Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

My Photo
Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Two Memory System etc.

Two Memory System

There are two sites of neuronal gating in the brain's fornex-memory apparatus:

1. Amygdala - hippocampal gating. Controlling transfer of content from non-represented, primary-process memory to PrC (a form accessible to representation -- dream shapes). MEM 1

2. Hippocampal - neocortex gating. Controlling application of words (numbers; signs with textual reference) to PrC content, requiring secondary process memory. MEM 2 (conscious recall)

Discovery of discrete excitations in the neocortex and hippocampus provides a site for transferring fully texted material into consciousness. There it can be picked up and become future content ("Oh, I remember thinbking..." -- content wholly contained under sign-use, as opposed to extended). But THE TOKEN, we are saying, supplied by the hipocampus, need not agree with THE TEXT (which disguizes what it reveals; spins, etc.). This explains how how a person's talk can be at odds with their walk, and how their perception does not square with reality.

"SQUARING" of Sign-use

-The Agreement of Text and Token.
The two memory systems function together so that the situation prompting non-verbal (adaptive) reaction is taken up into conscious recall for elaboration by thought.

Note: "inner truth", "true to oneself", is being square, something it is possible to be aware of in communication. This possibility requires, as a component, the understanding of PrC content as part of "oneself". The tendency of the psyche functioning exclusively under the pleasure principle
is to split off --ignore, relabel, deny, repress, attack -- contents incompatible with the conscious standpoint (Jung). This can occur at either gap in the gating of memory impulses. Trauma would close the lower MEM 1 gate, and restrict content imprinted under it from any except allusive dream-representation, where Freud picked up on the process. Or, in those less physically traumatized, but for other reasons reality-conflicted, the undesirable content would be there (in the PrC), but MEM 2 would make sure it did not get expressed, to ward off being re-experienced AS expressed (therefore 'owned', and responsible for.)

It is to clear the functioning of these two memory systems of refusal to face judgmental content which a person has accrued in themselves, things they cannot be reminded of without wanting to punish, that Christianity as a system of sin-forgiveness functions. Bringing to consciousness all that one is under the sense of absolute judgment clears the slate, if temporarily (total cleansing would require total spiritual rebirth). Alternately, Freudian psychoanalytic 'confession' of dream-thoughts without the analyst's critical judgment also allows such clearing, just getting the patient to look at it, accepting it into consciousness, never mind regret, Christian soul mongering, etc.. Gurdjieff denounced 20th century "self-calming" exercizes as maleficence squared, including Freudian psychoanalysis, which he is reported to have particularly despised. However, his school's work methods are based on objective self-observation without judgment, akin to Freud's. But with a different metaphysic, substituting the emotional body for "the unconscious".


Monday, December 25, 2006

What They Are Up To Now

U.S. Is Holding Iranians Seized in Raids in Iraq
By James Glanz and Sabrina Tavernise

MY TAKE -- It's about Israel

by Sid Thomas

Iranian diplomats* who had been invited to Iraq by its* Kurdish President, Jalal Talabani, were busted by the Americans* in Baghdad Thursday evening, Dec. 20, and are being held on suspicion of planning attacks. This creates a new potentially explosive international situation.

"This is going to be a tense but clarifying moment." one senior administration official said. "They said that an investigation was under way and that they wanted to give the Iraqi government time to figure out its position,," the Times' says.

What we* (*in citizen's grammar) are looking at here is:

-A provocation of Iran.

It can only be perceived as a US attempt to frame them with interfering in Iraq*, they way they did in Lebanon (the article mentions Hezbollah); a pre-text for preemptive attack.

-An unacceptable insult to Iraqi officials*

Talibani is incensed; they were official guests of the state* whose security he should be able to guarantee.

One bust was "awkward" because it was in "the Baghdad compound of Abdul Aziz al-Hakin, one of Iraq's most powerful Shiite leaders, who traveled to Washington three weeks ago to meet President Bush."

In a second kidnapping, "American forces stopped an official Iranian Embassy car carrying the two Iranian diplomats, one or two Iranian guardes and an Iraqi driver. Iraqi officials said that the diplomats had been praying at the Burtha mosque and that when it was stopped, the car was in the Allawi neighborhood, a few minutes from the Iranian Embassy to the west of the Tigris River." Allawi, one recalls, was the ex-CIA link to Chalabi, backdoor Iranian expatiates, and the Kurds in the old* governing coalition. So the US today is essentially stuck with the same black operation operators There as it has been Here after the '06 election.

The charges might be correct: the diplomats* from Shiite Iran would almost certainly be cutting deals with the Shiites in Iraq over the disintegrating situation. The political edge would be a tri-partite division, with the Shia-Kurd majority, sitting over where the oil is, essentially cutting out the Sunni's, secular Baathists, Americans and Jews. The military arm of this policy is al-Sadr's Mahdi militia. It's resistance to the American occupation was only molified by assurance it would have a dominant voice in the government, which was Maliki. But only a few weeks ago, Washington was leaning hard on him crack down on Sadr's outfit to quell the sectarian violence*.

Meanwhile back in the states, with the effects of November's '06 election fading faster than reality-echoes in --'s fascinating novel The Langoloier's, a new Sec. of Defense, Gates replacing Rumsfeld, is arranging to send 20-30,000 troops into Iraq, presumably to use against "the insurgency", now including Sadr city.

This raises the spectre of the very ugliest scenario imaginable, spelled out by many five years ago: US forces engaged in house to house combat in the streets of Baghdad, compelled by the same twisted logic that drove the Vietnam war to destroy another place on earth in order to save it. The good guys.

