Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, June 24, 2007



(Or: Disposing of Mind*)

Grammatical variants distribute twoness throughout discourse: double, half, dyads, duality, diadic, dualisms. Also: pairs, twins, images, copy, ditto, polarity, sides; fork, Y, 'break in twoness'

Now, emerging in the flow of process (abbrv. =>) in group discourse, is another "twoness" phenomenon. Of a different, 'empirical' sort, but strangely connected to the grammar.

"Everything comes in two's these days", a friend recently observed, referring to Signal "Media Circus" events (Ex. death of Anna Nicole Smith) -- 'signal' in the sense of something obviously symptomatic, perverted, and diverting. "Nicole" splits off, rematches to O.J. Simpson, 1995, also returned these days.)


1. Text-token -- Text for what is outside (=> the other side of the 2-way nose bridge; Token for the private personal side of Sign-use.

Sign-Use (S*): = df. communication of a meaning, or intention, by an empirical sign; a universal by a particular, text x token. These two ubiquitous, essential aspect of sign-use as such arise from different source of the apparatus, token preceeding text as caused (belonging to the causal order of process as qualitative content); text (the unity of thought) preceding the token as its telos (why a choice of words and/or pictures is used.) These two strands of process, causal for token, logical for text, flow together to "Y" omtp S*.

2. Conscious / Unconscious psychological system-processing

From Depth psychology: Freud, Jung. Both recognized 'barriers', 'resistances' marking the boundary between these processing systems, preventing their respective contents from merging. It is a sanity barrier. Jung described it as resistances to seeing one's opposite ('other': dark- or light- side of developed norlam consciousness). Freud structured this barrier as a censoring, censuring agency programmed to keep split-off products of wayward childhood sexual fantasies (not then, or to the children having them, of course, but seen from a later, retrospective standpoint) from returning as Unwanted Bats in the Belfry. In Freud, the sexual life, subject to virtually autonomous flow-of-process independent of the necessary reality-centered concerns of ego-consciousness, is an instinctive trend in the psyche permanently at odds with its sane-being-mentation proceeding through the thinking center. This is the metaphysics built into Freud's notion of Repression. The Male represses his (Female side) to individuate maleness; the Female represses her (Male side) to individuate femaleness. Jung did not follow Freud's libido theory of psychic energy, which appears to equate all desire with desire for pleasure, thus a 'purely biological view of man', hedonism, utilitarian ethiocs, etc. Critics taking this line, however, overlook what Freud called "sublimation", roughly, transformation of Eros into Agape. Perhaps because it isn't part of their flow-of-process. But Freud is merely being descriptive, not telling people what or what not to do about anything. Anyone can sublimate, or not, depending on their will, as they always could. There is no need for traditional culturalists to impugn Freud, and it quickly becomes symptomatic when assayed. (He knew their ass.) Jung, shifting the metaphysics of psychic energy (and the so-called 'economic model' of psychic process) from "libido" to "interest" in general (so that not all objects of interests are derivatives of sexual wish-fulfillments), can speak of the male-or-female centered ego as "reconciling itself with its Own Unconscious through the Other"; and, Beyond (this goes to "Mercurialis", the "philosophical water" and transformation by the marriage-of-opposites, an internally completing process. This is a capsule of his Mysterium Conjunctionis.

Both these great psychologists began with, then almost discarded, as from over-familiarity from use, the notion of "consciousness." It's use was not regularized. Jung's use to contrast with "the Collective Unconscious" pralleled, but not square fully with, Freud's. One invokes mediums, spitirism , and wandering off outside one's body into Akashic TokenSpace, and astralism in general. That's the field of Jungs 'psychic energy'
("interest"). The other, libido hypothesis, holds this grand plethoric panaroma in check by tracing it, itself, to split-off childhood fantasies (many Freudians regarded Jung as a lunatic).

"Consciousness" was not regularized because what it was contrasted with, "Unconsciousness", was not regularized. For example, "the inconscious" was modeled by Freud in 1900 as a Dyadic. two-memory, two-layered "System": "Prc", the pre-conscious, outer-chamber of full conscious awareness; and "Unc", the deeper, trauma-rooted motility-controlling ("acting out", as in "warding off'") thought-like process. The Unc. flows into the Prc., which flows into consciousness (Cs.). Jung, in contrast, focused on the content of the earliest mental processes, including those of the Polymorphous perverse, Oral, Anal and Oedipal fantasy content which is "incompatible with the conscious standpoint", therefore split-off in the course of development, rejected as "not mine!", and projected as "Evilness in you*"... and devised the theory of Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious to unite "the archaic residues" reappearing in each ones dreams early on, with the identical motifs scattered among peoples globally from earliest times past. As if there were a point at which both once converged, at the outset of the human trajectory, when "Minds" were beginning to evolve; then became dispersed or distributed, over time, into separate material 'localizations', like crystalized particles connected into larger ones. (In Gurdjieff, Omni-present Okidonakh entering into the flow of process of "Tetarocosmos" through second being-food, or "air". )

The Collective Unconscious becomes Consciousness of (the) Collective by traversing the Mandala-wheel of individuality. That is the transcendental side of psychodynamics.

