Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Emotional Life of America Today (9.23.10)

9.23.'10 f => 24 Friday => 26 Saturnsday

Beyond deMause -- Demon Unborn (Aleister Crowley's narrative)


Lloyd deMause's work gives academics, especially philosophers, the heebejeebies.

Basic to the criticism is its pretentious sign-use -- predicating on what individuals personally experience and remember in different ways, as if there were one "we", and here was a spokesperson for it as a totality. His dismissal of the term "soul", for instance, as "parents via placenta, not God". This leaves intact the hypothesis that advanced members of the human species arrived at translations of this term -- a token -- for communicating the inner site of evolutionary mammalian brain development. Which, together w/ amygdalan memory, would contain earliest engravings on fetal nervous systems. Which, as a well-formed functional site in the anatomy, would be necessary for deep "We"-bonding in conversation with others: first, as performance (hence the importance of sound; 'clicks' don't sound like soul-talk); second, as discourse (projective nominative text --"how's your soul, bro?". Its textual use as a nominative sustains its projective force.

The grammar of Christianity's use of "soul" has never been laid out, in my view, in a way today's intellectual community-at-large-can understand and relate to. I want to remedy that, here, using the device of quotation marks and asterisks (according to rules explained elsewhere) to sententially thread very condensed content. The content is linked through them to an analysis of communication formalized in psychosemiotics. Until it is stated, so that consciousness can survey it and thought comment on it, the distinction between whether to take it metaphysically, or dismiss it psychohistorically, cannot arise.

"THE soul", predicated on as an entity, converts an expressive sound to something 'real', mysteriously all-pervasive,
undeniable-without-negating one's consciousness of themselves as essentially inner, not outer/body, beings visible to the eye. 'Created by God The Father', according to the historical canon. Attracted to the visible Sky -- Sun-Moon, Day-Night, sleep-waking states -- by 'knowledge': carnal and cognitive. In the projected narrative, Union of the Soul with its Creator (origin of merger fantasies), driven by Love of The Father (as rational completion of textual Intention in perception), completes the first stage of soul totality. That having been established as an individual given, as opposed to being given away, a second stage of development opens up, evolutionally, by theological language* stabilizing religious truth. "Belief" in that (<=acceptance of it* as transcendental unity of apperception) as story of "my rebirth (of the ego)", "saves the soul". That's Christianity. The theological "it*" for Christians is the Incarnation, taken as Father-Sacrificing-Sacrifice-to-Himself through "His Only Begotton Son". This is the objective Archetypal completion of soul-talk addressing humanity from that source (New Testament, 0 a.d.) Child sacrifice, aka "war", in political discourse, is ended for all time by the symbolic act of voluntary crucifixion of the Son, at the hands of humanity, Biblical "Jews", in obedience to The Will of the Father ("If that's what you want ..."). Jesus' act was not (just) completion of the spiritual legacy of "faith" of Old Testament patriarchs (cf. The Book of Hebrews), It was the next evolutionary step in Squaring the history of human birth with (later) birth of consciousness as "Rebirth of soul." "Belief" in that -- i.e., recognition of the moment as metaphysical (narrative of second stage of inner human development) -- (self-) defines the position of consciousness predicating, and predicated on,

deMause invariably addresses audiences as "We", without tagging the "me") (<= as if speaking at a universal level of truth about common experience as opposed to psychohistorically sited NOW). This follows the epistemic academic paradigm which his work, in fact, breaks down. "New truth" poured into old wine-bottles. ;

FOOTNOTES TO "The Emotional Life of Nations" - Lloyd deMause'slatest

The Emotional Life of America. 9.23.'10
by Sid Thomas

The gap between theory and application makes the corpus of the Institute increasingly irrelevant, unless and until deMause addresses a particular flaw in aplications currently (not being) made. The flaw is extrapolating from this generation's 'progressivism' as the evolutionary history of childhood, as if today's Gen Z psychoclass culminated it. Whereas, in fact, due to 3 recalcitrant issues absorbed into the grammar of politics -- abortion, homosexuality, Zionism -- a "4th turning" psychohistorical moment* is upon us, prefigured in Carl Jung's Archetypal psychology as "enantiodromia", or reversal of psychological processes into their opposites when carried to extremes. Nowhere is this mor visually/viscerally evident than in the 4-letter dyad NAZI-ZION, a matched token conjunction condensed on blogs to ZIONAZI on blogs, and used for ISRAEL.

deMause's psychohistory, epochally ground breaking as it is, has a blind spot when it comes to the arcane details of what is experienced by each of us, each day, processed in ways that can be diagrammed and systematically mapped as on a single hypothetical slate, as it were; e.g., TokenSpace, the world where minds meet in communication. It's empirical content are objects, S*, typically appearing, when written, on two dimensional surfaces in three dimensional
space. Ex. pages in a book, computer monitor. This blind spot of his, and psychohistory, is filled in Dasein by soul-talk, or religion.


