Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, March 30, 2007

Psychohistorical transl. of The Dark Crystal

Psychohistorical Translation of The Dark Crystal
--just a movie?-
special to Dizee Rambaugh, the Phora, for posting

which I groked to the max

1. The cracked Crystal: United States after Vietnam. Once unified beings connecting heaven-earth split into two distinct genetic strains (races)

2. The great conjunction alignment: "when the 3 suns join (in, to make) the 4th". (connecting: Plato's Timaeus; Axion of Maria, Tetragrammaton, Jung's raising of the fourth function of consciousness -- feeling -- to join thinking, sensation, intuition; completing the Mi-Fa semi-tone in the musical scale.)

3.The two ceremonial glyphics used by the two races:A. For the Skexsies -- the Anneagram. The dark crystal hangs over the hole marked by this figure of triangle inside a gap-rimmed circle (where numerals 3 and 6 would occur). These are the Sun-worshipping -"Atonist" Lizards (M. Tsarion) B. For the Mystics -- a reverse-G shape counter-clockwise spiral connecting sun orbits; traced by a finger moving clockwise to show the great conjunction on the starmap. Sign of the more spiritually advanced beings who understand writing ('keepwords') and numbers.

4. The Mystics, who have inherited the 'true dream' knowledge of sun's orbits (Crowley's term), are the "gentle" ones, relating to friendly animal puppets. Adding vowel "i" converts 'gentle' to "Gent(i)le" (but they merge into the Original unity at the end: merger fantasies are the other side of psychic splitting.) Hint of the Masonic "A" flashes briefly

Now: Transvestites (tranny's) are popping up out of the woodwork; merging sex/gender objects to represent restored 'higher consciousness'. -- except in Ann Coulter's case this is an Atonist right-wing reversal. (Skexsies version of Jesus; cf Speilberg's ET)

Another Crowley touch: Kara is 'blessed' in that her higher Gelfin essense (thoughts, memory, mental powers) is going to nourish the Emperor himself. She has to call upon and use them to escape their clutches; otherwise, she gets her essence drained, then killed and eaten. .

This movie, Dark Crystal", is an allegory of the psychohistorical group process in America following the great split after the Vietnam war. The crystal broke, and two strains of pre-human bloodlines emerge. One knows Nixon is a liar but hangs on to suck what life is left from the decaying breed. The others know they have the seed-shard of true America in them, but are also dying. almost extinct, mechanically repeating ancient sacred rites and prophecy. The missing shard needed to restore it is: Me*, you*, Jin/Kara*. OGRA can help us find it; but what to do with will be a mystery for a while.

At this point, I think, the great movie makers out Hollywood way could only project a pious wish for a happy resolution of the massive psychic splitting they experienced, and found themselves appointed by destiny (=orbits) to grammatize this eschaton. The coming of Reagan, jokerman; the murder of John Lennon; Israel's invasion of Lebanon and the slaughter at Sabra and Shatila; Wm.Casey-Oliver North's illegal wars in Central America ...Alien, Blade Runner, Henman's Muppet enterprise; Poltergeist, ET (Spielberg's revenge on the Jesus in himself), Indiana Jones (snake-filled underground escape from Nazis), Dark Crystal ....monumental screams of "Who or what are we?" -- addressed in the psychosemiotic format of human intellects in non-parahuman bodies (cf Jung on theomorphic iconography: 'instinct' entering conscious inhalf-human forms)

. It was a super-powerful child/youth movie era, to be 'tapped into' when needed later for First Conscious Shock in the Anneagram process. The great psychic regression since 2000 has brought processing to this uroboric leve.

I'm thinking everyone got/is a piece of this puzzle. It is time to put them together to see the picture (not: via merger fantasies, nice as they are).

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Tillman - Pet Food Poison fractal




(AP) - Nine officers, including up to four generals, should be held accountable for missteps in the aftermath of the friendly fire death of Army Ranger Pat Tillman in Afghanistan, a Pentagon investigation will recommend. Senior defense officials said Friday the Defense Department inspector general will cite a range of errors and inappropriate conduct as the military probed the former football star's death on the battlefront in 2004, said one defense official. The official, who like the others requested anonymity because the Army has not publicly released the information, said it appears senior military leaders may not have had all the facts or worked hard enough to get the facts of what happened on April 22, 2004, when Tillman was killed by members of his own platoon.

