Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Why 7?

WHY 7?

As a sign-use, “seven” has ever communicated in two ways: arithmetically, as text, entering into relations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with respect to other numbers. And ordinally, as in the counting series “first, second, third…..seventh”). Since this second, ordinal use involves the conception of actual succession, as in counting, it may be contrasted with the textual in this respect as being “tokened”. The contrast between what “seven” communicates, as text, and what “7” communicates, as token, is taken up into, then cancelled, by the convention of counting (!) them substitutable for each other in script.

Number signs in general, it has been learned and taught, can be treated arithmetically, taking equations as textual expressions of identities, whatever these might be. Thus, numbers are indispensable for making accurate and precise references to objects by filing systems; and precisely deductive comparative descriptions (“halves of equals are equal to each other”, etc.). From the very beginning of communication, number tokens are intrinsically ordered 1 to 10 by learning sounds and sequences correlated with the five fingers on each one’s hand as ‘digits’. (“Start over when you reach 10” – it is the ‘power’ completing the “one” in a circle of nine segments; the Anneagram.)

Let the ordinal number “seven” be a token of any actual 7-stage sequences having the following characteristics, required to fit them under sign-use processes:

1. The first stage is pure multiplicity; numbers are correlated with objects through aggregate totalities such as measured distances, forces, field effects, shock, etc., Thus, the hypothetical domain of neural stimuli transmitting signals to the central neural, brain-mind areas of function at any given time, from the various locales on which the terminate, can be considered a definite “totality”. It’s measure is the psychic potential that passes over into consciousness.

2. The second stage predicates on totalities of the first that emerge as qualitative content of consciousness: Kant’s “phenomenal” vs. “noumenal” contrast. This makes dreams, as nature’s first spontaneous intra-psychic communication, the metaphysical link Freud anticipated between body and mind. The same consciousness that dreams in sleep is the one that recalls what was dreampt upon waking, and can relate what analysis discloses it communicates to the context of daily life.

3. The third stage predicates on ‘clusters’, or organized ‘clumps’ of items of stage two, taken as individual totalities (“this pen” = S*) indicated as common objects of perception when two people communicate. These clusters of predicates are attributed to external sources when their causes are organized as three-dimensional objects. These objects are constituted by a triad, the two legs of the base of which is their individual conscious perception to the third, point, the object itself – through the sign-use (S*). For shared rational discourse, it is necessary to distinguish the object that can be referred to by name, by common agreement; and the predicates of the object determined by specific characteristics. This is necessary to distinguish what is true-by- definition (=follows from what is posited by the name, if it is a predicate) and true-as-matter-of-fact in predicating on any objects S* (text).

Note: this three-step series is constructed around the notion of a single quantity of energy (*1) passing over a threshold to waking consciousness (*2), becoming organized for purposes of communication (reconstructed) into clusters of sense-perceptible qualities (*3) as “physical objects in the common three dimensionall world”. Arriving at *3, and as if “squaring” the preceding units *1 and *2, is the distinction between predicates of any instance of *3 (“x” such that “x is a 3”), and the instance itself. This is a metaphysical fork in the road that leads ‘down’, on the one hand, to the distinction between outer and inner determination of succession in perception; and leads “up”, on the other, to the distinction between will, as the capacity of consciousness to respond to rational moral law in freedom in respect to disposal of “x” expected of the responsible adult subject.

4. The Fourth stage completes the first three by bringing the unity of its original impulse up to the level of moral predication.

“I (can, do will) that X” (movement of arm to pick up the pen, for instance) is a fourth stage sign-use, S*. An S*4 is presupposed by any attribution of responsibility to persons for their actions. Kant also showed this. The present formulation only extends his observation that “ought” implies “can” to the universe of *3, laid out, as it were, as a common totality through which, and to which, all responsible humans relate, each from within their own worlds of private tokenspace, in so far as they relate to each other under rational moral law in freedom. At this stage, the person predicates on their own predications, on what they name and attribute to the clusters of qualities in private tokenspace.

At the same time, in doing so, there is drawn into the process taking the Fourth stage further the awareness of ego-centered consciousness;

5. The awareness of oneself as a personal agent, as if surveying the acts of the responsible person by themselves as a totality. But this is achieved in the order of learning development only through interaction through “I”’s = S*5”.

6. Pure textual awareness as consciousness of S*1-5, shared as common intellectual is posited as extending from sign-use for all sign-uses, as the psychosemiotic vocabulary and axioms, S*6.

7. GOD = S*7 – token of the totality completing itself through S*6.

These last three stages unfold on the inner, psychic side of the sign-use process as the “upper triad” (left side) in the Anneagram-hologram consciousness model.

Compare: the Bible, Days of Creation; Gurdjieff, under "Art" (in All and Everything).

Monday, January 23, 2006

letter to Times on Alito


To The Editors, The New York Times

Your editorial rapping “Judge Alito’s Radical Views” (1.23.06) would be fine, were it not so disingenuous.

First of all, the question of religious bias was not raised. Addition of a fourth Catholic amounts to stacking the court, whatever anyone says. Then, after the other three justices professing that religion, Scalia, Roberts and Thomas, joined in dissenting against the majority in Oregon’s right to die laws, your observation “that Judge Alito would quickly vote to overturn Roe v Wade” is disingenuous, at best, is it not?

And what of his use of Concerned Alumni of Princeton (CAP) credentials for a Reagan job? Princeton alumnus Stephen Dujack, scheduled as witness to it’s tone, style dirty tricks, had characterized its “deception and peculiar madness”. He got scratched.

This voided an opportunity to open up discussion of the psychodynamics shaping our national identity. What CAP was to Princeton is no more, maybe less, than what America has endured from mainstream conservatism.

Sid Thomas
2327 Seneca St.
Binghamton, New York 13903

607 773 0071

Friday, January 20, 2006

Republicanism Sinking In

Friday, January 20, 2006 12:01 a.m.

I don't think Democrats understand that the Alito hearings were, for them, not a defeat but an actual disaster. The snarly tone the senators took with a man most Americans could look at and think, "He's like me," and the charges they made--You oppose women and minorities, you only like corporations and not the little guy--went nowhere. Once those charges would have taken flight, would have launched, found their target and knocked down any incoming Republican. Not any more. It's over.
Eleven years ago the Democrats lost control of Congress. Then they lost the presidency. But just as important, maybe more enduringly important, they lost their monopoly on the means of information in America. They lost control of the pipeline. Or rather there are now many pipelines, and many ways to use the information they carry. The other day, Dana Milbank, an important reporter for the Washington Post, the most important newspaper in the capital, wrote a piece deriding Judge Alito. Once such a piece would have been important. Men in the White House would have fretted over its implications. But within hours of filing, Mr. Milbank found h


Friday, January 20, 2006


“…(I)t’s deceptions and peculiar madness”.

The words of Stephen R. Dujak in “Alito Needs To Shed His CAP”, guest article in the Daily Princetonian, commenting on the style, tone and tactics of the right-wing political group Concerned Alumni of Princeton (CAP), to which Supreme Court Nominee Samuel Alito belonged in ’72. An agreement between Dem. Kennedy and Repub Specter, apparently, kept Stephen Dujak from being called as witness in the recent Senate Judiciary Hearings, and prevented these extremely derogatory comments from being aired.

My claim, based on psychosemiotic connections between sign-uses, is that Dujak is accurately confronting and describing (“putting text to…”) the deep, pre-verbal, all-pervasive shock in confronting a particular way of being. It turned out that while the CAP group and its publication PROSPECT did, indeed, latch onto some points about the University’s sharp turn toward “liberalism” after the 60’s now accepted as commonplace: ROTC on campus; excluding women from traditional men’s clubs; funding homosexual activity; keeping Princeton on the White side – like that. A sample from “Defense of Elitism”: “People nowadays just don’t seem to know their place. Everywhere one turns blacks and Hispanics are demanding jobs simply because they are black and Hispanic; the physically handicapped are trying to gain equal representation in professional sports, and homosexuals are demanding that government vouchsafe them the right to bear children.” And this was back in early 70’s, when it was fun! There is a lot of future riding here that gets played out in the deal cut at the hearings of Supreme Court Nominee Alito. America was not allowed to see, and deconstruct, the peculiar madness and deception driving Republicanism.

