Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Inside The Monad

2 hours, 4 minutes ago Yahoo news

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Several Senate Republicans denounced other lawmakers and the news media on Thursday for unfavorable depictions of the Iraq war and the Pentagon urged members of Congress to talk up military service to help ease a recruiting shortfall.


--ran into an old Pythagorean
(or: DNA Morphs TokenSpace, a little …. Creating tokentaulogies in texts.)

From the Doxographical writings.

Hippol. Phil.2; Dox. 555 …”And thus he (Pythagoras) asserted that god is a monad.”
(“god” here is a historical redaction, adding whatever later use of the predicate implied)

“Number is the first principle …and the first principle of numbers is in substance the first monad, which is a male monad, begetting as a father all other numbers….”

The common notion connecting the Monad and Father-ness is “principle of origin of sequence”, i.e., the sequence of next-number-next-number …, and of children’s children, children …, respectively. This would be the metaphysical connection Pythagoras extrapolated from “First, or originating principle” according to both text and token.” Unity is in “the beginning”, as the first number is in all the rest by their repetition of “it” each time to get the next. This is the unity of text – of unity, itself. Unity in “the beginning” of a son’s blood-line is in the Father’s seed. This is known now, only quite recently in the span of historical time, in fact, to be an anatomical form materialized in the genetic DNA code. Previously, the morphological regularities would be recognized by instinctive participation, to wit: “And he dealt with magic, as they say, and himself discovered the art of physiognomy.” (What you know is gonna show…?)

Projective, it is now said, from the experiential base of the fetal origins of experience. The Monad is both: a projection of the emerging “womb-surround” awareness, after the fetus has undergone development in there, then endured the trauma of birth to get out; and, of the unity of the total sensory environment that bursts in as if from the sky. These twin projections entwine one another, the way the Monad did with the Father (and ‘god’). Then, these, too. entwine.

For, both these Dyad-summarizers, the DNA code and the projected womb-surround from the fetal origins of experience, are quite recent intellectual arrivals, each of monumental importance in the history of civilization, together (with the pill) constituting a veritable revolution in understanding the context of sign-use.

“Sense-perception is deceptive” …. But …”Each of the sensations is pure, proceeding from each single element. With reference to vision, it was the nature of aether; hearing, of the nature of wind; smell, of the nature of fire; taste, of the nature of moisture; touch, of the nature of earth. iv.14;405

This congruence of senses to the four natures, earth, water, fire, air (as wind/aether) is not to my knowledge referred to by any later natural philosophers or epistemologists. Yet surely must have strongly reinforced his perception into perception, with the intellect, which is identified with the monad.

“The monad, however, is intelligence, for intelligence sees according to the monad. As for example, men are made up of many parts, and part by part they are devoid of sense and comprehension and experience, yet we perceive that man as one alone, whom no being resembles, possesses these qualities; and we perceive that a horse is one, but by part it is without experience….For the are all forms and classes according to monads. Wherefore, assigning this limit with reference to each one of these, they speak of a reasoning being and a neighing being. On this account the monad is intelligence by which we perceive these things.”

Wednesday, June 29, 2005



At least White (ME, for one … thing) doesn’t have to claim the Almighty’s DNA, marked on our dick … It could, but most regard that as a stretch.



GO self-hating anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-American **YOU !**
GO! I abhor thee, saith the Lord Thy God

-- if only there were one. (Psst… just in case…You should know they have violated the First commandment down here. Installed a YHWH-look-a-like – like Elvis? - elephant marked “Repube” topped by a yarmulke as electronic presence in everyone’s living room.)


Record goes unnoticed.
June 23, 2005 --" THERE'S an obvious answer to Democrats who claim John Bolton is too abrasive to succeed as President Bush's U.N. ambassador — he spearheaded the successful fight to get the U.N. to reverse its notorious "Zionism is racism" resolution.
The Anti-Defamation League warmly commended him when he did what many had thought impossible in 1991. ADL chief Abe Foxman wrote a letter backing his so-far stalled nomination as U.N. envoy this spring.
"We will long remember him as a man of principle and integrity who, as assistant secretary of state for international organizations, played a leading role in the successful U.S. effort to repeal the infamous 'Zionism is racism' resolution," he wrote

****. again
Bush critics call for more troops in Iraq
AP - 2 hours, 47 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Congressional critics of President Bush's stay-the-course commitment to the war in Iraq argued Wednesday that the administration lacks sufficient troops on the ground to mount a successful counterinsurgency. Democrats in particular criticized Bush for again raising the Sept. 11 attacks as a justification for the protracted fight in Iraq after the president proclaimed anew that he plans to keep U.S. forces there as long as necessary to ensure peace.




Bush OKs Shake-Up of Spy Agencies
AP - 1 hour, 47 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - President Bush, embracing nearly all of the recommendations of a blue-ribbon intelligence commission, said Wednesday he was creating a national security service within the FBI to specialize in intelligence as part of a shake-up of the nation's disparate spy agencies. A fact sheet describing the White House's broad acceptance of the panel's suggestions said that three recommendations would be studied and that one unidentified recommendation — which was classified — was being rejected.

June 29, 2005
The Jailing of Judith Miller

“Thus, if the reporters resist the coercion of the loss of their freedom, the prosecutor can blame them for his inability to go to trial on the "heavy" charge. But if they cave in, he can get some headlines on the ancillary charge of false statements. (I have known Judy Miller, a superb and intrepid reporter, for a generation; she'll never betray a source.) "For a generation", huh. Interesting. Could she fool ‘em? – Just get tired of the same old same old..?

Now, this poses an interesting possibility. I dreamt I was WOMBAT9 again, traveling instantaneously through morphogenic TokenSpace, materializing as a KISMET bug on wall of the cubicle where Ms. Miller -- Judy, to Safire – is meeting with her attorney before being whisked off in cuffs. Since the editors of the Times find no problem sending jive black lit hacks to cover BIG KILL news stories …remember Blair on the DC snipers, Muhammed and Malvo?.. and BIG HERO-FEM (a couda been raped by towelheads) .. . for that extra spicey cokehead flavor, X-gen-ed for style …surely they won’t mind a little take-off. (Yucks for the sl-Imus in the morning crowed.)
She can’t believe it. The man is a dead ringer of Ariel Sharon. A look-alike? He flashes his exposed backside and tells her to touch it.

