Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Monday, January 26, 2009

POTUS et al

POTUS et al

(-Squared Text-token constructs: Mercurius Duplex)

Nibiru as psychic fact

Common text acronymn for President of United States, POTUS is currently a rigid designator of Barak Hussein Obama. This doubling of designations, a natural name* (*assigned by birth certificate not in evidence) and an abbreviation of his official title, constitutes a historical fact understood by all as defining the present situation, whatever one choses to make of it. Barak Hussein Obama is the 44th President of the Unites States (call this S*). What is communicated by S* can be examined from two sides, according to its text – what it says; a certified truth; and its tokens – how it says it. The “it”, as unit of pronominal reference, is a dyad, token-communicating-text in the articulate conscious experience of whoever reads or hears it.
It is as if two separate and distinct types of relations and facts have been brought together to create S*: those that arranged for it to be true, including the lengthy election process; and those that arranged to have meanings constructed and applied to objects as they are. This sign-use has become so highly ritualistic, any deviation so threatening (anathema, ‘radio-active’), the tiny glitch committed at the centerpiece of ‘passing the torch’ ceremony compelled Roberts and Obama to administer and swear the oath twice (*but without the Bible the second time, as if trying to repair one error repeats another, as Freud said when there were resisteances.) This flaw matches the missing birth certificate. A big question of legitimacy hangs over S*, given it is undeniably true.

The following is a partial psychosemiotic exposition of what S* communicates, as text and token conjoined.

In the same field* of acronomic grammar are: SOTU, UN, EU, NATO, among globally recognized text-tokens. ...
….AIPAC, ADL, AEI, JINSA,…such condensed group talk seems to go with Jewish organizations, associat-ing/-ed with their reputation for superior intelligence. It’s as if any and every situation you might ever come across had been named, described, judged and jived on, already. Exception: GOPUSA. Went too far on the pronounceable-token side, standing in in the early ‘00’s for Log Cabin Republicans, aka reverse-gay political activists like ‘Guckert’ who whipped up anti-homosexual sentiment in order to organize conservatives. Too many LOL’s written into that, after they were exposed manipulating POTUS’ PC’s.

The question I wish to discuss is whether such discourse, become common and necessary for personal classification for survival, might not become diseased, as in the manner of institutionalized predication on self-contradiction; with systemically disorienting effect on the psychic functions linked by use of such signs in communication.

One sort of defect qualifying as a disease in communication is predication on self-contradictions. The classic example in philosophy is ‘the round square’, an ‘object’ in Alexis Meinong’s theory of reference (ontology). What is predicable of round squares, logically, is that they don’t exist. Meinong allowed self-contradictory terms of reference as long as they were not asserted to exist. What exists must be free of contradiction, certainly, but as a mental content, the non-existent must be posited as a possibility. Thus, in its sign uses, The Mind includes both the existent and the non-existent.

Much of the grammatical intrusion in this sort of reasoning is eliminated simply by Russell’s analysis of “the”, which removes it from such terms as “existent” in literal discourse. The strict logical rules for its use in literal descriptive true-false text are misapplied when such abstract, non-definite subjects are posited.

The logical form of the disease would be predicating on Meinongian monstrocities as existing, talked about as realities – in the worst case, because they ARE self contradictory. A variant of this limiting, extreme condition has infected communication through this POTUS is my thesis. This can only be understood by following out the distinction between text and token, as the standing opposites functionally posited by the act or process of communication in general, whatever its content.

The variant of strict logical self-contradiction encountered in daily (political) life is actually predicating, e.g., roundness of squares.

This example is doubly appropriate, in that Squares*, sign-uses whose text stand in the relation of repeating-in-another-dimension to their tokens, are required to predicate on as existent objects of the lowest S* type level. This use of “Square”, to mark an internal relation of text to token in sign use, can be called “psychosemiotic”. The one-one relation between name and thing named which is presupposed by application of the logic of quantification is the linear, or digital “squaring” of Squaring, itself. In public perceptual space, the square is always the front of a cube. In TokenSpace, which is the conscious container for content in general, including imagination, they are two dimensional. In this two dimensional setting, the lines of the four sides, correlated as text (-> upper horizontal) to token (! left vertical) define a unit of discourse under this simplest geometry.


