Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Antinomy of Zionism

Antinomy of Zionism

Op-Ed Contributor
In Israel, Settling for Less
Published: August 29, 2010
Tel Aviv
"WILL Israel remain a Zionist state? If so, what kind? These are the important questions in Israeli politics today, and will be looming over the direct talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority scheduled to begin Thursday in Washington.

"The secular Zionist dream was fundamentally democratic. Its proponents, from Theodor Herzl to David Ben-Gurion, sought to apply the universal right of self-determination to the Jews, to set them free individually and collectively as a nation within a democratic state. (In fact, the Zionist movement had a functioning democratic parliament even before it had a state.) "

Antinomy of ZION-ism -- Jewish religious nationalism represented by Israel -- glossed by Existential Token opposition to NAZI-ism

"This dream is now seriously threatened by the religious settlers’ movement, Orthodox Jews whose theological version of Zionism is radically different. Although these religious settlers are relatively few — around 130,000 of the total half-a-million settlers — their actions could spell the end of the Israel we have known. (Their primary point of unity is belief in a 'mystical link', as he puts it, between land and YHWH.)

"The roots of the problem have been there from the birth of modern Zionism. The relations between Herzl’s movement and Jewish Orthodoxy were uneasy from the start. After all, the Zionist movement sought to achieve by human means what Jews for two millenniums considered to be God’s work alone: the gathering of the diaspora in the land of Israel. Most rabbis therefore shunned Herzl, but not all. Some joined the movement, even formed a party within it, based on a separation of religion and politics. For them, secular Zionism was primarily a solution to the earthly predicament of the Jews; it was not so theologically laden. "

Herzl => secular democracy (<= will be defeat itself as the rising Arab demographic, will vote out Zionism), sacrificing democracy

West Bank/Rabbi Kook Settlers Alternative => Insisting that "Zion" links national identity to geography: The Holy Land to people of the Bible (<= Nazi Party/German dogma), sacrificing secularity.

This is Israel's Antimony of Zion. Both alternatives lead to dead end for "The Zionist State of Israel." Either it renounces its democratic ideal and goes theocratic; or, it sticks to its democratic ideal and loses the S* tie

But the path that will surely be followed, tacitly or openly, is hardly doubtful. "Ben-Zion" is Benjamin Netanyahu's father's first name. "He" (Freudian SuperEgo in Son's head) could hardly fail to be 'disappointed' (<= from Inception), were Israel not allowed to be called by the Father's Father's name. "ZION" betokens the Old Testament FATHER-SON Group-Fantasy. This, projected into the starry cosmos, provides transpersonal sanction for regarding the land as Holy. Without that, and all it means to People of the Book, "Israel" is just a tiny strip of soil wrested from Palestinians by force in '47-8 by Jewish remnants of Nazi genocide.

Powerful considerations work against this historical choice. First, the Old Testament God, often mispelled "G-d" by Zionist adherants, as if to reserve a hidden designatum for certified initiates -- the Real Name of what Gentiles call "God" -- is a transcendental illusion. "He" ain't out there, said Kepler, Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Kant, each (and others) in their way. What remains as psychological fact, projected by hidden-and-overt names shuffled around through TokenSpace, predicated on by "believers", now comes tagged "not literally true" (not even cognitive, logical positivists point out). In short, it has become a token of the type known in street argot as "hype"; but of a particular, important sort. As Kant well argued, the particular kind of psychological fact "God" is, for those who 'profess' it's use as a name, functions to bring otherwise disparate content into conscious unity. He called this "the Transcendental Unity of Apperception". signifying that which "the Mind", catch-all term in Western philosophy from Greek nous, brings to "experience", as opposed to being (a content) experienced. The difference is categorical; that is to say, metaphysical. The ground of Unity of experience (consciousness under S*) is not one of the many passing, distinct contents (quality, qualia, intensities) it* unifies. (Can a hammer strike itself? Can grammar be grammatized?)

Immanuel Kant is sometimes called, and vilefied for being, "the Protestant's Philosopher". This translation of Transcendent (beyond experience) to Transcendental (preceding experience) explains why. It takes away the "as if externally transcendent God" as unifying token. This, in turn, re-establishes each individual's inner link to personal reality, in relating to whatever external reality might exist. Restoration of that link at the textual theological level of sign-use (S*vii) is the inner counterpart of consciousness of "incarnation" (of "The Heavenly Father"). This link Squares with German theologian Martin Luther's break with Catholicism over individual vs. priestky mediated faith-by-grace. It was the Age of Holiness descended into earth, then arising therefrom in human form as/in the Spirit of God in Man. That is what Italy's first great humanists foretold against the Papacy. It was an Idea/l that rolled inexorably through the psyche of peoples of North/East Europe: "Protestantism" (<= Catholic 'negative' name 'stuck' by its being accepted; cf. "anti-Semitism" by Zionists; "homophobia" by homosexuals). Whereas previously Holy Men of the Christian faith aspired to be Fathers unto Sons of succeeding generations, thenceforth, circa 1500, Holy Men aspired more humbly to be Worthy Sons. Sons worthy of the manhood of the First and Only Begotton. This is the post-enlightenment position of religious consciousness Kant's Critique establishes through Reason.

