Reversals and Child Sacrifice Tokens
-Or: tracing the creep creep (creeping creepiness)
Hez TV is a bust
Feds nab dish salesman pitching terror channel
“ “HATE TV” (on hardcopy page one)
I want my HezTV!
That was the alleged pitch of a Staten Island satellite TV salesman busted by the feds for beaming the terrorist network Hezbollah's hate-filled al Manar channel - which is banned in the U.S. - into New York City living rooms.
"Why don't you watch al Manar?" Javed Iqbal asked a customer who turned out to be an FBI informant secretly recording the conversation, officials said yesterday.
The unique case, prosecuted under the federal Patriot Act, raised First Amendment concerns among civil liberties groups - and follows battling between Israel and the Lebanon-based terror group.
The feds were tipped this year by a media watchdog group that Iqbal, a Pakistani national who sells satellite dishes out of his storefront business in Brooklyn called HDTV Ltd., was offering al Manar broadcasts as part of the package, according to court papers unsealed yesterday.
S* (sign-use) analysis.
The words “HATE TV”, used as pre-emptive label of what the Hezbollah network channel is undoubtedly full of, however one takes it, is, of course, self-referential. Pasted across pictures of Beirut and Falluja turned into rubble; scenes of pitiless slaughter of children, babies, women, helpless old folks, rabble …these words are a self-labeling Icon* (also: “Square” = text x token). By looping what they say about what we see into consciousness at the same time, this overlay of pictures and words in/on the media of communication has a particular “doubling” effect. It brings back, or ‘folds in’, the primary-process, reptilian brain content via the pictures, with the label of what Fox News, CNN, MSNBC are, psychologically, to us, the public. But it does so in such a way that, by arousing, then blocking, the pictured content from reaching conscious awareness, it can split-off the verbal, upper (cortical) brain processes, and “refer” the thought they would bring (“it’s US and Israel HATE TV”) to “the terrorist enemy”.
The overall effect of the “looped” situation is to bring out: A. the mechanical ‘reversal’ brought about, as the self-blaming, unconscious content is displaced onto The Shits ‘n Shiites, identifying the ‘dark side’ with them; and B. that particular feeling of creepiness that goes with getting blindsided by it again. More of this later. The “reversal” that goes through and comes out of the processing loop, is a chief characteristic of a text (philosophical sign) at odds with its tokens (empirical sign). (Ex.: sight-gags; words put in animal’s mouths expressing attitudes toward humans; cartoons; etc.) Every sign-use consists of these two sides or aspects, Text and Token; every communication intrinsically combines the two processing loops through sentience (perception of the empirical) and significance. “Reversals” in sign use characteristic of displacement, projection, etc., consists of ‘twisting’ the textual loop,
1. Reversal of primary and secondary processes as dominants of consciousness
-When text is pre-text for displaying the tokens.
(“snakes worked their way into the conversation”)
Generic reversal, the result of an incursion of the unconscious at some point of content under sign-use, illustrated in every other type.
2. Reversal of developmental positions: adult (esp. parent) to child. An adult, in state of regression, can perceive a child as the adult in the situation, on whom they are dependent, expect reward and punishment from, etc. Children viewed as ‘wise old ancestors reborn” textualizes this. Psychologically, it is a return to (flashback to, looping in ) their experiences of parents as children.
-a TV program was based on kind of spoof of this adult-toward-kid reversal: “kids say the darndest things”
3. Observed-observer reversal; also “me-you”: swapping places with the one addressed or spoken to. “You are reading my mind, aren’t you.” This reversal results from identification with the “man in the mirror”, split off and unconsciously projected onto the other; seeing the inner side of oneself reflected in what they are imaged to see (“in their eyes”).
4. Original “I-THOU” (or “I-IT”) reversal: in utero, fetal vs. womb/placental container. Knowledge of the fetal origins of experience in the mother’s womb, carried underneath her beating heart, nourished through oxygenated and carbonated blood flowing through the placenta/umbilical link, replaced after birth as nourishment-situation by the infant suckling milk from her breast. It has only become widely accepted near the end of the twentieth century that a memory-record of such intra-uterine exists in the neural system, it having been previously thought the cells were not sufficiently mylenized. But an entire little inner world has opened up as going on “in there” (the first “there” we are “in”), with deliberate yanking on the umbilicus, kicking back at ‘oppressions’ in fetal rage, contented thumb-sucking, push-pull, mostly OVERPOWERED – but ‘there’: what will later become “I” as the spot in consciousness aligned with, or ‘over’, this primordial matrix.
5. Boy-Girl/ Male-female reversal. This is post-oedipal, that is to say, presupposing awareness of genital differences; (pre-pubescent) awareness of genitals as source of pleasure (scratching, twiddling, etc.); vague fantasies of these connected with mother, father, the mystery or inner origins; plus coming to consciousness of puny “little Sid” (‘mac’, portnoy) stacked up beside Big Daddy’s Wang.
Sigmund Freud concluded from broad, deep, sustained scientific psychological investigations that the template of a person’s personality type is constellated during this period, as a result (in the male) of the ‘ego’ undergoing formation by Jealousy –of-mother, to which the boy-and-future-man claims Rights; … on the one hand…with Defiance of Father-Fear (his province … you kiddin’?). Basically, on Freudian psychology, the psychology of “the son” is constructed around a core ego-center tied to an umbililcus, breast, and hearth of our first container, defending against a father as powerful as the Almighty (split-off side of the phantom placenta), whose garden we have been honored to till, who watches, judges, threatens to punish disobedience with death. To take back the life He has given, and kick you out of the house. There has been this secret war between fathers and sons going on all the while at the unconscious level. In adults, it expresses as rejection of authority (I’m with Angler! – don’t need no substitute Fuehrer to stay in line, just wouldn’t work here. )
Another factor provided by the ‘vicissitudes of experience’ greatly affects this oedipal template. It is the abomination of trauma, the earliest form being child abuse and sacrifice. The startling phenomenon Freud came across in the Paris morgues doing autopsies on bodies of young girls found in the shape JonBenet Ramsey was found in, roughly speaking. He immediately saw the implications if the common ‘hysterical condition’ (neurosis) was due to parents’ abuse of children. His later theory shifted away from the trauma-abuse eitiology, however, to the theory of an intrapsychic dynamic triggered by fantasies of abuse without it actually occurring. Overly moral persons may feel driven by ‘conscience’ to punish themselves, secretly expect deserved destruction by “God” (=return of the dark, poisonous side of the phantom placenta: an “Al Quada network”) The general cultural regression has brought about the collective group fantasy of a phantom placenta battening onto our womb-surround. Since this content represents one side of the fetal situation split-off and returned in a condition of regression, it “reverses god”. The Arab/Muslim “ALLAH” is the “reverse God” of Judeo-Christians.
6. (Under parent type, by 4) Father- Mother reversal as “God”, “child sacrificer”.
The most stunning reversal over the 3 ¾ millennia has been: Father-Son reversing to Mother-daughter child sacrifice template at the group level.
Under the older system Fathers did the killing. Now, mothers get the honors.
7. Responsibility – blame reversal: It’s not me who farted. It’s you..