“When they say CIA, What do you say?”
“I say ‘I see you! I love you! Oh My Lord! DO IT DO IT DO IT’”

He turns around and smacks her. Hard. She cowers like Hedda pleasuring Joel. “THAT”S RIGHT, BITCH ..BUT YOU CAN”T SAY IT! ARE YOU CRAZY?”

“I mean…we’ve got a situation here. Take off your panties.”
“Already did. Hotter’n a pistol deeooown thar …Are you saying …its shootout time with Chalabi?” – like The Good, the Ba….”
“SHUT THE F**K UP BITCH! You can’t keep from talking too much, can you …stick this in it… Oooh … Now …Here’s a fist….Next, you are going to do Bill Frist…”


“yeah…Is that a voodoo bug up there on the door?”

“Where’s curveball? Its always assholes.”

“You got it.”
Sketch of a script in progress.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Unfolding Disaster

Posted at:

This applies Quadrant analysis to the cross-section of major current events in TokenSpace, with link references here.

One connecting vignette shows how the situation is and where it is moving. CNN 'political analyst' Bill Shneider, commenting on what the unfavorable polls on Bush portend, gushes forth with "but the Republicans are pulling together behind their president." That's optimiz-talk for the fact that fewer of them than Democrats disapproved of way Bush is handling his job. They are "coming together"; Dems are"pulling apart"

This is the Wizard of Oz, the man behind the curtain, putting the final touches on the Quadrant II set-up. This is the addressed audience, past participle "-ed" sector of Tokenspace. It is the defacto container of what is occurring throughout the realm addressed individual sign-use> it is partly projective,since it is only through a kind of dull imagination that such a thing as "the collective content of group-consciousness" can even occur as a 'notion" (Hegel). But it is also objective, in the sense of independently constituted, as a set of relationships. To all intents and purposes, it is as fixed as the fixed stars. No single voice can pierce it. It is a process ("group-process": the totality of individual members of a group's relation to it, and to each other, through it* (*signs of identification, e.g., use of "God")) that posits its own morphological resonance, in Sheldrake's terms.

The process taking place whenever communication is going on begins in the segment of the anatomy that supplies stimuli directly to thr brain, marked Quadrant I (QI) Nerves carrying ultra minute electronic impulses that reach the brain fall on one of two termini: organs of external percetion (eye, ear, nose, throat, skin), or organs of internal 'proprioception' (bladder, penis, liver, stomach, chest). These fall into Qualitative, vrs quasi-qualitative (including 'unhappy consciousness' - Hegel, from uncomfortable "-ing" feedback). The first phase or moment of sign-use processing is the sweeping of the results of two kinds of neurone discharges into the area where they can be mixed. This would be (hypothesis; see Wilson) the arms of the fornix, situated where higher-cortical functions, with hippocampal memory, crests over spinal-cranial input, resonant to amygdalan memory.

In the counter-clockwise Alpha loop (QI-QII-QIII-QIV), the processes of individual consciousness in QIII cannot occur except by receiving data from QII -- what we process as individuals has always been first processed by the group, and that is retained in the sub-recall mem-system of QII-QIII.

The Beta loop (QII-QI-QIV-QIII), also running counter-clockwise but in opposite direction, passes through a lower-level "mem loop" in the QI-QIV segment. This overlays the feed-back from QIV, as the anxiety over "-ing" -ing, when the person knows what they are doing is not "square with the world" is taken up into organ-tension and swept into quasi-qualitative content.

What is gained by unfolding communication as an event on the Four Quadrant Tablet is a way of exhibiting connections of autonomous, real domains unlinked except through the communication process. An acausal connecting principle between people; a trans-dimensional (transcendental) pre-logical connecting principle of all sign-uses on the token side -- all S* threads tangent from the nested hierarchy of 7 token types of content. (QIII - content of consciousness under sign-use)

We seek contact with what will address and complete us "from the other side" whenever we address an audience to communicate. (Freud called dreams "communication not meant for anyone.") The tesseract is posited as "someone or something coming from the other side to meet us". This was realized as an objective state of consciousness in pre-historical Egypt, according to G.

Note: The two bold-face statements connect to show that the memory loop on the Alpha-loop sequence can serve to block consciousness in communication from access to its data from the Beta-loop memory.
This would explain why we "forget ourselves" in communication situations. We merge with some fantasy of completion coming to us "from the other side", where God nourishes the Soul. Forget life. And death. Bill Schneider brings news from this Quadrant, telling us what fellow Americans, and Republicans, can be found doing.




For psychosemiotics the word THING is prima materia . Unrefined pure gold.

Hell, IT IS PSYCHOSEMIOTICS IN A NUTRSHELL! … as if what we are doing here (oops) needed a token of its own for neat self-reference. “JUS’ SING-ING A SONG ….– ong–ong …“JUS’ THING –ING ALONG.”

carved board or stone of Australian aborigines, often with hole drilled, attached to a string and whirledd overhead by children as toys; also, special ones becoming sacral, venerated objects whose meaning and use belong to those on earth in The Time Of Dreaming.

Associates with


The Pythagorean bowl universe (see ENDOMORPHS: 3-Dimensions of space with diameter from any given point extending equally to the circumference called “Time”, bounding the outermost circle of fixed stars),
when taken as actually permeating the experienced world, raises….

