Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

My Photo
Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, July 31, 2005

4 Links to Holocaust America


1. Rove scandal – 2. London bombings – 3. Israeli/Zionist Jew agenda – 4. suicide bombs in America

Context beginning July: World Tribune on Iraq; Iraq war situation; outcry to BRING HOME THE TROOPS! – The problem of how to get by with what they have done. RUNNING FROM THEIR LIES

The point: to prepare to confront those responsible for igniting global hatred of US and who intend to kill anyone who stands up for the truth about them.

Links. 1. The Rove scandal was a side-show to call attention away from use of known falsehoods used to justify invasion of Iraq. (uranium buy from Niger; mobile bio-chemical weapons lab). John Bolton helped hype evidence in re Iraq and Iran to justify attack.

The ‘leak’ of CIA operative Valerie Plame’s name and role in Joe Wilson’s appointment to investigate the Niger uranium link was a coordinated manipulation of the media of communication to frame public discussion of the events Wilson’s 7/6 article exposed. Mainstream media figures Novak (CNN), Russert (NBC). Cooper (TIME), Kristoff (NY Times), Pincus (WaPo), and Miller were leaked to, Miller having been already involved in colluding with Ahmee Chalabi to spread disinformation in re mobile bio-chemical labs.

But this side show itself became too hot to handle. Ergo …

2. London bombing I.
-The attack was by native Britons who died in the blast, not necessarily suicide bombers, but possibly “dupes”, according to authorities. Nevertheless, over objections by Scotland Yard, PM Blair announces “Suicide bombing is wrong whether in Israel, London or New York.” The point is clearly to linking suicide bombs in Israel to his country and America, going beyond what his intelligence confirmed.

- US media echoes and amplifies the connection, repeatedly raising the spectre “When will it happen here?”

-A “mastermind” is reported behind the “al Quada like” attack.

Comment . The PR handling of the tragedy is consistent with it being another side show to spread the terror that started with the Palestinian intafada against Israel. The claim from several corners that it was in response for Blair’s support of Bush’s war in Iraq is heatedly – and absurdly –denied by 10 Downing St..

London Bombing II.

-clearly ‘masterminded’ for maximum terror effect, with ominous date (7/7-7-21 – an English fortnight) associations. The ‘bombs’ don’t detonate, and the captured Muslim claims the intent was not to kill but ‘only’ terrorize (as if he knew in advance that all of the detonation devices would fail? -- then why pack real explosives, with many more ‘found’ in the rented car?).

- those captured in London are displayed world wide with public nakedness. Decency prohibits such even for jailed criminals, and it is most humiliating to Muslims. But sexually titillating to male homosexual interests (and abhorred by those who hate them).

- The trail takes the investigators to Italy, as if to spread the terror without further killing. Ex-CIA director John McLaughlin is talking about “the new al Quaeda”, with “one person” organizing “a few others” in “loosely organized cells” all around the globe. “The Global War on Terror”, CNN’s headline reads (Wolf Blitzer report, 12 am 7/31)

Comment: this is consistent with those captured being plants arranged by the real masterminds (a jihidist “mastermind” named ‘Ibrahim” is announced, quickly) coordinating both attacks from deep behind the scenes, and deep inside the anti-terrorist agencies.

3. Israeli/Zionist Jew link.

Although no link whatever is established between the intent of those arrested for attacking to target Israeli/Zionist Jew interests, except through talk of suicide bombers, the mainstream media is saturated with it. Just as after 9/11 is isn’t just America that is attacked, it is “America and Israel’; just as the DC sniper wasn’t just gunning down Americans in the street prior to the ’02 election, he was letting us see what Israeli’s face all the time on a daily basis (said repeatedly, with empathy).

-Who got Blair to overcall his own Scotland Yard men and link the first blasts to suicide bombers? This is consistent with a M16/Massad/CIA faction pushing their language in, at the top of the hierarchy, when those below know better. This is the same pattern in Iraq war buildup when Rumsfelt’s Office of Special Plans boys, led by Douglas Feith, corrupted normal Pentagon intelligence, and the WHIG (“White House Iran Group”) overcalled Wilson and many other’s (even George Tenet’ later admission) admonition “Don’t say that; its wrong” on Iraq’s alleged aluminum buy from Niger. (Led by John Bolton via Condaleeze Rice?)

-The connection between Larry Franklin’s ‘leak” of US materials on Iran to AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) is not just consistent with, but exemplifies the pattern of using government agencies to shape public perception in the interests of Israel’s Zionist Jew faction. (They want to see the US overthrow Teheran and free Iran’s people; bestow democracy, which has worked so well in Iraq.) It should be called treason, and those involved given Jonathan Pollard sentence served in Guantanmo.

-There remains the November ’01 anthrax poisoning, the deadliest weaponized strain being sent to liberal Senators Leahy and Dashle (who apparently didn’t mind all that much, to judge by the fuss the made. Or didn’t make. If they didn’t care enough about themselves to demand answers it looks like they might consider others potentially suffering the same.) The enclosed printed letters, ordinarily treated as a decisive forensic clue, unquestionably implicated a Zionist psychotic, masquerading as a mad Allah Akhbar chanting Islamist, linking Israel and America as targets. Why hasn’t this been discussed by anyone in government or the mainstream lapdog media? Until it is, common sense can only assume the existence of traitor moles inside both, and everything else done in the name of “security” a staged side-show, with planted evidence.


Relief will have to be found from the devastation in Iraq. Those responsible for it are those devised George W. Bush’s foreign policy (“neocons” – the Zionist Israeli Jew faction, helped by Catholics like Bill Bennett, Jeanne Kirkpatrict, Rudolf Giuliani), those who voted for him, those who executed the plans, and those who sold the lies to the public. (Karl Rove et al). And, the corporate fascist entities these individuals and groups serve.

Not responsible will be: first, those who have opposed what has been known to be going on continuously, since the ’00 election was stolen by Catholic judge Scalia, and Bush “bait –switched” compassion into ‘faith’. By right of being right, they should now emerge to take charge of the fall-back from Iraq, BEFORE THE SUICIDE BLAST. Whoever participated in any way, particularly sniveling Democrat party cowards who let John Kerry kill the anti-war movement in ’04, are too compromised to be allowed government employment.

When a suicide bomb blast goes off – and may all pray it won’t pace Catholic FBI directly Mueller’s declaration “its inevitable”, who speaks ex cathedra on such matters if anyone does: may he be wrong, and judge according to higher law for having said it – there will be two kinds of people who die. One is those responsible for Iraq. I would judge, on principles of justive, that they have it come, and will get what they deserve. The others will be killed by what they have opposed. Their families will be manipulated into blaming Arab/Muslim/Islamic militants, jihadists, fundamentalist radicals, led by Bin Laden, al-Zarquari, or whoever evil, vile, America-Israel hating terrorist-de-jure lies at hand. The true enemies of America, however, are the ones who gave the Muslims cause for seeking revenge; in the case of 9/11, George Bush Sr. for desecrating the Saudi Arabia home of Mecca, in contradiction to bin Laden and the laws of decent respect for other’s religion. No people of any country could be expected not to exact revenge for that. The families of those killed in the next blast, who don’t deserve it – and all citizens, turning against those who support the others led by his son – should blame them and their vehicle: the Republican party. Forever, implacably, unto death, which they have decreed.

They are: traitors to America; anti-Christian; sub-human.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

8 Days and a Fortnight in July, two years apart

8 Days and a Fortnight in July, two years apart.

What a difference 730 days make.
The Definitive Narrative of What has Happened,
with links to the cosmos (channelin' Rigel)

Frank Rich’s excellent analytical work in “Eight Days in July” (NY Times online, 07/24) enables us to link a sequence of events in the 7/6 – 7/14 period of that month in ’03 – the first dating J.C Wilson’s NYTimes piece discrediting them, the second the publication of R. Novak’s column discrediting him – to the sequence of events 7/7 -7/21, ‘05. Novak’s piece discredited Wilson’s debunking of the claim Iraq sought uranium from Niger through the infamous, and likely illegal, leaking of his wife’s name and CIA status, “implying that the Niger trip was a nepotistic side show.” (“For Bush, Impact of Leak Case Is Uncertain”, NYTimes 7/24 A20, R.W. Stevenson).

During the earlier 8 day interval, the administration pared references to Saddam Hussein’s Weapons of Mass Destruction, to “WMD programs”, later to “WMD program activities” in order to square claim to fact, Rich points out. CIA director George Tenet issues a statement taking the fall for the 16 condemning words, admitting they were not true (attributing seeking uranium by Iraq from Niger). Though it is his agency that initiated the complaint about Novak’s article leak, forwarded to Alberto Gonzales, who kept it to himself for 12 hours before sending it on to Attorney General Ashcroft. Also in this time frame, a State Department memo mentioning Valerie Plame and marking her “S”, secret, was delivered aboard Air Force One to Colin Powell, accompanying the President, C. Rice, Rove and other dignitaries on a trip to Africa. “Mission Accomplished” had just been announced 10 days prior, now this matter of Wilson’s undermining their credibility was apparently in the process of being taken care of, perhaps in silence, by winks, nods, twitches and shrugs. Things are looking OK, overall. Transparency is just around the corner…

But now, this July. The 14 days bookended by 7/7 – 7/21 could be titled “LONDON’S FORTNIGHT OF TERROR”: 7/7 -- subway-bus explosions; 7/21 –
the ‘copycat’ explosion of the detonation devices only, in a similar north-south lines as if to cross or square an area.

