Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Friday, September 29, 2006

Signs vs Symbols

Signs vs symbols

“God” is the word-sign in English for a type of symbol.

The difference is, symbols communicate content not wholly contained in consciousness (following Jung). Their token carries an aura of meaning, or ‘significance’, that goes beyond anything capable of being pointed to, measured, handled as an object. A part of what they “mean” (=>communicate) is merely “suggested”; latent; inarticulately present, capable of undergoing “elaboration” by drawing out threads of association These lead back, and down (to earlier, more generic) contents of consciousness..

Participation mystique

The cognitive content is wrapped (wrapt) up in, pervaded by, a content of The Unconscious linking the communicating group. Thus “Father”, as symbol, evokes a ‘transpersonal” content, over-and-above the personal male parent. This is indicated “on the token side” by use of specially designed units of Tokenspace (the universal tablet of consciousness, where signs and symbols mix and match). Of “man”, or “humanity” (implying species-consciousness), the idea of “God” (monotheistic) as “Father” did not appear first (if at all) in the Bible, but among the Phoenecians.

"The true name of God" -- see article onine

What Has Israel Done for US? - you ask

What Israel Has Done For US
(What it’s affair with Jewishness has cost America)


1. BU investigates graffiti found in residence hall
Scrawled messages anti-Semitic, racist

By George Basler
Press & Sun-Bulletin
VESTAL -- Binghamton University has set up a telephone tip line and is actively investigating a case of racist and anti-Semitic graffiti found in a residence hall on the campus, a university spokesman said Wednesday.
The graffiti contained explicit language, derogatory terms and swastikas directed against blacks and Jews, said Ryan Yarosh, a media relations specialist for the university.
White House-Abramoff Contacts More Extensive Than Thought, Report Says
Congressional Report Finds Convicted Lobbyist Had Contact With Karl Rove, Ken Mehlman

1. The fake Muslim Anthrax attack (following 9.11.’01)

2. Neocon “Libby Lobby” “Fieth’s Fife” WHIG control of America’s foreign policy ’01-’06) => Abramoff/Guckert .. rumors of butt-banging in Lincoln’s bedroom. The “extensive forest” around this glade of aspens is AIPAC (+ ADL, JINSA, AEI, NPAC) exposed by Mearsheimer and Wald’s now classic article “The Israeli Lobby and US Foreign Policy”. To them we owe management of the process leading to (=>)

3. The Iraq war.
Converting the Golden Rule into the doctrine of pre-emptive strike and “best friend, worst enemy” outreach to the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. (Here was Bush speaking for them just the other day; followed by polls showing up to 90% want America out, now.)

4. The Palestinian question: how historical US policy up to the Oslo Accords was unilaterally abrogated by the “Clean Break” cabal: neocon signers of the l996 document setting Israel, under Benjamin Netanyahu with Falwell Christian conservatives, on the course leading to (=>)

5. Lebanon: In l982/3, Ronald Reagan colluded with Ariel Sharon to commit atrocity: the sacrifice of 260 U.S. Marines; the massacre of civilian populations at Sabra and Shatila. Again, in 2006 G.W. Bush colluded with the Ohlmert government to commit genocidal atrocity there and in Gaza. Linking with Israel has brought complicity in war crimes on these people.

6. Iran: It’s no secret that the same cabal responsible for running America’s good name into the ground all over the globe, but especially in the Middle east, is pushing for a pre-emptive strike of some sort against Iran.

7. Ahmadinejad as substitute sacrifice (“scapegoat”) for anti-semitism (Islam’s Jesus) Since the unconscious motive is to destroy that which is inside ourselves, the sacrifricial victim must brough to RESEMBLE ourselves, as has been done to Iran's president.

*******/ Explanation why

The first 6 items pile up like a MOUNTAIN OF WEIGHT TO KEEP THE JEWISH/ISRAELI CONNECTION OUT OF THE PICTURE. In terms sof objective reality, it so demands to get in.

In terms of public relations, this leads to (=>)
elicit/split/dump/kill” guilt-reversal mechanism for reversing blame and shifting punishment:
ELICITed: blame-guilt of Israel;
SPLIT OFF: reject (repress) from consciousness by evoking remembrance of the Holocaust, killing Jews;
DUMP: projectively relocate the split-off blame-guilt content into the Iranian President: “See! It isn’t US who want to kill Jews and wipe Israel off the map, it’s this MAD MAN OF IRAN…AHMADINEJAD! – He’s actually saying it!”
KILL THE POISONED! -- Killing or removing Ahmadinejad will purge “US”, the group “America”, of its ant-semitism, by eliminating (or banishing, imprisoning) this one into whom its SHIT* has been “DUMPED”. In this violent, compulsive drive toward historical atrocity squared*, the group simultaneously acts out: punishing the guilty one OUSIDE themselves; and, by doing so, purging consciousness of the felt ‘threat’ of the guilt/punishment bearing down on themselves.

It will perhaps require some effort of pondering, going over these four steps in guilt-management under “monotheism”, to get one’s mind around this mechanism as a unity. However, the result is well worth it. This mechanism can also be called a psychosemiotic behavior pattern. I claim credit for coining this mode of reference, give credit to Lloyd deMause for the psychological insights it brings together.



How (this* - see blow) meaningful coincidence in Sign-use explains and is explained by the switch in God-use in America by G.W.Bush

-encompassing rings of mighty terrible effects (acting out id reversal as moral)

The meaningful coincidence is

1. At the theological level
monotheism (“YHWH”/Allah worship) replaces trinitarianism

Consequence: shift from form of unity impossible to contradict (The Trinity cannot be contradicted, only completed.) to form of unity necessarily (self-) contradicted (through opposed specifications of evil incorporated under “One God” extended to all forms of monotheism.)

(Fissures will occur in unities along contradictory lines under each unity; as Opus Dei Catholics are in contention with Vatican II Catholics. After “God” use by monotheists drags it into the irresoluable YHWH-ALLAH blood-based contradiction, and war.)

2. At the historical group-level
(National identity): democracy guided by the spirit of unity will be replaced by use of voting procedures to resolve confessional differences lowered to the level of political issues. (The symbols of unity will be replaced by a self-contradictory conjunction.) Then: The Pope can gain political leverage by splitting off non-middle of the road religionists from trouble-making “extremists”.

3. Patriotism, the citizen’s right to honor the national identity, whatever theological-religious confession.

Wholesome patriotism, completion of the feeling totality of group life, is devotion second only in rank of hierarchical reality to the totality of common humanity (2), symbolized by blood; and that under a sign for the Completing Totality of totalities, through some symbol as “God” (1).

When G.W. Bush reversed sign-use, we have argued, it set in motion a karmic process that would come back and bite him in the rear: Chaves calling him the devil from the UN floor.

We have now added to this notion of karmic link, intuited by the esoteric sense of completing totality, the particular sign/symbol substitution that brought it about. This is: the de facto subordination of the Trinity, as the confessional symbol of totality under “God” (as sign for this particular sign-use) for Christians. The Trinity is the more differentiated form of unity for common humanity by blood, distributing the Form of the Completing Totality in the individual through the separate being-centers (Gurdjieff). The Head-brain differentiates “Father”; the Heart (emotional)-brain the “Son”; the lower-reactive (reptilian) brain- the Holy Ghost (by sublimation of all three). The functional unity of the three is completed in the cathexis (“commitment”) of totality to the Whole (=necessary condition for transformation of 1. into 4.). (completion of consciousness beyond consciousness; “Second Conscious Shock” required for the energy of Oxygen 6).

The lack of differentiation of the work of the three centers directly dis-unifies the totality of their function. “One center does the work of another,” was the way G. put it.
What is happening now is the turning back from a more advanced Form of the Completing Totality to the earlier position of unity. It was an advance, compared to the BULL-EL (Baal) Taurus Age – which did not yield willingly to the Ram. But the latter was superceded by The Pisces Incarnation, on the broadest level of group consciousness, itself now passing over to the age of Aquarian Water-Bearer. This amounts to a psychohistorical interpretation of the Trinity overlaid onto the sliding Zodiacal triads by use of the mythic template of Father- Son – Holy Ghost. Christianity brings in the second Eve, Ea, earth, in the formula: Father =>Son => (by means of ) the Holy Ghost impregnating Mary. The Jewish blood ancestry is woven by the Bible (taking both Old and New Testaments as One Story) into the mythic texture (“Jesus was a Jew” – by blood/water -birth) as the Archetyupal connubial grounding of One Male Sky God (MARDUK, YHWH) with His Created, Sustained planetary bounty, His Ea (ENKI as male lover), His Daughter. God The Father loved Mary, and entered her as impregnating Spirit. She received this gift of Grace and birthed God’s Son in Bethlehem.

