Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Analytical Method for Applied Psychsm

Analytical Method for Applied Psychosemiotics

Step 1. Lay out the situation to be analyzed in tokens spread out in TokenSpace
according to the S*-scope (the X). This gives instant access to associations to any signs used on any of its 49 segments; a way of ‘scoping’, magnifying, the signs in their assigned portions. The S*-scope maps the space of communications the way North, South, East and West, and combinations (NE, SE, NW, SW) map the space of body-planetary locations.

Step 2. “4” it up.

This refers to application of Four as The Fourth in the Axiom of Maria: “one becomes two, two becomes three, and the One comes from The Third as the Fourth.” Carl Jung calls attention to its agreement with the dynamics of the four letter inscription “YHWH”, interpreted grammatically as “the name of God” in Bible texts, but whose separate letters had a communication value, also, and a 2-3-4 beat dynamic, as well. As explained elsewhere, this was a formula for binding time in general through the token, as completion of any four-phase process; and binding space through the text, as being “outside”, or “beyond” all measurement of time, even the stars. What was communicated by the token was lost, however, and YHWH evaporated into philosophical “monotheism” used for Greek ideas dating from Pythagoras and Parmenides (6th-5th Century B.C). The connection previously established between what is external to the human body in its spatial “beyond” included: light, life, and logos. These returned on the token side in the womb of the Virgin Mary as baby Jesus, bearer of the Christ-seed connecting the human and the One. That is the metaphysics of the Christology according to standard Christianity. The essence of the Father is in the Sun: in this way YHWH is the Father of Christ. However, the Son, through the Body of the Mother, is a product of time. It/He enters the duration proceeding from the Father. It is consistent with what is known from science that this was a genetic boost. A very powerful energy entering the material world, having affinity with love, with transforming effect when communicated properly. Alchemist’s honored the Axiom of Maria as the key to transmuting lead into gold. Perhaps reaching out for such a love by “belief” is the proper instinctual response to a ‘strange attractor’ introduced into TokenSpace back then.

As an example of a “4” in the S*-scope map of TknSpc* is this:

Love constrains speech to truth (reality) through God.

Love = the bottom of the 4; speech = the signs used at the left side of the horizontal line in 4; God = the completing totality at the top of the vertical line of 4. Or: “Love of God constrains speech toward truth.”

This is thought as “of course”, perhaps, but finding the connections between the elements displayed in relation to themselves and other constructions grounds intuition on analysis.

Step 3. Read out results of step 2.

-Preemptive strike policy contradicts the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule follows from 4 above.

-The end justifies the means contradicts the rule of law. The rule of law follows from 4 above in speaking justice. This refers to a specific argument of Jonah Goldberg defending “A lie for a just cause” for going into Iraq, analogized with FDR’s alleged deceit in taking America into WWII.


When the situation includes such direct contradiction of 4-square alignment with reality of speech, it cannot be corrected by rational means. It will in fact view any attempt at correcting it by use of mere reason as weakness.

If the troops are drawn down in Iraq, the ire of the people asked to absorb the expense of this grotesque and bizarre episode will rise.

None of the three major Democratic party candidates has come out in support of Murtha’s call to bring ‘em home immediately.

Monday, November 28, 2005

From YOD to GOD

From YOD to GOD

Metaphysics of Christology in Tokens

(Advancing the idea that) in the broader course, it has been love, including awareness of the role played by the sexual function in biological reproduction which the human species has been required to come to terms with, that has driven human history./

Let it be said immediately that “love” in the present use designates a content of both upper and lower triads; a content of the sensuous as well as the sublime. (This comment presupposes consciousness as the One, Mind and Body as the Two, as explained elsewhere). Thus, as a sign used with/for cathexis in both metaphysical components of the person, it summarizes, or fuses, whatever intra-psychic dynamic of sublimation, repression, regression, inhibition, or the like in both compartments. In joining them, it plays the role of light conjoining sky and earth through the eye (eye in body = consciousness in mind+body).

“YOD” , according to its use in text, is: 1. the 10th Hebrew letter, by standard ordering; 10 is also assigned the numerological value. 2. the first letter of YHWH, distinctively personalized God-entity of Abraham’s descendants and Moses’ followers.

However, as a consonant in the Hebrew alphabet, it was also a sound. Replicated, in ‘consonant’ form, by the spelt English syllable, we may assume. Translation of written inscriptions into word language is made by the sounds reproduced in mouth, by tongue, lips, uvula, vocal chords, throat. Thus, “Yod”, by its token goes over to “God’, the sound used in English for text of the King James Version of the Bible, most generally, as an actual sound on earth. “Y-a-a” goes over to “G-a-a” by moving the gloteral closure from tongue-in-jaw contraction to back-of-throat (“growl”) closure, while vibrating the vocal chords. The “-od” sound takes charge immediately to terminate the vibratory impulse, so the transition from “Yod” to “God” is readily surmised to have served as a historical conduit of the similar all-containing content.

As a surmise, this is supported by the transition from ”Zeus” of ancient Greece, to “Deus” of Latinized Rome. One may wonder whether this similarity in token does not help explain emergence of the cultural bond of these two widely separate, and richly divergent historical tongues.

Continuing to associate on the token side, the appearance of “YOD” was a dot, as if made on surface poked with a counter-clockwise twisting motion, like an apostrophe.
As “point”, this was also with light, as a focused ray. Thus inscribing the letter would be a repetition-in-act of the ingression of light into space, as in the sun, moon and stars.
A cosmic acting-out, if you please. Pressing stylus on tablet with this intention is a single, total act; the hand is the Third in the lower triad creating the letter as part of a message (the Fourth).

How YHWY binds Time

By the Axiom of Maria, the one becomes two, two becomes three and from the Third comes the one as the Fourth.

The one, if YHWH is pronounced as name formed from reading the letters left to right, is the point, or ray of Light, YOD, falling from sky onto earth, awakening the eye. The two, Mind and Body of the (original, new single) person actualized from Light, “become three” by the development and growth through a ‘duration’ of an entity (triad). This “Third” is the person, as completing single thing, ‘in’ their mind and body. “In”
needs single quotes to mark “manifests as”. Thus, the One, manifesting as Mind and Body (the Two) in the person (the Third) is the Fourth.

This is the form of a four-phase process metaphysics. Transforming an original pulse (of Being) into a completed manifest object is a “duration” of three dimensional space. Thus, as a token-form, YHWH is a completed/completing totality in tokenspace. “Complet –ed” in the use of the sign (on the token side); “complet –ing” in the intention to connect the totality under One. In this way, consciousness is given cosmic grounding in real space, via text, to whatever is all-extensive from the three-dimensional point; and it gives neuro-psychic grounding to present time through the ever-new act of producing the token at a given moment.

This last is the “I – N – G” dimension of tokenspace, the Fourth Quadrant (“QIV) in which an act of communication is in the process of being completion. This is how the token binds time: it is a sign made by its text into an instance of what it means. This closure of text x token is the form of completing totality. “He” is at every point in both, conjoined by a Third to manifest a living triad = the Fourth.

The letter VAU , a sound that came to be written “W”, communicates the sense of movement of the point, and life. It is thus the continuation of the reality begun in/by YOD
completed by/in the Fourth.


This arises through required participation of the body to complete the being of the act (or “act-of-being”; cf Aristotle).

The triad, shown in the 4 as the triangle in the upper left corner, is self-enclosed, wholly contained in TokenSpace as a triangle. This defines the upper triad, itself. It is masculine because it carries the emanation of external (group metaphysical) space into the point of conscious unity. Thus the Pythagoreans who were first to investigate the properties of number were a brotherhood. The mathematical theorem that bears the founder’s name, Pythagoras, displays the relationships between the three lines of any enclosure in linear, written-out form: the sum of the sides of a right triangle equals the square of its base. This was known by the Sumerians to apply to the 3-4-5 unit (3x3 = 9; 4x4=16; 9 +16= 25, or 5x5) As a mathematical formula, this ratio applies to any triangle it is possible to draw on paper, even though when the numbers are changed, calculation of the value of the ratio may yield an ‘irrational’ number. Thus, what is given once ideally under the 3-4-5 sequence, is wholly given in TokenSpace as the abstract idea of a rational enclosure in TokenSpace, the same form appearing under geometrical shape and linear equations, in both equally, in neither exclusively. Ideal objects retained in the Mind as abstract ideas is the way Plato and Descartes argued reality is known. Sense perception brings approximations to these into experience. This is the masculine consciousness that does not need the feminine in order to survey its completion as a totality. It has mathematics and geometry (chess, Eisher diagrams). “Knowing” the external, physical world consists in applying geometrical schemata to what perception brought to individuals after birth, with daily light-dark repetitions coordinated with sun and moon movements extrapolated to planetary orbits and the vault of heavenly constellations. These are the broadest containing external realities, given simultaneously from every point throughout the vast extent of the universe. The Forms corresponding to abstract ideas (perfect circles, squares, etc.) are ingressions into material space perceived as/through the conceptual unity of Ideal objects in TokenSpace. In this way, consciousness-of-itself-through-sign-use is mirrored on the tablet held by the ibis-faced Egyptian male god. He carried the secret not only of writing and numbers but of life, no ddoubt conceived spermatocentric’ly (in terms of the fecundating male substance, carrier of the impressed Form). Isis requires Thoth’s help to give Osiris’ wooden phallus the potency it needs in order that she may impregnate herself and bring forth their child Horus.

