Black Sun Rebirth
Beck -- germophobe
Today is a big day for Glenn Beck. Back in March, he announced the initiation of the “9/12 Project,” an effort to return the country to how he remembers it the day after the terrorist attacks. Now it's 9/12.
…why his Fox News show opened today with an icon of a snake wrapping itself around the Capitol. “There is a plague,” he says. “There is a sickness, there is a disease, there is a cancer in our nation’s Capitol.” Beck even shows us a simulation of a swine flu epidemic to show that corruption can spread like a disease. Sounds pretty nasty.
The sum total of examples Beck offers of this cancerous plague of corruption fever are a throwaway reference to Charlie Rangel, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Duke Cunningham, Bill Jefferson and Fannie Mae.
(“Poison” – references in Buchanan, Rich)
The Tel Aviv Party Stops Here
By Naomi Klein
For more than a year, Israeli diplomats have been talking openly about their new strategy to counter growing global anger at Israel's defiance of international law. It's no longer enough, they argue, just to invoke Sderot every time someone raises Gaza. The task is also to change the subject to more pleasant topics: film, arts, gay rights--things that underline commonalities between Israel and places like Paris, New York and Toronto. After the Gaza attack, as the protests rose, this strategy went into high gear. "We will send well-known novelists and writers overseas, theater companies, exhibits," Arye Mekel, deputy director-general for cultural affairs for Israel's Foreign Ministry, told the New York Times. "This way, you show Israel's prettier face, so we are not thought of purely in the context of war." And hip, cosmopolitan Tel Aviv, which has been celebrating its centennial with Israeli-sponsored "beach parties" in New York, Vienna and Copenhagen all summer long, is the best ambassador of all.
Is America Coming Apart?
by Patrick J. Buchanan 09/11/2009
Flying home from London, where the subject of formal debate on the 70th anniversary of World War II had been whether Winston Churchill was a liability or asset to the Free World, one arrives in the middle of a far more acrimonious national debate right here in the United States.
This is PJB: threading today’s events in WWII political terms. Almost unrivalled in ability for spontaneous historical matching.
On Wilson’s ‘primal scream’:
Obama's actual speech proved about as controversial as a Nancy Reagan appeal to eighth-graders to "Just say no!" to drugs.
Yet, the episode reveals the poisoned character of our politics.
(Point: it wasn’t the text that elicited the scream – it was the totality of the situation: Circular Congessional well => font => symbolic womb-surround. Joe Wilcox is there as delegate South Carolinian, participating in the most momentous event of the new legislative session on 09.09.09 after a stormy, very divisive political year, turned especially sour since August. The President speaking => poisonous placenta corrupting fetal sibling blood
If a married couple disagreed as broadly and deeply as Americans do on such basic issues, they would have divorced and gone their separate ways long ago. What is it that still holds us together?
Ans,: language (n Fichte’s sense of the German – formal container of content of communication.
politics: the discourse of Conjunction of Opposites (‘each side hgets its say” => the Hegelian Dialectic (pop)
Obama’s Squandered Summer
Published: September 12, 2009
THE day before he gave his latest brilliant speech, Barack Obama repeated a well-worn mantra to a television interviewer: “My job is not to be distracted by the 24-hour news cycle.” The time has come for him to expand that job description. His White House has a duty to push back against the 24-hour news cycle, every 24 hours if necessary, when it threatens to derail his agenda, the nation’s business, or both. This was a silly summer, as wasteful in its way as the summer of 2001, when Washington dithered over the now-forgotten Gary Condit scandal while Al Qaeda plotted. The president deserves his share of the blame.
…Wednesday night’s address on health care reform was inspired, lucid and, in the literally and figuratively Kennedyesque finale, moving.
….In the meantime, a certain damage has been done — to Obama and to the country. The inmates took over the asylum, trivializing and poisoning the national discourse while the president bided his time. The lies that Obama called out so strongly in his speech — from “death panels” to “government takeover” — ran amok. So did all the other incendiary faux controversies, culminating with the ludicrous outcry over the prospect that the president might speak to the nation’s schoolchildren on a higher plane than, say, “The Pet Goat.” (emphasis added)
Frank Rich allows Obama’s speech to bring off one of his patented ‘I can do this’ moments. But he (Rich) will not allow America to be pulled along: “We can do this.” He knows, as argued here, that there is a positive dark, not absence of light, side of the sun channeled by the inmates in charge of the asylum. (No metaphor is safe from Rich’s use(-ab)) And he has been missing in action.
