Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, April 28, 2007



This hyphenated expression is used to designate the units, or symbolic constituents, of an act of communication.

Letters, words, punctuation, and number signs (with their signs for adding, subtracting etc. operators) are the basic types of signs used in common communication. Glyphs, hand-arm gestures, electronic sketches and the like, are understood to bear a symbolic meaning, or text, which explains their special appearance, patterns, occurrence and concurrence with something other than themselves, when true. These are primary communicators.

Diagrams, charts, maps, blueprints, matrices and models require the use of primary communicators to understand what they are about, unless they are literal depictions, as in the case of photographs, anatomical drawings, etc. These are secondary communicators.

S* (abbreviation of a sign-use)

The asterisk, *, is used here for the sign to which it is attached, analogous to use of the dot, ., for ending a sentence according to the common convention. The dot signals "stop", to the string of words read; the asterisk signals "look at me", double-taking the attachee.

Example: Language*. Introduced into discourse about language, language* is psychosemiotic discourse about itself.

Red Flag of criticism goes up: Language about language leads directly to paradox and self-contradiction unless subject to restriction. This is where the 20th century began, with Russell's Theory of Logical Types introduced into the philosophy of mathematics to prevent just this from occurring.

II. Linear Logic (for textual communication)
versus Circular Logic (for token communication)
The logic of non-self-contradiction (physical sciences)
versus the logic of opposites (psychology

III. Doubles* and Consciousness

Sign-use about S* is a mirror of consciousness of consciousness (consciousness under sign-use).

(Speaking of consciousness: old conundrum. "How can there be consciousness of itself, if consciousness is the pre-condition of awareness of any and all content? -- can a hammer, the instrument used for striking whatever, strike itself?" -- Reply: wrong tool analogy. Short answer to the question is: by mirroring. Elaborating: consciousness finds itself (we find it) mirrored in its products, the articulated contents under S*.)

Consciousness is brought to itself through necessity in/through S*: that is to say, in necessary connections between sign-uses relating only to each other as such, not to any other reality (the truth of the reality in signs through signs).

IV. The Asterisk

The conventional sign constructed by crossing the vertical-horizontal lines by the X diagonals creates the figure of eight vertices, pointing in each of the NW, N, NE, E, SE,S,SW, W directions of the compass.

Its use is three-fold: 1. To function inside outside sentences, the way the dot, . functions as a period at their end. -- a contextual self-referencing index that stops the flow; 2. (in addition, while doing so) to call attention to the token to which it is attached; and 3. to indicate direction of token association.

This last is the psychosemiotic equivalent of implication in logical cognition. Use of the asterisk indicates the material to which it is attached (title, phrase, etc.) is multiply over-determined in significance, and can be 'unpacked' in the context of its occurrence into different dimensions. The centre of the intersecting lines is where the "S" is added as "the 9th" -- or, since the same process of addition can be reversed from the opposite side, it can be said also where the 8, the moveable plane of infinity "above", is brought into relation with a constant, from the extra-symbolic world "below".


This hyphenated expression is used to designate the units, or symbolic constituents, of an act of communication.
Letters, words, punctuation, and number signs (with their signs for adding, subtracting etc. operators) are the basic types of signs used in common communication. Glyphs, hand-arm gestures, electronic sketches and the like, are understood to bear a symbolic meaning, or text, which explains their special appearance, patterns, occurrence and concurrence with something other than themselves, when true. These are primary communicators.
Diagrams, charts, maps, blueprints, matrices and models require the use of primary communicators to understand what they are about, unless they are literal depictions, as in the case of photographs, anatomical drawings, etc.
S* (abbreviation of a sign-use)
The asterisk, *, is used here for the sign to which it is attached, analogous to use of the dot, ., for ending a sentence according to the common convention. The dot signals "stop", to the string of words read; the asterisk signals "look at me", double-taking the attachee.
Example: Language*. Introduced into discourse about language, language* is psychosemiotic discourse about itself.
Red Fag of criticism goes up: Language about language leads directly to paradox and self-contradiction unless subject to restriction. This is where the 20th century began, with Russell's Theory of Logical Types introduced into the philosophy of mathematics to prevent just this from occurring.
II. Linear Logic (for textual communication)
versus Circular Logic (for token communication)
The logic of non-self-contradiction (physical sciences)
versus the logic of opposites (psychology)
III. Doubles* and Consciousness
Sign-use about S* is a mirror of consciousness of consciousness (consciousness under sign-use).
(old conundrum: "How can one speak of consciousness of itself, if consciousness is the pre-condition of awareness of any and all content? -- can a hammer, the instrument used for striking whatever, strike itself?" -- Reply: wrong tool analogy. Short answer to the question is: by mirroring. Elaborating: consciousness finds itself (we find it) mirrored in its products, the articulated contents under S*.)
Consciousness is brought to itself through necessity in/through S*: that is to say, in necessary connections between sign-uses relating only to each other as such, not to any other reality (the truth of the reality in signs through signs).
IV. The Asterisk
The conventional sign constructed by crossing the vertical-horizontal lines by the X diagonals creates the figure of eight vertices, pointing in each of the NW, N, NE, E, SE,S,SW, W directions of the compass.
Its use is three-fold: 1. To function inside outside sentences, the way the dot, . functions as a period at their end. -- a contextual self-referencing index that stops the flow; 2. (in addition, while doing so) to call attention to the token to which it is attached; and 3. to indicate direction of token association.
This last is the psychosemiotic equivalent of implication in logical cognition. Use of the asterisk indicates the material to which it is attached (title, phrase, etc.) is multiply over-determined in significance, and can be 'unpacked' in the context of its occurrence into different dimensions. The centre of the intersecting lines is where the "S" is added as "the 9th" -- or, since the same process of addition can be reversed from the opposite side, it can be said also where the 8, the moveable plane of infinity "above", is brought into relation with a constant, from the extra-symbolic world "below".


