle for that, but must hold the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the Cross to be unique, historically, metaphysically and epistemically.

The adult baptism, as by Phillip of the Centurion (Acts ) was administered with a particular experience, mediated by the apostles, and Paul. It is spoken of as unique inner event, involving realization, through it, at the moment, of connection with a higher order of things actualized by Jesus Christ’s teachings, death and resurrection*. It has nothing to do with the Jewish ancestry of Jesus (see below). What is transmitted throughout the crescent around the Mediterranean in the first century A.D. as Christianity is to the Gentiles and goes over into Greek ideograms. The Jews come to be renounced by Paul as not worth receiving the Gospel.

Historically: the spiritual efflorescence of a species unique among humans: from the seed of Jesse, through Mary, impregnated by the Spirit, the Only Begotten Son of God. His perfection as a man in whom no fault was found completed the inner meaning of their “messiah”, and those who accept Christ through the Apostles and Paul accept this interpretation of the inner continuity of the Jews as a people and the message that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God, born of Mary, etc..

Metaphysically, the difference lies in how the gap between the point of view of the scene of the crucifixion on Golgatha illustrated (existing) in the perception of Christ on the Cross – what he saw, looking down, assuming consciousness; and the point of view of the mob below, looking up at the sight of the pierced body. Although these are brought together in the same picture, they are to be juxtaposed at all levels, since the mob below represents humanity, in the form of Jewish rabble seeing what they are, acting out what they would bring truth about themselves to, dying in excruciating pain before their eyes. Him knowing that; and knowing they, also know that at the deepest level of their Jewish spirituality.

It could be any mob killing their God, but it was in fact the Jewish mob, killing the fruit of Mary’s womb, Jesus.

His Spirit then passed from Jerusalem to the Gentiles, spreading through Asia Minor, Greece to Rome.

There is a metaphysical “Y” in this juxtaposed disjunct. The perception of Christ must be claimed as human, a content of consciousness like we have, whether one “believes in” him or not. The perception from below is distributed among individuals, each seeing the crucifixion his or her own way, but from the perspective of a group-criminal retribution ritual. Like hanging the wrong man, except infinitely worse, the Man of wronged men, one who would put an end to this particular wrongness, by hanging there for all to see. “Don’t you see?” A distinctively human process is at work, beyond the human side of consciousness itself, even Jewish. When the One through Whom that message is mediated happens to have left behind a historical life poured out teaching about a realm caked “the kingdom of heaven”, which he claimed to be from, and to be a faith-portal through which might enter, As preachers are always pointing out, it would be unbelievable to suppose all this came to dominate the collective dream-life by sheer accident, or even by some non-lawful process, or “God’s plan”. For a dream-state denoument it certainly is, a miniature of the bi-millenial drama od human history, a long-running fantasy- feature if there ever was one.

The metaphysical Y is whether the inner side of Christ’s consciousness, looking down, has another side, connected to another realm of reality, which requires just that perspective of mob mentality, internalized and rejected, to attain its next higher level of devekopment. This Y cannot be resolved without commitment to one fork of the Way or another, once realized, because not taking one side or the other when the totality is at stake is equivalent to taking the non-totality, the dream-state vrs. higher reality. This was the story of The Matrix movies, incidentally; there is a choice to let everything keep going the way the are after it is realized they must repeat endlessly, leading to nowhere beyond. Except the movie folded in the alternate Way made by “Neo” in the radical decision to opt out, back into the “save Zion” mythology, bringing the discussion back again tto the Passover/Easter conjunction.

It would seem as if today, those who would celebrate Christian Easter can only oppose, not merge generic sentiment with, those who celebrate Passover, but, by consideration of both long past and recent patterns of behavior, eschew them.

In the Book of Acts, what are called “the Jews” are constantly harassing, imprisoning, stoning, beating, plotting to kill break-away Judaics who followed the Apostles. “When they hear this, they were furious and plotted to kill them.” (Acdts 5.33) “And the stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and sahying “Lord, Lord, receive my spirit.” (Acts 7.59) “Now after many days were past, thje Jews plotted to kill him.” (Acts 9.23) “But the Jews stirred uip the devout and prominent women and the chief men of the city, raised up persecution against Paul and Barnabas.” (Acts 13.50) “Then the Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead.” (Acts 14,19) “and the Jews plotted against him as he was about to sail to Sysria.” (Acts 20,3) And, finally, Paul to the Ephesian elders: “You know in what manner I always lived among you, serving the Lord with all humility with many tears and trials which happened to me by the plotting of the Jews.” (Acts 20.18f) So if we are going to start blaming the Jews for this and that, it won’t do to stop with killing Christ. Merging Christ’s Crucifixion (sans resurrection, usually) with Jewish Passover is also to scourge Paul, and seek to reduce Christianity to a Mother’s religion. (Why the Resurrection is usually ignored – too Male/Father.)