The numbers are a psychosemiotic forensic clue. If these explosions were perpetrated in order to become ingredient in group-process communications, as is usually attributed to terrorist planners, the numbers, among other symbolic tokens, provide a window to what is going on in the group-unconscious.

When number signs become tokens, dates for timelines can connect geometry (triads, squares, circles), astronomy, Transportation routes become Da Vinci code puzzle glyphs. The ‘power’ number, the number of powers, with power, is unmistably “7”. The simple doubling of repetitions, marking 7/7, 7/14, 7/21 (22), 7/28 (29), which in turn mark the four phases of the moon and the four 7-day week cycle, define the standard “Month”. This was the basis of the earliest calendar divisions, embedded in old, pre-dynastic Egyptian calculations, pre-Babylonian Sumerian/Hebrew calendar at Kish (circa 5,770 years ago), keeping roughly regular with the solar year of 365 days by adding a 29th day to the 13 x 28 = 364 days of moon cycles. The superior 360 + 5 “turnover” days was installed in Marduk’s Babylon and Dynastic Egypt, with three 10-day “decan” periods defining each “month” rather than the four 7-day weeks. The “One” added to “21” to gain “22”, takes THE DATES AS RATIOS OF 7/-, INTO THE DECIMAL EXPANSION 3.142857142857142…etc. etc., ad inf. 7/22 (twenty two divided by seven) was Achimedes’ approximation to pi (or vice versa; see blog). Thus, the shooting of unarmed, helpless Brazillian Charles de Menezes following on the previous provided a violent punctuation, as it were to the previous day’s shock, which by its repetition, punctuated “7/7”.

A third/fourth major event, connected fallout at this end of this interval is: A. The House of Representatives passing indefinite extension of the patriot act, some citing their concern about London; and B. Random bag searches are launched in NYCity’s subway system. “Time is Right for Searches, Commissioner Tells Riders… Attacks in London led New Yorkers to accept bag searches, Kelley says.” (NYTimes, n 25 Kareem Fahim)

In strictly token-association to 7/22 it should be mentioned that, if the slash “/” means arithmetical division, that is to say, symbol of a fraction, or a ratio, it goes over directly into 3.142857, which is twice significant: once, because it is a close approximation to the decimal expansion of pi, the ratio of units of length of the diameter of a circle to the units of length of its sides. Second, because the sequence .142857 is identical with the decimal for One, or unity, divided into seven parts, as on a circle. This sequence is “tokened” in moments in a 7-point circle circumference in the enneagram, conjoined by a great interior triad connecting the intervals 3-4, on the ordinal clockwise progression, plus the intervals 5-6, to the point of unity (7/9=0/l).



(Menezes may not have been Jesus, but that’s whose name he was ultimately killed in.)

July 23, 2005
What We Saw in London
By STEPHEN J. HADLEY and FRANCES FRAGOS TOWNSEND (National Security Advisor and Homeland Security advisor)

THE British people suffered another attack this week, one that fortunately caused far less damage than the horrible events of July 7. But as they did earlier this month, the people of London responded bravely. Their courage over these harrowing few weeks reminds us that those who love freedom have prevailed against such evil before and can do so again.

In a similar way, military action is only one piece of the war on terrorism. The terrorist hard-core is beyond appeal and must be hunted, captured or killed. The sanctuary that terrorists rely on to turn resentment into a weapon - the sanctuary provided by sympathetic governments willing to look the other way when terrorist training camps are set up within their borders - can be denied through military action.

AT the same time, however, we must bring all of the tools of statecraft, economic influence and private enterprise to bear in this war. Freedom-loving people around the world must reach out through every means - communications, trade, education - to support the courageous Muslims who are speaking the truth about their proud religion and history, and seizing it back from those who would hijack it for evil ends.

For several years now, it's been clear that two opposing ideas, one of hope and one of despair, are competing for the world's embrace. Those who believe in the worth of every human life know how to judge between the two.
Stephen J. Hadley is the national security adviser. Frances Fragos Townsend is the homeland security adviser.


I am not a terrorist, but I am hard-core beyond-appeal in:
-opposition to Iraq war; to all who support it; the process by means of which it was lyingly imposed on terrified citizens; and doubly, triply opposed to all who see this as clearl as it is and accept it as “we”. I do not understand how they can defend their right to exist, the onus of doing so for which has shifted, along with 85% of world opinion going negative toward America because of what they have done and the way they are. They are the absolute and precise reverse of anything of value they speak for. Carl Jung labeled the demented psychological situation “catastrophic enantiodromia” – reversion into the opposite.

The Being- Deficits responsible:
Hadley/Townsend/Bush/Rove/Guckert/Shiavo/Re-pube-likkun religio-political minorities – including especially all hard-core TV whore X-ians who shield those who kill in the name of Jesus Christ. Especially them.

Since these entities of non-being have demonstrably failed, repeatedly, to distinguish what they call “terrorists” from ordinary citizens who do not comply with their instant, arbitrary, random, on-the-spot demands; or, even from those who have legitimate complaints of serious wrongdoing against their governments to the point of civil disobedience; it follows that the existence of their way of being has become a threat to the universe. It is necessary to point this out at this particular juncture in history because they declared it is us or them, from now on. This is World War IV, in case anyone forgot what they were saying after 9/11.

It follows that they regard themselves as entitled, authorized, even obligated to hunt me down like an animal to be captured or killed. Charles de Menezes was in fact cringing like a frightened animal when they shot him five times. Can’t be too careful.

Well, let the m***********s come get me right now, because I say they are the F******G terrorists.

Freedom fighters do not call themselves “terrorists”, of course. Nor, of course, do they. I have not picked up weapons, do not own any, but am now obligated to defend the right of those who do on the principle of self-defense; against criminality inside governmental agencies for which this statement in the New York Times is an authorizing smokescreen. Not many are going to want to punish those who shot Charles de Menezes, certainly not many will see it as a karmic logical indictment of the collective way of being manifest in Hadley and Townsend. Heaven forbid. That would be instigating revolution against evil in the federal government in the name of America, Jesus Christ and humanity. If ever Uncle Sam wore a tinfoil hat…

It would be me. I claim strait out that their penultimate paragraph is true when read under these reversals: in the first part: (“Freedom-loving people around the world must reach out through every means - communications, trade, education…”)

Reverse “freedom loving people” as they intend it to “those who will not tolerate their barbaric, lying, sluttish, religio-weltshmertzhund moralizing, theologizing and war posturing in the name of America …”

In the second part, substitute “Christian” for “Muslim”.

The sentence then reads:

“Those who will not tolerate their barbaric, lying sluttish, religio-weltshmertzhund moralizing, theologizing, and war posturing in the name of America around the world must reach out through every means – communications, trade, education – to support the courageous Christians who are speaking the truth about their proud religion and history, and seizing it back from those who would hijack it for evil ends.” Let it be read over and over until it sinks in.

That is why I post.


They have started a war on the basis of lying threats, actually – not just seeking – to:

-topple governments (Iraq’s)
-(with)barbaric violence (SHOCK AND AWE)
-export terrorism - to Iraq, by killing people fighting for their right to self-determinism in their own country: freedom. Called “insurgents”)
-force free nations to stand down Iraq (Next?: Palestine …Iran … No. Korea… China)

They are already guilty of what they seek to deter. Now the storehouses of the world, beginning with financial markets dumping dollars like wastebaskets of yen, are opened to those with just cause against America, my country; and against the name of the true Christian God’s Son.

Saturday, July 23, 2005



Propositions driving the national narrative

1. There is One and only One God,
and He is on the Left or Right of every Issue.

2. Issues are framed by the Big Scripster (“BS”). (Don’t ask.)

3. Sagretti, Atwater, Rove are geniuses.

4. What is Real is What cable news networks report

5. No conspiracy can be true (by definition)

6. It’s always been tits and asses; everybody knows it (developing)
Free Associations (the unconscious mind working on-line)

1. BOOB ---
Anatomy BREAST
personal IDIOT
tokenmorph BOON-(BAB)
toys SLIDE, HOLLOW WAND, STAR WARS LIGHT SABRES – you peer, holler, crawl into them
-Ancient -Halls Of Amenti



(Extended philosophical note: please skip to bottom if theory bores you)

The German word “vorstellung”, usually translated “representation” conveys the sense of ‘presentation’ -- ‘what is presented’ by use of a designated sequence of signs, without judging it true-or-false, or in any other way (morally, religiously, existentially, literarily, aesthetically, economically, or whatever). It captures what is communicated by any use of signs – the textual content -- as a pure phenomenon, in Kant’s sense (wholly present, self-contained, indubitable, intelligible, irreducible). Besides being less judgmental, this also differs from what is conveyed by similar terms in English-written philosophy: “sense-data” (Russell), “appearances” (Ayer, Chisolm), “acts of awareness” (G. Bergmann). The German use can, for instance, allow reference to such things as “the Catholic Church” Vorstellung, without evoking a judgment, including dogma, ritual, creed, music, sacred art, history, etc.; whereas, philosophy written in English usually breaks up such grand Archetypal Gestalt into analytic compartments, thus tending to lose the inner unifying essence. In this respect, German, after Greek, is the superior philosophical language.

