Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, October 31, 2009



Commenting on the open contradiction, below, from on-line BPSB sources:

1. All suspected cases last spring were reported to the CDC for confirmation.
“Saint Paul, MN -- When the Novel H1N1 virus first appeared in the United States in the spring of 2009, every suspected case was submitted to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta for lab confirmation.”

2. Most cases were confirmed NOT; maybe none WERE.
“rRT-PCR is the only test that can confirm infection specifically with the 2009 H1N1 virus. Most people ill with a flu-like illness since this spring have not been tested with rRT-PCR. Tests such as rapid antigen detection assays and diagnoses based on symptoms alone without rRT-PCR testing cannot specifically determine if a person has 2009 H1N1 flu”

1. + 2. = Swine flu was, and was not, widespread last spring.

It’s not just the falsefying. It’s what the misrepresentation is about, and the consequences.

It is about our nation’s blood as a resource. There may be a tipping point in the ingestion of alien interactive bio-chemical substances deliberately introduced into it, beyond which its functional efficiency cannot be replenished. Perhaps we will no longer be able to resonate to higher cosmic vibration requiring full oxygenated red blood cells. The deepest quiet thrill perhaps replaced by a mental dullness incapable of any awareness of itself as such. All innocent and happy in its unknowingness.

“If you get a flu shot, you’re a fool,” says Bill Maher. Square "poisoned". Poisoned fools. These, carrying the blood to renew the nation. Dying may not mean so much anymore. What’s to miss?

This may be the root instinctual truth behind German’s belief in the sacrality of pure Aryan blood, accounting for hatred of Jews as blood poisoners. The blood they inherited surely had a common Prussian 'feel', a Dasein, in Heidegger's use, with a magnificent dominant culture reproduced broadly, especially through its philosophers (Kant, Hegel) and language (Fichte, Fries). It would be the same whenever and wherever the feeling of native blood merged with patriotic pride-of-nation as bond of patriotic identity. But of course it could only come about once in planet earth's human DNA. The Bible and 20th century history come in, too.

The way the Big Lie is covered also tells the story. H1N1 was NOT confirmed in “most” (any? which?) cases in spring of ’09. Yet, reports make it sound as if the opposite were the case, that it was widely confirmed, threatening to return vigorously in the fall. Meanwhile, come fall, which is now, CONFIRMATION IS NO LONGER SOUGHT! It’s not so easy to do, apparently. Extrapolations are derived from crunched numbers. Further, The Saint Paul TV news report cut from the above quote to “Minnesota's first reported probable case, in Cold Springs, was such a huge news story TV stations broke into regular programming to announce it.” Doesn’t say IT was confirmed. The facts reported are compatible with eitiology of pure hysteria.

Page 1 of today’s NY Times ‘dumped’ the West’s H1N1 into the Muslim hajj this year.

Saudis Try to Head Off Swine Flu Fears Before Hajj

“Every year, the single largest gathering on the planet is the annual pilgrimage to Mecca: 2.5 million people from 160 countries packed into a small city in Saudi Arabia for five days.
This year, some will be bringing swine flu.
The Saudi authorities, fearing that the hajj could turn their holy city into a petri dish for viral mutations and a hub for spreading a new pandemic wave around the world, are working hard to head that off. They have asked some worshipers, including pregnant women and the elderly, not to make the trip, which is scheduled for the last week of November."


On Clinton’s Pakistan visit 10.29.09

Artcle on hard copy: “Clinton Is Sharply Critical Of Pakistan on Terrorism”

line: on-line:

Clinton Ends Visit as the Focus of Pakistani Barbs

*****;contentBody (posted 10.30.’09)
Two H1N1 Patients, Two Different Outcomes
(dated 9.18.09) “…At home, this 10 year old loves to sing and dance. But in Oklahoma, one of America's hardest-hit states by H1N1, Leteasha got sick and never got better.

A machine called an ECMO may be her last hope. It oxygenates her blood, acting as her heart and lungs to give her sick body a fighting chance. ..”

