Reclaiming America's Soul
Reclaiming America’s Soul
Sid Thomas
(Cautionary Note: this article contains Freudian assumptions in analysis of male homosexuality.)
Item 1 Abu Ghraib Torture Slighted anti-Gay Soul Rending
Paul Krugman (4.24.’09): “America is more than a collection of policies.”
Yes; as a game of chess is not just a series of moves. The word “soul” is used here for the inner totality of the idea Americans implicitly share, on the emotional side, by calling themselves that. This self-reference of/by individuals unities the collection of policies as ‘ours’. This can be metaphysically posited as the flow of a higher grade cosmic energy through the psychic apparatus of three-brained beings. In broad evolutionary terms, the three brains correspond to reptile, mammalian, cro-magnon.
The Soul, on this usage, is the site of common individual-collective flow of energy process common to mammalian species, type: placental. It’s function in the individual is to collect proprio-and interio-ceptive data under the primary (amagdalan) memory system, acting as a “6th sense” that totalizes the flowing content of the external five senses, bringing to consciousness ‘the present’ of a present personal experience,
En route thereto however, the flow of process that finally reaches the level of coherent thought, and discourse, comes to include snake brain participation. This is guaranteed by chemical and biology cycles of sleep/waking, eating/evacuating, languid/priapic* (*as opposites of libido arousal). Activation of the mammalian soul brain brings snake brain content with it to consciousness because the older, more generic formation ‘plugs into’ the later, at the point where the spinal cord enters the neck. It (the snake brain) functions entirely independently, ‘from below’, uninterruptedly doing what it did, and has continued to do to survive through the millenia; there will always be new skins to shed.
“There are still…a significant number of people in our political life who stand on the side of the torturers,” Krugman goes on to say.
The text from Freud directly applicable here is “The Economic Problem of Masochism”, 1923. He distinguishes sexual, moral and ideological masochism: the psycho-behavioral trend of perverse self-punishment, which he was comingto recognize as an instinctual energy rivalling libido, eros. This is thanatos: - death-drive. He was just coming to understand fully that the ego, itself, previously assumed to be a single, if shatered and scattered, functional identity component , was in fact not so. Different “I”’s, that is, entirely alternatte personalities, manifest through, or in, the psychic apparatus.
One “I” might not even mind dying, sacrificing itself for another, like a skin exchanging snakes.
This masochistic trend reverses to sadism under stress, inflicting self-endured pain on another. The metaphysical basis of this reversal is fetal-placental push-pull dynamics imprinted on the psyche in utero.. Freud’s death instinct theory of instinct was devised without benefit of knowledge of these origins of human psychology. Infant head-banging, for instance, may not be motivated by perverted desire to feel pain, but by repetition of a birth trauma situation.
Pivotal delegate in setting uo Abu Ghraib
Excerpt on Stephen Cambone: “According to Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh of The New Yorker magazine, Cambone was also involved in the Abu Ghraib prison torture scandal. Hersh claimed the interrogations at Abu Ghraib were part of a highly classified Special Access Program (SAP) code-named Copper Green, authorized by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and ultimately overseen by Cambone.
Originally a joint CIA-Pentagon program in Afghanistan that utilized highly trained Special Operations personnel, Copper Green eventually expanded to Iraq, Hersh reported, where Cambone decided to begin using non-Special Operations personnel -- including military intelligence officers and other military personnel -- to begin questioning prisoners whose status was outside the program's original brief. He wrote that the CIA objected and withdrew from the program, while Cambone apparently tasked Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller, former Guantánamo Bay interrogations chief, with "Gitmo-izing" Iraq's prison system. “
Abu Ghraib, with all its ramifications, represents sadistic male homosexual humiliation, with religious overtones. There is really no other way to interpret the pile of nude make bodes with blurred anuses, the use of wooden prods, father and son sttanding naked in front of each other, forced homosexual participation: not just to ‘soften them up’ for interrogation, but degrade and defile forever their sense of themselves as a masculine human beings. It is this preter-human inner perversity Abu Ghraib now tokens. That can be ignored but it can never be changed. Public male nudity among Muslims is revulsively obscene. The entire torture enterprise was homosexual rape of Arab/Muslim manhood. Using women and dogs. It can be reasonably surmized that, unconsciously, this is homoerotic revenge of the G.W. Bush psychoclass for how their pro-Vietnam right wing manhood was marginalized by the rebel longhair hippy protestors. When they grew into power, this is what their Big Daddy ordipal complex drove this accursed ‘baby bomber’ wing of the 60’s. It is what they want to do to John Kerry types -- and “liberals”. We liberals have to bear the homosexual’s cross.
