SPACE: The order of simultaneity extended indefinitely in three directions perpendicular and parallel to any given point relative to a person’s body, at a given time. (Kant)
TOKENSPACE: Space as a medium of communication.
“Tokens” (the word) is used here,
even as instances of what it stands for
are used universally,
as a Sign, in its manifest (‘shown’) empirical side as the vehicle of a text…(“meaning”)
(Token is a token … a token token … the token of tokens – its instance instantiates both sides of its use. A token that is its own text; a predicate that is predicate of itself.)
What the use of a sign, S*, communicates as a duality will be a mixture of its textual content, ranging over the full spectrum of reality communicated under conscious sign-use; and what is communicated by the token. This is a deliberate conjunction of the dualism intrinsic to psychosemiotics (text and token) with Sigmund Freud's theory of the Unconscious as verified by free association to dream content. The First of the 7 levels of content of consciousness under sign-use (QIII) is actual dreams, as it is they provide the first translation of strictly quantitative (neural) input to the brain into signs. However, it needs cautioning that the use of an actual sign, say the word "thing", communicates by the behavioral/attitudinal adjuncts that go with 'acting out', also; therefore, the lowermost rank of tokens given in sleep by Great Nature should not be identified with any wholly contained content.
Each sign-use is a twinned thread. Standing in logical relations to other signs (existing only in TknSpc, not space itelf),through grammar; and standing related to other adjascent sign-uses by templates. Textual order given by grammar for signs qua text; "slot-occupancy" order of tokens given by template underneath (model: slot-machine endomorphs on separate wheels all stopping as if by magic on 7 apples! -- for instance ....as the template of Group-sacrifice-for-rebirth, barely conscious (and then by ritual, only), is now spread out over continents, eons, entire grammatical regimes. (A war to make the world safe for those who live to commit war....but I digress)
TABLET: Whatever a + cross-lines representing the directions Up-
Down, Left-Right on any plane surface smoothed out for the purpose is a tablet. Held in front of one’s eyes, with the Quadrants formed by the intersection labeled as indicated (scrambled a bit here, but hopefullt decipherable) displays the schema of Greek Pythagorean universe, from any point inside or on its surface (see below)
PROBLEM: To represent whatever exists in space in tokenspace in One System of Sign-Use, with all parts in thoroughgoing interrelation to others, INCLUDING THE PROCESSES OF THE INSCRIBER and inscription. It is this last provision, not accurately attended to by the Greeks, that has accumulated into the grammar of deformity of todays psychology. This cannot be explained all at once, but neither can it be lopped off in passing. Later, more.
SOLUTION. Comments in general terms.
Ipsidixit: S* is a token that belongs exclusively to the field of relations to all other S*. This is designated by hypothesis to be consciousness. Quadrant III (QIII) is designated as the container in TKNSPC of all the contents of an individual consciousness under sign-use. This is all content generated by perception of an object, with sound of its name, passively internally received, responding actively externally, in reply, showing a self-awareness of content otherwise unconnected except through memory – this used, as a product of abstraction, as a wholly-contained content of the upper triad to re-project by predicating on. This is a mechanism of creating true text from its own tokens in this metaphysical bootstrapping manner, but a critique cannot be given off-handedly, because there are genuine content of the upper triad higher-dimensional content bonds with.
Quadrant II: (QII) the audience Sign-uses are products that resound through consciousness, with self-consciousness (“I mean this…!), in consonance with what is assumed to be a consciousness in the Other. This would, in fact, define the act of communicating: the successful conjoining of conscious content by two or more persons through use of signs. This, of course, may not be verifiable in every context, as the movie 2001 about HAL, the computer, shows, but it is the paradigm built into the actual form of communication as “addressed to someone … out there … an audience”, a ‘something’ receptive to the output of Sign-use, as an expressive phenomenon.
QuadrantIII The First and Original Audience, if deMause’s fetal origins of experience holds good, is the Placenta/Mother – Space as Womb-surround. The psychological meaning of space, as common objective container of all body, is the continuation of sense of being contained, as children on earth under the sky, within the body of a single Mother. The Space of the starry heavens, with Mother Nut, night sky, alternating with The Bull of heaven, Osirus (in one body) for ancient Egyptian horizon watchers. The placenta is draw as one of the letters of their pictorial hieroglyphic writing, and, deMause, records, the pharoah’s actual ones raised up on poles, used first “flags” with his “soul” in it. The sense of the sacred infused with perceptions the divining orbits, perpetual presences as spirits hidden by the sun’s brightness, but shining through as if on a finer, higher cosmic bandwidth: the Sun in the Sun – Sirius behind Sol. We keep pouring ourselves out into that, as if it were not the Void, our whole lives through, undaunted, because only that will ‘something’ from the ‘other side’ be able to make contact.
Adding time …
“The Presence of the Past” – Rupert Sheldrake
Anti-reductionist (but…please see end)
Contrasting the metaphysics of “the reductionist spirit of the atomistic philosophy” with “the hypothesis of formative causation … in the spirit of the philosophy of organism”, Rupert Sheldrake writes that the latter
“…regards the morphic fields of systems at all levels of complexity as fundamental rather than derivative from the known fields of physics.” (“The Presece od the Past,” p. 300)
I call this a metaphysical “birds of a feather” analogy. Each thing, of each species, manifesting adaptive reproductional behavior in an environment, posits its own self-defining causal relations in an environment consonant with its particular scale and vibration of being – wasps with wasps, flies with horses, earthquakes with tsunamis, and so on. “Morphological fields”, he calls individual-consonant environments. “From this point of view, the matter fields of quantum physics could be regarded as the morphic fields of particles, nuclei and atoms. But just as the different kinds of subatomic field cannot be reduced to each other, neither can the morphic fields of holons such as cells, plants, and societies be reduced to each other and still less to the fields of sub-atomic particles.”
