Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Reversals and Child Sacrifice Tokens

-Or: tracing the creep creep (creeping creepiness)
Hez TV is a bust
Feds nab dish salesman pitching terror channel

“ “HATE TV” (on hardcopy page one)
I want my HezTV!
That was the alleged pitch of a Staten Island satellite TV salesman busted by the feds for beaming the terrorist network Hezbollah's hate-filled al Manar channel - which is banned in the U.S. - into New York City living rooms.
"Why don't you watch al Manar?" Javed Iqbal asked a customer who turned out to be an FBI informant secretly recording the conversation, officials said yesterday.
The unique case, prosecuted under the federal Patriot Act, raised First Amendment concerns among civil liberties groups - and follows battling between Israel and the Lebanon-based terror group.
The feds were tipped this year by a media watchdog group that Iqbal, a Pakistani national who sells satellite dishes out of his storefront business in Brooklyn called HDTV Ltd., was offering al Manar broadcasts as part of the package, according to court papers unsealed yesterday.

S* (sign-use) analysis.

The words “HATE TV”, used as pre-emptive label of what the Hezbollah network channel is undoubtedly full of, however one takes it, is, of course, self-referential. Pasted across pictures of Beirut and Falluja turned into rubble; scenes of pitiless slaughter of children, babies, women, helpless old folks, rabble …these words are a self-labeling Icon* (also: “Square” = text x token). By looping what they say about what we see into consciousness at the same time, this overlay of pictures and words in/on the media of communication has a particular “doubling” effect. It brings back, or ‘folds in’, the primary-process, reptilian brain content via the pictures, with the label of what Fox News, CNN, MSNBC are, psychologically, to us, the public. But it does so in such a way that, by arousing, then blocking, the pictured content from reaching conscious awareness, it can split-off the verbal, upper (cortical) brain processes, and “refer” the thought they would bring (“it’s US and Israel HATE TV”) to “the terrorist enemy”.

The overall effect of the “looped” situation is to bring out: A. the mechanical ‘reversal’ brought about, as the self-blaming, unconscious content is displaced onto The Shits ‘n Shiites, identifying the ‘dark side’ with them; and B. that particular feeling of creepiness that goes with getting blindsided by it again. More of this later. The “reversal” that goes through and comes out of the processing loop, is a chief characteristic of a text (philosophical sign) at odds with its tokens (empirical sign). (Ex.: sight-gags; words put in animal’s mouths expressing attitudes toward humans; cartoons; etc.) Every sign-use consists of these two sides or aspects, Text and Token; every communication intrinsically combines the two processing loops through sentience (perception of the empirical) and significance. “Reversals” in sign use characteristic of displacement, projection, etc., consists of ‘twisting’ the textual loop,


1. Reversal of primary and secondary processes as dominants of consciousness
-When text is pre-text for displaying the tokens.
(“snakes worked their way into the conversation”)

Generic reversal, the result of an incursion of the unconscious at some point of content under sign-use, illustrated in every other type.

2. Reversal of developmental positions: adult (esp. parent) to child. An adult, in state of regression, can perceive a child as the adult in the situation, on whom they are dependent, expect reward and punishment from, etc. Children viewed as ‘wise old ancestors reborn” textualizes this. Psychologically, it is a return to (flashback to, looping in ) their experiences of parents as children.
-a TV program was based on kind of spoof of this adult-toward-kid reversal: “kids say the darndest things”

3. Observed-observer reversal; also “me-you”: swapping places with the one addressed or spoken to. “You are reading my mind, aren’t you.” This reversal results from identification with the “man in the mirror”, split off and unconsciously projected onto the other; seeing the inner side of oneself reflected in what they are imaged to see (“in their eyes”).

4. Original “I-THOU” (or “I-IT”) reversal: in utero, fetal vs. womb/placental container. Knowledge of the fetal origins of experience in the mother’s womb, carried underneath her beating heart, nourished through oxygenated and carbonated blood flowing through the placenta/umbilical link, replaced after birth as nourishment-situation by the infant suckling milk from her breast. It has only become widely accepted near the end of the twentieth century that a memory-record of such intra-uterine exists in the neural system, it having been previously thought the cells were not sufficiently mylenized. But an entire little inner world has opened up as going on “in there” (the first “there” we are “in”), with deliberate yanking on the umbilicus, kicking back at ‘oppressions’ in fetal rage, contented thumb-sucking, push-pull, mostly OVERPOWERED – but ‘there’: what will later become “I” as the spot in consciousness aligned with, or ‘over’, this primordial matrix.
5. Boy-Girl/ Male-female reversal. This is post-oedipal, that is to say, presupposing awareness of genital differences; (pre-pubescent) awareness of genitals as source of pleasure (scratching, twiddling, etc.); vague fantasies of these connected with mother, father, the mystery or inner origins; plus coming to consciousness of puny “little Sid” (‘mac’, portnoy) stacked up beside Big Daddy’s Wang.