This hyphenated expression is used to designate the units, or symbolic constituents, of an act of communication.
Letters, words, punctuation, and number signs (with their signs for adding, subtracting etc. operators) are the basic types of signs used in common communication. Glyphs, hand-arm gestures, electronic sketches and the like, are understood to bear a symbolic meaning, or text, which explains their special appearance, patterns, occurrence and concurrence with something other than themselves, when true. These are primary communicators.
Diagrams, charts, maps, blueprints, matrices and models require the use of primary communicators to understand what they are about, unless they are literal depictions, as in the case of photographs, anatomical drawings, etc.
S* (abbreviation of a sign-use)
The asterisk, *, is used here for the sign to which it is attached, analogous to use of the dot, ., for ending a sentence according to the common convention. The dot signals "stop", to the string of words read; the asterisk signals "look at me", double-taking the attachee.
Example: Language*. Introduced into discourse about language, language* is psychosemiotic discourse about itself.
Red Fag of criticism goes up: Language about language leads directly to paradox and self-contradiction unless subject to restriction. This is where the 20th century began, with Russell's Theory of Logical Types introduced into the philosophy of mathematics to prevent just this from occurring.
II. Linear Logic (for textual communication)
versus Circular Logic (for token communication)
The logic of non-self-contradiction (physical sciences)
versus the logic of opposites (psychology)
III. Doubles* and Consciousness
Sign-use about S* is a mirror of consciousness of consciousness (consciousness under sign-use).
(old conundrum: "How can one speak of consciousness of itself, if consciousness is the pre-condition of awareness of any and all content? -- can a hammer, the instrument used for striking whatever, strike itself?" -- Reply: wrong tool analogy. Short answer to the question is: by mirroring. Elaborating: consciousness finds itself (we find it) mirrored in its products, the articulated contents under S*.)
Consciousness is brought to itself through necessity in/through S*: that is to say, in necessary connections between sign-uses relating only to each other as such, not to any other reality (the truth of the reality in signs through signs).
IV. The Asterisk
The conventional sign constructed by crossing the vertical-horizontal lines by the X diagonals creates the figure of eight vertices, pointing in each of the NW, N, NE, E, SE,S,SW, W directions of the compass.
Its use is three-fold: 1. To function inside outside sentences, the way the dot, . functions as a period at their end. -- a contextual self-referencing index that stops the flow; 2. (in addition, while doing so) to call attention to the token to which it is attached; and 3. to indicate direction of token association.
This last is the psychosemiotic equivalent of implication in logical cognition. Use of the asterisk indicates the material to which it is attached (title, phrase, etc.) is multiply over-determined in significance, and can be 'unpacked' in the context of its occurrence into different dimensions. The centre of the intersecting lines is where the "S" is added as "the 9th" -- or, since the same process of addition can be reversed from the opposite side, it can be said also where the 8, the moveable plane of infinity "above", is brought into relation with a constant, from the extra-symbolic world "below".