Obama would have looked stronger if he’d stood up more proactively to the screamers along the way, or at least to the ones not packing guns
The power accorded Obama’s speech (brilliant, inspired, lucid, moving) is as that of light (the white sun reflected through the occupant of the White House) illuminating a rising tide of darkness. Because he didn’t come out and Shine, mushrooms grew, snakes slithered, and Bruno dropped trow in Ron Paul’s presence, all that. Everything become poisoned . Obama has got to quit governing in this harum scarum way, Rich declares, and address the cataclysmic cleavage: … health care reform, while an overdue imperative, still is overshadowed in existential urgency by the legacies of the two devastating cataclysms of the Bush years, 9/11 and 9/15, both of whose anniversaries we now mark. The crucial matters left unresolved in the wake of New York’s two demolished capitalist icons, the World Trade Center and Lehman Brothers, are most likely to determine both this president’s and our country’s fate in the next few years. Both have been left to smolder in the silly summer of ’09.
The numbers 9.11.01 … 9.15.08 (he omits the ’01, ’08 year designation for some reason; you supply it yourself) bookend the period for the unconscious, and memory, to range over.
ACORN Story Grows But Mainstream Media Refuse to Cover It
This story has everything you could ever want – corruption, sleazy actions at tax-funded organizations, firings, government ties, sex, hookers. It is a network news director’s dream. Imagine the ratings. But almost no one is covering it.
Bruce Springsteen once wrote: “From Small Things (Big Things One Day Come).” I doubt he expected that story of love gone wrong would become ideal political commentary for the group known as ACORN.
The small scandal showing an embarrassing video of Baltimore ACORN staffers looking like they were giving tax advice on how to set up a brothel, is now national news. -- This story has everything you could ever want – corruption, sleazy actions at tax-funded organizations, firings, government ties, sex, hookers. It is a network news director’s dream. Imagine the ratings!
Updated: Mon., Sep. 14, 2009, 12:41 PM
'Pimp & hooker' catch B'klyn staff
The scandal surrounding the left-wing activist organization ACORN has spread to New York, with employees at its Brooklyn office caught on video helping supposed ladies of the night get loans for their dream houses of ill repute.
Rather than reminding the women that prostitution is dangerous and illegal and advising them to change their careers, counselors at the social-services group shockingly offer suggestions on how they can launder their earnings.
"Honesty is not going to get you the house," a loan counselor at the offices told two activists posing as a mortgage-seeking pimp and prostitute.
"You can't say what you do for a living."
Let’s get this straight. The Fox News organization pulls off a sting (get connection: since they are the only ones covering it, one may assume there is an untraceable ‘understanding’) … then whine that other MSM aren’t covering it?
How could they not? (<= double ‘they')
“It’s got everything”.
This is the height of right wing New York type racism (whether Murdoch is one by blood or not). The stingers were only doing to Acorn people what Bruno did to Ron Paul. (James O-Keefe plays ‘pimp’, Hannah (palindroner) Giles plays ‘prostitute’ – another Cath-0-Jew thing, apparently.)
-The mass “tea party” in DC – totally misunderstood – united at the fetal level, interpreted as racist, anti-Obama Oedipal level. It’s not racism, its fetal rage: a people robbed of their birthright by this fem-dem-blackman nannystate configuration. This can’t be grasped w/o understanding the two levels of trauma in individual psychological development: birth and sexuality (“Oedipal” refers to the earliest awakening to libido sensations connected with the genitals (age 6), but of course unrelated to any idea of conjugation or reproduction – unless depraved – until later (then recalled with fantasy-elaboration of that stage). What draws the masses together, claimed by Fox news rightists as a Glenn Beck production, is the deepst psychological chords of birth trauma – Joe Wilson emitting what he said emerged from his gut “like a primal scream”. In psychosemiotic terms, that is exactly what it was. The vocal chords of “Joe Wilson”, /normally laid-back, barely noticed backbench S. Carolina Republican Congressman, surrounded by all the symbolic reminders that exist of American history and shared group experiences; and by his colleagues; are spontaneously activated by flashback to birth trauma – “You lie!” repudiates Obamas text as fructifying token. What cried out was not a racist problem, per se; it is a racist stepfather problem.