… the CHURINGA question: Why don’t we hear the spheres?
“Some think it necessary that noise should arise when so great bodies are in motion, since sound does arise from bodies among us which are not so large and do not move so swiftly; and from the sun and moon and from the stars in so great number, and of so great size, moving so swiftly, there must necessarily arise a sound inconceivably great. Assuming these things and that the swiftness has the principle of the harmony of reason of the intervals (distances between planets scaled by ratios of string-pressings, plucked, to give the 7-tone octave – arithmetic ratios Pythagoras perhaps discovered himself – ed.) , they say that the sound of the stars moving on in a circle becomes musical. And since it seems unreasonable that we also do not hear this sound, they say that the reason for this is that the noise exists in the very nature of things, so as not to be distinguishable from the opposite silence; but the distinction of sound and silence lies in their contrast with each other, so that the blacksmiths think there is no difference between them because they are accompanied to the sound, so the same thing happens to men.”

Stone deaf to sphere harmony we’ve grown.

3. Separate the “TH-“ from its “-ING”
The suffix “-ing” is used in English grammar to expresses an ongoing action: dance…dancing; sight…seeing; to be … being. It carries the textual sense of “manifesting”. This misleadingly equates meaning in sign-use, which is manifesting through the token (and intention), and occult powers in objects (e.g., magnets). The point of “-ing” is tokening the participation. “-Ing” is the sound of the Ongoing, as a rushing wind, or song. As a bowler will try to control his ball after its delivery with contorted “body English”, so “verbal English” puts the user (through choice of token) out there with the text in tokenspace (the twinning). It is like saying “now”. Indexed to a specific place and time, according to law of production.

“TH-“ is a two-letter consonant for a sound of great antiquity, pervading ancient Egypt and Mespotamian languages. “Thoth”
is the audiogram of enormous intellectual force felt as the presence of a consciousness in the Pyramid, personified. “TOT” is the way some authorities say its pronunciation should be spelled, softening the “h”. But “h” cannot be ignored, probably surviving for a reason. “THE”, of course, goes over to the definite article Bertrand Russells seized on to make a logical name for himself by analyzing. But it has several other uses, as a token, outside the grammar of logical text. “The ‘the’”, for instance, summons up tokens of units (“the ones…”), prefixes of indefinite referrers (“this, that and the other”), intellectual soul- completion (“theology”), …. Much more could be said about “Th-“, but…

Consider “The Thing”. As the double sign of pure indefiniteness in communication, this goes over into “saying saying nothing”; making it the appropriate movie title for force of Evil created and empowered by fighting “it” (=what is created by the sign-use). “-Ing –ing Along” can degenerate into “pouring from the empty into the Void, without metaphysical context.

4. “-Inging” along with conscious sign-use necessitates feed-back.

The necessity derives from the context of embodied communication, where action begets reaction, push-pull, and the sensitive self-monitoring all-segment consciousness is aware of what is taking place, in an instant in the instance. This is an intractable fact of communication, sealed off as a dinge an sich -- thing in itself – as an adjascent coordinated Quadrant (Quadrant IV, QIV): that which receives and gives back, as a result of, the Action*. Thus, paradoxically, in the Fourth Quadrant, there occurs a genuine Union of Opposites: the deepest, innermost data of gross body self-observation – “How’m I doin ?” is linked in communication, along a seam stitching the 7 Token types of assign-use for the individual, with “What reality is telling us.”

This is why Quadrant IV is named “the –ing”. It contains nothing more, in itself, than content dumped into it from the other three, as the result of the QI-QII-QIII- -IV progression in a counter-clockwise loop over the top, in an imaginary cycle activating the systems and functions, such as memory, require to “kick in” in the process from INPUT (QI) to OUTPUT (QIV), through the center twice, gong and coming, ever under completion). This dynamic geometrical lay-out, on the Tablet of Tablets, closes the systems that generate sign-use on themselves, while not closing them off from external and internal sources of fresh data. The full schema of the 7-Token Type model of conscious sign-use is the major single construct, the Bible of psychosemiotics (under constant fine-tuning and revision-through-application)

5. Other fascinating Thing ‘s

-Do your own …
-It’s all the ….
-The … is…
-If it ain’t one damned … its another
-The play is the…
-The …. of this world shall pass away

Monday, June 27, 2005



SPACE: The order of simultaneity extended indefinitely in three directions perpendicular and parallel to any given point relative to a person’s body, at a given time. (Kant)

TOKENSPACE: Space as a medium of communication.
“Tokens” (the word) is used here,
even as instances of what it stands for
are used universally,
as a Sign, in its manifest (‘shown’) empirical side as the vehicle of a text…(“meaning”)

(Token is a token … a token token … the token of tokens – its instance instantiates both sides of its use. A token that is its own text; a predicate that is predicate of itself.)

What the use of a sign, S*, communicates as a duality will be a mixture of its textual content, ranging over the full spectrum of reality communicated under conscious sign-use; and what is communicated by the token. This is a deliberate conjunction of the dualism intrinsic to psychosemiotics (text and token) with Sigmund Freud's theory of the Unconscious as verified by free association to dream content. The First of the 7 levels of content of consciousness under sign-use (QIII) is actual dreams, as it is they provide the first translation of strictly quantitative (neural) input to the brain into signs. However, it needs cautioning that the use of an actual sign, say the word "thing", communicates by the behavioral/attitudinal adjuncts that go with 'acting out', also; therefore, the lowermost rank of tokens given in sleep by Great Nature should not be identified with any wholly contained content.

Each sign-use is a twinned thread. Standing in logical relations to other signs (existing only in TknSpc, not space itelf),through grammar; and standing related to other adjascent sign-uses by templates. Textual order given by grammar for signs qua text; "slot-occupancy" order of tokens given by template underneath (model: slot-machine endomorphs on separate wheels all stopping as if by magic on 7 apples! -- for instance the template of Group-sacrifice-for-rebirth, barely conscious (and then by ritual, only), is now spread out over continents, eons, entire grammatical regimes. (A war to make the world safe for those who live to commit war....but I digress)


TABLET: Whatever a + cross-lines representing the directions Up-
Down, Left-Right on any plane surface smoothed out for the purpose is a tablet. Held in front of one’s eyes, with the Quadrants formed by the intersection labeled as indicated (scrambled a bit here, but hopefullt decipherable) displays the schema of Greek Pythagorean universe, from any point inside or on its surface (see below)

PROBLEM: To represent whatever exists in space in tokenspace in One System of Sign-Use, with all parts in thoroughgoing interrelation to others, INCLUDING THE PROCESSES OF THE INSCRIBER and inscription. It is this last provision, not accurately attended to by the Greeks, that has accumulated into the grammar of deformity of todays psychology. This cannot be explained all at once, but neither can it be lopped off in passing. Later, more.