All this can be described as talking place in the upper triad, the life of Mind laid out in spatial arrangement. A model of what it is to Be is constructed first in TokenSpace. Then, the textual situation described there is transferred, projected as a transcendental scheme, or “lens”, of perceived space. The person (Third)-cum- geometer-mathematician-logician who has “Come to himself” (the “One”) by the study of philosophy in his/its development, carries this Unity through the Body’s manifestations into the projected external surrounding. This is The Adam (psychosemiotic reconstruction).

The self-contained Male consciousness as a Totality is the upper triad. It uses the triad, and the Trinity to show forth the relation of consciousness to reality through sign-use, starting from its own clear and distinct ideas. “Space” is only what is given in any three-dimensional point when completed by consciousness as the Fourth: a purely ideal container.

It is noteworthy that YHWH can be read as a three OR as a four, depending on whether the “H” is taken is One -- by mental synthesis of identical text instanced in non-identical tokens; or Two – allowing the token-duality to dominate. If the second, the masculine has gone out to, over to, that which encloses it, as a totality. Since it has been given solely in straight lines, thus far, its opposite as a totality can only be the curve, as representation of the feminine. The curve, completed in consciousness, brings forth the circle. This makes the circle the Mother, or container of the triad. And in fact, it is the bowl of the sky, at night Nut, that Egyptian cosmology recognized as the vessel of perpetual birth. Jung lays out these two ways of taking YHWH, as triad or circle, as follows: “In the Hebrew the word YHWH (written without vowels), he is feminine and is assigned as a wife to yod and to vau. As a result yod and vau are masculine, and the feminine he, though doubled, is identical and therefore a single unit.” (MC, par 618) This identity of the doubled H takes it as both text and token, as stated above. Thus, the processes of producing textual output from pre-textual input, undergone in the neuro-psychic X-box of consciousness, as the signs we use to communicate ‘loop’ back and forth through the ‘hard-wired’ interior, bringing forth tokens of the required type-level in grammatical settings. This is the final step in the transformation of the One into the Fourth, by way of the Third. The use of sign according to proper being-logics brings manifestation of the Ideal inner form into material replication. That explains the hesitation and uncertainty in the transition from three to four Carl Jung notes. (see other blogs) It is a big step from merely understanding something to manifesting it in the act of speaking, even if the way it is understood is through having learned the spoken tongue.

Taking YHWH as the Fourth, then, required the Male to go out to, complete itself in, the Female. Archetype would be Osiris’ long boat carrying his mummy into the sky beyond the Sun to Sirius; and Tim Leary’s space capsule carrying a bit of his DNA. From the heavens back into the sky. This completion can be sought on either the outer or inner side of tokenspace; either in the starry sky above, or the moral law within, as Kant said it. The point is, it passes through consciousness on the inner side, and the inner side is also that on earth into which light penetrated to create life (binding atomic nuclei; feeding cell-division).


Shortening the Name from four to three letters brings the completing totality back under male tokening. At the same time, reviving the original sound of the One. As YHWH became grammatically assimilated to name-hood in general by “translations” of the early scrolls, its function as a token (of process-completion in time) was lost. The Male characteristics go over in representation of “Father” (Nippur’s Anu, of Enlil and Enki; Abraham of Ishmael and Isaac) as the creative energy expressing It/Himself in the sky, as light-points, the moving ones = planets. This was consolidated in old Babylon under Marduk, whose number was 50 (usurping Enlil), a “God of Gods”, immediate regional predecessor in the post-Deluge Mediterranean basin of the Hebrew-Bible/YHWH patriarch of patriarchs. (age of Ramses, following Taurus), All this, North and east of the adjacent Egyptian Nile civilization, provided the psychological soil for what is called “monotheism”, when given the wrapping of Greek philosophy.

Now, “God”, referred back to these ancient settings, is the sound of the sign still in use today. Let us assume that it (still) communicates the sense of the completing totality. It has seen a lot of use. What is conspicuous by its absence in the account of this use so far is any reference to “the Son”, as in “Son of God”, or “The Trinity”, as in “Father, Son and Holy Ghost.”. But these are the very tokens Christianity delivered to humankind in the age of Pisces.


-YOD in YHWH, used in connection with the lower triad by the Axiom of Maria, is the hidden origin of the formula for the unity of a duration. This was lost as part of what it communicates when the word became used as a name. The idea that what is counted as formal necessity by human reasoning was ingredient in the original processes, however, emerges in a different guize in Christianity in the Johanine Logos: “In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not.” (John 1-5) These words draw very bold cosmic lines, extremely philosophic in the Greek sense (300 years after Socrates; 200 since Aristotle). Now, the spiritual essence of the Father-progenitor is embodied in the Son. Archetypically, therefore, birth of the Son of God from the womb of a daughter of earth is a restatement of the primary metaphysical situation. The One impregnating Mary will grow and develop the manifestations of cosmic connection, particularly in regard to binding time, of light, life, rationality. The body of Christ carries in it the essence of the completing totality. It is identical; the instances are different, as in the two He ‘s. The complet-ing totality of male consciousness is complet-ed ED with this birth through the human feminine. One has become Two. YHWH has undergone the same “fall” into duality as did Adam, his creation; but then grows up to manifest in later, mature manhood as “Spirit”: a power in him to heal, calm waters, feed multitudes, perpetuating the work of completing all totalities. After the crucifixion and assumption of the resurrected Christ into heaven, this “Third”, the Spirit, manifested itself in the upper room where the disciples were assembled “of one mind”, Paul records in Acts. The phenomenon included tongues of flame that presumably seared their psyche, as they immediately went out to testify and were heard by citizens of all groups to be speaking in their native tongues. The Spirit in Speech is the same One, addressing each person as completion of their totality, broken up into as many instances of itself as reproduce it. Now, it is this Spirit that moves as a grace throughout the processing loops of communicate that draws humans to Christ. Therefore there is such a thing as “sin against the Holy Spirit”, as well as “the unforgiveable sin”, which could be taken as systematic negation of the work of the Spirit, which can only approach on the inner side through love.

ON THE HUMAN SIDE of the God-man equation, one is justified in assuming, I think, that something was building up, bio-genetically speaking, through the course of the 4000 years preceding 0 A.D.. Even absent the teachings of Darwin on evolution, it is common sense that a species as dynamic and mobile as the human should begin to take itself seriously, the more it came to know and understand about the world and each other. It had quite a lot to learn, particularly about the Body, and the various connection its functions have on consciousness, but sexuality was right up there from the first, even going so far as to draw The Almighty’s attention to itself when poor Adam and Eve were just trying to get a piece, like John and Yoko said later. Despite the enormity of its psychological significance for the individual, this always seemed odd to me. Wouldn’t a heavenly Father who created the universe in 6 days be otherwise occupied? Then dawns the cosmic connection. The acme of pleasure in orgasmic ejaculation-burst (after proper totality arousal) is the built-in subjective motivator for filling both the survival of the species and completion of the individual – the last calling for ‘sublimation’ of external, object-cathexis of libido, in favor of cathexis to internal, Ideal objects. That is, re-directing expectation of fulfillment of desire from the material to the spiritual, from the lower to the upper triad of sign-use. This is an on-going conscious process, requiring a work. Its results cannot be achieved by natural reproductive processes unaided by conscious work.

The human development comes from re-looping the signs used in communication through higher-order totalities. As the Body becomes increasingly known in detail, its output becomes more sensitive to the feed-back expected if the audience-group is this or that way. These are subtle, but profound systematic adaptations to increases causal awareness, and feel-back. By “feedback” here is means a specific content of consciousness consisting of a demi-awareness of “how what I am doing is going down”, the effect one’s acts can have on reality, and what you will be obliged to live with if such and such is done, acquired instinctively by experience. (Cf. Mayer Koch’s parade call: “How’m I doing”) (This does not preclude other uses.)

It remains to connect these remarks on the Trinity to the contents of contemporary group TokenSpace – What We Are Looking At in the media of mass communication. This is what has gone totally awry, and why a critique of pure consciousness is required, to correct the metaphysical drift into the Zuider Zee (Freud’s metaphor for the unconscious as threatening the return of the repressed).

Saturday, November 26, 2005

What Jung Hath Joined Together...



The Tetragrammaton is a sign-use for the completing totality. That is why it is primogenitor of unity in TokenSpace (number: 50), the Name of the universe under a single intellect or Mind.