(“ECMO stands for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. ECMO is used only after medicine and a breathing machine (ventilator) have failed
The ECMO machine works for the heart and lungs. It is the same heart/lung machine used for open-heart surgery. When your loved one is placed on ECMO, blood will flow through the ECMO tubing where it receives oxygen from the machine’s lung. This happens until the heart and/or lungs are able to work on their own.”)
__________;contentBody. (posted 10.30.’09)

By Mark Strassmann
Two H1N1 Kids Now Show "Miracle" Progress
(dated 10.8.’09)Carolyn Howard's daughter Leteasha is the biggest surprise. When we first saw her three weeks ago, Lateasha was unconscious, unresponsive to treatment and sinking. Doctors later took her off life-support.

Against all expectations, Leteasha has steadily improved.
"It's a miracle," said Carolyn. "They said they never saw an 8-year-old fight like this."

These two articles cited by CBS appeared one over the other 10.30.’09. First, Lateasha is first poster girl for extreme H1N1 de-oxygenized condition on life support; taken off the ECMO, expecting death. Then, taken off and left alone, she starts to get better. It’s a miracle.

Note: the articles do not say these were confirmed cases of H1N1, only imply it.

comment: The facts as reported are consistent with H1N1 not being involved at all, but used to ‘frame’ illnesses with symptoms overlapping swine flu. This could happen not just in individual cases of fever, sore throat, bad cough, breathing problems etc. but also collectively, framing all such loosely related sicknesses as ‘swine flu attack’. The motive for such mislabeling might be entirely benign; criticism roundly rejected. After all, H1N1 is around (so they say). People ought to get their flu shot; and if this bit of PR helps promote preparedness, power to it.

However, to understate the obvious, that would be wrong. And the reason it would be wrong is important. Ultimate philosophical

It justifies a form of mind control by “experts” on your health - someone else telling you what your situation is. Second, this line of reasoning could be used to justify the false flag anthrax poisoning: “kill a few to save many by preparing for bio-chem warfare.” That is Satanic.

Third, the hysteria bred by such PR might well exacerbate symptoms. Lateasha’s ‘miraculous’ recovery (see CBS article; girl gets better after TAKEN OFF life support) might be due to her having got enough help from the super-respirator to return to what had been making her sick in the first place, after being mercifully relieved of it for a while. Maybe a need a lot of those ECMO’s, self-check-ins at the corner Health care services for the really stressed.

Fourth, to inject foreign bio-chemicals with the background the VAX HAS into your bloodstream, individually and/or collectively, is to cause whatever sickness and death results from side effects of these substances in the blood. It is known there will be some. So getting the shot for in individual is like playing the lottery with death; gambled against what benefit in return? Maybe a little immunity from a mild illness.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

H1N1 Vax Goes Viral



Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?
CBS News Exclusive: Study Of State Results Finds H1N1 Not As Prevalent As Feared

CBS) If you've been diagnosed "probable" or "presumed" 2009 H1N1 or "swine flu" in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu.

In fact, you probably didn’t have flu at all. That's according to state-by-state test results obtained in a three-month-long CBS News investigation.

The ramifications of this finding are important. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Britain's National Health Service, once you have H1N1 flu, you're immune from future outbreaks of the same virus. Those who think they've had H1N1 flu -- but haven't -- might mistakenly presume they're immune. As a result, they might skip taking a vaccine that could help them, and expose themselves to others with H1N1 flu under the mistaken belief they won't catch it. Parents might not keep sick children home from school, mistakenly believing they've already had H1N1 flu.

Double talk

State of Missouri website offers H1N1 guidelines for faith-based community organizations, offers faith-based organizations guidelines and resources for disaster preparedness, including the H1N1 flu.

Information on the website is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. It includes a September 24, 2009, letter from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. In the letter, Sebelius says, "People often turn to community and faith-based organizations to get the most up-to-date information on health and other important community issues. You have a unique ability to reach deeply into your community and connect people with the information and resources they need to stay healthy."

The report's table of contents includes topics such as:

-- "Community and Faith-based involvement"

-- "What can CFBO's (Community and Faith-Based Organizations) do to help people stay healthy during the 2009-2010 flu season?"

--"How can my organization create effective partnerships for the flu season?"