Blacks have not been able to figure this out themselves, and have gone a little mad. They, and society, have pretty much normalized the close-to-consciousness friction at the Oedipal level. Pretty white Southron girls don’t need as much protection from horny black boys as they used to. But this re-birth threat, as if all of them, black skin itself, had been delegated by destiny to play some new kind of role in fostering America’s future.
Thus, “Kenya West” is moved to just step up and take the mic away from Taylor Swift in the MTV stage, shoving her aside for black beauty Beyonce --out birthing her where the oxygen is (except the girls get together and dance afterward).
And, again, with an age-gender twist on the unconscious racism issue, Serena Williams is called for a footfault while serving for a match point in the U.S. Open by a while line judge, costing her the match. Photos show she didn’t – it’s a rare call, leniency widely allowed. It is as if the white, older, no doubt ex-tennis playing female boss-of-the-moment belted out “No You Won’t” at the black behemoth. Let Beyonce take that!
Further: the race issue had emerged earlier in the Big Media contratempts between Cambridge Officer Crowley and black Harvard professor Louis E. Gates. The Oedipal group fantasy situation replays White Authority confronting a ‘boy’ doing nothing wrong, in his own house. Weirdly, Gates pops off with something like “I’ll see yo momma outside” – as if momentarily converted into Bad Black Dude white boys fear will get their mom. This was written in Crowley’s police report, but downplayed by the media, and overlooked, even doubted by myself, until reminded by B..
Finally: (this also from Brandon) on 911, death/rebirth day, a black rock group from ‘88 was reassembled in WNYC studios to perform
Dark Side Of The Sun
(Soundcheck: Living Colour Live (September 11, 2009) )
“Living behind the dark side of the sun ... you may see you may tell we’re still here you’re still there … promised made but nothing’s done … its cold and lonely but we still believe … if you come to help me your wasting your time (it’s ever..) a struggle behind the sun.”
An odd thought, unless taken as part of the template. Then, incredibly esoteric.
Beck -- germophobe
Today is a big day for Glenn Beck. Back in March, he announced the initiation of the “9/12 Project,” an effort to return the country to how he remembers it the day after the terrorist attacks. Now it's 9/12.
…why his Fox News show opened today with an icon of a snake wrapping itself around the Capitol. “There is a plague,” he says. “There is a sickness, there is a disease, there is a cancer in our nation’s Capitol.” Beck even shows us a simulation of a swine flu epidemic to show that corruption can spread like a disease. Sounds pretty nasty.
The sum total of examples Beck offers of this cancerous plague of corruption fever are a throwaway reference to Charlie Rangel, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Duke Cunningham, Bill Jefferson and Fannie Mae.
(“Poison” – references in Buchanan, Rich)
The Tel Aviv Party Stops Here
By Naomi Klein
For more than a year, Israeli diplomats have been talking openly about their new strategy to counter growing global anger at Israel's defiance of international law. It's no longer enough, they argue, just to invoke Sderot every time someone raises Gaza. The task is also to change the subject to more pleasant topics: film, arts, gay rights--things that underline commonalities between Israel and places like Paris, New York and Toronto. After the Gaza attack, as the protests rose, this strategy went into high gear. "We will send well-known novelists and writers overseas, theater companies, exhibits," Arye Mekel, deputy director-general for cultural affairs for Israel's Foreign Ministry, told the New York Times. "This way, you show Israel's prettier face, so we are not thought of purely in the context of war." And hip, cosmopolitan Tel Aviv, which has been celebrating its centennial with Israeli-sponsored "beach parties" in New York, Vienna and Copenhagen all summer long, is the best ambassador of all.
Is America Coming Apart?
by Patrick J. Buchanan 09/11/2009
Flying home from London, where the subject of formal debate on the 70th anniversary of World War II had been whether Winston Churchill was a liability or asset to the Free World, one arrives in the middle of a far more acrimonious national debate right here in the United States.
This is PJB: threading today’s events in WWII political terms. Almost unrivalled in ability for spontaneous historical matching.
