Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Monday, June 28, 2010

Kagan Disqualified by Ethnicity

Letter to BP&SB 2.28

Discussion of Elana Kagan’s suitability to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court is blocked by political correctness. To claim that her being Jewish is disqualification enough, in the present context, is dismissed as “anti-Semitic”, though arguable.

This ethnic identity impinges directly on America’s status as a nation respecting national as well as international law, after Israel’s raid on the Gaza flotilla raid has left an American citizen dead. Mainstream media has committed to its narrative.

Indeed, 87 US Senators signed a letter to President Obama June 12, predicated on that version of events. Eye witness and video accounts, however, refute it. This adds up, prima facie, to official malfeasance.

To suppose Kagan’s ethnicity would not prejudice her in favor of Israel’s narrative beggars all credulity. Moreover, she is undeniably linked to the same neocon political network as the 87 Senators.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

At End of Day 6.27.2010

AT END OF DAY 6.26.2010

(“Dear Fellow Traveler:

This weekend, Saturday at 7:30 am EDT (4:30 am PDT, 12:30 pm BST) is a partial eclipse of the Moon in Capricorn. [Most ephemerides list this as the time of the Full Moon; others list the eclipse separately eight minutes later.] This is an eclipse on the Aries Point, with many planets involved. Said another way, we have an eclipse close to the change of seasons, which always brings something, or many things, that are truly unusual.

It's as if we stand at an event horizon but can't see just over the curve of the Earth. These events are likely to precipitate out pretty rapidly over the next few days and weeks, so get ready to make decisions and open up your heart and soul to allow for both progress and its twin, change.

I've said just about everything I have to say about this eclipse, but I don't think I've mentioned anytime lately one thing in particular about eclipses in general. Do what you want the day of an eclipse. Focus on what is the most meaningful to you. We often wonder how to change our lives, how to make real adjustments and how to get our desires to manifest. Using astrology as a model, one way is to work with eclipses, which are one of the most fundamental elements of evolution. They are psychic and physical magnifiers.

Therefore, focus on what you want the day of an eclipse. Do what you love best; be with, or be in contact with, the people you love the most. This factor of eclipses is so dependable it's a wonder there aren't books and articles written about it, but I've never seen one. For most of the world this eclipse happens on a weekend, when most of us have a little more flexibility with our time. Even if you have to work, make sure you invest some of your time and thought into what you love
. – Eric Francis

On the Upside today (6.26) -- Saturday
(mostly from yesterday)

Obama empowered for firing McCrystal  punishing the Instinctive Id-son; rewarding the ultra disciplined “don’t TOUCH the ball” inhibited soccer mom’s boys.

The APPLE IPHONE 4 is released Friday: Sound, the 4th sense organ in grade of qualitative response – “SOUND IS LIKE TOUCH” was NPR’s segment on science – the ultra touch-sensitive screen, I’m told, goes beserk, drops calls, dysfunctions, if not properly fingered and coddled. A new thing to be held, bringing everything in the digitalized world to be experienced at your command…but you must do right to get it.

Looping the senses of touch and sound Squares the junction of text levels S*4 and S*1 – the neuro-psychosemiotics of tonal resonance as contact. Looping would occur through amygdalan memory arousal.

/ On the Downside

-G20 protests in Toronto
-USA loss in soccer to Ghana
-Oil geyser blows out of control
-Afghanistan war news bad: deadliest month, no strategy, rising criticism focused on Karzai/Taliban

Incidental oddities:


850 Rabbi’s protest Elena Kagan’s SCOTUS appointment. She’s not one of them.

850 Orthodox Rabbis: Kagan 'Not Kosher' for Supreme Court
Kagan "will function as a flame-throwing radical, hastening society's already steep decline into Sodom and Gommorah," says Rabbi Levin.

NEW YORK, June 24, 2010 ( - The leader of a group of orthodox rabbis in the United States has spoken out against the appointment of U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan, who is Jewish, to the nation's highest court.

Speaking on behalf of over 850 members of the Rabbinical Alliance of America, Rabbi Yehuda Levin said, "While any number of our co-religionists would represent the undeniable, historic Torah values shared by Orthodox and traditional Jews, we are devastated and broken-hearted by the choice of Elena Kagan."

"According to the Torah perspective adhered to by our 850-plus member Rabbis, as well as hundreds of thousands of Orthodox and traditional Jews, Ms. Kagan is non-kosher - not fit to serve - on the Supreme Court or any other court."

Levin said that it was "clear" from Kagan's background championing abortion and the homosexual agenda "that she will function as a flame-throwing radical, hastening society's already steep decline into Sodom and Gommorah."

"It should be clear that Ms. Kagan's long line of forebearers, presumably tracing back to Sinai, would have sacrificed their lives rather than embrace the anti-G-d, counter-sanctity agenda that she has lived and promoted," said the rabbi.