A condition for pulling out of Iraq, as recently announced by the President, is to leave behind a "unity government". It is under the utmost pressure to get out, and the troop "surge" option is widely understood as motivated by bloodying the enemy in order to withdraw in strength, rather than weakness. In thus manner abstract thinking in military policy terms can snuff millions of lives. .

This situation involves blatant, irreconcilable contradictions. In an autonomous country practicing democracy, the majority party rules, the minority party accepts it. But the Chalabi-Allawi-neocon-Israeli Libby lobbyers and all their enablers, from Rumpsfeld to Gates to the Republicans, to Catholics and downstate NY Jews; from Hillary to Lynn Cheney, never in their own minds being wrong, never did intend to obey this fundamental tenet of democracy. They squared their use of the term with what they anticipated being able to manipulate.

Whoever is not against them is with them. Accomplices in genocide for Israel.

Note: to avoid predicating on terms for entities existing only in TokenSpace -- that is to say, solely through the reaction of those using --or allowing themselves to be used by -- it, which are politically aligned. This refusES to allow one's processes to be aligned by what the MSM uses it to predicate on.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Psychosemiotics - formal/neural basis of repression

PSYCHOSEMIOTICS: The formal system
From Greek psyche = soul and sema (semeiosis, semiosis) = sign (signification)- Where psychology and sign-use intersect.

1. Survey of current uses:

C.S. Pierce: obscure, abstract epistemic treatment of what is
clear, distinct and observable (by awareness of oneself speaking). Pierce's obscure work has blocked, by diffusing into verbiage, recognition of an autonomous formal domain. The key to translating his torturous talk of triads into useful analytical categories is to understand his definition of "sign", and "semiosis" as fundamentally distinct from what is meant below by "sign-use": his use takes "signs" as entities, whereas the present use takes "signs" in the act of "signing" - standing for something other than itself, in Pierce's accepted definition. "In act", in context, the sign is not one thing, about which 'theories' properly abound, though grammatical use of the term as a general name suggests that. "It" is two. That which is "in-use" is A. an empirical (hence anatomically based) particular (perceived writing, sound, etc.)-- call this the "token". B. In the process of 'standing for something other than itself' (as Pierce puts it, already somewhat misleadingly), the token acquires "text". Tokens are fungible, never two exactly identical; texts are "constants", the meaning of the word "black", for instance, however tokened. The sign in the act of signifying is A. a token; B. ... exemplifying a text. The context in which a (otherwise ignored) flickering sense datum passes from a heard quality, through motivation of the vocal chords to respond, by acquiring "meaning", is communication. Thus, "Jupiter" evokes, and has evoked, earth's huge companion planet. The way a text relates to its token is unique: it "caps" the momentary particular with "meaning"; the next step is to bring the tokens into a regularized, grammatical form.

This distinction between text and token in any sign-use S* is basic to psychosemiotics as a system. It defines the field of study: the events that take place whenever communication occurs.

The duality of text and token agrees with -- reconstructs --a chief idea of another recognized originators of psychosemiotics: the brilliant Soviet social scientist Lev Vygotsky.

The two-memory cycles he posits can be correlated with memory for text -- meaning connections -- and memory for tokens --perceptual recognition connections. This duality is taken up into the system as two distinct memory-loops in sign-use processing, marked on the diagrammatic schema (the psychosemioptiscope) as factors converging in token-becoming-text (seeing 'Jupiter", thinking of the planet -- or vice versa). However, lacking a systematic schema, Vygotsky does not properly connect the way the two memories synchronize, namely, through the unconscious. This allowed him to supposed native 'folk' memory involved in school learning could be replaced by "socialized" discourse, even learning a new history. The demand industrial modernity made on education theory tore up the roots of Old Russia's historical memory, but that is side bar, illustrating the importance of getting psychosemiotics right.

A third kind* approach to psychosemiotics emphasizes the side of psychology from a cognitivist standpoint. This term itself is a residue of old-fashioned thinking in Latin. Intellectual history in the West from the Greeks forward is marked by textualist metaphysics: equating The Real with The Rational. This is secondary feed-back of textualist metaphysics looping itself into the official grammar of "reasonable discourse".
(*Michon, Jackson, Jorna "Semiotic aspects of psychology" )

2. Consciousness and TokenSpace. (omit at present; these are a mirror-image dyad of the highest, most extensive meta-level totality)

3. The Double Memory Loop System; REPRESSION

The two memories, for text and token, underpin the two levels of repression in Freud's work.

The memory-gaps would be barriers crossed when contents of the system* PrCs (preconscious) are transferred into to the system* conscious (Cs); and, below and prior to that, when contents from the system "UnCs" (unconscious) go over into PrC. Freud's later theoretical language left the 1900 systems* talk behind, even as his general psychological framework shifted from neuropsychology to fantasy-libido personality analysis. However, his early distinction between primary and secondary process, echoed by Vygotsky and others, is crucial to a psychosemiotics based on text and token, since the two barriers can be correlated with the two types of content. Blockage of memory 2 (acquired by learning grammatized sign-use) leaves thought without associations of meaning. The person sees "Jupiter", but something keeps the planet normally associated with it from coming to mind. The flow of coherent. logically connected thought (expressed in strings of sign-uses) requires upper-level, secondary process recall memory to "kick in". If a speaker is asked "What are you talking about?" --they are expected to be able to answer by giving further descriptions of the same thing, not repeating the same tokens over and over as if you* knew the meaning.

A site in brain processing that could allow such an intervention has been located.