II.Rat Poison Found in Tainted Pet FoodRat Poison Found in Recalled Pet

Food Blamed for Deaths of 16 Dogs and Cats ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- Pet owners were rechecking their cabinets and threatening legal action after state officials said rat poison was found in pet food blamed for the deaths of at least 16 cats and dogs.


1. The date. March 24, 2007 (Drudge)2. The fractal attractor configurationElaboration: The common date is their synchronicity. They are "meaningful coincidences", linked in symbolic intuition by an acausal connecting principle (fractal template)

2. Application of chaos theory explains: how what brought them together (1) relates to (2) the common feeling component (3) the recognition of the feeling-state as common to the group-fanasy ambience ("It's in the air!" Jung remarked they would say in pre-war Germany).

The hypothesis of an undetermined "As Above" wave-type energy-source pervading the planetary atmosphere, concentrated more where consonant feeling-strains cohere in events, makes a suddenly spiraling "So Below" descent, like a West Texas tornado or the eye of a hurricane. (I owe this to Ahknaton, referring to his vivid posts for illustration -- not saying he holds to or would support this application of the ideas.)

Details of the feeling component are left unelaborated, but the psychodynamic leads directly to what Freud called "anti-cathexis": hatred of libido -- which I take to be a dominant instinctive component in the Archetype we are possessed by.
__________________Everything is two

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Others who have followed this path

Footprints of Others Who have walked this path

Needleman on Ouspensky's book on Gurdjieff

A characteristic of In Search of the Miraculous, which from all other accounts doubtless reflects the Gurdjieff teaching accurately, is the unique mingling of cosmological ideas with teachings concerning psychology. Ouspensky now begins the long, powerful portrayal of Gurdjieff’s teachings about the origin and structure of the universe, the laws behind the appearances, laws and forces that govern everything from the creation of galaxies to the movements of atoms to the energy transactions within the human organism.

The two basic laws of reality are the law of three forces and the law of the octave. Every phenomenon in the universe is inevitably the manifestation of three forces; and every process takes place according to a structure symbolized by the familiar seven-tone musical scale, with steps either upward or downward and with junctures, or intervals, where the development of forces is checked and requires special new energy to proceed along its original path


Past a certain stage, evolution is not and cannot be automatic, mechanical; it requires special work and conscious discipline. It can only proceed through individual human beings working together. In short, the evolution of man is neither the mechanical, biological process of modern science, nor the social or planetary phenomenon of the contemporary “Aquarians.” The fascinating details of the structure of Gurdjieff groups that appear in this portion of Ouspensky’s book are more understandable when it is seen that human evolution requires extraordinary conditions of individual and collective effort, conditions which go against the grain of every known psychological, religious, or social organization.


Chief among the new ideas introduced in this portion of the book is the mysterious nine-pointed diagram known as the Enneagram. As explained by Ouspensky in several sections, it is an ancient symbol, never before made known, which represents the fundamental laws of transformation that have already been described in the whole of the book. It is thus par excellence Gurdjieff’s diagram of the organic unity of everything existing: the law of three forces, the law of seven, the processes of assimilating the three “foods,” the patterns governing the transmission of esoteric knowledge, and the structural dynamics of every living thing in nature, including man.


Ouspensky on G.

Seven gradations of the concept “man”. (The concept of human relativity)

A) Mechanical humanity­
i. center of gravity of psychic life is in the moving center - the physical moving and instinctive functions outweigh the emotional and thinking functions
ii. the man of feeling, the man whose emotional center of gravity outweighs the moving and thinking aspects
iii. the man centered in reason, theory, mentality as opposed to physical or emotional aspects.

B) Advanced humanity
iv. born as one of the above 3 types; evolved with balanced psychic centers as a result of disciplined efforts as opposed to accident. He has a permanent center of gravity consisting of his ideas and discipline, already begins to know himself and whither he is going.
v. a crystallized entity which, if previously a balanced iv, can theoretically progress to vi or vii; otherwise blocked (the fakir, monk or yogi).
vi. similar to vii but some of his properties are not yet permanent.
vii. possessor of everything a man can aspire to – i.e. will, consciousness, permanent and unchangeable “I”, individuality and immortality - the ultimate goal.