Under the section titled "How can my organization support 2009 H1N1 flu vaccine distribution efforts?" suggestions include encourage community members to get vaccinated, follow-up with community members to help ensure they received all necessary vaccinations, and offer your facilities as vaccination sites.

III. Weisenheimer wiseacring blood sacrifice

They take your arm, then your freedom

Ever since that Kenya-born radical who styles himself President Barack Obama mysteriously slipped into the Oval Office last January, many of you have written to express your concern that the United States is becoming a totalitarian dictatorship.

Today, after months of dogged investigative inquiry, I am pleased to report that your fears are highly exaggerated. I know this because no self-respecting totalitarian dictator would allow his minions to boycott a flu vaccine that his regime had spent billions of dollars to develop, test and distribute.
Yet that is precisely the standoff the incumbent vaccinator-in-chief is confronting here in Michigan, where millions of freedom-loving residents are standing up for their right to spike a fever, cough up their lungs and spread a potentially deadly virus in their workplaces, schools and local retail establishments.
Take that, fascistic health Nazis of the left!


New Strain of H7 Identified,
H7N7 High Path
From Patricia Doyle, PhD

Hello Jeff - The Spainish authorities appear to be playing down the significance of risk to human health. According to the CDC report posted in this report H7N7 Avian Flu has infected humans back in 2003. There has also been a reported death of a poultry veterinarian who died from ARDS and complications of H7N7.

Given the amount of Influenza circulating globally, i.e. Avian Flu H5N1, Humanized Swine Flu H1N1, and seasonal flu in addition now Spain has cases of H7N7 in poultry, this could pose a serious risk to animal and human health.


Disinfection begun at Guadalajara farm with bird flu outbreak

ABC Spain, Agencia EFE report (in Spanish, trans., edited)

The Agricultural delegate in Guadalajara, Sergio Cabellos, today [21 Oct 2009] announced the commencement of disinfection and cleaning of the Almoguera poultry farm [in Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha] where a variant of avian flu was identified a fortnight ago, leading to the culling of more than 320 000 chickens.

Speaking to reporters, Cabellos has also reported that they have returned to the affected area and performed analyses that demonstrated "there have been no new cases" identified within a radius of 10 kilometers [6 mi].

In this regard, he said that at this time reports are favorable, but even so, the government of Castile-La Mancha will continue with the present methodology in collaboration with the Ministry and the poultry sector.

The avian flu virus detected in this farm in Almoguera is only transmitted between birds, it is the H7N7 type, which is rarely transmitted to humans.

Communicated by HealthMap Alerts via ProMED-mail

In contrast to the statement in the article above, in 2003, H7N7 was found in humans, having first began in chickens. The report is from the CDC (

"As of 25 Apr 2003, the National Influenza Center in The Netherlands reported that 83 confirmed cases of human H7N7 influenza virus infections had occurred among poultry workers and their families since the H7N7 outbreak began in chickens at the end of February 2003. The vast majority (79) of these people had conjunctivitis, and 6 of those with conjunctivitis also reported influenza-like illness (ILI) symptoms (such as, fever, cough, muscle aches).

One person had ILI only (no conjunctivitis) and 2 persons had mild illness that could not be classified as ILI or conjunctivitis. In addition, one individual, a 57-year-old veterinarian who visited one of the affected farms in early April [2003], died on 17 Apr 2003 of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and related complications from H7N7 infection. Dutch authorities have reported evidence of possible transmission of H7N7 influenza from 2 poultry workers to 3 family members. All 3 family members had conjunctivitis and one also had ILI."

Given this report, one wonders if the officials in Spain are investigating the poultry workers and how the poultry encountered this virus. Have there been any increased reports of influenza in humans in the area?