In Memory-Bank 'Dialogue' the Brain is Talking to Itself.

One immediately notices A. this couldn't possibly be literally true (without a couple of homunculi); B. the easy projection of communication as metaphor ("dialogue"), as if meanings were exchanged, is cozy, but is a metaphysical obfuscation. C. Overlaying the site where failure of normal memory process could interrupt the flow of conscious textual associations, the notion of "the Brain Talking to Itself" is a "false square": it elicits the place where content of Prs are incompatible with the content of Cs, but then displaces this outside consciousness into brain function.

A micro-second gap in neuro-psychological processing:
New recordings of electrical activity in the brain may explain a major part of its function, including how it consolidates daily memories, why it needs to dream and how it constructs models of the world to guide behavior.

The recordings capture dialogue between the hippocampus, where initial memories of the day’s events are formed, and the neocortex, the sheet of neurons on the outer surface of the brain that mediates conscious thought and contains long-term memories.

during nondreaming sleep, the neurons of both the hippocampus and the neocortex replayed memories — in repeated simultaneous bursts of electrical activity — of a task the rat learned the previous day......Dr. Wilson reported that after running a maze, rats would replay their route during idle moments, as if to consolidate the memory, although the replay, surprisingly, was in reverse order of travel. ....the same replays occurring in the neocortex as well as in the hippocampus as the rats slept. The rewinds appeared as components of repeated cycles of neural activity, each of which lasted just under a second. Because the cycles in the hippocampus and neocortex were synchronized, they seemed to be part of a dialogue between the two regions.

Psychosemiotics can connect this with the site at which the system Pcs, goes over to Cs. The "something" that withholds what is needed by a speaker intent on driving home a point, for instnce -- doesn't want him to finish --comes in when the hippocampus won't supply the image. Someone who constantly veers off topic, unable to complete a sentence at the textual level without the block coming up, yet unable NOT to recur at every opportunity to never-finished matter, whatever it is. At this level, "repression" is more nearly "suppression" of connectedness ('split off'), since both word and image are conscious, but kept rigorously disjoined and opposed. When this memory is psychologically damaged, a person may be unable to complete a sentence without a 'defensive' blocking, diversion, misdirection, spin ("hemming and hawing"), to ward off some threatening content. (Like Gov. Mc Greevey.s "I am a gay American" speech.)

A lower level blockage can occur between the system Ucs., the deeper bio-'psychoid' stratum of S*process, and the system PrC, which more properly deserves the name "repression." It provides a site that would deny content access to even PrCs.. All reminders of of the tabood content are rejected as incompatible with reality. This is "anti-cathexis" of the repressed content.

The work of Jonathan Winson on neuronal gating in the hippocampus* provides an explanation of how this is possible, along the same lines as above. There is a "gating", a transfer of micro-electrical impulses between processes in the lower arms of the fornix, the amygdala, and the upper parts, the hippocampus. It can be hypothesized that a block could occur at this point, preventing routine development of the neuronal impulse chain connecting perception and words.

It is accepted that the major function of the amygdala vis a vis consciousness is to supply emotional content.* This requires the work of a memory of self-in-earlier-similar situations in order to
connect to present conscious sign-use. as impulse-driven ("instinctual") behavior comes under rules of appropriate expression. Mature development requires this "Id" basis of consciousness, in Freud's later Id-Ego-Super-Ego personality triad, to accept socially modulated, often terribly punished non-conforming belahior. In so far as "the brain" could "send signals to itself", it could well tell the amygdala "don't send anymore of those images over to the hippocampus; the boss don't like it."

In reviewing the literature, the amygdala emerges as a brain structure critical for emotional processing. It may also be implicated in deficits in emotional recognition found in two major disorders where DA's implication is clear: Parkinson disease and schizophrenia. In addition, the amygdala's response to emotional tasks is likely to be altered by the administration of both agonist and antagonist dopaminergic drugs


The gap between hippcampal and neocortical processes is bridged normally by memory supplying the links between textually connected sign uses. The neocortical processes rule adaptive response to present perceptual content, that is to say, reality* as a psychological content. Some hidden censor watches this bridge to prevent unwanted, dangerous, diseased (you never know), alien contents from crossing over into consciousness. To bring this about, something in the brain must receive a signal from from something else, it relating to living situations as a totality, "NOT!". What this applies to can be there, as a conscious content -- in fact, must be -- IN ORDER TO BE REJECTED. This is sign-use generated by DREAM WORK: having everything both way, splitting every emotional situation into good and bad, reversing whatever is wished for that does not fit under "good", so that it does,

There is a deeper, underlying gap between lived experience and dreams -- between what the person, qua conscious perceptive organism goes through, and the way it is replayed in primary-process memory. The amygdala must readily give over these entirely diffuse contents of waking daily life, in sleep, to forms of expression that binds them over for recollection. If blocked from doing so, this will disturb the mental by preventing emotional consolidation. Schizoid identification with both sides of contradictions can result from disturbance of dreaming, as the ego seeks satisfying reality* in one, then the other, as the external situation beckons.

The physiological source of deeper disturbances is trauma. What has inflicted pain and suffering will leave behind a scar-of-irrationality on the reactive side of consciousness; and, a set of signals, later 'threatening' events that can trigger such a reaction. When the trauma has been to a group, as "the holocaust" to the Jews. for instance, such signs as the swastika can trigger an all-or-nothing reaction in individuals who identify with the group. Freud's first views of The Unconscious as a system were, in fact, derived from seeing victims of trauma, especially hysterical girls, and those he saw in the Paris morgue. 'Discovery' (appreciation) of the trauma of birth, when the system undergoing birth is most extremely distressed (75% depletion of oxygen required for life can be reached), provides yet another factual basis for the theory of an Unc. system shared by all; in which "instinctive" behaviors appear organized from birth, as if "inborn", "innate", when actually they are reactions learned in the womb and retained by primary process memory.