The reference to Omni-present Okidonakh as substance mixing with the air we breath takes the discussion of Twoness down a metaphysical step to basic anatomical process: breathing air => intake of Two kinds of Oxygen: Oxygen 1 (higher) in S*- formed sight/sound vibrations ("communication by sign-use), 1 ; Oxygen 2 (lower) => blood cell bonded => transformed in digestion, separating the higher vibrations in first being food, sending others through the liver (=> bowel => bile => kidney => gall => stool =>out ....) Oxygen 1 goes directly to the brain, as a needed "3rd force", or "coolant", for it's upper level cortical processes (active-force for thinking-center, given S* (language)) demanding control of movement, motility, responsiveness from the less-vibrationally vivified, langourous, protein cell based response to entering sound-sight shock waves with "information".

3. Hypnotic vs common/normal states
Duality of consciousness (Gurdjieff)

Hypnotic states <= (flow from)

Division of flow-of-psychic process in the sentient organism into two independent streams alternating the 'zoostadt" controlling two different 'consciousnesses', according to different tempos-of-blood- circulation. The states vary from 'orgone dilation' (W. Reoch), blood-flow of openness, passivity, receptivity to receiving impressions; to "orgone contraction" (as: sphincter), crackdown, stifling, blocking,'turning-back' the flow of psychic energy -- the neurophysiological basis of "anxiety" (repression). . ,

Gurdjieff's account of a primordial division in the tempo's of flow-of-blood determining entirely different consciousness (not: "states") is here.

"The first fact (explaining the duality) is, that from the time when owing to their abnormal existence (cf. the organ kundabuffer; inserted at base of the spine, then removed, leaving behind crystalizing consequences) there began to be formed inthem what is called the 'two-system-Zoostat,' that is, two independent consciousnesses, then Great Nature began gradually to adapt Herself to this, that after they arrive at a certin age, there begins to proceed in them two 'Inkliazanikshanas' of different what are called 'tempos,' that is, as they themselves would say, two 'blood circulations of different kinds.'

"From this certain age mentioned, each one of these 'Inkliazanikshanas' of different tempo, that is to say each 'blood circulation,' begins to evoke in them the functioning of one of their mentioned consciousnesses and vice versa, the intensive functioning of either of their consciousness begins to evoke in them the kind of blood circulation corresponding to it."

(Note: this would explain why smell metaphors are often used in evaluating prose.)

"The difference between these two independent kinds of blood circulation in their common presences is actualized by means of what is called 'tempo-Davlaksherian-circulation,' or, according to the expression there of what is called contemporary medicine, the 'diffeernce-in-the-filling-of-thue-blood-vessels'; that is to say, in the condition of the waking state, the 'center-of-gravity-of-the-blood-pressure' in their common presences obtains in one part of the general system of blood vessels, and in the condition of the passive state, in another art of the vessels."

Gurdjieff further constated these things:

-- The Sacred impulse called Remorse of Conscience enters into ("is felt") the sub-conscious of the top-most consciousness from which it is split off. This sacred impulse is required by the Soul as Higher Oxygen to complete its function, and that of the planetary body, on earth.

-- Yet the occasions for for this "instinctive response" befitting all three-brained beings, on earth or throughout the cosmos, are increasing daily in every sphere of the soul-completing factors.

4. Enter: Altered States and drugs

Types of mind-altering drugs by Objective experiences

"Getting high": acceleration of blood-flow, altering time by enlarging the picture-distances from head-brain to body; abolishing the barrier between Conscious and Pre-Conscious, without tripping.

"Tripping": entering the Bardo planes (as in Leary's "Psychodelic Experience" interpreted according to the Tibetan Book of the Dead.) The tour guide (Tim, himself, after Cary Grant turned him on) helped sort out 'what's just in your mind, this time around", the passages the tripper must navigate to get through, and may get 'hung up' on if apparitions are mistaken for reality. Thus was, and is, an ultra-powerful mythology laid on altered state consciousness induced by LSD. My existential criticism is, it uses up the energy potential of the planetary body without coating the higher-being (astral). Leary was noi anti-Vietnam war beacon.

"Tripping" went from the Grateful Dead of "the 60's", via Right-Wing Reversal by Reagan ("666") in the '80's, to "Iraq War for YHWH" after 2002. (Not the real God of the Old Testament, of course, which nobody knows what was; the Zionist semites' token-diety, confirmed by the Pope, linked to Busch's Base.) What Jesus-trippers were to the 60's, cancer-brain Atwaters and Oliver North's were to the 80's.

"The Trip", Right-Wing hi-jacked, returned in the 2000's in the movie The Gladiators: "We who are about to die salute you!" Russell Crowe, reciting the lines plugging in the "die for the Glory of Rome" Inkliazanikshana for this generation. Theirs would the the Last Generation. Theirs was the Death trip. IT's what the 60's brought.

In Gurdjieffian dynamics, the function of the above Twoness in communication, is 'plugging up both ends of the torus consciousness cannister", compressing the flow of circulation of content through the "8", expanding the force-of-pressure on the inside, blocking the final stage of transformation from TI to DO, turning back accumulated psychic energy into perpetual repetition-compulsion ("death instinct"), preventing the completion of higher ("9") conscious totalities.

(Ex. of Doubles: Anna Nicole Smith (incest fantasy/fetal origins) => Brittny Spears (=>Paris Hilton) (Oedipal 'want to be raped' fantasies; 'naughty blonds')

Lacy Peterson (and "Unborn son Conner") -- dead pregnant Mom, killed by Evil Good-Time-Charlie Male "Scott", 2002 ... Dead body of 9 month pregnant Jessie Davis and Unborn Child found in Ohio; churlish looking boyfriend "not a suspect", but no matter. Its an Evil Good-Time_Charlie Male killing lovely sweet wife loved by all. That's the consciousness crystalized by the excited flow-of-hot- blood of hate, diverted onto this poor mother from the massive war dead in Iraq, with the same neocon-Repube-military/industrial complex corporate carpet baggers behind the curtain, flashing "ON TO IRAN!"