Castile-La Mancha is the region for the setting of the famous Spanish novel _Don Quixote_ by Miguel de Cervantes. La Mancha, a windswept, battered plateau in Spain embodies the symbols of the Spanish culture, including sunflowers, olive oil and olive yards, mushrooms, especially its windmills, and Manchego cheese, along with the novel _Don Quixote_. - Mod.TG

For the OIE reports on this outbreak, see and - Mod.MPP

The HealthMap/ProMED-mail interactive map of Spain is available at - Sr.Tech.Ed.MJ

Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics Univ of West Indies Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at: Also my new website: Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa Go with God and in Good Health

Top insurer tells 1,000 GPs not to give swine flu vaccine
By Eilish O'Regan, Health Correspondent
Wednesday October 14 2009
An insurance company has warned 1,000 GPs not to administer the swine flu vaccine.
The HSE plans to enlist family doctors to give the swine flu vaccine to patients with pre-existing medical conditions.
But an insurance company which covers around 1,000 of the 2,200 to 2,500 GPs in the country advised them not to sign up for the work because of legal indemnity issues.
The HSE has given GPs until today to sign up to give the vaccine to 400,000 of their patients with certain medical conditions from next week.
Medisec Ireland, which covers around 1,000 GPs, told their members yesterday not to sign up until all indemnity issues were resolved.
GP sources said last night this may lead some doctors who have signed up to withdraw their participation in the programme.
In a letter to the doctors Medisec said it was unclear where a GP would legally stand if they exercised their discretion not to give the vaccine to their patients.
There are also unresolved legal issues around the doctors identifying and offering the vaccine to at-risk patients.
The company said the Irish Medical Organisation had been trying to negotiate an acceptable resolution to the serious medico/legal issues with the HSE, but had not been successful.
Other concerns relate to the cost of legal representation for doctors who may find themselves before their disciplinary body the Medical Council if they fail to give the vaccine to a patient.
They could also have to go before the same body for exercising their clinical judgment not to administer the vaccine to a patient of another doctor who had been referred to them.
The letter to GPs said that while the administration of the vaccine would be deemed normal work and covered by a doctor's policy, the outstanding issues of concern might not fall into this category due to the amount of work involved and could lead to "adverse indemnity consequences".
It added: "Accordingly, in the circumstances, we do not recommend our members to sign up for the programme until all issues have been resolved."
The other company indemnifying doctors, the Medical Protection Society, is believed to have indicated GPs could go ahead with the vaccinations.
The HSE may have to extend today's deadline for more clarification. It plans to publicise the rollout of the vaccine to at-risk patients tomorrow.
- Eilish O'Regan, Health Correspondent
VI. Doctor Admits Vaccine Is More Deadly Than Swine Flu Itself & Will Not Give It To His Kids!!!


Farrakhan: H1N1 vaccine developed to kill people
In Memphis on Sunday, Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan said to an audience that the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccination was developed to depopulate the human race.
The 76-year-old Louis Farrakhan, speaking for nearly three hours to a religious group on the 14th anniversary of the Million Man March in Washington, believes the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccination is nothing more than a guise to depopulate the Earth, according to United Press International
Serious Vaccine Reactions to Now Be Called 'Coincidence'?
Posted by: Dr. Mercola
October 20 2009 | 143,059 views
Every day Americans wake up to news reports that warn us about the dangers of influenza, especially the new H1N1 “swine flu”.

But swine flu is mild for most people and the virus is not mutating into a more serious form.

Millions of people around the world have recovered from swine flu, and millions more will get sick with fevers, body aches, nasal congestion, cough and sometimes diarrhea and vomiting and recover from it this year and next year without any complications.
Nonetheless, wide-scale vaccination is being encouraged -- even though swine flu vaccines have been tested on only a few thousand healthy Americans for a few weeks. There is little or no information about how safe the vaccine is for pregnant women and chronically ill or disabled children.

If you or your child are injured from getting a flu swine flu shot, you are on your own. Congress has shielded the vaccine manufacturers and any person giving swine flu shots from lawsuits if people get hurt.
There is no funded government vaccine injury compensation program for swine flu vaccine.

Do NOT let a doctor or anyone else tell you that a serious health problem you or your child experiences after vaccination is a coincidence and allow more shots to be given until you know for sure.

Poll: 75% Of Finns Don’t Want The Swine Flu Vaccine
In Finland at least three somewhat big media outlets, Ilta-Sanomat, MTV3 and Helsingin Sanomat, have held polls asking the Finnish people if they are going to take the swine flu vaccine. The results are as follows.
The first online poll was held by MTV3. It’s unclear how many people took part in it, but 61% said they do not want the swine flu vaccine
Nearly 12,000 people answered the Helsingin Sanomat gallup, and the overwhelming majority, 75%, answered “
Then a third poll at the end of September held by Ilta-Sanomat rendered the exact same percentage as the Helsingin Sanomat gallup, 75% will not be taking the vaccine. Over 16,000 people took part in the Ilta-Sanomat poll.
So it seems that inspite of intense government and mainstream media propaganda and fear mongering on the swine flu, the Finnish people have not bought the hype. Better luck next time.


