Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Monday, August 24, 2009

post on false fronts 2day .24th

What's going on in the Town Hall Tet offensive is something very big, not something to be explained away as instigated behind the scenes -- though it is correct to say the MSM picks up and exploits the disruptions. Mainly by ignoring the depth of justified anger and hate.

The media is fronting false stories across the board: 1. false (unjustified) war in Afghanistan; 2. false (lying about origins) 'swine flu' pandemic prompting massive gov't vaccination campaign -- the innoculations as much or more dangerous than the mostly mild sickness; 3. false flag / show trial 1988 Pan Am bombing over Scotland replay; 4. false (obviously staged-for-TV) armed protestors in N.H. & Az in the safety perimeter of Obama -- punked us all, courtesy secret service, I guess. 5. false lampooning of "birthers" 6. Israel threatening/continuing violence.

...Balkanizes & punks all who dissent-unto-protest. There is a black-sun hole in this media, not racism but using it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
FRIDAY AUGUST 7, 2009 06:19 EDT
Our first black president is a Nazi?

I was stunned by Editor and Publisher's report that AP, the New York Times and other news organizations quoted liberally from Pittsburgh health club murderer George Sodini's diaries, but left out his racist diatribes against Obama. The diary in fact began the day after Obama was elected, and Sodini wrote, "Good luck to Obama! He will be successful. The liberal media LOVES him. Amerika has chosen The Black Man." He then goes on to complain that white "hoes" are choosing black men over him. In the last four months we've seen three mass shootings -- the Pittsburgh cop killings, the Holocaust Museum murders and now this -- in which the murderer has ranted crazily about Obama. I worry with good reason that the Sodini assault won't be the last."
-- Joan Walsh

It is highly significant this detail was omitted. Misogyny and racism are mixed in Soldini’s (alleged) dairies, which he (allegedly) began keeping the day after Obama’s election in Nov. 08. If valid, as expression of his psychology (as opposed to a constructed persona), it substantiates the group-psychological motive of hatred-unto-death of Obama for being chosed by “the liberal media”. Then, this detail is systematically and deliberately split off from news reports, which feature only the Unloved Male turned “no more Mr. Nice Guy”. This seems to be standard practice. The public never learned what was really on R.P. Hansson’s mind during 25 years top FBI-CIA link spying for Moscow, because a story surfaced about familial sexual perversions too obscene for polite conversation, so no one probed. Big Sex Perversion always trumps everything else in BREAKING NEWS, so the other motives, which might well be not only embarassing but highly pernicious, can be collected together and looped in, later, whenever a snake brain input is nedded to spin the narrative. As Joan Walsh does Sodini, von Brunn and Pawloski. Why not others?

The fact is there has been quite a string of out-of –the-blue mass shootings by those who could be said to want to kill liberals – and/or Jews, homosexuals, civic service people and now, one could say, “women themselves,” : Jim Adkisson, Jivverly Wong, James von Brunn, fake synagogue bomg plot by Newburgh patsies, shooting of Welsely U. student Johanna Justin-Jinich, C. Roeder, shooter of abortion Dr. Tiller; Tel Aviv shooting in homesexual youth club … now George Sodini shooting women in a LA FITNESS center in Pittsburgh.

What Sodini sees is Mother-gone-whore, being taken by the Black Man instead of him. As Hitler got Germany, she’s Amerika, now. Obama is proxy for Rush Limbaugh’s Feminazis. But the MSM wants that alluded to; then, empowering wrathful female retaliation, to split off from the threat no one dares even to think, reserving it in the pre-consciouse for future poisonous use. (cf. Dan Brown’s plot in Angels and Demons: illegitimate son of the Pope is driven to patricide in order to purge the Church and his own birth guilt.)

That frames the psychomemiotic essence* of the vignette: guys who have tried to please Her all his life (he says) turns violently to terminate Her illegitimate marriage to the Black Man, if it kills him. Archetypically, he follows the White Sun.

Again, this is not racial so much as metaphysical. As it so happens in this historical moment, a black man of Kenyan paternity emerges in the children of America’s unconscious – without a birth certificate. Like: Step-Father. Or Uncle Joe. Sodini does not want America’s children, fruit of her Womb, to become what Beatles Rock Band followers of The Black Sun.

It is highly relevant that “Dads” were prominently shown among TownHall shouters, one with aers, one with a cerebral palsy son in a wheelchair. Then a white guy packed a gun into aNew Hampshire Town Hall meting where the President was. 8.11. 09 has been a very angry day on cable news covering health care.

False Alignments


Why it won’t work: IT IS OBAMA’S BLACKNESS, but IT ISN’T RACISM …any more than it is misogyny (hatred of women who he and the Dems generally represent); gaynxiety (“homophobia”);, anti-AIPAC/ADL anti-semitism; anti-DHS, Federal Reserve, police state government on whom all are dependant – whose common denominator cultural level is Michael Jackson, Borat/Bruno, re-born Spockers, soda yodas…

Now taking over our children’s minds.

The Beatles Rock Band (all sing) : “Here Comes the Sun..” (Black)

The vignette of Beatle cartoons leading children, who will be learning how to play video games to their music, to The Black Sun (segue by visual image: Leipzig Monument, reincarnating Heinrich Himmler; the Black Sun SS group. Despised ‘weak Christians’).

To be released 9.9.09. Number nine, number nine, number nine ….



Thesis: the chasm in American group life dividing liberal-left and conservative-right politics, pivots around, and deconstructs into the collective grammar of Fatherhood, Identity and Birth – all three contained in Mother’s Womb (<= dissolved into common purely potential prima materia fetal origins of experience: reaching the centre of the omni-present rings of developmental trauma). This chasm opens up on either side of “the Birther Movement”, as if it had been Archetypically scripted for these events at this moment of history.