Who, or what was Jesus’ “Father”?

If told as a story of human psychology, it is, perhaps, the gloss of an indiscretion, broad hints at a romantic tryst between Joseph’s wife and a Roman soldier before he married her. Such is the imagination of youth, and the hormonal sex-reactive-mind center.

If told as the continuation of the actual on-earth story of the evolution of human consciousness, however, it is completed at the symbolic level of a “universe” not in Jesus’ blood, but his consciousness. The Christians must say to the Jews: “Just on his Mother’s side …”. In his consciousness, according to the record, he professed Sonship of “before I AM” (John 8.58), invoking Exodus 3.14. If “ENKI” => EYAH => EA => “I AM”, Jesus becomes (a) Son of Enki through Mary ( As both MARDUK and YHWH are Sons of Enki). The Sumerian (non-Semitic) origin of the “Father” Jesus consciously recognized, according to John’s record of his sign-use, was re-stated in the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 7, as “A priest forever of the order of Melchizedek.” The Melchizedek priests were at (Jeru-) Salem when Abraham passed through circa 2000 – 1500 BCE, worshipping “Most High God” (YHWH-ELYON), immortal beings to which the Patriarch paid a tithe tribute. Thus, in the actual historical dispensation, the story of “God”-use passes through the Hebrew language into the narrative of the Jewish tribes circa. 9th century BCE and following. But, separate and distinct traditions of symbolic revenants of old religions survived and continued. When Jesus placed “Father” in the TokenSpace of old Sumer, the religion of “Christ” as Spirit of the Inner Man (released at death, through suffering, returning to his Father Above) is effectively taken away from blood-lines, to spirit lines. And, in fact, Christianity spread in the earliest centuries around the Northern edge of the Mediterranean basin, even to Greece and Rome, through old Hittite/Turkic lands, Phoenecia, Crete, where the Spirit of Great Mother/Daughter Goddesses had long thrived alongside that of male God’s. The Greek OANNES, fish-tail man God who arose from the sea with the rudiments of human civilization would have represented the Spirit in this Great Sea of old: The Mediterranean. These are unfathomably deep* tokens of Archetypal mythic texture, reflected throughout the range of trans-dimensional metaphors*.

This clarifies the psychological situation in the Pisces era, transcribing the trinity into a unity of upper triad sign-uses (God, country, patriotism). The Incarnation religion spanning Sumer (ENKI), Babylon (MARDUK), Jerusalem (YHWH), Athens (ATHENA/Zeus), Jerusalem (again) (JESUS CHRIST), ROME (JOVE/St. Peter) is coordinated with completion of Zodiacal/millennial triads (Taurus, Aries, Pisces/ / Aries, Pisces, Aquarius). As triads, the coordinate with the three forces ramified through the three centers of total conscious functioning. They can be transcribed onto a diagram of three concentric rings around the point made by two straight lines crossing, horizontally and vertically, on a flat two –dimensional plane; the circumference of each ring marked into seven (7) equally spaced points in alignment (as ‘spokes’ from the center outward).
In Gurdjieff’s Enneagram, the six interior points between “7”, coinciding at the top of each circle with One (1) => apex of the interior equilateral triangle, can be assigned constant values 142857, in the natural number digit series. This is the sequence of digits obtained as a fraction when 7 is divided into 1 (1/7 = .1428571428…ad inf.). What is remarkable about this sequence is that the order is retained, through seven steps of increasing arithmetical sequence, when 7 is divided into 2 (2/7 = .285714285…), into 3 (3/7 = .428571428…), into 4 (4/7 = .571428571…) and so forth. Looked at in this way:

7/0 = 0.0 (“Do”)
.142857142…. (Re)
.285714285. . . (Mi)
.428571428… (Fa)
.571428571… (Sol)
.714285714… (La)
.857142857… (Ti)
7/7 = 1.00000000 “Do”

The interior six “notes” align horizontally and vertically in coordinate progression, formally schematizing a process of traversing accumulated totalities between 7 and 1. In other words, an “octave”, completed from above, or below, wherever a “Do” occirs. The repetitions ad inf of the same sequence in each row give 142857 a “barber pole” effect as the traversing steps accumulate.

“0” stands for any circumference the 6 ‘notes’ are spread across, that is, for nothing. Reality, the actual units of sign-use in TokenSpace, is distributed around Re – Ti; what completes it, or is completed by its periods, is the “Do” sequence of octaves.

The number-digits 3, 9 and 6, notably missing from this account so far, are supplied thus: the 999999999… ‘s are obtained by adding Re to Do, as if closing the circle without completion (turning it back to complete within itself). The 666666666’s are the interior digits completed without 7. The 333333333’s are the originating “shock” required to boost Mi to Fa (a derivative of which boosts Ti = .8 to Do= 1 via the inner triad by “second conscious shock”).

Thus, the number digits from 1 to 10 can be laid out on the Ennegram, with the lines between the circumference points = > the notes on the 7-tone scale between repeating Do wavelengths.

The next step in interpretation of this formal schema is the assignment of “notes” to Token-levels of sign-use. A “token level” of sign use is the specification of a universe of discourse under a given actual name, e.g., “Socrates”; and predicates (“is human”; “is mortal”). This universe of discourse coincides with the space of three dimensional objects, and time, through which all humans (and by extension, all physical objects) are relasted (as conjuries of material earth elements).

The abstract assignment of a hierarchy of sign-uses, the successive steps of which, by hypothesis, use of higher-order signs to predicate on totalities posited by lower-order names. When these are then correlated to reality by rules assigning the hierarchy of signs to contents of conscious, the abstract schema crystallizes into strata, or levels of experience. (Individual experience is assumed given in communication through S*.

All this, and more, is needed to explain how what coincided psychosemiotically
1. Bush’s reversal
2. Chavez calling him “the Devil”
3. War between Hezbollah and Israel (Pitting the US against Iran)
=> 4. What has brought about America’s devolution is the karmic cycle run out by the linkage of its Trinitarian God with YHWH . This has repressed the completion of all the other levels of sign-use under the completing totality.

Further confirmations:
White House-Abramoff Contacts More Extensive Than Thought, Report Says
Congressional Report Finds Convicted Lobbyist Had Contact With Karl Rove, Ken Mehlman


BU investigates graffiti found in residence hall
Scrawled messages anti-Semitic, racist

By George Basler
Press & Sun-Bulletin

VESTAL -- Binghamton University has set up a telephone tip line and is actively investigating a case of racist and anti-Semitic graffiti found in a residence hall on the campus, a university spokesman said Wednesday.

The graffiti contained explicit language, derogatory terms and swastikas directed against blacks and Jews, said Ryan Yarosh, a media relations specialist for the university.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Reality, Repression and Realization

-elaborating realization of Bush’s G-d Reversal.

Note of psychosemiotic coincidence: Just as I was arriving at the Deconstruction of G. W. Bush’s reversal of “God”-use, Iran’s Ahrmadinejad and Venezuela’s President Chavez were branding him “the Devil” on the floor of the United Nations.

What I arrived at by analysis of sign-use* (*psychosemiotics), the anti-Bush speakers were using signs to express.

A. How knowledge by realization is possible


“Realization” is the coming into consciousness of the previously un- (or “in-“) articulated awareness of a totality-content (how the world is being experienced at all text-levels: the “meta-Text” of a completed “snap-shot”). The content has been repressed, kept from clearly articulated consciousness, though incipiently present through stimuli reaching the brain from interior organ stimulation. It has been forced to get around the censor (QII – the self-heard “audience”) by masking, disguising, ritual, rationalization.

