Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

My Photo
Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Monday, June 23, 2008

Double Dialectics

The First Dialectic

THESIS "War as good." George S. Patton's ambivalence, resolved approbatively in favor of war as "our general". Tough, mean, smart, field tested commander, inspiring loyalty and discipline. The type of military man America will ever require to defeat cruel Nazi type enemies.

This war is (good/bad).


Not: "(This) war is good"

Antithetical factions classified by type of S* (sign-use) strata

Existential types: pacifists (opposed in principle, perhaps on philosophical reasons, as conscientious objectors) Hippies, homosexuals, femininists, 'liberalism', University Intellegencia (UI) (domestically: anti-white racism, racialism; disapprobative Southern militarism, e.g., Bull Conners, George Wallace, Right Wing Senators: everything the 60's revolution stood for. These issues did not break out so much in the military.)

One existential type, barely represented openly, but there, could be labeled True American Jesus Trip believers, taking a theological stance against the perpetrators. These lacked clout and organization, since the signs and slogans of national identity were co-opted and used against us. The anti-abortion movement, which began in downtown Binghamton as a theologized existential counter force to militant Harur College antithesists

Political types: Democratic party, socialists (YSA, SDS), some student leaders, some outspoken Catholics and New York intellectuals. Street people "Leftists".

Philosophical types:

America* (group identity token)
The Trip (narrative history turn: America The Trip*)
The Communication revolution (post-positivism: Hot.Com condensation. (America The Trip for Me 'n You*)

SYNTHESIS: Patrick J. Buchanon's "Southern Strategy", connecting Southern Bible Belt Republicanism subsumed under Nixon's infamous Silent Majority, with old line Orange County (Ca.) Hollywood Americanism (Yggsdril, on the Paleocon boards) .. joined by moral rebounders against the perceived 60's excesses, plus carpetbagging religious entrepreneurs (TV preachers; later right-wing radio talkers), and a strain of genuine traditional (pre-Vietnam) culture (Ex. of 19th century SouthWest, Lubbock.)

It was this last that I represented at Harpur college. This traditional cultural strain was opposed, deeply and profoundly, and virtually unknown, by another thread of ethnic cultural identity, the Jewish influence. It was far from loud, or open or oppressive (to me), but it was in fact metaphysical, resting on different assumptions about reality only later to become 'totalized', with the help of the Big Glitch.

2. The Second Dialectic (Post-Synthesis of First Dialectic) --



The confluence of post-Vietnam Americanism and the BIG GLITCH explains what followed, and the form of the New Antithesis.

1 Introducing the Neoconservatives

The Big Glitch was incorporated into American group discourse when the neocon Jews joined forces with the already distorted Americanism of Buchanan republicans. Conjoining TORAH! -Talmud specialists with morally challenged-but-holy Nixon supporters, not just forgiving but silently glorifying those who got the names of the dead carved into the Vietnam veteran's memorial wall, reversed the disapprobation and need for punishment their sin called for. It wasn't originally a Jew thing. The Vietnam war was a sin against the soul of America, and the liberal-to-radical Jews saw that, without calling attention to themselves as such (as none of us did, except the Catholics, which gave the peace movement a kind of comraderie ).

There was nothing particularly Jewish about the anti-war movement at all, except the exceptional talent and intelligence suddenly unleashed on several cultural fronts. They probably excelled in far greater numbers proportional to other ethnicities and cultures, as it is certain that their numbers and influence far excelled any other's in the neocon movement. Quoting Heilbrunn "Despite the fervent protestations of its founders and adherents, it is anything but an anti-semitic canard to label neoconservatism a largely Jewish movement." (p. 14) He qualified by saying he refers to "a cultural proclivity specific to American Jews of a certain generation, not about something that is "essentially" Jewish in either a religious or a racial sense." -- although use of "Zionism", and propagandizing Jerusalem in local children-of-all-colors celebrations argue against such constrained use; but we understand it. Israel* and the holocaust* have become sacralized tokens of a new politico-religious milieu the neocons would facilitate. As Heilbrunn notes himself, recent critics of the Iraq war have claimed that it results from foreign policy "pushed by neocon's "Jewish" concerns with Israel.' (p. 10) It is, in fact, crucial to understand that a particular strain of "Jewish" is, in fact, melded into the POST-SYNTHESIS (new THESIS) by THE GREAT GLITCH. It is a kind that uses the splits elicited by the names (the "J" words) to approbiatively disambiguate the metaphysical totality. As Heilbrunn notes regarding the inner split between Jewish factions coming out of the 60's:

"The best way to understand the phenomenon may be to focus on neoconservatism as an uneasy, controversial, and tempestuous drama of Jewish immigrant assimilation -- a very American story. At bottom, it is about an unresolved civil war between a belligerent, upstart ethnic group (the New York CCNY Trotskyite intellectuals) and a staid, cautious American foreign policy establishement that lost its way after the Vietnam War. The neoconservatives always had an uneasy relationship with the WASPs who had launched the cold war but lost their will to wage it during Vietnam." (p. 15)

2. End of "the Vietnam War Syndrome"

A "syndrome" is a psychydynanic feeling-toned complex attached to a persistant, there-or-not episode eliciting a strong characteristic instinctual response when referred to by words or pictures (most often traumatic, Ex. a child witnessing the primal scene).