Added up this way, the two major repressors of content at the respective gaps filled by memory 1, primary process; and memory 2, secondary process; are trauma and guilt. Guilt constrains the higher, textual memory function to split-off, suppress, keep away, those thing necessary to consciously thing about as real, and this is effected by the dream work. Trauma, commonly of two developmental levels, birth and sex, functions to shatter the unity of consciousness on the token side, leaving it without a continuous internal basis of psychological identity. When Freud spoke of "the Unconscious" as a system, he noted that "its" contents merge, diverge, mix in polymorphous perversity, since there is no such thing as logical negation in it. Distinction and order come only from consciousness and representation.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Adressing The Nation in re Israel

My concern is with Sen. C. Hayes' article "(/11: The Roots of Paranoia", which I have analyzed more extensively elsewhere (

To the editors, the issue of airing the views of a man who claims Abu Ghraib wasn't torture (you can look it up) to defend the official 9/11 story is unwise, unless you want to fuel the "conspiracy theorists. Hayes' flat out denial of the facts in the first case undercuts, even reverses, the effectiveness of his denial in the second.
Same man, same bullsh!T.

The unseen, unmentioned benefiaries of both bogus denials are his Israeli-centric Connecticut Jewish constituents. Everyone remembers "John Israel's" name from Abu Grhaib pictures. Everyone following the "official conspiracy" tale, backed up by the US government, Popular Mechanoics magazine, knows the ragin' rumor sweeping the Mid-east, Europe, the rest of the world, is that Israel, the neocons, AIPAC, Hayes' constituents (some of them) and shabbos goyim like himself are all linked like aspen trees, by roots underneath the surface. As the fickle finger of fate slowly begins to point more and more steadily toward an inside job (never mind the anthrax attack framing a mad Islamic), the more weight is given the paranoid estimate of these are de facto Elders workings behind the scenes as a Fifth column. Not that I believe any of that for a minute, but, if it WERE true ....

It is not a time when those supporting the Zionist cause wants to see anyone go wobbly on Olmert. In fact, the situation in re US - Israel relations is at a crisis-crossroads point. What President Bush decides to do about Iraq will set the courese for dealing with Iran (Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas pan-Arab/Islamic nations -- behind them, Russia and China). But here is the score:

-Lebanon: -- the US has been drawn into complicity with war crimes

- Atomic weapons. Olmert's blurt as Big Man Among World Nuclear Superpower Leaders, staged as non-confession (threat) or not, requires the US to demand inspections and signing non-proliferation agreement, as demanded of Iran. Now that it has been blown out of the water by Israel's Prime ininister, "strategic ambivalence" can no longer be official policy. It now becomes "strategic lying". No Nation of honor can do business with a partner exposed to the rest of the world as a brazen, unabashed, beligerent, aggressive liar, claiming the right of pre-emptive self-defence and brandishing nukes.

-Insulting religious cartoons and holocaust truth conference. Israeli Jews defend the first ("a matter of self-consorship", said the Danish editor Rose, who chose the path of free speech), condemn the second, saying it shows how Ahmadenijad resembles Hitler. All line up for One Last Stand against the Nazis, the Third Reich, for Freedom of Speech! Save the Jews from the gas chambers! Er...

After Mearsheimer and Walt irrefutably pointed out, no other special interest group exerts such influence amounting to absolute control over US foreign policy than the afore-mentioned Fifth Column, "skewing" it to serve Israel's interests. Which is exactly what Nazi groups were saying online at the time, along with David Duke and Cindy Sheehan.

Removal of John Bolten from the UN has left this group very vulnerable. Those who know what torture is when they see it; those who will not tolerate niggling subterfuge when it comes to policy regarding nuclear weapons; those who are repulsed by hypocritical double-talk regarding religious insults -- whether they believe 9/11 was inside job or not -- will become more energized, intransigent, and rightfully vindictive. Let's not call it "scapegoat"-ing

For, lastly here, there is the question of the distorting effect this "Zionazi" complex has on American democracy. The critical issue -- US ties to Israel -- was never brought up in the last campaign, no leader dared openly challenge the official orthodoxy. So it wasn't really a democratic vote on freely and openly discussed issues. What it was taken as, and surely was, was a repudiation of the Iraq war process. But since the same behind-the-scenes manipulators who plunged the nation into disaster there have never been confronted, their exposure now is the most dangerous moment, perhaps in world history. Driven now by unbearable blood-guilt, they must play the same game harder, push the same buttons stronger, escalating the threat of ultimate force use if attacked; meanwhile preparing to attack, themselves.

Having allowed itself to be drawn in
to the Middle East
Viper's den

What will retraction
bring, internally?
Will you please
help it begin?

Saturday, December 16, 2006



Be anti-conspiratorial with U.S. Sen. Christopher Hayes (R-Conn)

If you weren't before, you will be, after .. reading Christopher Hayes': " 9/11: The Roots of Paranoia". Nation magazine, Dec. 25, 2006) Through those of his kind -- shabbos goyim; good gentiles -- the G-d of the Jews is installed in America "under God", as in the New Testament. It's ways -- "monotheist" -- have replaced the ways of the her's -- The Trinity. That is the spiritual wave-front his article represents.

