From YOD to GOD Metaphysics of Christology in TokensThesis:
(Advancing the idea that) in the broader course, it has been love, including awareness of the role played by the sexual function in biological reproduction which the human species has been required to come to terms with, that has driven human history./ Let it be said immediately that “love” in the present use designates a content of both upper and lower triads; a content of the sensuous as well as the sublime. (This comment presupposes consciousness as the One, Mind and Body as the Two, as explained elsewhere). Thus, as a sign used with/for cathexis in both metaphysical components of the person, it summarizes, or fuses, whatever intra-psychic dynamic of sublimation, repression, regression, inhibition, or the like in both compartments. In joining them, it plays the role of light conjoining sky and earth through the eye (eye in body = consciousness in mind+body).
“YOD” , according to its use in text, is: 1. the 10th Hebrew letter, by standard ordering; 10 is also assigned the numerological value. 2. the first letter of YHWH, distinctively personalized God-entity of Abraham’s descendants and Moses’ followers.
However, as a consonant in the Hebrew alphabet, it was also a sound. Replicated, in ‘consonant’ form, by the spelt English syllable, we may assume. Translation of written inscriptions into word language is made by the sounds reproduced in mouth, by tongue, lips, uvula, vocal chords, throat. Thus, “Yod”, by its token goes over to “God’, the sound used in English for text of the King James Version of the Bible, most generally, as an actual sound on earth. “Y-a-a” goes over to “G-a-a” by moving the gloteral closure from tongue-in-jaw contraction to back-of-throat (“growl”) closure, while vibrating the vocal chords. The “-od” sound takes charge immediately to terminate the vibratory impulse, so the transition from “Yod” to “God” is readily surmised to have served as a historical conduit of the similar all-containing content.
As a surmise, this is supported by the transition from ”Zeus” of ancient Greece, to “Deus” of Latinized Rome. One may wonder whether this similarity in token does not help explain emergence of the cultural bond of these two widely separate, and richly divergent historical tongues.
Continuing to associate on the token side, the appearance of “YOD” was a dot, as if made on surface poked with a counter-clockwise twisting motion, like an apostrophe.
As “point”, this was also with light, as a focused ray. Thus inscribing the letter would be a repetition-in-act of the ingression of light into space, as in the sun, moon and stars.
A cosmic acting-out, if you please. Pressing stylus on tablet with this intention is a single, total act; the hand is the Third in the lower triad creating the letter as part of a message (the Fourth).
How YHWY binds Time
By the Axiom of Maria, the one becomes two, two becomes three and from the Third comes the one as the Fourth.
The one, if YHWH is pronounced as name formed from reading the letters left to right, is the point, or ray of Light, YOD, falling from sky onto earth, awakening the eye. The two, Mind and Body of the (original, new single) person actualized from Light, “become three” by the development and growth through a ‘duration’ of an entity (triad). This “Third” is the person, as completing single thing, ‘in’ their mind and body. “In”
needs single quotes to mark “manifests as”. Thus, the One, manifesting as Mind and Body (the Two) in the person (the Third) is the Fourth.
This is the form of a four-phase process metaphysics. Transforming an original pulse (of Being) into a completed manifest object is a “duration” of three dimensional space. Thus, as a token-form, YHWH is a completed/completing totality in tokenspace. “Complet –ed” in the use of the sign (on the token side); “complet –ing” in the intention to connect the totality under One. In this way, consciousness is given cosmic grounding in real space, via text, to whatever is all-extensive from the three-dimensional point; and it gives neuro-psychic grounding to present time through the ever-new act of producing the token at a given moment.
This last is the “I – N – G” dimension of tokenspace, the Fourth Quadrant (“QIV) in which an act of communication is in the process of being completion. This is how the token binds time: it is a sign made by its text into an instance of what it means. This closure of text x token is the form of completing totality. “He” is at every point in both, conjoined by a Third to manifest a living triad = the Fourth.
The letter VAU , a sound that came to be written “W”, communicates the sense of movement of the point, and life. It is thus the continuation of the reality begun in/by YOD
completed by/in the Fourth.
This arises through required participation of the body to complete the being of the act (or “act-of-being”; cf Aristotle).
