Dear Diary April 25, '08
April 25, 2008
It's About Israel, Hamas and Iran
1. 4. 18 - 20 Ground Zero -- Popes visit => Bush (pact?) =>
synagogue visit (slipped in itinerary unannounced)
2.. AIPAC trial scheduled April 29. -massive number of FBI investigations into Israeli spying after Pollard, suddenly called off after Bush came to office. Discovered by translator Sibel Edmonds, who has volunteered to testify to Congress if they will tell it all. It's now up to Henry Waxman. Will it be postponed? Will announcements be made?
Ex-Aipac employees S. Rosen and Weissman were indicted by L.Franklin plea bargaining. He was a State Dept. employee caught in the J.Pollard investigation. Judge Ellis has allowed 13 top tier Bush adm officials to be called to testify, including Rice and Cheney. (Defense manipulating the legal system to show that exchange of information with Israel is routine D.C. business.) This politicizes the trial, calculated to favor the Jews by appealing to holocaust sympathy, but could easily backfire, leaving a catch 22 0-sum situation.which I suspect is what obtains.
3. The "don't talk to Iran" group, including Cheney (mentioned as mastermind) and Rice, caused release of documents purporting to show destruction of a North Korea run nuke plant in Syria by Israeli bombers, juxtaposed with blurry images of a factory apparatus that compares with "Curveball"'s pictures, supplied to Chalabi, sold to TV audiences as proof of biochemical WMP to start the Iraq war. This "news" pervaded MSNBC, Fox, CNN Headline; less on CNN. (They have all gone into false consciousness, acting-out mode, driven by deep knowledge of the duplicity they are helping continue.)
This incident was slipped into American consciousness September 6, '07, under the radar of Gen. D. Petraeus and Iraq Ambassador Crocker's dissembling US Senate presentation, where some kind of military pact was announced inked between the nations. ahem. An article by a visiting Israeli BU professor explaining why it was a good idea appeared a bit later in the Press & Sun Bulletin. (Which I challenged, having followed the event in context.) It was explained to the illuminati on the inside pages of some publications that it was a signal to Iran that the IDF meant business and would attack even a hinted nuclear threat, as they did in Iraq in '81 (disapproved of by Washington, incidentally). Now with this clearly made-for-media re-iteration of the point, for what it is worth, has received the complicity of the very officials subpoened in the April 29 Rosen and Weissman trial. WTF
4. Announcement of charged of spying for Israel have suddenly been served on New Jersey associate of Jonathan Pollard Ben-Ami Kadish. This could be called a "deterrent foothill", interjecting the "oh, they are picking on the Jews again are they?" (..eliciting "No! No!" as reaction-formation) to confuse and buffer latent 'anti-semite' (it will be called) outrage at the announced link.
5. Hillary Clinton saying she would "totally obliterate" Iran if it nukes Israel. Never mind that would be years away from even the possibility, according to all official accounts except Israel's. The policy of pre-emption treats all threats as imminent.
6. The cable TV newsters keep delivering the Wright cross to Obama. Playing clips of his "God Damn America" sermon, while slipping in his defense of Palestinian causes, so that solidarity of U.S. patriotism with Israel is shown in condemning him. Hamas literature was said to be quoted in a church bulletin. The connection between the candidate and his pastor was belabored by CNN McCafferty file segment: "Does Wright's speaking out about his religion help or hurt Obama?"
7. Jimmy Carter is labeled a "bigot" by U.N. Ambassador Gillerman (to a press club in a downtown NY law firm offices), for talking with Hamas in Syria. See 3 above. His position: As a democratically elected government, they must be included in any final settlement agreements. Hanging the "terrorist" tag on them is used to pre-empt legitimate disputed issues, and to lynch Carter.
Analysis: Carter's would be the 'realist' position in the current pundit vernacular; the 'idealist' position would be NY Times' David Brooks and the WSJ. Carter and Pastor Wright are 'exremists', in bed with hate America jihadists.
8. March of the Military Analysts PR brigade. A very important expose of how Iraq war news has been framed by ex-military sock puppets, controlled by the WHIG - OSP - AEI - AIPAC neocon cabal who inflicted it, was published by the NY Times April 20, Hitler's birthday. The ones involved were admitting they had willingly disinformed the public, like Joseph Goebel's Nazi propaganda did to Germans. Also, to doing so for the sake of contracts and access.