-The Token of Intrinsically unsquare text. –

Mercurius Duplex/ Sol Niger

The Psychosemiotic Gap
And Religious assumptions

The limit case of inability to communicate has been reached in the Palestinian-Israeli war over Gaza. Long tenured NYTimes correspondent Ethan Bronner notes that language bridging the language gap between the two sides has become so impossible that any attempt at neutrality is interpreted by each side as favoring the other.

The Bullets in My In-Box
“… the two sides speak in two distinct tongues, …the very words they use mean opposite things to each other, …the war of language can confound a reporter’s attempts to narrate — or a new president’s attempts to mediate — this conflict in a way both sides can accept as fair.” This is pointedly illustrated by reactions to Zionism. (Story of a prominent Palestinian’s visit to Tel Aviv after 1967, encountering a policeman…) At one point the policeman said to him, “As a proud Zionist, I must tell you ....” At which Mr. Husseini burst out laughing. What’s so funny? the policeman asked. “I have never in my life,” Mr. Husseini replied, “heard anyone refer to Zionism with anything but contempt. I had no idea you could be a proud Zionist.”

I guess it would be like a black policeman who says “We’re all proud to be niggers around here.” One wouldn’t know what that meant or how to react, at first. Could he be serious? What would that mean?
Power-coded Group fantasy terms, such as Zionist, nigger, queer, are brain 3/2 (snake-over-soul) constructs inserted into the referential discourse of brain 1. To say anything with them, or about them, evokes a totality reaction, one way or another; that is what they are supposed to do, their psychosemiotic function. They are ‘splitters’, eliciting irreconcilable reactions.

Words or phrases functioning as splitters exhibit the form Carl Jung described as Mercurius Duplex in alchemy. Mercurius is the ‘messenger’ from the Unconsciousn to Consciousness, hence partaking I the nature of both. He is The Unconscious as source of, or beazring consciousness in it, like the womb. This is Sol in Luna: the Black Sun, Obama and the Return of Nibiru. These connect in current Griup Fantast configuration
There is a special feeling you have on the day you know you were born, (‘Birthday’) Its like remembering oneself in a specific and unique way. I had it all day yesterday by mistake. Which shows the date doesn’t have to square with the state. Therefore “your birthday” doesn’t have to be marked on the calendar to be experienced, and what is marked on the calendar may not be when you experience it. Your birthday is an entity tied to Mercurius Duplex.

As Sol

“Generally Sol is regarded as the masculine and active half of Mercurius, a supraordinate concept … . Since, in his alchemical form, Mercrius does not exist in reality, he must be an unconscious projection, and because he is an absolutely fundamental concept in alchemy he must signify the unconscious itself.”

‘Mercurius’ is how the Unconscious personifies itself to/in consciousness – simultaneous representation and what it represents, in the act of entertaining it. (“Squared” conscious-unconscious relationship by text-token: Greek figure of God with winged feet carrying messages from above below – upside down reversal.) It (the Unconscious) is the Dark, Black side of consciousness, even though consciousness ‘rises out of it’ diurnally, as sleep-dream function is replaced by signified S* function on awaking. ‘He’ is thus already a reflection of the source of light in the heart of darkness; the content of his messages (texting the dream tokens) brings light even as the sun’s rays bathe earth. The Black Sun squares this content of consciousness. The alchemical Mercury is the Black Sun.

“He is by his very nature the unconscious, where nothing is differentiated; but as a spiritus vegetativus (living spirit) he is an active principle and so must always appear in reality in differentiated form. (Note: the differentiated undifferentiated) He is therefore fittingly called “duplex,” both active and passive. The “ascending,” active part of him is called Sol, and it is only through this that the passive part can be perceived. The passive part therefore bears the name Luna, because she borrows her light from the sun. Mercurius demonstrably corresponds to the cosmic Nous of the classical philosophers.”

