(or what -- a short book)
Psychosemiotic notes on the '08 presidential campaign
Chap. 1 Psychosemiotic background
1. The allusion illusion: what you can get by predicating on S* constructions.
The formal apparatus for transcribing actual sign uses (S*) is specified in ostensive (token-specific: actual use) definition (Ex: "this is the sign for the letter ex: "x".) and rules for their use.
Use* includes:
a. -rules of combination
i. grammar for individual S* in text
ii. templates for groups of S* (cross-texted)
b. -rules of application for terms actually used to communicate.
i. used as names: S*jct => subject of sentence
ii. used as predicates: S*prd => predicate attributed to a subject in a sentence
c. Construction of S* from other S* used as names
(ex.: "Socrates"; "Descartes' cogito" -- metalevel name of argument) Note: number signs were used as names by the Sumerians, thus assigning exact, calculable text to tokens used in trade, etc..
c. - Formal derivatives
For subject-predicate sentences:
Ex.: Socrates is male => (logical analysis: a.
term for individual (e.g., 'name'; the subject term S); b. term for the attributed characteristic (predicate term P); c. term performing the functions of i.linking a. with b. in ordered (asymmetrical) sequence; and ii. expressing the predicative (assertive) force indicated by the sentence taken as true or false.
WE'VE ALL BEEN (super condensed constellation)
1. allusion to Joey-Amy sex
2. "B-tt" .. .. .. anal substitute for vaginal
3. "h" .. .. .. (assass)-ination substituted for sex
=>Mc CAIN 4. imprisonment alludes to incubation
(fantasy of return to fetal origins) -- a birth
of New Conservatism (from 2., 3.)
5. empowerment: Foucault's thesis that sex is power and vice versa is immediately corroborated by New York Times phony sex scandal. This, plus the presidential campaign circus, hath delivered unto the world a Reborn Vietnam Fetus, empowered through anal rape of Goddess America (Brittney Spears) to briefly wield the power of the beast 666 before the denoument.
2. The Twin Brothers (as conjunction of opposites)
Lets see, how many have we had recently in the foreground of Group TokenSpace (where sentences about persons as subjects relate)
Bad news from the second-grade side of the 60's:
-Clinton- Gingrich
-Kristol - Kaplan
-Russell - Whitehead
Going Back to the Archetypes (world 3: from the family into history)
(earliest types of essence (spiritual) 'twins') pre DNA)
Gilgemesh - Enkidu (is humanized by prostitute)
Ishmael - Isaac
Jacob - Esau
(Jacob's son Juda) PeReZ - ZeRah
PREZ (Bush) 2000 (GoRe )
Background: The Code of Hammarubi (circa 2000 B.C. Babylon:
155. If a man betroth a girl to his son, and his son have intercourse with her, but he (the father) afterward defile her, and be surprised, then he shall be bound and cast into the water (drowned).
(Gen. 37.1
"Now Jacob dwelt in the land where his father was a stranger, in the land of Canaan ...38.2 And Judah (son of Jacob, called The Lion) saw a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shua, and he married her and sent in to her. 3. So she conceived and bore a son and he caalled his name Er.. 6. Then Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, and her name was Tamar. (His daugher-in-law Tamar tricks Judah by playing the harlot, to conceive by him.)
27. "And it came to pass, at the time of giving birth, that behold, twins were in the womb. 28. And so it was, when she was giving birth, that one put out his hand; and the midwife took a scarlet thread and bound it on his hand, saying, "This one came out
first." 29. And then it happened, as he drew back his hand, that his brother came out unexpectedly; and she said, "how did you break through? This breach be upon you!" Therefore his name was called Perez. 30. Afterward his brother came out who had dthe scarlet thread on his hand. And his name was called Zerah."
CAIN, OF THE LAND OF CANAAN, has appeared to claim Tamar's due. The PReZidency is passed through progeny begot by trickery of fake whoredom by son's wife to conceive by him. Thus gaining the power of his DNA, as new age talk would put it. G.W. Bush pushed out first, after the struggle "in the womb" during the Florida vote count, after it had been announced that Gore won.