The shape of the Arabic numeral 4 is a token of the completing totality. The Axiom of Maria is the text of this as a process: “One becomes two, two becomes three, and our of the Third comes the One as the Fourth.” These two overlap, text onto token, if the four is arrived at by connecting the four points on its figure in sequence: vertically, from bottom (one) to top (two); diagonal left-down (three) horizontally to the right. This encloses a unit of space at top-left, opens out onto the externally containing unit as its fitting or ‘suggested’ completion (by adding a line lower-right, matching the upper with a lower triad). The addition of such a line would also convert the seven points defining angles (ABC for bottom, top, left point; DEFG for the four inner and outer 90 degree angels at the intersection). Thus the transition from 3 to 4 is repeated in the transition from 7 to 8, according to the Junginan – or shall we say Mercurial? – juxtaposition from alchemical texts: “I have shown in Psychology and Alchemy , with the help of a modern dream, that whereas the seven form an uninterrupted series, the step to the eighth involves hesitation or uncertainty and is a repetition of the same phenomenon that occurs with three and four (the Axiom of Maria).” (Mysteriurm Conjunctionis, p,574)

As just shown in the above correlations, this is ‘pictured’ by the 4 shape, combining the seven letters of the angle-points (7) with the unity of the original process (1), to achieve a new totality – a fourth (4) and eighth (8) as manifested result of its completion.

Use of letters sprinkled into the 4 shape connect it, token wise, with the standard designation of notes on the octave of the 7 toned scale. The eighth note is a repetition of the first, in sound-wave vibrations, just as the half-step transition from c-d, as 3 to 4, (mi to fa on the piano) is repeated by the half-step from ti-do (7 to 8). The design of the eighth numeral, one notes, is a double enclosure; the two 4’s suggested above, also got by flipping 4 over left-right and up-side down, as if conjoined with its mirror image. Also, the symbol 8 , turned vertically over on its side, gets taken up in mathematical use for invinity. (Along with use of “Aleph^null” for the null set in set-theory; but leave this aside.) When Pythagoras observed that the ratio of lengths for identical octave notes was exactly ½ length of plucked chord, and the 3rd and 5th harmonic intervals by whole-number fractions, this entwined objective knowledge in the construction of the tokens of sign-use. It has been Gurdjieff, solely, to my knowledge, who among metaphysicians has linked the half-step between mi-fa, ti-do with the completion of durational existence per se. Jung’s linking of YHWH, the Axiom of Maria, and alchemical transformation, appears to be the elaboration of the same system from different perspectives: number, alphabet, sound waves, dynamics of transformation, the unfolding of an entity’s existence in time.. “The same system” would connect the pre-textual unity of consciousness, given through the body, to its completion under sign-use (or for as far as sign-use can take it).


Understanding 4 as a created unit in TokenSpace; finding that it corresponds to the number of characters in the Tetragrammaton, aka Hebrew spelling of the word for “God”; understanding that predication on a term in English grammar (as on “God” by theologians, philosophers) is the mark of assuming the existence of whatever the term is used to stand for (= mean, in the textualist sense), it now advances application of this system to note what the letter ‘yod’, ‘he’, ‘vau’, ‘he’ communicate as tokens. Fortunately, again Carl Jung has done the work of pulling relevant original sources together.

“YOD (pictured as a strongly accented apostrophe), because it is simple, is something single and primary, and like the number ‘1’ which among numbers and as a point, is the first of all bodies. But the point by moving along its length produces the line, namely VAU. …The letter YOD , because it is a point, is made the beginning, middle and the end; indeed, it is also the beginning of the Decad (it is the 10th letter in the usual ordering) and the end of unities and therefore it returns to the One.”

YOD is also associated with light. “When the Wisdom of the Blessed One saw that even in this splendour the worlds could not be manifested, since the Light was still to weak there, he again signaled to this the letter yod that it should descend and break through the sphere of splendour and give forth its light, which was a little denser.” Comment: This would be the boost in reproductive processes on earth brought first, by the Adam, viewed as a being of light; then, second, by the Christ. The “little bit denser” light would go over anatomically into Love.

“ VAU denotes life, which is the emanation and movement of the essence that is manifested in it. And it is the medium of union and connection between the essence and the understanding.” Comment: the essence would be the material triad of One and Two, consciousness (One) in Mind and Body (Two). “Understanding” posits a content wholly contained in consciousness under the signs used for communicating it; that is, in Mind. Understanding is a product of sign-use in Mind (the upper triad). The VAU –step in the Tetragammaton is the Third, and according to the Axiom of Maria is arrived at from the Two, but having in it the One that manifests as the Fourth. The understanding as Third is arrived at by “return to itself” of the One in the Two. This would be thought, as product of Mind, returning to its ground of unity (consciousness), after having discovered itself also in the Body (lower triad).

“He denotes Being (feminine in form and function) which is composed of essence and existence.” “The last He is the image of the intellect or mind.”


With these understandings, now, a great and profound situation dawns. The hesitation between 3 and 4 is about whether “God’ is completed under the Masculine form, the Trinity, of YOD-He-VAU-He, where the first and second He are identical; or under the Quaternity, in which the second He is distinct (though still feminine).

The Greek Goddess Athena, one recalls, sprang from the brow of Zeus fully formed. She was created by the ray emanating from the feminine side of the Father’s head.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Contention & God-use


“The Contention”, as used here, comes from Corpus Hermeticum, First Book, v. 9f.:

For the Contention is of one against two, whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it.
10. But the victory of both is not like; for the one hasteth to that which is Good, but the other is a neighbour to the things that are Evil; and that which is Good, desireth to be set at Liberty; but the things that are Evil, love Bondage and Slavery.
11. And if the two parts be overcome, they become quiet, and are content to accept of it as their Ruler; but if the one be overcome of the two, it is by them led and carried to be punished by its being and continuance here.”

Applied to “God”-use, this becomes the form of Completing Totality (the One) contended over by the Two, striving to hold and detain it. In other words, contention over whose God rules the universe. Parties to the Two, according to the unity of the person as a totality, are Mind and Body: the person’s awareness of themselves as both. Those who follow Mind- signs in relating to reality find completion only in a God beyond space and time. Those who follow Body-signs in relating to reality find completion only in a God IN space and time. These polarities are sometimes called “transcendent” vrs. “immanent” representations of God (the completing totality). Separate and distinct representations of completing totalities is possible because they, themselves, respectively – Mind and Body – are distinct (though not separable, since both are joined already from below by the conditions sign-use) triads. The two legs of the upper triad are ego (a) and sign-use (b); the completion is use of God (c) (for the completion). The two legs of the lower triad are basal neuro-genic response (a), phenomenal quality response (b); the completion is use of God (c) for the acme of pleasure during the orgasm reflex. Both contend, but “the victory of both is not equal. For the one hasteneth to that which is good, while the other is neighbour to that which is evil.” Notes that this interpretation does not equate the body with evil, but with its “neighbour”. The analysis proposed here is that with the splitting of the two strands of the X, the ‘lagging strand’, in this case the lower triad, the Body, taken in abstraction from the higher-level mental functioning of its Mind. It can become bound up with contradictory processes: incompatible polarities feeding off each the other’s negativity. “The Mind that cannot be Body; the Body that cannot be Mind.” Each must know its own place, but how is that possible if the One they share (consciousness under sign-use as a totality by the person) has been irreparably dismembered? Attachment of the lower to evil, putting it in absolute contradiction with the One, renders it unredeemable, is unforgivable sin.


As representation (Vorstellung) of the ideal completing totality prior to the Christian era, he connected thought with truth (both words are variants of “His” name) through Light and Life, but not Love. According to the Johannine Gospel (John 3.16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son…”), this was the central motivation of Christ’s revelation; therefore what had previously connected mankind to cosmic totalities, macro and micro, was no longer sufficient. Gad and his man, or man and his God, whichever end of the metaphysical polarity one chooses to view it from, had evolved, in the sense of psychologically developed, to the point where Love, first attached to arousal of emotions biologically connected with reproduction, in the Adam, demands a completing cosmic counterpart – and cannot be instinctually satisfied without One! That would be because the idea of a completing totality is part of the functional organic equipment of self-consciously completing one. The Christ attainment in humans would, as a matter of the unity of energies supported by the psycho-neuro-genetic base, would require a proper ‘sublimation’ of physical Love, though this can be radically misunderstood and used against psychological development in connection with severe, abusive Father/ super-ego formation.

Light and Life can be viewed as two strands of a single thread, twinned by time invading space. When this process of nature, having mechanically proceeded for the millennial durations up to 0 A.D. , began re-producing individual members of the human species who became aware of how their bodies entered into the scheme of reproducing things on earth, the One previously completing his totality from the side of the body is called upon to complete him further, through it. That call cannot be answered by Thoth, ex hypothesi, even though the unity in his representation, in and of itself, is taken up into the trinitarian Father-Son-Holy Spirit unity.