The triad, shown in the 4 as the triangle in the upper left corner, is self-enclosed, wholly contained in TokenSpace as a triangle. This defines the upper triad, itself. It is masculine because it carries the emanation of external (group metaphysical) space into the point of conscious unity. Thus the Pythagoreans who were first to investigate the properties of number were a brotherhood. The mathematical theorem that bears the founder’s name, Pythagoras, displays the relationships between the three lines of any enclosure in linear, written-out form: the sum of the sides of a right triangle equals the square of its base. This was known by the Sumerians to apply to the 3-4-5 unit (3x3 = 9; 4x4=16; 9 +16= 25, or 5x5) As a mathematical formula, this ratio applies to any triangle it is possible to draw on paper, even though when the numbers are changed, calculation of the value of the ratio may yield an ‘irrational’ number. Thus, what is given once ideally under the 3-4-5 sequence, is wholly given in TokenSpace as the abstract idea of a rational enclosure in TokenSpace, the same form appearing under geometrical shape and linear equations, in both equally, in neither exclusively. Ideal objects retained in the Mind as abstract ideas is the way Plato and Descartes argued reality is known. Sense perception brings approximations to these into experience. This is the masculine consciousness that does not need the feminine in order to survey its completion as a totality. It has mathematics and geometry (chess, Eisher diagrams). “Knowing” the external, physical world consists in applying geometrical schemata to what perception brought to individuals after birth, with daily light-dark repetitions coordinated with sun and moon movements extrapolated to planetary orbits and the vault of heavenly constellations. These are the broadest containing external realities, given simultaneously from every point throughout the vast extent of the universe. The Forms corresponding to abstract ideas (perfect circles, squares, etc.) are ingressions into material space perceived as/through the conceptual unity of Ideal objects in TokenSpace. In this way, consciousness-of-itself-through-sign-use is mirrored on the tablet held by the ibis-faced Egyptian male god. He carried the secret not only of writing and numbers but of life, no ddoubt conceived spermatocentric’ly (in terms of the fecundating male substance, carrier of the impressed Form). Isis requires Thoth’s help to give Osiris’ wooden phallus the potency it needs in order that she may impregnate herself and bring forth their child Horus.
All this can be described as talking place in the upper triad, the life of Mind laid out in spatial arrangement. A model of what it is to Be is constructed first in TokenSpace. Then, the textual situation described there is transferred, projected as a transcendental scheme, or “lens”, of perceived space. The person (Third)-cum- geometer-mathematician-logician who has “Come to himself” (the “One”) by the study of philosophy in his/its development, carries this Unity through the Body’s manifestations into the projected external surrounding. This is The Adam (psychosemiotic reconstruction).
The self-contained Male consciousness as a Totality is the upper triad. It uses the triad, and the Trinity to show forth the relation of consciousness to reality through sign-use, starting from its own clear and distinct ideas. “Space” is only what is given in any three-dimensional point when completed by consciousness as the Fourth: a purely ideal container.
It is noteworthy that YHWH can be read as a three OR as a four, depending on whether the “H” is taken is One -- by mental synthesis of identical text instanced in non-identical tokens; or Two – allowing the token-duality to dominate. If the second, the masculine has gone out to, over to, that which encloses it, as a totality. Since it has been given solely in straight lines, thus far, its opposite as a totality can only be the curve, as representation of the feminine. The curve, completed in consciousness, brings forth the circle. This makes the circle the Mother, or container of the triad. And in fact, it is the bowl of the sky, at night Nut, that Egyptian cosmology recognized as the vessel of perpetual birth. Jung lays out these two ways of taking YHWH, as triad or circle, as follows: “In the Hebrew the word YHWH (written without vowels), he is feminine and is assigned as a wife to yod and to vau. As a result yod and vau are masculine, and the feminine he, though doubled, is identical and therefore a single unit.” (MC, par 618) This identity of the doubled H takes it as both text and token, as stated above. Thus, the processes of producing textual output from pre-textual input, undergone in the neuro-psychic X-box of consciousness, as the signs we use to communicate ‘loop’ back and forth through the ‘hard-wired’ interior, bringing forth tokens of the required type-level in grammatical settings. This is the final step in the transformation of the One into the Fourth, by way of the Third. The use of sign according to proper being-logics brings manifestation of the Ideal inner form into material replication. That explains the hesitation and uncertainty in the transition from three to four Carl Jung notes. (see other blogs) It is a big step from merely understanding something to manifesting it in the act of speaking, even if the way it is understood is through having learned the spoken tongue.
Taking YHWH as the Fourth, then, required the Male to go out to, complete itself in, the Female. Archetype would be Osiris’ long boat carrying his mummy into the sky beyond the Sun to Sirius; and Tim Leary’s space capsule carrying a bit of his DNA. From the heavens back into the sky. This completion can be sought on either the outer or inner side of tokenspace; either in the starry sky above, or the moral law within, as Kant said it. The point is, it passes through consciousness on the inner side, and the inner side is also that on earth into which light penetrated to create life (binding atomic nuclei; feeding cell-division).
Shortening the Name from four to three letters brings the completing totality back under male tokening. At the same time, reviving the original sound of the One. As YHWH became grammatically assimilated to name-hood in general by “translations” of the early scrolls, its function as a token (of process-completion in time) was lost. The Male characteristics go over in representation of “Father” (Nippur’s Anu, of Enlil and Enki; Abraham of Ishmael and Isaac) as the creative energy expressing It/Himself in the sky, as light-points, the moving ones = planets. This was consolidated in old Babylon under Marduk, whose number was 50 (usurping Enlil), a “God of Gods”, immediate regional predecessor in the post-Deluge Mediterranean basin of the Hebrew-Bible/YHWH patriarch of patriarchs. (age of Ramses, following Taurus), All this, North and east of the adjacent Egyptian Nile civilization, provided the psychological soil for what is called “monotheism”, when given the wrapping of Greek philosophy.