The psychosemiotic equivalent of “Vorstellung” is “content of consciousness under sign-use”. This includes whatever Gestalt (wholly present, self-contained, formed content) of whatever scale, magnitude or source of origin, that presents itself in consciousness by signs in the process of ‘doing their thing’, -- communicating something (‘standing for something other than themselves to a person, at a place and time, manifesting anatomical processes (speaking, reading, remembering, perceiving, etc.)).

This definitional construct (“content of consciousness under sign-use”) takes into account the ubiquity of a sign’s presence, most often ignored in the background, in facilitating what we do – what we think, what we say, what we live through, what we experience – whenever we do anything mental. It provides a standpoint always presupposed, but never systematically treated by philosophy, ancient, modern or ‘post-modern’. Psychosemiotics is a trans-disciplinary discipline. Through its thorough-going unity, as a system (explained elsewhere) it is apriori with respect to all other disciplines. Its inner essential is generic to all, and pre-supposed by each of the types of communicated content as their transcendental unity. It is Kant’s Transcendental Unity of Apperception in determinate form, and it is synthetic and analytic, as well. (A source of predicates that both emerge from and enlarge the subject terms to which they are applied. Relational logic, a 20th century intellectual achievement brought mainly by Bertrand Russell’s monumental work Principia Mathematica, with A.N. Whitehead, rendered the subject-predicate form of grammar, used since Aristotle for framing sentences into standard logical form from which inferences are derived, obsolete. Or, rather, relativized it, in the way the theory of the universe after Einstein relativized the Newtonian three-dimensional space/ one-dimension of time. Objects are still perceived in common space bounded as up-down, front-back, left-right between any two people making reference to them.

(vignette– “Bring me slab twenty nine”, the stonemason orders his helper. “It is marked ‘29’.” “No prob, man”, helper replies. “gr.r.r.r.” stonemason gurgles. Still works, if crudely.)

(when “BOOB” and “TUBE” are presented together in consciousness to make BOOB TUBE this constructs :

THE Universal anatomical/technological metaphor FOR TELEVISION! TV (tee vee)

Variants “one eyed Jew” (E. Rudolf)

Planetwaves -7.21-22
Speaking of Saturn | Paris, Weds. July 20, 2005

In the blog below (on the homepage edition), you've got links to some articles on Saturn in Leo. But speaking of Saturn, we are full-on into the Capricorn Full Moon round two. The first was back in June, which I covered in this article:

If you're curious about the charts, cast for the District of Columbia, check here:

The Moon is now in Capricorn. As of this writing on Wednesday morning in Paris, it's at close to 12 degrees even, square Jupiter and the lunar nodes in Libra. The exact opposition happens July 21 1t 1 pm Paris time, so therefore noon in London and overnight in the States; and late July 21 down under, close to midnight.

So we're close, and we're in that high-tension moment before the exact opposition, which bas the Sun and Saturn on one side of the earth, and the Moon, Chiron and nearby, Neptune, on the other side. Mars is square the whole arrangement from Aries; but the grand cross is kind of loose, which in reality makes it no less a grand square.

Full Moons have the sense of tension breaking, but they can be quite tense up to that moment. They're also high-energy moments, when it might be less easy to sleep at night. They are the time to avoid pointless fights and to let reason prevail over emotions, as best you can.

We're also in a Mercury station. Mercury stations retrograde in Leo July 23 and runs back through that sign for the next three weeks. We are now I what some astrologers call "Mercury storm," which says communicate clearly, steer your technology straight down the highway, and try to keep your mind on what is important.

In the news, it's worth noting that it's into this rather interesting alchemical mix that President Bush nominates John Roberts to the Supreme Court. Being predictive for a moment, either this will be a disastrous battle, or he will slip through in the midst of the chaos. But I doubt that this is a nomination that will go unnoticed or be easily forgotten. It's been quite a while since we've seen the game known as "advice and consent" of the Senate on a Supreme Court nominee.

Let's see what shakes down.

I'll have more to say about Mercury retrograde in Leo over the next couple of days, so please tune in

-- Eric Francis


Thursday, July 21, 2005


Unprecedented Anthrax
Poisoning Kills Chimps
In Africa

By Carrie Giardino
Voice of America

ABIDJAN -- A report in the scientific journal, Nature, says at least six wild chimpanzees in Ivory Coast have died from anthrax. The findings of the study mean that infectious disease has now been added to the problems of poaching and habitat loss as the main threats to great apes in Africa.

The study shows an unusually high number of sudden deaths within three communities of chimpanzees was caused by anthrax. The chimpanzees and great apes are in Ivory Coast's Tai National Park, along the border with Liberia.

Mr. Leendertz says the infected chimpanzees left their communities, and their bodies were later discovered.

The chimpanzee deaths occurred more than two years ago, but since anthrax poisoning among chimpanzees had never been recorded, it was not until recently that the toxin was identified.

Another member of the study team, Heinz Ellerbrok, says there is great concern that infectious disease could be passed between the chimpanzees and humans.

Anthrax has never been recorded before in a tropical rain forest environment. One of the scientists working on the study, Fabian Leendertz, says there are two theories on how the bacteria arrived.

"They are speculating in a very old French newspaper that it may have come from the north, with cattle transport and so on," he said. "Second possibility is that it has always been there, but nobody has seen it, because, in the forest, you don't see when there are dead animals."

Pardon me, but there is a third: it was deliberately injected.

As it was in the U.S. mail.

Reasons for connecting:

1. Timing. This Jeff Rense piece, dated 7.24.04, states the deaths occurred “more than two years ago”. Allowing time for the infection leading to the deaths to have taken place, this places it around ’01-’02, coinciding with when it was mailed here. (With abortion clinics terrorized by fake threats.)

2. Unprecedented in the area, species.

3. Isolation of infected chimps from their communities (how do they know they weren’t imported? – then placed so that they would NOT infect the others – act of conscience. Ha

4. Fits the “toxins in Africa” pattern, always the favorite ‘dumping’ ground for unconscious group-fantasy. More infectious diseases to go with AIDS-like viruses (Ebola, Marburg further in the interior and east: see L.G. Horowitz, “Death in the Air” 2001.

Of the attacks here:

THE ONLY attack on America by “weapons of mass destruction”—the phrase itself having been coined to bundle bio-chemical and nuclear weapons – for which untold billions of dollars have been spent to protect against were these in late 2001.

The undeniable forensic combination of 1. the U.S. origin of the weaponized Ames strain that was sent to liberal Senators Leahy Daschle. (“Liberal” must always be included in the reference, because that is their shared political identity, hence the target.); and 2. the false letter, ineluctably revealing a Zionist masquerading as Arabs so that “Allah” worshippers would get blamed.... are make the case for chargeable high crime.

The hidden-in-the-open talk at the time was that it was in fact done in order to frame Iraq, but that finding ‘made in the USA’ indelibly stamped on the substance blew the gig. This didn’t stop Richard Perle, however, from contending on TV with Buchanan that Iraq could have been the source via Russia, etc.. (from recollection, MSNBC; Buchanan could verify). These things have never been added up and commented on, much less explained by the authorities, and have not been probed by investigative reporters. Instead, the public was treated to what was announced as the most extensive official investigation into the causes of the anthrax poisoning ever undertaken into any crime. Surely properly so. Straight KeyStone Cop charade followed, Mark Felt and Woodward doing it somewhere in a basement, you knew, but damned little jissom of real fact was EVER going to seep through to the public. Then Stephen D. Hatfill was fingered by SlouchEyes Ashcroft, and we still don’t know whether he is a Jew or not (though he did give talks to B’nai B’rith on the importance of anthrax poisoning preparedness, sorely lacking funding in the USA).

This terrible, terrible narrative must be rehearsed every time some new datum turns up, such as this infected chimp story.

This is a horror, horror against which citizens have the right to protect themselves. And by God I will, until something is done. It is why Kathaksung cannot be written off. The first attacks, on Murdoch’s soft-porn outfit in Florida, could have been a feint, a misdirection, “Don’t look HERE!…WE’ve been hit too!” (subtext: “do we look like the kind of people who would poison our own workers just to establish a false trail?”).