Pythagoras: The Universe Is Right-handed.
This is the metaphysical pivot: the reality of worlds within world, within … One world (the Monad). What Sheldrake calls the “reductionistic spirit” of the old philosophy of atomism was heralded in the early scientific worldviews of the Pythagoras, 6th century B.C. Greek mathematician-mystic-philosopher, so any defense of organismus is advised to start here..
Their picture of the universe was of a vast bowl that contains motion as appearance, or ‘seeming’: “The right hand of the universe is the eastern part from which comes the beginning of motion, and the left hand side is the west. They say the universe has neither height nor depth, I which statement height means distance from below upwards, and depth from above downwards. For none of the distances thus described exist for the universe, inasmuch as it is disposed around the middle of itself, from which it extends toward the all, and with reference to which it is the same on every side. (Doxographica 302, Act.i.7) This resonates strongly across some 2000 intervening years with G.W. Leibniz’ Monadology, in which the One “mirrors itself” in each part as “disposed around the middle of itself;” as if each were a “centre”. This is also the picture of the Absolute Self-reflexive Hologram as ultimate reality. It seems undeniable that human speech is working through the problem of distinguishing personal space, enfolding each ME, from objective space, encompassing each ME in ONE ME. The cozy anthropological reading of the universe as Right-hand = East, Left-Hand = West traces surely to Egypt, where the flowing of the River Nile cut the sky above through the earth above South-North. If the right-angled perpendicular to true North-South is drawn from the Ghiza Pyramid/Sphinx complex along the 30th parallel line East, the sight-line would fall on the horizon on points of the seasonal cycle defining the yearly journey of the sun south, to the right, until it hits “winter solstice”, at which point it “returns” to the upper hemispheres, moving leftward across the horizon a little each day. On certain “days” of the cosmos the equinox point will align with the 30th parallel, as if the lion with a man’s head had been put on earth, at that spot, to watch for that moment. The rock-solid accurate precision in the orbit of bodies swirling around earth, “above”, matches the unfailing transition from one season to the other in the cycle of seasons on earth “below.”
The accuracy of Pythagoras’ model is shown by this projection of five circles “from below” onto the heavens: “The sphere of the whole heaven is divided into five circles, which they call zones; the first of these is called the arctic zone and is ever visible (read: in northern latitudes); the second the summer solstice, the third the equinoctial, the forth the winter solstice, the fifth the antarctic zone, which is invisible..”
This is a projection of the plane of the ecliptic between the two solstices. In right-angle geometry facing North, this is the ‘tilt’ of 23+ degrees in right-angle geometry in the line connecting the centers of earth-sun, and the huge X in the sky that mark its “Four Corners.” “And the ecliptic called the zodiac in the three middle ones (“zones”, above) is projected to touch the three middle ones. And the meridian crosses all these from the north to the opposite quarter at right angles. It is said that Pythagoras was the first to recognize the slant of the zodiacal circle which Oenopides of Chios appropriated as his own discovery.”
Brief excursion into false use of genetics.
If the practice of geneticizing deep differences continues (see above, for the attempt to ground political preferences between “left” and “right” on genetic bias, based on separated-twin research) is to a halt brought here. If gayness and criminality can be ttraced to genetric inheritance, surely … handed-ness? An instinctual direction- orientation gene? . There are people who are seldom, if ever, spatially disoriented, whereas others have only to emerge from a different side of an elevator to find themselves confused. What organic reactions running through the eentral nervous system processing get translated into “instinctual preference”, or irrational impulses. Is it irrational to have the urge to chop the head off a snake? Horses are shy of them.
The metaphysical worse would be treating deficits imposed by systemic abuse as genetic defects. This is the terror of the baby-boomer ME mentality. It, itself, was defined under a deficit order of post WWII religio-political entrepreneurs called “neocons”, sprouting Big Bucks for Big Bangs. Imposed by them was/is a psychosemiotic being- regime of Monotheized Morality, leading to the perverse inverse of sublimated positions. It is a being-regime because it subsumes a particular set of personal human responses to words for themselves, and the group, which define what they ARE, in the use, itself. These are the “squares”, the “we are the good guys”, “we do what is right,” “we are aligned with the universe,” and, best and brightest “poor servant children doing God’s will.” People can be brought to participate, even to want to participate, in maintaining the grammar of a reality is destroying them in the process.
Global Model of the Universe: one diameter-line of space extending indefinitely from the three directions of lines perpendicular and parallel to each other from a given point on or within The Monad; any movement of that point is along a single line of time (curved as a Circumference). This is one reading of Pythagoras’ dome:
“Pythagorians said that time is the sphere of what surrounds the world.” (Aristotle, Metaphysics 1.21) “Pythagoras first named time the circumference of all things the universe by reason of the order in it.”
Reductionism as a metaphysics
. In the context of logically reconstructed discourse, reductionism means that all statements about (referring to) one type of things, say sub-atomic particles, could be replaced by statements referring to other types of things, say human bodies. Metaphysical “reductionism” on these terms would be the claim that the final, ideal logical language includes no names for intermediate things between sub-atomic particles and human mating behavior, whereas Sheldrake is reminding those inclined to this view that the reduction doesn’t even hold for the step from atoms to molecules. Each level of morphological field
What is most real, the thing, behaving as it does according to its nature (genetic, we now know to be the case for living things), or the sustaining fields consonant with their nature? Both exist simultaneously at all ratios of space-time coordination, constituting “nested hierarchies of fields: the fields of molecules contain and embrace those of atoms, nuclei, and subatomic particles; the fields of cells contain and embrace those of molecules; and so on.”