For the Love-enlightened Mind, therefore, Thoth is darkness. The soul-journey from ancient Egypt to America is brought back now in the juxtaposition with “Christ” as completed Archetypal Man. But both are back. And it is not fair, nor accurate, to equate Thoth with the God of abusive Fathers. That is only what/who he was/is for those unwashed in the blood of the lamb -- whether they call themselves “Christian” or not.

CNN's Freudisn Slip

CNN’s Freudian Slip

“X-ing Cheney”, or “Cheney X-ed”, the headlines should have read. Who couldn’t get a chuckle out of the glitch, they called it, that blacked out Vice President Richard Cheney’s live picture on CNN, even while he was quoting John McCain saying those who called the president a liar are liars?

Divergent reports of what happened have emerged. The Drudge report said “a large black ‘X’ repeatedly flashed …appeared each time less than a second, creating an odd subliminal effect.” In other words, flashsing “X Cheney” as a subliminal message. “Is someone in Atlanta trying to tell us something?” one top White House source complained.

That was Tuesday, reporting what happened at11:04:45 AM ET Monday. Wednesday, Reuters, under the heading “CNN explains ‘X’ glitch over Cheyen’s face”, referred only to “the wayward graphic, which CNN said lasted for about 0ne-seventh of a second.” As if it were one bleep only.

This difference makes a difference, I argue, in deciding whether it was deliberate or not. Time Warner Inc, parent company of CNN, “issued a mea culpa saying an investigation by senior management concluded “this was a technical malfunction, not an issue of operator error” and expressing regret for the incident.”” What happened was this: “The “X” image, a place-huolding marker used by technicians to cue up graphics, is not supposed to be visible to viewers but was inadvertently projected onto the screen by a malfunction in a “switcher” device, they explained.” Yippur. The old “switcher device” malfunctioned. Is there a blinker on that switcher?

I think the public has the right to know! That is the only way to lay to rest the suspicion that it was attempt to sabatoge the Vice President’s point. Call it “The Torturer’s Revenge.” Cheney is reported to be vehemently at odds with McCain over the latter’s anti-torture rider to a Senate bill; with Bush pinned in the middle. The situation is succinctly described by Elisabeth Bumiller thus (NY Times 11.l2.05 A 19): “Mr. Cheney, who wants to exempt clandestine C.I.A. activities, was so strongly opposed that Mr. McCain finally picked up the phone and called Mr. Bush. “I said I wanted to see him because I wanted to discuss this issue with him,” McCain said “and he said, ‘I’d like for you to talk with Steve.’” Referring to Steve Hadley, who promptly called and said “the president wants me to talk to you about this and see if we can’t reach a common ground.” Considering that “White House officials say that Mr. Cheney is still with Mr. Bush in the president’s most crucial early morning meetings, the C.I.A., F.B.I., hurricane and communications briefings,” one can only draw the conclusion that the atmosphere in those meetings must have grown a bit stuffy, to put it mildly. McCain, meet the WHIG’s.


If it was a glitch, it amounts to one helluva Freudian slip, group-consciousness wise. The metaphysical implications are stunning.

Here is the Vice President of the United States (proper tokening is required in order to reproduce the transcendental template of apperception)l in the process of lying^2 – reversing the charge that the president lied; at the very time in the juncture of events flowing through the channels of cable news TV networks, the very heart pumping the blood of group communications (topic for the WHIG situation room in those crucial hours after dawn) … saying “X CHENEY”. That would be the text of what Freud called the “unconscious thought”.

It is a subliminal death wish, if there ever was one. There is one stunner.

It occurs in the context of punishment for sexuality, as if it were God addressing the problem of Original Sin, again (as (s)he should have in the first place?). The CI.A. is the agency that carries out America’s group-unconscious. In current historical group-fantasy, torture is associated with the pictures of Abu Ghraib; these, with anal rape fantasies; these, with (perverse) homosexuality; and these, strongly anti-cathected in the last presidential election, wind up being defended against, at the broad, group-political level, in: aversion to Pictures on Card on on TV of dark, sinister, look-alike Muslim-Arab psycho-killers, “terrorists”. (Milosevich, Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Zaqawri,..)

The figure of Cheney is “Father”, even to the president. He is credited as being behind Bush’s policies; Rove was only Gobbels handling domestic propaganda.

The “X-ing of Cheney” expresses the unconscious thought of killing the father/torturer. In Freudian terms, this expression would appear, as do dreams, in fulfillment of a wish. We are looking at what we want to see.Seeing Cheney get the X is the unconscious wish stirring in the group, repeating the situation whenever children suffer abuse. “We”, citizens of America – our group – were lied to, (Chinese) tortured (by terror threats), degraded, turned into objects of despicable hatred by this cadre (cabal). “The Unconscious”, as Jung would agree with the early Freud in calling it, recognizes no restrictions to finding instinctive outlet for expression of death wishes toward the father, as consciousness is bound by. What it wishes for it gets, one way or another, which includes displacement, as in Cheney’s attribution of calling the liar-claimers liars to McCain. This is but one symptom of a general psycho-anatomical condition.

HOW DID IT HAPPEN? -- The Hand of God (hyp.)

So much is happening in TokenSpace, as I call the container of conscious content under sign-use (communication) of a genuine weird, but decipherable, construction, it is worthy of note for the sake of comparison. “THE WORST DISASTER IN U.S. HISTORY” appeared on a prominent channel news picture under President Bush speaking to an audience after hurricane Katrina. Picked up on the Original Dissent Forum, with blogs. Such a striking message goes beyond the ironic, folding many levels, or loops of associations into the situation, but not inviting an Invisible Hand explanation. The description did in fact apply to the terrible disaster. George W. Bush just happened to be seen speaking above it. A glitch in PR planning, no doubt, and surrealistic, given the way the New Orleans situation went down. But not an occurrence that strains the hypothesis of ordinary, if unusual, coincidence, via cause and effect.

The instant case, however, goes further. The “meaning” it communicates, as a sign-use, is complicated along different lines; the hypothesis of mere coincidence to account for it is more strained. For one thing, there is millennial, classic, Archetypal vastness, and aptitude in the message. Why did the switching device malfunction in just that way, then and there, with that effect? How probable is that? – that exposure of the unconscious message so large can be written off as the unintended effect of random causes. It hardly matters how many actually saw and were affected by it. What is relevant is THAT it occurred, at all, given its symbolic enormity. Just because God sends a message doesn’t mean every one, or even very many, will get it.

So are we saying that “something” got into the computers? WWII had its gremlins, little fantasy-entities that brought about bad coincidences. How do ideas get translated into language, anyway? Can super-sensitive micro-electronic machinery pick up patterns of brain-waves flashed out as desires it somehow manages to satisfy? -- in the way the nervous apparatus in the body delivers dreams, on Freud’s theory, to fulfill unconscious wishes.


The other hypothesis (from above), is that it was just plain old sabatoge. Funny. Instant karma.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005



“It is a lie to say that the president lied to the American people”
Vice President Dick Cheney, 11.21.05

This, from the same man who flatly asserted "we know things Congress doesn’t”, in contradiction to Bush’s statement “Congress knew everything we did” when it voted for war. (From personal memory; could be documented.)

The psychosemiotic form illustrated by these juxtapositions is “double-double reverse negative.” Crediting Cheney is like believing the Cretan who said “all Cretans are liars” – knowing his identity. “We’re all liars, just like you. You have the right to disagree, of course.” As to the man’s suit to get “In God We Trust” removed from the dollar bill because it violates the rights of atheists? No dice. In Cheney’s logic, the rights of atheists were granted by God just like everyone else’s.

But this is perverse and twisted. It is not the critics who lie. He does.



The process was inaugurated by a particular set of interests affiliated with the group Cheney was addressing, the American Enterprise Institute, ground zero for the neocon conspiracy, the eye of the hurricane of US foreign policy in the MidEast.



Surely many realized long ago that The Ccontention, if allowed to swell, would degenerate to this point. Two sides, each calling themselves American, accusing each other of lying: this is the One (idea, common property of all who speak in the name of all) captured by the Two, one side of which is explicitly self-contradictory.

An odd coincidence occurred. Yesterday, I was preparing to X process Cheney’s remarks, show how they resulted from the psychodynamic unleashed on the youth long ago by Vietnam war/cold war anti-communist types, so the question “how did we get here?” would never again go unanswered. This was followed up today, incredibly,
by report that a large, black X actually appeared over Cheney’s his picture on CNN even as he spoke. Odd—because it is another level of ‘doubling’. The same process was taking place in two distinct contexts, unrelated except by the content: the X, and Cheney’s double-double reverse. As I was applying the detail of the X to explain how, and why the situation arose, in effect acting out “X-ing Cheney”, sure enough, some other hand out there was acting according to the same (unconscious) thought. Beamed into x-million brains, with ripple effects.

As some sort of media-glitch, this X-ing of Cheney by CNN goes up alongside the very large, distinct, vivid number “2” seen in the eye of some hurricane Katrina pictures. Undoubtedly some kind of technological mistake, but implanting a “message”. These oddities go with stories about a man called “Ted Serios”, claimed by some to be able to imprint images from his mind onto film, by staring into the camera and clicking. (“Is it possible?...”)