Also latent in this trajectory of Old Psychoclass baby-boomers is the fantasy that insemination by said anal rape would bring BIRTH OF A NATION – Iraq. That was what those purple fingers of ’04 were supposed to show. Tribute to G.W. Bush, and ‘Dick’; gift of the WHIG PR wing. The image of semen on feces tokens this perverted rebirth text, completing the degredation of women’s role in reproduction.
Item 2
Dick Griffin, an ex-Clinton campain worker, producer of the film Outrage” confromting (‘outing’) male homosexual Log Cabin Republicans who hide their sexual orientation; or even stir up faith based anti-gay sentiment in order elect Republicans: “I started asking around (Washing D.C), and the first thing that took me aback is that it is a very gay city.”
Item 3
The waters of the Chesapeak Bay are poisoned by a newly detected chemical that has escaped filtering equipment for some time. Marine biologists say it disrupts endocrine function, producing three legged from mutants, and female eggs encapusalted in male reproductdive syste. The term “feminized” was used for its effect on male frogs. Asked whether this chemical could have got into human drinking water, officials couldn’t be sure.
Linking Griffin’s concern with Krugma is, again, soul talk. “Talk-radio host Michelangelo, aothor of “ueer in America” and is featured prominently in “Outrage,” thinks the film will put pressure on politicians at a pivotal moment in the debate. “I honestly think the film is coming at a time when there is going to be such attention on gay issues and,obviously’ the marriage issue, and the Republican Party is doing so much soul-searching, or whatever you want to call it, …I think this film could really have a lot of impact,” Signorile said.” (Politico, 4.23.09)
Item 4
Jiverly Wong’s letter to TV NEWS 10, Syracuse. NY, arriving a week after 4.3, the day he allegedly shot 13 others and himself in Binghamton’s American Civic Association center, illustrates the same subtext, if the word “ass” in it is taken literally. (bs ‘liberalism’ begins by pointing out that “ass” may, in fact, not have a ‘literal meaning’.) The shooting then becomes perfectly intelligible as taking revenge, on immigrants like himself, for the sadistic male homosexual rape and humiliation endured for years at the hands of ‘undercover cop’ in California. .
Item 5
The coincidence of these mega-stories with the gay marriage initiative; pushed by NY Gov. Paterson, opposed by Rudy Giuliani announcing his Republican candidacy on a family values ticket. This coincides with Outrage confronting Log Cabin Republican politicos, which elicits, but does not deal directly with, the ongoing flowof process through this particular linkage. It is not odd, but symptomatic, when two conflicts simultaneously emerge over the same thing. It shows that this ‘same thing’ has deeper unconscious roots and associations, relating it to the earlier items.
Item 6
Tea Bagging rightwingers
Fox News was still going with the April 15 tax day protest as legitimate, as indeed it was to a healthy, strong core few who knew what they were doing there (Scott Monroe). The fact is, in reality terms, this genuine, authentic core sand-bagged the tea baggers, and threw the lulz (LOL’s) back in their teeth. The hoax-hype perpetrators have one opening: they can, and do, point to how the well attended demonstrations were ridiculed, under-reported and underated by ‘liberal news organizations’.
Here’s one on-line summary.
The act of dipping one's testicles into the mouth of another, something that Fox News personality Glenn Beck suggested conservatives should do to each other in collective gatherings nationwide on April 15, 2009.