When "syndrome" is used obsessively as a predicate, it can be called "the "syndrome" syndrome", manifesting the same compulsion to repeat at a second (meta-) level of self-observation. Such a doubling may be used to defend (be dismissive of) the charge of being obsessive-compulsive ("it's just a syndrome, you know").

The feeling toned complex to which "the Vietnam War syndrome" was/is attached is the totality brought back by "McCain and the 60's" -- the contradictory opposites predicated on in the '08 election. The two sides of the metaphysical split disambiguate the approbatives differently.
For those who followed Buchanan, Buckley, Reagan, Bush ...identification with the Lost Years he spent in suffering categorically opposes, as in a parallel (for it, non-) reality.

A DOUBLE DOUBLE take-out of the "syndrome" syndrome is in Eric Alterman's "The "Never Mind" Syndrome." Never mind the dark side of McCain's record; the flip-flops; the contradictions. The Suffering Son complex splits these off from consciousness, like the smell of Teen Spirit. "Getting over the Vietnam syndrome" actually sub-texts to "Getting over on the 60's baby boom sexuality, again" syndrome -- that which is forever disapprobative. The 60's* are forever on the HATE side of the Right Wing mentality because it* defines that mentality as such. THEY LOVE (the father: twisted reaction formation). WHOEVER hates them HATES LOVE (is twisted, themselves). The NEW THESIS is LOVING McCAIN.


Confronting Self-Contradiction Squared; Yablo McCain

A graduate philosophy student on the Phora website posted a logical paradox called Yablo. Without going into its content in detail, it occurred to me that the form of refutation of the New Thesis here might be illuminated by interpreting it into the first four segments of a fibonacci-type sequence (1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21- etc.), correlating the original pair of 1's (for sign-uses) with 1-and-its-opposite (1~1)*. With this change, 2 correlates with a predicate of a self-contradiction (1~1)2, and 3 correlates with the predicate of a predicate of a self-contradiction ((1~1)2)3.. Assume a stratification of predicate type-levels (predicates of predicates of a higher type are not per se predicates of individuals of lower type).

To interprete this, let the sign "McCain" be taken as predicate correlated with 2, predicated of "war hero~war hero" as 1~1.

This expresses the illogical (but easily constructed) idea that the same man both is and is not a war hero (both and/or neither, depending on how application of the name as a predicate is disambiguated higher up.)

Next, let "President" be taken as a predicate correlated with 3 as predicate of 2, as 2 predicates of (1~1) as name of (both or neither), taking McCain~McCain as instance. "President McCain" will have two instances, depending on whether the one taken is war hero or not; and also two other instances, depending on the opposite assignment: four in all.

At this point, a "approbative disambiguator", say "is good", may be predicated: "Presidents are good" (as Presidents --
"honor the system"). Since "President McCain" does not go with "anti-war hero McCain" it follows that if McCain becomes President, he will become a war hero, rather than the opposite. The predicate he has in the past is determined by the predicate he is given in the future THEN, in the present Now.

In order to avoid what is predicated today from being reversed by approbative disambiguation tomorrow, the names, facts and how they are conjoined must be specified. That is what the Big Glitch would forever prevent, if it is permitted to be squared.

Deconstructing "McCain"

Loving McCain
What it means

1. D.Valentine: "Glory Boy or Go-To Collaborator"

"Underlying the Jekyll-Hyde reversals is McCain’s hidden past of collaboration. Somewhere in the unplumbed human part of John Sidney McCain III, he knows his POW experience contradicts the war hero image he projects. This essential dishonesty, this lie of the soul, is a sign of a larger lack of character - .

"McCain is not some principled leader, not a maverick cowboy fighting the powerful. He’s a sycophant. He believes in nothing but power and will do anything to attain it. He explodes in anger when challenged because, when a criticism hits to close to home, it goes to straight his deep-seeded shame."

It isn't that there is no "THERE" there, it's that the THERE that there is should not be. Douglas is a military man, pedigree of Hackworth's 'grunts', and he relates what happened to Glory Boy officers in his outfit whose antics got people killed.