These all-pervasive ways of getting around the censor are the bases of grammatization (and metaphysics: the attempt to think experienced reality as a whole). They belong to the package of control-impulses, under the dominance of the “super-ego”: the person’s (“our”) ideal of themselves (“ourselves”) in speech, addressing the audience as little children looking up to adults, putting their need to be heard into words. (Cpmpare: crying, laughing and variant mixtures: “whining”, “pleasing”, “acting out”).

Group-think is arranged by control of the “atmosphere” – ambience, situational awareness – which others are obliged to participate in (“imbibe”) when addressing the group as a whole. Addressing a group to which the speaker is bonded by emotional “we” invokes fetal origins under a common conscious symbol (nation, religion, humanity).

This amounts to imposing *magnetic field* where individual consciousnesses converge. (TokenSpace*) The emotional “leader” of a group has this vivifying, polarizing effect on the members by personal presence. That is why good commanders stay within sight of troops in the field, and U.S. presidents visit VFW halls. The projected image of famous persons also accomplishes this for national and transnational groups. Now, with radio broadcasts compounded by televised, e-mailed, You-tubed group experiences pervading the atmosphere of communication everywhere, all previous dichotomies signaled by personal presence and the gap between “knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description” (Bertrand Russell)

“Idols”: audience-sanctioned figures to which all are required to recognize –accept or reject; love or hate; ‘whichever side you are on” – in order to get heard.

The use of signs systemically processed under these conditions becomes the outward form, or persona, of the personality. It is the grammatically regularized manner, or style, of the person’s expression.


Realizations claim “Truth” for themselves: “experienced truth”; the Truth of truth, or “truth as such.” “If that isn’t knowing what is real, the truth, nothing is.”

However – forget not Kant –the appeal to self evidence to validate ANY claim to knowledge (truth about reality) requires a critique (to be fully certified). What declares itself to be infallible may not be, in fact may PROVE itself not to be by making that very claim, if Lao Tzu is right (true being is unspeakable; whatever is spoken is not true being). A “critique” is required to decide particular cases, if there can be a mistake in one. 99.9…% of the cases sampled up to a given point might turn out one way but the next fail -- unless the criterion for distinguishing were certain. And can any criterion that is (merely) experienced be certain?

This is the problem Descartes’ demon posed for perception and reason. What if (there was a way that ALL is deception? – even the attempt to distinguish true from false by reason?

To answer this within his own philosophy, Descartes *closed the circle* of reasoning on itself. In order to use it, instead of inspiration, dogma, or popish infallibility as a guide, he had to allow it to present its own claim to experience truth through “clear and distinct” ideas; examples, mathematics, geometry, logic. This criterion allows the community of Platonic Logoi to communicate freely in the same TokenSpace, according to their grasp of formal truth. At the same time, it excludes those lacking this faculty (it was later dubbed for psychologic reference) from participating. Modern philosophy deriving from Descartes, therefore, polarizes and sanctions intellectually shared TokenSpace by predicating knowledge on the grasp (=psychosem* experienced) of necessary truths of logic.


The realization this coincidence brings

My deconstruction was the text: Bush reverses the use of “God” in the constitution by calling its use to block government funding “discriminatory”; then, by predicating on national entities as “evil”; then, by pursuing a lying war against Iraq; now, by pursuing a lying war on Iran.

Venezuela’s President Chavez calling him “the Devil” completed the communication from the token side. The force of his presence added “knowledge by acquaintance”, the personalized content, to “knowledge by description.” It is one thing to make a deduction
of the character of a speaker by his speech; it is another thing – a second step – to use the description of that character in denunciation. I did the first; Chavez added the second.

The connection, spelled out, would go as follows. God, reversed persona, is The Devil. (cf. LA Confidential). Qualities and configurations taken as abstract, in themselves, become behavior patterns, with internalized and re-processed karmic feedback. Thus, over tome, language used with meanings opposite to the originally intended reality leads to behavior necessarily judged opposite of by the very standards once used for the original. When the opposites of good and evil swap places in the upper triad, what is judged under them get swapped in the lower: As above, so below. The one claiming to speak for God does works that lead him to be called The Devil. No better disguise is conceivable. For if “God” is what completes the good, on the personalized, or Token side, “The Devil” is what similarly completes evil. Therefore, if there is a contrast between “good” and “evil”, as predicates whose use is (by analytic rule, or tautology) incompatible for the same thing, the opposition between them will, over time, by adding personified human token to ideal text, devolve to exchange of one for the other. It would be human nature – or what is added to “nature” by subsuming it under “human” – for the disadvantaged character to seek compensation by using the very signs those use who advantage themselves thereby: “God” use by the good guys. If it works for them, why wouldn’t it work for others (anybody). And that, I think, is exactly what has happened in sign-use processing across a broad, semi-conscious bandwidth of America’s TokenSpace. Everyone is permitted, even encouraged, to say “If so-and-so’s can say they talk to God and get credit for it, I damn well can too; I KNOW what those cats are up to, and I am AT LEAST that good.” This is the text of political converts – to “Judeo-Christianity” in today’s America. Injection of this attitude into common communication creates a magnetic field* that polarizes individuals (the ‘fish’, in Pisces) along the old “Monotheistic” Archetypal lines. At the theological level of sign-use (the highest in the hierarchy, for the completing totality), it is the reversal brought about by the historical/developmental regression from “God” to “G-d”; from the Christian Trinity of the King James Version of the Bible, to the opposed YHWH/ALLAH. entities of The Old Testament and Koran.

What must be saved from the connection (the coincidence of my text and Chavez’ token, reversing Bush’s use of “God” and calling him “The Devil”) is the transcendental perspective: the synthetic unity of apperception constituted by the personae-presence injection of theological sign use begun by Bush. But, as we know, not by him alone, or speaking personally. By, first, the Republican Party; and through them the politico-religious-tribal cult of “neocons”: new-conservatives who took over the Republican party after Reagan. Their show, pushing up through the sod of America’s post-Vietnam war unconscious in 1996, to use the metaphor of sign-use seed-planting by Ronald Reagan’s speechwriters, was titled “Clean Break”. It contradicted the even-handed US policy toward Israel and the Palestinians, declaring cancellation of the premised of land for peace, and sketching out the destabilization of the entire region that was to follow, including war on Iraq. Thus document set out the blueprint American foreign policy followed. America’ flag was put equal or under the flag of Isrsael’s from then on. This connection was extended and deepened by the events tagged “9-11”. The “we” grammar of this terrible tragedy, this group- trauma (trauma on the shared, Group side of TokenSpace), was and is linked, backward, to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, bringing the US into World War Two against Nazi Germany; and, ‘laterally’, as it were today, to US policy toward the state of Israel, subtext: ”The Holocaust”. 9-11, Pearl Harbor, The Holocaust. These are the major group-trauma tokens dominating the dark region of present day American National

To Akhnaten, from Thoth

From Akhnaten, the Phora
"Mysticism lies in crypticism. (Th0th = The Zer0th?)"

Yes. Just for you. (Please leave small-case "o" in "ThoTh"-- it's the double "TH" that matters, vowells are howls)

Two orders of relations between contents of consciousness intersect X-wise whenever signs (words, numerals, pictures, maps, schemata, matrices) are used in actual communication: 1. distance -space, between objects ('physical' geometry', rigid rod measurements, regular 3D construction --Euclid; Descartes, Newton) and 2: Token -Space, between the momentary ('flickering') phenomenal particulars of actual signs-in-use during the act of communicating. TokenSpace (TknSpc*) is 'in' space, 'of' objects as consciousness is 'in' the brain, of the world.

All the paper and pencil constructions (plus electronically duplicated copies) (incl. your riff: "The golden 5 + 1 spiral inside 6-space. Boo H. I S = 1 5? The line and the spiral? The caduceus snake and the pole?) call for TknSpc relations through consciousness to connect. These are derivative, somehow (importantly, I assume), from the regular X construction in 4-space*: Draw "X" on any sheet (my tablet, in AE_GIA_PT -- earth as house of Ptah). Fold the sheet up-back at the point of intersection, from bottom-to-top; then over from right-behind-left. This leaves the diagonal from the upper left corner of the pace to the center ("0" point, if you like; Parmenides nor I do) on the third Quadrant of the original page if , ordered lower-left (QI), upper-right (QII), upper-left (QIII*), lower-right (QIV) ... matching the diagonals point-for point in the other three quadrants. Divide the diagonal into 7 parts to form 7x7=49 squares (=1 = 50: reclaiming Marduk). This sets up a map in two dimensions of the objects in the other three. OK? Nothing new or surprising.