I hate what these damn LIEbruls are doing to my country, let's get together with a bunch of Republicans and rock out while teabagging each other, because we're like totally not closeted, repressed self-hating homosexuals!!! We hate the gays!!!
Item 7
Rightwing extremists was the phrase used by Department of Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano of the almost identical broad spectrum of political ideologies that turned out or were in resonance with the tea bag protest. The verbal-visual coincidence was striking. Not mentioning homosexuality (or anti-semitism, the next topic here in Soul Wars), it itemized just about every complaint against ‘liberals’ one might come across as an excuse for violence, warranting a ‘threat’ label. Clearly intended to crack down on a political or ideological unity as prima facie security threats.
Item 8
DEADLY SWINE FLU OUTBREAK! – slow-moving pandemic could be starting, the CDC warns. Beginning in Mexico, just after Madam Clinton’s, where 60 have died. On this side of the border, 8 victims claimed so far.
Item 9 CNN Anderson Cooper - Utter gutter depravity (4.25 early early morning)
-2 adorable 11 y old boys driven to commit cuicide by bullying. “It’s a huge and growing problem. 3,000,000 kids are bullied across America EVERY YEAR.” Mom’s of the boys had tried to get school officials to do something before it is too late, but cracking down on 11 yr old schoolyard behavior is hard, they said. The main thing for CNN was to keep pictures of the pre-teen boys and their anguished mother on the TV screen until the feel of the thing comes together and the pain of them committing suicide is felt.
This is Snake Brain Productions.
A follow up episode concerned a beautiful large-faced woman shown first close up, facing forward, looking composed; then shows her dissolving into utter tearful anguish, Real emotion, right there live on TV. She WASN’T ACTING. Gripping imagery. It was a Sunday School teacher who had killed child; put them in a suitcase.
Really perverse.
The commercial advertisement occurring between these two segments featured lively grade school children playing in a backyard; one yells “You want to take off my pants!?” It was all in fun.
Sid Thomas
(Cautionary Note: this article contains Freudian assumptions in analysis of male homosexuality.)
Item 1 Abu Ghraib Torture Slighted anti-Gay Soul Rending
Paul Krugman (4.24.’09): “America is more than a collection of policies.”
Yes; as a game of chess is not just a series of moves. The word “soul” is used here for the inner totality of the idea Americans implicitly share, on the emotional side, by calling themselves that. This self-reference of/by individuals unities the collection of policies as ‘ours’. This can be metaphysically posited as the flow of a higher grade cosmic energy through the psychic apparatus of three-brained beings. In broad evolutionary terms, the three brains correspond to reptile, mammalian, cro-magnon.
The Soul, on this usage, is the site of common individual-collective flow of energy process common to mammalian species, type: placental. It’s function in the individual is to collect proprio-and interio-ceptive data under the primary (amagdalan) memory system, acting as a “6th sense” that totalizes the flowing content of the external five senses, bringing to consciousness ‘the present’ of a present personal experience,
En route thereto however, the flow of process that finally reaches the level of coherent thought, and discourse, comes to include snake brain participation. This is guaranteed by chemical and biology cycles of sleep/waking, eating/evacuating, languid/priapic* (*as opposites of libido arousal). Activation of the mammalian soul brain brings snake brain content with it to consciousness because the older, more generic formation ‘plugs into’ the later, at the point where the spinal cord enters the neck. It (the snake brain) functions entirely independently, ‘from below’, uninterruptedly doing what it did, and has continued to do to survive through the millenia; there will always be new skins to shed.
“There are still…a significant number of people in our political life who stand on the side of the torturers,” Krugman goes on to say.
The text from Freud directly applicable here is “The Economic Problem of Masochism”, 1923. He distinguishes sexual, moral and ideological masochism: the psycho-behavioral trend of perverse self-punishment, which he was comingto recognize as an instinctual energy rivalling libido, eros. This is thanatos: - death-drive. He was just coming to understand fully that the ego, itself, previously assumed to be a single, if shatered and scattered, functional identity component , was in fact not so. Different “I”’s, that is, entirely alternatte personalities, manifest through, or in, the psychic apparatus.