SHIFT TOPIC: U.S.- ISRAEL AS Union of Opposites (U’O – cf. “marriage” used equivocally for homo-heterosexual unions; double doubling) Old Testament – New Testament//Old Zion – New Jerusalem


Israel, U.S. begin joint military exercises
JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israel and the United States commenced what is believed to be their largest ever joint military exercises in missile defense Wednesday.
In a news release about the joint air defense exercises, the Israeli military said the drill "is not in response to any world events," but the maneuvers do come at time of increasing tensions amongst the United States and Israel with Iran over its nuclear program.
Both the American and Israeli governments believe Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons, an allegation Tehran has denied.
Stratfor said that despite the fact that the Juniper Cobra exercise has been planned for more than a year the drill "will ratchet up already sky-high tensions between the West and Iran."
Among the systems expected to be deployed and tested during the drills are the Arrow and Patriot missiles, along with the Theater High Altitude Area Defense and the naval-deployed Aegis missile defense systems.
The IDF statement said, "In the course of the exercise small numbers of U.S. forces from U.S. Army Europe ... will be temporarily deployed to a number of locations in Israel in the vicinity of civilian areas

Turkey opted out due to hatred of Israel.

“I knew the day of Holocaust 'debate' would come. Just not in my lifetime

Why is it left to the US to confront the Tories on an alliance with those who distort historical truth and defend Nazi collaborators?”
o Jonathan Freedland
o, Tuesday 20 October 2009 20.30 BST
He inveighs here against any who co-operate with the “Tories” (read: Waldheim Austrians; Thatcher-Churchill Catholic leaning Brit-American conservatives: those willing to desacralize memory of the holocaust by talking to Iran.

It is to those following in this strain, who view ANY questioning of U.S. relations with Israel based on questioning legitimacy of its essential narrative in any detail. This narrative begins with the holocaust; its sacrality has to be aggressively pushed, like a shtick. It is expected (with refusal to go along highly charged with negativity) that honor of America’s dead sacrificed to defeat the Nazis will flow together with humanitarian sorrow for 6,000,000 victims, including Jews, Gypsies, Serbs, others; but mainly, as everyone knows, “Jews”. Now that the day Jonathan Freedman’s always knew would come, plumped into his lifetime, he is on hand to turn the Beast against itself, right back to old Tory England. It’s King George, and Hitler, again, trying to kill America.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kubrick & Polanski linked by exposing Freemason secrets?

Kubrick and Polanski
linked by exposing Masonic secrets?

"Mozart died soon after he revealed Masonic mysteries in "The Magic Flute," Stephen Knight, who wrote about Freemasonry and the Jack the Ripper slayings in two books, died mysteriously while working on a third, and 19th-century author William Morgan appears to have been murdered after he exposed Masonic activities.
The last major film to reveal occult secrets like Eyes Wide Shut was Roman Polanski's Rosemary's Baby. Soon after its release, Polanski's lover and unborn child were slaughtered by Manson's occult "family," and he was later run out of the States. (Polanski screwing a 13-year-old girl didn't help.)

The sex rituals in Kubrick's film appear inspired by the Hellfire Club, an 18th-century British Masonic offshoot founded by Sir Francis Dashwood. Founding Father (and high-ranking Freemason) Benjamin Franklin is said to have engaged regularly in these Satanic orgies. More recently, self-proclaimed Great Beast Aleister Crowley created similar rituals for his Masonic-inspired Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO).

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Where Did "We" Go, Pt. 2 (Here we are)


Part II. The Political Split Gets The-o-logical

Obama meets w/ Roger Ailles (Fox News; Ed Rollins?- CNN..) 10.06.09
:-)’s agends: How to spin “no troops for Afghanistan” without looking like you’re loosing. How to play “Will Israel bomb Iran?” stories

Chronicles of Nibiru ’09 (tales of the Black Sun’s return)

I. Logicomics – just published . Reducing the narrative of early 20th cent. intellectual history to existential interaction between comic book characters.