Fatherhood is the Sun, in alchemical astrology. In individual psychology (Jung), the Sun is consciousness (thus each conscious person is a son of the sun, in this sense. It is not seen in the womb, but eyes are growing therein which soon shall. In the original psychological darkness, the sun is a retrojected “son”, waiting to be “released from matter”, as ancient Gnostics put it. It is the origin of the Christian soul: Spirit of the Christ-Child, first in Mary; then in each through Her Son; identical with Gold in alchemy; returned to heaven to be with The Father, until He returns again. Expecting Return of The Son from The Sun in Heavens is built into the grammar of reproduction through consciousness. It is a wish existentially satisfied, in ur-memory, by perpetual repetition as each next baby passes from darkness into light.

However, in the intra-uterine interval before that sun arrives, a reverse-sun,created from internalizing the moon, light of night, nocturnal ways and monthly emissions, can be constructed from fantasy, kept entirely off-line from conscious thought, ‘forever’ unconscious – there is no time in The Unconscious – but exerting an enormous attractive force on the flow of process. The Black Sun, connected in Bulwar-Lytton’s widely read late 18th century novel The Coming Race with previous planetary convulsions driving human antecedants into underground caves and tunnels. These would be coming out, too, as group conscious Fatherhood takes on a black face.


“Birthers” <= Fatherless Lib-left Commies (socialist jokers) tag us birthers “right wing extremist fringe,” in the same category as abortion doctor shooter Carl Roeder (“Tiller’s a baby killer; act like it”), incited and manipulate by corporations, hell bent on disrupting democratic processes, seized by dementia praecox processing like lizards. The sputtering, snarling, contemptuous snobbery evinced by Olbermann, Maddow and other cable TV anchors was beyond amazing. You could see they were struggling to convey a point about what they perceived as right wing extremist mentality that was – what should one say? – deeply offensive, existentially repulsive, for starters. Actually, in recent group-memory terms, the same convulsive besides-themselves verbal behavior was on vivid prime-time display when Republicans tried to impeach Clinton. I remember a Pa. Rep. Goukas, literally wringing his hands in anguish on TV, speaking in pained, strained tones, wanting to convey how he FELT about Bill Clinton’s defilement of the White House. Showing the audience the reaction, on which his judgment rested, went wholly beyond words. I remember grinning, “there goes Goukas”. When text becomes pre-text in communication, token-talk will apush to the fore.

From that one example, plus the indisputable fact that Republicans in Congress, whoever and whatever they represent back home, always voted unanimously, as a bloc, on matters of symbolic national discourse, ample justification exists seeing a monolithic, if fuzzy “right wing Way of Being” here. It is not a totality created and sustained solely by projection. This, in fact, is the heart of America’s dark soul, post-Vietnam, matching the projection of darkness by its inner
hidden forever unspoken, unforgiveable guilt.

In reality: We represent the White Sun of America’s original theological Fathers. “We” are those who, in protesting the war, put America first, central, and all the way through. Some made a Jesus trip of it. The WWII fathers of the baby boom generation broke the sacred inner bond between fathers and children, particularly sons, by ordering them into that war. Sons like John McCain were of course rewarded by going along with these false fathers, but HIS old man saw to it he got the best treatment, just like the old men of the young neocon warriors set them up wherever money, force and trickery prevailed. Big Daddy Warbucks Fathers privatized the very national discourse we are required to use in communicating about anything, then turned it’s dissemination over to their brood of whelps. (National Review, Weekly Standard, Fox News, CNN dark). The terms of reference and grammar fixed by use have become Black Sun conduits. These are the mortal enemy of White Sun

A black father’s son slipped in as 44th after a line of 43 white one’s, lacking witnessed certification of place and circumstances of birth …

..crooned over by latex mother shoving poison vaccines (“Here, this will make it all better, precious.”) into children veins. And poison BigPhaR into The bloodstream of America’s communication.

You give up your “God The Father” thing, you get all the health care you ever wanted from the government.

How lame the frame, if you are liberals debunking Birthers to get at

Anti-health care reformers. (MSNBC’s Olbermann, Maddow both did this p.m. – 8.10.09

They sound like screeching beserkers*. (*term used for Pre-WWII German beer garden patriots praising the Fuhrer – now Obama) snarling, contemptuous,

This shows how the Black Sun now shines through both sides of the Liberal-Conservative (cable TV network) political alignments.

Olbermann-Maddow liberals lump opposition to health (and anti-abortion, but leave this aside for now) together with opposition to birthers and that defeats everything they say. Sustained hysterical screeching to accept their Father/President – Obama – as our own. But they are a largely empty, vapid fatherless lot ruled by women folk (“feminazis”, ‘ol Rush calls ‘em; pussy whipped- or-worse, in Savagese) – “San Fran” (Castro Street) Pelosi pushing Big Pharma government run health care onto us small town country folks ? I don’t think so.

Birthers are indiscriminately lumped with the entire gamut of “right wing extremist fringe”, most especially anti-abortionists. They are the type, to these liberals, who ideologically support Roeder, Dr. Tiller’s killer; afflicted with poisonous, if not criminal, mental processes. (=>launch into “haters”, “racists”, “anti-democracy”, “anti-semite”, “homophobic” – Pelosi’s USA Today’s article called Town Hall disrupters “Un-American”).

But that is overkill; and not just: it is reverse McCarthyism to boot. As a position regarding the facts of the matter, this lumping is one sided, tendentious, self-hating, self-defeating – and unjustified.

What birthers demand is that this 44tth president produce proper signed document(s) certifying place of birth, as the other 43 had. If he is to be accepted as belonging to that line of Fathers of our country, this is only reasonable.

Since so much has been brought out about the present case, all relevant documents claimed to exist must be placed in the public domain for scrutiny. Then all can see for themselves what the facts are, and won’t have to depend on 2nd hand sources. These have shown themselves to be not only capable of passing off a forgery, but of rounding out their deception by scathing excoriation of those who point it out (not deigning to responding to claim that it was that). Until that happens there is no reason not to press the demand most vigorously.