The blood of innocents of recent tragedies has also been mixed with blood of Christ this Easter. Tapes of voices of doomed suffering victims of Flight 93 for ready for CNN this time. The trial of Maussaoui permitted 9ll World Trade Center victims to be heard; with Rudolph Giuliani giving heroic testimony. This repeated generic blending of what Christians hold with its opposite, not just ignoring categorical, and incompatible differences, but putting them together in order to conflict with each other is metaphysically and humanly abhorrent, That holds, which ever side one is on. It is the ultimate psychological violence.


Killing Christ by mixing his spilt blood with human tragedy has been accompanied by the poisoning of the New Testament message by announcement of the discovery of a “Gospel of Judas”, in which Iscariot apparently did not die in Akel Dama, Field of Blood, being “burst open in the middle with all his entrails gushed out”, as Acts 1.16f attests. “Men and Brethren, this Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus. 17, for he was numbered with us and obtained a part in this ministry.”

These details are born out by the document. What is striking is the distance posited between himself and the other disciples:

“Judas said: “Master, as you have listened to all of them, now also listen to me. Fir I have seen a great vision.”

“When Jesus heard this, he laughed and saidf dto him, “You thirteenth spiritm, why do you try so hard? But speak up, and I shall bear with you.”

His \ different-ness is also marked in Matthew 10.4 where Judas Iscariot is named among the twelve with the comment “who also betrayed him.”

The ones betrayed today are the people of America. The Judases are the Libby Lobby. Since they also control the media, that explains why this appears now: to reverse the reversal that Easter means to Judaism.

“But ‘Christ’ IS the Christian religious version of the Archetypal dying- resurrected god-figure worshipped throughout the Mesopotamian/Mediterranean
basic from antiquity. Others are the Egyptian Bull-worshippers, lashing themselves into a frenzy before sacrificing the Apis Bull at Heliopolis; Adonis’ followers in later Greece; the Beltane rutting ritual in Avalon… At this time, the One representing the apex of the species is put to death, and rises again

Symbol of highest creativity, virility, vitality, fecundity taken up to the highest spiritual t levels. What Divini8ty is, in a man. in Jesus’ case from the stock of Israel’s King David, son of Jesse, but this is still only from the side of the Mother.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Reply to The Nation's dismissive -- and Jewish*: see below -- review of Mearsheimer and Walt's "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy"

A Reply to:
The Nation editorial, April 24, 2005


“There are few topics as sensitive in American foreign policy debates as the relationship between Israel and the United States. So it should come as no surprise that two academic heavyweights of the realist school, John Mearsheimer, a political scientist at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, a professor and outgoing academic dean at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, aroused a furor when they published an article alleging that US Middle East policy "is due almost the activities of the 'Israel Lobby,'" and that this lobby has damaged US national security. Such arguments have been made before, of course, but never by such key luminaries of the foreign policy brain trust. In addition, the article carries the imprimatur of the Kennedy School's Faculty Research Working Papers Series (a shorter version was originally published in The London Review of Books after it was rejected by a US magazine).

“The professors deserve credit for addressing such a controversial topic, especially at a time when dissent is being challenged as unpatriotic. Unfortunately, too much of the initial response to "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" has been characterized by reckless, ad hominem denunciation; notable in this regard are the Likud-flavored New York Sun, Harvard lawyer and Zionist pit bull Alan Dershowitz and New York Representative Eliot Engel, who called the authors anti-Semites. These attacks, some bordering on the hysterical, are designed to shut off debate and intimidate the professors and anyone else who asks hard questions about the US-Israel relationship (*) In an astute editorial in the Israeli daily Ha'aretz, Daniel Levy, a former policy adviser for prime minister Ehud Barak, deplored such "bullying tactics" and "the McCarthyite policing of academia" as "deeply un-Jewish. It would in fact serve Israel if the open and critical debate that takes place over here were exported over there."