Today, in re this particular subject matter, logic: the effect of this publication is to ground the false anima complex* of emerging killer-mommy young males (ages 6-8; re-cathected at 12-14 with puberty), who read far out comic books like this, on skewed, Bruno-style framing of what logic is about.

Corrected parallel rewrite (narrated by true anima): …. turn of century setting --

Russell rescues soured-on-life genius in symbolic/mathematical logic, from East Germany, from total obscurity. He also corrects a contradiction latent in Cantor’s loose notion of infinity by introducing the theory of logical types; also modifying Frege’s formal apparatus.

Befriends logico-mathematical precocious young homosexual Jewish male from Austria

-subtext while reading: Beatles Rock Band, Guitar Hero 5

II. Feminist critique of Gottlieb Frege for anti-semitism. Something about logic itself, as ‘foreclosing’ the enlightenment search for truth. This goes with emergence of an animus (anima, actually) against Kant. Too ‘rigorist‘ ethics there; New Age-friendly virtue ethics is the more open, less ‘foreclosed’ way to go. (Old males “foreclose”)

III. “Perpetual Revelations”,
Review of The Case For God, by Karen Armstrong, by Ross Douthat “How ideas and practices from the past might guide believers in a modern approach to God.” (<= exit to Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol) (NYTimes Book Review 10.4.09)

subtext: how to thread the “God” token to psychohistorical infinity. (cf. “the feeling of satisfaction from leading others astray”).

When, originally, “God’s” psychosemiotic function was to bring text, rational definition. (token-carrying-text =>* the primitive psychosemiotic relation constituent of sign-use per se) Thus, the world that “God created”, as thought, is bounded, distinct from The Unbounded – just by use of “God”. (All synonymous tokens from other languages translated through “completing totality*”, the most rationalized single form of sign-use.)

Douthat’s theological grammar bases “the sturdy appeal of Western monotheism” on two “scandalously literal claims—that the Jews really are God’s chosen people; that Christ really did rise from the dead”. Wrong on both counts, taken together that way: The idea of Jews as “God’s chosen people” is fulfilled in, and can only be sustained historically through the incarnation. The Sumerian Marduk was also proclaimed God of Gods by a legacy far exceeding Moses’. And the Egyptian Pharoas were custodians of superior objective knowledge. This is part of the continuing attempt to use entry of The Word into the world as Flesh – Jesus in the womb of Mary, from the lineage of Jesse, and David – to retroactively redeem that DNA line which crucified him. This is the theological link “as above”, required “so below” to link America (as “Christian nation”) with Israel (Zion; the “monotheistic” Father God’s Chosen People promised land).

The work of Bart Ehrman, attacking I John 5.7-8 (unambiguous statement of the trinity) is of the same genre.
(**add ffnt.) )
Lastly, we will look at some of the internal evidence for 1 John 5:7. It is commonly asserted that the Johannine Comma is a Trinitarian interpolation. It is supposed that someone trying to bolster the doctrine of the Trinity added the phrase "the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost". However, this doesn’t seem highly likely at all. It would seem much more likely that if one wanted to bolster the doctrine of the Trinity they would have no doubt used the time honored formula "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost". It would be very unlikely that someone would invent an entirely new formula that is not found anywhere else in scripture. The fact is the use of the word "Word" is consistent with the writings of John. Another internal proof that 1 John 5:7 is authentic is the gross grammatical problem that arises with its omission. For this explanation I quote Dr. Thomas Holland --