But of course liberals are all of a type, too. All the right wing talkers and gawkers will tell you. They also share a common mentality. Nor so harsh and crypto-criminal, maybe, on the surface, but more insidious. It leads to Charlie Manson, Marylin Manson, Madoff, Michael Jackson moon jerks, Bruno; Anna Nicole Smith, John Mark Karr, Klebold and Harris, Octomom love etc. . Whatever tea bags daddy, goes. That’s the ticket. They are all about giving it to the old white guys, especially Christian Bush supporters like Falwell’s Liberty University in the old South, where militarily aggressive Republicans cluster.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Here Comes The Sun


John Lennon => Leipzig, via Yoko Ono Wonder how much she got for pimping him to Black Sun complex

The Beatles Rock Band

“It’s been a hard days night…”

“Here Comes The Sun” -- 1.31 sec’s The 4 Mop tops from Britain, emerging from the plane on John Lennon’s NYC gig, have played their guitars, left the young girls screaming for more, and climbed up the deck steps to a plateau-land above to greet the sun. It is easy not to notice it is black, with the huge cosmic eyes appearing, either side of a central female statuesque figure.

Volkerschlachdermal – The Monument to the Battle of The Nations in Leipzig

46 sec’s pause. The figurine the Cartoon Beatles have assembled in front of, after the black sun has been emblazoned into consciousness with an initiatory ritual: first, visual of 12 stonges ringed in front (stonehinge, St.Peters statues, Arthur’s roundtable knights) connected with the SS seal of 12 swastikas arrayed inside a circle as spokes of the Black Sun at Wewelsburgh, Germany. This visual, with the indistinct statuesque female figure at the center, dream-morphs into the 4 Beatle pulled up in chairs, grooving while the beat goes over to Walrus and I am the egg man, platoons of stick ET people- caricatures, parading in ranks behind a circus elephant-to-dragons head, up to the edge of a suddenly appearing cliff … leaving us poised to plunge and die.

This overlaying of the visual imagery is “psychosemiotically inductive”. Once seen, the conscious mind is induced by its processing mechanisms to loop into ongoing conversations the great Archetypal associations. The Beatles => Here comes the Sun (happy children) => The BLACK SUN <= cosmic eyes reflected through female figurine with lions head) => 12 swastikas => divided by the 4 Beatles types as a psychic totality completing the male Archetype of the Trinity (the 4th <= Ringo Starr). Whoever designed it knew exactly what they were doing, if the intent was to arrange a sequence of powerful musical vignettes, connected by content, as Freud said of dreams, in a way that is linked unconsciously, but rigorously, in the processes of anyone who follows it. It makes little difference how many actually do link them; the linkage is “there” whether anyone makes it tout court or not. In the Youtube musical video, enough tokens from the overall reservoir of emotions America lived through are assembled to bring back depth-resonances of the whole era.

“Crystalized”, psychosemiotically.

Segue to The Monument of The Battle of Nations at Leipzig video, as if the Beatles were seated before it, delivering the audience of screaming fans to its aegis and glory. Given the connection between Leipzig and Gerhard-Heinich Himmler family history, this approach of the Black Sun is the same as Anton Wilson’s Illuminati Trilogy. The raising of the old Nazi army out of the mud of the Zuider Zee (metaphoridcally) by Hyperborean Pop Cult Band leading screaming multitudes to ecstatic war death ….

…is the Black Sun, dark matter, re-tribalizing the youth/us.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Birth of Birtherism

OF BIRTHERISM (White Male Movement)

Replying to Chris Hayes on Tea-bag protestors Acting Up:

“The problem is the overwhelming instinct on the part of pundits and the MSM to look, and see old white men in overalls and Legionnaire hats and think they are watching someone give voice to the sentiments of broad swaths of the electorate. And it's just not true. What we're seeing at these events are the voices of radicals, extremists and zealots’”


We who insist “Show us the Proof” are only saying “verify, or won’t trust”. That are labeled “right wing”, but facts are facts, neither Right nor Left in themselves, and in this case they are on the side of the Right since no such proof in fact exists. Wherever the Left has belittled the Right’s inferiority (crazy, lizards, Dark Knight Jokers) it has acted as bigoted Supremacists overriding fact with bombast, thus further empowering it.

The Black Sun of the Left is Nazism, the force that kills Jews. Nancy Pelosi, people’s woman of the Left, saw swastikas among protestors signs. To give the Right any “talking points” at all is tantamount to supporting Hitler.

Left supremacists trumpet DEMOCRACY! Because it’s 1. unassailable 2. anti-autocratic; 3/ applies to the ’08 electoral process certifying Obama. Few Left supremacists are white males. As white males are pushed into occupying the Right, Leftists tend to become black and females.

For the Right, popular vote is a necessary, but not sufficient condition of Presidential certification. People are easily deceived, popular votes rigged. For Commander in Chief, only proof positive can suffice. Thus Birthers represent the Morality of Truth based on Fact (albeit negative fact). It is incidental to the case that they are, by majority, White Males. Yet, because it is, in fact, THEY who now block possible fraud of historic – even ahistoric (metaphysical) -- proportions by demanding the certification all other Presidents have had, namely place of birth, father, attending physician, White Males are the Ones for these times. .

The electoral process is sufficient certification of Obamas legitimacy for Democrats (Left), because their authority has come through application of the formal procedure. It is not sufficient for Republicans (Right) because there is a question whether the formal procedure has been satisfied. Here, perhaps, is just where the rigor of right-wing authoritative insistence on following ritual to the letter might be required to save the Nation, and humanity. White Male Supremacists can therefore trumpet PRINCIPLE! For them, the Black Sun came into Europe with Communism, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Sons of the sons of which are neocon AIPAC ideologues. These are ahistorical (Archetypal, transcendental) Enemy of Birthers, who are <>.

The Sun of the Left is mirrored in the Sun of the Right. The Right claims Male potency, Will, Law, Principle as force of (Sun) Consciousness – w/ the old elite blood hierarchy in tow. The Left claims Female potency. freedom, expression, pleasure in the body, and the good life as (Moon) Consciousness. As the Sun is the Unconscious of the feminine, so the Moon is the Unconscious of the Masculine.
The Blackness of the Black sun can appear from the side of Luna / earth, but also as a black hole in TokenSpace where flow through of Etherokrilna is blocked.