“An open debate, after all, isn't the same thing as approval. Although Mearsheimer and Walt are correct in their claim that a powerful Israel lobby often bullies critics and has extraordinary influence on Capitol Hill, they never clearly define US national interests in the region, and thus the claim that Israel undermines them--and that the tail wags the dog rather than serving those interests--remains an undemonstrated assertion, …”
Though pious in tone, how honest in sentiment these editorial remarks are can be judged only, I submit, by willingness to apply Mearsheimer and Walt’s thesis to U.S. foreign policy on Iran.

If Israel is left aside, is it in America’s interest to insist on regime change, which would require military force; or accept the International Atomic Energy Agency’s auspices and focus on preventing nuclear bomb threat?

Isn’t that a no-brainer? – by cost-benefit analysis alone, forget morality. America retains as much security as it has now vis a vis states with nuclear arms (Pakistan, India, N. Korea, Russia, China), it just learns to deal with Iran as an autonomous entity. However, according to Seymour Hersh, a “Pentagon advisor on the war on terror” said that “allowing Iran to have the bomb is not on the table.” This is out of consideration of Israel. Robert Joseph, Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control is quoted as telling I.A.I.A.’s ElBaradei in no uncertain terms “We cannot have a single centrifuge spinning in Iran. Iran is a direct threat to the national security of the United States and our allies and we will not tolerate it.”

Is it in America’s interest to take Mossad-Israeli estimates of when Iran could deliver a bomb – one to two years – or that of non-proliferation expert Robert Galluci (echoed by most responsible U.S. intelligence estimates) – 8 to ten tears away?

Is it in America’s interest to pay attention to A.Q. Khan, Pakistan bomb builder reported to be singing like a canary (“he’s suggestible, and he’s telling the neoconservatives – read “The Lobby” – what they want to hear)? -Or to give credence to a walk-in delivery to a U.S. embassy in Europe of an Iranian lap-top computer with “new and alarming information about Iran’s weapons program…more than a thousand pages of technical drawings of weapons systems.” But European intelligence officials aren’t thumbs up: “There was some hesitation on our side and we are still not convinced…the drawings had the character of sketches…It was not a slam-dunk smoking gun.” This last is surely a tweak at Bush, who announced that some rusty mobile fertilizer trailers found in northern Iraq after the ’03 invasion proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Saddam Hussein had a bio-chemical weapons program, and was moving it around, just like they said. Today it was revealed he should have known that was false when it said it.

Would it be in America’s best interest for someone to plant or otherwise fabricate evidence that Iran was, say, about to attack Israel? To provoke IDF to retaliate against Lebanon, and perhaps Syria, by a Hezbollah faction, or someone acting in their name, lobbing a missile into northern Israel?

Is it in America’s interest to be brandishing nukes at this little country? Hersh states that high ranking officers up to the level of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have talked about resigning over putting this option on the table. But the Pentagon advisor he quotes links “a resurgence of interest in tactical nuclear weapons among Pentagon civilians and in policy circles,” calling it “a juggernaut that has to be stopped.” The phrase “Pentagon civilians” refers those installed by Rumsfeld at The Office of Special Plans headed by Douglas Feith, i.e., The Lobby.

These questions are intended to be rhetorical. None of the antecedents proposed is in Americas interest, I submit, and cannot imagine any progressive thinker disagreeing.

Thus, when the editors fault Mearsheimer and Walt for “never clearly defining what US interests are in the region,” either they are dissembling, knowing the professors argument is sound without such “clear definition”. Or, God forbid, they entertain the opposite. Nuke Iran For Israel. ?

No. Israel is a liability, not an asset to America’s national security and the war on terror. It cannot be in our interest even to consider using nuclear weapons against Iran. Unless The Nation’s editors can bring themselves to acknowledge this point, the affected pious scrupulosity goes for naught, as does Ehud Barak’s former prime minister Daniel Levy’s Ha’aratz quote deploring the McCarthyite policing of academia as "deeply un-Jewish. It would in fact serve Israel if the open and critical debate that takes place over here were exported over there." If fact, given the above, open and critical debate here would mean Israel wouldn’t call the shots anymore, therefore the hysterics are right in using the weapons of silence, insult, smear, and “anti-semitism” to keep the rational effects of Mearsheimer and Walt’s article from talking hold, for anyone clinging to Israeli-centric U.S. Mid East policy. So the piety itself doesn’t come off

But quote me as finding it quintessentially “Jewish” (in the sense of “deeply un-Jewish”, above) to be trying to have it both ways.


… that’s not nice

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Deconstructing the "War on Terror" mantra

To deconstruct the national “war on terror” mantra.