2. Tom Hayden: Dr Strangelove -- The Madness THEN and NOW from Kubrick to Kilcullen
("Global Phoenix program")

In the depths of the cold war, Stanley Kubrick created a notoriously mad scientist character, Dr. Strangelove, whose passion was for dropping atomic bombs. Now there is a rising media and Beltway fascination with a new Dr. Strangelove, whose passion is imposing a mad science of counterinsurgency on Iraq. ...

His name is David Kilcullen, an Australian academic and military veteran whom the Washington Post's Thomas Ricks once described as Gen. David Petraeus's "chief adviser" on the counterinsurgency doctrine underlying the surge in Iraq.

Kilcullen advocated a "global Phoenix program" in an obscure military journal, Small Wars, in 2004. For the ahistorical or uninitiated, Phoenix was a largely off-the-books detention, torture and assassination program aimed at tens of thousands of South Vietnamese who were identified by informants as the Vietcong's "civilian infrastructure." The venture was so discredited that the US Congress denounced and disbanded it after hearings in the 1970s.

3. Eric Alterman: Loving cCain


...(S)pontaneous testimonials to his character that have gushed from the pens of so many MSM journalists. These would include calling McCain "a cool dude" (Jake Tapper, Salon); "an original, imaginative, and at times inspiring candidate" (Jacob Weisberg, Slate); "a man of unshakable character, willing to stand up for his convictions" (the late R.W. Apple Jr., New York Times); "a man of intelligence, honor and enormous personal and political courage" (Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek); "blunt, unyielding, deploying his principles.... What he does do is what he's always done, play it as straight as possible.... The maverick candidate still" (Terry Moran, ABC News's Nightline); "worldly-wise and witty, determined to follow the facts to the exclusion of ideology...willing to defy his own party and forge compromise...pragmatic in the service of the national interest...rises to passion when he believes that America's best values are at stake" (Michael Hirsch, Newsweek); "kind of like a Martin Luther" (Chris Matthews, MSNBC's Hardball); "the perfect candidate to deal with what challenges we face as a country" (Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC's Morning Joe); "rises above the pack...eloquent, as only a prisoner of war can be" (David Nyhan, Boston Globe); "the bravest candidate in the presidential race" (Dana Milbank, Washington Post); "an affable man of zealous, unbending beliefs" and "the hero [who] still does things his own way" (Richard Cohen, Washington Post); and who, in "an age of deep cynicism about politicians of both the rare exception who is not assumed to be willing to sacrifice personal credibility to prevail in any contest" (David Broder, Washington Post).

Believe us, we could go on (and on and on..)

B The "Never Mind" Syndrome

On issue after issue, and from every side of the journalistic political spectrum, a campaign of deception and distortion has helped to ensure that McCain's extreme positions and politically inspired flip-flops remain far from the consciousness of the average voter.

McCain flatters the press in other ways as well. For instance, he is particularly adept at embracing reporters' romantic notions of themselves as tough-minded, hard-charging opponents of power, particularly conservative power. After facing questions from the late Tim Russert, host of NBC's influential Meet the Press, he opined, "I just had my interrogation on Russert.... It's a good thing I had all that preparation in North Vietnam!" One can hardly imagine what it must have been like for McCain to endure what he did as a POW in North Vietnam, but it's hard to believe that it is an appropriate metaphor for taking questions about his main opponent in the Republican primary such as this: "Is Governor Romney waving the white flag?... Is Governor Romney suggesting surrender?"

C. "IT'S IN THE MAN" as personal container of split-off sacrificial 'good' of Vietnam

According to an extensive Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll taken in early May, only 27 percent of voters have positive views of the Republican Party, the lowest level for either party in the survey's nearly two-decade history. A clear majority of voters in the same survey said they wished for a Democratic President. And yet, in what the Journal reporters termed a "remarkable" finding, McCain remained in a dead heat with Obama and Clinton in head-to-head match-ups. The authors' explanation: "McCain's image is trumping negatives such as the war and the economy."

The fact that his approval ratings tower above those of the party
shows it is split, even contradictory on such issues as immigration, foreign policy, abortion, gay marriage. His strong championing of the vertices of their cube agreed on as national agenda -- taxes=evil; enemy=evil squared, liberals =the enemy -- .

Loving McCain Squares the old cynical canard that Image trumps everything. All the media has fallen in line. What choice does the Republican party have? The ex-candidates, cable news media punsters and pundits, Bible and borsh belt talk show hosts will each find something approbative they can go with, all the while splitting off the rest to 'extremists'. One man's extremist is another man's Goldwater. A true Union of Opposites is McCain -- a walking, talking contradiction.

D. CONCLUSION: LOVED because he 'stands for' what we HATE (blame, would punish) in ourselves. The name "McCain" predicates a unity of his-our matching self-contradictions. "President McCain" Squares this double self-hatred with a predicate of highest level approbation. Love For The Highest channels Hatred For the Lowest.