Friday, July 15, 2005

Yngling a philblog

Shaping up the –ed/-ing Quadrants (blogging itself is –ing-ing the –e)

Note on –“ing”. The sound connects also (see previous THING blog) to “Yngling”, name of oldest Swedish dynasty, and ‘ng” sound of a letter in the rune alphabet shaped like a small four-sided diamond.

A dialectic of two grammars for ‘knowledge’: didactic and Cartesion ‘knowledge’

Cartesianism, as a system of philosophy named after the famous French philosopher Rene Descartes (l. Renatus Cartesius) “Cartes” goes over from the French to English as “chartes”; “de” is the prefix “of”, so “Descartes” as a name associates etymologically with “of the charts”. It (this philosophical system) was sweeping Protestant north Europe from the 1650’s on, especially Sweden, where he came to live and enjoy the court of Queen Christina, who took special interest in it. He had been proceeded as her intellectual favorite by Olin Rudbeck, hyperborean professor from Uppsala who discovered the lymph system of the body (confirming Descartes’ thesis that the heart pumped blood circulating through channels), and unearthed Sweden’s glorious (he thought Atlantis) history. It was over the metaphysical interpretation of the body that the faculties of Uppsala University split. It was the theologians vs the medical men. Rudeck took a crypto-deterministic approach to the body, based on dissections he performed and even constructed an elaborate theatre for. David King (“Finding Atlantis”, p. 43f) says of the split:

“Watching this radical vision of a machine-universe, best understood by using a method of doubt and apparently leading only to cryptic creeds, the Uppsala theology department had good reason to be alarmed. At stake, too, was itsl long-established authority at the university, where it had enjoyed a frankly privileged position. The department had long exerted a great influence over everything form selecting staff to examining materials for publication to teaching the theology classes that were mandatory for all degree candidates…. In many ways the Cartesian philosopher was a real threat to this established order – and the battle over this heretical metaphysi8cs was waged as if it were a life-and-death struggle.”

Three major propositions characterized the Cartesian world. A. Scientific, as opposed to probable knowledge, is grounded on the mentioned method of systematic doubt, removing all possibly false assumptions, to attain certainty. B. From a purely formal standpoint, the universe we perceive has no center, is theoretically unlimited, and C. Has no God, except ‘as a bare possibility’ (Bertrand Russell put the same line of thought) -- a creator existing apart from “his” creation, which is a causally closed on itself, calculable totality in space and time. This was rationalism. It was topped off, by Descartes himself in the 6th meditation by a proof for the existence of God, previously removed by doubt, by turning it into a token of the completeness of reason, itself, which few took seriously. Suppose Descartes’ God existed, as Thomas Jefferson allowed (he called himself a “deist”, aka Cartesian rationalist when it came to explanations of phenomena in the perceived material universe) what would you have? Nothing to help in this life. (But it isn’t supposed to anyway, so cleverly is this “God” belief packaged.)

Decartes chief enduring, incontrovertible contribution to knowledge was the “coordinate system”, where, by assigning a set of 4 digits to each point on any line drawn through any of the quadrants on a four-space plane. Any line can be plotted by arithmetic ratios, thus bridging the gap between mathematics and geometry. This was begun by Pythagoras and Archimedes taking 3-2-4 as the standard units defining the right triangle (and, minus the “4th”, the letter L. cf. The FUTHARK alphabet on Old Uppsala runes, where the double-four (with the right-hand one turned upside-down and attached) makes the letter-sound “D”, 4th in the English alphabet).

Like it Is -- after Joe Wilson


THE WHAT – the real London killers


(The New York Times 7.15.A1 “Rove Reportedly Held Phone Talk On C.I.A. Oofficer”. David Johnson and Richard W. Stevenson..)
“…All week…the political machine that Mr. Rove built to bolster Mr. Bush and advance his agenda has risen to defend its creator. The Republican National Party has mount4d an aggressive campaign to case Mr. Rove as blameless (ad. As the victim) and to pain the matter as partisan dispute driven not by legality, ethics or national security concerns, but by a penchant among Democrats to resort to harsh personal attacks….”
(…precisely what they used against Wilson – his wife -- to discredit his report on Niger yellowcake uranium ore….but, no…the RNC has got out the line “It was just the reverse” – referring to who leaked Valerie Plame’s name to whom, Novak or Rove. “It was just the reverse,” was used repeatedly on CNN HEADLINE news, in the context of who leaked Wilson’s wife name. THIS IS THE WORK OF THE PATHOLOGICAL LIARS AND PSYCHOTIC KILLERS WHO HAVE BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MASS SERIAL SLAUGHTERS – IN IRAQ, MADRID, LONDON, AND, IF A SUICIDE BOMBER STRIKES HERE, AS RBT. MUELLER HAS CLAIMED TO BE INEVITABLE, IN CONNECTION WITH THE WAR, THE DEATHS WILL BE DUE TO THEM.) These are the American Jews – Jews, as in the one’s Hitler persecuted, now doing the persecution. Whoever sides with the RNC is a crypto Zionist Jew who deserve getting the Judenhaus from good American, as opposed to it being “just the other way around.”.
P. Krugman “Karl Rove’s America” (Op-Ed column A19) “There is no question he (Rove) damaged national security for partisan advantage. If a Democrat had done that, Republicans would call it treason. But what we are getting, instead, is yet another impressive demonstration that these days, truth is political. One after another, prominent Republicans and conservative pundits (ad. Including Patrick J. Buchanan, Jew to the bone) have declared their allegiance to the party line (just like the Nazis). They haven’t just gone along with the diversionary tactic, like the irrelevant questions about whether Mr. Rove use Valerie Wilson’s name in identifying her (Robert Novak later identified her by her maiden name, Valerie Plame) or the false, easily refuted claim that Mr. Wilson lied about who sent him to Niger. They’re now a chorus, praising Mr. Rove as a patriotic whistle-blower.”

Then Krugman says what this is “about”:
“Ultimately, this isn’t just about Mr,. Rove. It’s also about Mr. Bush, who has always known that his twisted political advisor – a disciple of the late Lee Atwater, whose smear tactics helped President Bush’s father win the l988 election – is a thug, and obviously made no attempt to find out if he was the leaker….Most of all, it’s about what has happened to America. How did our political system get to this point?”
Comment: That is a short, unfocused list. Its about about queers, Zionist Jews, TV whore X-ians, fetus worshippers -- and the common denominator of the way they are, which would be adults with a history of childhood abuse. Kark Rove and Rush Limbaugh, for instance, no doubt got whupped at lot on the ass by their old men. You can see in their face. Its called Repube-likkun politics, hometown Texas. Maggots love it when they are elected. Fresh corpse food every day from then on. Its just the way they are.
The political system got to this point by not confronting these pathological liars and psychotic killers when the started talking their God sh*t in public after Bush’s first election. I tried to. Then, and all the way through. It is anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-human.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Big Bang (London) and S* strings

The Big Bang (London) and S* strings

Model: the blasts below and on London’s streets sent shock waves through TokenSpace (TknSpc)

(TknSpc – space as medium of communication, relating tokens of sign-uses, S*)

Just as the Big Bang created cosmic synchronic pulsating strings of galaxies, planets, molecules, neurons (nerve cells) in physical space, as its effects unfolded time, so (hypothesis) the aftershocks of the terrible blasts in London passes through the nervous systems of persons. “All” are affected to some extent. Tom Friedman said it: “Indeed, we all just lost a little freedom yesterday.”

The following is a “string” of sign-uses produced two days after, arranged to bring out certain facts in the way different ones relate to it.

London bombers probably British: former Scotland Yard chief
AFP - Sun Jul 10, 6:05 AM ET
LONDON - The former head of Scotland Yard warned that the London bombers were probably British and that there were many people in the country willing to take part in such atrocities. The terrorists at the centre of the London bombing this week will almost certainly be British born and bred, brought up here and totally aware of British life and values," Sir John Stevens told the News of the World. He said he had heard suggestions the bombers, who killed at least 50 people and injured some 700 in the Thursday morning rush hour, had come
And so said I, having been brought to see the larger picture by B.E..

So much for the knee- jerk jackass New York Times Cath-O-Jew Schmoo:

July 8, 2005
Our Ally, Our Problem
AS the shock waves from yesterday's terrorist attacks in London - which seem to be the work of jihadist militants - reverberate across the Atlantic, a grim truth should become increasingly clear: one of the greatest terrorist threats to the United States emanates not from domestic sleeper cells or, as is popularly imagined, from the graduates of Middle Eastern madrassas, but from some of the citizens of its closest ally, Britain.
Richard C. Reid, the "shoe bomber" who tried to blow up an American Airlines jet flying between Paris and Miami in 2001, is British. So is Saajid Badat, who pled guilty in London four months ago to plotting to use a shoe bomb similar to Mr. Reid's to blow up a trans-Atlantic flight in late 2001. And Ahmed Omar Sheik, who orchestrated the 2002 kidnapping-murder of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan, is a British citizen of Pakistani descent who graduated from the London School of Economics

…was the blaring headline of Friedman’s article in the Sunday Times’ print edition.