-The concept of Religous Truth

When S*5.7 (*completion of the S*5 totality of conscious content under sign-use: S*5.5 = "I" sentences ( <-presupposing S*6, S*7 for completion on the textual side) SQUARES S*7.5 (assumptions about the completing totality) and S*3.5 (actual body-energy available to the Ego's disposal by will*). Whether it SQUARES with S*5.4 (<-experience under moral judgment) depends on the act of will, whether it is in accord with, or opposed to, the rule of law and reason. This is as it should be on a metaphysics that retains free will. If S*5.5 does not SQUARE with its antecedents and consequents in the token hierarchy it does not square with itself, one '5' pulling one way, the other another. Thus Religious Truth can be defined as "I" talk which SQUAREs text of conscious content with tokens of the completing totality. Text, after all, brings trans-temporal, logical relatedness of propositions. Tokens, as actual particulars, are always tied to quality, cathexis and non-self-contained psychodynamic causes. Each successful SQUARE communication S* is 'religiously true'. => as actual occurrence, S* SQUARES WITH the completing totality of S* in TokenSpace.

Religious discourse may be said to express "Soul-thought", when
"soul" is used for the collective totality to which an "I" belongs. It is "I" under Moral judgment when the will is Holy. It's deepest, earliest psychodynamic motivation derives from the fetal origins of experience, the 'drive' to get out of the birth canal, Be Born, and live on the other side of the present trauma. That is why people merge unconscious delegate identities in "We" groups and come together -- to purge fantasies of poison blood by sacrificing Fetal Heros/Fertile Youth in war. Through this mechanism, dream-thoughts that are hideously insane in themselves are happily acted out as Celebration of Renewal (overcoming birth trauma, to be REBORN) .

Religious truth is when Collective soul-thoughts Square with Reality. Second-birth hristianity is religiously true, since it Squares, and releases from, birth trauma.

Post-Incarnation soul thinking ("religion"), as a historical datum to which the vast array of artefacts produced under its name testify, is not the same as (what is called) Monotheism (which as a general conception of God of All Gods, claimed in the Pentateuch for YHWH (<=Elohim), originated with Babylonioan Marduk. The One God Nation-State is a regressive psycho-social regime, compared with one based on internalized relation to themselves as individuals, "I" vs. "We". "People of the incarnation" think from a different position of consciousness than Old Testament Zionists, whose soul-thinking centres on "Israel. In this, they agree with most so-called 'diaspora' Jews, and America's political regime was founded on the later position of consciousness that accomodate that confluence. The Cross marks the point at which pre- and posr-incarnation consciousness divide. Today's Israel, as a Zionist state, should be regarded as idolatry by Christians. (Benjamin Netanyahu is its Birth Messiah, part of the asymptote looming large.)


There is enormous pressure* on Obama to get tough** with Ahmadinejad and BOMB IRAN. One more mass slaughter rivaling the Holocaust For The Gipper

Two levels of trauma overlap in this mostly repressed (<- denied, if confronted with) unconscious group-fantasy.

** => Oedipal: (dream-thought => "act like a Warrior Father capable of protecting 'us'!"

* <= fetal: (deeper dream-thought => " Rescue 'Us' /grammatical shift to personalized 'We'/ suffering siblings pressured* in the Great Womb Surround, blood de-oxygenated by the Poisonous Placenta ("America is the Great Satan" - Ayotalla Khomenei; subtext of Mulla ideology).

***1. + 2. = > conjunctive subtext: Obama will demonstrate Sacrificial Priest cahones to Zionists by Bombing Iran; attaining "DELIVERANCE FROM FETAL RAGE IN THE BIRTH CANAL + REVALORIZING LIBERAL MASCULINITY.