Next, assign Sign-uses (S* to each of the seven points on the diagonal for Token Type-levels of predicates of individuals (from "God" (or Ptah), S*7 (as the token for the completing totality) to atoms (manifold of space-energy quanta), as in O.'s "Ray of Creation", G's. heptaparaparshinok. Adaptation of Bertrand Russell's theory of logical types to the order of predicate types in a 1-7 tier hierarchy is original here, if you can dig it. This period, or octave, of sign-use 'notes' traverses the bandwith of consciousness from top (most singular inclusive) to bottom (most particularate distinct).

If the sheet of paper is unfolded, now, and Quadrants I, II, IV are assigned mappings of their own congruent with constructs within III, a new, original apparatus is attained for analysis of consciousness under sign-use (itself included). Each of the 49 squares is a hologram of the whole.

Sign-uses must pass through consciousness before they can be reliably used to communicate contents of the individuals' reactive mind ('unconscious').

Once two or more get on the same TknSpc page, sparks can really fly.


Thursday, September 21, 2006



Chavez kicks ass Bush sucks

The Phora > The Lyceum > Current Events

Chavez: Bush is 'the devil'

UNITED NATIONS — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez took his verbal battle with the United States to the floor of the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, calling President Bush "the devil."

The impassioned speech by the leftist leader came a day after Bush and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sparred over Tehran's disputed nuclear program but managed to avoid a personal encounter.


Chavez is right. It's about time prominent heads of state are calling out America for it's blatant and disgraceful hypocrisy and double standards.

Rabang Miller, flogger of jews

Chavez is a good Christian man. Like Jesus Christ did almost 2000 years ago, he recognizes the Devil when he sees him.

Bush's insistence that children should be tortured is enough proof that he is one of those who are the "Sons of Satan".

Bush is the devil. He is one of the many forms of Satan

Is God Dead? They should have let the 60's liberals kill Him.
Now, He will have revenge, looks like.

Hugo Chavez’ thunderbolt is neoconservative karma catching up to America. (see my “Reality, Reason and Realization”: A Critique of The Ah Ha! Experience Philosophy)

The price you have to pay for freedom, if you follow Bush (Devil worshippers; Re-pubes are witches).

The argument is laid out elsewhere ( Deconstructing Bush’s God-reversal).

In sum:
1. Bush, on his own authority, reversed the use of “God” vis a vis use of federal tax dollars for charities and educational institutions. Previously a barrier (to prevent public support of private religions), he declared this ‘discriminatory’, “using God’s name to discriminate”; and turned the US treasury’s spigot into a sectarian watertrough. This was never adjudicated; 911 happened.

2. Months after taking office, he (GWB) targeted US Catholics and Jews as re-election swing-votes. As politics, this fed directly into the plans and hands of the “Clean Break” foreign policy of the neocons (1996: Likud/Netanyahu faction in Israel, backed by Falwell-Robertson-Dobbs faction Fox News faction in US). This politically empowered the chickenhawks to push hard line war talk to take control of Iraq; then Syria, Iran, Lebanon, following the pattern of detente reached with Jordan and Egypt.
This is the script of US foreign policy that has unfolded without deviation up through 9.11. 06 ff.

3. In the ’02 State of the Union address, Bush declared – he says on his own authority, therefore must be held personally accountable; but actually contributed by Jewish speechwriter David Frum, whose wife ratted him out, it was said. As a quasi-theological term – actually used for what is most passionately hated in absolute terms, opposite whatever proceeds of most valued, God – he dares use it as predicate for international relations. The main stream press follows like lapdogs. They can’t eat enough of that shit. “God Squad” rappers in drag start popping up on TV. For the record, it was provided by the Peace of Westphalia, l638, to close the 30 year war between European Protestants and Catholics, that “confessional (sacramental) language” is not to be used for matters of state. The Papacy in Rome and the Jewish State of Israel have been treated as de facto as exceptions and accorded national dignities by courtesy, though the latter has accompanied the Jewish confessional “God” title with massive build up of force of arms.

I, among others (damn few) outspokenly objected at the time that this was absurd. “Evil”, being the closest expression in words of non-verbal (abhorrent, repugnant, repulsive, grotesque, sadistic, cruel, unmerciful torture, degeneracy, despair – suffering through all that, and more, in helplessness; physical suffering with psychic trauma; cf. Rosselinni’s film SALO), its use gains no more, nor less, cognitive foothold on reality than the depth of these experiences. The deepest, most broadly shared of these is birth trauma, and the negative inner recoil from the “abysmal womb” – ‘dark’, uncomfortable side of the pre-birth womb-surround – plus the “poisonous placenta”: the crushing, serpentine, strangling, blood-sucking “web” or “network” that clings to the to-be-born infant -- which it must do “battle” with, later re-projected in flashback as “cosmic conflict”,…. IS THE MOST REGRESSED POSITION OF GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS, TRIGGERING ‘WAR’ FOR (re-)birth by killing The Poisonous Placenta.

The primordial ‘enemy’ is the fantasized “poisonous placenta” returned to batten onto the group’s womb-surround. Thus, America, and the globe, beset by the deadly Al Queda “network”, with “cell”s, like communism had (same fantasy: “Trotskyite socialists as Jews-cum-neocons”). The law is, that once group-fantasy tokens gain acceptance and use, ‘devotees’ (personality types, ‘thetans’ in Scientology) will respond to act the part. Fantasies feed off of themselves and each other, pull entities into orbital alignment and create names for entities as if ‘prophesied.” TokenSpace abhors a vacuum. Every text will find its token, and whatever ”evil” is supposed to be, as projected by given individuals or organizations, will find its incarnation. Witness L. Ron Hubbard and his friend Parsons, practicing sex-magick to incarnate the antichrist.

Now “evil” (as (in human terms) “the ultimately abhorrent”) communicates a subjective, not external-objective content of consciousness. That is to say, in human terms, its use is “relative”. Although presupposing a similar psycho-organic ‘background” of consciousness, with contents imprinted under trauma ‘looped out’ of TokenSpace-reality, “it” battens onto whatever else is contained under conscious sign-use, as a “dualizer”: a ‘splitter’ of whatever they are “applied” to into two opposite and dualing points. Thus, if the Jewish monotheism is allowed sanction by sacralized terms, like “Zionist” (or “Israel”, or “Jew”, itself), with its “Torah” (law; sin; doctrines or stories of evil), the incarnation of its opposite, in respect of some evil, will be emerging to lay equal claim to the highest good. This will be that which is opposed to – fights – evil, by definition (token-tautology: THE good and THE evil are not identical, though any particular thing may be both in different respects: cf Plato ).

Given that “evil” (as “THE” evil) is subjective, it does not follow that it does not, in a sense, communicate something common for different persons, different groups of persons, and the same person at different times, although used of different objects. The basis for assuming this, as said, is the universally shared content of the placenta-birth-trauma complex as the unconscious matrix of communication. “God”, as personified completion of the birth process, having opened up lungs to air and eye to sky, is the phantom nurturant placenta, the Mysterious All Powerful Being that supplied oxygen, nutrients and well-being in the growing baby’s womb-surround. NOTE: this later “God” who bestows “blessings”, is, originally, one and the same “thing” (cf. the “-ing” sound is placental) “containing the fetus, against it must struggle-for-freedom, “deliverance from oppression”, heroically fight “the cosmic battle’ for the first breath of air, in everyone’s actual birth.

As soon as “evil” came out of Bush’s mouth, it was only a matter of (what we call) “time” before Chavez would appear in the UN and call him “The Devil”. His earlier reversal of God-use had emboldened him to go further. By throwing this sign-use into TokenSpace, ker plunk! he has ignited a fire under himself.

This is what Chavez was throwing back at him.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Response to Macrobius

Macrobius: acknowledging.

Nixon carpet bombed Laos and Cambodia before finally settling for what he could have got in ’72. He thus unnecessarily prolonged the destruction and killing.