Sigmund Freud concluded from broad, deep, sustained scientific psychological investigations that the template of a person’s personality type is constellated during this period, as a result (in the male) of the ‘ego’ undergoing formation by Jealousy –of-mother, to which the boy-and-future-man claims Rights; … on the one hand…with Defiance of Father-Fear (his province … you kiddin’?). Basically, on Freudian psychology, the psychology of “the son” is constructed around a core ego-center tied to an umbililcus, breast, and hearth of our first container, defending against a father as powerful as the Almighty (split-off side of the phantom placenta), whose garden we have been honored to till, who watches, judges, threatens to punish disobedience with death. To take back the life He has given, and kick you out of the house. There has been this secret war between fathers and sons going on all the while at the unconscious level. In adults, it expresses as rejection of authority (I’m with Angler! – don’t need no substitute Fuehrer to stay in line, just wouldn’t work here. )

Another factor provided by the ‘vicissitudes of experience’ greatly affects this oedipal template. It is the abomination of trauma, the earliest form being child abuse and sacrifice. The startling phenomenon Freud came across in the Paris morgues doing autopsies on bodies of young girls found in the shape JonBenet Ramsey was found in, roughly speaking. He immediately saw the implications if the common ‘hysterical condition’ (neurosis) was due to parents’ abuse of children. His later theory shifted away from the trauma-abuse eitiology, however, to the theory of an intrapsychic dynamic triggered by fantasies of abuse without it actually occurring. Overly moral persons may feel driven by ‘conscience’ to punish themselves, secretly expect deserved destruction by “God” (=return of the dark, poisonous side of the phantom placenta: an “Al Quada network”) The general cultural regression has brought about the collective group fantasy of a phantom placenta battening onto our womb-surround. Since this content represents one side of the fetal situation split-off and returned in a condition of regression, it “reverses god”. The Arab/Muslim “ALLAH” is the “reverse God” of Judeo-Christians.

6. (Under parent type, by 4) Father- Mother reversal as “God”, “child sacrificer”.
The most stunning reversal over the 3 ¾ millennia has been: Father-Son reversing to Mother-daughter child sacrifice template at the group level.
Under the older system Fathers did the killing. Now, mothers get the honors.

7. Responsibility – blame reversal: It’s not me who farted. It’s you..

Monday, August 28, 2006

8.27 Ky plane crash - esoteric reading

49 + 1
(dead: 7 x 7) (survivor: 1)

One World, One consciousness, one person (=X).

Fourty nine psychoholograms, One dominant psychohologram of the whole

Fourty nine ego-positions of consciousness in the psychohologram of the world.

Fourty nine alternate realities and states in the completing totality of the whole.

... lives missing in our world today ....

Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Public Bitch Brigade


Psychohistory of the Present
August 23, 2006

John Mark Karr - Rove’s Masterpiece

Premise: The current collective unconscious configuration:

Double “killer mommy” group-fantasy (see L. deMause’s NYC Psychohistory Institute group for full elaboration. )

Jon Benet //’Patsy’ Ramsey: proposed scenario: the mother, possibly a victim of abuse herself, lashes out in blind Bad Girl! ‘punishment rage’ flashback from her own childhood, ‘accidentally’ bangs daughter’s head on the bathtub for bedwetting and impertinence. Thinking her dead, or refusing to face the consequences of her act, the further CS details are staged and the rest is history. (condensation of )

Enter John Mark Karr, whose mother tried to kill him as a baby.
Karr's Mother Tried to Kill Him, Family Friend Says
ATLANTA, Aug. 21, 2006 — The mother of the suspect in JonBenet Ramsey's murder tried to kill him when he was only a baby, a family friend told ABC News.

John Karr's mother, Patricia Elaine Adcock "made a big round donut [of kindling] and put him in the middle of it," said George McCrary, 76, who said he has known Karr's father, Wexford Karr, for 40 years.

"She just boxed the little baby in and tried to light it," McCrary said. John's older brother Michael "came running in just before she got the flame to the flammable material," McCrary added


Analysis and discussion

There are two ways of seeing the juxtaposition of these names prominent in today’s group token-space* (*field of communication)

“JonBenet Ramsey” and “John Mark Karr”.

A heinous 10 yr old murder case, thought to be thankfully behind us, of the little beauty pageant queen is now brought back full force, as if it were something the media audience was ‘wanting’ to re-experience. The Unc. brings about agreement between repressed desire – in this case, perverse childhood sexuality leaving victim dead) – and perception. The motive: to bring to consciousness the children killed by Bush’s Bitch Brigade, aka “security moms” (reversal of ‘protecting’ THEIR children by killing Hezbollah’s, who ‘want to kill Jews’ – suicide bomb kids are carriers of unconscious death wishes toward Jews.) and scapegoating a focused substitute.

At the group level of American experience, this would elicit the guilt we all share in killing the children of Lebanon (Iraq, Palestine, Iran on deck) – reflected (‘looped by association’) through each one’s own experience, with repression and displacement. It is what America the Beautiful has done to those poor people over there which group consciousness (read MSM) cannot accept, but someone must get punished for.

According to one view, Karr was never connected to the actual event, EXCEPT IN HIS FANTASIES. Never in Boulder at all, though apparently having some kind of hold on Patsy, possibly to get to Jon Benet. In my opinion at this point, this seems most plausible.