Friday, June 15, 2007

Prempting Democracy


Theological, but by Psychology, not Destiny

Explaining the War compulsion

-A Political Psychosemiotic Blog


Short answer: when it hits the BULL'S EYE

Ex. NBC interview of another reporter "Why is there so much election activity so far in advance?' Rather than answering, the interviewee replied, "Look, the primaries will be around in 8 months. In eight months we will know who the candidates for president are to going to be." uh so it was left.

As if that answered the question, when, instead, it restated its aptness. But of course the interviewer was satisfied. He'd been Alpha Maled. All staged, of course.

The most cynical, and my answer to the "why?" question is To Preempt Democracy. That is the BULL'S EYE here. To use the democratic process, in name, to defeat the democratic process,
in reality.

It has just been done. Everyone concedes the '06 vote was a thumping repudiation of the war. What do Bush, Cheney and the rover boys do? Immediately announce an INCREASE in troops levels for Iraq --a 'surge' of military force to pacify Sadr City. Calling on Democrats and "the American people" "give it time to work. Gen. Petreus will report back in September on success or failure, trust me." Now it is being said he may not do that. So what will we hear next?

"Aw, honey, c'mon, one more time for old time's sake? O.K.? We can make it work this time around..."

Who could say no? (leetle joke).


War, in essence-terms, is the acting out by a group of people of a womb-cleansing ritual. It is carried out at the end of a cycle of cracking, collapse, upheaval, as phases of natural historical group process. L. deMause documents this; also, shows that this sequence to be a repetition at the collective level of the phases of development phases of the embryo to infant: there is a general passing from undifferentiated, to more-or-less-pleasant-to-uncomfortable conditions in the ambient womb-surround; there is an upheaval at the end, when placenta passes from nurturant to Poisonous (Dragonic, serpentine, squeezing, suffocating -- actual body-experiencings imprinted under trauma, flashbacked among individuals and groups as "instinctual imperatives" to Rise Up and Slay, to free the children, as Marduk slew Tiamat when they have lost the Invisible Shield of power protecting Unity of their Womb-Surround. )

We've got a country riddled with Illegal Aliens sure as Woody (the Woodpecker) Allen's sperms have peckerwooded their way up
Cindy's Y-shaped kaboodle. In the saga of Yederman's trajectory as a moving point in tokenspace, what is called "the Oedipal period of development" bring gender differences of parents into consciousness with fantasies their sexual union (unknown as that, of course, until much later identification of the powerful subjective awakenings) displaced onto the material of the fetal drama in utero, imprinted under trauma, consequently engendering the form of unconscious behavior called "repetition compulsion." Mixes with the retrojected sense of sin for having violated adult Tokenspace, Killed Father and replaced him as Man for Mother. This retrojected unconscioius sense of guilt (Freud knew people would scoff at the idea there is such a thing), as if we deserved the punishment by the Poisoned Placenta, wishing it upon us IN ORDER TO ACT OUT HEROIC RE-BIRTH, DRIVEN BY REPETITION COMPULSION. Walla -- Bin Laden, Al Queda.

. This cyclic process is the natural 'wearing down" of an original STRONG ("Golden Dawn", valorized Birth era) => (flowing into) the Hearth/fireside era => Family tradition era => flow-of-inerchange-of-substances (communication) (CRACKING) => School: academia- centered totalities as an era => (....) (LOSS OF CONTAINERS*)

The crazy unconscious thought is: "we can purge our sinfulness by sacrificing the blood of youth, our children, who die willingly for love of us and our (today: national, Zionist, Papal) God* -- all we need is an Enemy (we'll let the media demonize it; it knows how). Vital, red blood of the Finest First Born poured into the sands of time renews the soul of pre-Christian YHWH. "

This is the BULL'S EYE of the constellating factors of America's historical totality. It has allowed its God*, the one the U.S. Constitution was signed under, to be entwined with Old Testament deities, "YHWH" being the Mosaic prototype of what is called 'monotheism'. As if the alleged Incarnation of "His Son", with what his life,death and imprinted inherency, had not willingly sacrificed to terminate that version of the inner spiritual tie to the source of human arising. As of that has never occurred. "Judeo-Christian" expressed the hyphenated conjunction of these theological opposites. The last two Popes have taken Roman Catholicism, as a religion, into the political camp of the YHWH-ists, and "Judeo-Christian" Christ killers.


The War between Republicans and Democrats, as the '08 election plays out, is the domestic ritual of child sacrifice, requiring as many dead children as possible to fill the TV screens and mental completing circuits, along with "911 heroes and Law and Order Candidates" Repubes are perpetually saving the children, saving them to death, the Munchausen-by-proxy political syndrome. The Dems, are like cringing, take-anything bleeding heart mothers who won't stand up to the abusive old men whaling on the on the step-kids.... /

Scenes of deformity, grostesquerie, mutilation, depravity, sexual perversity, family abuse and murder abound in times of war, now announced to be continued for the next 8 months, through '07 to '08. These are all deflections from the BULLS EYE.

THE MATCHING EXERNAL SACRIFICE ABROAD IS THE shedding of soldier's blood as human sacrifice to YHWH in the Middle East.
Wars in essence are ritual blood sacrifice of youth as Id-representatives, fantasy containers of Rebellious Father (=>authority) Killing Kid. They manifest the soul condition of demented beings seeking to escape fantasy-feeling-sensations of fetuses crushed in the birth canal, blaming the poisonous placenta (omni-present phantom Enemy.