As Black
Jung took alchemy, the process of converting base material into gold, as projected psychology, confirming the reality of the Unscious as an active dynamic factor in the human psyche. The duality it brings is repeated in the distinction between the stream of tokens in communication, arising out of and disappearing back into the causal processes producing them. Each S*, overlaying token S by textual use, is a matching of unconscious processes ‘from below’ with (also unconscious) cortical processes “from above” to produce the articulate content. Alchemical projection of the duality takes chemical substances as tokens of unconscious fantasy text, as if psychological relationships could be pictured. This applies particularly to the reality of the Darkness, equal to that of Light. “Consciousness requires as its necessary counterpart a dark, latent, non-manifest side, the unconscious, whose presence can be known only by the light of consciousness…..: The alchemical Sol contains both light and darkness; the shadow was part of the sun. …The shadow is thought of quite concretely. The redness (rubedo) of the sun’s light is the red sulphur in it, the active burning principle, destructive in its effects. In man, the ‘natural sulphur’ is identical with an ‘elemental fire’ (Dorn) which is the “cause of corruption,” and this fire is “enkindled by an invisible sun unknown to many, that is, the sun of the Philosophers. The natural sulphur tends to revert to its first nature, so that the body becomes ‘sulphorous’ and fitted to receive fire that ‘corrupts man back to his first essence.’ The sun is evidently an instrument in the physiological and psychological drama of return to the prim material, the death that must be undergone if man is to get back to the original condition of the simple elements and attain the incorrupt nature of the pre-worldly paradise. For Dorn, this process was spiritual and moral as well as physical.” (Mysterium Conjunctionis, 96f)

It should be noted here that Jung, the psychologist, is presuming to correct the theologian, Augustine, who held that God was the fullness of Being, perfect in every respect; non-being did not exist, and evil consisted in falsifying appearances. Psychologically there is more, Jung says. There are invisible dynamic opposites of Light and Dark not identical with textual distinctions between true and false, being and non-being. This if the difference between the logic of contradiction (=>linear, digital metaphysics, suited to grammatical form) and the logic of contraries (opposed qualities => dynamics of change between polarities), the logic of bodies in space (causal) and the logic of tokenized sign-use in time (speaking as the ‘space-time’ dyad is used colloquially). Thus if, as today, the Black Sun content is projected not into the communication of alchemists, but into the starry beyond from which Nibiru comes, it is not, on Jung’s reckoning, to be dismissed as a hoax. For the American Unconscious Group Fantasy, it can mark the celebration of its death/birthday.

There was an old saying at the Farm. “If you’re lying, you’re dying.” Today, 1.26.09, the lying has been going on for so long the “dead” part required to produce the prima material is a given, when it comes to old White Skin White Soul group fantasy tokens. The Black Skin Black Soul is the constellated opposite ‘birthed’ from the one sidedness of the other. When, under the excesses of the Bush-Cheney regime, the White Man’s relationship to (his own) God was cut off, the White man’s soul turned black. Since skin color marks the visible opposition, suppressed by Citizen equality, the logically compensation is the Black man’s soul turns White. Where the White Man with Black Soul led to death, the Black man with White Soul will lead back to life. That is how the Conscious/Unconscious dynamic has played it out, at the X point of American history ’08 - x ’09. There is just one problem, and it’s not small. The Black Son, of American myth, is also Mercurius Duplex, The Black Sun: Nibiru.

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Monday, January 19, 2009


VAMPIRES are BLUE (crredit: Ahknaton, the Phora Ziggarut)

ZOMBIE BANKS -- full of ‘toxic’ collateral (waste: dead money; can’t get it back); kept alive by hope of government bailout, directly benefiting shareholders – Krugman, “Wall Street Voodoo”.