This, then, is the first major philosophical obstacle to Going Zionist. It wilfully perpetuates the pre-incarnation position of consciousness. This position is anti-historical (regressive). Taken literally, it is openly recognized as false. Therefore understood as a projection (<= subjective content taken as exernal). Now traceable to the psychic processes of Old Testament Bible believers backing West Bank Zionists.

The second is this. The psychosemiotic result of "ZION", the Idea/l, linked to "ISRAEL", the land, is reduction of theological content to "anti-NAZI": just that, and nothing more, except what can be spread abroad, everywhere from politics to daily life, by implicated alignment. But this is the essence of existential unfreedom, perpetually on the defence against charges of being pro-Nazi by even questioning the grammar of "Israel's right to exist".

(tbc more later on the 'diaspora humanist' position)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Gospel of YHWH


NETANYAHU is the Messiah of Zionism

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu holds the fate of world history in his hand. "The Point of No Return", article in The Atlantic (September, 2010) by Jonathan Goldberg,documents that this cosmic dream content has infected the common mind of believers* in the Bible's "Zion" (=> doubled in The Matrix film fantasy by "Orpheus"). Through the maze of dream states to Jerusalem* (Biblical Zion)

Matrix* //Inception* <=**Doubles the unconscious group-fantasy, if the maze-meme, shown twice to Ariadne*, is threaded back through memory by text-token association with the digitalized reality of the Zion dream. The diseased common cosmic mentality documented by Goldberg, as a content of the upper triad of consciousness ("under God") is *Doubled again. and again, and indefinitum. in contents of the lower, materialized triad.

AS ABOVE ('Father in heaven")

Father Ben-Zion Netanyahu: (Ben = "son-of"; - yahu =Yhwh: Zion <= Yahweh's spiritual progeny)

=>widely recognized authority on the Spanish Inquisition, revolutionizing its interpretation as a blood-cleansing crusade.

<=L. deMause's psychohistory has documented and standardized the interpretation of Nazi historical group-fantasy as being the Jews were poisoning the purity of Aryan blood. The seeming psychosemiotic cruelty was driven by the unconscious fantasy of purifying the German blood and completing its historic birthright.

The Israeli narrative of rebirth-thru-secret-in-their-pouch nukes is the Return of the Repressed from the fetal origins of experience, grafted onto, and re-enactted as, the Rebirth of The Children of Israel -- sealed with the blood of American youth sacrificed for Zion.

This is the context, I submit, for understanding Ephraim Sneh's view that "if Iran crossed the nuclear threshold, the very idea of Israel would be endangered."
It has become part of "the very idea of Isreael,", that is to say, Zionism, that it holds power of life-or-death over Iran. Not just that Iran might actually attack Israel when and if got nukes; even the idea is is intolerable. "Even the left-wing Meretz Party," Goldberg writes, "which is harsh in its condemnation of Netaanyahu's policies toward the Palestinians, considers Iran's nyclear program to be an existential threat." The word "existential" occurs several times, used by official spokespersons to justify pre-emptive war policy, seriously lacking any standard international use.


Son: Benjamin Netanyahu (<=. son of son of son of Yhwh)

GROUP-FANTASY (collective unconscious content) PM Netanyahu is The ZIONIST Messiah.

The thread leading from the Bible, through the two movies; through the common mentality (mainly youth: believers in faith-change Obama 2008 politics, target swing vote fort 2012) => Bombing Iran)

From Travail (Below, fetus suffering in the womb) (=> Depths) to Rebirth

Goldberg: "The Israeli narrative, in shorthand, begins with shoah, which is Hebrew for "calamity," and ends with tkumah, "rebirth." Israel's nuclear arsenal symbolizes national rebirth, and something else as well: that Jews emerged from WWII having learned at least one lesson, about the price of powerlessness."

...-> even while here in America, where WWII was not about "the Jews" at all (or only peripherally, in some occult, but venal inner circles), the main lesson ingrained at the moral/spiritual level was not to be barbaric and cruel like Nazis. These two lessons retained from WWII, one, NEVER AGAIN to be rendered helpless; the second, NAZI's are EVIL, appear compatible only because America fought and defeated the Nazis, therefore what this word represents was associated with "enemy/tried to kill us/ poisonous placenta to which children are sacrificed (what 'soldiers;' are in Grp-fantasy) for rebirth. However, the two sides of the lesson learned through "NAZI"/"ZION" token-double w/ A/O var., become incompatible when/if Zionism assumes the mentality of its abuser; in other words, becomes crypto-Nazi. In this case, and I believe it has happened, the American-Allied force that defeated Hitler is called upon by Israel's 'narrative' to CONJOIN WITH THE MENTALITY OF THE ENEMY IT DEFEATED -- in Group-Fantasy terms. This it cannot consciously do, of course; not just logic but every fibre of instinctual logical sense stands against it. To be conjoined* (*=>'married') with that in which pride and glory is taken in distinction from, won by valor, is 'suicidal'. It acts in a way that negates the possibility of conscious completion, substituting new, reversed tokens under the texts of ceremonial collective identity. (By merger of Founding Fathers, America; with Founding Fathers, Zionist Israel. One recalls Ronald Reagan comparing Nicaraguan Contra drug-running bosses to America's Founding Fathers.)