In the other p/o/v, he’s the killer. Mrs. Ramsay is not involved, which surely everyone wants to believe. Everyone’s love for their own mother provides a very powerful motive, when scenes of mothers killing their kids become conscious, to reject it and displace guilt from her to him. If the first view is true, this scene of his killing her EXISTS ONLY IN OUR FANTASY. Here is the double-fantasy configuration, same at each end of the “Y”. Rove’s masterpiece. Obituates the Cindy Sheehan rebellion (I already tagged her as the neocon’s “killer mommy” last summer, pre-Katrina – she was killing them; then came the hurricanes).

In context, the media was showing pictures of Israel shelling Lebanon, what few were available. This was a historical act of extraordinary cruelty, deliberately undertaken. Pat Buchanan called it collective punishment – then disappeared stage left, briefly, only to reenter stage right, as author of a timely smash hit book on immigration. (He doesn’t look Jewish, but I’ll swear they are brothers under the skin. I’d say it was Bay’s influence, but I’m afraid he would wack me out.)

Also in context was hugely elevated terror threat, originating from British intelligence. MI5 unfolds tale of a vast plot to bring down 10 airplanes simultaneously. Biggest terrorist attacks since 9.ll, busted serrendipitously on 8.10 (tune in for the aftermath). Jams airports, creates transportation chaos, saturates the atmosphere of tokenspace* with a new level of hysteria. (Raises the cathexis-potential in psychodynamics (the ‘economic’, energy factor). Ugly recoil in the public’s behavior looms, even now, (8.26), as minor incidents trigger big disruptive responses (100+ passengers imprisoned 7 hours in plane with two glasses of water).

BURSTING ON THE SCENE – MR. WIMP HIMSELF, if there ever was one.

Forget Fartman. Beyond your local ramblin’ NAMBLA man. Out of the brothels of Thailand, where the elite meet-to-eat, if your taste is tender young-uns. Here comes your John Lynd Walker, al-Queda type, liberal, girlieman, pussified, post-60’s culture product, ALL ROLLED INTO ONE sadistic, ultra-perverted, pornographic pedophile inhuman monster. (Use active imagination to condense fantasy elements.)


God himself couldn’t have designed a finer token of cultural hatred for the GOP to campaign against. A Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin (Gannet) opinion piece announced: “John Mark Karr: The Logical Product of American Culture”, by James P. Pinkerton (8.24). Newsday online, edited by Pinkerton, had

Karr: I have fun, I have rights, I have the media
August 22, 2006
Inside the mind of John Mark Karr: Don't worry, I won't take you all the way inside my mind - I have to save something for my Barbara Walters interview!

But I will tell you three things. I am the logical culmination - or at least predictable result - of three cultural trends visible during my 41 years on this Earth: First, baby-boomer hedonism. Second, rights-based legal proceduralism. And third, the media's enabling of what I regard as "authentic" behavior.
, as a boomer, I grew up with "Do your own thing" and "If it feels good, do it!" And, of course, "Free to be ... you and me." Well, for me, spending "quality time" with children is my thing. It's what feels good to me. It's who I am.

Now, of course, the authorities are saying that I went too far, that personal freedom doesn't include having sex with children. But where were they when the novel "Lolita" was published, back in 1955? That book, about an older man's affair with a12 1/2-year-old girl - which provided erotic inspiration to millions of pedophiles - is regarded as one of the great works of 20th century literature. And needless to say, I agree!

Second, I know my legal rights. We all have rights, which keep the government from cracking down on us. Rights for everyone are embedded in our culture; young Hillary Rodham Clinton wrote her law school thesis on the legal rights of children, including the right to sue their own parents. Decades later, when Michael Jackson, exercising his romantic rights, was ambushed by the cops, he hired a bunch of lawyers and got himself off. That seems to be the test: Can you hire enough lawyers?

Sadly, I don't have Jackson's money, so I have to depend on some lawyer taking my case pro bono. But I'm not worried; I'll get a good one, because whoever takes my high-profile case is guaranteed fame - and probably fortune - ever after.

Third, speaking of fame, let's not neglect my best ally, my enabler, the media. The media brought me close to girls I had never even met. Before I ever knew of JonBenet Ramsey, for example, the press had brought me the sensational news of Polly Klaas, the girl who was taken from me - you would say "murdered" - in Petaluma, Calif., back in 1993.

She became famous in death. Most people were repulsed by the crime, to be sure, and laws were changed as a result, but I had my own unique reaction - as is my right! The more I learned about her, consuming the tabloid-y news, the more I grew, shall I say, fond of her and her memory. So of course I moved to the same town, Petaluma, to work there as a schoolteacher, to bask in the aura of her continuing ghostly presence. Does that sound weird to you? Well, turn on a TV, and you will see what I mean: In the bluish glow of television, as well as computers, the dead have a kind of second life, flitting forever on screen.