By FATHERHOOD, if it computes at all, the Left will mean something different than the Right, which is why Obama can satisfy. Children who never had one of their own, strongly accented, will not communicate the same thing by the word as children who have, and reject Obama. If this analysis is correct, they feel free to do so because he is a creation – moon – of the Female’s Sun: the satisfaction of a Democrat’s wish, not their own. Because he is this – a Moon product projected from Female consciousness – Barak Hussein Obama is instinctively rejected by White Males, supremacist or not. It’s not anything personal, nor even ‘racist’. His missing Birth certificate is like a missing tooth in the cog-wheel of the Master Clock, perfectly coinciding with the ninth toll of the midnight (2012) bell. Though born in constellation Leo, carrying golden consciousness, he is nevertheless a Mother-Moon-child, Perfect Personified Conjunction of Conscious/Unconscious, Right’Left, Male/Female political-historical group process. Unable to find a White Male Father acceptable to its unconscious, like Walter Cronkite, America took the black man as groom. Birtherism represents the backlash, almost instantaneously generated.

Teaching This Moment^

(With Brandon Emerick)

A Thread Through the Rose Garden

What Beer On The Grass Patio was staged to do needed doing. A gash was cut in public discourse about the standing state of affairs in re police authority and citizens all, though this one was black; with the Head Honcho, also black, branding the aggressive police action stupid. With him representing the Dem-Fem political side (Son of the Black Sun, alchemically. He’s their guy) and Janet Napolitano DS threatening to imprison anyone potentially threatening authority (could be turned either way here), the incident was a lit fuse, to switch metaphors. Only misogynists would rub further salt in the wound rather than allowing the beer bath to heal.

Maureen Dowd -

Wonders aloud in print why the story about Gates allegedly yelling “Ya, I’ll speak with your momma outside” to Cambridge officer Crowley can neither be affirmed nor denied.” She, and other sources, reports, say he “wrote it in his report”, but Gates denies it and it sure doesn

F. Rich: He’s “punked” us.

-“sinking sensation the American game is fixed..” – run by powerful ‘special interests”

-“what disturbs America…” “-…everything fixed, manipulauted”

Dave Rossie

Falling polls has it all been a colossal mistake?)

Birthers: is he certifiably legitimate? (for

Abortion: Roe v Wade up for grabs with Sotomayor

anti-abortion tough women, hero Carl Roeder. shoots Doc Tiller

Health Care: No Dem Fem -- None have legitimacy for not confronting S.S’s Catholicism

Existential Crisis: 1`. Acceptance of Obama’s Black Fatherhood. 2. Acceptance of Fem-Dem government authority (symbolized by health care

(Pittsburgh: Spurned-at-love woman killer at LA FITNESS center)
(Tel Aviv:


Explaining the explosion*

(*violence at Town Hall meetings where Democrats Representatives pitched Obama;s Health Care Reform bill)

At the deepest psychodynamic level, it is collective Fetal Rage of those trapped in their individual Unconsciousness: squeezed, (see illustration of F. Rich’s “Is Obama Punking Us?”; intuit link => between picture, birth trauma, his text), uncared for, ignored, asphyxiated, starving unseen, unborn, in America’s womb

Rich’s rhetoric: “….the sinking feeling the American game is rigged”, “…almost everything, not just government, is fixed or manipulated by some powerful hidden hand…”)

This feeling of unborn, but conscious, fetal helplessness at the deepest level of S* processing – birth trauma anxiety -- is overlaid at the Oedipal level by reduction to helplessness, impotence, and dependence on provisions by the nanny state for daily needs. These two levels of trauma, birth and sex, make two rings in the atmosphere of TokenSpace mediating from etheroklilna through libido. Collapsed on one another, like the Twin Towers into their own footprints, at the bottom is the “Sulphuretted essence, the masculine element par excellence, the “sperma homogeneum” of the Uroboric Dragon in its tail. “(A)nd since the dragon is said to “impregnate himself”, his tail is the masculine and his mouth the feminine organ. Like Baya, who engulfed her brother in her own body and dissolved him into atoms, the dragon devours himself from the tail upwards until his whole body has been swallowed into his head.” This is the narrative the Black Sun of America mirrored in its consciousness – “love” (=> cathexis-with-hatred-to) of the creation of Fem-Dem consciousness recoiling back on what has been spermatically incapsulated in the Dragon’s head. (cf. The incest motif; ‘self-hatred’; the Great Whore Babylon)

The political question raised symbolically is: whether children of the union of black father and white mother, translated externally to the group as a totality, are to be accepted or rejected; and on what basis. The unchangeable Archetypal template of President-to-people as masculine (Consciousness) to its feminine (Unconsciousness) has been grammatized through tokens (even the name, “Obama”; 44th; ; 2.20 etc.) for
language required for common use: for ourselves, and others, required as common coin of communication just to get along, much less thrive and “make it”. Now “She”, America, has become The Moon Bitch, incestuously reproducing Herself through one of her post-60’s black sons. Matched for the younger later generation, by the death of Michael Jackson, foisted off on the public with ritual tribute undertexted by unspoken dark fantasies of orgiastic pre-teen child abuse. That is what The Birthers are holding up signs, screaming against. It isn’t racism, while maleism, authoritarianism …its BIRTHERISM. The text of its deepest unconscious thought is: “I may be in this hole you have thrown me in down here, but by God you ain’t gonna be the one who pulls me out


Obama is being rejected by the masculine side of the (already feminine) Unconscious because he is black, but not (primarily) from racism, but because his skin color visually cathects America’s Sulphuretted sun.

..The Son of the Black Sun  the Fem-Dems  San Francisco/NYC (Goldman-Sachs, Gays, Jews, Sex And The City. The Uroboric Dragon who has succedded in swallowing its own tail, and become the Mother’s Head/

Friday, August 07, 2009

Krugman Concurs


Yesterdays poll numbers…
Today’s Town Hall Mobs attacking Democrats Health Care Representatives

Chris Matthews discusses Krugman’s “cultural & racial anxiety” hypothesis.

(Comment: This is double shorthand for “God fearing White Supremacist”.