Levin expressed concern that, thanks to the rise of a Jewish judicial activist Supreme Court justice, the Jewish community could be "scapegoated and targeted by even a tiny subset of the tens of millions of citizens simply fed up with an imperial anti-family, anti-Biblical judiciary."

"For the record, let this statement serve as an unequivocal protest, establishing that Ms. Kagan's philosophy and approach are antithetical to traditional Judaism," he said. "We emphatically reject her ascendancy to the Court!"

Levin concluded by urging senators to oppose the nomination by any means possible.

"We family and religious people will surely employ our last weapon - the ballot box - to respond to those who ignore this existential threat, and insist on contaminating the cultural wellsprings from which we and our children are forced to drink," he said. "It is late in the game. We implore voters to convey these concerns to their Senators - feckless and otherwise."


Main Content
Elena Kagan and the porn wars

A 1993 conference at the University of Chicago Law School on the subject of pornography and hate crimes wasn’t your typical legal seminar.
The gathering of nearly 700 lawyers, scholars and activists sometimes seemed more like a revival meeting for anti-pornography forces than an academic symposium, journalists observed. Protesters beset the event, complaining that it was one-sided and threatened to trample free speech.

Amid that tumult, future Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, then a junior Chicago law professor, gave a well-received, relatively-subdued presentation that would become one of her first and few published law review articles. During a panel discussion, Kagan presented the group with what she portrayed as promising legal strategies to combat the scourge of pornography.

“We should be looking for new approaches, devising new arguments,” Kagan declared, according to video of the event reviewed by POLITICO. She seemed to count herself among “those of us who favor some form of pornography and hate speech regulation” and told participants that “a great deal can be done very usefully” to crack down on such evils.

“Statutes may be crafted in ways that prohibit the worst of hate speech and pornography, language that goes to sexual violence. Such statutes may still be constitutional,” Kagan assured the meeting. She pressed for “new and harsher penalties against the kinds of violence against women that takes place in producing pornography, the use of pandering statutes and pimp statutes against pornographers…perhaps the initiation—the enactment of new statutes prohibiting the hiring of women for commercial purposes to engage in sexual activities.”

A review of Kagan’s writings, public comments, and legal briefs offers a series of indications that she stands in the camp of left-leaning legal academics who view pornography as a social evil that the government should be taking more action to control.

Some of Kagan’s proposals, particularly her call for more prosecutions under the largely dormant obscenity laws, are highly controversial among civil libertarians and First Amendment advocates.
Yet this aspect of her legal thinking has received almost no attention in the run-up to her confirmation hearings, starting Monday.

In fact, advocates simply may not know Kagan’s positions on the issue.
The nominating materials Kagan submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee last month include the article she published based on her presentation at the 1993 conference, but she did not submit the text of her remarks or any recording of her comments. However, conference organizers sold videotapes of the event to the public and law schools around the country; POLITICO screened the tape this week at the Georgetown University law library.

For Democrats fighting the GOP line of attack – that she’s an out-of-the-mainstream liberal – Kagan’s anti-pornography views could be a perfect retort: she seems as offended by certain kinds of pornography as anyone who finds the material reprehensible.

PART THE SECOND: Who The H--- Is McCrystal?

McCrystal/McCHrystal: uncertain spelling of the name – the link below was found under “McCrystal”, also used by HuffPost’s Anne Flaherty; but “H” is in the military bio, Wikipedia, and as if firmly insisted upon by the NYTimes. If Obama is going to take the rouge sinner in uniform to the woodshed, for chrissake, at least get his name spelled right. (The question of what the silent “h” is doing in English in the first place, that it should play this role, is a highly intriguing subject. It is addressed, uniquely I believe, by G.I. Gurdjieff. ) Under the h-less spelling, google brings up a Vanity Fair ’09 article questioning “his” identity, however called. Face recognition software connects the super ex-Green Beret counterintelligence ‘black ops’ mastermind depicted in his military bio man with a Doug Neidermeyer, Commander of Campus ROTC Faber College

And now, be damned if “McCrystal” don’t turn up: Geraldo Rivera Compares Rolling Stone Writer To Al Qaeda Terrorists

Read more:

Geraldo Rivera on Friday excoriated Rolling Stone writer Michael Hastings actually comparing him to al Qaeda terrorists.

Discussing the article that effectively destroyed General Stanley McChrystal's career, Rivera told Fox News's Bill O'Reilly, "These guys, particularly the staffers who gave the most damning statements about the civilians in office, including the vice president of the United States, these guys had no idea that they were being interviewed by this guy."

Rivera then made a staggering analogy (video after the break with full transcript and commentary):
Two days before 9/11, two al Qaeda terrorists posing as journalists got up to Sheik Massoud, our most valuable ally in Afghanistan. They blew themselves and Sheik Massoud up, a tremendous setback. I maintain historically that the removal of General McCrystal at the hands of this freelance reporter for "Rolling Stone" has almost comparable strategic significance. ****

Now lets loop these together:

McC/H/rystal was a “construct” identity filled by impostor Doug Neidemeyer. The entire Rolling Stones episode has been similarly constructed, staged-in-print as it were, then used, together with his signed apology to show voluntary complicity, to empower Obama and get him removed at the same time. Lots of birds killed with one stone.