July 8, 2005
If It's a Muslim Problem, It Needs a Muslim Solution is the milder title given the on-line version.

Yesterday's bombings in downtown London are profoundly disturbing. In part, that is because a bombing in our mother country and closest ally, England, is almost like a bombing in our own country. In part, it's because one assault may have involved a suicide bomber, bringing this terrible jihadist weapon into the heart of a major Western capital. That would be deeply troubling because open societies depend on trust - on trusting that the person sitting next to you on the bus or subway is not wearing dynamite.
The attacks are also deeply disturbing because when jihadist bombers take their madness into the heart of our open societies, our societies are never again quite as open. Indeed, we all just lost a little freedom yesterday.

1 + 2 + 3 =
So-o-o- lets see if we are getting this down. The Ex-Scotland yard man, and a few others, such as myself, see it more home-grown than all this. Not the result of “liberalism”, “pro-Islamism”, “al-Quaida sleeper cells”. “bin Laden”, al-Zarquari, Omar Sheik, Tim McVeigh or David Koresh; not connected to Madrid, 911 – but an act against the war in Iraq; U.S. dominance of England; Israel; and perhaps a streak of real leftist Bolshevism.

A slow, second, then third reading of the text below will show the double/triple meaning twistedness to which those who know they are responsible for those horrible deaths are driven:


Face up to the truth

We all know who was to blame for Thursday's murders... and it wasn't Bush and Blair

Nick Cohen
Sunday July 10, 2005
The Observer

Nuff said?
Lets spell it out a bit (the article itself is not worth scanning).
“We all know…” is a token of “we”-clingers, “we-ing” – hiding their individuality in the inclusive group. We-we. Nick Cohen comes out pissing.

“…who was to blame for Thursday’s murders,” he says.

No, it is precisely this that is NOT known – by him or anyone else, at this point. This is how pissers work with words. Familiar trickling feeling down your leg? The U.S. Central Sh*t-for-Brains Agency is saying the mastermind could be a disgruntled ex-lover of Putin, widely considered gay, with the actual hit outsourced to a SAAB used car dealership in Jakarta. Or something. They always come up with something, like that creative Daniel Pearle footage. Unforgettable, that. Those guys didn’t look like Omar Sheik. Gee, come to think of it, the Muslim jihadist terrorists could have been “outsourcing” political criminality all over the place all along…Always new enemies, just when the we-we-ers need them.

What we – anti-we-we-s – in fact know is Who started the Iraq War – Bush and Blair. How -- by lyingly hyping threats of weapons of mass production. And the “Why” could never be more succinctly demonstrated than by pee-wee’s performance here.


The media of communication have turned into a massive anti-Arab, Palestinian, Muslim, Islamic propaganda factory. Lest this be over-hastily regarded as merely another instance of Zionist control, the Times’ book Review section wants you to know the Catholics out there have got Rudy.


July 10, 2005
'The Prince of the City': Cut Out for the Job

A SWEDISH diplomat recently announced that he was nominating Rudy Giuliani, New York's famously bellicose former mayor, for the Nobel Peace Prize. My first thought was: He won't accept! But then, even better: If he wins, he could use his speech to denounce peace. Or Swedes. Or New York liberals.

We miss Rudy; even some of the people who could barely stand him at the time miss him. The administration of the current mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has turned out to be, as Fred Siegel puts it in this very insightful and very argumentative book, a ''moderately competent muddle.'' The Giuliani years were neither moderate nor muddled.

Giuliani was the rare politician who actively sought confrontation, both because he believed that the unexamined opinions and entrenched interests he was taking on needed to be publicly exposed and because nature made him that way. Viewed strictly as blood sport, the Giuliani administration had no peer.”
And Traub’s no slouch himself, is he?

Giuliani represents the intersection of Catholics and Jews. Where they intersect. He harped on Europeans for being soft on anti-semitism. ‘Lowed as how anti-semitism had recently escalated into anti-Zionism. Became a Catholic shill for absurd Zionist messianic ideas about Sharon and the Jewish State of Israel. “Useful idiots” Lenin called such wild -eyed gung-ho party-line hacks. New York liberals detested him in general, but his tough-love style found favor with a significant segment of conservative Jews. This was the spark that brought Catholics of the political right-wing sort – helped by John O’Connor’s vision of abortion clinics as Nazi ovens holocausting little fetusjews – and right-wing Zionist Jews together on a path of self-discovery. Like, discovering all they had in common -- usefulness of WWII as emotional political whiplash, allies or axis, pro or con, take your pick, everybody loves everybody now (except ‘extremists’) – to browbeat America.

Let’s check the line-up. Leading off we have – John Bolton, if they can get him up to the plate -- probably get him in by cutting deals behind the public’s back. United States of Jews ambassador of the U.N.. Batting second is Elliott Abrams, already safely installed inside the U.S. State Department to guard the skeleton hidden in Central America. Third up would be Negroponte, fabled Honduras slugger of nuns in need. Followed in the clean-up spot by Michael Chertoff. Fifth, and playing second base, would be “spiker” Gonzalez; sixth, Wolfowitz, seventh Scalia, eighth Mueller and ninth – Dick Cheney, Rove, and/or whoever laisons with the vast intelligence networks and throws the international pitches and controls the shocks.


Friday, July 08, 2005

The Y Widens

(increasing angle of opposition between sign-uses in disagreement, higher levels of closed-off predications. Limits: say nothing...say everything)

Addressing a Broken Body (Reality)

Once a divergence has occurred between the line of events following the intended TEXT of signs used in group communication, vrs. what their TOKENS convey --what the choice of particular signs says, in context – Reality becomes broken.

This is the “Y” splitting of sign-use; “God” for the Almighty, “G.O.D.” for overnight parcel delivery, just to take one example. Generally speaking, tokens convey motive, while text supplies information. In actual practice, they twine in public discourse to create the spectacle of the human P.A.B. (“political animal braying”; they treat it worshipfully, as it does for them, substitute for the Holy.)

America as “Y” has split into ‘citizen’, under the text of the constitution, a defined class of individuals U.S. law is required to recognize as existing and having inalienable rights conferred by their “maker”. Here is where one split leads to another. “Made in the image of God” “we” are, the text of the Bible reads. “WHOSE God?’, the critic demands to know, noting again the sound jackasses make no doubt sounds righteous to other jackasses. The thing is, when AMERICA, the original full-fledged, full-throated simultaneous text of citizenry and token of New World Freedom – won by revolutionary colonials, bequeathed as a legacy of their heirs could keep it – the GOD issue was not an issue. It was either Protestant or …down scale of recognition, but still there -- the Great Spirit the Native Indians recognized. In the grammar of government the experiment in democracy assumed that participated was limited to those responsible for conducting the public affairs and business; use of “men” for voters did not extend, by common application, to women, blacks, Catholics or Jews. And these men got to have their say, because they not only set it up, but through the generations of work had established what “God” meant, as a common workable understanding of whose image men were created in. Signs for race and gender got “Y”-ed off from “men” down the line, then re-grammatized, for good or ill. Now it has come down to the big one.

The original existential situation, establishing what America meant in song, prayer, daily rituals, frontier adventure, devotion, throughout a continent none on earth more beautiful, created the grace of unity of spirit drawn on to govern. The “rope of sand” George Washington called the document was not just a political, but a spiritual ‘string’ entity. Now, unheard; except in the ruffle of Bush braying “democracy”.


That has been a thought of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Yes, the First Amendment says no state religion, but the people can vote on whether they want “God” in, say, the pledge of allegiance, defining the country under a unified spiritual predicate, as the founding fathers did. This must be prevented at all costs, since it wipes out the legacy of grace and replaces it by a creed of law. The racial hatred stirred up against Muslims, especially, if the Jewish-Catholic God gets put up as “America”, would be precisely the kind of world-attitude, and basis of public order, most repulsive to original Americans. In government halls, they did not moralize, flout, pontificate or ‘pity-me’-gate with their “God” use. To “vote on God” splits the Y of the constitution wide open. This was something the authorities could swear on as voted “under”, not “on”. What would that mean? Next election if the anti-God ticket wins, what do judges swear on?


BTK killer blames 'demon' for murders

WICHITA (AP) — Confessed BTK serial killer Dennis Rader made his first public apology for the murders that horrified a community for a quarter-century, blaming a "demon" that got inside him at a young age.

Rader, 60, said his problems began in grade school, with his sexual fantasies that were "just a little bit weirder" than other people's.
"Somewhere along the line, someone had to pick something up from me somewhere that there was a problem," he said. "They should have identified it."
Rader said he felt for Dale Fox when he saw him cry on television while talking about the 1977 strangulation of Fox's daughter Nancy — a crime Rader has admitted — and said his own relatives also suffer.
"I am going to pay for it with a life sentence. The final victims are my ... family," he said.
In other words, “why didn’t some liberal psychoanalyst save me? Don’t they care about humanity?” Or maybe he is reaching out for exorcism.