Now, “God”, referred back to these ancient settings, is the sound of the sign still in use today. Let us assume that it (still) communicates the sense of the completing totality. It has seen a lot of use. What is conspicuous by its absence in the account of this use so far is any reference to “the Son”, as in “Son of God”, or “The Trinity”, as in “Father, Son and Holy Ghost.”. But these are the very tokens Christianity delivered to humankind in the age of Pisces.
-YOD in YHWH, used in connection with the lower triad by the Axiom of Maria, is the hidden origin of the formula for the unity of a duration. This was lost as part of what it communicates when the word became used as a name. The idea that what is counted as formal necessity by human reasoning was ingredient in the original processes, however, emerges in a different guize in Christianity in the Johanine Logos: “In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not.” (John 1-5) These words draw very bold cosmic lines, extremely philosophic in the Greek sense (300 years after Socrates; 200 since Aristotle). Now, the spiritual essence of the Father-progenitor is embodied in the Son. Archetypically, therefore, birth of the Son of God from the womb of a daughter of earth is a restatement of the primary metaphysical situation. The One impregnating Mary will grow and develop the manifestations of cosmic connection, particularly in regard to binding time, of light, life, rationality. The body of Christ carries in it the essence of the completing totality. It is identical; the instances are different, as in the two He ‘s. The complet-ing totality of male consciousness is complet-ed ED with this birth through the human feminine. One has become Two. YHWH has undergone the same “fall” into duality as did Adam, his creation; but then grows up to manifest in later, mature manhood as “Spirit”: a power in him to heal, calm waters, feed multitudes, perpetuating the work of completing all totalities. After the crucifixion and assumption of the resurrected Christ into heaven, this “Third”, the Spirit, manifested itself in the upper room where the disciples were assembled “of one mind”, Paul records in Acts. The phenomenon included tongues of flame that presumably seared their psyche, as they immediately went out to testify and were heard by citizens of all groups to be speaking in their native tongues. The Spirit in Speech is the same One, addressing each person as completion of their totality, broken up into as many instances of itself as reproduce it. Now, it is this Spirit that moves as a grace throughout the processing loops of communicate that draws humans to Christ. Therefore there is such a thing as “sin against the Holy Spirit”, as well as “the unforgiveable sin”, which could be taken as systematic negation of the work of the Spirit, which can only approach on the inner side through love.
ON THE HUMAN SIDE of the God-man equation, one is justified in assuming, I think, that something was building up, bio-genetically speaking, through the course of the 4000 years preceding 0 A.D.. Even absent the teachings of Darwin on evolution, it is common sense that a species as dynamic and mobile as the human should begin to take itself seriously, the more it came to know and understand about the world and each other. It had quite a lot to learn, particularly about the Body, and the various connection its functions have on consciousness, but sexuality was right up there from the first, even going so far as to draw The Almighty’s attention to itself when poor Adam and Eve were just trying to get a piece, like John and Yoko said later. Despite the enormity of its psychological significance for the individual, this always seemed odd to me. Wouldn’t a heavenly Father who created the universe in 6 days be otherwise occupied? Then dawns the cosmic connection. The acme of pleasure in orgasmic ejaculation-burst (after proper totality arousal) is the built-in subjective motivator for filling both the survival of the species and completion of the individual – the last calling for ‘sublimation’ of external, object-cathexis of libido, in favor of cathexis to internal, Ideal objects. That is, re-directing expectation of fulfillment of desire from the material to the spiritual, from the lower to the upper triad of sign-use. This is an on-going conscious process, requiring a work. Its results cannot be achieved by natural reproductive processes unaided by conscious work.
The human development comes from re-looping the signs used in communication through higher-order totalities. As the Body becomes increasingly known in detail, its output becomes more sensitive to the feed-back expected if the audience-group is this or that way. These are subtle, but profound systematic adaptations to increases causal awareness, and feel-back. By “feedback” here is means a specific content of consciousness consisting of a demi-awareness of “how what I am doing is going down”, the effect one’s acts can have on reality, and what you will be obliged to live with if such and such is done, acquired instinctively by experience. (Cf. Mayer Koch’s parade call: “How’m I doing”) (This does not preclude other uses.)
It remains to connect these remarks on the Trinity to the contents of contemporary group TokenSpace – What We Are Looking At in the media of mass communication. This is what has gone totally awry, and why a critique of pure consciousness is required, to correct the metaphysical drift into the Zuider Zee (Freud’s metaphor for the unconscious as threatening the return of the repressed).