Now at the end of year 7- going-on-8 of the Term of this son of Juda on his son's daughter by trickery, there emerges another offspring -- from Tamar's place or arising, the land of Canaan
Chap. 3. Fathered through his uncle's wife
McCain's Admiral DNA father / commander of U.S. Naval Fleet in Vietnam /
/ Son of Uncle Reagan (Spiritual Godfather) 's Wife
(Peggy Noonan's America)
Chap. 4. The LEO - blood red lunar eclipse in the Sun's
2.21.08 constellation
2.08.08 NEO - The One (matrix) - endorsed by BPSB
2.14-08 NIU - (knee-you) Valentines day inauguration
- DeKalb, Ill. shooting
- Mughniyeh killed in Israel
2.15.08 NEW - David Brooks NY Times -
"Fresh Start Conservatism"
NY Times Op-ed by Christopher Buckley
The torture issue: WAS McCAIN TORTURED?
-raised in BPSB blogs week after Valentine's day
'Songbird' McCain's REVERSALS (partial list to date)
1. Reverses himself on the torture bill he sponsored -- "Democrat pork expeditures" he said. (motive: alignment with the pro-torture Bush-Gonzales neocons)
2. Berating Obama's "I would bomb Pakistan if.." stance as "inexperience showing" --- after the U.S. just used a Predator drone against alleged Al-Queda target on Pakistan's border -- without asking Pakistanis, apparently.
(motive: to show Mussarraf he is cared for by the Senator -- to keep him quiet and cooperative)
3. The Anti-Lobbyist Senator surrounded by staff of lobbyists.
The Anti-Lobbyist, Advised by Lobbyists
By Michael D. Shear and Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, February 22, 2008; A01
For years, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has railed against lobbyists and the influence of "special interests" in Washington, touting on his campaign Web site his fight against "the 'revolving door' by which lawmakers and other influential officials leave their posts and become lobbyists for the special interests they have aided."
But when McCain huddled with his closest advisers at his rustic Arizona cabin last weekend to map out his presidential campaign, virtually every one was part of the Washington lobbying culture he has long decried.
4. Lawyer Bob Bennett asserts on Chris Matthews MSNBC that his client, McCain, had consistently supported legislation contrary to Paxon telecommunication interests represented by lobbyist Vicki Iseman, when the record showed he had in fact gone out of his way to do so. on occasion.
5. The POW who said McCain was called "Songbird", also said that when he was campaigning among conservatives, he would be effusively conservative; then turn around and vote with liberals. (Standard complaint against politicians, but this complaint made the contrast seem pronounced.)
(W)is-e MAN -- lobbyist Vicki Iseman linked to phoney bin Laden al-Jazeera videotape outlet?
(or what -- a short book)
Psychosemiotic notes on the '08 presidential campaign
Chap. 1 Psychosemiotic background
1. The allusion illusion: what you can get by predicating on S* constructions.
The formal apparatus for transcribing actual sign uses (S*) is specified in ostensive (token-specific: actual use) definition (Ex: "this is the sign for the letter ex: "x".) and rules for their use.
Use* includes:
a. -rules of combination
i. grammar for individual S* in text
ii. templates for groups of S* (cross-texted)
b. -rules of application for terms actually used to communicate.
i. used as names: S*jct => subject of sentence
ii. used as predicates: S*prd => predicate attributed to a subject in a sentence
c. Construction of S* from other S* used as names
(ex.: "Socrates"; "Descartes' cogito" -- metalevel name of argument) Note: number signs were used as names by the Sumerians, thus assigning exact, calculable text to tokens used in trade, etc..
c. - Formal derivatives
For subject-predicate sentences:
Ex.: Socrates is male => (logical analysis: a.
term for individual (e.g., 'name'; the subject term S); b. term for the attributed characteristic (predicate term P); c. term performing the functions of i.linking a. with b. in ordered (asymmetrical) sequence; and ii. expressing the predicative (assertive) force indicated by the sentence taken as true or false.
WE'VE ALL BEEN (super condensed constellation)
1. allusion to Joey-Amy sex
2. "B-tt" .. .. .. anal substitute for vaginal
3. "h" .. .. .. (assass)-ination substituted for sex
=>Mc CAIN 4. imprisonment alludes to incubation
(fantasy of return to fetal origins) -- a birth
of New Conservatism (from 2., 3.)
5. empowerment: Foucault's thesis that sex is power and vice versa is immediately corroborated by New York Times phony sex scandal. This, plus the presidential campaign circus, hath delivered unto the world a Reborn Vietnam Fetus, empowered through anal rape of Goddess America (Brittney Spears) to briefly wield the power of the beast 666 before the denoument.