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Official story cracking

Official Story Cracking Already
S* Analysis of Takeaway

1. Feds ordered VTech Stand down

"Police and EMT workers at Virginia Tech tell us that campus police were given a federal order to stand down and not pursue killer Cho Seung-Hui as Monday's bloodshed unfolded.

Though wishing to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, we have received calls from police and EMT's who tell us that a stand down order was in place, and this is also confirmed by eyewitness Matt Kazee, who is a Blacksburg local.

Kazee talked to local EMT's and police who told him the same thing, that the order was to wait until federal back up arrived before any action was taken. This explains the complete non-response of the police in the two hour gap between Cho's first two murders and the wider rampage that would follow later that morning.
The policy of federal control over the University was put in place following a previous shooting in August 2006 in which a police officer and a hospital security guard were killed. In addition, a former long-term University police officer, George French, told the Alex Jones Show that it is routine to seal off a campus on which a suspected gunman is loose.

“Setting up a series of roadblocks, controlling access to very large pieces of property, is very much routine on any university campus in Canada and in the United States,” said French.

“After a double homicide, when you’re looking for a dangerous fellow with a firearm, I find it unfathomable that a series of roadblocks weren’t set up…to prevent the felon from escaping.”

French could find no logical conclusion other than deliberate inaction on the part of officials. “We have another coordinated, allowed event…the parallels are so common in each case; you can write the script in advance.”

I wonder what that last sentence meant.

2. Timeline discrepancy. I personally checked the time (9.01 am) and distances from the post office (at 909 University City Blvd.) closest to Norris Hall (apprx. 2 mi.) where the second shootings began at 9.15 am.

There is no way on gods earth one guy could sprint that distance after dropping off the package to NBC at the post office, barricade the door, methodically and effectively shoot 30 people in four classrooms and a hallway then himself by 9.45. No way. And this has been evident since Wednesday.

Media touches: "Gunmman Sent Photos In Between Killings" (Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin 1.19.20) Use of this as headline for what is most glaringly disputed illustrates "backfilling" the official story -- glossing over the question, leaving people's minds bouncing off affirmation and denial but unable or unwilling to challenge the authority of a newspaper headline in regard to a matter of authority.

3. "Cho may have shared his plans with someone else..." Anderson Cooper, 360 (4.40 10 oclock news)

This: a. admits the existence of more than a wacked out, drugged, sex-starved loner Korean liberation obsessed nut case profile I previously pegged him. b. Glosses the admission, which not only blows to hell the rabid TV news "One shooter" shit they confabulate compulsively, compleat with psychoanalysis of serial killers. Now the lying news managers will come up with "He inveigled somebody to drop off the package while he took care of business." yep

4. Underground connections.
A. Reptile Return -- Why Now? - Satan's back Can Jesus be far behind?;read=102936


There is a reason why these mind-controlled mass shootings occur around mid-April. This date connection is based upon the power elite's blood sacrifices to Satan. Recall that they committed the Waco blood sacrifice of little children on April 19th. Recall that they did the Oklahoma City blood sacrifice of little children on April 19th. Recall that they orchestrated the Columbine blood sacrifice of children on April 20th
B. Or maybe its an inside job
WHY.... because Blacksburg houses (underground in the side of a local Blacksburg mountain!) the best kept US government's ABOVE TOP SECRET laboratory for developing/applying (as in Cathy's case) such weapons such as human robotic mind control programming.******

The takeaway historical group situation* (*those who say "we" with America -- use of "we" includes oneself emotionally in the unconsciously designated womb-surround):


presents America, and all who would align themselves on one side or another of the issues now made forever irresolvable by the bloodshed, with a PSYCHOSEMIOTIC ANTINOMY:

Neither of two contradictory sides, each calling for total, Absolute commitment, can be totally committed-to. NOT A: = the cause of the shooter was all wrong/America deserves nothing in return for its monumental hubris. NOT NOT-A: = the shooter (given composite profile) was justified ..........Both sides of the: A. corporate fascist/military complex; versus NOT-A. anti-West/communist/Muslim minority ('people's'-minorities) can be defended with equal cogency, if opposite commitments are made to unspoken, but assumed positions.on 3rd alternatives. When both sides of contradictory positions can be equally well defended, but neither can be accepted, that is an antinomy. Since the positioning in this case is called for, for most of us, thankfully, only by what is communicated through the media*, that is, by the use if signs, it is primarily a psychosemiotic event. -- a mass psychological reaction to images, words, pictures, historical and personal memories, trauma, and situation. That is my metaphysical analysis of the process taking place.
I always regarded my job as a teacher completed when both sides of a question had been presented. Try to objectively present; leave the open questions undecided, unless labeling opinion.opinion. Felt the call to Preach after retiring, sharpening skills on the 'Net. Found the the Phora (or vice versa) by Casimir effect (attracted to its higher ideals), totally ignoring ages, user-name bluster or identities; may have been too high-handed, but hope not too antagonistic to be listened to on this one:
psychosemiotic antinomy,