Wonder how his ‘demon’ got in there? Could it have been severe childhood sexual abuse? That was found to be the case for Andrea Yates, the Texas mother who drowned her kids and got the death penalty, as I recall.

Observation: Rader accepts his ‘life sentence’ – essential worthlessness. That should be strengthened to “no right to exist”. Society puts him down like the sick puppy he is.

‘Final victims – my family’. In his head; as if he cared. If his grotesque criminality was, indeed, the result of childhood abuse, revenge would be the motive – unconscious, probably, always being a “nice boy” in front of his abusers and peers. “Once president of his Lutheran church”, USA Today adds.

But this is Kansas, home of Sen. Sam Brownback, who happens to have just been mentioned in connection with inciting instability in Iran:

“Clearly, a large number of people in the world are interested in discrediting the Iranian government and the newly elected president, even when they must resort to outright lies or absurdly twisted logic. The MEK, who participated in the Iranian Revolution of 27 years ago but were cut out of power six months later, still harbor fantasies of marching on Tehran and taking over the nation. They have created a shadow government outside of Iran, and have a coterie of aging troops massed near the Iranian border in Iraq with the blessing of the United States government. In an astonishingly effective political coup, they have co-opted a number of American legislators who support them with American taxpayer dollars. Among them are Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida. The MEK has somehow convinced these American officials that they plan to bring "democracy" to Iran. The fact that they are still on the U.S. government list of terrorist groups, having killed American citizens during the time of the shah, seems not to faze Santorum, Brownback or Ros-Lehtinen.”

Could all this BTK (“Bind Tortute Kill”) mass killer hype be part of Sen. Brownback’s running campaign for re-election on the “Kill Iran, Too” ticket?

Weird thing about the Iran election, condemned as not satisfying the basic requirements of democracy by George W. Bush, as pointed out by W.O. Beeman in “Anatomy of a Neocon Smear” is that NO MATTER WHO WON, a faction that hoped to get the United States to invade Iran to protect Israel WAS DETERMINED TO UNDERMINE IT.

“American neoconservatives were clearly not to be deprived of their cherished canard that the "mullahs were manipulating the election." Certain that Ahmadinejad's rival, former president Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, would win, they first denounced his comeback as "due not to popular demand, but to machinations of mullahs," as Danielle Pletka asserted in The New York Times on June 16, before the final voting. Once Ahmadinejad had been declared the surprise victor, the neoconservatives began to denounce him as the candidate of religious leader Ali Khamene'i, claiming that the election was fixed by the clerical establishment. Clearly, the election was to be demonized, whoever won.” (ibid.)

Speaking of demons, the smear was that Ahmadinejad had been among the Iranian students taking Americans hostage in l978. Ex-hostages were dug up who said he looked like one of the men in the picture, who wasn’t him at all. “It was all a lie,” says Beeman.


Threads to eternity

The MEK, as described above, is surely the remnant of Ahmed Chalabi’s old outfit, which links with “Curveball” – source of false intelligence on Iraq’s ‘mobile bio-chemical’ truck labs, as reported by the NY Times’ Judith Miller to prove Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. One of the cards in the pack of lies. This thread hung like a proverbial sword in the air over the sharply rising inquiries concerning the Rove-Novak connection in the Valorie (Plame) Wilson’s case.

Another card in the deck, or pack of lies told to justify war on Iraq, was alleged shipment of yellowcake uranium ore from Niger to Iraq exposed by her husband as not true. And, known to be not true responsible persons, but nevertheless getting included in Secretary of State Colin Powell’s Feb. 2003 speech to the United Nations. This was the high-water mark of deception, blasting apart the integrity of the solemn word of America, as a nation among sovereign nations. It chose the path of lying. There is an eternality to that. The sun will never rise again on America as great. That is the thread of history unfolded and unfolding here.

The one who broke the story that Joseph Wilson’s wife was CIA and possibly influencing his appointment was Robert Novak, right-wing columnist and regular on major CNN political shows -- Crossfire, Capitol Gang. The whole deal had already been laid out, it says here, and Novak’s broad audience guaranteed that his “two sources” would get quoted widely. In addition, Time magazine – its all Time-Warner/AOL, after all – is contacted through M. Cooper. This has been publically confirmed to have been Karl Rove, while he lyingly denies what is irrelevant to the main charge. That would be: co-operating with those he knew to be fixing the facts to favor war.

Now, Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff has been brought in to aim Novak like a smoking gun at this administration’s head – or aim Novak and Rove at America’s head.
\ “The e-mails surrendered by Time Inc., which are largely between Cooper and his editors, show that one of Cooper's sources was White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove, according to two lawyers who asked not to be identified because they are representing witnesses sympathetic to the White House. Cooper and a Time spokeswoman declined to comment. But in an interview with NEWSWEEK, Rove's lawyer, Robert Luskin, confirmed that Rove had been interviewed by Cooper for the article. It is unclear, however, what passed between Cooper and Rove.”

Why is Judith Miller taking the fall while Novak goes free? My hunch is that the New York Times fell for a sting operation, designed to achieve exactly what it did: neutralize their vast news/opinion organization by high-level contacts by Rove or someone else which could not be revealed without betraying secrets going back to her connection with Chalabi and “Curveball”. This puts the lie to her posing as champion of free press, conscientiously objecting to a wrong government order.

Now London has been blasted, as if to rub all this off the board.

I don’t think so. These are very significant events.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Enneagrammatic (analogue) metaphysics


Exposition of an actual mathematical discovery, with vast consequences.

The Enneagram of Gurdjieff’s teaching in Chapter 14 of P.D. Ouspensky’s In Search of The Miraculous is a model of what is intrinsic to and observable in all dynamic processes. (from:

Research does not turn up solid traceable records of its use, until Gurdjieff, in the 1020’s, though something like it has been attributed to the Sufis, to whose esoteric tradition he himself gave credit. P.D. Ouspensky’s Ray of Creation, Vconstructed from the 7 “notes” on the inner side of the enneagram circle, provides a helpful point of departure in the cosmic application of Gurdjieff’s system. Nothing here contradicts his New Model of the Universe, as I understand it. It may be, however, that there is an even more succinct way to grasp the universal form through objective self-observation, which, for whatever reason, gets blocked from the understanding by alternate models.

This boldness in holding up the Enneagram as Vorstellung ueber alles key to unlocking the great mysteries of the universe -- space, time and life on planet earth, known and shared with each other in communication by humans is brought about ... by conceit of discovery of a humble truth. I call attention to the conjunction of intellectual interfaces here that have been previously overlooked by mathematicians, philosophers, physicists. I refer to the connection between the Enneagram and Pi, brought out as follows:

Q. What do these two numbers have in common?

1/7 (One divided by seven), and
22/7 (Twenty-two divided by seven) ?

A. The decimal expansion of 1/7 = 0.142857 … etc. ad infnitum
.. .. .. 22/7 = 3.1428457 … etc. ad infinitum

The difference between 22/7 and 1/7 is exactly 3.0.

The relevance of this mathematical fact is:

22/7 is the value Archimedes determined for the ratio of units in the diameter of a circle to its circumference. The decimal expansion later mathematicians designated “Pi” (greek letter written by double ‘t’e’s connected at the top, as in TT) is usually taken to be a correction of Archemides’ “approximation” to the true value. This, however, I wish to argue here, may be taken as an incursion of ‘irrational’-number preferring metaphysicians, for whom “Pi” is the passport to digitalism. The first three digits (1-4-2) do, in fact, provide sufficient triadic determinants for a bounded, internally organized (“fur selbst”) unit of reference (in an ideal language of science), with respect to time. “Beginning, middle, end”.\, as Pythagoras divided the line. “For as the Pythagoreans say, the all and all things are defined by threes; for end and middle and beginning constitute the number of trhe all and also the number of the triad.” (Aristotle, De coel. i.; 268 a.10)

This is the representation of a line circled, passing through a middle point, returning again to its origin. That is the only way of explaining the “all”, or unchangeable Monad. Its eternity must consist in perpetual return of the Source to Itself. The dynamic sequence of points along which this perpetually happening form a 7-fold seam, as it were, across the diameter of the Sphere of Completing Totalities.

If “The All” = The Monad = the “One” = what 7 encompases, then “0” can be taken as the “container” of 7, in the sense of bounding everything it does not include. “0” and “7” mark the metaphysical boundaries of rationally divided TokenSpace as a unity. “0” marks everything excluded from 7. It marks non-being, assuming “all things” fall under the 7 types of individuals. “1” marks the first movement from the completion of -0 to 8 (by -2-3-4-5-6-7 used for sequence on the 9-segment circumference); 2 marks the second movement along the line completed – coinciding with, but distinct from, the “2” in the third place of the decimal expansion of 1/7. “3” marks A PLACE ON THE 9 –SEGMENT CIRCUMFERENCE ONLY, DIRECTLY AFFECTING THE TRIAD 1-3 BY FEEDING IN AN ‘INFLUENCE’/FORCE , FROM THE 4TH-DIMENSION, DEFINUINGA HIGHER-LEVEL SOLID OFF THE 4TH OF THE 1-4-2 tradic plane. “4” marks ….(suspend process until later connections are made).