Yes, the media provide the light that pulls me out of the dark …

Comment: Pieces that begin “inside the mind of” invoke the psychodynamic mechanism of “identification”: the perceived object is a reflection, or ‘projection’ of what is unconscious in oneself (the reader’s own mind). It is a common device used to arouse interest, but carried through here almost as with glee (“Ha! Ha! We got one of the little bastards this time!”), using the first person singular like that --- gee, this Jimmy Pinkerton guy … could almost be the dude himself…

The accompanying Karr pics also elicit “identification”: you* are in the seat next to him; everybody is controlled and respectful around you*; making statements to the world press… The media, itself, picks up on itself, confabulating on how he “manipulates the media to get attention” – a secondary narcissistifc spasm upon arriving at the truthfulness of this truly repulsive side of themselves (which, being unconscious, they naturally confuse with the rest of humanity’s). Women make mommy over you. It would take a mommy to love that. Got mommy in you? (Karr as Jesus – on the mother’s side)

This is Dark America’s unconscious side. Can’t stand to look at it. Can’t resist showing it.


Now, there is no time in the unconscious, Jung found. Nothing ever changes. Its contents are bound forever (the word means nothing there) in Archetypal relations. It is the oldest (reptilian brain), hence most conservative, part of the human psyche. (CF. THE UROBUROS; Mad Max)

Thus, the Ramsey girl’s horrific death, 10 years ago, brings back what happened to little Mary Phagan, outside Atlanta, Ga. 93 years ago. The 13 yr old girl was brutally assaulted and killed during a Confederate day parade, allegedly by Leo Frank, owner of the pencil factory where Mary Phagan had gone to pick up her check. Frank was a Jew, and his arrest and trial brought out a large wallop of (what would now be called by the then-formed ADL) “anti-Semitism”; stirred up, by some accounts, by Baptist preachers who saw theological symbolism in it. He was also accused of cocain use, abusing other factory girls, and sexual perversions. He was convicted, jailed, then lynched by a spontaneous Citizen’s Action Committee when big-money NYCity Jewish influence threatened to get him pardoned. The similarity of his case, vis a vis the little factory girl, and the case of John Mark Karr vis a vis the little Ramsey girl is striking. The way the monied, elite, ‘different,’ uppity, clannish “Jew” group were perceived, and collectively felt about, then, was projected onto Leo Frank. It is those same range of feelings projected onto J.M. Karr by the media.

This depth repetition in the unconscious, fed by many branches of the 20th century river draining into the Zuider Zee, explains the wealth of strange, uncanny, wild coincidences. Most striking in the present case is the common “killer mommy” theme. Each person’s developmental experience would pass through a “wish mommy dead” stage; mirrored to different degrees by the reverse, “mommy wishing me dead”, and post-partum depression mothers who actually do wish their kids dead. Merged and conflated (re-)birth fanatsies from this early, and even earlier childhood history provides the matrix for linking: “little girl killers” with the present set of current events. For among the related contents again today is the Jewish question. From Leo Frank to the state of Israel; from Mary Phagan/Jon Benet Ramsey to Hezbollah. It’s as if a perspective showed the same dynamics from a broader, ‘raised’ point of view, with substituted characters and textually re-distributed energies

Monday, August 14, 2006

taking the intereview further


The particular effort made by Ahmadenijad to respond to clown-questions asked by the Jewish TV journalist-showman included this: to extract an objective meaning from the questions to which he could give a positive reply, leaving aside tweaks, taunts (“You martyr guy soldiers like to die, right?”), insulting tone (“18 pages! What did you expect to get back?”), sartorial foppery (“You look just fine! Take it from me, we Jews ought to know .. you look just fine in that jacket there.”) plus the standard attempts to put words in his mouth and demand answers to loaded questions. (“Yes or No on wanting relations with Bush?) What he managed to get across from the superior, laid-back position was impressive.

As the interview wore on and it became clear that the dowdy Iranian was more than up to the challenge, Mike Wallace had to reach deeper and deeper into his bag of Jewish tricks. Something about the presidents steady gaze while talking about how it would be possible to address the people of Middle East from a position of Love, not from a position identified with merciless Zionism, seemed to make him squirm. “You are an interesting man”…. It was a Josey Wales moment. Ahmadenijad should have let it hang longer. (“And what are you?” – would come through)

Whoever is hooking up these hugely entertaining scenarios had better watch it.
The elliptical sentences about “good guys” are no longer doing the job. Gone, morals, gone, along with the myth of Israel’s “deterrence”.

For instance: the J-word canards Mel Gibson was made to eat shit for uttering suddenly don’t sound false anymore, not even “anti-semitic”, just disgusted as hell.

And whosever idea it was to filter America’s first up-close interview with this new world leader through a CBS Mike Wallace (a good Jew, if there are any), coming away having eaten no shit at all, “just the other way around” (an expression he used for who is committing aggression against whom in Lebaanon), may have committed a colossal “mistake” (not that they could help it).

The picture of Iran Man drubbing higher religion teaching into the heads of the Bush-Blair-Ohlmert worshippers and the death-wish preachers they listen to carries great metaphysical and historical clarity. “There are many different ways to view the world,” he said. You have to break the “god’s chosen people” warp to see them.