You can quote me. (or not)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Mass epidemic hysteria - maleness

A quick blast ...
for maximum relevance today:

1. Mass epidemic hysteria -- a social sicknessfairly well-studied. Caspar Schmidt's classic 1984 in J. of Psychohistory linked:

A. Reagan's coming; Carter's burial to

B. 1975 cross-over point from '60's' expansion to beginning shame-guilt "the party's over" crackdown reaction-era, w/ 'right-wing'-ers delegated by The Group (mainly, themselves, but left-wing 'self-hatred' comes in, expecting it) to punish 'left-wing'-ers for their own (r-w's) child sacrifice in Vietnam -- displaced onto the "abortion" issue ("the left" is by definition (token-tautology) -- the corrupt, abusing, baby-killing jew sinners--"Like Nazi gas chambers, those abortion clinics" opined NY's Cardinal John O'connor

C. Gays (and feminazis) get to be odd-man out scapegoats, as jews morph quickly into neocon mode (Elliot Abrams does Military/Church right-wing dirty work in El Salvador; Wm. Casey RC cola time in Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Pakistan; Sharon butchers the Lebonese, JPII politicizes Polish Christianity, heists Walesa's honest union cause and honors Opus Dei's Escriva, Banco Ambrosiano etc.)

D. This social situation 'spiraled in' on male sexuality, as homos were called upon to come out or cop out. This is where affect-Conversion went over into AIDS hysteria, which became a permanent psychotic Signifer of living with a death condition. Schmidt, a South African child psychologist (one of the most brilliant men I'VE ever met, up there with Abbie Hoffman) took the eitiology of hysterical conversion to an unconscious sense of SHAME VS GUILT ! -- pointing out that it is a (what I call) being-indictment, not a willed act-condemnation, which can be recalled and/or externalized. (projected and punished-in-the-other in the latter case).

Shame goes deep. Some can't leave home w/o a gut-smack. Get a bunch of them together ... if you accept Freud's economic model, the libido has to go somewhere, or be re-absorbed as poison (love turned into hate, reprojected as passive aggressive sadism). Freud speaks somewhere of bodily fluids becoming toxic; Gulf War Syndrome included women claiming returning vets semen stung, raised welts on ther skin.

It was maleness, itself (especially on the part of "little dick white boys" as Ed Bradly coaxed that black whore to call the Duke Lacross guys on 60 minutes CBS TV) that became an 'issue', and whoever wasn't already sure and comfortable with their masculinity stood a chance of getting real sickness at the time. What if their 'lifestyle' had, in fact, inflicted earth with a deadly plague? -- retro-virus 'smouldering in darkest Africa' one right-wing Christian science writer had it, waiting to pop out of green monkey dung into the food chain. Something had.

Then we see Rush Limbaugh ... Glen Beck -- Bill Kristol -- Ben Shapiro -- Savage Weiner --Fox news and the Guckert/Mehlman gaynxiety prodders f'r jeezus (holy seculards) -- for the truly pussified boobus Americanus. All ya gotta do is talk tough and put up a front against A-rabs, you'll be OK. These guys feel shame? Do vacuums exist? (Pouring from the empty into the void.)

The AIDS Cult offers essays that examine the psycho-social origins of the ‘HIV/AIDS’ belief system. The opening essay, ‘The fantasy group origins of AIDS’ by the late Caspar Schmidt, a psychoanalyst with a practice in New York, written in 1984, was astonishingly prophetic of our current rethinking of the ‘AIDS’ construct.....Ian Young, in the preface, states that ‘HIV believers’ and ‘AIDS critics’ have ignored the psycho-social factors that have arguably contributed to the unnecessary deaths of thousands. Schmidt nominates ‘AIDS’ as a "bio-psycho-social disorder" and contends that ‘AIDS’ is psychologically contagious, being ‘spread’ through mass-hypnosis rather than microbes. He proposes that chronic and inescapable fear can elicit a biochemical reaction in the body, which in time causes "psychogenically-reduced cell-mediated immunity."

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