Matthews went over a list of “what I see,” looking over the rambunctuous crowd of protestors. “What do you see?” about the same thing …some fired up, but largely uninformed, opponents of whatever the government was putting over,absolutely and in principle. It was obvious they had not come not to listen but be heard. One Congresswoman likened them to “Brownshirts”; Pelosi noted a Swastika appeared at one place; but “Birther” Orly Taitz is calling MSBC interviewers “Brownshirts”; Limbaugh calls them Nazi etc

They have come to see the Black Sun, only, in each other, through what each other sees the other as.

It isn’t (just) “anxiety” (although one can call it that if so inclined). The class of people standing up at the Town Hall meetings are those who have actually been threatened, if not black-flagged, by the Janet Napolitaro/Gay Jew cartel. And where they culturally overlap -- as oppose to where they cleave, which is what Matthews and the MSM probe for, is almost exactly the agenda on James von Brunn’s website before it was removed, beginning with “Who Are You?” --calling attention to Obama’s missing original birth certificate; followed up with “Obama Was Created By The Jews.” Proceeding to: Anti-Federal Reserve as illegal (=>Ron Paul groups); pro-Gold; anti-gun control; tending to anti-gay, anti-abortion, white supremacist racial God fearing people – a fuzzy class of whose members can expanded or shrunk by selecting, spinning, framing, linking S*.

And shouldn’t one mention: many were finding themselves out of work faced by higher tax bills, with diminishing prospects?

No. No mercy. In the MSM, “these people” are “Timothy McVeigh types”, mentioning David Duke, plus the network of genuinely nutty “Christian” Falwell-Robertson-Lake conservatives tracing to Buchanan’s Southern Strategy to elect Reagan, and now a active list of violent ones, like von Brunn who are “going off”, and starting to shoot Leftist Liberals -- indeed, authority itself! For the list will include the shooting of three policemen by a right-wing skin head in Pittsburgh, 4.4.09, the day after Jiverly Wong killed 13 and himself in the American Civic Association the day before (4.3.’09). The shooting of 22 yrs old Wesleyan University co-ed Johanna Justine-Jinich; the (fake, staged) “homegrown” Muslin terrorists from Newburgh, NY.; The shooting of Tennessee Universal Universalist Church congregation by James Adkisson; the strange murder of beloved Iowa Coach Ed Thomas; the shooting of abortion Dr. Tiller by a rabid, but consistent, member of the “abortion is murder, act like it” group; the shooting in a Tel Aviv gay club (following the obscenely provocative flaunting of homosexuality in the movie Bruno); the shooting specifically of women in the LA FITNESS center in Pittsburgh (closing this circle geographically) by a man who took actual self-help courses to learn how to have a relationship with a woman, but failed, and deliberately planned the mass killing to take out his revenge-for-rejection on all women. (Jesus, man….no one there to say)

Tea Bag conservatives with corporate backing -- This is Olberman's shtick. He's nailed them on his show, doing it in the open. A veritable journalistic Perry Mason, this Olberman.
Krugman's bottom line: Nationwide Health Care reform, which is what we need (the active initiative of the Obama administration as good husbandmen), is resisted not because of what he says, but because of “who he is.” The black skinned 44th President is being rejected as the Sun (=> Father/Light/Sky consciousness, pneuma of the Living Presence on earth); and/or (rejected as) the Son (Father’s spirit-essence reborn through earths materia prima ). The essence of the Sun, hardened on earth, is Gold. (<=gold nuggets => eyes of the sun glinting in dirt). Golden Glory no longer shines through Obama as president as it once promised to do (“Is he keeping his promises? ?). He’s passing out only paper money –‘greenbacks’, ironically. People who want the real thing are turning to Gold.

Text –Token split as factor

Town hall protestors who almost unanimously raise their hands, when asked “do you have Medicaid”?, nevertheless shout down proponents of “any kind of government run health care”. That is one thing that prompts Krugman to conclude their opposition is to him, not the program. Validly, I affirm. They withhold textual authority for command power over private domains. This is where text – the official story; illusory narrative – splits from token. Where the gap between Appearance and Reality opens onto the abyss; what is said is systematically unsquare with what is done. Brilliant journalist as he is, Krugman sees the dichotomy, often contradiction, between the meaning of words people use for others vs. applied to themselves. Added here is the formal analysis of this insight as following two the two sides of communication.


Obama personifies the karmic feedback from America’s dark side from Vietnam.

The karma of the Right-Wing continuation of what Father/Son transgression led to in the 2008 election: 1. fetalized McCain <= invoking Willing Child Sacrifice motif to redeem guilt for all the rest; => matched with anti-abortion mom Sarah Palin – not much Sol and Luna there, but great prospects for reptilian oddspring.
In (original) Reverse forms, McCain/Palin are an incestuous Father-Daughter pair. It is the Dark Side of Republicans re-birthing itself through one of those Daddy’s-not-mommas-world girls. This is the Dark Side of American humanity sustaining itself almost like a retro-virus.


Psychologically, the Democrats are the Feminine; Receptacles; Selene, bathed in full moon light reflected from the sun. Also Mother Tiamat, from whose belly, gashed open by Marduk, the first human children were born on earth, according to Babylonian myth. The relative softness of this side is compensated by Hillary Clinton’s toughness. The already well-blackened, in the sense of accommodating, Democratic majority (cf. New Jersey, 7.09) is compensated by Obama’s essential whiteness. His outer blackness ‘buffers’ the core inner blackness of McCain/Palin; his physical presence lacks the force to confront it with equal hostility.

His black exterior acts in the Omnipresent Okidanokh to block Etherokrilna, the energy actualized through Sun in the Son. These are the two higher grade cosmic energies manifest on earth only through body fluid- the blood (as libido). Obamas image as a libido-cathexis is strictly down-played. The athletic gym, beach shots are wholesome asexual physicality. It would simply be too stimulating; a grin could get Beatle-fan squeals. He neutralizes the very libido he attacts, professionally and adroitly, one might say. This turns aside the thrust toward the White Sun behind him, which needs to pierce the blackness of McCain/Palin. That is what is ever re-birthing itself – now squarely as Birthers! This applies in reverse, of course, to Anti-Obama birth certificate.

…vs. 2. Tough Woman, Black Father <= Union of opposites inside the Democrats as opposition.

