Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, March 14, 2009



CRAMER vs. STEWART => their Holy Sliminesses

-Grammatizing Tokens with no Text

TokenSpace is comprised of the extensional relations that contents of consciousness stand in to one another through the tokens of signs used in communication. The token is the empirical sign which exists for, and no longer than, the time it takes for the flickering appearance to be converted into text by internal neuronal/psychic processes; text is the content thought by means of the added processes. Thus, participles and atoms are not related in physical space, but their written designations occur side-by-side in this sentence. Text and token are two different sides of every sign used in communication, one (‘the meaning’) entirely non-qualitative, the other contingent on causal processes and willingness of persons to interact. The token side is the con-text of communication, the principle instance of which is spoken conversation: talk. In context, the token flow will be accompanied by facial expressions, gesture, tone of voice, bodily attitude and gross movement, all of which may ‘speak’ even louder than, or provide an unspoken sub-text for, the intended text. And everyone knows, if not from their own case, surely from observing others, that much talk originates simply from a speaker’s desire to hear themselves do it. When this desire is reciprocated by significant others, either numerically or otherwise, Wallah! – mark that ‘market for exhibitionists’.

…Counting this a textual lead-in to the tete-a-tete between Jim “Mad Money” Cramer of CNBC and Jon Stewart: a sharp 4-lettter word laced spat so false, so doubly-folded and squared out as to leave only a feeling of spluttering helplessness as everything America once communicated goes down the TV tube. “You have no idea how your program with its phony financial expertise enrages me,” Mr. Stewart stated ( but “nobody wants to see a comedian be serious” one reviewer said). “It’s not a fuckin’ game.” Oh Oh. Well, his mom had been burned by the Bernie Madoff, that lends gravitas.

There they are, slugging it out, taking the promo-lines each is given to follow to the extreme. It’s gonna go down now smirks the hulu video link on google 3.14.’09. Ann Coulter and Bill Maher are two more media stars going head to head. Since either of these could have been ignored, or muted, at the outset, it can be inferred that they have been encouraged, or staged. As opposed to the fight between Rush Limbaugh and RNC chairman Michael Steele, originating in Republican politics. But whoever has been emotionally involved in matters pertaining to money and lampooning the system – and who hasn’t, in some way – cannot fail to identify with one side or another of the entertainment media.

. The whole staged thing has been an enormous hit. Cramer was on Martha Stewart’s program clobbering a wad of dough with a bowling pin to show what he would do to Jon, who counters with word-play (“Haven’t you beat enough people out of their dough?”) But it is a PRODUCT OF MECHANICAL DEADNESS.. It is laughing gas, noxious vapors flowing through collective discourse like chemtrails in the sky. No real drama is going on here. The sponsors will continue both men’s programs with ratings boosted. What is staged as faux information exchange is dramatizacring. Political entertainment, though dead serious, sort of like John and Yoko doing Give Piece A Chance in the bathtub. Unique American (not: ) real life theatre. By identification with the figures, each according to their own inner judgment, these sword-crossing stars become Polarizing Energy nodes*, trailing through the Night Sky of TokenSpace. They know this is their hour, as individuals; by interlinking and ‘locking horns’ over their way of being within the constructed Trumansville (TV produced reality show) they are defining, or entwining, a major thread in institutionalized discourse. It elicits and allows Virtual Reality Rage to manifest safely in front of the artificial blue-wall stidio camera, in this totally narcisstic ‘the power of you’ cyber-phrenetic womb- surround-world the addicted ones inhabit. “We are both snake oil salesmen,” Jim nudges Jon to confess. “But we don’t pretend to be more than we are not,” came the reply. Fair enough, for both. “I never thought of myself as homo sapiens,” Jim cracked at one point.
“Heheh” no one said. The dramatiziacring has become self-conscious: known to be false but continued anyway. That is the crux of the metaphysical node created by their polarity in the Night Sky. When what is known to be false, by its own inner admission, is accepted as the split off official-but-unofficial narrative of America. This judgment I hold to be not merely an academic critique, but the analysis of what is actually going on, verified by these nodes*.