Comments in general terms.

Ipsidixit: S* is a token that belongs exclusively to the field of relations to all other S*. This is designated by hypothesis to be consciousness. Quadrant III (QIII) is designated as the container in TKNSPC of all the contents of an individual consciousness under sign-use. This is all content generated by perception of an object, with sound of its name, passively internally received, responding actively externally, in reply, showing a self-awareness of content otherwise unconnected except through memory – this used, as a product of abstraction, as a wholly-contained content of the upper triad to re-project by predicating on. This is a mechanism of creating true text from its own tokens in this metaphysical bootstrapping manner, but a critique cannot be given off-handedly, because there are genuine content of the upper triad higher-dimensional content bonds with.

Quadrant II: (QII) the audience

Sign-uses are products that resound through consciousness, with self-consciousness (“I mean this…!), in consonance with what is assumed to be a consciousness in the Other. This would, in fact, define the act of communicating: the successful conjoining of conscious content by two or more persons through use of signs. This, of course, may not be verifiable in every context, as the movie 2001 about HAL, the computer, shows, but it is the paradigm built into the actual form of communication as “addressed to someone … out there … an audience”, a ‘something’ receptive to the output of Sign-use, as an expressive phenomenon.


The First and Original Audience, if deMause’s fetal origins of experience holds good, is the Placenta/Mother – Space as Womb-surround. The psychological meaning of space, as common objective container of all body, is the continuation of sense of being contained, as children on earth under the sky, within the body of a single Mother. The Space of the starry heavens, with Mother Nut, night sky, alternating with The Bull of heaven, Osirus (in one body) for ancient Egyptian horizon watchers. The placenta is draw as one of the letters of their pictorial hieroglyphic writing, and, deMause, records, the pharoah’s actual ones raised up on poles, used first “flags” with his “soul” in it. The sense of the sacred infused with perceptions the divining orbits, perpetual presences as spirits hidden by the sun’s brightness, but shining through as if on a finer, higher cosmic bandwidth: the Sun in the Sun – Sirius behind Sol. We keep pouring ourselves out into that, as if it were not the Void, our whole lives through, undaunted, because only that will ‘something’ from the ‘other side’ be able to make contact.

Adding time …
“The Presence of the Past” – Rupert Sheldrake

Anti-reductionist (but…please see end)

Contrasting the metaphysics of “the reductionist spirit of the atomistic philosophy” with “the hypothesis of formative causation … in the spirit of the philosophy of organism”, Rupert Sheldrake writes that the latter

“…regards the morphic fields of systems at all levels of complexity as fundamental rather than derivative from the known fields of physics.” (“The Presece od the Past,” p. 300)

I call this a metaphysical “birds of a feather” analogy. Each thing, of each species, manifesting adaptive reproductional behavior in an environment, posits its own self-defining causal relations in an environment consonant with its particular scale and vibration of being – wasps with wasps, flies with horses, earthquakes with tsunamis, and so on. “Morphological fields”, he calls individual-consonant environments. “From this point of view, the matter fields of quantum physics could be regarded as the morphic fields of particles, nuclei and atoms. But just as the different kinds of subatomic field cannot be reduced to each other, neither can the morphic fields of holons such as cells, plants, and societies be reduced to each other and still less to the fields of sub-atomic particles.”

Pythagoras: The Universe Is Right-handed.

This is the metaphysical pivot: the reality of worlds within world, within … One world (the Monad). What Sheldrake calls the “reductionistic spirit” of the old philosophy of atomism was heralded in the early scientific worldviews of the Pythagoras, 6th century B.C. Greek mathematician-mystic-philosopher, so any defense of organismus is advised to start here..

Their picture of the universe was of a vast bowl that contains motion as appearance, or ‘seeming’: “The right hand of the universe is the eastern part from which comes the beginning of motion, and the left hand side is the west. They say the universe has neither height nor depth, I which statement height means distance from below upwards, and depth from above downwards. For none of the distances thus described exist for the universe, inasmuch as it is disposed around the middle of itself, from which it extends toward the all, and with reference to which it is the same on every side. (Doxographica 302, Act.i.7) This resonates strongly across some 2000 intervening years with G.W. Leibniz’ Monadology, in which the One “mirrors itself” in each part as “disposed around the middle of itself;” as if each were a “centre”. This is also the picture of the Absolute Self-reflexive Hologram as ultimate reality. It seems undeniable that human speech is working through the problem of distinguishing personal space, enfolding each ME, from objective space, encompassing each ME in ONE ME. The cozy anthropological reading of the universe as Right-hand = East, Left-Hand = West traces surely to Egypt, where the flowing of the River Nile cut the sky above through the earth above South-North. If the right-angled perpendicular to true North-South is drawn from the Ghiza Pyramid/Sphinx complex along the 30th parallel line East, the sight-line would fall on the horizon on points of the seasonal cycle defining the yearly journey of the sun south, to the right, until it hits “winter solstice”, at which point it “returns” to the upper hemispheres, moving leftward across the horizon a little each day. On certain “days” of the cosmos the equinox point will align with the 30th parallel, as if the lion with a man’s head had been put on earth, at that spot, to watch for that moment. The rock-solid accurate precision in the orbit of bodies swirling around earth, “above”, matches the unfailing transition from one season to the other in the cycle of seasons on earth “below.”
The accuracy of Pythagoras’ model is shown by this projection of five circles “from below” onto the heavens: “The sphere of the whole heaven is divided into five circles, which they call zones; the first of these is called the arctic zone and is ever visible (read: in northern latitudes); the second the summer solstice, the third the equinoctial, the forth the winter solstice, the fifth the antarctic zone, which is invisible..”