“What I suspect is that policy makers — possibly without realizing it — are gearing up to attempt a bait-and-switch: a policy that looks like the cleanup of the savings and loans, but in practice amounts to making huge gifts to bank shareholders at taxpayer expense, disguised as “fair value” purchases of toxic assets. “

Zombie banks are predicated on belief in tax-cut magic – the ‘supply side cult’ of Reagan’s ‘trickledown’ economics. Redirecting the flow of money ‘upward’, into shareholder’s pockets, ‘primes the pump’, watering those below. The flip side: “We’ll spend our way out of debt”. Consumer confidence will be restored, jobs will be created, things will gradually come back.

Ain’t gonna happen, says Krugman: “The supply-side cult has shrunk to the point that it contains only cranks, charlatans, and Republicans.”

Their problem is: they have become dependant on blood sucked out of the economy. NOW THEY DEMAND MORE!

Called for by Obama, backed by Democrats.

-Culturally: the TAXMAN party consists of these voting groups
-minority/multicult promoters (liberals); women (Clinton, Pelosi); government/social workers. (flip side: ‘nanny state supporters’)


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sol Niger

Posted at The Nation, 1.17.09 - Dreyfuss Report on the Mid Easr, IV

Whoever is complicit in genocide deserves to be thought of as they think of Nazi's killing Jews.

We in the U.S. have seen more demonstrated cruel intention to destroy an entire poor, dependent people than we ever saw during WWII, which was retrospectively interpreted as morally motivated by intent to save Jews from holocaust. The Palestinians and whatever they call God don't count, I guess.

Whoever supports Obama, or aligns with those who do, are complicit in genocide squared. He is Sol Niger, worhipped by the snake brain, put in place on earth now in preparation for Nibiru's imminent return.

We are confronting the origins of evil as the wages of sin, aka the birth/death instinct cosmically mythologized.

Posted by jones at 01/17/2009 @ 12:52pm | ignore this person | warn this person

Monday, January 05, 2009

The Mid East is a Way of Talking


Maxim of Taroof: (a mode of polite social exchange in Iran)
Invoke the opposite

”You’re not saying you killed 6 million fucken jews?...”

“..I know full well that for many of you, I never be anything more than a skinny black guy rocked in a cradle…” (

To Evoke the Reversal

“NO! – I mean, yes – I…” (Catches reaction formation amidships)


This practice is psychosemiotic testimony to how ancient Persian civilization is.

It encodes an adaptive process that neutralizes adverse reaction to the content of what one wishes to ‘get across’ by advance identification with it, as if perfectly justified. “You should have nothing but sticks and curses for such a donkey as I,…”

disinclination of the-positioning expected of the other’s reaction to what is to be communicated by identifying with it. This catches them off guard, =>’s them to

Mythopoeic truth erasure:

“Long age and far away”…”True, but not really…” “Everywhere but nowhere …”

Such phrases present the soul brain’s perception of reality, shielded from brain 1’s prickly and irrelevant criticisms. “Truthiness IS truth,” for it. For it, “to be is to be communicated”, esse est communicatio. However, the psychosemiotic style of its expression does not quite ‘square’ with the attitude expressed, unless the co-respondent takes it in a particular way, as jocular, heheheh, ‘you’re putting me on’ gambit. If they are not in that mood, and perhaps resist going there, it will be resented or at best ignored. To hear “I know I’m nothing to you!, but..” => subtexts to: “I know I’m a problem for you, but...”, popping up => “On Guard!” reflex.

For this style of self effacing “you want to hit me, don’t you?” psychosemiotic gesture can also work as the snake brain using brain 2 (soul) pull on regard for intellectual honesty (“Don’t deny that crossed your mind, asshole”) for brain 1 to acknowledge. This is what arouses ‘suspicion’.

It is not a malicious sign use per se, as nor any psychosemiotic mechanism. It can be a way of saying “I’ve got your number, bub; whatever you say.” It can be a welcomed icebreaker to real feeling expression. (“Well, as a matter of fact,…”).