What kept the witness from testifying? An out and out conjunction of opposites, in Carl Jung’s sense: both sides of a contradiction become true. The New York Times, Nation and other publications rail against CAP/Alito as “EXTREMIST”. Rich Lowry, speaking for the National Review Online (the owner of which, Wm. Rusher, took over publication of Prospect in the mid-80’s, when Alito is using membership in CAP as reference for admittance to Reaganesque second term inner circle) is ho humming that, really, its positions not only became mainstream, they got GW Bush elected, twice, so what are we hearing from Liberals? – bitching and whining. In other words (subtext of neocon NR editors): the “Liberals” of old Princeton, are still pressing their left-wing agenda on America, and if you were too much of a fool to see it, then, you can get a good look at what it is, now in the face of (show pic of the piece de revulsion de jour: Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, BTK killer, Michael Jordan, .. whoever wins “Most hated/loved photo” award slated into the news cycle. So, of course, if the Democrats are always slated to be speaking up for one of them, as has proven to be no problem for the neocons to arerange (“roots connected beneath the earth”- “Scooter” Libby), of course they will always be coming off second-best, in people’s minds.

It’s like U.S.News quoted one “White House and Leadership adviser as saying, in regard to Howard Dean’s position of pulling out of Iraq, “It is really uncanny the Democrats’ ability to turn victory into defeat. Politically speaking, Dean’s comments are going to help jog awake more Americans and remind them of which party wants to protect them – and which one is just plain sissified and weak.” Maureen Dowd hit the Dems with the same “sissy” charge also, in Sunday’s 1.15.06 NY Times. The Republican the way of being matches “The Sopranos”, the TV series modeled on the GodFather films in which the business of the family is to provide protection. Its producer, Jeff Bewkes, also with Sex and the City to his credit, is now CEO of Time Warner. They know what American’s want. The game calls for providing not only protection -- security services – but also (this didn’t use to be so blatantly obvious) the enemy from which you need protecting. This is the CIA first inciting Muslim jihad against the Soviets, creating Bin Laden’s Al Queda, then protecting us by selling Bush a “slam dunk” case for neocon war on Iraq for Israel. Not many appreciate this. A daily/weekly diet of sex, rape, kidnapped, tortured, murdered women and children – some miraculously rescued, thank God – is supplied by CNN and FOX to make it fun. All work and no play makes Jack (Abram)off a dull boy.


>DRUDGE Exclusive: Teddy's Last Gasp On Alito...
>Minority Leader Reid Apologizes to GOP
The Associated Press
Thursday, January 19, 2006; 10:25 PM
WASHINGTON -- Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday apologized to 33 Republican senators singled out for ethics criticism in a report from his office titled "Republican Abuse of Power."
"The document released by my office yesterday went too far and I want to convey to you my personal regrets," Reid said in a letter.
"I am writing to apologize for the tone of this document and the decision to single out individual senators for criticism in it."
>Mayor apologizes for linking God to Katrina as punishment for Repubes sins
>Drudge: “ROVE’s BACK: SAYS DEMS DEEPLY WRONG ON TERROR BUT NOT UNPATRIOTIC (decent of him; trying to neutralize the charges of betraying the trust of America his party have got coming)

Rove Says Democrats Wrong on War on Terror
Jan 20 1:35 PM US/Eastern
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AP Political Writer
Embattled White House adviser Karl Rove vowed Friday to make the war on terrorism a central campaign issue in November and said Democratic senators looked "mean-spirited and small-minded" in questioning Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito.

>Abramoff's dad bashes George Clooney's 'glib and ridiculous attack' in Golden Globes speech

Frank Abramoff letter to George Clooney (PDF)

Erica Solvig
The Desert Sun
January 19, 2006 January 19, 2006

The Rancho Mirage father of controversial Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff is responding to actor George Clooney for what he’s describing as a “glib and ridiculous attack” on his son.

Frank Abramoff, in a letter addressed to Clooney and sent to The Desert Sun this morning, said he was watching the Golden Globes Monday night when Clooney, during his acceptance speech for best supporting actor, thanked Jack Abramoff “just because” and made a comment about the lobbyist’s name.

“Who would name their kid Jack with the last words ‘off’ at the end of your last name? No wonder that guy is screwed up,” Clooney said during the internationally televised awards show.

In the letter, Frank Abramoff furiously defends the name, saying his son is named after Frank’s father. In the two-page letter, he calls Clooney’s acts a “lapse in lucidity” and an “obscene query.”

In a telephone interview with The Desert Sun this morning, Frank Abramoff said

Note: “Ridiculous” is the word Laura Bush is quoted as using to brush aside Hillary Clinton’s “Plantation White House” comment


Sen. Clinton calls for sanctions against Iran
'New vision and leadership' needed for U.S. policy in Mideast

Ross Liemer
Princetonian Staff Writer

Photo by Katherine Anderson
(Expand Photo)
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) delivers an address Jan. 18 in Richardson Auditorium. Her speech was part of the formal announcement of the Wilson School's new S. Daniel Abraham Chair in Middle East Policy Studies.
Editor's note: An updated version of this article is available here.

Repeatedly referring to a need for "new vision and leadership" in U.S. policy toward the Middle East, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) called Wednesday for United Nations sanctions against Iran and further global advances in women's rights, and urged optimism for a peaceful resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

"We cannot and should not — must not — permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons," Clinton said in a speech before a capacity crowd in Richardson Auditorium. (See full text.) "In order to prevent that from occurring, we must have more support vigorously and publicly expressed by China and Russia, and we must move as quickly as feasible for sanctions in the United Nations."
This appears to be a shift of neocon war mongers away from Bush and the repubes to Hillary Dems. Hedging their bets – either way, the Catholic-Jewish downstate NY cabal thrives. THIS IS THE SHAPE OF MANIPULATED DEMOCRACY MATERIALIZING BEFORE OUR EYES.
>Also wedged in:

Italian Minister: World Must Confront Iran
Jan 20 2:58 PM US/Eastern
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Associated Press Writer
Iran's nuclear program is testing the resolve of the international community, and the world needs a unified approach to the escalating diplomatic standoff, Italy's foreign minister said Friday.
"The international community must have a defined, very precise, very united strategy," Gianfranco Fini told The Associated Press.
Iran is facing possible referral to the U.N. Security Council for its refusal to give up its uranium enrichment program. The council has the power to impose economic and political sanctions.
European powers have drafted a resolution

Italy: one of the coalition of the willing . Wonder if John Bolton has anything to do with this orchestration?

Iran Moving Currency As Pre-Emptive Move
Jan 20 1:12 PM US/Eastern
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Associated Press Writer
Iran is moving its foreign currency reserves out of European banks as a pre-emptive measure against any possible U.N. sanctions over its nuclear program, the Central Bank Governor said Friday.
Ebrahim Sheibani told reporters that Iran has started transferring the foreign currency reserves from European banks to an undisclosed location, the semiofficial Iranian Students News Agency reported.
"We transfer the foreign exchange reserves to wherever we deem fit," Sheibani was quoted by ISNA as saying. "We have begun transferring. We are doing that."
Sheibani would not say how much money was involved and it was not immediately clear whether

> U.S. Rejects Any 'Truce' With Bin Laden

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Jan 20, 8:10 AM (ET)


(AP) Exiled Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden is seen in this April 1998 file photo in Afghanistan....
Full Image

WASHINGTON (AP) - Rejecting a suggestion by Osama bin Laden of a negotiated truce in the war on terror, Vice President Dick Cheney said there was only one way to deal with terrorists. "I think you have to destroy them," Cheney said.
The vague offer of a truce - coupled with a threat of another attack on the U.S. - was made in an audiotape released by the Arab television network Al-Jazeera. It brought new attention to the al-Qaida leader after a yearlong lull in his public statements.

…and deservedly so, says NYTimes Frank Rich, new years column.

FROM the Wall Street Journal;

Not a Bad Time to Take Stock
Thoughts on the decline of the liberal media monopoly and the future of the thinking analyzed and dismissed on the Internet; National Review Online called him a "policy bimbo…”
Subtext: “We control the media so completely now we can be blatant about it, and bounce smearing guffaws off each other’s right-wing stupidities.”

>Drudge: Mother Locks Mentally Disturbed Daughter in Bathroom for 30 Years

No one killed Christ


An Argument From the Psychosemiotics of the Metaphysics of Consciousness Under Sign-use

It is time to sort out a few things about Christianity before it gets so corrupted by politics and pop culture as to become incommunicable.

The major point addressed here is the doctrine of baptism by emersion. Dating from the sixteenth century sect of Anabaptists, it is taught and practiced today mainly by Southern Baptists.

Argument: If John 3 is text, baptism by emersion is the (proper) token. (The study of psychosemiotics divides whatever communicates – a sign-use – into message and messenger, text and token.)

The token in any sign used to communicate a content of consciousness is the material embodiment of its message (the intention) – that which is said to ‘carry’, or ‘bear’ the textual content. Thus there are x number of tokens of the letter B in this paragraph (empirical datum x = a number got by counting them). The tokens are (roughly) identical in shape; the text “second letter of the English alphabet”, is supplied by reading it in context of other letters making words, given knowledge of the language.