MEANWHILE: -- McCain is seen strolling through the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, under the 17th street canal on Lake Ponchetrain in the streets where bodies were seen floating a year or so ago, vowing "Never Again!" -- would government unpreparedness allow ... etc.
BREAKING NEWS: McCain just quoted saying "Obama is Hamas' candidate". Sure enough, up pops some Hamas literature saying he would be the best candidate for them, read out by Wolf Blitzer in the Situation Room. (4:03pm CNN)
After Musharaff, the New Sheriff in town in Pakistan has cut a mutual non-aggression deal with 'al Queda'- Taliban/tribal forces of Mehsud in S. Waziristan,, closing the door for U.S. money to pay for periodic 'kill their own kind' forays he would periodically order (reported as crucial ally of "Americas war on terror"). Leaving a gaping hole in U.S. military, not to say foreign policy. Without Fallon over there ..I dunno ...
******* Summing:
=> Pope visits synagogue, passes torch to McCain :(segue: Tibet)
=> Phoney N. Korea-Syria nuke strike by Israel pictures
=> AIPAC Israeli spy trial impending 4.29, implicating U.S officials
=> Ben-Ami Kadish's "good spy" false lead-in to absorb shock
=> Hillary's "totally obliterate.. Iran" last minute manipulation
=> Obama's Wright Cross
=> Lynching Carter for talking with Hamas
=> Military analysts admit deception (ongoing, but...embarrassed?)
: The unspoken, behind the scenes controller of this constellation of news events is the State of Israel and its lobby. It's interests are mainly in identifying itself with "America" at the linguistic, symbolic level; and in framing the election to preemptively exclude consideration of Hamas, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, as a potentially nuclear armed "terrorist" bloc posing a threat to Israel and the United States. These two things, identity and preemption, supply the central, on-going narrative thread.
:: The conjunction of the claimed N. Korean-Syria building strike by Israel, the impending AIPAC spy trial and what to do about Iran, are today's primary geopolitical realities.
There is always a new configuration tomorrow. It will include today's realities, plus the difference made by their essence being seen and related to as such. How else could real difference be arrived at soundly?
Time Aprils on
April 25, 2008
It's About Israel, Hamas and Iran
1. 4. 18 - 20 Ground Zero -- Popes visit => Bush (pact?) =>
synagogue visit (slipped in itinerary unannounced)
2.. AIPAC trial scheduled April 29. -massive number of FBI investigations into Israeli spying after Pollard, suddenly called off after Bush came to office. Discovered by translator Sibel Edmonds, who has volunteered to testify to Congress if they will tell it all. It's now up to Henry Waxman. Will it be postponed? Will announcements be made?
Ex-Aipac employees S. Rosen and Weissman were indicted by L.Franklin plea bargaining. He was a State Dept. employee caught in the J.Pollard investigation. Judge Ellis has allowed 13 top tier Bush adm officials to be called to testify, including Rice and Cheney. (Defense manipulating the legal system to show that exchange of information with Israel is routine D.C. business.) This politicizes the trial, calculated to favor the Jews by appealing to holocaust sympathy, but could easily backfire, leaving a catch 22 0-sum situation.which I suspect is what obtains.
3. The "don't talk to Iran" group, including Cheney (mentioned as mastermind) and Rice, caused release of documents purporting to show destruction of a North Korea run nuke plant in Syria by Israeli bombers, juxtaposed with blurry images of a factory apparatus that compares with "Curveball"'s pictures, supplied to Chalabi, sold to TV audiences as proof of biochemical WMP to start the Iraq war. This "news" pervaded MSNBC, Fox, CNN Headline; less on CNN. (They have all gone into false consciousness, acting-out mode, driven by deep knowledge of the duplicity they are helping continue.)