Final note on the big picture perspective. With S. Hersh’s expose of the role the Bush team was playing behind the scenes to bring about the Lebanon war, using Israel as “test case”, “trial war”, “demo run” to gain data for a military assault on Iran, puts the lie to the claim that Hizbollah is the originator and aggressor, as Wallace, Bush and those following the official line continue to insist. One sees now why they must. It’s the only way to keep their lies straight.

Another particular thread of events we know Blair and Bush were following the last few weeks is the “TARGET: USA” lipstick bomb plot. Also suddenly sprung on everyone, just like the Lebanon plot. Plot. Given that the Americans insisted the Brits make early arrests, even though the alleged plotters weren’t ready to go, without passports or airline tickets, the question of timing, that is to say, of group psychodynamics, becomes relevant. Could the follow-up “Plot” – an elaborate fantasy scenario to bring down 10 or more planes all at once by smuggling ingredients aboard, mxing and detonating the concoction in the lavatory. … could this be a secondary, fall-back Reversal position to cover up the real plot THEY had going against the Arab/Islamic worlds? A double plot, one by the “Islamic fascists” to “TARGET: AMERICA” (CNN first announced; then muted the self-applicable “death wish” connotation) , following up that of America and Israel to TARGET: HEZBOLLAH. Sort of like pre-emptive blow-back, neutralizing that glimpse of the wanton and depraved mindset that could inflict the destruction of life and property this little war has cost.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

..Ergo propter hoc

…Ergo Propter Hoc

Adding Up the Flim Flam to date (8.10.’06)

Posted excerpt from the Philosophy of Completing Totalities on teleological causation

The Sequence of events

First Israel hugely over-reacts to a border-crossing abductions (7.12 NS 7.27). It declares capture of its three soldiers an act of war, begin merciless shelling of Beirut, creating conditions requiring ethnic cleansing of southern Lebanon in order to defend its right to exist.

The U.S. plays the role of enabler, sending arms and stalling the UN cease fire resolution.

Next, 8.10, the U.S. and U.K hugely over-react to alleged plot to explode 10 air planes in flight. Airport traffic in major cities massively disrupted in response to highest alert EVEN THOUGH the ones charged in the plot were already in custody and no reason whatever was given why an imminent threat was posed on this particular day. In a short while we will be at 9.11, again, which will reconnect with what this highest level terrorist alert is said to be (“the most horrendous deadly attack since 9.11”, reported).

Both over-reactions show stunning indifference to the quality of human life and property. Israel’s, wanton and depraved massacre of civilians (“Hezbollah hiding behind women and children.”). It is as if the Big Scripster of these historical events thought America needed to feel the hurt Israel was inflicting – or receiveing; in any case, its suffering. So it somehow got arranged that the “common terrorist enemy” would attack us now.

Then, on cue, as if explaining the reason for the arrangement, the president proclaims this enemy is “Islamic fascism” following an “ideology of hate”. This itself is hard-line Zionist racist rhetoric of hate. Bush’s escalation of this 8.10 pseudo-threat event into to a religious war vastly exceeds his authority. And it is used to bring about an inversion of theological and moral values, as the irreconcilable differences of the “One God” of Jewish-Muslim are allowed by naïve Christians to co-opt and reverse the God of the Trinity.

President Bush has no right to refer to either “fascism”, as if that was a descriptive term for matters of state; nor “Islam”, which carries religious overtones. The bloody 30 year war in Europe between the Protestant north lands and the Roman Catholic/Hapsburg southern Mediterranean lands, ended at Westphalia with the understanding that confessional terms of all sorts were to be left out of state diplomatic language. There would be no “Your Holy Reverence”, or “Your Majesty” stuff from thenceforth. This is the conceptual origin of the separation of church and state. The language of statescraft must be secular; otherwise those with whom one would communicate are obliged to acknowledge an inner situation that imposes unwanted advantages and/or disadvantages. A free man acknowledges no other man’s God. This does not mean each cannot represent his own God to the maximum, as an inner quality, but it restricts public manifestation by “grafting”: using terms requiring acts of obeisance to this or that in order to communicate.


Introductory college logic texts usually carry a section on a fallacy in causal reasoning known by its latin name “post hoc, ergo propter hoc”: “after, therefore because of.” This comes in in evaluating inductive reasoning. “Spring stretched; screed door slammed”: the cause of the sound of the slam was the spring pulling the door.” What followed was caused by what preceded. But “Fart knocked; shot blocked” is a before-after sequence not usually causally connected. Inductive reasoning uses the method of agreement and differences to weed out acausal vrs. causal sequences. From the classical scientific POV A. the law of universal causation holds throughout the universe; and B. the prior determines the subsequent; causation is an asymmetrical relation of succession in time. This is the basic worldview Newtonian/Kantian metaphysics.

However, there has always been a respected rival tradition and position of consciousness which reverses the order, putting the end as cause of the beginning. This reverse-causation, which runs barckward from the future to the past, is called “teleological causation.” When B follows A in teleological causation, it is because A is necessary for B, not the other way around as science assumes.

Different metaphysical grounds for teleological causal sequences have been offered. These can be laid out in a progressive sequence as follows.

1. “God’s plan”: history, including planet earth, the cosmos, and human species can be and is grasped as a unitary whole, created and completed by the actualization of a single spirit.