Prompting: From Anna Nicole, to *You*, sweet prince.
Why Did We GO?
The Religious Beginnings of an Unholy War
The Shocking Story of the Catholic "Church's" Role in Starting the Vietnam War
By Avro Manhattan


I don’t like to pound on this, it creates false dialectic. I am not anti-Catholic, and do not hold individuals and sub-groups to any kind of internal account I am trying to erase, except through what comes from spokespersons in their name interjecting un-opposable dogmas into political discourse, with which I take exception. However that may be, this is a document that cannot be ignored, I think.

Chapter 2

“The U.S. strategy was based upon the domino theory. This assumed that in Asia, once any given country became Communist, all the others would become so likewise. Vietnam fitted neatly into this pattern. It became imperative, therefore, that the French should not be defeated by the Vietnamese Communists. The determination of the Vietnamese people to get rid of the French rule, therefore, ran contrary to the U.S. grand strategy, or the strategy of anyone determined to stop the advance of communism in Southeast Asia.

“And indeed there was another ready at hand. The Catholic Church had watched the advances of communism in Indo-China with a greater concern even than the U.S. She had more at stake than anyone else, including the French themselves: almost four hundred years of Catholic activities. Seen from Rome, the rapid expansion of world communism had become even more terrifying than for Washington. The Vatican had witnessed whole nations, those of Eastern Europe swallowed up by Soviet Russia, with millions of Catholics passing under Communist rule. In addition, traditional Catholic countries like Italy and France were harboring growing Communist parties. For the Vatican, therefore, it was even more imperative than for the U.S. to prosecute a policy directed at stopping communism wherever it could be stopped. It became inevitable that the Vatican and the U.S. should come together to stop the same enemy. The two having soon formulated a common strategy turned themselves into veritable partners.”

Two young, virile presidents as sons of this heritage: Kennedy in the US., Diem in Vietnam. Plus the geo-strategic background: are you kidding me? Speaking psychodynamic’ly, the rest is history. “Gaming the system with Rat-pack bizzaz,” the really great crooner. ‘ol Blue Eyes; and Deeno; then Deniro, and Taxicab. (I do get carried away.)

Nixon was so far over his head from the gitgo he could basrely tread water poured out by Haldeman, Erlichman etc. … and Henry Kissinger. The notion that Nixon might have brokered Republicanism in the South as a Father figure had entirely escaped me – and still does. Buchanan gets credit for that with Ronald Reagan. The family romance many elderly WWII citizens re-experienced having the Reagan’s in the White House flowed together with re-surging moralistic backlash against the excesses of 60’s culture – he was running against the dopers et al back then, too, as Bush says of himself. Too much pleasure. The feeling of out-of-control blood surge, released under conditions of repression by spurt-bang-de-tumesence (overcome by compulsion to kill-or-die) was the carbon *fuel* given *oxygen* by the (thought, fantasy, acting-out of) *punishment of baby-boomer/kids”* for rebelling against The Fathers (WWII generation of heroes who carbonized the Vietnam war). “HELL NO, WE WON’T GO” carried existential wallop. Especially tinctured by moral supremacism. It was this tincture which the future war-makers for Israel must neutralize. “Mugged by reality”, was Wm. Kristol’s meme for doing it. As if he had just awakened to the dangers of socialistic-communistic tendencies among Democrats, and America needed his version of a New Conservatism to correct (among the leading “neocons”, he waz). But the psychodynamics made it culture-war whoop. He (plus Podhoretz’ Commentary; the National Review’s Rich Lowry and Joonas Goldberg. The New Republic, and everything owned by Rupert Murdoch) made make-up with/to his old man, Irv, by siccing retard Republican intellectuals like George Will onto the pro-abortionists (for carbon – twit, he can do anytime; cannot not do all the time).

The anti-abortion movement in America started in Binghamton, New York in the early 70’s, fading in as the Vietnam war faded out. “Operation Rescue”, organized by Randall Terry, was the kindling. Archbishop John O’Connor of the Scranton diocese, later chief prelate of New York City, took up the issue, contributing the elaboration that abortion clinics were like Nazi gas chambers killing Jews (Jews as fetuses), and using it like a moral club to beat on Mario Cuomo’s head.

Prior to this time, the Catholic Church had not been aggressively dogmatic on the abortion issue. Just when a “soul” is supposed to come to inhabit a human embryo has not been theologically clarified, nor need it have been, except for religio-politics. It was a displacement of guilt for killing 53,000 U.S. soldiers in Vietnam, for the group as a whole. The Church gained moral clout by merging with Terry’ “Operation Rescue”. For America as a whole, at the unconscious level, it provided a displacement of the guilt for killing 5300+ US soldiers, and untold others, in Vietnam. Those who defended abortion could be indentified, with Papal blessing, with babykillers and Nazis. “The unborn” became a shared token for contents of women’s bellies everywhere who had conceived a child. Never mind if it was @SAKmonoys girl friend who got knocked up and could not by any common sense on earth be made to take responsibility for raising a child. Never mind that. I do not disrespect the Catholic teaching against abortion on its own terms. There are some deeply against it whom I must respect, while disagreeing 180 degrees (and regarding them as closet bleeding heart liberals) But this human decision-issue must not be injected into political campaigns, especially after a US president has declared this religious group, and Jews, the swing-vote targets he used to get re-elected. It is a loop-de-loop backdoor attempt to maneuver into place a particular moralistic viewpoint in regard to abortion, supported by religious fervor on the basis of fetal identification fantasies, getting over on the public by appeal to this as the unifying feeling state. (cf. “America, The Beautiful”: Anna Nicole Smith as “our” fantasy womb-surround.).

The “heat” of abortion politics has abated, I think, from having used up its carbon. (Hank Williams: “Mind your own business and you won’t be mind’in’ mine ….”) I hope so. In my opinion, it sets up a false dialectic.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Deconstructing Bush's God Reversal



In The Final Analysis: The only truth

Rub-a-dub dub
Three men in a tub
And who do you think they be?
The butcher (Sharon)
The baker (Pope)
The candlestick maker (Bush)
Embarked on a killing spree.

Danish cartoons
German Pope
Zionist Evangelical Zionists to boot


Immediately after his (s)election, before 9-11-01, G.W. Bush announced that Catholics and Jews were swing vote targets of his 2004 campaign, and started doling out federal funds to these entities. “Faith based initiative”, he called this anti-American politics, declaring that use of the word “God” by charities and educational institutions did not prohibit them from receiving federal monies and the long-standing policy to the contrary was discriminatory. This reversal was allowed to stand. The American public had been bait-switched (from “compassionate conservatism” to religiosity) into funding old-world hate/war mentality.

This reversed the separation of church and state provided by the U.S. Constitution and started the pathological lying and psychotic killing of this administration. This blatant reversal of the Constitution was never adjudicated. Normal judicial proceedings were interrupted by 9-11. The trauma of this tragedy allowed the Catholic and Zionist Jew-dominated neocon conspiracy (cabal, collusion) assume total control of America’s foreign policy and domestic politics. Now it has become accepted that 9-11 was an inside job. 1

By noon the day that attack occurred I arrived at and announced the underlying cause – old world, old war hatreds which the original settlers had tried to escape by coming here had been brought to America’s shores by Catholics and Jews. Neither of these groups were parties to signing the U.S. Constitution, though some colonies tolerated them. They could not own property or vote in many places, especially in the South except where French influence remained (New Orleans). Now here came Bush and the “neocons” reversing its charter from God. (Original Protestant use).

What was not at all clear at the time, however, how much low-church Xians called “Evangelicals” – allowing themselves to be so-called by the Cath-‘o-jew corps – enabled it. Only by following the “Neocon Watch” thread on the OD forum board, which is an important unique historical document (begun by AntiYuppie) was this brought out. Other factors were of course anticipated and turned up: sow-belly Republicanism (Rove, Abramoff, Guckert, Cheney); moralistic hate-mom hangers onto Chinton’s wang; dip-shit right-wing college brewskie re-pubes (fuck ups, they were known as on campus); sons of the Sopranos; etc.. The abiding emotional core was the Vietnam war terror inflicted on the “baby boomer” generation. This was deconstructed in Bush’s last press conference (Septrember 13) in which he “came out”: “I got into politics initially because I wanted to help change culture.” The emotional core of the entire process has been culture war. Against? – What Maureen Dowd notes he has forgotten: Vietnam. “It’s impossible for someone to have grown up in the 50’s and 60’s to envision a conflict with people that just kill mercilessly, using techniques that are foreign to our – to modern warfare,” she quotes him as saying. The culture war he launched by entering politics was against those who protested the Vietnam war on precisely these grounds. As in Apocalypse Now. “He wanted to banish the old 60’s “if it feels good, go it,” culture and “help usher in an era personal responsibility.” He pitched in his faith in Jesus on that. Turned God”over to Daddy mongers. He jes be de Son, bejeesus. Leave the Zeus-YHWH unction up to the Cath-‘o-jews.