This is the BULLS EYE: the center-of-gravity of the crystalizations of sign-use for "WAR" and "PREEMPTING DEMOCRACY".

Friday, June 08, 2007

Time, Number, Geometry, Soul

Metaphysics blog: Time, Number,Geometry and Soul

The Axis of Time

Plato's Model of the Universe



"Tell us, said the other, the whole story, and how and from whom Solon heard this veritable tradition.

He replied:-In the Egyptian Delta, at the head of which the river Nile divides, there is a certain district which is called the district of Sais, and the great city of the district is also called Sais, and is the city from which King Amasis came. The citizens have a deity for their foundress; she is called in the Egyptian tongue Neith, and is asserted by them to be the same whom the Hellenes call Athene; they are great lovers of the Athenians, and say that they are in some way related to them. To this city came Solon, and was received there with great honour; he asked the priests who were most skilful in such matters, about antiquity, and made the discovery that neither he nor any other Hellene knew anything worth mentioning about the times of old. On one occasion, wishing to draw them on to speak of antiquity, he began to tell about the most ancient things in our part of the world-about Phoroneus, who is called "the first man," and about Niobe; and after the Deluge, of the survival of Deucalion and Pyrrha; and he traced the genealogy of their descendants, and reckoning up the dates, tried to compute how many years ago the events of which he was speaking happened. Thereupon one of the priests, who was of a very great age, said: O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are never anything but children, and there is not an old man among you. Solon in return asked him what he meant. I mean to say, he replied, that in mind you are all young; there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition, nor any science which is hoary with age. And I will tell you why. There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes. There is a story, which even you have preserved, that once upon a time Paethon, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father's chariot, because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt. Now this has the form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals; at such times those who live upon the mountains and in dry and lofty places are more liable to destruction than those who dwell by rivers or on the seashore. And from this calamity the Nile, who is our never-failing saviour, delivers and preserves us. When, on the other hand, the gods purge the earth with a deluge of water, the survivors in your country are herdsmen and shepherds who dwell on the mountains, but those who, like you, live in cities are carried by the rivers into the sea. Whereas in this land, neither then nor at any other time, does the water come down from above on the fields, having always a tendency to come up from below; "

2. The Creation: Uroboric Self-sufficiency

Now the creation took up the whole of each of the four elements; for the Creator compounded the world out of all the fire and all the water and all the air and all the earth, leaving no part of any of them nor any power of them outside. His intention was, in the first place, that the animal should be as far as possible a perfect whole and of perfect parts: secondly, that it should be one, leaving no remnants out of which another such world might be created: and also that it should be free from old age and unaffected by disease. Considering that if heat and cold and other powerful forces which unite bodies surround and attack them from without when they are unprepared, they decompose them, and by bringing diseases and old age upon them, make them waste away-for this cause and on these grounds he made the world one whole, having every part entire, and being therefore perfect and not liable to old age and disease. And he gave to the world the figure which was suitable and also natural. Now to the animal which was to comprehend all animals, that figure was suitable which comprehends within itself all other figures. Wherefore he made the world in the form of a globe, round as from a lathe, having its extremes in every direction equidistant from the centre, the most perfect and the most like itself of all figures; for he considered that the like is infinitely fairer than the unlike. This he finished off, making the surface smooth all around for many reasons; in the first place, because the living being had no need of eyes when there was nothing remaining outside him to be seen; nor of ears when there was nothing to be heard; and there was no surrounding atmosphere to be breathed; nor would there have been any use of organs by the help of which he might receive his food or get rid of what he had already digested, since there was nothing which went from him or came into him: for there was nothing beside him. Of design he was created thus, his own waste providing his own food, and all that he did or suffered taking place in and by himself. For the Creator conceived that a being which was self-sufficient would be far more excellent than one which lacked anything; and, as he had no need to take anything or defend himself against any one, the Creator did not think it necessary to bestow upon him hands: nor had he any need of feet, nor of the whole apparatus of walking; but the movement suited to his spherical form was assigned to him, being of all the seven that which is most appropriate to mind and intelligence; and he was made to move in the same manner and on the same spot, within his own limits revolving in a circle. All the other six motions were taken away from him, and he was made not to partake of their deviations. And as this circular movement required no feet, the universe was created without legs and without feet.

Such was the whole plan of the eternal God about the god that was to be, to whom for this reason he gave a body, smooth and even, having a surface in every direction equidistant from the centre, a body entire and perfect, and formed out of perfect bodies. And in the centre he put the soul, which he diffused throughout the body, making it also to be the exterior environment of it; and he made the universe a circle moving in a circle, one and solitary, yet by reason of its excellence able to converse with itself, and needing no other friendship or acquaintance. Having these purposes in view he created the world a blessed god.

3. Soul Details

"Now God did not make the soul after the body, although we are speaking of them in this order; for having brought them together he would never have allowed that the elder should be ruled by the younger; but this is a random manner of speaking which we have, because somehow we ourselves too are very much under the dominion of chance. Whereas he made the soul in origin and excellence prior to and older than the body, to be the ruler and mistress, of whom the body was to be the subject. And he made her out of the following elements and on this wise: Out of the indivisible and unchangeable, and also out of that which is divisible and has to do with material bodies, he compounded a third and intermediate kind of essence, partaking of the nature of the same and of the other, and this compound he placed accordingly in a mean between the indivisible, and the divisible and material. He took the three elements of the same, the other, and the essence, and mingled them into one form, compressing by force the reluctant and unsociable nature of the other into the same. When he had mingled them with the essence* and out of three made one, he again divided this whole into as many portions as was fitting, each portion being a compound of the same, the other, and the essence* (*alt: "the same, the different and being.")