VIETNAM> WAR> (Disapprobative content reversed by the Zionist Jews) < HERO > JOHN McCAIN
BELOVED Political Journalist TIM RUSSERT died 6.13.'08

From Hating Vietnam
to Loving McCain
via the Big Gliltch
and Reagan

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Poison* Pellets

Poison* Pellets

It is a rule of an erstwhile leaders political talk never to admit anything that makes them look weak, indecisive, disadvantaged. This leads them to automatically convert all occasions of possible any detracting allegation or incident into something favorable. "The best defense is a strong offense", some coaches contend. "Let untoward necessity be seized on as opportunity" is the maxim invoked by pastors of churches in America's mid West destroyed by the bloods of '08. It is a basic principle for riding out difficulties. However, when such optimistic practice hardens into a principled policy, and its reversal used to preempt truth, it converts the claim of justification into a front for denial. Since this defeats all attempts at correction in advance, it is poisonous to a system that depends on relating to reality through words.
A cynic might well say that this is, in fact,what politics is all about: making poisonous discourse per se. The following items from June 2008 have precipitated in accord with such judgment like hailstones from a West Texas thunderstorm.


. 1. Lieberman ....<=> Obama, 6.03.'08

=>even as Obama is wooing AIPAC in NYC, trying to win Jewish votes

<= Lieberman is on the phone with McCain's camp, opposing
Obama's position on Israel.

He is confronted on the Senate floor about it by Obama the next day.

It poisons the system to have both:
A. Lieberman as the swing-vote 'to whom the Democrats are obliged to deal with in order to oppose Republicans;
B. His "independent" status is politically honored, even while conceded to be the MSM's non de guere for hard core right wing Connecticut Jews,

Having both means that in order for the system to allow Democrats opposing Republicans on any show-down issue, such as attacking Iran, for instance, Lieberman's "if it's good for the Jews" approval is required.

It is characteristic of the Poison Pellet that it conjoins the representation of that which defeats high purpose by equally high, but irrelevant accolades.

2. Tim Russert dies,

Friday June 13 in the am. Blood clot from a ruptured 'bad chloresterol' sac blocked vein caused a massive coronary, it was reported, though it sounded contrived. He had passed a stress test with flying colors only a week earlier; no history of.malfunction or heart disease. A sudden shock of some sort to his system delivered a shock to MSM communications, and through them to friends and neighbors in personal conversations (testifying). It would require many words of the finest, highest, most respected-to-revered sort to even begin to do justice to the way the man's passing was honored. Dedication to the profession of public information service, by one of its transparently dedicated servants built squarely into Buffalo, New York => Buffalo Bills, Lake Erie/Ontario => Niagara Falls America. His son, Luke, gave an an extensive interview testifying to a full, fun, open and comprehensively intellectual life with his father. Tim, as well known, had written a moving tribute to Luke's grandfather titled "Big Russ 'n Me.". In psychosemiotic* terms, this sudden, untimely death was the punctuation of a very large Region of Conservatism in Tokenspace. In doing what he did best, pouring out hid essence-blood, overcame negative, cynical leftists, reinstated (or valorizing) the mythos of The Dying Patriarchy.

It was as if the entire Fourth Estate had found exoneration. As a Group-process entity (token: "MSM*"), it could use it. Mercury has been madly criss-crossing Mars in retrograde forever, it feels like. John (why are they all named "John"?) McClellan had blown a big whistle with his "WHA' HAPPENED" disclosure the week before, followed by confirmation of the very point he made -- that the Bush administration had misrepresented the evidence for war in Iraq -- by a U.S. Senate report long in the making. Prior to that, the Pentagon's Propaganda Arm was exposed by the New York Times as manipulating public opinion to favor faux arguments, as in Hitler's Germany. One of the right wing's taunt's of McClellan was "If he thought he was being used to misrepresent things, why didn't he resign?", but that would have taken the courage of a German to speak against Die Fuhrer himself.

William Kristol's column on Monday's New York Times op-ed page, Big Tim, expresses unqualified admiration:

"Tim was now a big shot, and he rather enjoyed being a big shot. But he was just about the nicest big shot in Washington — decent and unpretentious, remarkably kind and genuinely thoughtful. In a city consumed by relationships and networking, Tim was known for his friendships and generosity. He became widely admired because his everyday behavior — with respect to staff, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers — was so routinely admirable."

Kristol also notes Russert had just returned with his family from a visit with Pope Benedictus XVI in the Vatican, following his son Luke's graduation from college. "Tim also lived to enjoy the college graduation last month of his son, Luke, of whom he was very proud. To celebrate the occasion, Tim, his wife, Maureen, and Luke visited Rome. They attended the Wednesday audience with Pope Benedict XVI, then had lunch with Cardinal John Patrick Foley, who had baptized Luke. As the lunch ended, Tim asked the cardinal to bless them."