Now, for them, it must forever be this exact reversal, for they have driven the “good vs evil” wedge into the heart of American discourse. After having installed “God”, through Bush’s faith-based initiative, as National Patron; then arranged to get “war” attached to fighting an emotional state (“war on terror”), with enemy situated in Iraq. These, taken together and injected into the blood-stream of common, collective discourse, generate a degenerative process that leads to just such unions-in-contradiction. The willingness to go along with this – to predicate on both sides of a self-contradiction – is the pathological psychological condition called “the castastrophic enantiodromia”: the point in the deterioration and degeneration of what was previously One, as a common idea, into Two, one side of which has gone Faustian. The Contentions that pressure democratic governments escalate into irreconcilable differences, warp speed, because of the way the ‘dark’ side of the Two begin speaking. Ideological absolutes get mixed into the broth. For example “Zion”, and the movement to get anti-Zionism to = anti-Semitism in politically correct discourse. The Two parties that could co-exist under the banner of One idea – America – cannot co-exist when one side takes the banner necessarily used by both to wrap around that which is irreconcilable with itself.

This is what I see as having happened. The Right wing ideologues, armed with “God”, “war”, and the unconscious group fantasy connecting them, playing out in the devastation of Iraq by displacement, have pushed The Contention past the point of reversal. It is of their doing, and its outline, or template, unfolded in events following the Vietnam war. In order for the dark side of that, and the later political slaughter of many in El Salvador and Nicaragua in Reagan’s regime to continue to exist, it was forced to take control. Every trick of the trade learned by every dark op, illegal, hate-mongering, lying bastard that ever plotted to overthrow legitimate government has been used to hi-jack America’s. That is the reply to Cheney. You are the liar.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


FIRST FIRST THINGS (time and tokens)

FIRST (communicating text) (1965-2005)

1. The Collapse as fact. (11.16.2005)
Symptoms. Declining poll numbers. False leads: “just another second presidential term episode. Saw it in Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, not this Bush.”

This particular case: “Scootergate” (“part of a wider culture of lying” F. Rich.), The ramifications.

Rising tide of hate: its quality as well as quantity (”human trash” Bush was called by Brazil soccer star)

(Q. Should feelings of hate be curbed? When and when not?
See my “I Defense of Hate”)

Into what? The times call for morphing through consciousdness.

Tinfoil propositions, prionized DNA




Tokens of America’s Akashic Record, ’65 – ‘05

The psychodynamic forces driving the historical group process are exposed in certain hyper-cathectic “Nodes*” – cohering units of communication located astride a processing loop from “input” (to cortical brain region) to “output”(recognizing a thought, or responding to a question, for instance), along a causally differentiated, repetitious route. This hypothetical construct of “sign-use loops” extends the assumption of “same causes, same effects”, basic to all science, into, and through, the anatomical “black box”. Since the “input” of the system/apparatus is objectively quantifiable (neuron stimuli, peripheral and internal), and the “output” (measurable actions) as well; the “book-ended” processed having been assumed to transit from the lowest levels of ‘instinctual’, organ arousal (dreams, as first conscious content), to co-ordination of conscious content in the highest, furth’rest, most complete cosmic reality -- whatever we can use signs to communicate about – it follows that the perennially contended “mind-body” has been solved, en passant. It took the discovery of consciousness to resolve it.

Pertinent examples (of Akashic S*)

Ronald Reagan declaring: “Back to the Future!” Followed by popular move about two dudes’ excellent time travel adventure. Large-scale evocation of everything WWII, especially the feelings of sons toward their fathers (Tom Brokaw). As text: these words from the president are a time-spinner, looping memory into the preconscious. As token, it prompts “a trip down memory lane”, i.e., through the unconscious. “Why, I can remember when….” Signals were sent out during the Reagan era that personal memory would be stripped from all tokens of group communication, even while each person remains obliged to go through the ritual of using them (“vote”, “democracy”, etc.) collectively. (This is a manifestation of the Great Splitting.)

“Back to the future” activates readiness to remember; the subsequent textual remarks will be ‘bound’ to likenesses and opposites while the affect-effect is in place. Whatever attractive-repellant impulses are housed by association alongside the recollections, will merge in a group through identity of content of individual’s consciousness. “Back to the future” goes directly to the highest loop linking signs to the generic being category, “the formal condition of all succession” (Kant), namely time. As a sign-use, this cuts across all differences between people, both on the internal as well as external side. All who allow themselves to come under the rhetorical sway of “past, future” place themselves under control of these common inner forces. Their details will trace to childhood histories.

The invocation of time, by words, according to grammatical rules, completes the processing loops that, externally, traverse the universe. It goes directly to the common processes of those communicating. It is now known, since recent times, that cell division and DNA replication proceeds simultaneously with consciousness of connections of word-meaning content. The same anatomical unit that processes feelings and impulses processes peripheral sensations into perceptions of objects, and these into weltanshauung, with feedbacks (“How’m I doin’?”). All that is brought together into a unity through consciousness proceedes into it, through it, and, in a meager few cases, by means of it (in mind-altering ‘realizations’) belongs to an order, and level of unity not given by nature “from below”. “From above” it is constructed; from The One.

Let “consciousness” be used herein for the common feature of awareness a person has of themselves using sign (words, pictures, acts) to communicate. It can be said, then that what is set in motion in the human organism as a machine by the words “Back to the Future!” by the famous Hollywood president, obviously acting out the idea of restoring a strong Father figure, in contrast with Jimmy Carter’s perceived effeteness. The Republicans, who know what to do, taking over control of America from Democrats. G.W. Bush’s take-over from Clinton, by action of Justice Scalia who thought the recount vote in Florida in ’00 was damaging the nation, repeated the same theme. The Men are back in town. Lordly they were. And men (nevermind Guckert). They came to execute what Reagan prophesied.

Well, his second term wound up in the Iran-Contra hearings. He was allowed to pass, never having contributing anything but nod and wink to the process anyway. But the seeds of deception, illegality, death squads, and manipulation of world terrorist events abroad, if indeed, the Iranian hostage situation was part of some black-ops plan, as some charge, were welded into the name-plate of American history by the name. Iran-Contra. This was double-double reverse negative sign-use formation already taking shape, far in advance of it’s being visible as such. “Back to the Future” goes with “One man’s Freedom Fighter is another man’s Terrorist.” Goes with G.W. Bush saying “We do not torture.”

In Thoth’s dictum, this is the end product of The One having been captured by the dark side of the Two, and LED BY THE NOSE down into the halls of Amenti.


Americans, as a group, stand on the brink of “false 4th ing” the cosmos.

This means subsuming references to it, as a totality, from a wrongly completed position of consciousness. Wrongly completed, in that it cannot relate to reality directly, through the consonant completing tesseract, but only through a projected morphic field, which it has copied in its star/sky/God lore, then re-internalized – what was learned from the documents overlaying what was projected and re-inforced throughout many millennia. This is the psychological construct that would reach out to match “Intelligent Design” with “God”, if the phrase became official descriptive use.


If children are given by their teachers, classmates, churches, god-fearing parents to understand that what they experience for the first time, themselves, as the unity of the planetary and cosmic vastness – the reality of all that – is readily trundled under one term, synonymous with the universal Logos, which learned Being-experts bandy about in conversationg, citing each other’s contentions … that is a Form, or template in the history of childraising that is not logically necessary, therefore cannot be declared the final word. That is would be the 4th step in the progression from: 1. projection (through the token), 2. introjection and elaboration), 3. re-projection (through text), then 4. “belief in” the re-projected text to bond totality-cathexis (intellect with commitment) to reality. This is the formula for life condemned to live under an illusion, deprived of the means of correcting the malformation, and of knowing what life would be like “on other side of the mirror.”

On the other hand, the teaching of The One as The Monad in All, of All, with the objective unity of consciousness as an instance, cannot be stripped from the assumptions of group discourse, either. There is a “we” of the “I’s” that pledge allegiance to the flag of our country. It is a bond of unity through the token whose meaning, or text, is spelled out by the U.S. Constitution. If all references to a bond of unity were knocked out of discourse, no inner bond toward any one thing defining all being tokened.

This sets up a resistance to the project of eliminating all references to “God”. Perhaps the public token is necessary to command and focus consciousness on what is always and ever beyond The Two.

This is the metaphysics of The Contention. Both sides may be necessary, but both are not equal. One is closer to the good than other, which leads downward.

Monday, November 14, 2005

America Under Catastrophic Self-contradiction


The idea that America is, or can be, united under One God is self-contradictory.
The fact that war has been predicated on this self-contradictory representation has been plunged the entire system of group communications into catastrophe.

A Proof

Assume: Y =/= A (Y is not identical with A)
Y = The One God
A = The One God

The conjoint assertion of all three of these is a self-contradiction. It would say: two Y and A distinct from one another are identical with The One God, which is impossible without making the One God two, or making the two distinct thing identical.