“War” is a term for the battle to get born, in group-fantasy. What “war” is made “on”, in the current context of use, is named by the feeling-term, “terror”, brought over into politics and policy from experience of trauma – of which birth is most powerful and universal. Having almost no cognitive (textual) content, it is a token of what provokes the most extreme anxiety: beyond Darth Vader; what “Darth Vader” represents as the form of twisted experience this “baby boomer” generation has brought America in its maximum in unconsciousness). They are still responding to the “war on terror” that was waged on their asses by the WWII fathers.

This is played out on “the enemy” as Arab-Muslim malehood. This is shown: in the Abu Ghraib pictures (pictures show the token, unconscious side of war, as “Wag The Dog” already deconstructed – it has been shown all over the globe, eaten up in the Middle East). AEI (American Enterprise Institute) pundit Michael Ledeen has called for attacking Iran with TV, waging propaganda war by planting at the picture-token level what is then politically generalized at the tcxtual, as events indicate – in other words, controlling minds by manipulating deep, unconscious group-fantasy material. What kind? -- anal male rape. This was tokened on the front page of the New York Times by showing near-naked Palestinian men running out of a West Bank Ramada Israeli jail, as if someone behind were slashing a whip. (Cf. my letter to the Times about that.)

Thirdly, the factually bogus issue of giving “control of U.S. ports” to the United Arab Emirates’ “Dubai Ports World” has received enormous mass public resonance. It is, again, symbolic of anal rape, as substitute male-birth generation, threatening to return on us as we (“U.S.” as group) have inflicted on them. The “deal” leaves the “left-side” (of a ship/vessel/mother’s body) vulnerable to “penetration” by “terrorists” who might be smuggling anything in in any cargo “package” (repetition of condom fantasy to “protect” against male-impregnation, mixing feces and semen).


These three considerations show the necessity for using the concept, hence the words, “anal rape”, in explaining the content of the unconscious group fantasy that has seized America. It is what the symbols symbolize, What the analogies, all the way from hi-school (“up yours”, “stick it”) analogize. What Daniel Shreiber fantasized the Almighty wanted to do to him at night, with accdursed “voluptuosities”. What American cultural group fantasy began preparing for a decade or two ago, when men’s butts suddenly made their appearance everywhere as an advertising fetish. And what the great Italian film-maker Pasolini showed in the unforgettably evil “Salo: The 120 days of Sodom”.

It should be explained that this is the analysis of a massively pervasive group condition, a feeling-toned state, like shared tooth-ache, independent of particular cognitive content, agitating all. This aspect of the phenomenon is perhaps hardest to understand. It is not easily grasped that something experienced privately in one’s own gut is identical for others. Different ‘vicissitudes of instinct’ (Freud) engender different latencies for ‘triggers’, but just as Betty Friedan figured out the common condition of “feminine mystique” hindered women’s development, so this condition, the compulsion to defend against anal rape, beginning in men, dominates the undercurrent of American group life. To paraphrase a line from Willie Nelson, “What do you think all those turbans and sheets wuz about?” These are tokens of the condition created by projection, triggering the threat of becoming feminine.

Perhaps if Germans had been told they were seized by the unconscious group fantasy that the presence of Jews in their midst had come to mean “poison in the blood” – the Poisonous Placenta of fetal flash-back fantasy – perhaps they might have been able to sort out the economic, ethnic, nationalistic and cultural issues that sprang up in the l930’s without a Krystalnacht (set off by a 17 year old Jew murdering an official, in revenge for his people’s past treatment), and without delegating Hitler and the Nazis to purge their insanity. One wonders. And whether if, in fact, Americans as a group are any different, except for willingness to swap one kind of Semite for another to hate, while raising the fantasy level from fetal to (pre) Oedipal.

Finally: this is the connection to Mearsheimer and Walt’s article, section on “demonizing Muslims”.

What they document is perpetrated by the “Libby Lobby”, through the mass media. It is a fact that these are owned, controlled, programmed and processed under the auspices of the U.S. Government, and that they equate American interests with Israel’s. This is what must be called attention to. And stopped, in my opinion. It is existentially grounded on the psychodynamics of defense, by both males and females, I have come to see, against the violation of personal dignity, and decency, called “anal rape”. It is a perversion that can become accepted as a substitute for love, and that needs pointing out by an independent media source. In the balance now is whether WHRW can challenge itself to be such an educational beacon. ”