Such a solid existential chunk of TokenSpace exists to be politicized. "Solid gold" rang up on Conservative Cash registers. Fox news' Hannity glares and blares "Leftist's hate Russert!" What makes him One of Them is his tokening of Sacrificial Son. The text messages issuing from his mouth in replays can now be looped, and re-looped, into the group-fantasy templates whenever a token of Son sacrifice would be useful.

3. Flag day 6.15 (Saturday)4. McCains POW record reported

Document 1. Point
Article: "In '74 Thesis, the Seeds of McCain's War Views" - David D. Kirkpatrick
NY Times 6.15.2008

-Setting out an official story line on issues relating to McCain's Vietnam POW years.

-Was tortured war hero, blaming war protestors for undercutting POW morale

Document 2. -Counterpoint
Article "From Glory Boy to PW Songbird"


1. -was rescued by Vietnamese civilian. "I'll hate them forever"

On October 26 (1967), he was trying to level a power plant in a heavily populated area when a surface-to-air missile knocked a wing off his jet. Banged-up John McCain and what was left of plane splashed into Truc Bach Lake.

A compassionate Vietnamese civilian left his air raid shelter and swam out to McCain. McCain’s arm and leg were fractured and he was tangled up in his parachute underwater. He was drowning. The Vietnamese man saved McCain’s sorry ass, and yet McCain has nothing but hatred for “the gooks” who allegedly tortured him. As he told reporters on his campaign bus (The Straight Talk Express) in 2000, “I will hate them as long as I live.” (1)

2. Was he ever tortured?

McCain, in his carefully prepared statements, claims he was tortured while in solitary confinement (repeated in NYTimes article, and that is why he signed a confession saying, “I am a black criminal and I have performed the deeds of an air pirate. I almost died and the Vietnamese people saved my life, thanks to the doctors.” (3)

However, on March 25, 1999, two of his fellow POWs, Ted Guy and Gordon "Swede" Larson told the Phoenix New Times that, while they could not guarantee that McCain was not physically harmed, they doubted it.

As Larson said, "My only contention with the McCain deal is that while he was at The Plantation, to the best of my knowledge and Ted's knowledge, he was not physically abused in any way. No one was in that camp. It was the camp that people were released from."

Guy and Larson’s claims are given credence by McCain’s vehement opposition to releasing the government’s debriefings of Vietnam War POWs. McCain gave Michael Isikoff a peek at his debriefs, and Isikoff declared there was “nothing incriminating” in them, apart from the redactions. (4)

McCain had a unique POW experience. Initially, he was taken to the infamous Hanoi Hilton prison camp, where he was interrogated. By McCain’s own account, after three or four days, he cracked. He promised his Vietnamese captors, "I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital."

3. How far did his collaboration with the enemy go?

One can only wonder when the concierge at the Hanoi Hilton started taking calls from Admiral McCain. Rather quickly, one surmises, for the Vietnamese soon took John Boy McCain to a hospital reserved for Vietnamese officers. Unlike his fellow POWs, he received care from a Soviet doctor.

“This poor stooge has propaganda value,” the Vietnamese realized. The Admiral’s bad boy was used to special treatment and his captors knew that. They were working him.

For his part, McCain acknowledges that the Vietnamese rushed him to a hospital, but denies he was given any "special medical treatment."

However….two weeks into his stay at the Vietnamese hospital, the Hanoi press began quoting him. It was not “name rank and serial number, or kill me,” as specified by the military code of conduct. McCain divulged specific military information: he gave the name of the aircraft carrier on which he was based, the number of US pilots that had been lost, the number of aircraft in his flight formation, as well as information about the location of rescue ships. (5)

McCain was held for five and half years. Collaborating during the first two weeks might have been pragmatic, but he soon became North Vietnam’s go-to collaborator for the next three years. Given the quality of the military information he allegedly shared, his situation isn’t as innocuous as the pragmatic French barber who cuts the hair of the German occupier. McCain was repaying his captors for their kindness and mercy."

4. The Thing is .... (This makes him a poison pellet by the above definition -- compulsive reversal of what is reviled and despicable into the honorable and praiseworthy.)

"McCain learned his lesson well from the Vietnamese propagandists who used him for their psywar projects. But it’s not the collaboration that makes John McCain unfit for office; it’s the fact that he has managed to rewrite his collaboration into political capital. “He’s a war hero, respect him, or die.” (emph. added)"

5. - Inner Contradiction accounts for his infamous instability

"Underlying the Jekyll-Hyde reversals is McCain’s hidden past of collaboration. Somewhere in the unplumbed human part of John Sidney McCain III, he knows his POW experience contradicts the war hero image he projects. This essential dishonesty, this lie of the soul, is a sign of a larger lack of character....