This, I think, explains the venomous intensity poured out against Iranian president Mahmood Ahmadinejad in his 0’7 U.N. visit. This quality was palpable, heaped on by an insulting introduction by Columbia U.’s president to him, as invited speaker. It seemed evident that he was being treated as a poisonous serpent, which, apart from statements about ‘wiping Israel off the map”, I simply didn’t get. But it seemed as if HE did. Something in the composed glint in his eye said “this LOL’s on you, morons”; a powerful existential to quoque. It is style taroof, taken as proceeding from the reptile brain. Protestation confirms what it would deny.

The reaction toward him as venomous snake was an in-kind brain interaction outside the psychic depths of most non-mid-easterners. America was audience to this unconscious exchange. Of course “WE” cannot openly favor one over the other. We love them both. Unruly children, they’re, refusing to settle their differences and move on. Maybe under the leadership of Obama?

This closes the cycle of argument, again, because this is where the glitch entering discourse in Vietnam hasthat has invited this deadly repartee into American discourse.


(Or: the collapse of the bubble of Israeli group fantasy)

The entire nation is shapeshifting under the twin snake brain assault of Israel and Iran.

The clear winners of the protracted, extracted, etc. ‘08 election, by default, were the two “I”’s in the Mid-east: Israel and Iran. Now, their eternally irreconcilable soul-snake brain coiling and recoiling has become a war dance of death.

The ’08 election stole and virtually buried democracy. No anti-war, pro-Palestinian, anti-Georgian voice was heard to countervail both party candidates’ positions and commitments. Pro-Israel policy has never been approved by the American electorate; has never even been on a state or national ballot. Yet, from all the kow-towing, wooing, ass-kissing the candidates did to win “the Jewish vote”, down to apparently paying Hillary Clinton $10 mill to blurt out “obliterate Iran, I would!”, anybody would swear it was all or mostly about them. And that the great majority of Americans ‘voted with their feet’ to give unflinching, robust, unqualified support to Israel. Whatever their political leaders decide; ‘our strongest democratic ally in the Mid East’, they’r.

That is one point. A countervailing voice against the policies of the candidates these issues, was never heard. Yet they are presented and predicated on as having been democratically approved. That is a stolen election, and the thieves are those who want war with Iran.

Iran is predicated on as virtually packing nukes already, by Israeli spokespersons. Threatening East Europe, if not D.C, NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, calling for a missile shield and strong NATO response. To Israel, the threat is said to be “existential”. They can’t live with it. Even the idea of sitting down eyeball to eyeball with Ahmadenijad and his taroof is rejected – on grounds that snake brain psychology explains.

With this array of tokens, texts spanning the full hierarchy of self-referring S* used collectively. These determine how people ‘be themselves’ communicating as Americans. When we call ourselves “we”, the common bond of fetal origins is tokenized – even by the sound, since it is one used universally for “we ones”, “wee”, and “wee wee”. L deMause has defined the inner sense of ‘membership’ in a group (logically transposed to “class membership”) as the fantasy of shared fetal origins, siblings in a common mother’s womb. This connects tokens of “we”- ness, not only to totalities, as if “I” and “all” occupied the same portion of TokenSpace (and “one for all” texted it); but also to original sin, Aiken, the need for punishment (split off => projected into a group ‘enemy’), and the need for salvation (split off from Jesus => Barabus/Barnabus/Madoff) => ’08 election and Israel’s obliteration of Gaza.

O’Bubble Obama

Totally fetalized, inside the MSM group fantasy “we” bubble. They’ve taken away his blackberry now.

Total transparency – he sees us; we see him; the same language is spoken; crises are being addressed. Yet something seems not-quite-right about what is going on, despite honest and sincere efforts to observe every protocol and tacit understanding to make it appear so. The pictures don’t quite go with the words. Something ain’t ‘square”. In fact, a psychosemiotic Reversal has occurred; a false reality has become squared under self-contradiction. What is presented as ‘total transparency’, us seeing him seeing us, is total illusion. Truman Show reality. America the reality show.