The text read from tokens presupposes metal activity predicated on processes ‘higher’, in the sense of more inclusive than, those responsible for bare perception. Tokens can be perceived as shapes without being taken as text, as illustrated by ability to follow the instructions “count the B’s in the preceding paragraph”. As such, they belong to the field of empirical data through which we know external objects in space. This field, we know from the causal theory of perception, is inclusive of the field of phenomenal awareness, preceding perception of objects, even as it precedes taking tokens as text. The bottom-most field inclusive under the phenomenal is the neuro-psychical, the patterns of excitation (“cathexis”) of nerve endings in the brain that go over into conscious experience. The neuro-psychical, phenomenal and three-dimensional perceptual field constitute the lower triad of seven-tiered levels in the order of logical types of objects predicated on by use of signs. Text corresponds to predicates; tokens correspond to names predicated on, and the levels of logical types are predicates of predicates of ….exactly seven times; the seventh being both name and predicate (“God”: highest field of the upper triad).

John 3 is the text of rebirth experience as necessary for salvation, as Jesus tells Nicodemus. “Verily, verily I say unto you, no one can enter into the kingdom of heaven unless they are born again (New Revised Standard Version has “born from above”)” v. 3

Pressed for clarification, He doubles physical (level 1) and spiritual (upper triad levels) birth predications in this way: “That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of spirit is spirit.” The rebirth spoken of in verse 3 is of the spirit, presupposing birth of the flesh. (This refutes the idea of spirit in fetuses – only in fantasy fetuses).

Emersion of one who calls on the name of Jesus as Christ for salvation of their soul (lower triad centre) symbolizes, by repeating, the rebirth text. What has been professed, with words of contrition, is explicitly acted out. The message (Christians call it “The Gospel”) that the Kingdom of Heaven can be entered by rebirth through belief in Him is “tripled”: the text, actualized in the upper triad by the profession of faith, is actualized on the token side by the act of going under the baptismal waters, representing death of the old man, and cleansing of sins; then emergence of the New Man in Christ, through faith. The third element, joining text and token, is the inner intention, actualized in the centers of both triads: redemption of soul in the body by the spirit being born in the mind. The fourth element (following the axiom of Maria) would be the transformation brought about in the moment all were brought together, This would re-enact, at the level of human history, the baptizing of Jesus by John the Baptist in the river Jordan, where it is recorded that the Spirit descended as a dove lighting on his shoulder and a Voice was hear declaring “This is my beloved son in whom I am well Pleased.”

“No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven,” Jesus says, verse 13, referring to himself. He brought the message, and he is the message; if those who believe would follow him, they would repeat, in their experience, what he included in His at the hands of John the Baptist. A replacement of John is where ministers of the Gospel come in: to bring the message, administer the sacraments, act as mid-wives for birth of the spirit in a soul. This One, the human mediator, is required as an external “fourth”, to meet and welcome the “fourth” brought forward on the token side of the other, as the newly born in Christ. It takes a very special answer to the call of the completing totality of consciousness – level 7, from which the Voice was heard from outside or beyond all – to assume such predications of oneself. More power to those can and do it right.

The matching of the two “fourths”, an internal and external for each person, creates an “eighth”; taken as notes in the octave of the seven tone scale, this is a repetition of the same note, as shown in music. The seven levels of logical type according to tokens may be taken as structurally and dynamically ordered as vibrations of sound.

What occurs on the token side (of private consciousness) when the message is heard?

The stirring of the spirit. Now it is known, thanks to the brilliant work of Lloyd deMause, that this can traced as a common content to the fetal origins of experience. Conscious existence in the womb is remembered after birth, he documents. The “struggle with sin” is, in later life, the mythic recall of unity with identical personal consciousness before birth and sexuality, a flashback of identity with the joyful, tumultuous, etc. states before, during and just after birth itself, which is always traumatic to various degrees. The mental act of confession is a cleansing of the sense of guilt separating the original state of innocence from later states.

An entirely inner dimension of unseen process in private tokenspace are actualized:

The alignment of the center of the upper triad, with 7 = God, 6 = Logos, 5 = “I” (oneself, as empirical ego) with the center of the lower triad, 3 = body, 2 = phenomenal, 1 = neuro-psychical, is by way of 4 = the baptismal act. Nothing could replace what it did; only repeat what it does.

The “Christ” in Jesus, as token human, is a projection of common fetal origins, in what is called “group fantasy”. Believers* in whom the Gospel message is repeated share this, on the inner side, according to Southern Baptists. The argument from John requires us to agree. However much others’ religions and ways may be respected, admired or venerated, all and only these can share completed Christian spiritual rebirth, becoming, brothers and sisters in Christ.

Not being material objects, protections cannot be killed. It is a category mistake in levels of sign-use to suppose it.

Note on The Axiom of Maria: “One becomes two, two becomes three, and from the third comes the one as the fourth.” This is the formula for a unit of transformation. One would be the consciousness natural man in utero; Two would be the awareness of One, as if a memory-flashback (“one becomes two”); from this moment, carrying over into individualized perceptual field of spatial embodiment (“here, now, I”), the awareness of duality, “then” and “now”, text and token, takes form in the use of sign to communicate, which bring us to S*, for sign-plus-use, as the triad of triads (upper and lower). Actual assertion of judgment in common public token space, with spiritual resonance, would be the Fourth in this progression.

As a transformational unit algorithm this can also be compared with use of YHWH, as a similar one-to-four ordered series. This adds a dimension of consciousness to “God” as a name. +

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

America's guilt trip since the 60's

Note on failure of DeMausean psychohistory to understand the role of religion in politics

While DeM’’s discovery of the fetal origins of experience unlocked deep psychological mysteries of religious fantasies, esp. Jesus as "Christ", none of them particularly understood religion: what it means in people's lives at the conscious level (and gets argued about, displaced onto 'issues'), therefore didn't understand the deep spiritual implications of the '60's uprising -- nor, therefore, the reaction to it by the Repubes, which brought "God" front and center (and Catholics and Jews, who feel like they own the franchise; all who come after 1500 are "protestors" (-ants), "radicals", "rebels".....

The Dems did not stand up to this because they shared the unconscious sense of guilt. The "guilt trip" involved ALL, as I see it; how the 'sense' of it, as a collective fact, got translated into thought and act in individuals and in the group depended on politics, rooted in childhood histories.

DeMauses' "killer mommy" thesis of historical group fantasy, which he has pushed since 2000, or around there, based on Barbara-GWB relations, has been vindicated: NYPost p1 today: "MURDER MOM".:

Friday, January 13, 2006

deception, manipulation, NYTimes



…Subvert U.S. democracy to kill for Israel.

Evidence: Connect these dots 1.13.06

Item - President Bush for the first time Wednesday recognizes, without deigning to answer, charges that it was oil and Israel, not beneficence and democracy, that motivated his Iraq war. (NYTimes, A12 1.11.06)

Item -The Alito confirmations hearings studiously avoided any reference to religion, even though his confirmation amounts to stacking the bench with Roman Catholics. Given deceitful penetration of the FBI by twenty-five year veteran R.P. Hanssen, either using his open identification with the Opus Dei sect to cover double, perhaps triple spying operations inside the top-most agencies of the U.S. Government, how can the public be assured the Supreme Court is not infiltrated by this as a fifth column?

This is one-half the conspiracy. If this matter is not vetted, the U.S. Senate is subject to charges of malfeasance and dereliction of duty. The editors know this. It is their job to see it gets pointed out.

Item - For the New York Times to cite “extremism” to discredit Alito (1.12.05 Editorial on-line), echoing the chant of others, based on the “evidence” of his extended membership in Concerned Alumni of Princeton and without going into the case they were trying to make, is a detestable smear. Is it assumed to have been wrong to favor ROTC, oppose co-education and affirmative action at Princeton in that context? Both Alito and the Times’ editors seem to agree. But unless and until someone takes the opportunity to educate and enlighten us, the public, on what the official morality is supposed to be around here, judging judges and elsewhere, what we could be witnessing is this system blowing itself up before our eyes.

The same factor Bush mentioned in the first item shows up as studiously neglected in the second. It is the religious factor, specifically, Judaism and Catholicism. The “extremism” charge against Alito is the rhetorical substitute for refusing to confront this powerful religious complex. But it must be done. It is as if a pact had been forged: “We will keep anti-Catholicism at bay if you will keep anti-Semitism away” or vice versa. Who is going to intervene in that lover’s quarrel? Not Gibson or Speilberg, I’ll bet.

Sid Thomas, Ph.D

2327 Seneca St., Binghamton, New York 1390

607 773 0071

More Me an' Nam

Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 783

Originally Posted by Protruth

I don't know what the grads did, but I know of students who, interrupting their studies, enlisted during the Vietnam era.

These weren't the men, these were the daddy's mommy boys. "Interrupting their studies", eh. I saw one fine young man on the back row of class one semester, reported killed the next. Swore father's hatred of the cowardly bastards who sent him there forever...that is all these entervening years, and the next onrs, however many there might be, are all about. They have done it again, and will again and again because they are pathological liars and psychotic killers masking as humans.