McCain is not some principled leader, not a maverick cowboy fighting the powerful. He’s a sycophant. He believes in nothing but power and will do anything to attain it. He explodes in anger when challenged because, when a criticism hits to close to home, it goes to straight his deep-seeded shame."

5. CBS news admits for first time that Al Quaeda was
created by U.S. ant-Soviet policy in the 80's under Reagan.

6. The Nation online magazine hedges anti-Iran bomb message

Article "Bombing Iran? It's Not So Bad, Really"

The Dreyfus Report

"Patrick Clawson and Michael Eisenstadt, two Iran experts at the pro-Israeli thinktank, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, have published a primer for bombing Iran that looks at the costs and consequences. It's called "The Last Resort," but it might have been called "Making the Unthinkable Thinkable."

"hey make it look easy.

"ould Iranians "rally 'round the flag" if Iran is attacked? Maybe, maybe not, they say. "One cannot assume that a preventive strike against Iran's nuclear infrastructure would necessarily prompt a nationalist backlash.""

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Freud, Flags and Russert


Requiem for Russert

Post-Vietnam Father-Son Reconciliation Sans Remorse =>

The death of TV journalist Tim Russert June 13, 2008, delivered a shock of great proportions to the news media industry, aka MSM. Flag Day followed on the 14th, followed by Father's Day the 15th (today). The overpowering mythic theme replayed over and over in the endless heartfelt remembrances of Russert is the bond between Father and Son. He had written of his own relationship in "Big Russ and Me..". He and Tom Brokaw, also author of a best selling tribute to his, made NBC News a safe haven for the We-love-Dad folks seeking infotainment.

The sheer psychic force of this Biblical theme, punctuated by death of one of its finest blooms; pervasively broadcast throughout the following symbolically associated days in mid June, prompted this speculation: perhaps a "fourth" to follow on the 16th? -- resolving an inner contradiction the first three led to? (A kind of post-Hegelian thing.) If such occurs, it's inner dynamic structure will be teleological, as if the end, the 4th, acted as Final Cause, in Aristotle's sense, of the series <=3<=2<=1. Did The Almighty call Tim home in order to kick off a Time of Sacrifice? Resolving the inner contradiction between the Vietnam war Fathers, represented by McCain; and the Sons of True America, who opposed them. Unrepresented, until now.

The way it is shown, his totally unexpected instantaneous death (heart attack, it was said) seals his life's narrative as sacrificial son to his (Father's) Work. These would be those Fathers who turned against and sacrificed Americas children in Vietnam and Kent State. By reconciling with this Fatherhood, Russert, and the rest of the reconcilers, betrayed the Spirit above their personal Fathers. Soft religio-political fascism. It leaves Obamaites totally out of the flow (for good ir ill). Heil Lieberman.

(added: metaphysics and symbology)

Flags as Symbolic Placentas

Each fetus arrives wrapped in its placental sac, 'Bursting out' is the last act of natural childbirth, enabling oxygen to be drawn into the infant's own lungs for the first time. This event is the epic, once-in-a-lifetime Birthday Moment, imprinted in every individual's neuro-psychological narrative. And, taking flags as symbolic placentas, the epic Moment marking the Birth of Nations (or other collective beginnings). Flags carry this linkage -- individual births and the birth of nations -- in two ways: A. by tokenizing the moment achieving individual freedom; B. eliciting the shared unconscious group-fantasy of fetal siblings contained in the same womb-surround.

Confirmation and Elaboration

1. Experiences. a. Seeing Old Glory waving elicits pride (flashback to shared moment of victory);

b. Touching the flag elicits a special kind of 'shock' to the psychic system (re-establishing original closeness to the container).

These feelings, pride and sacrality, are similar, both being brain 2 arousals, but distributed in different contexts in a manner that leaves them textually dissociated in actual discourse.

2. Symbolic Acts -- separate

a, The Salute (palm-at-brow symbolizing total brain 1 visual-intellectual focus, merging inner and outer horizons)
b. Pledge of Allegiance (right hand movement folded over heart, then extended toward flag; symbolizing power merger)
c. Draped over Soldier's Coffins (re-wrapping the original sheath)
d. Displayed Properly (The act of 'showing' the inner common fetal origins; cf. also, waving. )
e. Flown on poles (The pole is associated in unconscious fantasy with the erect penis, or phallus, though this includes post-Oedipal content retrojected onto earlier childhood fascination with stick, poles, straws, swords, etc. The Flag Pole, itself then, forms an independent symbolic object to which the flag is conjoined, as if discharging the "we" seed of sibling spermata, triumphantly in the air, "our" womb-surround.)