One “I” might not even mind dying, sacrificing itself for another, like a skin exchanging snakes.
This masochistic trend reverses to sadism under stress, inflicting self-endured pain on another. The metaphysical basis of this reversal is fetal-placental push-pull dynamics imprinted on the psyche in utero.. Freud’s death instinct theory of instinct was devised without benefit of knowledge of these origins of human psychology. Infant head-banging, for instance, may not be motivated by perverted desire to feel pain, but by repetition of a birth trauma situation.
Pivotal delegate in setting uo Abu Ghraib
Excerpt on Stephen Cambone: “According to Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh of The New Yorker magazine, Cambone was also involved in the Abu Ghraib prison torture scandal. Hersh claimed the interrogations at Abu Ghraib were part of a highly classified Special Access Program (SAP) code-named Copper Green, authorized by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and ultimately overseen by Cambone.
Originally a joint CIA-Pentagon program in Afghanistan that utilized highly trained Special Operations personnel, Copper Green eventually expanded to Iraq, Hersh reported, where Cambone decided to begin using non-Special Operations personnel -- including military intelligence officers and other military personnel -- to begin questioning prisoners whose status was outside the program's original brief. He wrote that the CIA objected and withdrew from the program, while Cambone apparently tasked Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller, former Guantánamo Bay interrogations chief, with "Gitmo-izing" Iraq's prison system. “
Abu Ghraib, with all its ramifications, represents sadistic male homosexual humiliation, with religious overtones. There is really no other way to interpret the pile of nude make bodes with blurred anuses, the use of wooden prods, father and son sttanding naked in front of each other, forced homosexual participation: not just to ‘soften them up’ for interrogation, but degrade and defile forever their sense of themselves as a masculine human beings. It is this preter-human inner perversity Abu Ghraib now tokens. That can be ignored but it can never be changed. Public male nudity among Muslims is revulsively obscene. The entire torture enterprise was homosexual rape of Arab/Muslim manhood. Using women and dogs. It can be reasonably surmized that, unconsciously, this is homoerotic revenge of the G.W. Bush psychoclass for how their pro-Vietnam right wing manhood was marginalized by the rebel longhair hippy protestors. When they grew into power, this is what their Big Daddy ordipal complex drove this accursed ‘baby bomber’ wing of the 60’s. It is what they want to do to John Kerry types -- and “liberals”. We liberals have to bear the homosexual’s cross.
Also latent in this trajectory of Old Psychoclass baby-boomers is the fantasy that insemination by said anal rape would bring BIRTH OF A NATION – Iraq. That was what those purple fingers of ’04 were supposed to show. Tribute to G.W. Bush, and ‘Dick’; gift of the WHIG PR wing. The image of semen on feces tokens this perverted rebirth text, completing the degredation of women’s role in reproduction.
Item 2
Dick Griffin, an ex-Clinton campain worker, producer of the film Outrage” confromting (‘outing’) male homosexual Log Cabin Republicans who hide their sexual orientation; or even stir up faith based anti-gay sentiment in order elect Republicans: “I started asking around (Washing D.C), and the first thing that took me aback is that it is a very gay city.”
Item 3
The waters of the Chesapeak Bay are poisoned by a newly detected chemical that has escaped filtering equipment for some time. Marine biologists say it disrupts endocrine function, producing three legged from mutants, and female eggs encapusalted in male reproductdive syste. The term “feminized” was used for its effect on male frogs. Asked whether this chemical could have got into human drinking water, officials couldn’t be sure.