The letters “Y” and “A” were chosen to suggest the Jew’s YHWH and the Muslim’s ALLAH.

Consider the phrase: America united under The One God.

It immediately falls into self-contradiction under the above assumptions, which are seen to actually hold. Therefore the phrase – it is seldom asserted that America IS united under One God – imports a self-contradictory notion, a strict impossibility, into public discourse.


What Bush has done

These remarks make explicit what has been logically obvious ever since G.W. Bush sprang his faith-based initiative in 2001 to appeal to the Jewish, Catholic and Evangelical conservative vote. It cannot be denied that that is exactly what he did, nor, I think, that there was not general awareness at a deep, grumbling level that it was self-contradictory and playing with political fire to predicate too heavily on religion. It is, after all, what most wars have been fought over, at bottom, and that goes all the way back to Enlil, Enki, Ninurta, Marduk and the Pyramid wars, according to Z. Sitchen’s fascinating reconstruction. But it denies humanity’s humanity to plunge it in as he did. The Bush gambit injected self-contradiction in use of signs which would play out over the years, whatever happened. One of the first encounters came immediately where use of “God” by religious charities blocked the flow of government funds. “Using God to discriminate”, or “discriminating against God” the President roared, ordering the old rules overturned. This was headed for the supreme court before 9/11. Since then, the talk has been of nothing but God, God, God; in prayer, song, on TV, with ministers, testimonials, Bishops, and Rabbiis abounding. Lord, we’ve been beset.


Human growth lies in the opposite direction

The Iraq war has been largely predicated on this self-contradiction, “unity of America under God”. The distinct names and traditions are jammed together as if the differences did not matter. But once upon a time, they certainly did matter. They were fought over, or in the name of. Thus, a psychodynamic of forced tolerance is imposed.

As the Modern era progresses, the command-power once marshaled by use of God’s name has been assumed by the strictly human notions of liberty, freedom, democracy. The psychic space in which they flourished was often won be driving the other out. Thus, RE-introduction of “God”, or “The One God” into common moral parlance, is a step backward in the progressive direction of psychic growth; and a step downward, in the psycho-anatomical processes engaged. In Freudian terms, this would mean the fusion of later differences into earlier generic content, with emotional patterns from childhood suffusing consciousness (whilst it remains unaware that this is what is happening; regression is a mostly unconscious process).


Systematic collapse; Genetic breakdown

These catastrophes of collapsed sign-use obviously do not occur in language, only, as if this corruption of discourse were merely a matter of political style. On the contrary, a functional breakdown across the board is involved.

-(at the moral level, S*4) contradiction in the will (see Kant) This destroys the basis of morality, as the person cannot will according to universal law, only self-interest – while trumpeting “law” to high heavens.

-(at the embodied, sexual level, S*3) Gratification of sexual desire for the afflicted comes only in perverse ways, as in loving what is destructive BECAUSE IT IS (moral masochism). One showing of the ultimate twist of libido into sadistic cruelty is the last scene of Rossilini’s film Salo, representing the old fascist elite ejaculating while watching the rape, torture and killing of virile youth through a telescope.

--(at the level of phenomenal content, S*2) there is no relaxation, repose, without anxiety. Every impulse toward love activates involuntary repression of it. The result is screams of rage and hate. It is a phenomenal matrix in which the most intense feeling of pleasure is accompanied by, barely distinguishable from, terror. From this, one can see that the war “on terror” is war “on the emotional state accompanying pleasure”. This brings out the perverse juxtaposition of erotic and cruel elements.

--(at the bottom-most psycho-neuro-biological level, S*1) prionization of protein, accumulation of unassimilable, potentially mal-folded DNA and RNA molecules inaugurating precipitous inevitable death. (as in BSE, Mad Cow disease; Creutzfield-Jakobs disease in humans) The hypothesis is that the lower-order, more basic functions lose efficiency when there is higher-order dysfunctionality. Soaring above; roaring below, as when a powerful engine rockets off. An up-draft in the morphic field is created by consciousness functioning well at the higher levels (S*7, *6, *5 – the upper triad). Contrariwise, a down-draft occurs when higher level functions collapse into contradiction, as this makes demands the lower levels cannot satisfy.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Mind Over Ludicrous


11.09, .10, .11 “Bungling Meant Leak Letter Leaked.”

Bungling meant leak letter leaked
By Alexander Bolton

A leak suspected to have come from the office of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) complicated, confused and nearly derailed a joint effort by Senate and House Republican leaders to seek an investigation of the unauthorized release of classified information.

The last five words could be replaced by “leak” without loss of meaning; that is today’s prevailing metaphor of choice for unauthorized release of classified information, as this passage well illustrates. “Taking time out for leaks”, a wag might put it.

But this one does take the cake. The mind reels contemplating the layers and levels of political compost to dig through to spell it out, but here goes.

First, before Nov. 2. ’05, when the Washington Post published Dana Priest’s article exposing the existence of secret CIA detention centers for suspected terrorists in Eastern European democracies (violating human rights), a very noisy investigation of a leak of Valerie Plame’s name and CIA identity was ongoing; by Robert Novak, in response to the now famous NYTimes article by Joe Wilson that exposed Cheney/Libby originating war lies. (With help from some of Berlusconi’s SISMI boys, as it turns out; see Nov. issue of Buchanan’s American Conservative – the Italians helped the Feith-Rumsfeld-Cheney CIA faction set us up, it says.)

Call this Leak 1. It’s investigation, initiated by the same CIA route now called for on Leak 2, has led to indictment of Irve Lewis Libby, associate of R. Perle, D. Feith, J. Bolton, E. Abrams, others in such powerful lobby groups as AEI, PNAC, AIPAC; all of whom are associates of neocon media mavens Time Warner/CNN; NY Post/Fox news (R. Murdoch’s empire); National Review (under management by Jewish youth); Weekly Standard (only ones publishing Chris Hitchins’ slobbery anymore); more. These are the ones most directly responsible for taking the United States into war on Iraq on the pretext that it was necessary to defend against imminent mass destruction. It was not. “It was a pack of lies”, in Galloway’s words. They “marketed” the “war on terror” (=an emotional state), as it is being put now, by terrorizing the public with information known to be faulty at the time. All THAT threatens to flood the foggy bottoms about the Potomac like the breech in the 17th street canal levee on Lake Pontchartrain flooded New Orleans.

Next comes Leak 2, last Wednesday, investigation into which was called for this Tuesday, just as the CIA had done before for who leaked Valerie Plame’s identity, after Novak’s article. It is important to re-iterate this original source each time in order to avoid escaping the obvious: that it was leaked by Novak as part of a general plan TO PROVOKE THE INVESTIGATION! This hardly seems credible when first encountered, but the more it is pursued, the better it looks.

Leak 3. Here it gets ludicrous quick. As best as I can piece it together, Frist’s people first prod Hassert’s to issue the call to Gonzales’ guys over at Justice to deal with the complaint filed by the CIA. Then Frist delays signing the letter for several hours, leaving Hassert hanging out there, while the mass media churns out the lead line, confusing many with a development in the Fitzgerald/Libby “CIA leak” situation. “What? – Another one?” one asked oneself. Frist’s sign off may well have been delayed by checking who, exactly, DID leak the unauthorized classified information to Dana Priest for the WP article? Trent Lott, whether speaking out of turn or not, questioned as much: the leak may have come from a Senator, he said, naming no names. From Frist’s own staff? With his knowledge, or without it? The article quoted above goes on to relate that it is still not certain Frist did sign it; his spokesman said he did, but would not release it. So as of this date, 5:00 we have no letter signed by the Senate Majority leader calling for an investigation. The following sketches the situation Hastert and the American people are left with:

The lack of confirmation about Frist’s support raised the specter that Hastert would be left alone in calling for the investigation. That would have likely been a source of major irritation for House Republicans since the idea for the investigation originated with Frist office, said a senior Senate GOP aide.

And the cause for the mistiming would likely have been a leak from Frist’s office.

Republican aides said the leak either came from Hastert’s or Frist’s office because they were the only two offices handling the matter.

Scott Palmer, Hastert’s chief of staff, emphatically told The Hill that the Speaker’s office was not the source of the early leak. When pressed, Frist’s office, however, did not offer a similar denial.”

How it stands….

Wednesday, November 09, 2005



-Looking Down on the Situation

Unfolding Experience through Sign-Use

This is defining a metaphysical perspective, a way of putting what is known as real through communicated human experience under a single totality of representation.

The S* system: a S*ystem in Sign-use, of Sign-use, for Sign-use.


The Situation and The Situation under Sign-use (= communication by means of pictures, words, glyphs, gestures, actions, etc. shaped by conscious intention for purposes of use for others) are NOT THE SAME. They are distinct, as realms of experience itself, as a totality.

The two realms divide as Space (3-dimensional, containing the individual human body) and TokenSpace (any segment of 3-dimensional space in which a sign S is used “*” (=”S*”).