Similarly other matters can be graded by seven levels, from base to purified e.g. knowledge, consciousness, art, religion, science, philosophy, etc.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Exorcizing Descartes Demon

It is a category mistake -- as if some unseen, all-powerful cleaver force interrupted: A. the process (of adding 2 + 3 to get 5) and B. the product (result) of the process: 2+3=5. ( A is the asymmetrical sequence tracing the structure shown in B, with symmetrical "=".) Since these are distinct in relation to conscious content, there is metaphysical wiggle-room, so to speak, to imagine "each time" the transitionfrom 2 to 3 was considered, the demonic force cleaved process from product and rang up something besides "5" on the Tokenspace screen. If process and product were represented together, the one flowing left-right along a horizontal line into the other, extending in a 90 degree vertical, replacing word-sounds by numbers, they would form the sides of a text-token Square, which would match whatever else in either Token or Real space that mnifested a "2", "3" and "5", welded together as X in the motion of the same and motion of the different, "connecting them with themselves and each other at the point opposite to their original meeting-point".


Expelling Descartes' Demon and certitude.
Applying the method of doubt, treating as false any and everything not absolutely certain of truth, Descartes arrives provisionally in Meditation I at this:
And on the same principle, although these general objects, viz. [a body], eyes, a head, hands, and the like, be imaginary, we are nevertheless absolutely necessitated to admit the reality at least of some other objects still more simple and universal than these, of which, just as of certain real colors, all those images of things, whether true and real, or false and fantastic, that are found in our consciousness (cogitatio) are formed.[L][F]
7. To this class of objects seem to belong corporeal nature in general and its extension; the figure of extended things, their quantity or magnitude, and their number, as also the place in, and the time during, which they exist, and other things of the same sort.[L][F]
8. We will not, therefore, perhaps reason illegitimately if we conclude from this that Physics, Astronomy, Medicine, and all the other sciences that have for their end the consideration of composite objects, are indeed of a doubtful character; but that Arithmetic, Geometry, and the other sciences of the same class, which regard merely the simplest and most general objects, and scarcely inquire whether or not these are really existent, contain somewhat that is certain and indubitable: for whether I am awake or dreaming, it remains true that two and three make five, and that a square has but four sides; nor does it seem possible that truths so apparent can ever fall under a suspicion of falsity [or incertitude].[L][F]
Reconstruction: Although claiming ability to doubt whether his previously accepted corporeal body is real, he is willing to certify that "images of these things whether true or false, are found in our consciousness." Taking the meanings as translated through the English, Descartes here delineates (verbally reconstructs) 0 the position of consciousness in TokenSpace: that which is reflected to itself (with memory, and quality awareness) in the mirror content communicated by Sign-use. This establishes a new starting point in philosophy, "subjectivist", as opposed, e.g., to Plato's "objectivist" standpoint in the Timaeus quoted in length below. After this lengthy quote, I want to return to the question of exorcizing demon possed rationality.

How curious, that 2+3=5 should occur as an apparent random example in Descartes, also deeply embedded in the fabric of Plato's cosmology.

Contents of consciousness, reconstructed in psychosemiotics as "S*(Ql,v)" -- a Quality Ql domain, with an energy-impulse quotient v --, are the metaphysical flow-through correlating with signs in TokenSpace processed by those who use them to communicate. Thus, "war on terror" is a content of consciousness connected to many nervous systems with deadly devastating shock effect. Awes hell out of me.

. Ordered around the conscious ego-center, like (mirroring) the Created Universe. Horus never had but one eye. did he? Didn't Seth gouge out the right one?