Hayes' style is to attack what he claims to deplore in a way that justifies not deploring it. This, I would explain in psychosemiotic terms, is the impossible twistedness that results from having reached a certain position in TokenSpace* (the field of group communication) that is intrinsically Unsquare* (incompatible with reality). (However, this may be meta-paranoia, here. Whichever squares.)

First, he professes to deplore the accusation made by much of the world that the U.S. tortures. Torture is NEVER justified! his stern tone admonishes (in a Youtube statement, Oct. '05). Abu Ghraib wasn't torture. The US does not violate the Geneva convention.

But denying that the word fits shows how it does. Why isn't Abu Ghraib torture? No answer, except "We don't torture. Torture is never justified."

Now, evoking Richard Hofstadterder's tired terminology, he deplores the paranoid style spread by 911 conspiracy theorists.

Nevermind the real paranoid style acted out by Town Hall Republicans over the years, with every news broadcast an "alert", every critic "in bed with the enemy", and preemptive attacks to protect against imaginary weapons. It's like during the Vietnam war, anti-war organizers were called paranoid for claiming the FBI was tapping their phones. Later verified, the record was corrected by saying "the paranoids were right". (I saved the NY Post heading.)

Comments on Hayes : The Essentially Unsquare.

A. His opening gambit is to focus, from the outset, on who is to blame, not the factual issues. All the detail scrupulously laid out and argued by the Truth Movement is barely nodded to, its their "blame the government" attitude Hayes features. But: 1. in regard to the official story, the question of blame is subsequent to the question of truth; and 2. "the government" en masse isn't made the culprit, but factions inside it, if the story is wrong. Hayes' 'straw man' construction re-sets the stage as "irrational, government-hating conspiracy nuts", well-meaning perhaps, objectifying their sense of persecution. But that is really NOT what is going on, so the focus on government blame is not square with reality.

B. The one substantive point he considers, rapidly -- the rest are dismissed as focusing "on physical minutiae" -- reinstates just the conclusion it is supposed to reverse: Citing the popular Popular Mechanics (March 2005), who "assembled team of engineers, physicists, flight experts and the like" to "critically examine the Truth Movement's most common claims," finding them "almost totally without merit", he writes, "To pick just one example, steel might not melt at 1,500 degrees, the temperature at which jet fuel burns, but it does begin to lose a lot of strength, enough to cause the support beams to fall." And leave molten steel in the footprints weeks later? But nevermind. The point is to undermine the unofficial perspective, and any alternative suggestion simply reinstates Popular Mechanics expert authorities official, safe position. He is blind to the fact visible to everyone else, that such attempts to douse the fire (odd source for Senators to draw from, but, Hey! they have NASCAR fans in Connecticut, too!) in fact fuel it. For if it comes down to what you refuse to see, or call by its name if you do, that argues just as strongly for the other side.

C. And, as Shays easily asserts that Abu Grhaib was not torture, because we do not torture, so the "conspiracy theory" does not rest on evidence: "The problem isn't with conspiracy theories as such; the problem is continuing to assert the existence of a conspiracy even after the evidence shows it to be virtually
impossible." There it is again. An attempt to reverse what the evidence actually shows by displacing the word ("evidence") onto a untenable consequence, where it can be denied -- dubiously -- and, in the process, affirming it as the situation NEEDING denial. A twistedness that refutes itself by becoming visible.

D. And there is much more. So many Americans (1/3, by a July Scripps News Service) believing their "government" is behind the tragedy of 9/11 puts him in mind of the Germans vis a vis the celebrated Reichstag fire incident, blamed on a socialist nitwit and leveraged by Hitler and the Nazis into a cause celebre and consolidation of power.. Exactly why Shays should be led to this comparison -- which fits -- is stated this way: "To the extent that there is a unified theory of the nature of conspiracy, it is based, in part, on the precedent of the Reichstag fire in Germany in the 1930s." If you can't explain all of 'em, I guess his reasoning goes, you can't explain any, this one being one, which is so absurd, once one stops to think about it, that old taste of ultra- twist kicks in.

E. Now, more: Who knew that THE STORY THAT THE NAZI REGIME WAS BEHIND THE REICHSTAG FIRE WAS A MYTH? -- AN 'URBAN LEGEND' Hitler amd cohorts used, but didn't cause? Hayes reveals it! Actually, he says, historians now agree that the one accused, van Lubbe, acting alone, set the fire, damage from which was exaggerated for propaganda purposes; it wasn't a plot by Hitler and Goebbels, and there are lessons to be learned from this situation, he notes, namely, wide-spread popular conspiratorial ideas can be quite wrong, while quite understandable. But: a. I do not think it is accepted scholarly opinion that van Lubbe acted alone (admitting the damage was probably exaggerated and the symbolism undoubedtly exploited to the max by Josef Goebbels); and b. the no doubt unintended side-effect of this historical correction, if it is such, is to position Germans who would follow Die Fuehrer, suspecting -- perhaps secretely applauding -- for pulling off what "The Reichstag Fire" came to mean -- with Americans vis a vis the official story of who perpetrated 9/11. And with this, Senator Hayes brings his gift for self-refutation to the acme. It's OK if the conspiracy theory goes around; we are ike good Germans, half-knowingly swept along by opportunistic fanatics capable of exploiting tokens of symbolic assault to suspend the constitution and establish a ruthless Fascist National Front, will full power and authority of the state.
. But

I'll swear, it was news to me, as I know to many others, a wide-spread impressiion that needs correcting broadly, one would think, if they were interested in keeping their holocaust facts straight.