"But what is most compelling is the Greek text itself. The phrase in verse 8, "to pneuma, kai to udor, kai to aima (the Spirit, and the water, and the blood)" are all neuter nouns. They are, however, contiguous with the phrase, "oi marturountes (who bare witness)" which stands in the masculine (as does the Greek word for three, treis). The proper grammatical explanation for this, mixing the neuter and the masculine, is that the parallel is introduced in verse 7. There we find the phrase, "o pater, o logos, kai to agion pneuma (the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost)" which are masculine nouns (with the exception of the Holy Ghost, which stands in the neuter). This would allow for the masculine "oi marturountes" since the clause contains two masculine nouns. If, on the other hand, the masculine nouns of verse 7 are removed we are at a loss as to why the masculine is used in verse 8. Therefore, the inclusion of the Comma is not only proper theology, it is proper Greek." (Dr. Holland, A Verse by Verse Commentary on the Epistle of 1 John, as found on his website)
In closing, I would suggest that the internal and external evidence is more than sufficient to prove that 1 John 5:7 is genuine. Yet despite this, and other evidence that wasn’t mentioned, the modern versions have again taken out their textual scythe and have cut this passage right out of their text. And once again it has been shown that God has preserved His words (all of them) in the Authorized Version

“The Gospel of Judas” of ‘07. - same vein; merging the Jesus-martyr with the archetypal betrayer in flat earth tokenspace.

IV Tom. L. Friedman “Where Did ‘We’ GO/ (9.30.09 A27)

Compares the mentality and mood of “extreme right wing” settlers behind* the shooting of Israel’s PM Rabine, to the “extremist right wing racist” rage he sees boiling up to threaten the Obama administration.

However, this comparison is itself by way of theological reversal. The “(We) under God” of America is not the “(We) under YHWH’ in Jerusalem. And we (the rational Americans) can use a version of G.E. Moore’s naturalistic fallacy … to refute the equivalence of “One True God” referred to in 1 John 5.7,8, and the Old Testament one, whatever it was. One isn’t compelled by text, but by subjective token association, to equate “God the Father” in both. (“God” can’t be tautologicaly defined by the Old Testament monotheism, but vice versa.)

If this reversal is allowed, it will be impossible to properly correct wrong predications through the anima all the way down through the predicate hierarchy. Thus, “God is just”, connecting the theological (S*7) and moral (S*4) levels of token types, carries two different conceptions of ‘law’ into common judgmental discourse. When two positions disagree on issues or right or wrong, but these are defined through different theological stipulations, rational recourse for arbitrating ultimate conflict under the conception of one law “under God” is removed. That is why the stratification of tokens according to the logical theory of types is of ultimate importance in the theory of textual representation. A predicate cannot substitute as an instance of its application; the “F” and “x” of “Fx” are metaphysically ordered. “FF” lacks ‘sense’, in logical grammar. Yet, in ordinary grammar, this doubling of words on themselves often makes quite good, even logically compelling sense, as if completing the use. What is “what”? Thought of thought, awareness of awareness, consciousness of consciousness, idea of idea, concept of concept, remembering remembering, predicate of predicates …how far does it go? And what is the point? Hereness of here (where), nowness of now (presence, ever) The here and now (WherEver), You-ness of you and Me-ness of I. Such is ordinary grammar. Virtually unrestrictive. However, if negation is thrown into the mix, as in “predicates that are not predicates of themselves”, allowing names with such ‘internal negation’ to be predicated on in other sentences, Russell’s paradox breaks out (“Normal is Normal iff Normal is not Normal”, if “Normal” names predicates not predicable of themselves.) In order to avoid it in all similar cases, Russell introduced the formal requirement that predicates be stratified by type.

The best double straddling both grammars is the ‘the’. Before Russell contributed the theory of types to linearize thought, he was THE man to go to for analysis of the indispensable logical function of this definite article. (cf. “On Denoting”, 1905, Mind) The grammatical intent of “the”-use in common discourse, importing uniqueness, (‘the’ => ‘that one’) formalizes reference to individuals through predicates, without using proper names. This was crucial to his, and all later metaphysical thought in formal logical terms, because it freed logic from any theory of individuals presupposed by discourse. Logical relations are purely formal, expressed through individually specified tokens (like letters of the alphabet). Holding of “everything”, they are specific to nothing. Thus, the 7 propositions of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico Philosophicus contain not one name or reference to any actual object -- unless one counts “the world”, its first two words, denied to have literal referential sense. (Russell never pointed this out, but should have, since Wittgenstein flat-earthed his Logical type theory.)