A kind of fantasy-reality psychic inversion is under way, with America desperately trying to disappear into the same oblivion-womb from which it is equally desperately trying to free itself. “We” have disappeared into the bubble with Barak. “WE”, in fact, through the omnipresent MSM, are Obama’s Second bubble. The consequences of pursuing unsustainable, self-destructive policies for all these years of Bush are multiple crises all now look to the new president to resolve.

The Third Bubble, containing our “WE”, is the “existential threat to Israel,” so called. This is one widely used term for the current acutely felt collective state vis a vis Iran’s growing* nuclear capacity. The collapse-upheaval stage of Zionist group fantasy is taking place in it, to burst it.

This is documented by Professor Bennie Morris, Ben Gurion University:
Why Israel Feels Threatened
MANY Israelis feel that the walls — and history — are closing in on their 60-year-old state, much as they felt in early June 1967, just before Israel launched the Six-Day War and destroyed the Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian armies in Sinai, the West Bank and the Golan Heights.”

“Closing in”, collapsing walls of the group fantasy womb surround => mounting ‘pressure’ felt by Israelis to “burst out”, as Bernie Morris triumphally reminds all they did in ‘67. His closing remarks recapitulate this theme:

“Israel’s sense of the walls closing in on it has this past week led to one violent reaction. Given the new realities, it would not be surprising if more powerful explosions were to follow.”

The template is actual shared birth process, flashback to the “time” when “we” have come ‘full term”, and “given the new realities” are driven by repetition-compulsion to Blast Out, the upheaval stage in which an ‘enemy’ springs to life in TokenSpace, externalizing the Poisonous Placenta.

Even as this is written, cable news channels reports IDF soldiers ready to go into Gaza. But great hesitation, and Reversals, abound. The attempt to show themselves decisively in charge is having the opposite effect. It is beginning to look to all the world like ethnic or ideological cleansing, that is to say genocide.

The enemy this time, Hamas, was democratically elected ideology in Gaza. The MSM portrays them as scavaging militants hiding in civilian areas using women and children as human shields. “Holding Gaza hostage,” was Sec. of State Rice’s term. This is a Reversal. “Hamas” is become a token of their Poisonous Placenta that must be violently destroyed in order to for them to ever breath free.

“Existential threat” translates: bubble 3: Israel’s collapsing womb-surround; Iran nuke threat in the East, Gaza targeted for genocidal violent rebirth.

There is one legitimate S*thread justifying Israel’s attack: the clause in Hamas’ charter that does not recognize Israel’s right to exist. This is given various wordings, but this is the phrase commonly used to justify getting Hamas classified as a terrorist organization. It is inside the grammar of this third bubble (which contains the bubble that contains Obama) that theological connections (soul-snake brain twistings) blend with geo-political ones (pure snake) to generate political (soul brain) process. This process itself is Squared by the politics of abortion: the theologizers (the higher) declare those who favor legal abortion (the lower) to be ‘baby killers’ (the abhorrent ‘middle’). But a reversal has occurred at the point where the higher blends with the lower, whereby the adult “God” is predicated of the “unborn”. => terminating pregnancy ‘any time after conception’ shears a psychosemiotic processing link between subject and predicate in anti-abortionist’s grammar. This is the regular site of reversals: where higher blends with lower. If the reversal occurs, the resulting middle will be twisted, unsquare. If it, in turn, is further predicated on, the result “squares the contradiction.” Such forms are extremely common, wherever a political term is used with the expectation that one who challenged it would be defeating themselves by doing so (“Yes, indeed, I approve of murdering babies”). “Pro-life” is used this way. Abortionists are pro-death.

… Wall Street, Lehmann Bros. Madoff, Spitzer, all gone. Womb-surround collapsed. Only a violent rebirth effort can save them from reaping the wages of original sin. This effort is being waged in Gaza against Hamas.