Nobody openly defended the war on Ivy League campuses. They just slunk around talking trash and causing mischief.

Now from thje distance of time, after the lying about the ninconpoop Kerry, of course they emerge and call everybody who stood up to the military in those days "cowards." I am not making this up .. we've got a live witness.

Another thing this shared mentality of pathological liars and psychotic killers who were responsible for the Vietnam war, Raygun and chimp did (LETS HEAR IT FOR THE REAL MEN WHO SUPPORT GEORGE W. BUSH!! Ghraib me some ass men from Aboo -- always the same type) -- was this: spy on war protestors with illegal wire taps. Then, when exposed (I've told this to classes many time, showing the evidence), popped out the headline "THE PARANOIDS WERE RIGHT -- FBI TAPPED PHONES".

Yes, we won the Vietnam war -- the ones who were against it -- because we were right, and had the guts to get out there and stand up. These weren't the liberals; many felt they couldn't go as far as it took to get the job done, and got deserved contempt from both sides. Stopped the military machine for one day, because in America it has no authority except that which comes from the people. Power to them.

This war has now come to be about whether Americans can be brought to shoot other Americans -- whether the unfortunates sent to Iraq will be so debased, degraded and demoralized when they return home that they will consent to be used as mercenaries to defend the same neocoon
interests that did it to them, by shooting dissidents. The way Lincoln's union troops killed Southrons. Because, if the people rose up to throw the bastards out of Washington once for all, that is what it would come to. I'm thinking seriously of going down. Any support here?*****

Regardless of the behavior of the camera-hog cowards protesting the war, there was majority support at my University for the War in Vietnam - by actual poll.

Where's that?
Well, I didn 't do it for the cameras. That is a detestable smear. However, rumor was that filmaker Nick Ray (Rebel Without A Cause) who shot some 200 hrs of Harpur antiwar action caught me in a demonstration holding forth. See, I enjoyed being a big fish in a little pond. The Ivy wimps to the east hardly mattered. (Witness how they turned out: Harvard/Yale/Princeton -- Dershowitz, Bush, Akito).

And I wonder why the CAP people, not to mention Sam I Am, don't defend the position taken then on "women and minorities"? Could it have been a put-up, paid-for operation of a secret agency, like the national Student Government association, John Birch, et al? Then, when exposed, used the military --support for ROTC, who would object to that today? as cover for systematic agent provacateur mischief.

[The supporters had better things to do - like study!

It is false that those who studied instead of protesting necessarily supported the war. Some were afraid for their careers -- cowardly, one might say. But all should have particitated in the unfolding historical reality. It is what studies are for. That was/is the message. Anyone who missed it does not know America however much 'book larnin'' they aquire.

- than mimic the gutless b**tards making all the noise, breaking things and burning their draft
cards. Protruth

PS. I can't speak for other Ivies.

Those were the Ones, alright. Kick out the jams. Roll a fattie and blast out Hendrix and Marley. Chicks will appear, guaranteed. Man 'o man.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Show of Farce

FARCE ( is for Sam I Am. Will you eat Green eggs and Ham?)

A Certain Kind of Irreality ….

Are the Senate hearings on Samuel Alito -- unless and until questions concerning his religious affiliation are addressed.

This irreality is sustained at the unconscious level of the group-psyche under the delusion of protecting God and rescuing fallen humanity. This is the reversal of truth.


A citizen is entitled to ask: is there a deliberate conspiracy to refuse to consider the implications of appointing another open Roman Catholic to the highest Court? --when its just-appointed Chief Justice belongs to this sect, and one of its most outspoken ideological members (Antonin Scalia) a. selected Bush over Gore in ’00; and b. has demonstrably conjoined intellectual incompetence with overbearing manner; c. belonged to the same congregation as Robert Philip Hanssen, Soviet Russian spy and member of the ulta-right-wing, “No Nothing” sect Opus Dei.

How do we know that this secret clique, perhaps in laison with other off-shore, non-American influence groups (such as AIPAC), is not conspiring behind the scenes to take over our country? – like a 5th column. There is precedent. Karol Wojtyla, later Pope Paul II, conspired with William Casey’s CIA back in Reagan’s era to subvert authority in Poland. It was to bring down communism, which justidies it one may say, but it was nevertheless precedent for use of Church influence for political ends. Why not in atheistic, heathen America, also?

This was the time, and these were the players who also brought religion silently, but ineradicably and just as if not more explosively, world-wide, when the CIA incited jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan among the Taliban in Pakistan, which is the origin of the karmic hatred of Americans by religious Muslims who admire Bin Laden. He was helped by the U.S., who was siding with Saddam Hussein in the Iraq / Iran war and therefore knew they were at opposite ends of the jihad scale. It took an irrevocable act of war, Shock and Awe inflicted on Iraq’s hapless capital city, Baghdad, destroying the oldest, finest, most sacred sites of human civilization forever to unfold this karmic catastrophe. Meanwhile, continents and oceans away, the right-wing of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, in Nicaragua and El Salvador, are setting up the basic understandings with local military dictators for the US to back up slaughter of political enemies, followers of Liberation Theology of Peru’s priest Gustavo Gutierrez, promoting “a more viable economic option for the poor of Latin America”, and whose works were anathema to JP II and Opus Dei. This strain of Roman Catholicism has threaded the acts, behavior and agenda of a faction of the Republican party – probably with the help of cross-over Democrats such as Joe Lieberman, ever since Ronal Reagan’s election in l980, and re-appeared as the skeleton of international alliances that supported the Iraq war. Spain, Portugal, Italy (after Berlosconi’s election) – and of course, Israel, but more of that later – were Bush and Blair’s meat and potatoes go-to countries to get military support and propaganda cover.

This history and its psychological perservations, as Jung called cosmic residues – revenants of Reaganism – establishes the context, of their show of farce, ha ha. Which is what the Alito hearings are unless his connection with this clique is probed. The safeguard against foreign takeovers which was built into the constitution by separation of church and state have been breached. This is the fault of the U.S. Senate, of specific Senators who refuse to raise the question. They are the clowns, like “Scooter” Libby “connecting the roots of the trees” undergrounf for us. This is the theme the extended farce is built around: will his religion and possible entanglements with Opus Dei be pursued?

The consequences are very much worth pursuing if not.

First of all, it will be another irreversible put-over by the same ones, using the same methods as put over the Iraq war. They will have done it again to America, whose John Q. Public will wake up to after it’s too late to do anything about it. “You went along with it; democracy was on display in the Senate Hearing, largely abused by the Democrat’s partisanship,” the line will go. The straighter the face the funnier it gets. These are people who would, first, leave out crucial information in order to scare the elected representatives into empowering Bush to wage a previously scripted war, preemptive war; then, even after having been exposed, berates them for flip-flopping; lacking the will to follow through commitment of U.S. troops, now that blood, not oil, is flowing home from the adventure. Feckless liberals.

No. This time it won’t work. The ones who started the Iraq war, using “9/11”, and the ’11.-01 anthrax attack as excuses, are the ones who must pay. In every way. That is one thing hidden from the limelight by refusing to recognize the religious factor. Religion is partly what linked Bush, The Vatican, Opus Dei (which are separate entities), Tel Aviv, others; and brought on the the unprecedented virulent hatred of everything America stands for in the Muslim world, and beyond.

This is an appeal. Won’t anyone – won’t all -- take up the call -- to end the farcical show? – lance the boil, if that’s what it takes. Don’t let us descend into Re-pube hell, for Chrissakes.

In sum: Alito’s appointment would make too many Roman Catholics on The Supreme Cousrt, “opening a back door to the Vatican, through prayer” by workers of the international sect Opus Dei. The history of the Reagan era in America, coinciding with the use of religion to subvert governments and oppress the poor, coinciding with Johnny-one-note harping by the media of mass communication on Vatican-centric issues such as abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality (ironically), and “family values” by the same one’s who brought you “All in the family” and “The Sopranos”, creates a huge assumption that what we have on stage is farce as deadly as the Bird Flu.

“Stick a fork in it. This one’s done.” -- posted by frankgrits, on-line Nation thread under John Nichols article on the Alito Senate hearing. (Nichol’s gist: to demand that the nominee respond to issues raised by Gore v. Bush, in re the Florida 2000 vote recount. Yes, certainly, constitutional issues aplenty abounded in that, which one would have thought followers of common sense would begin with. Not to be. No way, Jose.