THE MSM MESSAGES* HAVE BEEN THAT THIS IS ANOTHER DOA MIS-CONCEPTION (like the latest 'Mid-East peace process', stopped from the time they were announced by Netanyahu/Zionist intransigence.).

This is where Sarah Palin comes in. "ABORT THIS ALIEN MONSTROSITY IN AMERICA'S BELLY " is the unconscious psychodynamic dream-thought reaction to the inescapable depth-psychological situation "We" are in. 'Rip the guts out of the little bastard in there (or rip IT*, the Holy Object 'US", out of the Killer Mommy's belly in order to Save It!)

. But up-skirt (Oedipal level fantasy) Mom Who Wouldn't! represses this thought, replacing it with images of Downs Syndrom fetus, 'Trig', in there. Heroically carried For All The Unborn, until her water broke on stage while delivering a political speech. One prominent MSM picture had Palin on one side, Obama on the other, in one MSM picture; Sept. 20 TIME cover showing Obama's face split white-black, the dream-thought is: "DELIVER IT* (<-the offspring of this 'marriage') NO MATTER WHAT". Fetal rage (level 3) merged, by retrojective memory loops, with childhood rape-victim's impotent hate:

DREAM-THOUGHT: AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL ... MARRIED TO BLACK MAN SPEAKING AS WHITE MAN => BOMB IRAN => Re-birth of "The Demon Unborn" <= "WE" = children of interracial black/white marriage born with male genital mutilation


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Forum on Discourse



-Talking about Talk

Open invitation to join discussion of on-going comunications, focused on the American experience today (2010. 9.3 ->..add .4.5. .. .. ). (<= keeping track what can be seen in the Great Mirror of mainstream media )

What this is About: Framing Consciousness (compare: sarc mark)

The field of talk-about-talk is all-inclusive: from language spoken in ivory towers to the argot of New Jersey streets; from all age/educational levels, political brackets, bloodline-ethnic-religious heritages (<-excessive "I-You" not encouraged) to every blogspot on-line (featuring my own, of course The concept is to claim a new degree of freedom in sign use, by grammatical ("we") shift to the meta-level of discourse, variably specified. As if placing "mental quotation marks" around every sign S* caught in the act of communicating, and commenting on that (the item 'framed' by the quotation marks is the sign-in-use, or S*). This is the same as entertaining a thought, but non-asserted, proposition -- "considering". The common basis of quotation marks and mental framing is "consciousness". (<= the enclosure " "-"" Squares placental-fetal containment by consciousness-thought containment.)

Note: quotation marks are said to "mention" vs. "use" the enclosed expression in standard introductiry logic texts (cf. Quine, Copi). "Mention" vs. "use" is taken as a primitive psychosemiotic distinction, used according to substitution rules of operational token-identity (e.g., perception) vs. assumption of meaning-synonymy, thus not subject to error, in principle. This pre-logical distinction, taken from common discourse, is based squarely on ("Squares") the distinction between token and text. And, by how it works, spatial enclosure, Squares the fetus-placental relation. Informally, citing "what X ("Joe") said" is most accurate when X's exact word-tokens are reproduced -- peferably with "Joe's" specific tonality, context, + videotape of him saying them. This totality would show the meaning, in the sense of what the words communicate, independently of what he himself might claim was intended. This is an important point in forensics. (cf. Conversations are notoriously 'remembered' in opposite ways by participants, e.g., 'he confessed", "I did not" is avoided by having lawyers present; and, today, recording technology.)

(=>Framing the discussion of how details of S* use frame discussions, see:

The New Position of Consciousness

This shift to purely meta-discourse (considered, vrs. asserted) is a new Position of Consciousness on which to ground Thought, thence philosophy.

Previous systems used by philosophers for talking psychology, including Whorf-like meta-language theory (you can think only what you can say) have lacked grounding of the distinction between Consciousness and Thought. Prior to post Enlightenment discovery and assimilation of the causal theory of perception, carrying with it negation of the naive realist* account of empirical knowledge, except in religious/esoteric/priestly cultic contexts of use. These systems lack metaphysical grounding for distinction between inner and outer content.