This incident was slipped into American consciousness September 6, '07, under the radar of Gen. D. Petraeus and Iraq Ambassador Crocker's dissembling US Senate presentation, where some kind of military pact was announced inked between the nations. ahem. An article by a visiting Israeli BU professor explaining why it was a good idea appeared a bit later in the Press & Sun Bulletin. (Which I challenged, having followed the event in context.) It was explained to the illuminati on the inside pages of some publications that it was a signal to Iran that the IDF meant business and would attack even a hinted nuclear threat, as they did in Iraq in '81 (disapproved of by Washington, incidentally). Now with this clearly made-for-media re-iteration of the point, for what it is worth, has received the complicity of the very officials subpoened in the April 29 Rosen and Weissman trial. WTF
4. Announcement of charged of spying for Israel have suddenly been served on New Jersey associate of Jonathan Pollard Ben-Ami Kadish. This could be called a "deterrent foothill", interjecting the "oh, they are picking on the Jews again are they?" (..eliciting "No! No!" as reaction-formation) to confuse and buffer latent 'anti-semite' (it will be called) outrage at the announced link.
5. Hillary Clinton saying she would "totally obliterate" Iran if it nukes Israel. Never mind that would be years away from even the possibility, according to all official accounts except Israel's. The policy of pre-emption treats all threats as imminent.
6. The cable TV newsters keep delivering the Wright cross to Obama. Playing clips of his "God Damn America" sermon, while slipping in his defense of Palestinian causes, so that solidarity of U.S. patriotism with Israel is shown in condemning him. Hamas literature was said to be quoted in a church bulletin. The connection between the candidate and his pastor was belabored by CNN McCafferty file segment: "Does Wright's speaking out about his religion help or hurt Obama?"
7. Jimmy Carter is labeled a "bigot" by U.N. Ambassador Gillerman (to a press club in a downtown NY law firm offices), for talking with Hamas in Syria. See 3 above. His position: As a democratically elected government, they must be included in any final settlement agreements. Hanging the "terrorist" tag on them is used to pre-empt legitimate disputed issues, and to lynch Carter.
Analysis: Carter's would be the 'realist' position in the current pundit vernacular; the 'idealist' position would be NY Times' David Brooks and the WSJ. Carter and Pastor Wright are 'exremists', in bed with hate America jihadists.
8. March of the Military Analysts PR brigade. A very important expose of how Iraq war news has been framed by ex-military sock puppets, controlled by the WHIG - OSP - AEI - AIPAC neocon cabal who inflicted it, was published by the NY Times April 20, Hitler's birthday. The ones involved were admitting they had willingly disinformed the public, like Joseph Goebel's Nazi propaganda did to Germans. Also, to doing so for the sake of contracts and access.
MEANWHILE: -- McCain is seen strolling through the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, under the 17th street canal on Lake Ponchetrain in the streets where bodies were seen floating a year or so ago, vowing "Never Again!" -- would government unpreparedness allow ... etc.
BREAKING NEWS: McCain just quoted saying "Obama is Hamas' candidate". Sure enough, up pops some Hamas literature saying he would be the best candidate for them, read out by Wolf Blitzer in the Situation Room. (4:03pm CNN)
After Musharaff, the New Sheriff in town in Pakistan has cut a mutual non-aggression deal with 'al Queda'- Taliban/tribal forces of Mehsud in S. Waziristan,, closing the door for U.S. money to pay for periodic 'kill their own kind' forays he would periodically order (reported as crucial ally of "Americas war on terror"). Leaving a gaping hole in U.S. military, not to say foreign policy. Without Fallon over there ..I dunno ...
******* Summing:
=> Pope visits synagogue, passes torch to McCain :(segue: Tibet)
=> Phoney N. Korea-Syria nuke strike by Israel pictures
=> AIPAC Israeli spy trial impending 4.29, implicating U.S officials
=> Ben-Ami Kadish's "good spy" false lead-in to absorb shock
=> Hillary's "totally obliterate.. Iran" last minute manipulation
=> Obama's Wright Cross
=> Lynching Carter for talking with Hamas
=> Military analysts admit deception (ongoing, but...embarrassed?)
: The unspoken, behind the scenes controller of this constellation of news events is the State of Israel and its lobby. It's interests are mainly in identifying itself with "America" at the linguistic, symbolic level; and in framing the election to preemptively exclude consideration of Hamas, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, as a potentially nuclear armed "terrorist" bloc posing a threat to Israel and the United States. These two things, identity and preemption, supply the central, on-going narrative thread.
:: The conjunction of the claimed N. Korean-Syria building strike by Israel, the impending AIPAC spy trial and what to do about Iran, are today's primary geopolitical realities.
There is always a new configuration tomorrow. It will include today's realities, plus the difference made by their essence being seen and related to as such. How else could real difference be arrived at soundly?
Time Aprils on