This will have to be pursued further to see the convoluted wave fronts splitting, mixing, re-matching previously stable sign-uses. Imagine learning that the German volk capable of kristallnacht a few years later

Friday, December 15, 2006



Perseus - Al Gol - Persia
Al Gol: maleficent double star in the constellation Perseus ("The Warrior", son of Zeus)
Known as "The Demon Star" (from Arabic "Ras al Ghul," whence our word "Ghoul" derives). It represented the decapitated head of the snake-haired Medusa, which Perseus is carrying in a pouch. It is an eclipsing binary which dims one full magnitude in brightness about every three days when the larger dimmer star obscures the brighter

Aligned with, and presumable by etymological heritage, the word "algolagnia" is come to mean "sexual pleasure derived from inflicting or suffering pain; masochism or sadism." (Webster's New World Dictionary, Second Edition).

This connotation would have been picked up by the U.S. Navy:

USS Algol AKA-54, The Steamin’ Demon, Algol mythology
The Algol, affectionately known as the Steamin’ Demon was originally launched by the Moore Dry Dock Co and christened the James Baines on February 17, 1943 in Oakland, California. Months later she was converted on December 3 of the same year to an auxiliary cargo attack vessel and renamed the USS Algol after the star that forms the head of Medusa in the Perseus constellation (the Demon Star).

With eight decks, 459 feet of hull and rising nearly 100 feet high, the Algol was truly a massive sight to see. Being well designed, she was able to carry a wide assortment of equipment such as tanks, trucks and other needed artillery hardware as well as to ferry troops to and from shore during amphibious beach assaults. This was accomplished by her 14 LCVP boats complete with two 30-caliber machine guns and 8 LCM boats which sported two 50 caliber machine guns. These landing craft were not going out unprotected! The Algol itself carried a wide array of armament, consisting of a five inch mount, four double 40mm mounts and six double 20mm mounts.

After being fully commissioned on July 21, 1944, the Algol was hastfully pressed into active duty. On January 13, 1945 she successfully transported reinforcements for the 25th infantry division that was making an amphibious assault in the Lingayan Gulf. 16 days later, she was putting other U.S. troops ashore in the Zamabales of Luzon. The Algol also participated in and survived three amphibious invasions of Okinawa in April of 1945 without sustaining any damage to herself or loss of life.

After a brief rest and being inactive in November of 1947, the Algol was once again thrust into harm’s way. This time the place was Korea, August 30, 1950, and the task was to ferry vital supplies and personnel to awaiting U.S. Marine troops. She also took part in two more invasions. The first was at Inchon on September 17, 1950 and the second at Wonsan in October. On December 4, 1950, the Algol assisted in the evacuation of Chinnampo. Years later on January 2, 1958, she was finally put to dry-dock and de-commissioned but not after receiving two World War II battle stars and five Korean War battle stars.

Perseus is parent of Persia:


The country known as Persia derived its name from Perses the son of Perseus; the boundaries of Persia stretched from India to Egypt and bordered on the Greek settlements along the Euxine (Black Sea) in the north and the Aegean Sea in the west.

The name of Persia was changed to Iran, Farsi variant of Aryan, by Reza Shah Palavi, specifically to install the language of racial solidarity with Nazi ubermensch mythos.
The shah became a stalwart admirer of Hitler, Nazism and the concept of the Aryan master race. He also sought the Nazis' help in reducing British petro-political domination.

So intense was the shah's identification with the Third Reich that in 1935 he renamed his ancient country "Iran," which in Farsi means Aryan and refers to the Proto-Indo-European lineage that Nazi racial theorists and Persian ethnologists cherished.

It belongs to the spirit of the most ancient times from that part of the world that names of celestial beings, temples, regions, dates, ceremonies, titles, persons, could be the same -- in the case of Ezarhadron, a number. They did not waste words. MARDUK subsumed the old pantheon as "God of Gods", "He" became the One spirit in everything they previously animated. Similarly, THOTH, Ibis- beaked humanoid with tablet and stylus, bestows knowledge of numbers, life, hieroglyphic writing; and, as Ningishzeda, astnomomical alignment of temples and sky (in Gudeo. late third millineum), as a composit personality-function.

Changing "Persia" to "Iran", tacitly connecting to "Aryan", revives this ancient astral-planetary racial heritage. The EN.DUR.AN.KI = the Age when heaven and earth bonded. The mythos includes a tribe of Norse Whites, with whom the Nazi claimed blood affinity, annexing Norway. Now, this project of German - Persian - (and through the Mufti of Jerusalem) Arab solidarity, sweeping around the Mediterranean Sea through southern Asia to Northern ports, describing a realm to be ruled by a coming super race of Germanic stock ...this was the blood-myth that fueled Hitler's Third Reich. As a psychohistorical perspective, it encompasses, and dwarfs, the scope of the Bible as a mythological text. The Eons preceeding Aries in the Zodiac, the age of the Ram, formed the historical memory matrix during the period of historical memory-formation , while humanity was developing civilization. Many mythologies refer to a original period, when beings descended and ascended between heaven and earth. A closely related, near-universal theme is the Myth of The Eternal Return, described by Mircea Eliade. This is a meta-myth for the return of historical imprints. What is returning now is the old heaven-earth metaphysical linkage in "the Aryan", expressed in revival of interest in everything Third Reich (as if a Fourth was forthcoming).