On Wilson’s ‘primal scream’:
Obama's actual speech proved about as controversial as a Nancy Reagan appeal to eighth-graders to "Just say no!" to drugs.
Yet, the episode reveals the poisoned character of our politics.
(Point: it wasn’t the text that elicited the scream – it was the totality of the situation: Circular Congessional well => font => symbolic womb-surround. Joe Wilcox is there as delegate South Carolinian, participating in the most momentous event of the new legislative session on 09.09.09 after a stormy, very divisive political year, turned especially sour since August. The President speaking => poisonous placenta corrupting fetal sibling blood
If a married couple disagreed as broadly and deeply as Americans do on such basic issues, they would have divorced and gone their separate ways long ago. What is it that still holds us together?
Ans,: language (n Fichte’s sense of the German – formal container of content of communication.
politics: the discourse of Conjunction of Opposites (‘each side hgets its say” => the Hegelian Dialectic (pop)
Obama’s Squandered Summer
Published: September 12, 2009
THE day before he gave his latest brilliant speech, Barack Obama repeated a well-worn mantra to a television interviewer: “My job is not to be distracted by the 24-hour news cycle.” The time has come for him to expand that job description. His White House has a duty to push back against the 24-hour news cycle, every 24 hours if necessary, when it threatens to derail his agenda, the nation’s business, or both. This was a silly summer, as wasteful in its way as the summer of 2001, when Washington dithered over the now-forgotten Gary Condit scandal while Al Qaeda plotted. The president deserves his share of the blame.
…Wednesday night’s address on health care reform was inspired, lucid and, in the literally and figuratively Kennedyesque finale, moving.
….In the meantime, a certain damage has been done — to Obama and to the country. The inmates took over the asylum, trivializing and poisoning the national discourse while the president bided his time. The lies that Obama called out so strongly in his speech — from “death panels” to “government takeover” — ran amok. So did all the other incendiary faux controversies, culminating with the ludicrous outcry over the prospect that the president might speak to the nation’s schoolchildren on a higher plane than, say, “The Pet Goat.” (emphasis added)
Frank Rich allows Obama’s speech to bring off one of his patented ‘I can do this’ moments. But he (Rich) will not allow America to be pulled along: “We can do this.” He knows, as argued here, that there is a positive dark, not absence of light, side of the sun channeled by the inmates in charge of the asylum. (No metaphor is safe from Rich’s use(-ab)) And he has been missing in action.
Obama would have looked stronger if he’d stood up more proactively to the screamers along the way, or at least to the ones not packing guns
The power accorded Obama’s speech (brilliant, inspired, lucid, moving) is as that of light (the white sun reflected through the occupant of the White House) illuminating a rising tide of darkness. Because he didn’t come out and Shine, mushrooms grew, snakes slithered, and Bruno dropped trow in Ron Paul’s presence, all that. Everything become poisoned . Obama has got to quit governing in this harum scarum way, Rich declares, and address the cataclysmic cleavage: … health care reform, while an overdue imperative, still is overshadowed in existential urgency by the legacies of the two devastating cataclysms of the Bush years, 9/11 and 9/15, both of whose anniversaries we now mark. The crucial matters left unresolved in the wake of New York’s two demolished capitalist icons, the World Trade Center and Lehman Brothers, are most likely to determine both this president’s and our country’s fate in the next few years. Both have been left to smolder in the silly summer of ’09.
The numbers 9.11.01 … 9.15.08 (he omits the ’01, ’08 year designation for some reason; you supply it yourself) bookend the period for the unconscious, and memory, to range over.
ACORN Story Grows But Mainstream Media Refuse to Cover It
This story has everything you could ever want – corruption, sleazy actions at tax-funded organizations, firings, government ties, sex, hookers. It is a network news director’s dream. Imagine the ratings. But almost no one is covering it.
Bruce Springsteen once wrote: “From Small Things (Big Things One Day Come).” I doubt he expected that story of love gone wrong would become ideal political commentary for the group known as ACORN.
The small scandal showing an embarrassing video of Baltimore ACORN staffers looking like they were giving tax advice on how to set up a brothel, is now national news. -- This story has everything you could ever want – corruption, sleazy actions at tax-funded organizations, firings, government ties, sex, hookers. It is a network news director’s dream. Imagine the ratings!