This I think holds a deep clue for decoding the relation of The Enneagram to TknSpc.

From the standpoint of the triad as three lines, as opposed to the standpoint of “three” divisions of one line, the 3rd, with its ‘new’ influence on the transition around the 1-9 circumference, make a “tetrad” – a figure defined by four points. The “three”, as a ‘post” every instance of a dynamic process must complete itself around, on the right-hand side of the Enneagram, is affected as energy-interchange polarities, by the content of “3”.

This illustrates, if briefly, the dynamics of the form of a process-sequence of two kinds: like cream-poured-into-coffee, never to be reversed. But also like the transformation of base metal into gold (alchemical ideal) – a process in which a ‘next’ stage cannot be reached except through a specific ‘prior’ which is pregnant with it, as it were, as a “telescopic unfolding”. This logic of transformation, comes in when the 4th is added to the 3, and as time is added by Pythagoras as the circumference of all three-dimensional circles of the universal globe. That is what Time is: the arc that completes the dimensions of a space containing triads. The arc of their completion. From this I take the notion of “Completing Totalities” as the metaphysical signature of this philosophy.

The next topic takes up the triad on the Left-hand side of the Enneagram, 8-5-7, intersected by an extraneous influence/force at 6, in mirror- image of the Right-hand triad, ‘turned’. This inner movement is completed by ‘7’ connecting back to ‘1’, then looping around again … -- except for a quantum of energy that continues along the outer circle to point 8, then arriving at 9, which coincides with 7,as the completing inner and outer circles through the inner 6. This would be the general form of all telescopic unfolding dynamic processes with 7 steps tracing a circle.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Flyin' Fibonacci, Batman! Feel Pyth's Pain

Flying Fibonacci, Batman!
Feel Pythagoras’ pain?

... was transported by the followers of Cambyses as a prisoner of war. Whilst he was there he gladly associated with the Magoi ... and was instructed in their sacred rites and learnt about a very mystical worship of the gods. He also reached the acme of perfection in arithmetic and music and the other mathematical sciences taught by the Babylonians...
However, history records he wasn’t particularly well received by local Samians when he returned to turn them on. (worth pointing out again)
... he tried to use his symbolic method of teaching which was similar in all respects to the lessons he had learnt in Egypt. The Samians were not very keen on this method and treated him in a rude and improper manner.

No soap for the savior. Not to be outdone,

... he formed a school in the city [of Samos], the 'semicircle' of Pythagoras, which is known by that name even today, in which the Samians hold political meetings. They do this because they think one should discuss questions about goodness, justice and expediency in this place which was founded by the man who made all these subjects his business. Outside the city he made a cave the private site of his own philosophical teaching, spending most of the night and daytime there and doing research into the uses of mathematics .

Initiates were required to study 5 years in silence, before being allowed to say anything at all (in highest counsel assemblies). In Hegel’s historical model of the incarnate Spirit – one free (kingship), some free (Greek democracy, all free (Enlightenment) – Pythagoras’ brotherhood is a throw-back to “None free”. Almost: the Epyptian-priesthood caverns of secret knowledge of The One, through Thoth, resonates through this ‘semicircle’. (? – curved-line/time boundary?) Or, rather, when “freedom”, as Hegel understood it, coming over from the Enlightenment into the Third millennium, didn’t apply. According to the oldest histories, men originally served the Gods, and were “granted” kingship at Kish, in Sumer, before Babylon rose after Marduk. The advanced sexigesimal number system by which stupendously accurate calculations of planetary orbits, eclipses, and other night-sky phenomena were ordered, dates to the earlier epoch, and was considered sacred communication objectively connecting heavens-earth (the sacred precincts were called EN.DUR.ANKI). It was the sort of information that to know was to be a part and conduit of; therefore “not (for) free”. Not for “the free”, if that meant “excused from relating to reality in an objective way.” Unfortunately for humanity, despite the best efforts of the Pythagoreans, the original Hermetic schools at Alexandria (where the Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean were kept, and scientific studies originating before Thales of Miletus, Athens, Rome), the Templars and FreeMasons, ….despite the best efforts of the best, the “freedom now” crowd has demanded, and usually got, its way in history regarding freedom from the bondage of objective knowledge (wrong!) until the venerable old vehicles designed to communicate them become useless. Mere words; rituals, weird and eerie programs taking place outside the field of clear and distinct communication. And deliberately kept so. Then it seems as the Giant World Clock has quit ticking, while its hands continued their silent, slow seni-circling… the forms the world shows to consciousness drift by, as in dreams, with all instances drained of any but cardboard-front life-in-the-moment. Then it moves on. In Pythagoras’ world, as I get it, this is compatible with saying there is no movement at all, only “seeming”. This would go with his identifications of things with numbers, the number of the male principle “3”: The Father of numbers (One in the Three) and Father of humans (through the First and Second Adam) are the same in the eternity of the principle unfolding, ever unfolded, in three stages, leading to the Fourth. This is a paradox in Pythagoras’ system. The unfolding in time, through beginning, middle, end, is, for itself, outside time, or under the arc of its circumference. And that perpetually.

The metaphysical importance of Pythagoras as a Thinker/Savior/Mediator lies in this: His thought and view of the universe intersected the fundamental metaphysical opposites represented by straight and curved lines. The accumulated data of astronomy was the objective empirical verification of the meanings given use of both lines in constructing starlobe maps. It is in this Vorstellung combining of arithmetic and geometry, particularly triangles, squares, cubes and spheres (posited by Ptolemy), that a humanly wrought scientific account of the universe originated. Could a fundamental flaw have been built into the very way these earliest diagram represented reality? – creating a ‘glitch’ in the mental adjustment of humans on planet earth to their environment destined to blossom into full-scale psychotic breakdown, over the long haul? – based on the sheer contradiction between realty in itself , versus reality (in Hegel’s terms) for itself (through subjective delusions projected as objective through ‘the Spirit’)? (“Vorstellung” is the German notion of representation not confined to text, but as in: “religious Vorstellung” are “the basis of unity of the Church” – Hegel; contrasted with “philosophical”, or “fascist corporate” Vorstellungen, etc.)

Hypothesis here: A glitch indeed, can be spotted in their use of number-geometry signs in Tokenspace, when internalizes as mental “maps” defining actual space-time relations through the body. (Perhaps others spot other glitches.) .

The body, house of insipient consciousnesses, has always posed a problem for science. But there it is: see Da Vinci’s fascination, the great early Florentine Greek sculptors, heaven-projected Adam Kadmon of kabalah … the Human Form, in all its glory. The sacred, whatever else it might be, is in that; not apart from it, as modern Marcianists hold. Such was the Renaissance creed. (This again approaches Christology as the hinge of history; cf. previous post.) Scientists themselves, ever eager to square things up so they can calculate the diameters, gravitate toward a Leibnizean/Monad metaphysic inside of which each and all can be “free”, in order to explain themselves and the possibility of knowledge (Kant). When pressed to turn from method to metaphysics, they hem and haw. Some, such as Einstein, use God to refute Quantum Theory. Appropriately, since forms of energy so miniscule as barely affecting the behavior of single neutrons can be assigned the metaphysical status of 0.000001, as affecting forms of cellular, organic and social life mediated by sign-use. But hardly “scientifically” (“God doesn’t play dice with the universe,” he quipped, rejecting the metaphysics of probability theory Quantum theory used. Er… as if someone though “He” did? -Einstein doing “G-d” for the Jews, although I am sure he wouldn’t have put it that way. But, as was recently pointed out to me, neither do terrorists call themselves “terrorists”.)

The reason they hem and haw, jive and jig-a-boo, is because they aren’t for sure some important truth about the cosmos wasn’t known, and forgotten, precisely as is argued here, under the way of being recognized as sacred. As a way of being. Through the body. That is the challenging, absurd idea. There WAS a glitch, they secretly divine, but to straighten it out requires a metaphysical overhaul, reconstructing sign-use, and reinventing the wheel of communication. That is what this is about.