The Aryans, from Perseus' Al Gol, have a separate heritage as progenitors proto-White Nordic large-cast humans -- the "children of God" who lusted after daughters of men and mated with them, leading to destruction of mankind by the floods. (One myths says some survived in underground caves, and remain inside a hollow earth to this day.)


Further things connect to this complex:. The maleficent (cold, cruel, beyond-good-and-evil) aspect of the Aryans. The star of Bethlehem. The rumor that The Marquis de Sade actually imported his evil ideas from Persia.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The Underground


Elaboration on the Second Wave of Odonic Force Ingression

-60's - Weathermen (armed guerilla resistance) (probably CIA)
Ramparts (anti-war revolutionaries --aboveground)
Socialist (YSA, SDS) 'Hippie' anti-war, counter-culture student organizations.

A definite rift opened up in the 60's between the "underground" and " aboveground" way of understanding and experiencing reality -- a metaphysical crevasse. It got labeled "generation gap" (rebellious children), and "gender gap" (feminine liberation movement begins), but these were side-bars of the process-gap, which "<" ("V"-eed) it: divided previously intertwined streams, like a rock in a creek), creating separate "above" (official) and "below" (unofficial, 'conspiratorial) strands of historical development. Since these began to reproduce themselves under the law of "repetition of token type under closure*" (*of tokenspace by wrong "squaring"), they set into motion opposing "dialectical vortex" dynamics, inexorably unfolding waves of conflict.

Before tracing these, however, other contexts of use need collecting to determine a meta-data over which "the underground" (as a sign-use) extends. The psychosemiotic approach posits a unity of essence (a One: text) unfolding in consciousness through the many (tokens), as the several con-texts are said to be related by its use as "metaphor", when it is actually the same thing appearing in different places, or ways. (The meaning is carried by the tokens, distributed by their disparate texts Intertwined through sign-use.)



Below earth's surface: the netherworld
(underground vaults, caverns; also, the "hollow earth" theory): it bends over us, as the sky's sky).

In Cities: water lines, wiring, subway transportation, sewers

In Society: Vrs. Mainstream Media (MSM) communication (home of PC) // (after, including the '60's): -avant garde artist groups; alternate life-style culture, clubs --
-organized crime ("the Mafia")
-Secret agent/inter-national intelligence enclaves.

Hell (Christian), Hades (Greek), Gehenna (Aramaic); -- fires into which the sinful are tossed.

"Bowels of the Earth": entrances into earth's interior at the two poles.
Old Norse: "White Island" -- survivors of Atlantis, Thothians at the North Pole.
South pole: late (1930's) German Antarctic colony "Newschwabensland", in contact with ancient underground civilization of reptiloids, "greys", human genetic experimental mutation experiments stashed in walls--

The fact that the current myth links Nazi survivors (revenants of Nuremberg's pomposity in collective Euro-consciousness), alien (originally galactic: Perseus (Al Gon), Orion (Rigel), Pleades, Sirius) is an example of "doubling", or "overdetermining" the Group-Fantasy tokens. Nazis < + > alien life forms; this linkage is "underground", "underhemisphere" (from North's standpoint), which is linked, AS a "double underground" to the given "aboveground/underground" dichotomy. It's as if where one line, extending in one plane, abruptly duplicates, on another.

As Earth is "below" to the stars, planets, sun and moon -- from the human perceptual perspective they are "above" -- so, in mythic TokenSpace, is 'the underground" world, "below" the surface of Earth. Translated onto that setting -- inside it, not on it -- what should appear as content but: A. the primordial enemy of the Jews; B. hybrid, mutant, grotesquely deformed; but: C. in some cases, "gifted" forms are successfully bred, who will emerge in the upper world when the time is right. This profile argues that something else is going on in this context.

3. PSYCHOLOGICAL: cleavage of conscious/unconscious S* processing

The above fantasy scenario links the plane where the greatest trauma bound up in the historical unconscious group fantasy occurs -- the Nazi-Jew dialectic ("Nazionism" vortex) -- with the containing plane of world history, by 'floating' the above-below opposition from upper sky, to which earth is "lower", to surface of earth as "upper" with respect to what is underneath ("inside", or "down below") as "lower".


It has only come to be known and fully appreciated that human experience begins in utero, in the womb, developing fetal interaction with the placenta as a First "Other" quasi-personal (as later fantasized) THING, on which it is dependant. The fact that all humans share the trauma of birth to some degree (leaving C-sections aside) explains the Myth of Eternal Return -- the psychological meta-datum of Mircea Eliade's composit religious picture. People come together on the basis of shared womb-surround fantasy, in order to carry out ritual blood sacrifices to expiate sin and bring re-birth renewal. Boiled down to its essence, that is what "War" is, understood through the token: The attempt to escape from the clutches of the phantom Poisonous Placenta, rising up from the psychological "underground", spilling the blood of finest youth for cleansing sacrifice to restore Honor, Valor, Vigorous National Spirit.

Psychologically, that is what the story of war between the forces on earth, and the forces below

From Outer Sky to Planet earth was one step for Nibirians, in Sitchin's version of Sumerian myths, the first step for mankind, a species they found, and bred with here. One of the oldest "waves of thought" to have lapped ashore in consciousness is that a super-human race "landed", took wives from the daughters of men, and bred tribes of beings, some of whom were driven underground to survive the floods of Bible and Sumerian stories. Whether this is a historical memory, an archetypal of the collective unconscious or a composit historical group-fantasy image is question secondary to its as a content template.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

S* Links Through Historical Consciousness



Besides being a contraction of the first letters of the name of the National Socialist Party (in German), "NAZI" was also the name of one of the Annunaki -- non-planetary race from a "10th Planet"; unknown today, but known to the ancient Sumerians, which passes through earth's solar system close to earth every 3600 years (Sitchin) and left behind a colony on Mars and the Moon. These are the beings associated with the Nephilim of Genesis 6, the "sons of God" who came to earth and married with the daugthters of men, leaving a race of White Giants.