For the Creator conceived that a being which was self-sufficient would be far more excellent than one which lacked anything; and, as he had no need to take anything or defend himself against any one, the Creator did not think it necessary to bestow upon him hands: nor had he any need of feet, nor of the whole apparatus of walking; but the movement suited to his spherical form was assigned to him, being of all the seven that which is most appropriate to mind and intelligence; and he was made to move in the same manner and on the same spot, within his own limits revolving in a circle. All the other six motions were taken away from him, and he was made not to partake of their deviations. And as this circular movement required no feet, the universe was created without legs and without feet. Such was the whole plan of the eternal God about the god that was to be, to whom for this reason he gave a body, smooth and even, having a surface in every direction equidistant from the centre, a body entire and perfect, and formed out of perfect bodies. And in the centre he put the soul, which he diffused throughout the body, making it also to be the exterior environment of it; and he made the universe a circle moving in a circle, one and solitary, yet by reason of its excellence able to converse with itself, and needing no other friendship or acquaintance. Having these purposes in view he created the world a blessed god. Now God did not make the soul after the body, although we are speaking of them in this order; for having brought them together he would never have allowed that the elder should be ruled by the younger; but this is a random manner of speaking which we have, because somehow we ourselves too are very much under the dominion of chance. Whereas he made the soul in origin and excellence prior to and older than the body, to be the ruler and mistress, of whom the body was to be the subject. And he made her out of the following elements and on this wise: Out of the indivisible and unchangeable, and also out of that which is divisible and has to do with material bodies, he compounded a third and intermediate kind of essence, partaking of the nature of the same and of the other, and this compound he placed accordingly in a mean between the indivisible, and the divisible and material. He took the three elements of the same, the other, and the essence, and mingled them into one form, compressing by force the reluctant and unsociable nature of the other into the same. When he had mingled them with the essence and out of three made one, he again divided this whole into as many portions as was fitting, each portion being a compound of the same, the other, and the essence. And he proceeded to divide after this manner:-First of all, he took away one part of the whole [1], and then he separated a second part which was double the first [2], and then he took away a third part which was half as much again as the second and three times as much as the first [3], and then he took a fourth part which was twice as much as the second [4], and a fifth part which was three times the third [9], and a sixth part which was eight times the first [8], and a seventh part which was twenty-seven times the first [27]. After this he filled up the double intervals [i.e. between 1, 2, 4, 8] and the triple [i.e. between 1, 3, 9, 27] cutting off yet other portions from the mixture and placing them in the intervals, so that in each interval there were two kinds of means, the one exceeding and exceeded by equal parts of its extremes [as for example 1, 4/3, 2, in which the mean 4/3 is one-third of 1 more than 1, and one-third of 2 less than 2], the other being that kind of mean which exceeds and is exceeded by an equal number. Where there were intervals of 3/2 and of 4/3 and of 9/8, made by the connecting terms in the former intervals, he filled up all the intervals of 4/3 with the interval of 9/8, leaving a fraction over; and the interval which this fraction expressed was in the ratio of 256 to 243. And thus the whole mixture out of which he cut these portions was all exhausted by him. This entire compound he divided lengthways into two parts, which he joined to one another at the centre like the letter X, and bent them into a circular form, connecting them with themselves and each other at the point opposite to their original meeting-point; and, comprehending them in a uniform revolution upon the same axis, he made the one the outer and the other the inner circle. Now the motion of the outer circle he called the motion of the same, and the motion of the inner circle the motion of the other or diverse. The motion of the same he carried round by the side to the right, and the motion of the diverse diagonally to the left. And he gave dominion to the motion of the same and like, for that he left single and undivided; but the inner motion he divided in six places and made seven unequal circles having their intervals in ratios of two-and three, three of each, and bade the orbits proceed in a direction opposite to one another; and three [Sun, Mercury, Venus] he made to move with equal swiftness, and the remaining four [Moon, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter] to move with unequal swiftness to the three and to one another, but in due proportion.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


23 (on 3.4.'07)

I picked up on "23" several years ago, when it would seem to appear out of nowhere in media reports of odd (or bad) events, and chalked it up to "The unconscious likes the number 23", without taking it further. Then there was that fab-50's expression "23 skidoo" (could be earlier), which was the only link I could think of, then ...little suspecting ....some goddam spiralic cosmic key linking everyone including Dragon 420's through some snuff flick videodrome website in nowbound Rochester, NY would open up.

On the metaphysics of numerology

I, like most hard-core scientific method philosophs, rejected token-connections in communication as having significance on principle ; until coming to realize A. communication takes place not just through the text of signs, but through the tokens as well; and B. there is a common consciousness process base for linking tokens to text (hyp.: neural gating in the hippocampus, following Wilson). These provide the foundations for a new study of signs, not dealt with by any other science, but common to humanity and apriori with respect to its intellect. Something in rhythmic natural processes follows definite formal progressions, such as the convergence of radii-to-circumference ratios to phi in spirals expanding through fibonaci rectangles. If contents of consciousness individually marked by signs expressing or articulating them are linked, as groups, THROUGH the signs (as if persons were appendages to communication-Units (agendas), rather than the other way around. So while it is correct and necessary to appreciate scientific explanations of thing, where possible, under the great theories for physical, chemical, biological change spaned by the 20th century, there are phenomena related to meaning-communication links which it (the sciences) do not, and cannot in principle, comprehend, because they (scientists) start from where they (the apriori transcendental forms, whatefver they are) leave off. (Scientists cannot know themselves as totalities through science.A Critique of Pure Consciousness, desparately needed now, would provide a metaphysics for distinguishing correct and incorrect use of numerals in (an) "-ology". But the significance of the number 10 for human digits (fingers and toes, 5 on a 'side') is cause enough to pause the Pythgagoras in you, if you've got one.
_Everything is two