Scientific appreciation of the fact that visual color qualities, to take one example, are not literally attributes of the front surfaces of material objects -- experience of them is the end product of a causal process originating externally in light reflecting off surfaces, terminating in stimulation of the head-brain's occipital lobes after traversing wondrous eye-muscle, corneal-foveal coordinations -- has taken centuries to soak in. A little bit. Dissimilating the implications of this intellectual realization through the educational system has taken much intellectual effort. It is, in psychosemiotics, however, assumed as the next-bottom-most stratum (S*ii) of the 7 levels of conscious content (aka "the phenomenal' (Kant); "booming buzzing confusion" (Wm. James); "Polymorphously perverse" (Freud) )

The New Position of Consciousness takes tokens from this S* totality (dreams can contain writing, related to weirdly as content) as predicates predicated on, elevating those with names correlated with external causal objects to status of 3-dimensional material objects (the S*iii). With S*iv arises predicates used freely for "I-Do" Action by (the) personal Actors, evoking 'the moral point of view'. From this totality arises S*v content, and "I". (Completing the survey: S*vi is philosophy*: predicates on S*iv content sans "I', but for delegate "we" through reason (ratio; logos). S*vii predicates on the Completing Totality ("God-talk") ("Talk about God is talk about The Completing Totality" is the completing totality of philosophy. (ergo The Philosophy of Completing Totalities is the alternate name token of The System S*).

Thursday, September 02, 2010

On Justice (un-American SCOTUS)

On Justice (Pre-Greek -- )

-back to the Psychosemiotic foundations
- - subtext: Russell's logical type theory

1. In order to apply the Greek concept of Justice (as in Plato's Republic) in the present psychosemiotic comtext (cf. <= The Great Sickness <= sinfulness)....

2. ... It is necessary to assume a position of consciousness that cancels the purchase on existence ('right to life', 'right to exist', 'equal right to marry') of those who have brought to pass the present state of affairs.

4. => and consistently adhere to this position wherever use of its terms overlaps, or is token-identical, with those who have co-opted use of its original grammar.

This specifically includes "rights", "democracy", "God", "America", "Zion", "The Bible", "religion", "history", "marriage", "Jews" and the Swastika, among terms from our Greek intellectual heritage.

The sins are that perverse, their effects that pervasive.

It takes a philosophy, this time. The obfuscation goes to metaphysics because the mix-mis-matched ~S/S* text-tokens have been taken up for higher-level

3. <= Even as they have preemptorally cancelled that of others:, first in conception, plans and plots; then in lethal pre-emptive attacks, perhaps not without 'black flag' ops; then in covering up incriminating evidence and glossing over all politically correct official discourse; and finally, rounding out by punishing any who dare call attention to and unfavorably judge their behavior. The existential situation this establishes for shared collective "we" reality is The Great Sickening. It leaves those contained under its psychosemiotic rule in Forever Unborn Fetusland (of pre-Greek Zionist Group-Fantasy). As a Group-situation defined by them, under that system of justice which hadn't yet even arrived at the concept on a universal plane, only through Old Testament theocracy, this is irreversible; sealed now with blood.

And intolerable for people who have had a taste of freedom.

5. => This anti-PC position of consciousness un-enroles "We"-users who follow the West Bank Zionist fable from the ranks of recognized humanity. Their pre-emptive definition of 'rights', related to The Bible, has left children of parents twice-born through the blood of Christ with only de-oxygenized air to breathe and microbe-infested water to drink. Old Faith Christians, reborn into a nationalized politico-religious ideology under Black/White Father of "our" Unborn Children, are called to sacrifice their spiritual birthright, because they are deprived of the means of cleansing themselves of poison and corruption. It has battened onto the psyche like a strangling, sqeezing, hot, inexorable Poisonous Placenta crushing its fetus (<= US, under the shared N-Z complex.). Since second-birth parenting "squares" the evolution from reptilian to mammalian brain-formation, further development of which is expressed by the language of religion, the existential situation imposed on Christians could be called "soul war". Since sexuality is the next trauma-sensitive layer of systemic neoro-psychic development, this war Christians find themselves could also be called 'soul-rape'. Same old story: the Snake brain using Eve to seduce Adam.

<= Until Justice is extracted for corrupting America's soul-language, no talk of 'Justice' can be universal and objective. Corrupt "justices", making judgments about 'justice', fool-proofs corrupt judgments against prosecution.