4. ...Seven unequal circles .
And thus the whole mixture out of which he cut these portions was all exhausted by him. This entire compound he divided lengthways into two parts, which he joined to one another at the centre like the letter X, and bent them into a circular form, connecting them with themselves and each other at the point opposite to their original meeting-point; and, comprehending them in a uniform revolution upon the same axis, he made the one the outer and the other the inner circle. Now the motion of the outer circle he called the motion of the same, and the motion of the inner circle the motion of the other or diverse. The motion of the same he carried round by the side to the right, and the motion of the diverse diagonally to the left. And he gave dominion to the motion of the same and like, for that he left single and undivided; but the inner motion he divided in six places and made seven unequal circles having their intervals in ratios of two-and three, three of each, and bade the orbits proceed in a direction opposite to one another; and three [Sun, Mercury, Venus] he made to move with equal swiftness, and the remaining four [Moon, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter] to move with unequal swiftness to the three and to one another, but in due proportion.


esp. post 181

Formally, Plato's model here can be readily mapped onto A. Gurdjieff's three 'rings of totality' emanating from the Most Holy Sun Absolute, bursting inside one another, as it were, in successive 7-note crystalizations; and B. The Koch Curve and associated fractal visualizations of whatever* can be expressed in words (*tentatively affirmed) about objects and motions in space. These, explained in detail elsewhere, are only gradually becoming linked by analyses of facts, or events, courtesy The Pequod Project. Each one's personal soul constellation is a completing factor of the totality. Now, for the oxygens required to nourish the blood of higher being-bodies ("Handbledzoin"), individual and collective (national), we are given Main Stream Media spewing crystalized consequences of the maleficient organ Kundabuffer, once implanted in humans at the base of their spine, affecting their genetic inherence and completion-of-flow-of-common-interchange-of- substance processes.throughout successive generations, after its removal.


Suppose what is communicated by the word "Time" is, as Henri Bergson puts it, like this: "objects are not in time, time is in objects", This is the metaphysical center-of-gravity of Neo-Platonism, in my view. Time is the emanating of the emanation: the "-ing" factor in communicating experience.

This squares with Gudjieff's term "The Great Heropass" used for The Uniquely Subjective factor in the totality of Being. Nothing at all, in its own right, either "in" objects or that objects are "in". Nothing. Zero. I take this 'moment' as the psychosemiotic origin of consciousness -- what is communicated first by "consciousness." -- and a reconstruction of "the discovery of the Zero" in antiquity.


The proposition ""the number Zero" is 0" is true by token tautology;

Similarly ""the number One" is 1".

The sequence 0 1, given these token-tautologies, can be made to supply a formal logical axiomatic of numbers in general, when the asymmetrical, transitive relation "succeeds", holding for all if for any in a sequence a,b.. m,n, holds for 0 and 1 therefore for all successor. Tokens of these "successors of 0 and 1" can be supplied either by specifying a rule for generating a unique sign for each number, as in Roman numerals; or by individually specifying a few of these -- take the 9 Arabic signs -- put in "0" for "nothing", or "start again", REVERSE TOKEN POSITIONS, and 0 1 converts into 10. This is then used as a "base of nothing" for the unending repetitions of 0 1......9 10 ......19 20 .... 29 30 .....which gives the indefinite repetitions of 0's to approach the notion of "numbered infinity".. Thus our number system using the notion of "powers of 10" is also, at the same time grammatizing a unit of token manifestation under ""Nine" is 9". Time is the completing reality = 0.

The point is to draw out nd distinguish with clarity the mental transitions mediated by tokens, what has been conventionally or naturally coded on a communicating sign as an empirical object, therefore theoretically 'programmable' and computable with the right software. ...and, on the other hand, the mental connections mediated by logical meanings, or text, in the unity of the thought as (in the process of being) thought.

Our vivid new technology, conjoined with inventive ingenuity, can produce insights into token-connections built into the flow of processes of mentation using signs in these two ways to communicate. Just as the 'software' and ingenuous use are a passive- active dyad in the creation of New Being Objects, this distinction between text and token, taken from psychosemiotics, is required as the 'neutralizing third force (criticism)' in order for a being with its own Triazimikamno ("'legs") to arise. , .

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Originally Posted by Ahknaton

The main point I want to make here is that I think that the 7-4 relationship has something to do with projection of a fractal motif, i.e. "elaboration" of a fractal structure onto the plane. The torus is the 7, the plane is the 4. I'm not going to go too far into any esoteric interpretations with this post however, as I just want to get the material up.


Having just typed out a long reply, only to lose it, I'm trimming it all back to these two points, genuflecting to Koch and his Curve perenially.

1. the rotation of
[quote] 7 < 4 < 1 <
* )

> 8 > 11 > 14

If the pairs 7/8 and 14/1 mark cross-sections or 'conjoined ends after circling in reverse directions' of a sliced torus, showing its own inner structure as 'knotted', 'turned in on itself spiraling down, passing through the X (=*: the eight-pointed one, squaring the circle contining the triangle -- or cube containing the globe containing the tetraheda), the
conjunct pair 4/11 marks the "planar tangent" where the torus 'passes through itself' (note: alternate to use of the uroboros for the total completing process, but including it as an intuitive prototype of the Twisted Serpent Casadaeus, etc.) The "two sides", left and right, descending through the inner lines of the Enneagram (left: 8 - 5 - 7; right: 1 - 4 - 2) are constructed so that they reflect each other, as triads, through inner forces; while, also, traversing a 6 - vertice => 7 Koch Curve recursive point generator. The "* will introduce words and other sign-use meanings (including the number signs themselves, for ordinal and cardinal magnitude signifiers), plus the formal semantic syntactic material to give it "speech").