This is a projection of the plane of the ecliptic between the two solstices. In right-angle geometry facing North, this is the ‘tilt’ of 23+ degrees in right-angle geometry in the line connecting the centers of earth-sun, and the huge X in the sky that mark its “Four Corners.” “And the ecliptic called the zodiac in the three middle ones (“zones”, above) is projected to touch the three middle ones. And the meridian crosses all these from the north to the opposite quarter at right angles. It is said that Pythagoras was the first to recognize the slant of the zodiacal circle which Oenopides of Chios appropriated as his own discovery.”

Brief excursion into false use of genetics.

If the practice of geneticizing deep differences continues (see above, for the attempt to ground political preferences between “left” and “right” on genetic bias, based on separated-twin research) is to a halt brought here. If gayness and criminality can be ttraced to genetric inheritance, surely … handed-ness? An instinctual direction- orientation gene? . There are people who are seldom, if ever, spatially disoriented, whereas others have only to emerge from a different side of an elevator to find themselves confused. What organic reactions running through the eentral nervous system processing get translated into “instinctual preference”, or irrational impulses. Is it irrational to have the urge to chop the head off a snake? Horses are shy of them.

The metaphysical worse would be treating deficits imposed by systemic abuse as genetic defects. This is the terror of the baby-boomer ME mentality. It, itself, was defined under a deficit order of post WWII religio-political entrepreneurs called “neocons”, sprouting Big Bucks for Big Bangs. Imposed by them was/is a psychosemiotic being- regime of Monotheized Morality, leading to the perverse inverse of sublimated positions. It is a being-regime because it subsumes a particular set of personal human responses to words for themselves, and the group, which define what they ARE, in the use, itself. These are the “squares”, the “we are the good guys”, “we do what is right,” “we are aligned with the universe,” and, best and brightest “poor servant children doing God’s will.” People can be brought to participate, even to want to participate, in maintaining the grammar of a reality is destroying them in the process.

Global Model of the Universe: one diameter-line of space extending indefinitely from the three directions of lines perpendicular and parallel to each other from a given point on or within The Monad; any movement of that point is along a single line of time (curved as a Circumference). This is one reading of Pythagoras’ dome:
“Pythagorians said that time is the sphere of what surrounds the world.” (Aristotle, Metaphysics 1.21) “Pythagoras first named time the circumference of all things the universe by reason of the order in it.”

Reductionism as a metaphysics

. In the context of logically reconstructed discourse, reductionism means that all statements about (referring to) one type of things, say sub-atomic particles, could be replaced by statements referring to other types of things, say human bodies. Metaphysical “reductionism” on these terms would be the claim that the final, ideal logical language includes no names for intermediate things between sub-atomic particles and human mating behavior, whereas Sheldrake is reminding those inclined to this view that the reduction doesn’t even hold for the step from atoms to molecules. Each level of morphological field

What is most real, the thing, behaving as it does according to its nature (genetic, we now know to be the case for living things), or the sustaining fields consonant with their nature? Both exist simultaneously at all ratios of space-time coordination, constituting “nested hierarchies of fields: the fields of molecules contain and embrace those of atoms, nuclei, and subatomic particles; the fields of cells contain and embrace those of molecules; and so on.”

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Beyond surreal - Sharon's dick on our nuke trigger

Beyond Surreal - Sharon’s dick on our nuke trigger
This will quickly become "yesterday's news confluence." No matter. WHenever the archives of Amenti are summoned, this will be There.
What the chimp says...

“The images we see on television are a grim reminder that the enemies of freedom in Iraq are ruthless killers with no regard for human life," Bush said in his weekly radio address. Saturday, June 25, 2005


The images referred to appeared under Yahoo news headline “Iraq Violence Overshadows Diplomatic initiative,” were pictures of “Persistant violence that killed at least 32 people and wounded dozens more”, climaxing the bloodiest two days since Falluja, reports said.

Also: “Iran is ‘Out of Step’ with region: U.S. State Department…(says) after hardliner Muhmood Ahmaninejed won presidential election condemned in Washington as flawed.” Looks like Reagan’s secret strategy of reaching out to moderates in Iran while playing hard-line at home, has finally come around full circle with a bucket of nukes slopped back in “Washington”’ – Rove/Bush/Guckert/Shiavo/Pat Robert’s “Washington”’s -- face. Translation: panic time. Shi’ia on the rise. The battle for the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people just went south to Tehran. They finally just said No to the BS.

Further: irony of ironies, Rove-Bush squallateers now must deliver the prod the liberal Jews:
Jews courted in battle over Bolton
Jewish Telegraphic Agency

WASHINGTON - The White House is pressing American Jewish organizations to speak out in favor of John Bolton, President Bush's choice for U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, as Republicans push for votes to approve him.

Comment posted: There is a double finesse going on. John Bolton is the epitome of what two major groups hate -- true conservative Republicans, for his Zionist neocon war-for-Israel weltshmertz; and liberal Jews, for his right-wing military/industrial anti-liberal social policies. What makes this odd, and takes it beyond irony several steps, is that many in the core of these two groups --- true conservative Republicans, and liberal Jews -- feel the same way toward each other.
We’ve got a true Union-of-Opposites – aka psychotic – situation.

Why add Kansas’ Sen. Roberts to the Poisonous Python butt-boy list? Here’s why:
June 25, 2005
Senate Committee Head Wants Bush to Stand by Bolton
WASHINGTON, June 24 - The Republican chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Friday that it would be a mistake for the White House to bend further to Democratic demands related to John R. Bolton's handling of intelligence material.
In an interview, the chairman, Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas, said he now expected that President Bush would grant a recess appointment to Mr. Bolton, whose nomination as ambassador to the United Nations has been blocked by Senate Democrats for more than a month.
Looks like he had a little chat with someone in the men’s closet. Maybe a little deep-throating in Rosslyn’s garage told him to flash? Here’s the little gig they hatched:

“Mr. Roberts had sought until now to serve as an intermediary between the White House and Senate Democrats in the matter. But he said he believed that the administration had gone far enough, and that a recess appointment expiring in January 2007 and perhaps renominated after that, would be preferable to the potential security risks of providing Congress with wider access to names in the N.S.A. reports.”

