America's Jewish Psychosis
(Zionist Power Configuration - James Petras)
In addition to having now become a pariah nation, Israel and its global network of operatives act with impunity, knowing no crimes perpetrated in its name will ever be prosecuted.
“What? Continuing the holocaust, eh?” is the ever-ready response. Israel was set up as a refuge from Nazi hatred of Jews. Any attack on its right to exist, and implications thereof as determined by them, must logically be seen as ‘anti-semitic”: willingness to side with the Nazis in exterminating the race.
It is seen from the preceding argument that the ZPC has become morally inverted and self-contradictory. If it also immune from prosecution, we have a situation of psychotic killers hiding in the open in the name of “Israel”. Everybody knows, or knows someone who knows, an Israeli. Do they know whether they are a spy?
America’s Jewish Psychosis
Grant S. Smith’s just published book SPY TRADE details the history of The Jewish Committee, established in 1948 as a liason group between Truman’s administration and the tiny state authority established in Palestine. It’s name was later changed to The Zionist Council; then, to A.I.P.A.C.. Smith establishes that from 1948 forward, there was always a two-track process going on through these connections: one, the ‘upper’, bright-golden face Israel turned outward to the world, with narrative taken directly from the Holy Bible, Old Testament, tied by religious language to conservative America’s Christian heritage. And the other, an ‘under track’ of relations, mainly concerned with smuggling WWII military equipment into the budding state, allowing it to retail to other countries at profit. Israel became a hub of arm sales to an entire mid-east network, where moneybags got passed around, along with cocaine, opium and good red Leb hash, probably..
The extent to which this is true is nowhere more clearly illustrated than in the anthrax letter bombs of 2001. This was quickly determined to be a planted “black flag” operation to pin guilt on Islam, and was declared to be such by pro-Israeli DoD Richard Perle. Here was a weapon of mass destruction, a bio-genetic attack on the U.S. by Iraq, it was said. But the source of the anthrax was Ft. Detrick. The “Black flag” blame-game, however, showed what kind of operation it was….directly implicating Israeli operatives. Yet this lead was never openly pursued by the FBI, clearly because it contradicted the “upper story” narrative. (cf. the Lavon affair, The USS Liberty). The Children of Israel just don’t do such things, and it is anti-semitic, dangerous, hateful, Nazi-like to even suspect it. Obsession with it is a kind of political porno. So it is framed.
However, if the two strands of what “Zionism” is are stretched to the point where the ‘upper story’ narrative includes, folds in, predicates on, black flag (fake-hate, agents-provocateur instigated) events, then the process will be pushed toward the lowest common denominator of sustainable energy flow. Everything will be framed to elicit the reaction-formation of double-denial at each staged/real event. “Hiding in the open” (“Son of Sam” etc.) It the form of psychosis. (Jung, Mysterium Conjunctionis)
Systematic avoidance of blaming “the Jews” for anything, lest one be guilty of flirting with anti-semitism, extends to The Nation’s pages, representing perhaps the broadest middle class intellectual strand of psychic process.
3.1.210 ‘The Media-Lobbying Complex’ Sabastian Jones– traces use of cable TV news “experts” having open corporate-political conflicts of interests. It exposing real evil, e.g. Eli Lilly’s Mark Penn on MSNBC 1.22.10 Mornin’ Joe –but no mention of anything Israeli (e.g., AEI, Kristol backing Sarah Palin).
2.22.10 (after “Focus on the Fetus”, Katha Pollitt) very lengthy article “How To Get Our Democracy Back” by Lawrence Lessing,. Entirely ignoring the question of Israel’s influence, although it has never been voted on.
Both of these are deception-by-omission. This omission in The Nation, intellectual custodian of much middle American thinking, also illustrates repression of the ‘underside’.
A test of wills is underway to see if any of the nations claiming to be outraged will actually condemn Israel for this state sponsored assassination. One thinks: what it will mean if they don’t.
Labels: Zionisy Power Configuration