FATHERHOOD under the Black Sun Son

So’s YOUR old man !


Two Sun’s Sons in The SKY* today (*Chemtrails in TokenSpace)

Astrological configuration: Leo
8.4 : Obama’s birthday 8.4. 09 48 yrs. old

(Warning. What you are about to read is squantum* metaphysics; it is not for those subject to brainwhistle and/or soulbreath deficiency. It is what it is and not another thing. (Aristotle’s law of identity for rigid designators; (x)( x = x ) --see Kripke) )

I. Von Brunn => “WHO ARE YOU ?”

II. (answering for Obama) <= “The Other Black Son”

IIa. (O-bots cry “No! No! You B WHITE as any Son!”)

III. Michael Savage, O’rly Taitz => Obama is a crypto-Hitler; O-bots are Nazi Brownshirts. (Others see: Leader of the Czars, killed by Bolshevik Jews; and Comrade Stalin; Putin with

(They see The Black Sun Son radiating through the *GKLs (*Glossy Klieg Lights)

=>* Illuminating Appearances, calling for*: Acting Out (on stage)

<= Michael Jackson: black/white boy dancing under the GKL for us.
 Mr. Bojangles, Sammy Davis, Jr. convert to Hollywood Judaism
 Al Jolson, Jewish entertainer in blackface, singing “Sonny Boy”.


(Vignette: MSNBC’s Shuster’s interview with Birther Orly Taitz 8.3.. She was summoned in order to belittle any and all who gave credence to the preposterous idea that Obama wasn’t born in the U.S.A.. She was associated with claiming a Kenya birth certificate existed, shown on her website without saying where she got it. But though it was by that time already dismissed as a blatant forgery, she was prepared to explain how the two notices of his birth could have come to appear in Hawaii newspapers, and wouldn’t be cut off. He heaped ridicule on anyone prepared to suppose even for one minute these newspaper notices were preparing a 47 year deception. This was pre-framed manipulation, and she knew it. Holding her own, she called him a “Brownshirt” silencing the Word of Truth – in other words, treating her like the Nazi’s treated Jews. Well, Shuster was OUTRAGED! – as someone with relatives killed in the Holocaust, he…

And so it went. Video was widely replayed on the internet, inevitably with comments like “Taitz looses it”, “goes berserk”, though she had clearly gained the upper hand with that one reversal. He, and the condenscending female helper seeking higher ground came off looking like bullies and irrational idiots. It did not weaken, it strengthened her status. This was the opposite of what was intended. The positions of consciousness* (POC*) had been reversed, as it had been by Rush Limbaugh’s tagging aggressive women in Bush I’s time “feminazis”. The Liberal Left is prepared to have “right wingnuts” projectively reverse what they give out, to what they are getting back, in relation to others, converting feelings of attraction into feelings of being threatened. (This is bound up with converting the energy of masochism into sadism.)

What they are not prepared for, and what the Birthers bring back and throws in their face, is presentation of a justifiable force against their inner killer mommy – what they are, as a totality, confronted by their own inner negation, as a totality. This is the Dark side of the White sun meeting the White side of the Dark sun. The facts are that no witnesses, or on-the-spot documentation, of Obamas birth exists. On the Father’s side is an unknown fructifier; it, whatever the material basis, could be a Spiritus Dei, perhaps transplanetary for the worldly minded; certainly transcendental for post-Kantians. It accords with the Aristotelian Catholic metaphysics of material substrate + formal attributes that missing, or substitute, material sperm could be the outward form of higher inner matter. Perhaps Obama’s mother could have been infused with a Spirit, a Holy Spirit, manifest in the birth, life, excellence of being of the 44th President. Given that politics abhors a vacuum, it is easy to predict that rumors to this effect will begin to rumble.


The Birth question Unsquares the Left-Right Political system

It is axiomatic that issues arising between parties along the lines of old left- right divisions, such as health care framed as People’s Interests vrs. Big Pharma, AMA,
and other corporate interests, can only be resolved with congeniality under an authority both recognize as legitimate. That is the starting point of Thomas Hobbes’ LEVIATHAN and the fundamental premise of modern democracy.

Lack of fool proof documentation of legitimacy of an external objective Authority dissolves politics into sublimated war, with raw force of opposed factions replacing the possibility of congenial resolution within a democratic system. Questioning Obama’s birth credentials is not just another ‘issue’

That is what the question of Obama’s birth credentials is about. The authority recognized by two linked forces is the SUN => active principle of growth from the union of opposites. The inner psychodynamic of democracy is the intellectual and spiritual vigor arising through resolution of conflict by Higher authority, as the sun in heaven provides the resolution of opposites between water and earth to transform unliving into living substances; prima materia -- in metals, lead -- into gold, identical with SUN in alchemy with the sun. Thus there are two kinds of both Gold and Suns, material and ‘philosophical; visible external, and inner (masculine) potential.

The Sun, the active male agency that transforms lead into gold, is to earth ….
as (the leader’s) Authority, the active male agency that transforms what is potential in collective consciousness, is to democracy. This was the cannon. Male here is not gender, primarily, but the active metaphysical force. This is the point at which Jung’s Archetypal psychosemiotics trumps Freud’s personalized unconscious. The Father of Our country can be taken as psychically descriptive without importing the pre-conscious notion of sexual intercourse between male and female, only active v. passive forces.

The tokens SUN and SON, pronounced identically, and distinguished in written script only by vowels “u” and “o” between consonant sounds “SS’ and “NN”, toothwistle-to-nasal. How this came about as facts of English language use is probably unknown. But the inner meaning of this token-identify + textual-difference seems clear: a repetition of the active force in transformation from itself. The Son externally objectifies the Sun – the active force passing from higher to lower metaphysical plane. If the same transition is applied to Old-New Testament transition, this shows why the Son of the creative force in Genesis is The Word in John’s Gospel. The essence of Higher energy passes into a Token as source of text. .

The Son of the Sun of America’s democracy is Black. The unseen, inner side is white light, the active force of authority. This connects Obama transpersonally, through the office and election process, to the line of white male presidents back to the Founding Fathers. The external, visible side manifesting personal authority however is black. The White Sun forced to shine through the Black Son.