Call this “end run democracy” – end run around democracy, debasing use of the term for its reversal, tyranny of terror. .

Can’t help wondering: What makes that list of names Bolton collected so special that even showing it to the U.S. Senate threatens national security? Does it include pacts with foreign governments (Israel) non-corformable with national interests, and laws? – perhaps compromising American interests and U.S. security? If so, then the Republican Party becomes the official Party of Treason, circumventing all lawful constraints to impose its will by force. It becomes the enemy of America, the world, itself, committed to putting Bolton’s finger near the nukes?

Might as well be Sharon’s dick.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Red-Heads and Rosslyns

Red-Heads and Rosslyns


Reds tend to be anti-good.

Genesis 24.22 “But the children struggled together within her (Rebekah, Isaac’s wife), and she said “If all is well, why am I like this?...And the Lord said unto her “Two nations are in your womb, …when her days were fulfilled for her to give birth, indeed there were twins in her womb. And the first came out red. He was like a hairy garment all over, so they called his name Esau.”

Plutarch records that Typhon (*Python, Seth, Sith), killer of his brother Osiris. “had red hair and in colour resembled an ass”.

The Merovingian kings of southern France were an exceptional breed of redheads. They were good, though, not anti-good -- except to medieval Catholicism, which had Dagobert II murdered, according to accepted history..

PART II Rosslyns

Rosslyn Castle, Rosslyn Chappel in The DaVinci Code (Dan Brown, ch.104), Rosslyn, Va., underground parking garage where Deep Throat and Woodward hooked up to do Watergate.



-Only here. These connections cannot be found anywhere else. (Will acknowledge, qualify or retract any claim shown to be wrong.)

The Greek historian believed Osiris, Typhon, Isis (whom he associates with the Dog-Star, Sirius) and Horus (whom he associates with Orion) were “demi-gods” – giants and Titans – who were “translated” into “Gods”, who had to be purely good as the mixed god-man beings were not. “She herself (Isis) and Osiris, translated for their virtues from good demigods into gods, as wee Heracles and Dionysius later, not incongruously enjoy double honors, both those of gods and those of demigods, and their powers extend everywhere, but are greatest in the regions above the earth and beneath the earth.” (part 2, par. 27) What he means by “translation” is spelled out. It consists in taking Isis’ act in reviving Osiris as also “a lesson in godliness and an encouragement for men and women who find themselves in the clutch of like calamities.” As psychosemiotic process, this is a “doubling” of text x token in sign-use, converting the name of special objects into names of the qualities or latencies that make them ‘special’ -- mostly reactive associations on the token (subjective) side (not in the object). The same process occurs in the phrases “Lord of Lords”, “Marduk of Destinies”, “goodness of the good”, “Form of Forms”, Idea of ideas”, and so forth. The name of the great Egyptian Goddess, then, translates the feeling ‘Isis’ evokes in imagination, to the sense of ‘Her’ presence as a grace. She’s half-way to deity. Re-projected, as if the Isis qualities emanated from a source of their own, worshipped on Mother’s Day, “Goddess” She becomes. Re-projected again, onto the surreally beautiful star Sirius, brightest star in the early morning sky, hanging just above the horizon under Orion, with Betelguesse and Rigel matching brilliances. The rising sun returning from its winter regions in the south, the sun will soon burst over the horizion at the equinox point, with the Nile river’s re-vivifying flood on it way, momentarily aligning Sirius, the Son, the 30th parallel and the Great Pyramic comples at Ghiza.

This second re-projection is the objective astronomical basis of the notion of “Sun of the Sun”. The condensed, super-focused celestial star-light, represented by Isis, is “in”, “behind”, “through” the Sun-light (also Osiris, as Apis Bull sacrificed as Memphis) at this Holy season. Plutarch says explicitly: “the vessel which the Greeks call Argo (space vehicle), in form like the ship of Osiris, has been set up among the constellations in his honour, and its course lies not far from that of Orion and the Dog-star; of these the Egyuptians believe that one is sacred to Horus and the other to Isis.” Now: the double relation signified by “Sun in the Sun” – Isis in Osiris/Sirius in Sol – is shown to have an objective correlation it could be said to “stand for”, or “represent”. The otherwise puzzling, if not bizarre parts of the narrative become intelligible through the symbology of this. The “Eye of Horus”, singlemost prominent single sign in the Pyamid Texts, becomes “what watches us the closest illuminating orb from afar, with higher, greater, deeper love for ‘us’. It is what was born of dead Osiris, killed and dismembered into 13 pieces by Seth, and Isis his sister, who found, bound, completed with a phallus made of sycamore wood, and with the help of Thoth (“Hermes”) impregnated herself with Horus. His, then, by this lineage, would have been the Eye watching and guiding the Pharaos and priests with relentless Order.

The objective notion of “Sun in the Sun” can be flipped over to “Sight in the Seeing-eye”; as the finer degree of light in Sirius is in Sols harsh, hot glare, so consciousness of seeing is in the eye seeing sky. This is a completion loop conjoining objective and subjective ‘doubles’ through sign-use (the names, with comments on their use). Knowledge of the connection of both sides is a second-level, psychosemiotic meta-loop. Conjoining the double doubles, as if one original plan, or intelligence, shaped both the objective content and the way it would be communicated to human beings goes beyond, back behind, the notions of propositional truth in alphabetic languages. In terms of formal geometry, a figure representing time as the fourth dimension of space as scripted on tablets in TokenSpace, called the tesseract, and drawn with intersecting up-down pointing equilateral triangles, is the figure that shows this pre-conceptual formal connection.