Now, I wsh at this point to categorically distinguish (1) the question of “60’s culture”, i.e., the war on trippy hippy pot-smoking effeminate males, followed by the grotesque 70’s styles (followers of Gingsberg’s great “HOWL”), drugs-sex-rock-‘n-roll ambience, or whatever; and (2) the question of Vietnam war protest. Many who protested the war were not part of the 60’s culture; many who were part of the 60’s culture did not actively protest. Of those who protested, some were ideological (YSA- Young Socialist Alliance; SDS – Students for Democratic Society); some were patriotic – myself: “America” driven. Others were something else, e.g., kids acting out late teen- age/early manhood rebellion; “killing father to get to mother” (over coming external or internal constraints to getting laid).

Comment on this last: I didn’t see much of that, and at the time rejected Bettleheim’s Freudian psychoanalytic explanation. The causes were quiete conscious in this case, whatever unconsciously motivated the actors. The moral dimension was the one the second set of protestors held to. The protested it because it was wrong: then, thereafter (throughout the cold war), and now. Moral judgments are registered in the unconscious because they are totality functions, and in the unconscious there is no time. Nothing changes. Once wrong, wrong forever.

This got called “The Vietnam War syndrome” -- a guilt paralysis that unhappily affectedf planning for forward-leaning (=aggressive) U.S. military posture. The Reagan years were presumed to end that. Defiance of the Soviets, Contra mercenary war in Nicaragua, death squad atrocity and rule-by-slaughter in El Salvador; Sharon invading Lebanon; economic recession and mounting debt, Ed Meese – it all comes back, as if recently. A good chunk of time for Americas stopped there; and started again according to clocks ticking toward the l996 “Clean Break” document, when the roots of neconism burst through the sod into full-grown Jensen weed patch (to mix metaphors). The signatures on that document, which drew up the blue-print for what has played out in the Iraq, the Mid-East as well as domestically, reappeared on three subsequent documents repeating and amplifying the required scenarios. This is the inexpungible paper trail to the American Nuremberg trials, forthcoming.

These have been the primary enablers. But it was G.W. Bush who threw our “God” – use of the word each American citizen is entitled to judgment under, by right; not his 12-step alcoholic aid – into the pond, like a huge stone. Mel Gibson’s movie by the accursed title “The Passion” – a Christ for the abused, God help them --

Anyone could see that no good, only great evil, could follow.

But somehow this, itself, got taken care of. A Jewish speech-writer’s theological wisdom were heard ringing forth as Presidential Discernment: An “Axis of Evil” existed out there, in the world: Iraq, Iran, and N. Korea. (?huh? – many said; but nobody would take on “G-d”). That gave the moral hardliners something concrete to predicate on: Evil, itself. The old Sly One, Wotan-goat, take your pick, where evil is, can the Devil Be Far Behind? Make’ no diffunce wha He B call’’… He B de debbill. I use this Ebonic Idiom to try to express the degree of pathetic regression, or soul-death, experienced by the elites of America patriots when, first, “God”; then “the Devil”; were hurled into all our minds, through politics. Bush now described the conflict, apparently with the Pope’s blessing, as a “struggle between good and evil.”

So they have politicized the old Vietnam war as God’s, have they. Yes, they have. The same Father’s who brought that war in the 60’s are bringing this, through their Son. He is just bringing out, making clears, historically defining what they did and understood. They were The Fathers. He is Their Son. Here is where the Oedipal complex emerges historically. The followers of G.W.Bush would make it a question of manhood, now, with God The Father access at stake. His against ours

The Vietnam war was wrong. But it, and the Iraq war debacle dictated bay the “Clean Break” crowd, have been subsumed, like a double reversal, if both are taken as justified, under a use of “God” that has been reversed into “the Devil” (or: caricatured personalized enemy of the devil, no difference).

What’s happened here?

He calls it – those Roveans; always ahead of the game (they think) – “the Third Awakening”: (quoting M. Dowd) “W. told the columnists he thought America might be experiencing “a Third Awakening,” a religious fervor, because the people in rope lines tell him they’re praying for him.” Down adds cattily, but cogently: “That could also be because W.’s policies have led to so much global chaos and hatred for America, his supporters knows he needs more prayers.”

2. Text of Pope Benedict’s message

3. Maureen Dowd (“Awake and Scream”

Saturday, September 09, 2006

An Epicurean swerve

An Epicurean swerve

“Like Democritus, he was an atomist, believing that the fundamental constituents of the world were uncuttable little bits of matter (atoms) flying through empty space (void). Everything that occurs is the result of the atoms colliding, rebounding, and becoming entangled with one another, with no purpose or plan behind their motions. His theory differs from the earlier atomism of Democritus because he admits that atoms do not always follow straight lines but their direction of motion may occasionally exhibit a 'swerve'. This allowed him to avoid the determinism implicit in the earlier atomism and to affirm free will. “

Reading Vignettes of What’s Happening In America 9.09.06 (overview through transcendental synthetic unity of apperception later)

Fri 8 Sep 2006
Researchers identify "male warrior effect"
NORWICH (Reuters) - Men may have developed a psychology that makes them particularly able to engage in wars, a scientist said on Friday.
Men respond more strongly to outward threats, we've labelled that the 'man warrior effect'," he told the British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting.

Sex scandal kept Clinton's eye off bin Laden threat, TV drama says

BILL CLINTON responded furiously yesterday to an American television mini-series about the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, which portrays him as so distracted by the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal that he failed to focus on the emerging threat of Osama bin Laden.

Typical of a New Terror Threat: Anger of a Gunman in Jordan

(Headline on A13 hardcopy:
New Scourge Attacking the West: Personal Anger Compels Killers )

Published: September 6, 2006
AMMAN, Jordan, Sept. 5 — To many of his neighbors, Nabeel Jaoura was a gentleman: soft spoken, mild mannered and religious. He kept to himself, and never really discussed politics.
But deep inside, Jordanian security officials say, Mr. Jaoura was brooding, waiting for the day that he could avenge the death of his brothers in 1982 at the hands of Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon.
When Mr. Jaoura, a 38-year-old blacksmith and father of five, opened fire on Monday at a group of tourists in downtown Amman, killing a Briton and wounding six others, he became the latest in a new breed of terrorist, stirred by boiling anger and frustration, and taking matters into his own hands, security officials say.
While security officials are largely focused on organized terror groups like Al Qaeda, lone attackers like Mr. Jaoura present a new challenge. They are hard to track and even harder to stop, making them an especially difficult target for the police and security officials.
*****/ Comments (in reverse order)

III. The news here is the arrival of a truly terrible situation: the equivalent of blood feuds between clans (Martins and McCoys); rival gang wars; mutual tribal extermination raids.

This time between Arab/Muslim males and “the West”. Note the on-line heading relents naming the entire hemisphere under attack by wronged, angry, revengeful men of non-Judeo-Christian descent; but the hand-held hardcopy has no such compunctions. The man striking Jordan tourists in ’06 for Christian Phalangist killing his family in ‘82 in Lebanon is an attack on “the West”. The culture, civilization, hemisphere is totally hated by those who have been supplied with a revenge motive for suicide killing, and make it a duty to fulfill. This one waits 24 years, until he has done right by his own children, keeping it to himself, but knowing. It is a simple but remarkable story. Who will tell him he must not? The ones who killed his kin?

It is important to remove “the West”. Glad some editorial eye caught it :p It ‘targets” all for the sins of some. It is important to remove ALL terms identifying America with Israel; for it has sinned, and would take whoever joins with them down the same road, deserving what they deserve. . (Israel’s own courts convicted Ariel Sharon of barbaric atrocity in allowing the Sabra and Shatila massacres.)