Linking Griffin’s concern with Krugma is, again, soul talk. “Talk-radio host Michelangelo, aothor of “ueer in America” and is featured prominently in “Outrage,” thinks the film will put pressure on politicians at a pivotal moment in the debate. “I honestly think the film is coming at a time when there is going to be such attention on gay issues and,obviously’ the marriage issue, and the Republican Party is doing so much soul-searching, or whatever you want to call it, …I think this film could really have a lot of impact,” Signorile said.” (Politico, 4.23.09)
Item 4
Jiverly Wong’s letter to TV NEWS 10, Syracuse. NY, arriving a week after 4.3, the day he allegedly shot 13 others and himself in Binghamton’s American Civic Association center, illustrates the same subtext, if the word “ass” in it is taken literally. (bs ‘liberalism’ begins by pointing out that “ass” may, in fact, not have a ‘literal meaning’.) The shooting then becomes perfectly intelligible as taking revenge, on immigrants like himself, for the sadistic male homosexual rape and humiliation endured for years at the hands of ‘undercover cop’ in California. .
Item 5
The coincidence of these mega-stories with the gay marriage initiative; pushed by NY Gov. Paterson, opposed by Rudy Giuliani announcing his Republican candidacy on a family values ticket. This coincides with Outrage confronting Log Cabin Republican politicos, which elicits, but does not deal directly with, the ongoing flowof process through this particular linkage. It is not odd, but symptomatic, when two conflicts simultaneously emerge over the same thing. It shows that this ‘same thing’ has deeper unconscious roots and associations, relating it to the earlier items.
Item 6
Tea Bagging rightwingers
Fox News was still going with the April 15 tax day protest as legitimate, as indeed it was to a healthy, strong core few who knew what they were doing there (Scott Monroe). The fact is, in reality terms, this genuine, authentic core sand-bagged the tea baggers, and threw the lulz (LOL’s) back in their teeth. The hoax-hype perpetrators have one opening: they can, and do, point to how the well attended demonstrations were ridiculed, under-reported and underated by ‘liberal news organizations’.
Here’s one on-line summary.
The act of dipping one's testicles into the mouth of another, something that Fox News personality Glenn Beck suggested conservatives should do to each other in collective gatherings nationwide on April 15, 2009.
I hate what these damn LIEbruls are doing to my country, let's get together with a bunch of Republicans and rock out while teabagging each other, because we're like totally not closeted, repressed self-hating homosexuals!!! We hate the gays!!!
Item 7
Rightwing extremists was the phrase used by Department of Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano of the almost identical broad spectrum of political ideologies that turned out or were in resonance with the tea bag protest. The verbal-visual coincidence was striking. Not mentioning homosexuality (or anti-semitism, the next topic here in Soul Wars), it itemized just about every complaint against ‘liberals’ one might come across as an excuse for violence, warranting a ‘threat’ label. Clearly intended to crack down on a political or ideological unity as prima facie security threats.
Item 8
DEADLY SWINE FLU OUTBREAK! – slow-moving pandemic could be starting, the CDC warns. Beginning in Mexico, just after Madam Clinton’s, where 60 have died. On this side of the border, 8 victims claimed so far.
Item 9 CNN Anderson Cooper - Utter gutter depravity (4.25 early early morning)
-2 adorable 11 y old boys driven to commit cuicide by bullying. “It’s a huge and growing problem. 3,000,000 kids are bullied across America EVERY YEAR.” Mom’s of the boys had tried to get school officials to do something before it is too late, but cracking down on 11 yr old schoolyard behavior is hard, they said. The main thing for CNN was to keep pictures of the pre-teen boys and their anguished mother on the TV screen until the feel of the thing comes together and the pain of them committing suicide is felt.
This is Snake Brain Productions.
A follow up episode concerned a beautiful large-faced woman shown first close up, facing forward, looking composed; then shows her dissolving into utter tearful anguish, Real emotion, right there live on TV. She WASN’T ACTING. Gripping imagery. It was a Sunday School teacher who had killed child; put them in a suitcase.
Really perverse.
The commercial advertisement occurring between these two segments featured lively grade school children playing in a backyard; one yells “You want to take off my pants!?” It was all in fun.