TokenSpace is represented by the Tablet, or slate used for marking. Tabula rosa was John Locke’s Latinism for ‘the mind’, or ‘soul’, considered as emptied of sensory regarded as arising from molecular impacts “impressed” on something. Thus, a token of consciousness, per se.

THOTH out of PTAH -- metaphysics of the first myth

The ibis-headed man-God Thoth is typically depicted as inscribing a stone tablet with a stylus. Distinct from all other Gods of most ancient and hoary religious records, emerging as like a son of Ptah (“Ae(Ki)Pt-ah” = Egypt), his Father; or was it vice versa? In any case, He (Thoth) brings the secrets of: writing (not: alphabetic), number (measurer of planet/star sun-moon cycles with Zodiacal sky charts which began with calendars; building (the Great Pyramid of Ghiza, and Goudea’s in the Girsu; Solomon’s Temple?”); and (leaving aside many more gifts to civilization attributed to Him) …life. He is called upon by Isis to restore the fecundity of Osiris, after Seth killed and dismembered his body into 14 parts which she re-assembled sans phallus. She and He fashion a wooden substitute, the legend goes, through which Thoth produces Osirus’ DNA into her womb, spawning Horus their son, whose eye is later seen everywhere watching as from the spirit of the sacred precincts. The term “cult phallus” is used by historians in referring to the contrived means of fertilization, and tokens of said instrument presumably retained objects of veneration Horus would be pleased to see. Use of the metaphor “members” for all “members of groups” may well be a perseveration, as Jung called them, of memory of Osirus’ wang. The white Apis bull, slaughtered each year at heliopolis, was sire of his spirit left behind on earth for priest’s ritual re-plenishments of the religious and social order. Osiris was The Great Bull (of Heaven = The sun; from its risings in the age of Taurus; but ‘returned’ into heavens, BEYOND the sun, to Sirius, the star of the star which is our sun.


My reconstruction of what has been woven together in above vast tale of Old (pre-historic; higher dimensional) Egypt, is as follows:

“Osiris” was the name associated with some actual super-sized, natural God-like unchallenged ruler-type individual at the time “when there were giants on the face of earth,” taking Genesis 9 as historical fact. The name OSIRIS is coupled in the Archetypal narrative with ISIS. his “sister”, and “she” is associated with SIRIUS, the most brilliant star in the sky that appears briefly in the pre-dawn sky at the summer equinox, just before the flooding of the Nile. It’s fecundating waters were also identified in myth with OSIRUS’ spermatic fluid. As He once fertilized the Great Goddess, so he fertilizes the seeds in earth each year. THOTH, in contrast, is the one who has secret knowledge of the process of life, and his cultic devotees became adepts in the medical sciences as well as astronomy, mathematics, etc.. He would have carried out the acts of splitting the DNA molecules and splicing a ‘booster’ into the genetic code in the evolution of humans, if that is how the jump to the distinctive human form happened. Perhaps Jesus was another Archetypically superior individual, perhaps some mutant throw-back/-forward to the genetic forms transmitted through Osirus cult. One with us, but More: not OF us, with contents wholly contained and exhausted in consciousness under sign-use. For us, these names are tokens of the objectively mystical.

A duration of psychological development – evolution – of humanity can be located between Osiris, as figure of the great living, dying, resurrected, fecundating God -- Age of Taurus; and Jesus Christ, as figure of the great living, dying, resurrected, fecundating God of the New Testament – Pisces. Between them passed Aries, the age of The Ram, the sacrificing/sacrificial patriarchs. Shades of their recurrence into Aquarius, now, through guilt, but more of this later. For now, the overall narrative is the transformation from LIFE: generically taken as the history of the 22 chromosome threads, first bred on earth circa 200.000 through a higher genetic-code “spliced into” the lower form of self-replicating DNA, leading to the processing through sign-use of more expanded, deeper, different morphic fields. Secondly, the more evolved organism processes LIGHT, together with Life sensations, as a common cosmic totality whose instances wholly contain all they are, in space. Thus the watered, fertilized seed responds to sunlight, and this process ramifies through cell division from embryo, to fetus, to infant, in very regular patterns (phenotypes), supported by coordinated organ functions (muscle movements that respond to will). As a matter of growth, the individual thrives on LOVE. LIFE, LIGHT, LOVE  LOGOS is the metaphysical creed of The Gospel of St. John, 1.1. This is the narrative of a sublimation become conscious of itself as a suiblimation, preparing to sublimate yet again, through another LOGOS incarnation.



Now (after Nov. 8), “OUR* TokenSpace has been invaded by the call for another, new, investigation of leak of classified information about the CIA, in addition that of Patrick Fitzgerald leading to the indictment of I.L. Libby, this time concerning who blew the whistle to the Washington Post in re it’s chain of torture prisons.

Obviously, there is much here to note. As a distinctive, definable “Morph” in Group Tokenspace, it is a “double reverse negative”. This is explained as follows/

First, by shifting attention from the torture prisons themselves to the act of leaking their existence – the position of agency itself, in TKNSPC* is reversed as regards defense vrs. offense. Rather than be seen defending Abu Ghraib, they can be seen vigorously prosecuting those who endanger American lives by leaking classified information.

Second, contextual juxtaposition with Fitzgerald’s investigation, the new call not only a. confuses and muddles what was already difficult to make out in the Wilson/Rove affair; but b. trivializes, by copy-cat repetition of ‘leak’ for whistleblower, and c. reverses the burden, or onus of wrongdoing, in these precincts of TokenSpace. Though penetrating all its dimensions, its pernicious effects are mostly confined to processes of the upper triad, which reproduce contents that exist through consciousness alone.

This illustrates what is meant by “Double Reversal.” As a simultaneous configuration in context, the second over-laying the first, a psychodynamic interaction between the two through: a. duplicate tokens (“CIA”, “Leak”, “Investigation”) locked into the processes of group connection ; b. leaving the judgmental text to “wag”, as it were, FROM revulsion and desire to avoid the implications of the torture picture – reaction to the pain of pain – TO desire for Cleanliness in Blood flow, or “Truth” (=THOTH as etheric substance). The sacred/secular oscillation, it might be called. The effect of the superimposition is paralysis of functional capacity. Difficulty or inability to carry on both processes at the same time necessary to find and balance the One in the Two, then, address, The Contention with authority and power, neutralizes opposition to the Dyad, so its shaded tokens win by default.

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to be able identify, analyze, name and functionally understand the Double Reverse Negative* AS AN ENTITY ORGANIZED IN/BY/THROUGH SIGN-USE. It provides a very broad “triangulation” in TokenSpace, through S*, of ‘something’ – neither material nor spiritual, but ‘something’ = a ‘morph’ – whose three parts relate to each other in such a way as to make a unit. Recognition of an organized entity of this vastly complex level of sub-ordinate presupposed levels, should be hailed as a discovery, and I do so hail it. The names of ‘Morphs’ in TokenSpace occur IN TokenSpace alongside (as content of an identical conscious matrix) the names, and figures named, of 3-dimensional spatial enclosures. Whereas material objects correspond to the names of contents of the lower triad, completed in outer space, ‘psychical objects’ correspond to the names of contents of consciousness of the upper triad, completed in inner (private) space, or time.


Hyp. The Double Reverse Negative ACTS LIKE PRION-IZED PROTEIN IN THE BLOOD OF GROUP COMMUNICATION. That is my basis for use of the metaphor “poison”.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

More S*4

S*4 – ing the 68’ers

(See doc. S preceding)

S*4 is the token level of sign-use manifested in conscious act-ion/-ing. “Act-ion” is the act completed from the conscious side, from the inner intention. (“That is what I intended to do, however it turned out. No on can say otherwise because I, and only I, know what was in my mind at the time.”) “Act-ing” is (the) action in the process of being carried out (‘executed’). “Action” is what the person can get his/her mind around, through the intention (maxim; text) they are aware of, as shown by the fact that they can recall it later. (“Why did you …? What were you thinking?” …) The distinction between ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ goes with ‘what is self-contained in consciousness under sign-use’ vrs. ‘what is not self-contained in consciousness under sign-use’, as illustrated by pleading “I intended to do ..A (help the lady across the street); the result …B (she gets hit by an car”) was fortuitous (or act of God; doesn’t matter; wasn’t me). Whatever determines the body’s function from below that would interfere with carrying out an intention falls outside the responsibility to formulate and act on morally suitable ones. Thus, there is the sleepwalker’s defense: “I dreamed I got up in the night and stabbed her.” Also the “altered state” defense: “I watched myself do it, like in a dream.” (Actual case of a basically caring Native American man who got up in the night and bludgeoned his family to death after kissing and tucking them all in.)