A 'planar-tangent' (the 3-D analogue of line tangent to a circle) to the torus at X, on which the 7 'colored' segments of all Euclidean/Kantian point-sets (if I followed correctly) can be generated, gives a mapping of quality itself that presupposes consciousness as 'prism'. What is external to mind, scienced says, is not colored. Variations of hue, brightness and saturation of colored light, analogues to note, loudness and timbre of sound vibrations, and other qualities -- the empirical side of Sign-use; the all-too-human self-awareness of oneself doing it -- are changes in content of consciousness, spread-out in head-space. There is more to this than I can deal with here, and I think you see it's psychosemiotics more clearly than I.

Gurdjieff had this curious (to me) comment on prisms, though:

"(T)he knowledge relating to the construction of the first crystal of this par of the apparatus Alla-attapan also reached down to your contemporary favorites and they now call this crystal a 'prism'.

"Through this prism contemporary terrestial learned beings also obtain sevel colored rays from the white-ray and they also fancy that through this they can learn about certain other cosmic phenomena.

:But, of course, from these fancies of theirs and from all kinds of other forms of their 'scientific titillation' nothing is obtained, only because through this prism of theirs they obtain from the white-ray only what are called 'negative colored rays,' and in order to understand any other cosmic phenomena connected with the transitory changes of this white-ray they mnuyst oblligatorily have what are called 'positive colored rays.'

"Your contemporary favorites, howeveer, imagine that the colored rays which they obtain by means of this child's toy of theirs, called by them prisms, are just those same 'positive rays,' which the great scientists obtained; and according to their naivete they think that the, as call it, 'spectrum' which they obrtain from the white-rays gives just that order of arisings of the rays in which they issue from their sources."

In closing, numerology as promised: "It is also established by Objective Science that in general all normal three-brained beings...sense the sacred 'Egokoolnatsnarnian' action for the definition of Time fourty-nine more times slowly than the same sacred action is sensed by the sacred Individuals dwelling on the Most Holy Sun Absolute."

" instead of the one millionnine hundred and twenty-one thousand and six hundred' tonalities of color' which they ought to have perceuived and distinguished, only the result of the penultimate what is called ' sevenfold-crystalizations-of-the-white-ray', that is forty nine tonalities, and even then only some of your favoirites had that capacity..."
no unction available

Monday, June 04, 2007

Man in the Image og God

Originally Posted by Ahknaton
Okay, now to relate this to the Enneagram:

(The above image is from, a site I just found today).

The 3-6-9 and 1-4-2-8-5-7 groups are found by dividing unity by 3 (and taking multiples) and 7, respectively.


1 / 3 = 0.3333333333.... recurring
* 2 = 0.6666666666.... recurring
* 3 = 0.9999999999.... recurring (which actually equals unity)


1 / 7 = 0.142857142857142857142857142857.... recurring

Both of these are divisions. Suppose we apply the principle of "as within, so without" and invert the division operations - by analogy to inversion about a unit circle, but in 1 dimension - can we find rules of multiplication (i.e. the inverse of division) and/or exponention that yield the same groups? Obviously 3/1 and 7/1 just resolve to 3 x 1 and 7 x 1, so it's not a matter of a simple reflection. But after playing around for a bit with Windows Calculator, a few patterns become apparent:

For example, the 6-9-3 grouping can be found by multiplying 9s by 7:

9 * 7 = 63
99 * 7 = 693
999 * 7 = 6993
9999 * 7 = 69993
99999 * 7 = 699993

and so on.

Finding the 1-4-2-8-5-7 group proved a bit harder, but it is possible, using powers of 2. As you ascend through the powers of 2, the fadic sum of the power of 2 multiplied by 7 cycles through 7-5-1-2-4-8:

Powers of 2:

1 (2 to the power of zero)

Powers of 2 multiplied by 7:


Fadic sum of powers of 2 multiplied by 7:

7 : 7
14 : 1 + 4 = 5
28 : 2 + 8 = 10 : 1 + 0 = 1
56 : 5 + 6 = 11 : 1 + 1 = 2
112 : 1 + 1 + 2 = 4
224 : 2 + 2 + 4 = 8
448 : 4 + 4 + 8 = 16 : 1 + 6 = 7
896 : 8 + 9 + 6 = 23 : 2 + 3 = 5
1792 : 1 + 7 + 9 + 2 = 19 : 1 + 9 = 10 : 1 + 0 = 1
3584 : 3 + 5 + 8 + 4 = 20 : 2 + 0 = 2
7168 : 7 + 1 + 6 + 8 = 22 : 2 + 2 = 4
14336 : 1 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 6 = 17 : 1 + 7 = 8
28672 : 2 + 8 + 6 + 7 + 2 = 25 : 2 + 5 = 7
57344 : 5 + 7 + 3 + 4 + 4 = 23 : 2 + 3 = 5
114688 : 1 + 1 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 8 = 28 : 2 + 8 = 10 : 1 + 0 = 1
229376 : 2 + 2 + 9 + 3 + 7 + 6 = 29 : 2 + 9 = 11 : 1 + 1 = 2
458752 : 4 + 5 + 8 + 7 + 5 + 2 = 31 : 3 + 1 = 4
917504 : 9 + 1 + 7 + 5 + 0 + 4 = 26 : 2 + 6 = 8
1835008 : 1 + 8 + 3 + 5 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 25 : 2 + 5 = 7

If we think of a fractal that has a scale factor of 2 and an initial size of 7 (e.g. an IFS with 7 unit circles as the seed, such as the Metatron Koch IFS), then the total size at each level of the fractal up the scale will follow the 7-5-1-4-8-2 cycle.