Updated: Mon., Sep. 14, 2009, 12:41 PM
'Pimp & hooker' catch B'klyn staff
The scandal surrounding the left-wing activist organization ACORN has spread to New York, with employees at its Brooklyn office caught on video helping supposed ladies of the night get loans for their dream houses of ill repute.
Rather than reminding the women that prostitution is dangerous and illegal and advising them to change their careers, counselors at the social-services group shockingly offer suggestions on how they can launder their earnings.
"Honesty is not going to get you the house," a loan counselor at the offices told two activists posing as a mortgage-seeking pimp and prostitute.
"You can't say what you do for a living."
Let’s get this straight. The Fox News organization pulls off a sting (get connection: since they are the only ones covering it, one may assume there is an untraceable ‘understanding’) … then whine that other MSM aren’t covering it?
How could they not? (<= double ‘they')
“It’s got everything”.
This is the height of right wing New York type racism (whether Murdoch is one by blood or not). The stingers were only doing to Acorn people what Bruno did to Ron Paul. (James O-Keefe plays ‘pimp’, Hannah (palindroner) Giles plays ‘prostitute’ – another Cath-0-Jew thing, apparently.)
-The mass “tea party” in DC – totally misunderstood – united at the fetal level, interpreted as racist, anti-Obama Oedipal level. It’s not racism, its fetal rage: a people robbed of their birthright by this fem-dem-blackman nannystate configuration. This can’t be grasped w/o understanding the two levels of trauma in individual psychological development: birth and sexuality (“Oedipal” refers to the earliest awakening to libido sensations connected with the genitals (age 6), but of course unrelated to any idea of conjugation or reproduction – unless depraved – until later (then recalled with fantasy-elaboration of that stage). What draws the masses together, claimed by Fox news rightists as a Glenn Beck production, is the deepst psychological chords of birth trauma – Joe Wilson emitting what he said emerged from his gut “like a primal scream”. In psychosemiotic terms, that is exactly what it was. The vocal chords of “Joe Wilson”, /normally laid-back, barely noticed backbench S. Carolina Republican Congressman, surrounded by all the symbolic reminders that exist of American history and shared group experiences; and by his colleagues; are spontaneously activated by flashback to birth trauma – “You lie!” repudiates Obamas text as fructifying token. What cried out was not a racist problem, per se; it is a racist stepfather problem.
Blacks have not been able to figure this out themselves, and have gone a little mad. They, and society, have pretty much normalized the close-to-consciousness friction at the Oedipal level. Pretty white Southron girls don’t need as much protection from horny black boys as they used to. But this re-birth threat, as if all of them, black skin itself, had been delegated by destiny to play some new kind of role in fostering America’s future.
Thus, “Kenya West” is moved to just step up and take the mic away from Taylor Swift in the MTV stage, shoving her aside for black beauty Beyonce --out birthing her where the oxygen is (except the girls get together and dance afterward).
And, again, with an age-gender twist on the unconscious racism issue, Serena Williams is called for a footfault while serving for a match point in the U.S. Open by a while line judge, costing her the match. Photos show she didn’t – it’s a rare call, leniency widely allowed. It is as if the white, older, no doubt ex-tennis playing female boss-of-the-moment belted out “No You Won’t” at the black behemoth. Let Beyonce take that!
Further: the race issue had emerged earlier in the Big Media contratempts between Cambridge Officer Crowley and black Harvard professor Louis E. Gates. The Oedipal group fantasy situation replays White Authority confronting a ‘boy’ doing nothing wrong, in his own house. Weirdly, Gates pops off with something like “I’ll see yo momma outside” – as if momentarily converted into Bad Black Dude white boys fear will get their mom. This was written in Crowley’s police report, but downplayed by the media, and overlooked, even doubted by myself, until reminded by B..
Finally: (this also from Brandon) on 911, death/rebirth day, a black rock group from ‘88 was reassembled in WNYC studios to perform
Dark Side Of The Sun
(Soundcheck: Living Colour Live (September 11, 2009) )
“Living behind the dark side of the sun ... you may see you may tell we’re still here you’re still there … promised made but nothing’s done … its cold and lonely but we still believe … if you come to help me your wasting your time (it’s ever..) a struggle behind the sun.”
An odd thought, unless taken as part of the template. Then, incredibly esoteric.