II. Still Wagging that Dog

The movie Wag the Dog was seen worldwide (trust me: mislaid data, but particularly in the Arab world and continents of Asia and Africa. – he should have resigned; or held his ground; but leave that aside)

I was the only one then, as now, who called attention to its “reversal”: the movie showed how a war could be faked to cover for sexual scandal; whereas the fact of the matter was, a fake/contrived sexual scandal was used as PR cover for the real Kosovo war. Everybody who got “hip” to what was going on, according to the movie learned the sex-war PR trade-off on reverse. The sexual content, associated with the sleaze Slick Willie brought to the WH, blocked out public awareness of what was going down in old Yugoslavia.

As for Osama bin Laden – nothing up (on page One). Turns out, the family relationships via Bilderburgers, or whatever, goes back to pappa Bush and the Reagan’s CIA. He wasn’t close to Saddam Hussein, but he prohibited deployment of U.S. military machines on the Saudi peninsula on religious grounds, which Aitch knew before he Desert Stormed Iraq the first time. This was the cross they hung Clinton on, creating such an enemy. And John Doe #2 at the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was almost certainly what everyone at the time more or less assumed without saying: it was domestic terrorism motivated by revenge for what G.W. Bush had done to Iraq; a white radical nationalist, angry over Waco, became the PR patsy who took the fall. Timothy McVeigh, by name. But fingerprints of Middle Easterners were all over that scene in ’95.

So the story now is, Clinton bears responsibility for 911, blamed on Bin Laden, because he was distracted by the impeachment proceedings. I am on record from the outset as loathing this individual (though not his wife, at first), but this ‘rounding out” on him, subjecting blame and shame again another time around for not doing the job they prevented him from doing is too much. I won’t defend him; but will not deny his right to defend himself to the utmost against that behavior, as he should have done earlier,

I. Examples of male warriors (crypto and real).

-J.M. Karr – the Boulder DA dame didn’t have the goods: who got her to go along with the farce?
-“Bucky” Phillips
-Man Charged in 4 Killings at Maine Bed and Breakfast (NY Times A14 9.06.06)
-Phoenix “baseline killer”

-Brits MI5 busting up plot by Arab/Muslim Islamic fascist jihad males to mix potent liquid explosives on board 10 planes headed into US. cities, bringing them down in one fell swoop. Biggest terrorist act since 911 FOILED! THANK GOD! They had to act when they did, Aug. 10, officials said, because they didn’t know whether maybe there weren’t more out there (in other words, they had no basis whatsoever to act when they did, since those busted were not ready to do anything)

This is “acting out”. Being The Man; taking charge, taking control, hitting them before they can hit us. It connects with III. through the text of the script one of the arrested terrorists recited before a videocamera: “The man said he was seeking revenge for the foreign policy of the United States, and “their accomplices, the U.K. and the Jews..” The man said he wanted to show that the enemies of Islam would never win this “war” (sic).”

Why do we have to deal with this shit?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Psychohistory of The Present 9.06.06

Psychohistory of The Present

Killer Mommy and Death Wish Daddy
Historical Group Fantastasies prevail.


Sid Thomas

Document A.


“The right-wingers who think nothing but the worst of Cindy Sheehan probably won't change their minds after reading Peace Mom. In the book, which hits bookstores September 19, the antiwar icon admits she has fantasized about going back in time and killing the infant George W. Bush, thereby preventing the Iraq War. In fact, she reveals, her son's death in that war almost drove her to take her own life: "Every night I had to restrain myself from taking my entire bottle of sleeping pills instead of just one." Other targets of her vitriol: “

This document is an amazing confirmation of what I was saying (and posted on OD forum board) back in Septermber, 5namely, that Cindy Sheehan represented* the neocon/right-winger’s dreaded group-fantasy “killer mommy”. This book, which had to have been under preparation during the year’s interim, illustrates three levels of reading the way unconscious group-fantasy plays out.

1. At the reality (Page One) level. The war is driven by unconscious fantasy of little children protecting themselves from the (similarly unconscious) desires of mothers to kill them (as in Post partem depression, and Andrea Yates). Thus, a mother who has lost her son in it, feeling the truth at deep level, acts out her refusal to go along. Hers was the first powerful anti-war message that found resonance with the group as a whole; it was ‘killing’ the deepest inner drive-motivation.

Then, amazingly, along comes “Katrina”, a real mother-nature killer, completely overshadowing and neutralizing war grief – but displacing blame for the destruction onto Bush & Co.! – largely unfairly. Like “this shows what they are doing in Iraq” (? – fantasy-fueled exaggeration). After that, another amazing ‘doubling’ of killer storms as “Rita” hits Texas. “St. Rita” connected with the home in New Orleans where many old folks perished – repeated by deaths of more elderly “fleeing the Wrath of Rita” on a bus fire south of Dallas.

These coincidences point to an Archetypal, rather than personal template of “killer mommy” fantasies. (From Freudian ‘conspiracy’ linkage to Jungian “collective unconscious” configuration.)

2. At the analytical level: “NO” becomes “the turning point.” “The awakener”, one astrologer (eric Franciscalled it, reading the impact of the events on the ongoing group-process. Suddenly, something was “in the air” (psychological background) that hadn’t been the before. “God” was speaking. Old philo profs used the ambience to construct meta-arguments for the existence of God (“if THAT’s not The Almighty,:what could be? – understanding THAT is understanding what “God” is, for whomever the word means anything). But of course there wasn’t an awakening to REALITY (=real knowledge of the unconscious template everyone began acting out); there was only a veering, or swerve in the direction of the fantasy driven group process.

3. At the explanatory lervel: the essential elements of the “killer mommy” archetype are made explicit – ‘mixed and matched’ in a fantasy book about Cindy Sheehan’s fantasy life (does she admit having such fantasies toward GWB? – how? In what mode of consciousness? -- or was this merely the cranked-up prose of one who can document some remark to that effect, and enlarges it to a political calumny.

If so, what is arrived at is the text of the driving force of the unconscious fantasy of those aligned with the book’s author: call them “DRUDGIES’ for short, since DRUDGE featured it – become conscious to themselves AS CINDY SHEEHAN’S! “IT’S NOT US (SECURITY MOMS’ BOYS) WHO WANT TO GO BACK IN TIME AND THROTTLE JORGE AS AN INFANT -- IT’S THIS ANTI-WAR, 60’s NEW AGE KILLER MOMMY FANTASIZING IT.

And there you have it. By eliciting this fantasy in peoples minds; splitting it off from themselves as source of origin; ‘dumping’ (=projectively re-locating, as in bowel movements in toilet bowl); killing (obliterating the unconscious driving force of her protest by writing it off as “Bush hatred”. Elicit, split, dump, kill: steps in the formula (template) for psychic cleansing. (note: the ‘dump’ phase is a mini-pleasurable release that accompanies a satisfying dump; “into her” doubles the fun by allusively mounting the bitch.)

Side note: in the wartime ambience, Sheehan herself would be feeling the ‘drift’, or ‘pull’ of the direction of collective momentum -- “give us you son,” -- and resisted it. “WHY?” Let Bush give her a valid reason, and she will go away. It’s not she, as Super-Mother, standing out self-righteously from other mothers whose sons die in war (mostly no more concerned about her approval than Jesus was his; assuming it). It’s she, Cindy Sheehan, wanting an answer from this individual, George W. Bush. And she’s not going away.

This can be read among personal family templates as the woman who, by destiny or misfortune, has come under the control of an abusive step-father male, who takes away the child she has had by another man. “Just please don’t hurt him/her, honey, OK?” – knowing what will happen. Feeling this as the ‘drift’ of the collective mood, and smart enough to do analysis on her own, Ms. Sheehan just said “NO”. “The buck stops here.” She buys property next to his in the county. Splits the population. Not letting him get away with it. And no one could take away her power (however, a delegation of pro-Bush mothers was headed that way to counter-demonstrate). But it merged with forces of a higher cosmic scale.

4. What do the three levels of play-out of the group-fatnasy dominants add up to? (The “fourth” of every alchemical transform, according to the axiom of Maria Prophetessa, brings open, as a “disclosure”, the inner unity originating in the first, unfolding in the whole: “One becomes two, two becomes three, and from the third comes the fourth as the first”.)