Another cool thing is that the powers of 2 multiplied by 7 are

7 14 28 56 112 224 448...

so the 7-1-4-2-8-5 sequence crops up again This second one doesn't cycle like the fadic addition example, but the ordering is the same as the 1-4-2-8-5-7 repeating cycle if you start from 7 instead of 1.

Unbelievably useful. I think this can be put together into a Model of The Universe.

I'm going to pm you about the primary metaphysical lines I already see can be drawn through the geometrized digits themselves as if THEY were triadic names of: I. ordinal (asymmetrical summation), 2. cardinal (point-set), 3. geometrized in TokenSpace*.

I have to ask that the 6-pointed asterisks be imagined here as 8-pointed, which is not on this keyboard.

The idea is to use the 8 directions of the two crossed X's as the points on the square, not shown in the Enneagram. It is our little key to its portal, the mid-point between the circle of the same and the circle of the different, through which ordinary language representation, such as this, in words, is transposed (formulated: text, with formalized syntactical metalanguage for cognitive content verified through the 5 senses; tokens, by templates crystalized condensations.) Thus, by an act of psychosemiotic bravado, we imagine the vertices of a cube around the 9-section circle, with inner triad connecting points 9 - 3 - 6, and inner lines (as shown) connecting the triads
1-4-2 8-5-7 on the rim, in the order of digits 7/1. (Did you notice the oddity that in the fadic sums of powers of 2 x 7, the repetition is 142875 rather than 8 -5 -7 called for by the Enneagram -- until the last "summary terminus reversals", reading on the last right-side digits:
4 - 8 5 = 7 . Something curiously satisfyinga about that, almost like the resolution of a chord. After 19 repetitions! -- its like a certain process reached its end and turned back on itself.

This is the geometry of "man created in the image of God" in G.s system. The "evoluting", or emanating* process outward in three waves from the Holy Sun Absolute ramifies into: Etherokrilno -- what is left if all matter-energy is taken away; Omnipresent Okadonokh -- ramifying each of the three First Ramified forces further; Materiality, ramifying the 9 results further by the same triad of forces.

In respect to us, the '4th' of this last of the three waves of emanation, we are a product of the 'involuting process' ('balling up") of the essence of the Holy Sun Absolute after traversing the successive stages and "curling back into an image of itself" (though only a half completed totality, 'seeking' completion through an other* outside itself'). This is the mode of existence of the "three brain beings breeding on planet earth"

What one learns over at the Gurdjieff site (been thinking of contacting; want to?) is that he interpretated the corners of the inner triad as "foods" conveying the Shocks of energy from the three coreelated planetary arisings: vegetable (one-brain), animal (two-brain), human (three brain). Digestion of solids (stomach), liquids (blood), air (lungs) are the three mechanical transformations provided by Great Nature for completion of the human totality. Through the head, three senses localized in pairs (ears, eys, nostrils); one sense (taste) for intake of solid and liquid foods; the fifth, skin surfaces where "hot spots" excite imperative (motility=cathecting, with karma -- but lets not get into that) brain states. (also leave aside the
6th sense)

"Why?", I ask rhetorically, "should it happen that the three forces coinciding on planet earth -- soil, water, atmosphere -- coincide with the source of the three being foods required for sustaining human being existence and with its major three systems of organs for interchange of substances?" -- unless all are part and parcel of the same lawful process. (This is compatible with some versions of "creationism", but fundamentally different from naive 'monotheism'.)

The (7-in-8; "*" => new use for the sign of multiplication, 'times' (for 'times; and half-a-time' -- but not time for that here either).)

The asterisk in the center of the circles triangle/ tetrahedron -- connecting its vertices to a matching tetrahedron looking back in 3-dimersional tokenspace (imaginary, but coordinated point-for-point) "from the other side of the two-way nose bridge. This would be two cubes, or two eyes seening each other from opposite sides of the merkabah. Within these cubes, matching and looping in Tokenspace* through entirely separate, ndependently arising conscious totalities*, with entirely separate and independently functioning centers of perception, memory, thought, feeling and historical experience, there is herein constructed this Open Third Eye into the Cosmos..

(I was told by my Native American friend, Shawnee to say, quote "love you inversions". That's it. I'm going to get those passages together -- there are several 49's, 263's even a 444.)

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Attachment to an important thread from the Phora

With all these incredible links, there must be one hell of a lot of


So many associations can't mean nothing
What is manifest to me in what you post I would call "psychosemiotic intuition." The name is new, and would apply to others working in different media (talking with different tokens), but it shines through as a uniquely developed Triamazikamno in this case, or what the three-brained beings breeding on this beginning-to-stink planet would call "a Pure Life-of-its- OWN" completing Being-state.