The powers of of Isis and Osiris, the above quote says, “extend everywhere, but are greatest in the regions above the earth and beneath the earth.” The “regions beneath the earth” are singled out as being taken literally, not just symbolically. “Morever, among the Egyptians many other proper names are real words; for example, that place beneath the earth, to which they believe tht souls depart after the end of this life, they call Amenthes, the name signifying “the one who gives and receives.” But on the token side (!) it is oh so much more. It is a dead-ringer for “Amenti” as in “The Halls of Amenti”, Bk. II of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth.

The Halls of Amenti
Deep in Earth's heart lie the Halls of Amenti,
far 'neath the islands of sunken Atlantis,
Halls of the Dead and halls of the living,
bathed in the fire of the infinite ALL.
Far in a past time, lost in the space time,
the Children of Light looked down on the world.
Seeing the children of men in their bondage,
bound by the force that came from beyond.
Knew they that only by freedom from bondage
could man ever rise from the Earth to the Sun.
Down they descended and created bodies,
taking the semblance of men as their own.
The Masters of everything said after their forming:
"We are they who were formed from the space-dust,
partaking of life from the infinite ALL;
living in the world as children of men,
like and yet unlike the children of men."

It appears that Plutarch is ignorant of the Alexandrian Hermetic material in which this connection is made. Thoth is called “Hermes” in the narrative myth, and virtually ignored, even though he was trans-regional, known as Ningishzidda in Sumer and Babylon, assisting the olden god Ninurta construct the still extant 7-step Gudea ziggarut pyramid in the Iraq’s Girsu of present day Iraq (circa 2200 b.c.) Greek jealousy of Egyptian superiority in astronomy may be showing here, for Thoth was very much linked with the linkage of heaven and earth, having “come (=materialized?) from” the star Rigel, in Orion. (Rigel, Regal, Rigalia) He is also the one from Atlantis who was sent, before it sank, to colonize the upper Nile and begin human civilization. If Egyptian Amenthes is the Emerald Tablets’ Amenti, as seems almost certain, the question of the reality of these underground Halls, from which poured powers destructive of life on earth, assumes not just theological but metaphysical importance. Grammar could be shaped to give proper logical “true or false?” representation that permanently seals off the two parts of the tesseract from ever combining. At this point it can be said that if the “Hermes Trismegistus” recognized in Alexandria is “Thrice Great” because it is Henmes/Thoth “born” on earth on the three occasions of Atlantis, ancient Egypt, and Sumerian events connection heaven-earth (“ENDURANKI”, sacred precinct Kish where kingship was bestowed on humanity by ENLIL/NINURTA votaries).

Thothic communication begin with The Emerald Tablets. A single system in a single historical narrative unfolds there. Connections made in a few simple words bear astronomical import. For a human intellect seeking to understand its origins, they supply “the other side.” All this had been completed before the next Trinity was announced. In TokenSpace, its advent was in Bethlehem, near ancient Jerusalem. Many centuries pass before the two Trinities, with their older and newer Octaves of penetration, will meet again as objective knowledge in Boethius’ Quadriviuum.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Anti-Hegelian Kabalah

Metaphysics, Sign-Use and Christology as the Hinge of History

Anti-Hegelian Kabalaism

By Sid Thomas

“A self having knowledge purely of itself in the absolute antithesis of itself, this pure ether as such, is knowledge in universal form; is the very soil where science flourishes.The beginning of philosophy presupposes or demands from consciousness that it shouldfeel at home in this element. But this element only attains its perfect meaning andacquires transparency through the process of gradually developing (within) it.” From Hegel’s Phenomenlogy of Spirit, paragraph 26