Slicing the Pi, and Squaring the Circle
Pythagorean metaphysics came to grief over the problem of ‘irrational numbers’, the incommensurability of units of straight lines to curved lines, illustrated by the common denominator 3.1416…. as ratio of length of diameter to the circumference of any circle. This is a non-terminating fraction, calling upon the mind to either admit that an infinite sequence of diminishing discriminations existed ….Aristotle would say “potentially infinite”, … or give up the idea that the same units of space that measure straight lines also measures curves, apparently contradicting Pythagoras’ identity of things and numbers.
The received science came to use models that jammed together rational and irrational ratios – terminating and non-terminating fractions – to accommodate measurements of both diameters and circumferences on the Vorstellung of events in space and time, calculated from the body. These were put together in the mathematical “calculus” of Leibniz and Newton. Thus. the problem of Pi, the history of which is traced to Sumer and Babylon, gets grammatized into the language of science. The stage is set for what is called “relativity theory”, “quantum theory”, “Big Bang and String theory”, and the like, which rest applying irrationals in reality measurement.
There is another model, an alternate theory of space-time-universe form under geometry and numbers (but without words). It is the Enneagram, as taught in original Gurdjieff schools, and Chapter 14 of P.D. Ouspensky’s “In Search of the Miraculous”. (not: as personality diagnostic). One major unique feature is its use of the fraction 0.142857, which is the digital expansion of One (1) divided into Seven (7) equal parts (“7/1” – “7 into 1”). The values obtained by continuing the division on the right hand side of the decimal repeat the sequence interminably: 0.142857142857142857 etc., etc, ad infinitum. Though the grade of texture becomes finer and finer, the pattern can never vary. This provides a schema for taking 6 progressively arranged series of 7/1 as “squaring the circle”, as in:

1 divided into 7 parts =
0.142857 1/7
0.285714 2/7
0.428571 3/7
0.571428 4/7
0.714285 5/7
0.857142 6/7
1. 7/7
If ‘One” is the unity of All, as Pythagoras held, the seven equal parts represent a succession of worlds arithmetically potential in it. The unbounded (potentially infinite extension of series at every level) is contained within the bounded. The moving through each of the segments from One, to Seven completes a circle of circles ascending from 1/7 to 1, descending from 7/7 to 0.

Fibonacci introduced the decimal system using Arabic numerals in the 13th century; before that, this first step in the construction of the Enneagram could not be laid out visually. However, it does correspond to the arithmetic of the seven-tone musical scale known to Pythagoras. Fibonacci, who saw sequences in numbers as Pythagaoras did, did not, apparently, make a physical/geometrical application of sequences. This is required to compress the repetitions in nature of One in 7 --in hues of color, musical notes, atomic-molecular weight proportions, and days of the week (the 7th being sacred). Just threw the last in there to set the stage for a Hegel connection later. It is impossible to overestimate the extent to which the metaphysics of space, time, number, geometry and measurement go together under the same set of Vorstellung.
The Fibonnaci sequence is 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-65 – etc., repeating the operation of addition to each additional number, after doubling ‘1’. If a sequence of operations were specified – say, alternately add the last, and next-but last; then, changing that, but lawfully, etc., 7 times – this would built the framework of an infinite framework in which all finite totalities were subsumed under triads within the One of every unit, which is the Enneagram. More later.
Next metaphysical Question to consider: What us Justice?

Saturday, July 02, 2005

No Right to Exist

An argument in re Bush supporters

(Preface: not against HL, but following up his remarks..)

Hugh Lincoln – OD Board

“…. If there's any group of people not yet ready for a hardcore "us v. them" mindset, it's the vast majority of white Americans. Thus, they will need to have some sort of universalist underpinning for what they're thinking in order for it to be appealing.”
As for the first claim: what of this?

Zogby on Bush polls:

“...In a sign of the continuing partisan division of the nation, more
two-in-five (42%) voters say that, if it is found that President Bush
not tell the truth about his reasons for going to war with Iraq,
should hold him accountable through impeachment “
I think it says there is a BIG readiness for --- (beyond white supremacy as a national issue – I don’t run away from the term, either, for whoever wants to use it! ..) A UNIVERSALIST REALITY UNDERPINNING – AS IN METAPHYSICAL TALK (about what is vrs. what is not).



The BIG LIE – Bush’s speech

BLOG | Posted 06/29/2005 @ 1:57pm
The Big Lie

John Nichols
"We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11th attacks."
George W. Bush -- September 17, 2003 ...
To the extend that George Bush had retained the slightest shred of dignity through the whole ugly Iraq imbroglio, it was found in his refusal to fully embrace the biggest of the Big Lies told by his aides: The claim that the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein had played a role in the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. ….
In other words, Bush made at least some effort to avoid echoing
Cheney's Big Lies.

Until now.

On Tuesday night, however, the president abandoned the narrow patch of high ground that he had staked out and dove into the raging flood of deceit that his administration had unleashed.
In what was billed as a major address regarding Iraq, Bush mentioned the September 11 attacks no less than five times.
Before 750 members of the 82nd Airborne Division and the Army's Special Operations unit, who had been assembled at Fort Bragg, N.C., to give Bush a respectful and unquestioning audience, the president declared, "The troops here and across the world are fighting a global war on terror. This war reached our shores on September 11, 2001. The terrorists who attacked us -- and the terrorists we face -- murder in the name of a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance and despises all dissent. Their aim is to remake the Middle East in their own grim image of tyranny and oppression, by toppling governments, driving us out of the region and exporting terror."

By suggesting that the invasion and occupation of Iraq should be seen as part of a legitimate and necessary response to September 11, as he clearly did on Tuesday, Bush made a deliberate break with reality -- not so complete a break, perhaps, as that of Cheney and the wingnut faction of the administration, but a break all the same.
The president speech was written and delivered with the intent of deceiving the American people into believing things that were never true.

WHAT ZOGBY SAYS 42% OF AMERICANS SUPPORT – IMPEACHMENT FOR BUSH IF HE LIED – IS NOT “IF”. THE ARGUMENT OF THIS BLOG IS “HE DID…JUST NOW” … IN TUESDAY’S SPEECH (6.28), he listed 911 and al-Quida as reasons for war in Iraq. A “deliberate break with reality”, Nichols put it.

This is tagged “The Big Lie” because it is the exact reversal of the truth that would condemn them …. to death, really, if there is any justice, since it is been their side of the reversal of truth all along that has led to all the deaths they have caused. “The exact reversal” means “denied on principle, because it is the reality.” By the same ones who talked, and still talk about imposing democracy. “An oxymoron”, one lawmaker got around to calling it today on TV. Every dire thing anyone tried to tell them was ignored, only what they wanted to hear was listened to (and pipe-lined into their ear-horns), meanwhile pursuing their cruel delusions and insisting that those who don’t go along are negative nay-sayers. Until finally, when it catches with them, reversal of reality in principle -- because it IS the reality -- becomes necessary.

It’s not so unusual. “I didn’t take it; Bin Laden took it and blamed it on me” is all you will ever get from Niggerponte’s Nicaragua Contra supporters, now in control of a chunk of the FBI, probably to follow up on Mark Felt’s and R.P. Hansson’s er, penetrations – or Jew Supremacist Michael Chertov in charge of hellland security -- hell, there has to be money for counter-counter-terrorists, if every terrorist organization has to be infiltrated and vice versa, to get as many counter-s as real-s, and guarantee good Intel, Right? – and counter-counter-counter etc. terrorists from every country, secret service, criminal gang, business escort services and every embassy personnel, all under the control of Reagan Republican Bush Zionists and Vatican-Catholics at the top of Heritage, AIPAC, JINSA, PNAC, AEI …for starters…. America is just a milk cow with soldier boys and girls to protect the skimmers, for them.

Bush laid the theological groundwork for reversing reality in the name of “God” back in ’01. After bait-switching “compassionate” to “faith-based” conservative, as what He Was; and tapping a “GOD’S TROUGH” keg in the US Treasury storehouse, his “initiative” to replace the God America was founded on by Nixon war criminal’s Jailhouse Preacher G-D -- the 12-step alcoholic rehab Holy Bush Spirit, LAWD, LAWD, LAWD… HEP’ US WID ‘R SINF’L WAYS HEER B’L’OUGH. … when their agenda ran up against some organizations that had “God” in their name or literature, which previous understanding of the separation of church and state prohibited from receiving federal dollars, what does Our Boy, the Chimp do? -- why, he declares that that showed how the damned liberals would stoop to using God to discriminate against the religious. Yep. Maybe not in these exact words but with this exact meaning: to reverse what “God” meant. Anyone who would do that is either overstuffed with chutzpa, or has something going for him on the side. No one challenged his bait-switch, nor his reversal – allowing the nation to slide directly toward into Abu Ghraib, flying torture chambers, and Alberto Gonzalez being rumored as Supreme Court stuff.

Now we see not just What is on his/their side – the driving psychological force behind a mentality that would attack a helpless, already broken country, known not to be a threat; maniacally escalating terror upon terror to frighten the public into supporting a massively cruel, irreversibly destructive, irreparable gash in international diplomatic efforts, with ultra hate-generating factors toward America built into the situation due to alignment with Israel. We also see Who – the personnel, in the forefront and behind the curtain as well.


Until refuted (see below for something that doesn’t count – changes the subject to a diffrenent ‘reality’, naturally), the above establishes the right to predicate on these people who share this mentality as not having the right to exist. They have deliberately committed serial mass killing; now are deliberately lying about the past to cover it up.

Whoever does not oppose them is with them: Anti-American, Anti-Christian, Anti-human, claiming to be all those things in reversal of reality.

The reasons the death penalty must be demanded are: justice – blood for blood.
Ineducable twistedness; incapacity of self-criticism or self-restraint.
Reckoning for their reversal of the true meaning and value of God, Country and Christianity.