It is a completing factor of a given type which all us nigs down here eaten slop don't have to share (this is where the metaphysics of Type theory comes in. Illustration: Aristotle completed Plato, for instance


Plato* ( t*, unc.* =>) Aristotle*
....To know the way the signs go, tho ... a special knack, I think, from the => of which material required for completions for every types can be helped to complete. The metaphysics of => moves toward re-projection of the torus as the totality in Tokenspace of the mentally assisted associations. If one were to build a machine along the lines of this formal principle, it would be constructed as a four-step synthesis: "sound" - correlating spoken and written langauge; "textuality" -- correlating discursive representation by name-referent; "unconscious associations" (of different regions and levels, generally through the tokens: pictures, drum-beats, melody). In general, whatever else may be going on, when a Mind confronts a Sign, a Token is psychologically processed as a Text, yielding as a result a Sign used in actual communication =>) : S*. With that, I thenceforth dub this (what I do here) "The S* System." Easily appropriated software. Can't say more here.


WOW (s*ound take-out => ) HOW (m*etaphysical take-out =>) CHOW (=> ordinary language* synonymy: food)

WOO (s* =>) OWL (unc.* take-out =>) WISE (symbol)

WHO (s* => ) HOO (T..) HOOT
(s*text* =>) THE ...( => [QUOTE
(heh, I typed "owl" into Google Image search to find a picture of an owl to post and it's the owl from Blade Runner - synchronistic P.K.D. connection to V.A.L.I.S!) [/quote]

Working on a new Turing test here ... (nTt for sugartits)
(ability to float freely in pure tokenspace and come back with the real thing)

As you can see, having been stimulated beyond the level of Plankton's k, I have painstakingly built up from the 1-1 squares, through the Fibonaci rectangles via planetary forms consonant with my Being level of vibrations ( - ) -2 -3 - 5 - 8 etc, am NOW prepared to POW WOW WOW

Let "=>" be used as a super-string connector, standing for a mental operation synthesizing any two signs S*1, S*2 ("S*1 => S*", reading "S*1 synthesized through use (s*,t*, unc*) yields S*2". This introduces the notion of "yields" transcripted into a 1-1 formally connected database. \

(This reconstructs "I S IS ISIS" : three levels of synthesis over two S* units; "IS*" = copulates subject (passivus: female) with predicate (activus: male).
unc* => ISIS ("spirit of truth affirmation in actual discourse; "will to truth", Hegel.") From the separate triads of S* we create single units, by =>, which are the gross Sign-uses on Everyone's Front Page.)

Begin each day anew the work you know can never be completed.
-old alchemist's adage

Friday, June 01, 2007

Conservatism vs. "The Right Wing"

CONSERVATISM vs ."Right Wing"

The metaphysical basis of the difference

American vs. political Jew meme .

"Right Wing" is the most inclusive -- "you gotcha left, see, and you gotcha Right; we're on the side of the Right, got that? -- jeez politics for dummies here". Other minorities are chum-chums as long as they are Right-Wing -- hate queers, niggers, babykillers,cunts, some or are all, Hey! all Yhwh's Tabernacle children.

Soul vs. Security (and "right to exist")

American Conservatism (I've hung out with them so long it's seeped in -- part ways, some of it) is a product of a completing totality that Jews were/are not a part of, as Jews, any more than Judas was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ and notwithstanding certain re-interpretations of the Bible to smooth this over. Some made good Americans, for a while -- those who were willing to lay down what they were to oppose the Vietnam war (sacrifice of life wasn't necessary; sacrifice of being-totality was). But it was precisely out of that link -- Richard Perle, from that kook Wa. Dem war-hawk Senator -- that the neocons got the US public to turn against McGovern (bless 'im, inept though he was); got Wm F Fuckley to turn over National Review to Rich Lowery and Johna Goldberg; polluting Disney, CNN, MSM in general with Murdochism, always helped by "Right Wing Catholics" they are always happy to include pictures of on TV, who are RIGHT THERE to tell RIGHT WING NORTH EAST REPUBLICANS GIULIANI- ROMNY (let hear it for Utah) GOD OPPOSES ABORTION. And the saintly Westboro Baptists choir girls and boys singing "AND MUTT MUNCHIN' BUTT BANGERS, TOO!"

You see folks -- blessed rep for reppers -- stay tuned. This is the SITUATION ROOM, WHERE PICTURES AND MESSAGES ARE ARIVING ALL THE TIME !!...york york ... What we are looking at above is the hi-jacked Taurus Torus of conservatism. All who breath its air inhale TB hyper strains for oxygen.

It is what remains if you hollow out soul (or soul-potential -- same thing, here), but continue to distribute soul-words throughout the body politic for people to use for The Beast. The point is, soul words, used for communications about "the Holy", play a particular role in the completion of each individual member of society. It could be called "fastening the individual's emotions to an External Collective Entity (Nation, State => The Magisterium => race, religion, The Exodus, etc. ...)"; or "turning over the description of what one is to others."

When that happens, the very definition of what humanity is -- what "humanity" communicates -- has become politicized, along with what one can say they are experiencing and thinking, from their own processes.

I want to put a quote from Gurdjieff that I find most piquant, while insisting categorically that he was not "anti-simitic" as that is used. This is, in fact, the only mention of Jews in his work I have come across:

"The religion founded on the teaching of Saint Moses, although it existed for a long time and is still maintained after a fashion by followers, yet, owing to the organic hatred formed in the beings of other communities toward the beings who follow this religion, due only to that 'maleficent' idea existing there called 'policy,' infallibly sooner or later they will doubtlessly 'croak'it' as well and also 'with a crash.'

Real soul is a material force on earth, few realize this. Put in Sisyphus, a mortal who has possessed Merope, where Zeus had not. There is a pool of conservatism at the base the spine there.