3. Major Group Symbolic Act --

-Carried aloft in battle. This is the primary group-psychological use. "Battles" are re-staged re-birth rituals, always fighting an enclosing, dark, suffocating, unrelenting and overpowering THING, preventing us* from filling our lungs with precious oxygen. This THING/seque/MONSTER is the fantasized placenta returned as 'poisonou' (the "POISONOUS PLACENTA" -- every mysterious "Enemy" the Group-Fantasy Leader (=>fetal Hero) is compelled to "deliver the people" from is a symbolic phantom placenta. (Cf. John 3.14f)

Note: In current Group-fantasy discourse, the Poisonous Placenta is named "al Queda". One remarkable thing in the representation of "al Queda" as most, most vile, demonic, abominable 'terrorist network" is they have, or have been given, no flag. This goes with the group-fantasy thought (mostly unconscious) "They have no inner bond of unity to anything higher than themselves as a group (subtext: like we do); they are not giving birth to anything." It is altogether unique, a First Time, for ANY nation, or people, to wage war an Enemy unmarked by any bond except "terrorist". It is the moment of deconstruction of the Biblical Patriarchal Group Process.

Saturday, June 14, 2008



Requiem for Russert, Beloved War Pimp

Post-Vietnam Father-Son Reconciliation Sans Remorse

Flags as Symbolic Placentas (Thesis)

Each fetus arrives wrapped in its placental sac, 'Bursting out' is the last act of natural childbirth, enabling oxygen to be drawn into the infant's own lungs for the first time. This event is the epic, once-in-a-lifetime Birthday Moment, imprinted in every individual's neuro-psychological narrative. And, taking flags as symbolic placentas, the epic Moment marking the Birth of Nations (or other collective beginnings). Flags carry this linkage -- individual births and the birth of nations -- in two ways: A. by tokenizing the moment achieving individual freedom; B. eliciting the shared unconscious group-fantasy of fetal siblings contained in the same womb-surround.

Confirmation and Elaboration

1. Experiences. a. Seeing Old Glory waving elicits pride (flashback to shared moment of victory); b. Touching the flag elicits a special kind of 'shock' to the psychic system (re-establishing original closeness to the container). These feelings, pride and sacrality, are similar, both being brain 2 arousals, but distributed in different contexts in a manner that leaves them textually dissociated in actual discourse.

2. Symbolic Acts -- separate

a, The Salute (palm-at-brow symbolizing total brain 1 visual-intellectual focus, merging inner and outer horizons)
b. Pledge of Allegiance (right hand movement folded over heart, then extended toward flag; symbolizing power merger)
c. Draped over Soldier's Coffins (re-wrapping the original sheath)
d. Displayed Properly (The act of 'showing' the inner common fetal origins; cf. also, waving. )
e. Flown on poles (The pole is associated in unconscious fantasy with the erect penis, or phallus, though this includes post-Oedipal content retrojected onto earlier childhood fascination with stick, poles, straws, swords, etc. The Flag Pole, itself then, forms an independent symbolic object to which the flag is conjoined, as if discharging the "we" seed of sibling spermata, triumphantly in the air, "our" womb-surround.)

3. Major Group Symbolic Act --

-Carried aloft in battle. This is the primary group-psychological use. "Battles" are re-staged re-birth rituals, always fighting an enclosing, dark, suffocating, unrelenting and overpowering THING, preventing us* from filling our lungs with precious oxygen. This THING/seque/MONSTER is the fantasized placenta returned as 'poisonou' (the "POISONOUS PLACENTA" -- every mysterious "Enemy" the Group-Fantasy Leader (=>fetal Hero) is compelled to "deliver the people" from is a symbolic phantom placenta.

Note: In current Group-fantasy discourse, the Poisonous Placenta is named "al Queda". One remarkable thing in the representation of "al Queda" as most, most vile, demonic, abominable 'terrorist network" is they have, or have been given, no flag. This goes with the group-fantasy thought (mostly unconscious) "They have no inner bond of unity to anything higher than themselves as a group (subtext: like we do); they are not giving birth to anything." It is altogether unique, a First Time, for ANY nation, or people, to wage war an Enemy unmarked by any bond except "terrorist". It is the moment of deconstruction of the iblical Patriarchal Group Process.

4. Symbol of Our National Unity - what happened

The WWII fathers sinned against the flag by ordering soldiers into the war in Vietnam they did not personally lead. This violated the unspoken social contract bonding the military segment, at least in America, up the chain of command of authority to public political figures. Thus elected officials with military records, such as John Murtha, or who have sons in the military, such as Jim Webb, speak with more gravity than others because of this unspoken bond of understanding. The self-evident and ineluctable justification for honoring this rule is to prevent the group from sliding into a mode of youth sacrifice -- taking advantage of their youthful trust and idealism to bring them gold.