The definition of “farce” shows the word to have been, first, used for stuffing, as in cramming meatbread into the turkey’s craw before baking. Then it became a metaphor for short skits of clownish actions in imaginary (“farcical”) situations that were used between acts of a play to entertain the customers; then, for a type of extended comedic routine instanced in The 3 Stooges, Sid Ceasar, The Marx Brothers, etc. When applied to reality, as in the on-going Alito hearing, it predicates what the American public is witnessing as similar buffoonery. A bunch of clowns sent in between the acts to stuff the the turkey’s craw (Bush Opus Dei Republicans) before they decide to bake us.

A Show of Farce

FARCE ( is for Sam I Am. Will you eat Green eggs and Ham?)

A Certain Kind of Irreality ….

Are the Senate hearings on Samuel Alito -- unless and until questions concerning his religious affiliation are addressed.

(em> This irreality is sustained at the unconscious level of the group-psyche under the delusion of protecting God and rescuing fallen humanity. This is the reversal of truth.


A citizen is entitled to ask: is there a deliberate conspiracy to refuse to consider the implications of appointing another open Roman Catholic to the highest Court? --when its just-appointed Chief Justice belongs to this sect, and one of its most outspoken ideological members (Antonin Scalia) a. selected Bush over Gore in ’00; and b. has demonstrably conjoined intellectual incompetence with overbearing manner; c. belonged to the same congregation as Robert Philip Hanssen, Soviet Russian spy and member of the ulta-right-wing, “No Nothing” sect Opus Dei.

How do we know that this secret clique, perhaps in laison with other off-shore, non-American influence groups (such as AIPAC), is not conspiring behind the scenes to take over our country? – like a 5th column. There is precedent. Karol Wojtyla, later Pope Paul II, conspired with William Casey’s CIA back in Reagan’s era to subvert authority in Poland. It was to bring down communism, which justidies it one may say, but it was nevertheless precedent for use of Church influence for political ends. Why not in atheistic, heathen America, also?

This was the time, and these were the players who also brought religion silently, but ineradicably and just as if not more explosively, world-wide, when the CIA incited jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan among the Taliban in Pakistan, which is the origin of the karmic hatred of Americans by religious Muslims who admire Bin Laden. He was helped by the U.S., who was siding with Saddam Hussein in the Iraq / Iran war and therefore knew they were at opposite ends of the jihad scale. It took an irrevocable act of war, Shock and Awe inflicted on Iraq’s hapless capital city, Baghdad, destroying the oldest, finest, most sacred sites of human civilization forever to unfold this karmic catastrophe. Meanwhile, continents and oceans away, the right-wing of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, in Nicaragua and El Salvador, are setting up the basic understandings with local military dictators for the US to back up slaughter of political enemies, followers of Liberation Theology of Peru’s priest Gustavo Gutierrez, promoting “a more viable economic option for the poor of Latin America”, and whose works were anathema to JP II and Opus Dei. This strain of Roman Catholicism has threaded the acts, behavior and agenda of a faction of the Republican party – probably with the help of cross-over Democrats such as Joe Lieberman, ever since Ronal Reagan’s election in l980, and re-appeared as the skeleton of international alliances that supported the Iraq war. Spain, Portugal, Italy (after Berlosconi’s election) – and of course, Israel, but more of that later – were Bush and Blair’s meat and potatoes go-to countries to get military support and propaganda cover.

This history and its psychological perservations, as Jung called cosmic residues – revenants of Reaganism – establishes the context, of their show of farce, ha ha. Which is what the Alito hearings are unless his connection with this clique is probed. The safeguard against foreign takeovers which was built into the constitution by separation of church and state have been breached. This is the fault of the U.S. Senate, of specific Senators who refuse to raise the question. They are the clowns, like “Scooter” Libby “connecting the roots of the trees” undergrounf for us. This is the theme the extended farce is built around: will his religion and possible entanglements with Opus Dei be pursued?

The consequences are very much worth pursuing if not.

First of all, it will be another irreversible put-over by the same ones, using the same methods as put over the Iraq war. They will have done it again to America, whose John Q. Public will wake up to after it’s too late to do anything about it. “You went along with it; democracy was on display in the Senate Hearing, largely abused by the Democrat’s partisanship,” the line will go. The straighter the face the funnier it gets. These are people who would, first, leave out crucial information in order to scare the elected representatives into empowering Bush to wage a previously scripted war, preemptive war; then, even after having been exposed, berates them for flip-flopping; lacking the will to follow through commitment of U.S. troops, now that blood, not oil, is flowing home from the adventure. Feckless liberals.

No. This time it won’t work. The ones who started the Iraq war, using “9/11”, and the ’11.-01 anthrax attack as excuses, are the ones who must pay. In every way. That is one thing hidden from the limelight by refusing to recognize the religious factor. Religion is partly what linked Bush, The Vatican, Opus Dei (which are separate entities), Tel Aviv, others; and brought on the the unprecedented virulent hatred of everything America stands for in the Muslim world, and beyond.

This is an appeal. Won’t anyone – won’t all -- take up the call -- to end the farcical show? – lance the boil, if that’s what it takes. Don’t let us descend into Re-pube hell, for Chrissakes.

In sum: Alito’s appointment would make too many Roman Catholics on The Supreme Cousrt, “opening a back door to the Vatican, through prayer” by workers of the international sect Opus Dei. The history of the Reagan era in America, coinciding with the use of religion to subvert governments and oppress the poor, coinciding with Johnny-one-note harping by the media of mass communication on Vatican-centric issues such as abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality (ironically), and “family values” by the same one’s who brought you “All in the family” and “The Sopranos”, creates a huge assumption that what we have on stage is farce as deadly as the Bird Flu.

“Stick a fork in it. This one’s done.” -- posted by frankgrits, on-line Nation thread under John Nichols article on the Alito Senate hearing. (Nichol’s gist: to demand that the nominee respond to issues raised by Gore v. Bush, in re the Florida 2000 vote recount. Yes, certainly, constitutional issues aplenty abounded in that, which one would have thought followers of common sense would begin with. Not to be. No way, Jose.

The definition of “farce” shows the word to have been, first, used for stuffing, as in cramming meatbread into the turkey’s craw before baking. Then it became a metaphor for short skits of clownish actions in imaginary (“farcical”) situations that were used between acts of a play to entertain the customers; then, for a type of extended comedic routine instanced in The 3 Stooges, Sid Ceasar, The Marx Brothers, etc. When applied to reality, as in the on-going Alito hearing, it predicates what the American public is witnessing as similar buffoonery. A bunch of clowns sent in between the acts to stuff the the turkey’s craw (Bush Opus Dei Republicans) before they decide to bake us bake us.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Alito's Dillema


On the nomination of Samuel Alito as Supreme Court Judge.

The considerations below are not based on judgments about Alito personally. I assume he is decent, respectable man, competent within his sphere. It is, however, about his prima facie (un-)fittingness, as an open Roman Catholic, for the position, as an archetypal psychological factor.

First of all, he would make three of them. Scalia, Roberts, Alito; and there is a rumor that Thomas is a member or associate of Opus Dei. You don’t have to be a descendant of the Gustavus Adolphus, Lion of the North, conquerer of the Hapsburg Vatican conscripts – for all time, one would have supposed -- to notice that this influence on the bench of 9 justices far, far outstrips their proportion of the population. I don’t have figures at hand, but 1–in-3? – couldn’t be, not even close by 10x.

Apart from that, which is significant enough, as if Roman Catholicism was being tacitly installed as the official-unofficial philosophy of jurisprudence in America, there is the fact that a member of the Opus Dei sect of that religious group penetrated the highest levels of government and betrayed it to Soviet Russia. This was Robert Philip Hanssen, co-member of the same conservative church as ex-FBI director Louis Freeh, who used the bureau to frame the Lewinsky-Clinton impeachment episode; and Antonin Scalia, who undertook to do the right thing for America, at least in his eyes, and the eyes of the George W. Bush’s God, and cut off the Florida vote recount in 2000. Hanssen was liason man between several agencies of government for 25 years; Freeh and Scalia claimed to barely known him, however.

All that smells to high heaven, and is a terrible embarrassment to his family. The lawyer Plato Chiceris took over his defense, worked out the deal, and it was never determined whether he might not have been a 3-way spy, giving secrets, or arranging mischief, for the Vatican through his contacts with both. All who knew him testified to a sincere, if not fanatical, streak of religiosity in the man, and he was always gung-ho with the patriotic, pro-America rhetoric. Somewhere in there he is acting a knowing lie, living a duplicitious, or triplicitous existence. The question is: how do we know this is not true of Alito? Has anyone asked him if he owes allegiance to any power of principality higher than the U.S. Constitution? Would he take such an oath? Would he personally, as a citizen, support legislation requiring such an oath of all elected and appointed officials, lest the federal government become infected with subversives, fifth columnists or outright traitors, from this or some other source.