2. “Prophetic individuals”: there are supra-sensible experiences of special particular individuals in which past and future can be seen “transcendently”, connected in ways not known to others.

3. Aristotle’s concept of The Final Cause – that for the sake of which -- as one of the four kinds determining an individual member of the infima species (lowest order species of biological reproduction) is teleological.. The other three causes– Material, Efficient, Formal -- fall under the Final Cause in completing the natural unit through a continuous duration of time. The Formal Cause is closest to the Final, in the sense that the cycle of each thing as member of its species manifest its essence – in Man, the form of the human (male) – developmentally, providing a metaphysical continuity through the duration. The causal argument for the existence of God given by Thomas Aquinas sees the layers of ‘evolutionary’ development as lawfully subsumed under a hierarchy of laws of natural kinds actualized in the Form of totality completing in space and time. Whether it can be called a “proof of the existence of God” or not – the very notion smacks of the naïve, from a modern point of view – it is a perennial perspective. (Even called “The Perrenial Philosophy” in some quarters.) It traces a certain ladder of sign-uses through consciousness.

4. “Flowering seeds”: What is coming into existence at any given point in time and place is the unfolding of what has been, and what has been planted to unfold, in the places and times of humanity. This metaphysical perspective would add the layers of latencies manifesting in the hierarchy of sign-uses of consciousness as a separate and distinct “dimension” mediated by such sign-uses. This perspective perceives communication, itself, as a seething, turbulent stream of psycho-neural arousals each “bulb” of which belongs to the anatomy of a sign-use processor, where their brain is located.

5. The most comprehensive order manifest in consciousness is organized under the forms of forms of forms…of sign-use, each level of form being a level of predication on objects in sentences (as “living thing” of all members of every species). This hierarchy of Forms, from completing totality (Level S*7), downward to psycho-neurological origins (S*1 – origin of dreams), is the schema of the Transcendental dimension of consciousness.

6. The most compact, complete, total manifestation of conscious being in the individual is the teleological direction of the totality of his inner life toward completion, in the way a sentence completes a thought.

7. Stipulation: let “God” stand for what is communicated by/for each person as completing their totality.

Conclusion. The escalation of presidential rhetoric to “Islamic fascism” to designate an enemy of America … matching the unleashing of genocidal Jewish supremacist atrocity in Lebanon … plus (let’s add) the creaming of Snakeskin Joe, the Jew from Connecticut … and (adding further) the echo of Mel Gibson’s rage, taken as real …this pattern verifies the charge of willfully perverting the plan; thwarting the natural completion; foreclosing the higher dimensions of reality which are the natural end of consciousness as a totality. It is a false conjunction of the Final and Formal Causes. That is why it must be metaphysically rejected.
Everything is two

Sunday, August 06, 2006

When We All Get To Heaven

1. Marx was right when it comes to ownership of the means of production. The people, for instance, own these blog sites, not the government, so whoever bleats about "marxism" and at the same time objects to being shut up bny the government is self-contradictory. And probably an asshole, but that goes to another issue.

2. Freud was right about childhood sexuality (unfocused as such), the effects of perversion, especially abuse; and the effect shaming little boys has on the type of male they become.

3. Agreeing that actors, in general, do not relate to reality the same way others do (Ronald Reagan, for instance, son of alcoholic Jack Reagan, who kicked him in the head with his boot -- was "always "on"" -- always acting something out), this old and honored truth ("never take a professional entertainer seriously; it takes something out of you ") was one of the inner lines broken down by the 60's baby-boomer generation. They undressed performers and looked back on the Bing Crosby-Frank Sinatra crooner mystique as clear hee haw, if taken seriously. Meanwhile, shifting the new be-bop teenage style to the mop-head Beatles, Rolling Stones and electric guitars, all of it. The old movier star/entertainer --Marlene Dietrich singing Lili Marlein! <> underwent de-mystification, along with "femininity", deconstructing into the opposites previously bonded psychologically. Kurt Cobain, Nirvana and "grunge" took one strain of that deconstruction to the limit. Ignore him if you like, "Nevermind" was one of the seminal youth group knock-out hits, and I have listened to the great things he did a lot, too. These ones showed lots of other ones "the way", the grammar of being, how a person has to fitthe pieces together to make it work, if you are going to "make it". Mel Gibson deconstructed the "Jesus trip" strain from the old 60's: you act out your version of what it is to have the Son of God incarnate in you; screw everybody else. I never judged people on their Jesus trip, if it was total. My own, as Southern Baptist, trusted human totality, and still do. But then came perversions, and I do mean those who abused 60's youth, themselves, and humanity with something called "Vietnam". Mel Gibson deconstructed what "Christ" had to be for descendeants of that generation in order for them to see a movie that stirs that form of deep religious feelings. <>> In other words, Mel Gibson became a surrogate Christ, himself, for the alter-personality of the abused baby boomer generation. Under the cover of him breathing 1.2 (no one is drunk on that, not even a 15 year old kid -- 1 beer plus) the "anti-semitixm" (judeophobia, I call it, asking it not be brought up, please, in connection with myself) everyone knows is latent in hard-nose hard-core Iron Cross Catholicism, not to put them down for it, is flushed right out into the open. Absolutely amazing, and I am trying to help Flemming appreciate how and why.