PART THE THIRD – Israeli Flotilla Raid Blowback

-87 Senators sign letter to President Obama, attesting to verifiable falsehood – reversing the blame for violence causing the death of an American citizen. Written dated 6.12, it has emerged mentioned, now, in context 6.26, to keep Obama’s alternatives framed in terms of ( US =ISRAEL ): unity of national interests in confronting Iran, Hamas, Hezbolla, and all forces peeling away from these interests in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanstan. The NATO perimeter projected as under Petraeus’ command is a shambles, what with the NYTimes reporting today that massive $$’s were going to support Taliban robber barrons attacking US troops supply lines.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


1 - 0 for the ultra-orthodox !

<<--Deconstructing the Dream-thoughts in U.S.A Today’s collective communication. >>

Landon wore his legs out for you. “The net looked like the ocean*” Odd thing to say, you think? – perhaps...

But OCEAN translates symbolically to WATER  MOTHER (=>today: The Unconscious, polluted by Black Gold and blood  Deepwater Horizon has erupted like a volcano down there

NET  the Poisonous Placenta (“Octomoms breeding
Soc’er Stars”)


That was Born Yesterday, too! – without the swagger. Along with an entire NEW SPORTS BAR ATTITUDE. Women and children can play all around, inside and out, this summer. The days of bird flippin’ Generals and Lady Gaga? --backroom office, with private secretary and PR contacts.

(From Daddy’s Lads to Mama’s Bads – only doing what is necessary, and without enjoyment – like the drone Nazi’s they are)

Little Cameroon, flying the flag of the Nav’i.
Was, in the end, no match for for the US and HRM’s Royal Navy.


Now it doesn’t seem odd that he should have said
“The net looked like the ocean” – though such words surely were no part of anyone’s experience at the time, but added to textualize everyone’s Unconscious Bigness

Shouting Only permitted in the Sports Bars today
(unless UR ulta-cool)
-Size of Type (=>loudness of shout)  Truth of Spirit

Saturday, June 19, 2010



Sudoku Metaphysics – Life is a Union of Opposites

-Completing (3 brain human anatomical) Totality at two levels (Time lines; individual/personal  collective transcendental)

Assume as given: a square of nine squares.
1 2 3 (birth triad)
4 5 6 (rebirth/1st sex-pleasure triad)
7 8 9 (re-rebirth/2nd sex-pleasure triad)

Interpret thus:

1 2 3  FIRST TIME (Origin of Origins)

1 : PRE-/POST (marked in reality by actual BIRTH: no past, future, ‘present’)

2  Under MOTHER ( pre-/post- schematized to infant-child opposites)

3  Under FATHER ( pre-/post-//infant-child opposites schematized to earth-sky Gods


(Developmentally: pre-Oedipal consciousness Awakened by First Pleasure Shock -- “down there” awareness: Asexual. This shock re-configures previous phenomenal fantasy ordering, by including how “I” relates to “we” with the new feeling content. (And, latently, how “We” relates to “They” depending on the identification.)

Individual experience of being reborn into a group by ceremony

4  PAST /now/ FUTURE -- Individual/group “I-WE” process.
Past  Dark, Bad; Future  Light, Good.

Conception1 Completed (partially) in Conception2 of Conscious re-merger of Individual in external Mother-Group Totality. Impulse to self-sacrifice to rebirth tribe.

5  Christian/Jews (Bible People) Daniel 7.25; Revelation 12.14 Reconstruction of Reality using amygdalan memory

6  Youth (childhood mentality)/Age (adult)
Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
(Collective memory is external)


External Temporal Token-Frame: Calendar Dates coordinating union of adult organism –developed higher self – completing the totalities of all times and places on Earth under diurnal revolutions around its Sun.

7  Developmentally: The Shock waves of post-orgasmic Sex re-reconfigures existing group-fantasy content, creating inner Space for the higher adult self-consciousness to fill. Reconstruction of reality using Cerebral memory

8  1800 – 2010 America -- Who “WE” are, by blood-birthright. Historical lineage of actual conceptions1,2, reconstructed around trauma/repetition-compulsion time-looped into the on-going process* by karmic feedback. This is the Present Ambient Collective Mentality into which anyone participating in it* must fit as a Totality, in order to Complete. Where this is consciously sensed as occurring, The Big Refusal arises. The higher self of America’s historical totality cannot be completed under this I-We group merger.

This is where the Memory beyond Memory enters through higher cerebral function, producing the text of Transcendental (Archetypal) Unity of Apperception. This is the highest, most inclusive reality-frame of conscious experience under sign-use. Here, Tokens (the empirical sign) of Totalities of the 5 external senses are coordinated 1-1 with Archetypes, as in the Zodiacal star maps, and astrological derivatives.