(*having psychological reality, only; a collective unconscious dream-construct). The purveyors of this psychotic reversal of Nazi abuse onto America count on two things: threat of nuclear destruction -- the power of the sword; and sympathetic good-will extended to holocaust victims and survivors. Throw "belief in the Bible", "follower of movie esoterica" and "ignorant" into the token mix, and out pops
the BOMB IRAN scenario, to BLAST OUT of the Poisonous Placenta, giving birth to little baby-Zion, YHWH's INCEPT suffering oh so long in the womb of Gentile Hate.

"ZIONISM" TOKENS A FALSE PSYCHOSEMIOTIC (self-contradictory*) Ethnic-Religio-State-Ideological TOTALITY. By combining Israel's death-rebirth narrative

*Predicates on (~S/S*)^: A sign-use S* whose text negates what its token shows -- "squared under self-contradiction," (Ex. "you are not seeing these letters.")


Friday, August 06, 2010

"The Top Didn't Drop!" post-Inception Sync

August 4, 2010 --- Thursday

Post-Inception Sign-Use: "The Top Didn't Drop "
(contributed by colleague in private conversation)


"The top didn't stop" <= we're left in limbo--re-cycled through the movie, by the movie, for the movie -- to get you to watch it again (and again) so it goes cult-viral, spreading INCEPTION through SYNCHRONs == > presently simultaneous macro-psychological events. 1=>2=>3=>4<=4 (-th turning) <= 5 <= .. ) But since it is all outside our own inner lives ...

The aim of the following arrangement is to synthesize, or thread*, as the term is used today for topic comments, the several very large scale stories carried by the Mainstream Media, therefore synchronic content of collective experience (Content of Consciousness, 2nd state). The hypothesis is that their synchronicity is psycho-historically definitive for what we -- in the grand sense, speaking as delegate of All --

1. Kagan gets Senate confirmation; is also reported today to be directly related to Obama's birth certificate scandal.

2. "British Petroleum" is exposed as the rename of The National Iranian Oil Co., following the 1953 CIA coup overthrowing the Shah. = = = = > 1979, Reagan v. Carter.; "THE FACTION": Reaganites, Wm. Casey, Weinberger.
-Merger of Catholic-Jewish theological idiom in National Review; Pat Buchanan's 'Southern Strategy' linking the Republican Party and Protestant Christians (later called) "Evangelicals", and shown in ridiculous or ugly ways in the media, run by the same cabal. That's how they split TokenSpace into opposites, then play both sides against each other -- with the American public sandwiched in bewteen. That is to say, all except "radicals, extremists, kooks, Tea Party-ers.

3. Concerted push to bomb Iran: Introduction of H. RES 1553 July 22 by Republicans virtually urging Pres. Obama to link with Israel in bombing Iran.

Background: the absurdity of juxtaposition A. U.S. policy of nuclear non-proliferation; and B. shielding Israel's known enormous arsenal; ... is not just a mind-staggering show of transparent double-dealing hypocrisy of Biblical proportions on the world stage of history. It is that. But, being that, and being impelled into public consciousness from every source and channel of communication -- in the grammar of national discourse, as my colleague would put it -- it is the apotheosis of World Group-Fantasy carried by tokens* of Western Civilization in history.

4. Ca. Federal Judge overturns Prop. 8 banning same-sex marriage. MSM is flooded with the rhetoric of "equality", "rights", "prejudice (of straight people)", "marriage". But: the grammar of this rhetoric falsely mixes and matches: A. old, established meanings and uses, on the one hand; and B. contemporary post '91l' group-trauma grammar, on the other.

5. Culture of Naked shamelessness
Madam Gaga ("sex robs me of my Lady Creativity")

If these are read and pondered separately, the thesis (above) is shown by the mental synthesis necessary to extract it, from the raw data of individual experiences, as being THE common, collective process unfolding. And that would be in each person's own experienced conscious content, whether they personally synthesized it or not. National discourse, self-referenced sign-use by the political class; with its audience of 'citizens' (us), has its own distinct and unique grammar of being, tokened "America". 1=> Kagan confirmed to confirm Obama's birth 2 => "BP oil spill", as token, synthesizes U.S.- Iran relations re-emerging in history as THE FACTION 3=> Declared guilt solidarity for War on Iran 4=> Homosexual marriage rhetoric saturates national discourse <= 5<=karmic feedback: shamelessness as state/position of consciousness.
<=6 What delegates of America must be heard in/through <= 7 Completing the seven tiers of TokenTypes in the Upper (7,6,5) Triad of conscious content. ("As oft as ye do it" -- synthesize how these add up -- The post-Inception inception