Again, I do not judge other people's Jesus trip when it is genuine, that is, a totality of their personality and not clearly perverted. However there is a point about the Catholicism in all this that should be brought up. It can so happenh that some persons will predicate their opinion, such as about "Marx" or "Freud" as facts -- political facts, one might say -- when they are not facts at all. Whether from ignorace, indifference or malevolence, they will proceed on the basis of falsehood and jive, until stopped: either by themselves, buried under the weight of sheer-self-contradiction; or by an external force which lawfully materializes against them in opposition. This was played out by the Roman Catholic Church of the old Holy Roman Empire in the 16th century, materializing opposition of the old German Houses, with their new found Protestant (Luther, Calvin). Led by the Great Swedish general Adolphus Gustavos, they defeated the power of this idea over mankind forever. It severed the secular from the sacred for all time (even though Luther himself wasn't too keen on that point). Catholicism may have its hierarchy, its name, traditions and sacrality respected, but it is not, and cannot be recognized as, recognizing the4 same God the founding fathers of America worshipped without dishonoring the dead of that first modern war of liberation in the Western world, and what they died for.

4. Which brings us back to the Jews.
Yes, I side with the content of Mel Gibson's tirade. I also side with Hizbollah's right to resist open genocide. Will other ging-ho-for-Mel or what nots take that ste4p? Not that I am "in bed with", or "secretely love" Arabs and Muslims, but because, independent of these names, they have tried to do there, namely, organize a community that could sustain and defend itself against Israel, which is an affirmative in the cro-magnon liberal's handbook. And, more in the forefront, to turn against them as "terrorist enemy of the United States who have killed more Americans since the Vietnamese" -- referring to the 241 Marines killed at the behest of Sharon via Reagan, after the "Christian" militia had been unleashed by the butcher on the old men, women and children at Sabra and Shatila, further smearing the name and reputation of American Christendom. Where was the outcry then? Where? -- besides clipping of my own saved of letters to the editor at that time. The fact is, those deaths were a sacrifice to Zion. Wm. Casey is a link to this website.

I think true conservative Catholics would agree on these principles.

Friday, August 04, 2006


Consider this sign-use complex:


-WELL, one could say, the wars the U.S. are involved in today – Iraq, Lebanon (by complicity with Israel), Iran (being mongered) – are definitely due to Israel and the neocon Jews who have shaped U.S. policy. (see Mearsheimer and Wald; The Original Neocon Watch (OD board))

But when Gibson raves “Jews are responsible for ALL THE WARS IN THE WORLD” (if he did), he NEUTRALIZES the truth of their responsibility for these BY GROSSLY OVER-STATING. THE CASE. The gross overstatement can be dismissed off-hand as absurd. The kind of thing a super rabid Jew hater would say. Thus the tag of reductio ad absurdum falls silently, fallaciously, on the subsumed claim; as if what were absurd of all could not be true of any, and whoever thinks so is a super rabid Jew hater.

Such is the depth of cunning in this (:hypothesis) designed intrusion. Everyone knew Mel Gibson’s father was hard-core anti-semitic, and that Abe Foxman et al gave him a hard time about anti-semitism in The Passion. That got a lot of play in the culture wars. And Hollywood is notorious for doing reruns of megamind material, which this is.

I want to suggest that execution of this particular little trick with sign-uses is THE focal point of the incident. ARE THESE HIS WORDS? He has been quoted as not remembering what he said. How does he, or we, know what he said, then. Officer Mee’s notes, leaked to an on-line outfit. “Are you a Jew?” they noted MG had asked. One can hardly resist playing that scene in imagination in his mind. Sure glad he remembered to put that in. Lets us see ol’ Mel hanging out. The LAPD had him rewrite the best lead lines apparently, so there is a pretty broad range of deniabilities built into the thing on top of ambiguous “guess we’ll never know” source of origin for the quotes. By probability, however, it stands to reason that they were “shaped”, or “designed” to do the particular job psychologically required.

This would be to re-direct attention from the slaughter going on in Lebanon, for which the Libby Lobby Jews are, in fact, responsible – a spectacle of religio-racist genocidal barbarity unparalled among civilized nations since Kristallnacht. War crimes of the highest sort, aided and abetted by U.S. officials, including members of the Congress who remain silent for fear of arousing Jewish voter’s ire.