This passage presents a three-fold dialectical unfolding of the opposites in Hegelian terms: of God into Man (first absolute antithesis overcome in the Incarnation); of Humanity as a species into the Individual (second absolute antithesis overcome in history); of Childhood consciousness into individualized singularity (third absolute antithesis overcome in personal life; chrysalis to flower). The maturity of human consciousness, in him, from infancy to manhood, points the way to a pure energy of self-awareness while in the body. And in it sits Hegel, himself, incarnate. As honest philosopher -- of the Spirit, no less-- he would have told us if he had been disembodied while writing those and other words of his magnificent system, as Paul did (Acts. 9.3). No, he was there. Perhaps he was not aware of his body, with its brain functions, at the moment of writing – the sited, dated finite events taking place while the words were penned might not have included such – but a body present one must supposed there surely was. THAT in sublated form, is what is in absolute opposition to consciousness as site of TokenSpace,since the text written thereon sustains logical relations. By using the term “ether”, a metaphor from the alchemical principle of Air, Hegel has sublated cortical brain-hum to the space of John Locke’s “impressions in the mind’.* Realists and idealists in the old metaphysical sense experience the same conscious content, from the same kinds of anatomical arousals, they construct what is real within it differently, by different grammars of sign-use. What Hegel affirms Reality to be is what is in absolute antithesis to the body as an object in three-dimensional space. That Dualism was first “impressed” on the to-be personal ego-consciousness in the womb in the psychological tension between fetus and placenta, as has been found out, meaning “we” – each later “me” to be – are born with a pre-disposition to react with impulses pro-, and con -; “innately”, or “instinctually”, as was programmed before birth in utero, then sealed off from conscious recollection by the trauma of birth, itself.
Some transitions from one sign to another in TokenSpace recogniozable as ‘logical’,
according to an unknown law, which in an anatomical based system such as this, are
counted as transformed by off-line conscious processing. For example, from the
experience Hegel was having of himself, through the processes supporting them, to a verbal equivalent-by-displacement, directing the discharge of their psychodynamic energy toward other objects.. This would be the site (anatomical) at which the energy of cortical brain functions pushes over onto the sub-cortical, hippocampal circuits activating the amygdalan, with neither stirring up disruptive memory content. What is written on the tabula rosa, then, was not distinguished by Locke as token or text. Sensations and Signs are side-by-side in TokenSpace. The extra loop of brain-functions required to thread use of signs in sentences signifying internal quality-states (including the very particles the visual or aural stimuli arouse upon reaching the brain) that communicate textual content goes unrecognized. The fire is lit by means of which we see, but it does not yet see itself seeing, and therefore is in antithesis to the representation of the body as “ether.” Actually, ether, including oxygen in the air we breath, completes the highest-frequency brain-wave emissions by refreshing red blood cells. (Internal feed-back loop adjustable from the side of consciousness.)
When “God”, sign of Lord of all TokenSpace, is used IN TokenSpace as the name of a
particular object (by one who pronounces it), the Sublation its proper use as a text of a higher order of experience is lost. “He” becomes “It” – Mr. God, Absolute name (of nothing but its own sound echoing). To prevent this is one purpose His Son dying
served. It kept YHWH God votaries from killing in His name. When it, without the
Son’s mediation, if re-inserted into History, as Hegel comes close to doing with his
metaphysics of Spirit consciousness, loss of sublation turns the once higher sign-use
rancid. What was once bathed in the light of Love is drug through the swamps of hate.That is surely what will happen if media-adepts start Hegelianizing the kaballah on TV.
What’s up with the Tetragrammaton? This shows where pop-mysticism is going. From the Gematria Website: , “It must be emphasized that these different calculations are not mere mathematical exercises. Rather each different numerical equivalent represents a different aspect of Divine influence.
The most classic use of these alternate miluim is with regard to Divine Name Havayah (spelled: yud, hei, vav, hei). The gematria of the letters themselves is 26. However, with the milui, different figures are reached dependent on how the vav and hei are spelled.
Following are the principal miluim of the Name Havayah discussed in Kabbalah:
Havayah of 72 Havayah of 63 Havayah of 45 Havayah of 52
yud yud, vav, dalet =20 yud, vav, dalet =20 yud, vav, dalet =20 yud, vav, dalet =20 hei hei, yud =15 hei, yud =15 hei, alef =6 hei, hei =10
vav vav, yud, vav =22 vav, alef, vav =13 vav, alef, vav =13 vav, vav =12
hei hei, yud =15 hei, yud =15 hei, alef =6 hei, hei =10
total milui =72 total milui =63 total milui =45 total milui =52
These four sums, 72, 63, 45, 52, correspond themselves to the four letters of God's
name Havayah (and the ten sefirot) as follows:
Letter of Havayah Havayah of:
The Ten Sefirot
yud 72 Chochmah Insight, wisdom
hei 63 Binah Understanding
vav 45 chesed to Yesod The Emotional Attributes
hei 52 malchut Kingship
Each of the letters hei, vav, hei of the Name Havayah possesses three variant spellings. Thus, there are 27 (3 to the 3rd) possible miluim of Holy Name. There are thirteen possible numerical equivalents ranging from 44 to 72, with a midpoint of 58 (= chen). When added together, the total of all the miluim is 1521, which equals 39 squared. Thirty-nine is the numerical equivalent of Hashem Echad ("God is One"). The four forms of the Name Havayah cited above are considered to be the most essential forms and each correspond to a different letter of God's name, as above. When their sum, 232, is divided by four, the number 58 (= chen) is again reached. Similarly, 232 is numerically equivalent to yehi or ("Let there be light"), the first of the utterances of Creation.
With due respect to the power of Hegel’s system, it is rendered helpless by this assault on truth in Tokenspace. With rabiis predicating on “G-d/YHWH” in their Temples, and neo-kabballah mystics decoding the secret numbers of the universe transmitted thereby, what was sublated through Spirit is de-sublimated through sex. Madonna opening up Hotel Kabala for the kuwalas.
Tokenspace per se, as was just seen, was equated with the Phenomenal Spirit by
Hegel. This purity, as a position of consciousness, has no defense against the kabalastic Sepherioth inserted into the starry metaphysical Heavens. Yet a defense must befound, for the project feeds off transcendental illusion. It substitutes a subjectiveclosure of TokenSpace for the objective One, when it is not even square with itself. This makes it a vortex of non-being. The proof that it is not square with itself lies in the antinomies its grammar is pregnant with. (nothing is something).
Hegel does not understand the power of tokens to import content. For instance, he treats “God” in the following passage as the subject of a sentence asserting attributes –scathing in his denunciation of Godtalk by his contemporaries. “The need to think of the Absolute as subject, has led men to make use of statements like “God is eternal:. “the moral order of the world’. “love”, etc. In such propositions the truth is just barely stated to be Subject, but not set forth as the process of reflectively mediating itself with itself. In a proposition of that kind we begin with the word God. By itself this is a meaningless sound, a mere name; the predicate says afterwards what it is, gives it content, and meaning: the empty beginning becomes real knowledge only when we thus get to the end of the statement.” But this glosses over the token (sound of the word “god”) to get to the text (use of the sound a as subject of predication), If what has been advanced at great length and pains above is correct, however, the token communicates its own content; and this, in particular unique case, goes over by immediate association to “YHWH” (for Judeo-Christians; “NINURTA” etc. for Sumerians). The processing loop passed through arouses deepest psycho-historical content as amygdalan memory. This psychic force cannot be resisted if engaged head-on, but will overwhelm rational ego-systems for relating to reality until stopped. Hegel’s God is the One from which all Reality flows, as predicates of Subject Absolute.
This give a metaphysical seat of consciousness, but only through God as Absolute. The problem of non-being unsolved. Parmenides does not yield. However, within the One, as pure emanation of Being, there unfolds the Form of the Trinity in the Quadriviuum. These were the mathematical sciences recognized by medieval universities: Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy. This objective ground of formal science remain, but it is not learned or taught as a unity anywhere today.

Eye of Hours

Dedicated to recovering meanings
in events
buried under hyper-rabid flow of hyper-rapid communication content,
defying dissimulation, even,
forget rational (welcome, though).

Forever working, here's a riddle to play with to the next post. What do 2005 - 1975 - 1945 - 1915 have in common? (Forget Fibonaci -- Dan Brown's next. I want to do a special blog on Rosslyn Castle to which he will be invited to respond.)

--here's mucking stall's for you, kid... Trailride to destiny


which the super-rapid flow of events is propelled along, but define historical group by analysis of its use of signs. From:
-science (instance: Parmenides. The Trinity in the Quadriviuum -- arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy)