Psychohistorical transl. of The Dark Crystal
--just a movie?-
special to Dizee Rambaugh, the Phora, for posting
which I groked to the max
1. The cracked Crystal: United States after Vietnam. Once unified beings connecting heaven-earth split into two distinct genetic strains (races)
2. The great conjunction alignment: "when the 3 suns join (in, to make) the 4th". (connecting: Plato's Timaeus; Axion of Maria, Tetragrammaton, Jung's raising of the fourth function of consciousness -- feeling -- to join thinking, sensation, intuition; completing the Mi-Fa semi-tone in the musical scale.)
3.The two ceremonial glyphics used by the two races:A. For the Skexsies -- the Anneagram. The dark crystal hangs over the hole marked by this figure of triangle inside a gap-rimmed circle (where numerals 3 and 6 would occur). These are the Sun-worshipping -"Atonist" Lizards (M. Tsarion) B. For the Mystics -- a reverse-G shape counter-clockwise spiral connecting sun orbits; traced by a finger moving clockwise to show the great conjunction on the starmap. Sign of the more spiritually advanced beings who understand writing ('keepwords') and numbers.
4. The Mystics, who have inherited the 'true dream' knowledge of sun's orbits (Crowley's term), are the "gentle" ones, relating to friendly animal puppets. Adding vowel "i" converts 'gentle' to "Gent(i)le" (but they merge into the Original unity at the end: merger fantasies are the other side of psychic splitting.) Hint of the Masonic "A" flashes briefly
Now: Transvestites (tranny's) are popping up out of the woodwork; merging sex/gender objects to represent restored 'higher consciousness'. -- except in Ann Coulter's case this is an Atonist right-wing reversal. (Skexsies version of Jesus; cf Speilberg's ET)
Another Crowley touch: Kara is 'blessed' in that her higher Gelfin essense (thoughts, memory, mental powers) is going to nourish the Emperor himself. She has to call upon and use them to escape their clutches; otherwise, she gets her essence drained, then killed and eaten. .
This movie, Dark Crystal", is an allegory of the psychohistorical group process in America following the great split after the Vietnam war. The crystal broke, and two strains of pre-human bloodlines emerge. One knows Nixon is a liar but hangs on to suck what life is left from the decaying breed. The others know they have the seed-shard of true America in them, but are also dying. almost extinct, mechanically repeating ancient sacred rites and prophecy. The missing shard needed to restore it is: Me*, you*, Jin/Kara*. OGRA can help us find it; but what to do with will be a mystery for a while.
At this point, I think, the great movie makers out Hollywood way could only project a pious wish for a happy resolution of the massive psychic splitting they experienced, and found themselves appointed by destiny (=orbits) to grammatize this eschaton. The coming of Reagan, jokerman; the murder of John Lennon; Israel's invasion of Lebanon and the slaughter at Sabra and Shatila; Wm.Casey-Oliver North's illegal wars in Central America ...Alien, Blade Runner, Henman's Muppet enterprise; Poltergeist, ET (Spielberg's revenge on the Jesus in himself), Indiana Jones (snake-filled underground escape from Nazis), Dark Crystal ....monumental screams of "Who or what are we?" -- addressed in the psychosemiotic format of human intellects in non-parahuman bodies (cf Jung on theomorphic iconography: 'instinct' entering conscious inhalf-human forms)
. It was a super-powerful child/youth movie era, to be 'tapped into' when needed later for First Conscious Shock in the Anneagram process. The great psychic regression since 2000 has brought processing to this uroboric leve.
I'm thinking everyone got/is a piece of this puzzle. It is time to put them together to see the picture (not: via merger fantasies, nice as they are).