Other traditions associate incarnations of extra-terrestial beings from constellations far beyond earth's solar system, in particular, the Pleades and Perseus star groups. The bright star AL GOL in Perseus became the patron of Persia, ancient Iran. There is a particular kind of evil traceable to this psychic strain, turning up in the works of France's Marque de Sade and the initiation of Hitler by the Thule. Incarnated from Rigel, in Orion, was Thoth.

According to the lore, these beings, befriended by Enki, who has had a falling-out with his brother Enlil, survived the deluge of the Biblical Flood by going North, and inhabiting "White Island". They became the legendary "Hyperboreans" from whom the Norse Vikings descended.

The myth (if it is that) of a Polar Paradise, a valley of mild and honey warmed by hot springs below, shielded by forbidding perpetually icecapped mountains in the North Pole, was rampant throughout Europe in the late 1800's.. There were vast unexplored, uncharted stretches, and tooling up the dirigible ZR(>) to fly over the North Pole was a big historical undertaking.

A historical memory* also exists of a Norwegian colony on Iceland, possibly 100,000 persons, who went missing., disappearing somewhere into the artic. Perhaps there are survivors of that.

The affinity between the Nazi's and the Arab/Persian can be traced metaphysically through these S* links in TokenSpace, whether details of the story are true or not. It is in the "mentality". The textual side of consciousness, retained in the grammar of science, splits off from, and tends to repress, these Archetypal templates constituting the mythic texture of consciousness. Proof of textual identity of content of our consciousness and that of the ancient's is supplied by the Plimpton 322 tablet (argued elsewhere). This is the textual connection through Mind (as Ideal; transtemporal -- see above), for which the necessary relations of Sign-use constitute the synthetic apriori transcendental unity of apperception. This is the formal component Kant labeled, which in more current psychosemiotic terms would be "mind set", "pre-cognition", :"default-position bluewall", all metaphors for Sign-use latencies in the substrate of consciousness. What is communicated by signs on the token side is just this historical material encoded in the language used for communicating experience, from which they emerge. Rather than grammar, which patterns text, tokens occur in 'templates' (the Oedipus Complex, for example, providing background associations for "father").

Though what is communicated on the token side by templates falls outside the focus of textual consciousness, it is nevertheless present as a sense of latency ("anticipations of being": hunches, guesses, etc.). It is thus an ongoing underlying process silently at work behind the scenes whenever the actual processes are occurring. What emerges from it, as a background, into the foreground including self awareness, is the unity of what is given in perception with oneself, the personal consciousness, present to it. (As the 7th to 6 stacked predicate levels) . This is the analytic AND synthetic apriori form of unity of consciousness under signs use.

NAZI, as name of one of the Annanake recorded in Sumerian texts, was associated with ARYAN by mythical (if it is that) blood lineage through "Blonds", "Alans", "Vikings". These are associated as branches off a common genetic tree as Sumerian priests, Brahmin; superior type beings, the dominant strain of the human race, breeding up-grade: the coming Overman, in Nietzsch's intuition. This would have been "felt" as mythic texture of turn of century Germany, all brought back by the Thule society before Hitler. One can see that it has no place for Jews, descendants of a different tribe, with the ENKI-type God YHWH. Thus rivalries chronicled long, long ago, in historical time, are brought back as templates, now, in TokenSpace -- Ideal time. (Who knows how many times the identical content has been re-enacted? - Nietzsche would ask.)

At a common group-fantasy level, this emerged as the fantasy that Jews were "blood poisoners". In psychohistory, this is put by saying: Nazi Germans were seized with the group-fantasy of poison blood, which, being unconscious, was projected onto Jews as "poison containers". This has been shown to derive from the "poisonous placenta", prototypal Reptilian Demon Monster Mother the fetus must defeat in heroic life-or-death battle for that FIRST BREATH! -- and survival. This is the deep, common pre-conscious content shaping the individual consciousness of those born or woman, imprinted under trauma of birth. It is this, as unconscious content, that is projected onto "the Jews": the tribe whose lineage is from woman, "Eve", via "the old Serpent", Satan. They were seen as "poisoning German blood" -- aroused by libido cathexis toward Jews, under perversions by repression (sadism, as in punishing the "other side" of themselves). This is why the myth, or fact, which ever it is, of mass poisoning in gas chambers looms so large, psychologically. It is the image of the struggling- to-be-born-infant being Punished by the Poisonous Placenta for Their Sin (a kind of pancake-effect of developmental level memories occurs in severe regression -- the Punishing Poisonous Placenta is behind the inhuman cruel streak in the Super-ego (Freud). Punishing another as though one were punishing oneself, in them, which is in fact what is happening. (This deep reversal mechanism is difficult to get to with clarity and focus. The Collective Unconscious Consciousness: rebirth to cleanse blood from sin as repetition-compulsion to sacrifice (animals, children, self).)

This is the theologized version of the primordial split. The ancient Sumer-Babylon strand that efflouresced under worship of Marduk, circa 2,000, took the sexigesimal, 12-month sun calendar "religion", over against the YHWH 7 (hexagesimal) moon calendar of old Egypt. This is what comes down to us, today, through the mythic S* threads. From generation to generations unnumbered -- each time as if it happened just yesterday.