Beyond this, there is the matter of injecting right-wing Vatican-centric issues into American politics. Of specific impending interest are abortion rights and executive powers. Can Sam Alito swear his religious affiliation will not color his rulings on these issues? --calling on him to be a savior of the unborn, if he can, and preserving the prerogatives of the Father who protects and punishes for sin. Of course he can’t. And would probably take umbrage and feign indignation in being called upon to respond to such “anti-Catholic attacks”. That’s how far it has gone. But it cannot be allowed to go further.

Still further, there is the whip-saw way he is being sold to the public. The CNN TV ad is a straight negative attack ad – “Every day, liberals attack Sam Alito for his conservatism.” That is the first line you hear. “Those undisciplined, immoral liberals attacking The Man of Justice!” the sub-text reads. Then: seque to today’s hearings. Picture of Sam I am speaking! Saying (words to this effect) “I ask to be judged by the reasonings in my opinions, not according whether I am ‘left’ or ‘right’.” See? This juxtaposition of TV ad and snipet of the Senate Judicial committee hearings was not accidental; it was arranged, on the same program (Lou Dobbs). The effect is to have it both ways: he is above politics in his thinking, even while under scurrilous attack by the ideologues – leaving ‘liberals’ standing accused of obstructionist partisanship!

And how do they do it? – you wonder? It is to answer that I write. The answer is coming out on the blogs at (Where this will appear) The stunning realization of metaphysical crises; a bubble of systematic delusion about to burst, they show.

Finally, returning to the question of the prerogatives the constitution gives the executive branch, the question of Bush’s injection of personal religiosity into American group life, politics and war justification demands to be addressed, and will be addressed in one way or another in issues tracing directly to the Supreme Court pertaining to use of “God”. Did G.W. Bush have the authority to declare that federal funds could be used to support the charity work of those who used “God” in their mission? This was done prior to 9/11, with his actually declaring the reversal, “this uses God to discriminate.” This should have been litigated then, must be revived for litigation now. Do U.S. President’s have instrinsic authority to declare which things are and are not of God in the name of the people? I would like to hear what Judge Alito says on that.

If he says “Yes”, he is unfit for the position because he confuses leadership of the state with leadership of the ‘church’, as if America were his congregation. I guess the Khazars were obliged to stand for it when the head honcho (or head-chopping honcho) declared “you are all Jews”, back in 10th century (story in Arthur Koestler’s amazing book “The 13th tribe”) central Asia. But there is an ever-expanding group of Americans from the old order, reaching across to the youth of the new generations, who don’t need Gustavus Adolphus, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Tom Paine, or anybody else to tell them what stinks. One has only to sense the merest snatch of what is happening in Iraq to almost pass out. If Sam says “Yes”, down the road to forced religious conversion he would take us. “We’ll tell you who God listens to.”

If he says “no”, then Bush must go. He must be impeached for taking the Torah in his own hands, YHWH be damned. The attack from Bin Laden came almost immediately, as if it was Allah’s reply. He had no right to overthrow established barriers between church and state merely by reason of his personal zeal. He had no right to announce that Catholics and Jews would be the swing-votes for the ’04 re-election campaign, which he did mid-summer ’01. This skewed political statements on issues toward these groups, as judges. It is far from the only link between Catholics and Jews – not all of either, of course; but openly identified by prominent ones to rally the troops, as it were. This is the core of religious ingression into American politics from external influences. These are powers and principalities foreign to America, imported as a self-other absorbed complex working out WWII trauma on our psyche. I, for one, passed long ago from being tired, to being sick of it; especially the unction, a substance than which no more noxious can be conceived.

The horns of Alito’s Dilemma inexorably unfold. If asked about presidential power to issue statements using God’s name, if Sam says “Yes”, he gets no dress (robe); if he says “No”, then Bush must go.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The 7 predication loops


The interval between “God”, for the completing (unlimited) totality (as a content of consciousness….and a dream, for instance that of the burning boy recorded by Freud in l900 (“Interpretation of Dreams”, Ch. 7, 1), can be represented as the span between 7 and 1, interpreted as opposite directions in which the upper and lower triads of sign-use point in tokenspace. “God”, the one-word token of all totalities is 7. This number is arithmetically unique, apart from Biblical and esoteric associations. The 6 digits in its ratio expansion yields this system of repetitions:
7/1 = 0.142857142…
7/2 = 0.285714285….
7/3 = 0.428571428….
7/4 = 0.571428571….
7/5 = 0.714285714….
7/6 = 0.857142857…
7/7 = 1.0000000000

Whatever corresponds to a unity divided into seven parts can be described by this schema. This includes: white light divided into 7 hues; the period of sound waves between Middle C vibrating across the 7 tone octave scale. The “week” of seven days describes the otherwise arbitrary duration of 7 orbital revolutions as a unit of reference, as if some totality were completed in it. Then, of course, there is the Bible story of God creating all that exists in just such a 6 day creation cycle; and on the seventh day "He rested from all the work he had done." As if the cycle of Being, itself, issuing from Him, is returned to itself: the One divided into 7 returning to itself, as in the above limited (in re tokens) –unlimited (in re text) schema. These formal coincidences are thus not coincidental, but part of a rudimentary framework of all (S is P) sentence forms when “P” is 1 or 4 or 2 or 8 or 5 or 7. The order of ratios is the hierarchy of totalities; dreams would be predicates of type 7/1 – the organism predicating on itself, as it were, in the gentle back-flow from lower triad memory to the brain in altered state with body at total rest. 7/2 corresponds to that same world described by the dream, with interpretation, when the qualitative state only semi-conscious in dreams becomes the total vivid expanse perceived in waking daily consciousness, minus the assumption that anything exists corresponding to material bodies. This is the phenomenal stratum, or level of consciousness required by the causal theory of sense perception and the synthetic character of the S is P connection when the “P” is predicate of material objects. (level 3)

If the 7/1 ratios as totalities are arranged in a cycle, the 6 resulting cycles can be correlated in other dimensions than the three described in the 2-dimensional tokenspace identity schema above through the consonant numbered positions. Each level will reproduce the same world as its next lower and higher, 7 joining with itself as the One.

Gurdjieff has interpreted the Anneagram by inserting the numerals 3,6,9, missing from the cycles of predicate propositions, inside the two-dimensional circle drawn with segments named for ratios. Translated into acoustic matter, the segments would be marked Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti. At the next cycle, “Do” begins the identical sequence at a higher level of vibration. The 3-6-9 triad is drawn inside the circle between the notes, binding their cyclic dynamic to a triad/entity.
Thus interpreted, the above schema, as a cube of 49 squares is a unique container of the worlds described by the 7-stage hierarchy of tokens in sign-use. Even as the two-dimensional triad drawn inside a circle divided into seven segments gives the full 9 digits required for Arabic arithmetic tokens, so the three dimensional cube of 49 cubes, filled by a tetrahedron, gives 112249 ways its four points combine with each of the parallel 6-digit 7 totality units. These would correspond to ways reality could be projected in consciousness under sign-use.

In this interpretation, “God”, token for the text of completing totality, can only be identical with the cube of 49 cubes taken as a totality of predicates of all there is. As a unity, this is something both distinct from each of the parts, taken separately; yet not distinct from all taken together. The contradiction does not lie in God as the predicate of unity, but in the way of turning the cube, as text and token. Each of the 49 sub-cubes mirrors what is taking place in the whole, in its own totality. Thus 50 = 49 = 7^2 is a triadic token sequence that is the work of the upper triad. It is a model of the Holy trinity; also, of a hologrammatic reproduction dynamic.

Thus it is also “50”: 49 as 1, the unity in all the predicate cycles arranged around the tetrahedron, as seven is the unity of all cycles of predicates in the two dimensional circle. Perhaps this defines predicates of the three dimensional sphere containing tokenspace, and mapped back through it, on it, by tokens becoming aware of themselves so situated, in “time”. The totality of these predicates would be the field of contents of consciousness. Thus this system of 7 token types aspires to the claim of signifying the universe, what exists, under sign-uses communicating contents of consciousness.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Predication: the process (sequel)

Predication: the Process
Sequel to predication and consciousness.

Whenever two sign-uses are brought together in actual predication, two things occur essentially: identification of an object of reference by the S term, and the act of asserting the meaning of the P term of S. The distinction between use of a sign S* as subject, and its use as predicate, is the same as the single sign taken once as token (“standing for” the object referred to), secondly as text (what the token is used to mean, predicated of the object). The dual functional components of S* (any sign used in communication) as both as text and as token are identical with the functional components of the form “S is P”. The paradigm situation evoked is, again, perceiving an object and calling its name. Inm direct perception, the name “B”, previously having the meaning of “the second letter of the English alphabet”, is predicated of the object. “The letter B is drawn on the chalk board,” a person may assert in direct perception. Asked “how do you know?”, they may reply “I see it.”