Those called BIRTHERS throw sulphuretted oxides in the face of he golden sun’is face

-Neither Birthers nor anti-Birthers can claim unchallenged legitimacy.

1. Birthers cannot challenge the fact that he was democratically elected
2. Anti-Birthers can no longer claim a clear paper trail of legitimacy.

SOL The Sun => external objectification of the active principle in the heavens: light <= male; formal cause of generation

LUNA The moon => external objectification of the passive principle in the heavens:


Again, another paradigm* conflict.— where the psychodynamics crystallize long standing, recognized group/social oppositions surfacing.

48 year old George Sodini, unable to get laid no matter how good he tries to be,
turns out the lights in the LA FITNESS room where the women are, and proceeds to shoot, as if taking revenge, in kind reversed, for the love he never got from females (Psyche, Semiramis

On the 48th birthday of the President <= underscored in the collective unconscious by the question of valid birth documentation.

The matching 48’s mix with white-black, male-female reversal

Sodini is firing at Nanny State America: it promises everything, but since it is fundamentally an illusion, can deliver nothing but appearances.

These Appearances are the curvy female bodies, working out -- viewable on any computer hooked up to the www, live in the flesh at LA Fitness center

His act is paradigm Oedipal/fetal rage: the rage of late term, unborn fetus in the womb “under great pressure”, amplified by resentment and hatred of non-nurturing females, plans, and enacts a final Wish fulfillmentecstatic orgastic act of destructive fulfillment. He goes off going out, and vice versa.

It Freudian terms, it conjoins Eros and Thanatos, fusing love (libido) and death.
In broader Archetypal terms, it is Uroboric; unborn inner male achieving birth and mastery, in a moment, over maternal dominance – killing his origin, Tiamat eating one of her own. Jung point out that since the snakes’ brain is in the tail of humans, the image of the Uroborus as a Snake/Dragon’s head eating its tail depicts the mind of a male body consuming/consumed by, its penis. This, together with “69”, depicting oral-genital coupling (fellatio and cunilingus), gives the notion of Self-Completing Totality a
auto-chothonic sexual flavor viewed token side up. Another Black Sun sign.

(Psychometaphysics of sex, darkness, the Dog (From Jung, MC, ch. III)

The Sun => Feminine unconscious/ masculine consciousness.

EQ*uivalences: Gold, unity -- “The Day is lit by a single sun” – fiery energy, heat, spiritus Dei Bull of Heaven (Taurus). Cosmic male progenitor of life.

<= Masculine unconscious/feminine consciousness

(Silver, moist, sinister and dangeroug aspect: light of the new moon causes moon-sickness, proceeding from the “moon wolf”; Selene => The Dog, the bitch)

Progeny of the Divine Marriage (Sol et Luna)

Animal natures are birthed first from the hierogamy because of the darkness of the union:
“Psychologically, this (e.g., presence of Sol Niger in matter itself) means that the union of consciousness (Sol) with its feminine counterpart (Luna) has undesirable results to begin with: it produces poisonous animals such as dragon, serpent, scorpion, basilisk,, and toad; then the lion. Bear, wolf, and dog; and finally the eagle and the raven.. The first to appear are the cold-blooded animals, then warm-blooded predators and lastly birds of prey or ill-omened scavengers. The first progeny of the matrimonium luminarium are all, therefore, rather unpleasant. But that is only because there is an evil darkness in both parents which comes to light in the children, as indeed often happened in real life.” p. 144f.

Jung illustrates the last point with an anecdote.
“I remember, for instance, the case of a twenty-year old bank clerk who embezzles several hundred francs. His old father, the chief cashier at the same back, was much pitied, because for forty years he had discharged his highly responsible duties with exemplary loyalty. Two days after the arrest of his son he decampled to South America with a million. So there must have been “something in the family”.”
He then adds this incredible passage: “We have seen in the case of Sol that he either possesses a shadow or is even a Sol niger. As to the position of Luna, … In the “Epistola Solis ad Lunam crescentem” Sol cautiously says: “If you do me no hurt, O moon.” Luna has promised him complete dissolution while she herself “coagulates,” i.e., becomes firm, and clothed with his blackness (induta fuero nigredine tua). She assumes in the friendliest manner that her blackness comes from him. The matrimonial wrangle has already begun….” (cf. America claiming Obama has poisoned HER!)

More astounding is Jung’s brilliant weaving of his Father Freud’s central Greek Archetypal template, mother-desire prohibition the Oedipus myth predicates on, with the psychodrama of hieros gamos, heavenly marriage between Sol and Moon to generate life-form hierarchy, relating the dichotomy of Light and Dark as Conscious and Unconscious, Good and Evil.
. “(Mephistopheles emerges as the taunting of Faust the alchemist) In this connection I would like to mention the incest dream of a woman patient. “Two dogs were copulating. The male went head first into the female and disappeared in her belly,” Theriomorphic symbolism is always an indication of a psychic process occurring on an animal level, i.e., in the instinctual sphere. The dream depicts a reversed birth as the goal of a sexual act. This archetypal situation underlies the incest motif in general and was present in modern man long before any consciousness of it. The archetype of incest is also at the back of the primitive notion that the father is reborn in the son; and of the hierosgamos of mother and son in its pagan and Christian forms; it signifies the highest and lowest, the brightest and the darkest, the best and the most detestable. It represents the pattern of renewal and rebirth, the endless creation and disappearance of symbolic figures.”
Also (my addition, from conversation with B.E.): (reversed birth as goal of a sexual act) signifies RE-ENTRY INTO MOTHER’S WOMB IN ORDER TO UNDO BIRTH -- DIE. Or: (side by side with the death motive) to be reborn through the Sun of her unconsciousness. Thus, Presidents are always changed by the country, even as they change it.
But this raises the crucial issue: What if She has already inwardly wed Sol niger…?.(cf. some right wing women – Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham)
This is the psychological text of O-botamized America. He (the individual of that name) has entered TokenSpace as a veritable Son of the Sun: the agonizingly long primary-general election campaigns were one huge self-cannibalizing, child eating, incestuous ritual parody of serious democratic process. How black Her sun had grown under GW Bush was shown by his regular depiction as a chimpanzee. Hillary Clinton stood up to this blackness, as a woman – however, without confronting its war. The male standing over against it, also not confronting its war, was black, himself, as if his pigment objectified McCain/Palin soul. This was the unconscious trade-off. The Right could have its Darkess -- child sacrifice to the Catholic Deus in Vietnam – if it swallowed all racist impulses and accepted the black man as president. The inner darkness of Bush is mirrored back at them in the skin color of the one America was driven in the arms of. to get away from them. He is strictly post-60’s generation, his living American experiences filled with MidWest ambience. He is the incestuous product of that psychohistorical totality reproducing itself. Its child, elected to become Father of its future children. But not white: black. Shielding by reaction-formation to “racism” the blackness of the sun behind him. His transparent fineness of character, inner and outer – what’s not to like? (As Pilate asked the Jews about Jesus: “What fault find ye with this man?” – only amplifies the Blackness behind and above him.