In psychosemiotic terms, this crux is where text meets token, It is where “You Decide” follows “We report”; but not on Fox News. It is the shared region of ‘delegate consciousness’ in TokenSpace, in which individuals, by type, talent or other vibration, comes to play a role in the function of the process. It is the “we” position of consciousness historically tracing to universally shared (by humans) fetal origins of experience. It is therefore imprinted on the earliest neoro-psychic action-reaction under the trauma of birth. (“Original sin” is the group-fantasy of what is later experienced as Oedipal guilt retrojected into the shared womb surround of all ‘children’ as fantasy siblings.) It is the position of consciousness from which One Speaks For All! – and All Are (spoken to/by) One: The Imperial pronouncement “WE DO NOW HONOR AND RECOGNIZE …”, UTTERED by Her Majesty The Queen, speaking for Britain and its royal subjects. Or a statement by the Pope speaking ex cathedra. These are highly ritualized expressions of unconscious I/WE fusion that underlies later differentiated uses, revived when the flow of group process, already at pre-Oedipal 6 year old level, regresses further, to the depths of re-enacting the birth-trauma-rebirth scenario in fantasy. Ritual blood sacrifice for sin, in order to attain rebirth, originates in these fantasies from the fetal origins of experience. The New Testament engraved the Fetal Hero template to mirror (make conscious), and – Christians hold – terminate the practice of blood sacrifice for sin once for all in the supreme example of God, in effect, sacrificing himself, through his Son, for All, Christ on the Cross is the WE delegate for all sacrificial victims; AS WELL AS delegate of victims of that mentality which relates to its “God” (completing totality) in such a manner. Lloyd deMause has shown that child sacrifice to avenging, sin-punishing deities was far more extensive than official historical accounts recognize. “The history of childhood is a nightmare from which humanity is just beginning to awaken.” Even further back and deeper in the unconscious, however, by an order of magnitude of scale, is the neuro-psychic apparatus formed by millennia on millennia of reptile brain experience. The structure and dynamics of this most, most ancient flow of process through living creatures on earth, whatever they are, are ‘pluggged in’ the skull-brain of homosapiens at the neck, surrounded by the amygdala-hippocampal saddle, where memory traces from the moving and emotional centers (brains 3,2) are collated and organized by the cerebral cortex (brain 1). These three brains function as a unit, but in different ratios of dominance in each person, and through the delegate group as a whole, in waves. In states of extreme regression, withdrawing psychic energy from higher, brains 2.1, re-directed to lower, brains 2,3 dominants, the sense of sinfulness, feeling the abused, trapped, suffering fetus --in ever-shrinking, squeezing, torturing poisonous placenta envelope. It is through the atmosphere created by the shared state of regression to fetal origins that the brain 2,3 influx takes charge. Psycho-neurotically, this is the Snake brain rearing its head “from below”. It is also the binding of oxygens in the blood required for higher brain work with noxious nitrogen (making laughing gas).

This 3-brain grounding of the metaphysics of S* process applies, in particular, to the thread of blood sacrifice comprising the dark side of Old Testament religion. If the fetal origins + oedipal trauma model of (unconscious => conscious) development hold, The Old Serpent, Satan predicted at the end of the Christian age in Revelation is “revived.” And that is precisely what has been done, textually, in the work of David Icke, false prophet if there ever was one. The text of his work brings back the reptilian brain to the cortical. The sub-text reads: its time to start talking about snakes running things. From Pisces (The Fish), regressing through Aries (the Ram), to Taurus (the Bull in Zodiacal TokenSpace --- looped back into Aquarius (the water bearer, Luke 22.10), at Present. The time-looping Icke talks about is built into the linear grammar organizing the content of brains 2.3 by ‘dates’, for brain 1. The metaphysics of regression=> Old Testament sin/sacrifice template => return of the Old Serpent from gehenna <= return of need for blood sacrifice redemption from the body. “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.” (John 3.14) The Present Time bears witness to both polarities extends to the extremes: the temptation to sin everywhere (snake brain arousal); passion for the Crucifixion evenly matched. But the Christ has been drained, by the lowering, out of the blood of the lamb.

What was once written in the stars,
For people on earth to see
Can now be reproduced on digital bars
And shown over and over on TV .

Note: In real space, trails of jet aircraft emissions have been documented as sowing poisonous chemicals in the skies. Translating the image onto TokenSpace: since tokens become texts by psychic processing, the analogy of the relation of sky-to-earth to consciousness-and-anatomy (‘the body’) leads to similar inscriptions in the neural substrate of persons subjected to the media of mass communication. A veritable poisoning of TokenSpace has occurred, is occurring, as a result of the flow of processes in a new, perverse way through the old 3-brain formulas. The reversal of brains 1/2 to brain 2/3 dominants accounts for this. Religion has now become half of the problem to which it would supply the solution.


This is a work threading the Unconscious Group-Fantasy Tokens ‘in play’ in the mass media of communication. The theory it works from is no stronger or weaker than the law of causation itself, to wit, that everything that begins to exist, such as a speech act, or understanding someone’s message, comes under the law of causation, an effect equal in detail to its cause.

Earlier communication among people lacked the ‘loops’ knowledge of brain functions provide, except possibly for a small number of adepts. Today, qualities, qualia, states, and intensities of conscious experience can be experimentally linked to arousal of areas and organs in arcane detail. All ages and peoples have had S*-loops for communicating subjective self-reference, including dream content. Dream/sleep states, preceding each waking day even as dark life in the womb preceded birth, are a universally shared strand of human experience. In it, the distinction between “I” and “It” is phenomenally absent, though latently ‘flashed forward’ as the duality of fetal awareness of an Overpowering Mysterious Object. Carl Juing followed the anthropologist Levy-Bruhl in using the term participation mystique for the sense of merging self and Mysterious Other, like ‘being in the dream’ as real). Until these matters were to some extent clarified, our psychosemiotic predecessors lacked textual data assign real causes of their experience by self-observation. Having such causes leaves much of the language of religion -- pre-verbal mammalian -- lacking integration in the account of events through causes.