The project of textualist metaphysics, the logical half of Plato’s soul in the Tiamus, is completed in Principia Mathematica,, followed by Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. The Tractatus is a purely abstract split-off, refinement of the original adequate, if notationally clumsy, work of Russell and Whitehead.

The other side of Plato’s soul, philosophy, is self talking about itself, doubled as talk about talk. Here names appear, and, with them, the metaphysical category of individuals correlated 1-1 with primitives (undefined descriptive constants in L; Kripke’s ‘rigid designators’). Selection of a category of names as primitive for the ideal language L*, for example, momentary phenomenal qualitative constellations or ‘sense data’, as opposed to names of 3-dimensional physical objects, is the ideal language reconstruction “materialiam” vrs. “phenomenalism” as ‘ultimately real”. Russell’s selde-datum theory holds that primitives of the ideal language refer to phenomenal objects, with names of physical objects constructs from sing-use over the field of given qualitative experience. This fits the pattern of analysis of C.D. Broad, G.E. Moore, A,J. Ayer, and physicists Eddington and Jeans, and is confluent with 19th century German idealism (heavily influenced by Hegelian logic), the schools of German psychology, and the assumptions of Jung’s analytical psychology. (Freud’s not so much, since his work was originally grounded on neuro-psychology, including trauma, remaining non-metaphysical in content.)

The two (then three: the soul itself) major metaphysical issues from classical Greek thought reconstructed in ideal language philosophy are 1. the theory of general objects of knowledge, “Forms”, vrs. the theory of knowledge of particular objects, in experience. And 2. the theory of material constitution of external objects, physis, vrs. the theory of the origin and neuro-dependency of qualitaties psyche. The fusion of these is given through 1’. the theory of logical types as a stratified hierarchy distinguishing predicates from individuals, at successive type-levels. without contradiction; and 2’. the interpretation of undefined descriptive predicates to those given in experience as repeatable content of consciousness (that is, phenomenal vrs. noumena, in Kant’s sense).

The third in this order of exposition is the mediating link between the pair of doubles: what is called “the soul”. Not just an “idea”, or something corresponding to a name through an ‘idea’ (not: Hume’s “idea of the soul”), but a functional totality linking the polarities. In a “squared” metaphysical order, then, the soul is second, after 1/1’ (formal hierarchy interpreted into experience) to bring it to 2/2’ (the 7-step S* hierarchy interpreted into content of consciousness). Creating these links is the work of the soul, and completes its work, through experience as qualitative content.


Psychosemiotics introduces a new theory of doubling* sign-uses, called “text-token squaring”. It gives formal credence to what ordinary grammar allows, but avoids the unending gyrations of flatlanders in Tokenspace; meanwhile, coopting its inner driving.

What are there doubles of? (a, the) body of bodies? mind of mind?

V. Paul Krugman The Politics of Spite (NYTimes 10/5/’09)

“The modern conservative movement which dominates the modern Republican Party, has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old. …venomous over-the-top opposition to Mr. Obama…will seize any club at hand with which to beat the current administration. It’s an ugly picture, but it’s the truth. And it’s a truth anyone trying to find solutions to America’s real problems has to understand.”


-The split-off “TV parallel reality” is threaded entirely by the unconscious group-fantasy of poisoned blood. *

*It is the metaphysical metaphor used as a religious token for the perceived effect of Jewishness on Aryan blood: disrupting the literal flow of blood by desire (or lust: ‘smirking Jewess’ archetype as object cathexis); corrupting the very sounds and thought forms communicated in the German language itself, eloquently immortalized by Fichte (1800); intractable obstacles to flow of group process in Germany’s Fueher-geist post WWI resurgence of nationalism. What accounts for “the holocaust”, and even why this term became the token of Nazi persecution of the Jews, is the group fantasy of cleansing the flow of blood circulating through all, their “We’-ness, of Jewish presence poisoning the blood stream. ‘Burning out the poison”, as funeral pyres for wicked witches, is one association. “Pouring the blood of the sacrificed animal into the ground” is another echo of the same theme, as is blood sacrifice to purge the results of sin (in Old Testament history, corruption of the flow of YHWH’s victorious spirit given to the Israelittes by Aiken, who took booty for himself – rare garments and gold -- all had fought for. He and all of his kin are killed in retribution.