. How many now counting back this year?

-Gay club shooting in Tel Aviv
-police/black professor contretemps at Harvard (Obama “stupidly” chimes in).

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Tea Bagging Birthers


-- the way they teabagged the Birther’s

First there was Bruno, now sadly deceased, according to Sasha Baron Cohn, who played the role of the bold, clothes-fetish homosexual lethario from Austria in the movie. His shtick was literally landing in your face or lap with a camera, if you are anti-semitic or homophobic, and clicking off your matrix … “Tea bagging” is gay slang for the “balls to the face” you’ll get from "gay" Bruno; unobjectionable to each other, but a metaphorical insult to straight males they are expected to pass off as a joke.

In the soul war now waged in public discourse, this Bruno strategy to control sign use as been woven, as a MO, around what is called “the birther movement”. “Birther’s” are a media construct every bit in need of a visit from Bruno, as Ron Paul was. In fact, Ron Paul had been linked to Birthers on James von Brunn’s website “Who Are You?”. And, again, Janet Napolitano’s DHS Spring ’09 memo specifically mentioned gun-owning Ron Paul followers as potential domestic terrorist threats. “Balls to the face of Ron Paul!” Bruno says. “Ya wanna do anything about it? – tell it to Holocaust guard Stephen John’s family, and Janet Napolitano.” If you are a “birther”, as they have it figured out, you are (use fuzzy math for logic): a white supremacist, conspiracy nut, Federal Reserve (Rothchild/Rockefeller) hater, Holocaust perpetrator (right wing, Southern, Evangelical Hitler admirer, --finish it youself). A follower of Haran; Amalekite; the diseased plague of uroboric humanity. Believers in the Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion, if they have even got that far….)

Because, in locker room parlance, the balls are exactly what “Birthers” have got the neconazis by. It has driven them absolutely bonkers. There is no more possibility if a rational discussion of what the facts are and what they mean than it is discussing Israel policy with a holocaust denier.

And hey have been brought very close together (holocaust denial/ Israel policy) not just in Von Brunn’s act but the legitimacy of everything predicated on Obama as 44th president. In no other case is the place and parentage of a U.S. President missing fact. In psychosemiotic terms, this spans all tokens under the categories of Paternity (historical line of Fathers of their Counry), Identity (raised as a child under influences shaping karma; Conjugal origin (“Heavenly Parental Union” => Me). But in a reverse, perverse, psychotic way: Orly Taitz tagged them “Brownshirts”. With cause. Sons of Neocon now require Seig Heiling, or U R gone. She wouldn’t Seig Heil, so “she self desructed”. That was the way Huffington Post reversed and verified her call. Brownshirts without a Fuehrer. What are they gonna do.

What gave the tea bagging of Birthers away was the Token detail of the forged “Kenya Birth Certificate” forgery. That;s right: it is a forged forgery, a made-up to look like an original that had been made up to look like an original. For a day or two it was whispered in news blips that some Birthers were claiming to have a Kenya birth certificate, to back up an aged grandmothers recollections. Then one appeared, on a site of Dr. Orly Taitz, no explanation of its origin sought or offered. Here was their proof Obama wasn’t a natural born citizen. It didn’t take 24 hours to debunk it. Next day, Olberman is citing the sequence 47O44 for his number identity, and “EF Lavander” signed as parent. Yep. Not making it up. Next day after that, ‘research’ turns up additional data that the (now exposed fake) document was identical in form to an Australian template, numbers and names filled in.

However, the tea bag tokens on the forged forgery give away the game. It turns out that THE DOCUMENT ON FACTCHECK.ORG CITED BY O-BOT OPERATIVES WAS ITSELF A FORGERY. So, the sudden appearance of ANOTHER forgery, to back up a bogus claim, IMMEDIATELY REFUTED AS SUCH, can only be taken as intended to have a neutralizing, ‘buffering” effect. As if to say: “YOU SAY YOU WANT TO SEE FORGERY? Well, HERE’S FORGERY FOR YOU: OBAMAS OLD MAN IN KENYA WAS EF Lavendar LOLOLOL”. This is the name of a laundry detergent (like “SURGE”); needed for astronaught’s
drawers after a month unchanged in outer space, yuka yuka yuk.

Balls to the face, chillun. Your new Papa, here. You’ll like it when you get used to it.

One of von Brunn’s claims was THE JEWS CREATED OBAMA. According to what this history of debunking the birthers shows, they not only possibly created him, but cleaned up the toilet bowl afterward with a touch of titillation, an enhancing whiff of gay married’s wedding night, almost.
Psychodynamically, the energy Birthers* are aroused by is fetal rage. Fetuses in later term wombs have been photographed “rageing” --violent threshing, head-buting, prolonged, convulsive rage. The picture of a coiled cobra head ready to strike, but pacified by musical rhythms, externalizes this imp;rinted experience, for it is retained deep below the level of consciousness on the snake brain/amygdale circuits. The return (“flashback”) of this deepest arousal to consciousness is the behavioral snake brain imperative

-* => drives MSNBC’s Olberman into a writhing, shape shifting lizard.