It would take a Group-fantasy event of this scale of magnitude, carefully mixing fact and fiction; sanity and insanity; straight and altered states; reality and irreality; movies and real life – almost like a warm-up for the JESUS RETURNS flick locked up in WB’s basement somewhere, which I have predicted is about due – to bring about a reversal of the judgment forming in the public group consciousness in favor of Hizbollah that “the Jews” have, in sober fact, started this war. The accusation that “They crossed over the border of Lebanon into Israel and kidnapped two soldiers July 12, ’06” has become a kind of Jewspeak mantra all officials are obliged to intone, along with “Israel’s right to self defense”, and “Israel’s right to exist.” Ay the top of this Jacob’s ladder of sign-uses through consciousness, of course, is “Judeo-Christian”, linking the Old Testament YHWH/Elohim/El Elyon to the New Testament God (incarnated in Jesus Christ). It is at this most comprehensive level of signs used for the Completing Totality that the linking of logically incompatible ideas under a single sign (hyphenated) originates, in TokenSpace; the contradictions found in descriptions at the lower, subsumed levels of individuals are a result of this original incompatibility ‘working downward”; that is, by way of justifying sign-use. The antinomies and contradictions (and “ironies”) result from taking both sides at once as ‘real’, transcendentally. An example would be use of the word “democracy” as a token of both freedom and tyranny: freedom at a rudimentary cultural/ commercial level; tyranny at the level of political/group communication. Pushing all sides of the American dichotomies in Iraq, for instance (“be united”; “be empowered”), has led to uncontrolled violence between religious factions once mutually tolerant. There was no way the ideas which the people were asked to respond to could be made intelligible, in America’s sense of the terms, when accompanied by bombs. And this is the baby-boomers moment of objective self-observation. It is the externalized mirror-image of their ambivalence toward The Father, as Sons (and daughters; but the main setting is maledom) of the 60’s. What they allowed (‘delegated’) the Catholic/Jewish neocon cabal to do, in taking over U.S. foreign policy in the Mid East, comes to a head, gets focused as a totality, in the history of events that terminate in the situations at Baghdad and Beirut.

It is this one point – that “The Jews (in their Jewishness, in re Zionist Israel)” are responsible for US involvement in war in the Middle East – that this entire episode was designed to reverse the effect of, I am arguing. They are compelled by the incandescent rage of the entire world to reply to the terrible charges, at the group-fantasy level, using the most powerful Token Toady available. Who better than the already tarred religio-political Crucifier-in-chief. Somehow (we are told) he blurted out an uninhibited, ultra-radical generic content of anti-Jewish ethnic consciousness. This was the first step, getting it “out the4re”.

Next, comes total dumping of every Nazi-mongering, hateful, besmirching, insolent smear the MSM pundits outdo each other in making. He becomes a “poison container”: a canister of Zyklon B formed by projection of each one’s anti-Semitic group fantasy. Mel Gibson was delegated, or delegated himself, to speak for all. A kind of Jesus trip, seen through reversals.

. Meanwhile, the picture on the channel “news” networks show maleficent Mel, alongside Nasrallah, intelligent-looking leader of Hizbollah. “The Party of God.” Which God, you ask? Ke3ep looking at the TV. What do those two men on the split screen of collective consciousness have in common?

Both speak of Jews, war, and -- by Gibson’s accusation reversed – war on Jews. This is the “DOUBLE REVERSE NEGATIVE” form of sign-use I analyze in detail elsewhere.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006







The situation 7.30.’06: Incandescent rage world wide at Israel/Jews
-for shelling Beirut
-deliberately killing UN observers
Al-Malik condemnation of Isreal
-48 hr ceasefire for humanitarian relief promised – a fig-leaf for Rice’s pathetic plea for restraint on both sides. Promise broken in 12hrs.
- Qana massacre …
-.Dead child carried from the rubble on Page 1 of NY DAILY NEWS (poster for anti-semitism if ever there was one: not a feel-good thing);.

-MEL GIBSON “BLOWS” -- despicable! Booze talk! (hell, lots of white trash, esp, ultra right=wing religious nutcase extremists fell that way or say such things ‘in their cups’ – he’s da man) .
“MAD MEL “ Page 1 NY Post 8.1.2006

So the Jews take a hit. Even good policeman get despicable booze-talk tirades, but doesn’t want to hurt the man’s career. That's damn white of him. LAPD, too. Christiasn solidarity here; morale thiang. The good will of useful idiots can be counted on to get them by, all the way through.

It's not really much of a "hit", though, compared to what destiny doled out to the Lebanese. More like a swift kick on the shin to mark that flickering "They had it coming..." moment; now its on to the Pop-eye cartoon.

So, was the Crucifix Kid giving out hate-Jew talk with the babes in the nightclub? (**** the family, I guess) – Before jumping in his Nexus, pulling a few stunts to make sure he would land in big-time trouble, and making sounds like barfin’ ‘bullah? (Putting into words what everybody in the civilized world is thinking.) Or did he just hit on these neat formulations spontaneously during the get-a-way chase scene? – maybe after picking up on the officer’s ethnicity?….

What made him go off like that, we have a right to ask?

Could it have been a genuinely anguished (not anti-semitic) religious Christian’s honest gut reaction to the events cited above in uninhibited layman's terms?

I think he owes it to tell his adoring public just which way it is. Otherwise, he's just another tool of the Jews. It's like Clinton. If he had stood up for what he did; or resigned ....somethings you just can't have both ways.

Oh, I forget. He’s in rehab. Guess we’ll never know how he really feels – at least in time to form a true opinion.

That’s how you know he is really a Jew, as I have insisted all along. Pounding spikes through Jesus hand. If he was a man, he would step out now say what he really thinks, before they irreparably alter his mind, and maybe outs.

Can you come out, Mel?