In “S is P”, the S* used as in the S place occurs as a token, for which reason proper names are written with large case letters. This is highly significant from a psychosemiotic point of view. It shows that the function of designating a particular object is duplicated by the sign-use as a particular object – an empirical mark (sight, sound, etc.). We stand before the marks we use in communicating about object to each other as before the “objects” brought into relation with contents of consciousness. Differences that have found their way into type of token indicate differences in the accompanying processes. If someone hiccupped every time they uttered a certain sound, say “kkrkk”, one could legitimately infer some kind of common process at work associating them. Similarly, use of large case letters for a specific function implies a common process, a shift in conscious orientation. The first inscribed human communication at the historical cultural level is in fact monuments, lithographs, hieroglyphs that partly stand for what they mean as text by resemblance (e.g., the sign for the placenta). It is these origins of text-on-token sign use that is retained and reproduced in the conventional habit of using large case letters for proper names. If it talked, this user would declare “I am important! a Name. Designator of a particular thing”. But – recalling Wittgenstein, we must remind ourselves – it is not said, but shown. The step from “showing” to “saying” is the same as the step from token to text, recognizing to reading.

The text is token-relative; the class of marks of the letter “B” in this page, upper and lower case, are functionally identical with the use of the second letter of the English alphabet. That is the “concept” in them, shown by their occurrence. It is partial text; combinations of letters are used to get words that transcribe utterances from which actual sentences expressing thoughts originate. The word “word” signifies in the way letter “B” (and “consciousness”) does: its text is in the token. It is a double meaning/datum entity, located through its text in logical space. and by its empirical mark in tokenspace. Entities of the latter sort include all signs strung together in whatever manner and relationships that belong to the act of persons communicating (books stored in libraries, DVD’s at all the movie rental stores, etc.), recognized as such by their looks. This recognition is by the experienced intake of similarities of languages in cultures of Western Sumerian/Egyptian origins, in particular, and tokens of other peoples as well.

There are two ways of connecting signs by memory relative to the two kinds of space internal space posited by sign-use. One is memory of the way signs fit together as text, in logical space, as in “G.W. Bush is the 43rd president of the United States”. The other is memory of how to produce the signs, very likely accompanied by actual or latent emotional murmurs, which involves various movements of the body (tongue, lips, breath through vocal chords). The token side is the part of the sign-use subject to Leibniz’ principle of sufficient reason: whatever difference in token is explained by a nexus of causes. And each token is distinct and different from every other, being contents of individual personal consciousness. The use of signs is in fact the intersection in reality of causal (psycho-neurological) processes and those involved in logical inference. This is a matter of fundamental metaphysical importance to prevent the secondary process of taking textual content only as representing reality, grammatically purged of all tokens except those for logical space, re-internalized as the structure determining self-reference. Such a procedural monstrosity is the core of the fallacy of textualism: to identify what exists with the totality of true text. This is perhaps the most pernicious influence in philosophy. It splits the two memory functions.

Memory of connections of sign uses S*, qua text and token, is acquired by learning language, based largely on conventional meaning assignments. Names are not things today, though originally they were. The instantly recognizable names of the planets and signs of the zodiac are residual tokens of that original era of sign-us acquired by learning, but resonating from antiquity. The name recalls the individuality of the thing it names, for which reason great care is exercised by parents in choosing one for their progeny. How they are called is something a person carried about all their lives, unless they go to the trouble of changing it. What is involved because it is the human species communicating are the particular motions they go through in talking/writing. This is the anatomical constant in sign-use, the process present in each one at birth as genetic endowment. These, and the pre-verbal memory of these (later verbalized), are retained in common cosmic tokenspace. The essence of the idea of a time “when the whole earth had one language and the same words” (Genesis 11.1) echoes this original tribal-genetic unity. If humanity has always experienced the same common objects, why shouldn’t it be thought they all once shared common words? This is the textualist’s fallacy in the making.

The two kinds of memory for text and token determine the different contents of consciousness in upper and lower triads of sign-use. This is explained in detail elsewhere. The upper triad consists in three S* whose meanings are wholly contained in consciousness under signs for: 1. The completing totality; 2. Sign-use, itself; 3. existential self-awareness (“I”, for myself; but also, the empirical ego, for psychology). Tokens of these three types may be termed theological, psychosemiotic, existential, and for purposes of organizing thee order of their logical connection, assigned the numerical tokens 7,6,5 respectively. The paradigm use of just these signs would be: I SAY GOD, from bottom up; GOD SAY I from the top down. The upper triad is thus a hierarchy of sign-uses ordered by inclusive relations taken from “I”, to “…using Signs”, to “(saying) GOD” as types of content under which The World as a totality can be seen. All three together, and separate from the lower triad, represents the person existing as a conscious totality by use of the name-sign “God” for its completing totality. This is a psychosemiotic reconstruction of the idea that the soul is that which in a person responds to God, is identical in this respect among humans, and can survive death of the body. The soul is the part of consciousness under sign-use that is brought to awareness of itself as a content of consciousness under the concept of a completing totality. “God” and “I” are identical in this respect, but at opposite ends of the metaphysical pole in sign-use, as it were, with respect to ‘limited and unlimited’ (“God” conceived as the unlimited completing totality, “I” as the limited; connected by the act of using.)

The lower triad of sign-uses is also an ordered three-step hierarchy of actual processes essential to maintainence of tokenspace as theatre of empirical consciousness. The most inclusive level is that of full-body awareness. Nerves carrying stimuli that reach the brain terminate on either external or internal receptors, carrying qualities of sense-perception or inner organic arousals, respectively. The conjunction of these under the movements productive of sign-use is the “gestalt”-totality of embodied experience in an act of communication. This is presence as a body in conversation with others. Contents of the lower triad are not wholly contained in the consciousness, as the object in tokenspane is also identical with an object in physical space. This would be the awareness of the sensitive animal lacking a soul. Taking away the reality of the gestalt perception (level 3) leads directly to the strictly phenomenal stratum (level 2), signs used only for data as content of consciousness, not referred to objects either in the personal body or external objects. These are not used except by explicit “noticing” with suspense of commitment to external existence. Finally, the instance of dreams, nature’s signifiers in altered states, is required to complete the levels (1) of totality of sign uses. The culmination of level 3, given that the lower triad as a whole is the organic body as a totality, is the orgasm reflex, accompanied by the most intense pleasure, to lead the organism to want to reproduce its kind.

Predication and Consciousness

Predication and Consciousness

From Wittgenstein to psychosemiotics: A grammatical shift in the analytical meta-language combining text and token in sign-use.

Let (S is P)* be a schema for any subject-predicate sentence; that is to say, any use of signs such that the second term is predicated of the first, as in “Felix is a cat”. This predicates cathood (however that is defined), truly or falsely, of whatever is named by “Felix”. Variants of this strict form, such as “Bertrand Russell was a British philosopher,” “the house next door is empty,” are also predications, in so far as they make a true or false assertion, and are formally reducible to the form S is P from the standpoint of logic. In general terms, what the word “is” expresses may be called “predication”.

There are two ways in which an instance of (S is P)* are true: when the “S” term explicitly contains “P”, as in “AB is A” (equilateral triangles are triangles); or when it is not explicitly contained but connected otherwise. In the second case what the predicate stands for is said to “inhere in” the subject, as the color blue inheres inheres in clear daylight sky. Thus inherence is the objective correlate of predication for non-trivially (tautological) true assertions.

This is an old fashioned account of the way sign for signs were used in meta-logical discourse in the Principia Mathematica era. It was a preface to the mode of analytical philosophy advocating a single unified field of logic through which all true propositions are connected. Such a conception is implicit in the concept of a ‘universe”, a totality of existing things and which could not, therefore include contradictory descriptions. Of any given predication P, exactly one of the two terms “true” or “false” can be asserted of it; the totality of what is real is described by the true ones only. This was first deduced by Ludwig Wittgenstein. The ideal of a “logical syntax of language,” a formally articulate system for the totality of propositions including quantification theory and relations through which all systematic deductions are possible was advanced by Rudolf Carnap. The ideal of a unified field theory of scientific language resting, at bottom, on propositions whose ultimately analyzed subject terms referred to people’s brain-events supplying the momentary sense-data through which reality is known was the core of Russell’s “Our Knowledge Of The External World.” From perceptual data to cosmic dome – plus all connections necessary to explain how we know what we know – such is the world. “The World”, as Wittgenstein also noted, is a sign that stands for this totality of totalities; excluding itself, as name, else creating two “worlds” – a contradiction. In the Tractatrus Logico Philosophicus, he elaborated the form of all true propositions in what he called “logical space”; this would organize all possible scientific propositions of whatever subject terms. The forms used in, and expressed by, logical discourse are not among the things propositions are about. (Nor is “God” an object which The World, as a totality, could possible include; as neither the “I” of personal self-reference predicable of any possible content of “my” experience. The chief contribution of this great tradition, I think, lies in the categorical separation between talk about talk ands talk about things – when the latter is done rigorously, through the use of analyzed, mathematical propositions.