Next episode here later. Time-out. Bush’s speeches are blowing everything

Sunday, September 03, 2006

9/11 Conspiracy Conspiracy

QUO VADIS? 9/11 +5

September 2, 2006
U.S. Reports Seek to Counter Conspiracy Theories About 9/11
By JIM DWYER (article in NYTIMES)

The fact that this article appears at all
The way it is written
The feckless content …

….Argue that: 1. the official story is false; 2. Jim Dwyer feels it to be false; 3. he is fronting for the work of pathological liars and psychotic killers; .

Justification: (3) whoever was responsible for the deaths qualifies as ‘psychotic killer’, of the sort Osama Bin Laden is shown as ‘supposed to be’ – explaining why he is shown as he is; as Saddam Hussein, as well. If this is a lie, it qualifies as “pathological”, in the sense used for sociopathy. I argue from textual analysis of the way Dwyer’s piece is written that he distorts the signs used to communicate the facts in a news article; thus prejudicing judgment in the case; in the direction of the official story about 9/11; the (conscious or unconscious) motive of which is to block objective criticism -- to prevent what it would bring to light. There is no reason to block it if the facts stand up. Anymore than there is reason to imprison holocaust deniers if their claims can be falsified. .

The mentality dominates the issue, if the official story is false, because doublethink-to-thruth (Is it? Or isn’t it?) becomes the chief feature of the entire ambient ambiguous process. Is OBL a “good guy”? or “bad guy”? Depends on the way you turn it. Turned one way – benign. Flip the coin (or card) -- malign (-ant). How 9/11 is turned resolves the ambiguity. How it looks vs what you think. This total ambiguity that keeps minds flipping from the conscious side – what you are supposed to think --to the unconscious side – what the double-take brings up – extends over all the ‘news’. Warren Jeffs – prophet or pederast? ‘Bucky’ Phillips – certainly bad; but locals won’t turn him in. J. M. Karr? -- looks normal; is monstrous. The splitting, reversing, aligning, of doublethink permeates all. The CIA; the Jews; the Republicans. Nothing is as it seems; everything is its opposite (cf. Jung’s enantiodromia in Mysterium Conjunctionis). When people can’t trust their own perceptions, they must turn to Authority (John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito) .. and how it is shown on TV. No such thing as simple truth, instinctively grasped, anymore. Except the truth that it is not supposed to be like this and the reason it is this way is due to the fool Ronald Wilson Reagan and the pathological liars and psychotic killer who used him.

Principle of argument: Whereever words and pictures (incl. metaphors: pictures in words) go out of their way in serving a textual purpose, such as reporting a news event, to
slant, skew, spin, twist, reverse elements of the communicated content in the same consonant manner, or ‘drift’, a reading of the template unfolded in this drift reveals the psychic background, or ‘agenda’, of the communication.

Par 1
“Faced with an angry minority of people (1) who believe the Sept. 11 attacks were part of a shadowy and sprawling plot (2) run by Americans (3), separate reports were published this week by the State Department and a federal science agency (4) insisting that the catastrophes (5) were caused by hijackers who used commercial airliners as weapons.”

Comments. 1. Since the majority of people would believe the official story (OFFS), labeling those who challenge it a “minority” is otiose. Since OFFS concerns 3,000 deaths, repeatedly used to justify more, so is “angry”. “Faced with” is a kow-tow to OFFS’ defenders, smugly positioning them, the sane, sage, rational majority over against trouble-making, rabble-rousing, extremist protestors, demonstrators, crackpot “conspiracy theorists”.

(appeal to majority (polled Americans) to skew appreciation of facts)

2. “…shadowy and sprawling plot”: tendentious labeling an implication before presenting the facts , preventing them from being objectively considered.

3. “…by Americans”: again, who did it is not among the facts deciding between OFFS and the rational explanation (controlled demolition). But putting “Americans” in there fills out the position of frothing Bush-haters or whatever attacking the country, almost like the airplane hijackers. Jews do that, accusing you of wanting to kill 6,000,000 of them and exterminate the race by questioning their Holocaust OFFS.

All in all, this piece is, in fact, looking pretty Jewish to those, such as myself, who have devoted a great deal of attention to the way they use signs in acts of communication. A real piece of work, iz this. Halfway through the first sentence, he’s got that co0l, mainstream, non-extremist middle-of-the-road majority in East Manhattan and Brooklyn facing down potential suicide bomb supporters.

(4) The release of these studies is the news, here, but you can forget about approaching it objectively after the pre-cognitive set up. The wtc. site they give doesn’t come up, for me. The State Dept. counterdisinformation site
Presents itself as a refutation of 9/11 Revealed, by British authors, Ian Henshall and Rowland Morgan which “gives credence to a hodgepodge of sinister, unfounded allegations.”. However, it responds by citing the 9/11 commission’s doowappadoowappadoo. That, plus predicating on their own pre-emptive predications to promulgate “token tautologies”, one can call them – begging questions by bootstrapping what you call things – makes this State Dept. document as useless as Rice thrown at Ms. Arafats’ wedding. (Psyche under strain here.) For example, commenting on Hensall and Morgan’s “bizarre position” that “the September 11 attacks were not real terrorist attacks”, the OFFS doc says “Apparently, the largest terrorist event in history was not large enough to convince the books’ (sic) authors it was real.” The author of this (could be Feith himself!) sure knows how to counter disinformation.

(5) …tiredly, condescendingly, restating the OFFS one more time – what did you expect under that title?
“ US SEEKS TO COUNTER CONSPIRACY THEORIES ABOUT 9/11” This is the Man at work. It’s un-American to question the OFFS, military people are told. STFU

Under Fire! U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Targeted For Suggesting New Independent 9/11 Investigation
Monday, August 21, 2006 - By Stephen Webster, Investigative Reporter

Army: Doubting Official 9/11 Story Is ‘Disloyal To The United States’
FT. SAM HOUSTON, Texas — Forty-one-year-old Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell is a hero. Having served over 19 years in the United States Army, Buswell has seen a lot of terrain. On April 15, 2004, he was injured in a rocket attack while serving a tour in Iraq. For this, SFC Buswell was given a Purple Heart. And until recently, Buswell was an Intelligence Analyst stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas

Downloaded from link in OD thread

Par 2 (continuing from Jim Dwyer’s NYTimes article:

“….As a motive (1), they suggest that the Bush administration (2) wanted to use the attacks to justify military action in the Middle East (3).

(1) The story Dwyer wants to tell is not any sort of objective consideration of the facts, but the mentality of whoever would challenge them. Nevermind that in a case of this momentous historical magnitude ANY wisp or shred of non-corroborating evidence requires explaining, in detail, if the OFFS is going to be used to justify invasions of other countries and re-arranging the map of an entire region of the globe. Great haste was shown in corrupting the scene of the crime. But those assembling the full anti-OFFS picture are not put at too much disadvantage, there are still plenty of anomalies and counter-evidence which he systematically ignores – in favor of getting at that meaty, insane idea that

(2) “…the Bush administration” did it, or was behind it. That is THEIR “motive”, Dwyer insinuates (“they suggest”) – hatred of Bush. Hoo Boy --- everybody’s favorite dead horse to flail, let the conspiracy nuts wail. But, clever, clever, wheel and lever, THE MOTIVE THE conspirators SAY, he says, is

(3) …. To save Israel: subtext of “justifying military action in the Middle East.”

On these suppositions, reading par. 2 in its entirety:

‘The official narrative of the attacks has been attacked as little more than a cover story by an assortment of radio hosts, academics, amateur filmmakers and others who have spread their arguments on the internet and cable television in America and abroad. As a motive, they suggest that the Bush administration wanted to use the attacks to justify military action to save Israel.”

Now, one can see that is my reading. But I argue from the way it is written that it is Dwyer’s and the New York Times’ as well. I think they as a news organization have been compelled, against their will, to confront this issue.
And the programmed psychosemiotic panegyrics is their way of tiptoeing through the mine field of an angry minority that might well swell into raging majority if the facts were given S*-oxygen (=allowed objective consideration in an uncontrolled, non-PC grammar).