2. The Twin Brothers (as conjunction of opposites)
Lets see, how many have we had recently in the foreground of Group TokenSpace (where sentences about persons as subjects relate)
Bad news from the second-grade side of the 60's:
-Clinton- Gingrich
-Kristol - Kaplan
-Russell - Whitehead
Going Back to the Archetypes (world 3: from the family into history)
(earliest types of essence (spiritual) 'twins') pre DNA)
Gilgemesh - Enkidu (is humanized by prostitute)
Ishmael - Isaac
Jacob - Esau
(Jacob's son Juda) PeReZ - ZeRah
PREZ (Bush) 2000 (GoRe )
Background: The Code of Hammarubi (circa 2000 B.C. Babylon:
155. If a man betroth a girl to his son, and his son have intercourse with her, but he (the father) afterward defile her, and be surprised, then he shall be bound and cast into the water (drowned).
(Gen. 37.1
"Now Jacob dwelt in the land where his father was a stranger, in the land of Canaan ...38.2 And Judah (son of Jacob, called The Lion) saw a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shua, and he married her and sent in to her. 3. So she conceived and bore a son and he caalled his name Er.. 6. Then Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, and her name was Tamar. (His daugher-in-law Tamar tricks Judah by playing the harlot, to conceive by him.)
27. "And it came to pass, at the time of giving birth, that behold, twins were in the womb. 28. And so it was, when she was giving birth, that one put out his hand; and the midwife took a scarlet thread and bound it on his hand, saying, "This one came out
first." 29. And then it happened, as he drew back his hand, that his brother came out unexpectedly; and she said, "how did you break through? This breach be upon you!" Therefore his name was called Perez. 30. Afterward his brother came out who had dthe scarlet thread on his hand. And his name was called Zerah."
CAIN, OF THE LAND OF CANAAN, has appeared to claim Tamar's due. The PReZidency is passed through progeny begot by trickery of fake whoredom by son's wife to conceive by him. Thus gaining the power of his DNA, as new age talk would put it. G.W. Bush pushed out first, after the struggle "in the womb" during the Florida vote count, after it had been announced that Gore won.
Now at the end of year 7- going-on-8 of the Term of this son of Juda on his son's daughter by trickery, there emerges another offspring -- from Tamar's place or arising, the land of Canaan
Chap. 3. Fathered through his uncle's wife
McCain's Admiral DNA father / commander of U.S. Naval Fleet in Vietnam /
/ Son of Uncle Reagan (Spiritual Godfather) 's Wife
(Peggy Noonan's America)
Chap. 4. The LEO - blood red lunar eclipse in the Sun's
2.21.08 constellation
2.08.08 NEO - The One (matrix) - endorsed by BPSB
2.14-08 NIU - (knee-you) Valentines day inauguration
- DeKalb, Ill. shooting
- Mughniyeh killed in Israel
2.15.08 NEW - David Brooks NY Times -
"Fresh Start Conservatism"
NY Times Op-ed by Christopher Buckley
The torture issue: WAS McCAIN TORTURED?
-raised in BPSB blogs week after Valentine's day
'Songbird' McCain's REVERSALS (partial list to date)
1. Reverses himself on the torture bill he sponsored -- "Democrat pork expeditures" he said. (motive: alignment with the pro-torture Bush-Gonzales neocons)
2. Berating Obama's "I would bomb Pakistan if.." stance as "inexperience showing" --- after the U.S. just used a Predator drone against alleged Al-Queda target on Pakistan's border -- without asking Pakistanis, apparently.
(motive: to show Mussarraf he is cared for by the Senator -- to keep him quiet and cooperative)
3. The Anti-Lobbyist Senator surrounded by staff of lobbyists.
The Anti-Lobbyist, Advised by Lobbyists
By Michael D. Shear and Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, February 22, 2008; A01
For years, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has railed against lobbyists and the influence of "special interests" in Washington, touting on his campaign Web site his fight against "the 'revolving door' by which lawmakers and other influential officials leave their posts and become lobbyists for the special interests they have aided."
But when McCain huddled with his closest advisers at his rustic Arizona cabin last weekend to map out his presidential campaign, virtually every one was part of the Washington lobbying culture he has long decried.
4. Lawyer Bob Bennett asserts on Chris Matthews MSNBC that his client, McCain, had consistently supported legislation contrary to Paxon telecommunication interests represented by lobbyist Vicki Iseman, when the record showed he had in fact gone out of his way to do so. on occasion.
5. The POW who said McCain was called "Songbird", also said that when he was campaigning among conservatives, he would be effusively conservative; then turn around and vote with liberals. (Standard complaint against politicians, but this complaint made the contrast seem pronounced.)
(W)is-e MAN -- lobbyist Vicki Iseman linked to phoney bin Laden al-Jazeera videotape outlet?