The proper stratification of predication-levels as set forth in B. Russell's theory of logical types prevents precisely this kind or error. "Predicates cannot be predicates of themselves", except under specified conditions of extensionality (all predicates of F are predicates of G when (x)(Fx => Gx). If unrestricted predicates of predicates (of predicates, ...etc.)
is allowed, paradoxes and self-contradictions of just this sort arise. It's psychosemiotic apogee is particularized self-declaration of the Word as Word (form of position of consciousness of Incarnated Totality under S*). This would be self-contradictory if it weren't true, and it couldn't be true but once. Jesus is not 'the Jewish Messiah" in Christian theology; nor "martyr", "prophet," "esoteric adept", "wise man" ...but a partilarized position of consciousness (aka "a site, or way of self being aware of self in the world"). Only at the top of the S*-predicate hierarchy can text predicate on its own token; and, then, only if what is true of it "above" is true of each instance of it "below".

Note: this argument sets out a case for demanding the entire SCOTUS bench to recuse itself, in a lawsuit that they are disqualified from judging on whether their position of consciousness is not American.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010



8.31-9.1 AFTER OBAMA'S SPEECH LAST NIGHT meme themes

1. "Turn the page" (<='game changer' 'move on') Time to put Iraq, Bush mistakes behind us.

-sub-text: Change in national direction framed by war talk

-sub-sub-text: following announcement of the emotional decision made to bomb Iran last week before last, followed by "religious tolerance for Muslim" week just past => the > shape funnel cone of Cat 5 Hurricane < BOMB IRAN

2. Let Righteousness overcome Evil (Love conquer Hate; Unity over Devisiveness; bridge building)

sub-text: focus your rage on FoxNews/Glenn Beck Tea Party conservatives at Lincoln memorial financed by billionaire$

3. IRAN now greatest threat to U.S. in Mid-East (<= augmented by right-wing Zionist press: Senor; Bolton)

sub-text: play the NAZI-ZION trumpet loud, long, clear. Time to kill, again.

4. KILL DEMOCRACY ! (<= reversal of expressed will of the people to get out of Iraq in Mid-term '06 election vote by the "SURGE" <= among a small number of Democrats who spoke out against it, inside or outside Congress, was Obama; others were silenced by the AIPAC Zionist Jew cabal)

-subtext: no accountability for deep-pockets Ari Fleischer Zionists behind the massive PR campaign (we learned later)

5. HUSSEIN (Manchurian Candidate) OBAMA unctions it through (reconciles the opposites as Greatest High Wire Act of All Time on the most Globally Aware and Connected Moment of World History in world history.

-sub-text (psychohistory): Father of Our Country (<= of the bride, except for same sex marriage) (male progenitor of All Unborns in Mother's Womb, frought with danger in these perilous times) => THE (ANTI-) FOURTH REICH

sub-sub-text (Jung): the catastrophic enantiodromia: conversion of processes carried to extreme into their opposites. Ex. as Love into Hate. cf. Mysterium Conjunctionis, The two unipeds; The 'Revelation of the Hidden', p. 20, 27). The psychosis. => psychosemiotics: predication on union of self-contradictory opposites (<= poisoning communication by 'fractalizing false squares' <= birthing a 'reverse fibbonaci' sequence:
~1/1)-'2)-''3)-'''5)-(latent ' '' "' spread of neg-birth '~")) NAZI-ZION reversal in West Bank settler's theology.

-sub-sub-text: the 'birth'-'rebirth through trauma' theme was very, very muted, in contrast with what had-to-have-been projected from 1996 (neocon's first "Clean Break" (from Oslo two-state Palestinian-Israel accord) as bringing more Victory! tone. In fact, neocon foreign policy has brought little else than one failure after another, in short as well as long term goals.

-sub-sub-sub-text: those who MERGE WITH THE SURGE become one of HUSSEIN's Unborn children in America. This is the Moment you are given to decide your eternal destiny.

6. PARTY ON, POLITICO's! -- All the same ones, now including Glenn Beck-Rush Limbaugh-O'Reilly (Ailles, etc.) as Fourth Reich Nazi proxies (sarc).

sub-text: these MID-TERM races are repititions of '06, culminating around mid-semester college exam time (for a SYNCHRON). That is why McCain immediately questioned Obama's '06 anti-surge position after the speech. It remains unresolved; the puppy-love media.

sub-sub text: psychohist: elections are internal wars (<=how to kill babies at home), matching