One thing, however, this bold vision did not do, though Gustav Bergmann labored mightily toward it. Many other kinds of objections were raised, also, but none as crucial as completing its account of consciousness. “Consciousness” itself is not used in analytical philosophy except infrequently, colloquially, non-systematically. Although all post-Cartesian philosophy began with it, the term itself hardly acquired a use in philosophy other than among esoterics. Depth psychology, of course, treated it as an empirical concept; in Freud, a state of anatomical arousal undergoing waking-sleeping rhythms, and functioning in the waking state in observation, thought, will, ego* (a term said about, not by, the user). Carl Jung spoke of the “four functions of consciousness”: perceiving, thinking, feeling, intuition. This takes it to be predicable of these anatomically based processes, through undetermined intervening mechanisms (neurological routes leading to and from the brain). This use, elaborated for changes of state induced by drugs, by peaking experiences, by being “in love”, religious ritual, etc. – these variations of mental condition need a common denominator for reference together with the distinction between waking and sleeping and Jung’s four functions. These cannot all be descriptions of different things; they are different aspects, or ‘sides’ of the same thing.

This second use of “consciousness”, from esoterics (including “existentialism” and “Heidegarianism”) to depth psychology, through hypothetical continuing processes in the “anatomical preparation” as Freud called it, was split off becamr split off from analytical philosophy because of Wittgenstein’s grammatical argument. The same grammar that Wittgenstein applied to the use of “The Word”, “God”, “I”, would apparently apply to the use of “consciousness”. How could conscious include conscousness? Can a hammer strike itself?

The consequences of this verbal splitting are of a magnitude of importance yet to be realized. It has sundered philosophy from psychology, for one thing, as a matter of academic discipline, although students assume their professors are talking about the same thing. Philosophy followed Wittgenstein; it was its Platonic destiny to unfold logical outside physical space, with laws of material bodies in the latter according to the formal truths of being of the former. The meta-language of analytic language was the philosophical bifurcation of the split in sign-use for “consciousness.” What has been lacking historically and systematically in the use of signs, namely, a distinction between what is communicated by its text and what is communicated by it (as a) token becomes the key to unlocking the enigmas this split has caused. The Wittgensteinian grammar construes “consciousness” textually: as a nominal term of reference (making it non-referable); whereas the psychoanalytic tradition et al takes its use as a token of what the text stands for. It is not that “consciousness contains consciousness”: it is a process, not an instrument. The word “consciousness,” in its individual, subjective personal inherence, is a predicate used in predicating on itself. What the categorical distinction between form and content in a logical language-schema corresponds to is the distinction between text and token in sign-use. It is in the notion of “sign-use” as a given totality for conscious experience, qua communicated, that formal psychosemiotics begins. Each unit of sign-use in communication connects two distinct consciousnesses with the textual identity, different tokens. Two people see the same token, externally, reproducing its perception internally; “tokens” is used twice, once for the common external object, once (each) for the private “sense-datum” (“cathexis”). A triad can be drawn connecting the tokens at the first level, as the base; and the single letter on the wall as apex. This triad is wholly unseen, a unity represented through bonds of sign-use alone. Nevertheless, one can say, it is real, a subject term of which predications can be made.

The proposal I wish to make here is an inversion of Wittgenstein’s argument for consciousness, as a totality unto itself, and avoid self contradiction (the Russell parodoxes), is a logical hierarchy of token-types, specifically seven predicates of predicates of….neurological discharges on the periphery and interior of the human organism; one token of which is actualized each and every time a communication is made, defined as successful transfer of the same content of consciousness form one to another by way of sign-use.

This proposal in effect takes the approach of analytical philosophy a step further than represented “truth” can reach; the step to what is shown in the saying. This, as already said, is consciousness of asserting, for example, “S is P” (among other communications), It will be said to be shown as the unseen through which the forms of sign-use themselves are given, in the manner that light is what “shines” through the seven prismatic hues, and sound is what is heard in all variations of the seven tone octave. Consciousness is awareness of content under all types of tokens. In the talking, as in the talked about. Sign-use according to token, in the first case; sign use according to text, in the second. The truth in sign-use is not identical with the truth of propositions. To refuse to recognize this gives superstition its first foothold, and seals off what is shown from what is said. The person themselves is rent in the metaphysical splitting of text and token.

The seven hypothesized token-types correspond, in their use, to seven levels of processing ‘loops’ through the organic systems, as it translates from external stimuli of the relevant sensory organ (the eye in sight, etc.) to the brain, and/with/by movement, involving memory. The necessity for such loops can be deduced by returning to the logical paradigm.

When the ‘is’ between (S is P)* is not taken to be established through the meaning of the subject term, alone (as when “AB is A”), it is established through the mental processes of the user. This itself tautologically applies to actual assertions. An advantage of beginning analysis at the meta-level of sign-use is not being required to deal with ‘dead’ signs, having a possible use; but rather with living performances, produced by those who swear by the product: their Word; their personal voucher of responsibility.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Gimme Land, lot'sa land

...under starry skies abover.... Don't fence me in!"
-old cowboy tune
Down defense of liberalism from OD board

Originally Posted by Macrobius
For the American imperial strategists invested deeply in the belief that through spreading terror they could take power. Neoconservatives such as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and the recently indicted Lewis "Scooter" Libby, learned from Leo Strauss that a strong and wise minority of humans had to rule over the weak majority through deception and fear, rather than persuasion or compromise.

Quote: (A White House and House GOP leader commenting on Howard Dean)..."Politically speaking, Deans' comments are going to help jog awake more Americans and remind them of which party want to protect them--and which one is just plain sissified and weak."
(U.S.News & World Report 12/7/05 )

Comment on Quote "This GOP "protection racket" mind-set, not ordinarily stated so blatantly, is essentially the same point of view as that credited to Strauss and the neocons above. Dems (liberals, leftists) are "just plain sissified and weak"; anyone could see they can't protect mommy and the kidoos from Islamofascists. They want and need to be dominated. Of course this gives Jews tough-guy cred, with US boot, but it requires no more in the way of philosophical perversion than a Jeff Bewkes' substitution of Soprano he-man-for real life to explain. That's why they are the Re-pube-licans Let's not put intellectual shine on assholism.

It is not much discussed, in the fora, that Leo Strauss was a student of Carl Schmitt, the Conservative Revolutionary (leaving aside, however, the usual slanders which would probably not be slanders in this forum, but are also not likely true). Strauss inherited Schmitt's interpretation of Hobbes, but in the manner of German students everywhere stood his master's doctrine on its head. In any event, he later decided Hobbes was an exoteric writer who stood in the (allegedly esoteric) Machiavellian tradition--not mentioned by the author of this piece. Strauss knew that Hobbes, in his youger years, was Bacon's amanuensis (ghostwriter, we would say today). Though no one I know has ever suggested Hobbes wrote Shakespeare.

Hobbes of course is on the mainline to Locke, Newton, and all that later became Liberalism and Conservatism. Anthony à Wood, the Oxford biographer, had the sense to see that in his day half the English gentry was corrupted by Hobbsian doctrine. (Strauss quotes this). Now there was a true conservative--no Bacon, Hobbes, Machiavel, Schmittism or Straussism for him!

I don't get this, at all. What is "conservatism" if it isn't Hobbes notion of a 'state of nature'? -- with threat of "war of all against all" (leading to lives nasty, brutish and short) neutralized only by tacit consent of each to give up claim to unlimited authority only on condition everyone else does, also, and there is a power (the state) strong enough to enforce it. That is the "original sin" version of mankind, alright: there is nothing in them except vicious, animal instinct for self preservation to build a social order on. Now, that's conservativism, isn't it? Trust that the other guy will lay down his weapons if you do .. why that's bleeding heart liberalism! Only a fool ... or someone "just plain sissified and weak" ...

All of which raises an interesting point -- if Straussian Neo-Cunning, the CR/ND, and Liberalism are all such close relatives, what's to choose between them? Strike the root.


FOR ACTUAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO HUMAN KNOWLEDGE, THIS LIST HAS NO PEER, PER NATION. (Germany comes closest, but they spazzed and mystified out after Kafka and Nietzsche, leaving essentially nothing, unless you include esoterics and gnostics (Heideggar, Barth; Brunner is OK)) NOTHING BUT CONTEMPT AND PITY ARE DUE THOSE WHO ALIGN THEMSELVES AGAINST IT ON PRINCIPLE. No leading world figure on the world stage, political or intellectual, does so.

No "conservative" has ever produced anything, except war. Nor believed in anything except control by fear and brute force; otherwise they would be liberal. Difference in childraising accounts for it, they say.

I may be prejudiced, but that doesn't change the situation.