The Sins of the Fathers of the Vietnam war inflicted an OBEY! or DISOBEY AND DISHONOR ME! alternative on the generational sons and daughters coming of age during the '60's. The youth culture energy at the time was out of control of anyone's sanctions but their own, mediated by sex, drugs, rock 'n roll and war protest. Old WWII America was dissolving, as detente with Russia, The Pill (for morning after defertalization), and Betty Friedan's deconstruction of Feminine Mystique combined to deconstruct the Daddy's. All this posits a psycho-historical era, a duration of collective experience each person participates in in their own way through the grammar of "we", and common national-group self-reference. When "war"\ is injected by collective group-action (action of a group through individual 'we' participants) into necessarily shared mainstream communication, a token of father-son sacrifice, the "sons" are put in the position of responding to an alternative which is uninvited and unjustified. It provokes a reaction of resistance, as to a total way of being; or knuckling under.

This is what those of us who spear headed the intellectual resistance knew was happening. It was Freudian -- but not in them (acting out rebellious 'kill father' brat fantasies); Rather, in the
deep unspoken psychology of the guilty fathers. It was more than sin. Deconstructed in the 1970 Kent State shootings, it templates the group fantasy of delegate priests committing blood sacrifice (lambs, bulls, children -- libido-Id containers),

The problem in confronting this was that it rested squarely on the distinctive mythopoeic world view of Western Patriarchy, specifically, mediated by The Bible* (as a text-token sign-use* here) as a form of consciousness. It still is. To come to terms with THAT as a worldview, a weltaungshuung, as 19th century German philosophers called it, requires coming to terms with the most enduring, all-pervasive, omni-present positive energy flux claiming its right to access and control higher-level functions of the psychic apparatus. This energy impulse through particular localizations in the body is taken by some esoteric teachings, and by the sexologist Wilhelm Reich, to be consonant with a cosmic process which fills the whole universe (like an 'aether'), The energy template of this Father-Son sacrifice theme has been actually played out, historically, in forms too numerous to elaborate. The demand that it be played out on America's youth by the Vietnam War Hawks was this same old same old; another chorus of the same old song.

For those of us who led this resistance, the spectacle of post Vietnam war Sons*, in the group historical sense, knuckling under to the demand they give up their lives for the Fathers, who have sinned, is revolting. When those who do the reconciliation then turn around and moralize the Vietnam war as an American plus+ ('or the 53,000 will have died for nothing, like liberals want to see')they have bitten a chunk off the bodark tree. And that is exactly what has happened.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Obama Aipacks

First, this little performance is not about the black man, first and foremost, but about the Jewish one. Not about Bob Marley and Bobby Seale; about David Horowitz and Richard Perle.

The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, together with the Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations (as if any weren't), JINSA, AEI, PNAC, WHIGS,...Weekly Standard, National Review, Newsweek, Sarkozy Frenchpersons, and all the rotted roots of this stand of adders constitute what James Petras -- a real leftist critic of Israel -- calls The ZPC (Zionist Power Configuration).

The centre of gravity of their existence as a group-fantasy* community is to establish the existence of Israel, defined in right-wing Knesset terms, or however that "nation" decides to decide things (lol ... since neither its people nor Americas have any say whatsoever, as Obomas abomination shows.) As if anybody or anything could do anything whatever to confront this fascist fifth column that has taken over here.

There has NEVER been any open electorial vote for any policy toward Israel. A litany of presidents and other leaders, plus documents, are regularly produced as historical precedent for the course Obama preached to the choir.

Coming after Hillary's shrilled "obliterate Iran" for them into their MSM megaphones the day she was set to score victory in PA, getting over her tough britches act for the tune of a measley $10 mil. ... endearingly mind fondled in Boca Raton ... this black man has commited an abomination. These two gross interventions in the group psychological process do "book end" the period April 22 - June 3-4 of Amerian primary election with Jew karma. Like WWII is always bookended with "the holocaust".

Obama touched the brass ring and it sizzled his soul. He flip flopped his pastor's faith to embrace Zion. (check) He offers up the shared black-jewish civil rights cause in the south during the 60's as a spiritual bond (check: -still refusing to face the Vietnam war issue, then or now). Mr Bo Jangles -- or, better, Al Jolson in blackface <=> Barak Obama in whiteface -- dance. (check: who didn't love Jolson in blackface) Allowing his essence-soul substance as a fine, decent, super-talented black man to be shoved in the face of Southern White Protestant males for the sake of these particular Jews.

(*fantasies, mostly unconscious, shared by individual who delegate themselves to act as 'members' of a historical group. (Ex. "as a Jew," -- includes, and has always included, Jerusalem as center of the center, Israel's capitol. Bush committed one abomination speaking in thier Knesset, this black man has committed another in using the name "Jerusalem" -- cf., S. King, Salem's Lot))