The micro-millisecond process of passing from –ion to –ing is defines the moral dimension or universe of discourse. It is a distinct moment of conscious experience. In it, first; reality, subsumed under (all) possible action is laid out, as an addressed totality. This can be represented by a line drawn from the site of S*4 horizontally, to the right, as if continuing alonging it from the past, on expanding from the left, to the future. horizontal line. Secondly, the passage from message texted to action tokened takes place along a route of functionally distinct successively actuated anatomical (neuro-psychological) systems. These, of course, are intrinsically incomplete as contents of S* (not wholly contained in consciousness) because they are ex hypothesi the causal process determining certain factors of consciousness: its state, content (both peripheral and intra-organic brain stimuli qualities), and energy (cathexis – discharge – emptying -- of interest, desire, vivacity into content by neurone discharge). The boundary-line between contents under sign-use that are wholly contained in consciousness (cf. paradigm: geometry: Pythagorean theorem) and contents not wholly contained in consciousness (paradigm: the ‘anatomical preparation’ as Freud called it, i.e., the human body experienced as such by the person whose body it is, and who are aware of themselves using signs) is between S*4 and S*3. Reality (the world, universe of discourse) laid out under S*3 is coordinate with everything ordered under S*4¸if it is a moral predicate true to the situation, taken in relation to the person’s own body located in the lines fore-aft, left-right, up-down which can be expanded indefinitely by mathematical imagination in space, and/or at the same time diminished in said space to a point of exact intersection. Taken in either or both extensions, S*3 reality includes all space as what is hypothetically swiped out of the universe as a whole by a three-dimensional + cyclic vortex spin movement of the body.

Consciousness Under S* is completion of the three-dimensional body in time (by time, through time: time is the tablet of tokenspace)

Movement in any of the three dimensions (along any of the three extended lines), assumed as a totality, has three essential points: beginning, middle, end. Given simultaneously, these may be taken to mark the circle containing them. Given successively, they become a mark of time considered, first of all, as a quantity of duration. Thus, the event experienced as the duration between the second hand of a clock marking 0 and 30, as a totality contained in causal, but not (presumably) continuous conscious awareness, can be compared with the fractional movement of the minute hand from 1 to 2, the larger fractional movement of the hour hands; dates of day, months, years; these supply the concept of ‘something’ conceived as permeating every three-dimensional point of intersection, and experienced inwardly through the human body by distribution of its neuronal excitation throughout the boundaries of its extended lines.

The inner life is the scene of reality of all duration. They are experienced and communicated as such only through the continuity supplied by textual consciousness (“there-then; here-how”). Without the metaphysical bridge supplied by sign-use, time would be present to the human body only in the manner that completes three-dimensinal objects, not in the manner that completes such a object complet-ing itself in the duration.
A brain that houses consciousness is the necessary completing totality of whatever occurs in the causal, non-(pre- or post-) human external world capable of being brought into a unity given by/to the human mind

of contents of consciousness

This is a division in pure tokenspace, containing all contents of consciousness under sigh-use, into two segments, each a triad of sign-uses: S*7-*6-*5 (upper) and S*1-*2-*3 (lower). (S*4 is the point at which they intersect, taken as ordered sequences. In this way, by showing reverse direction Space, in tokenspace, defeats time!)

(S*7-*6-*5) is the triad of contents wholly contained in consciousness under text. Paradigm: Words used grammatically in sentences. As a kind of entity, this is a capacity entirely unique to humans, as far as we know. Not that non-humans (Dolphins, for instance) do not communicate in amazing ways by sensitivity to internal and external stimuli beyond human comprehension; they do not reason by use of number, logic, history of civilization. Our scientific understanding of the world requires these, and these require a grammar. Grammar supplies the map of the cosmic totality given under sign-uses. Under sign-use, IT is ‘warped’ by space – posited as completed in each simultaneity; woofed by time, passing through the anatomical processes in minds of human person.

(S*1-*2-*3) is the triad of contents not wholly contained in consciousness under sign-use.
S*3 (“objects in physical space”) predicates on objects in three dimensional space. These are either direct causes of the presentation of a set of qualities of sense perception (seeing, touching, smelling,. licking, thumping a ball of wax) or indirect causes in manifestations of these. Clearly, these are not wholly contained as content in consciousness. They are given as totalities only under general nouns and causal contiguities. They transcend the present moment of and conscious awareness in space.

S*2 (“objects in phenomenal space”) predicates on content of consciousness as phenomenal, in Kant’s sense. At the moment they are experienced, qualities of sense do not entail the existence of objects a person might assume they are perceiving through them, because the experience – say, of a colored light – might have originated by intra- vs. extra-neural stimulation. (cf. Sheldrake, brain-stimulation of light images.) The causal theory of perception in general entails the non-inferrability of the qualitative manifestation of a pure micro-electronic magnitudes. Consciousness must be brought in as the name of the field of all relations established through sign-uses, connecting the awareness of qualities of all kinds, as such, with or without corresponding physical objects as causes. However, even though the phenomenal level of content is defined as such over against the physical level – sandwiched between the real world our body inhabits and the sur-real world inhabited by dreams – what it predicates on is not wholly-contained; what is wholly contained is an “instance.” Thus: the color blue can never be thought of as wholly exhausted by a given instance or instances, even though all that “it” is IN any instance is exhausted in each. Instances of the qualities of sound, vision (besides color, light variations, lines, motions), odors, touches, tastes all relate to eacxh other through consciousness and only through consciousness. Aristotle’s notion of “common sense” is defined in these terms. Also present at the phenomenal level, mingled with qualities as their existential atmosphere, so to speak, are the quasi-qualities of mood, feelings, impulses – connected to the blood situation. These may be assumed to make their way to articulate consciousness (S*5) along neural routes that terminate inside the body, especially on functionally sensitive organs. These transcend the moment of conscious awareness in time.

Thus one sees that S*2, second of the seven categorical fields of totality of content is itself spread across content of various sorts, depending on how they arrive as content. At one end of the spectrum are two-dimensional reductions of three-dimensional depth perception to the interpretation of geometrical clues. This discloses the phenomenality of even ordinary perception directly concerned with objects. The ancients allowed for the skewing of perceptual qualities by external circumstances such as light refraction, as in the appearance of the bent stick in water. Mirages have long been perceived as curious overlays of desert reality by phenomenal-visual two-dimensional sheen, present in the eye because of the way it relates to light in seeing, not requiring hallucinations of one dying of thirst to perceive. Again, the fact that one will unhesitatingly respond “round”, to “what is the shape of a penny”?, even though as C.D. Broad pointed out, rarely, if ever, do pennies strike the eye of any actual perceiver except as ellipses. The “roundness” predicated of physical objects is a construct of a spatial 3-dimensional container of myriads of actual quality content. And there are other juxtapositions that flout – at the time illustrating – the boundary between S*3 and S*2.
S*1 (“objects in anatomical neuro-psychological space”) predicates on the totality of arousal (cathexis/anti-cathexis, motility, amygdalal/h memory-loops, cortical wave patterns, pulsations) passing over from latency into the pre-conscious psychic ‘room’ of dream-space. This level of sign-use includes content acquired by the in-womb give-and-take between fetus, mother and placenta (which become functionally distinguished during and after the birth process itself) and whatever has been elaborated by trauma. Under this would be included the levels of all sign-uses impinging on consciousness, as a hierarchy within it corresponding to the hierarchy of developmental steps. In ordinary situations, this stratum is easily overlooked and ignored. It does its work mechanically, as we are not required to do anything to reproduce the dream-life, it is done for us through the body each night. However, it is the functional basis of the entire hierarchy. And, even allowing for a strong up-draft of properly-flowing higher functional levels to keep the cathexes clear, as it were, through the upper channels of complexity, a back-up effect from higher level dysfunctionality clogs the works ‘down below’, so there is a disturbance at the point where tokens – from templates of the pre-born/trauma/dream-world – go over into text. This disturbance works its way out from the interior to boundary/peripheral patterns of (voluntary and involuntary) behavior, like a profound yick/yack of uncertain, but absolute reality-valencies, one part of the apparatus following the text (perceived in the template leading to cortical functions), the other following (or remaining with) the token (since all tokens originate at this level). This will be explained as the narrative unfolds.

Sickness from Sinfulness. Confirmed by Bush.

...Speaking of which, metaphorically – it is the failure of proper ‘folding’ of lengthy, complex mega-protein molecules into usable DNA that leads to the ultra-deadly, indefensibly aggressive prion mutation. Thus, assuming a single system of sign-use, the improper ‘folding’ of signs into sentences as the upper levels of the hierarchy (upper triad) would, upon collapse of the hierarchy, ‘pancake’ the effect downward, that is to say, inward; so that, at the end, processes at the bottom-most, bio-chemical level refuse to replicate what is going on above.

According to this, the act of subordinating use of “God” (S*7) for political (S*6: we) ends to wage war on Iraq, is the sin. “As Above” (dysfunctional reversal in the upper triad) co-ordinates with the “So Below” of protein-to-prion dysfunctionality. By way of the mentality of those who have committed the sin and brought the affliction. The prion infestation is irreversible, once contracted.

The suggested proposition, then, is that failure of functionality at the upper level – manifest in uroboric self-feeding; “God” as spiritual capital cashed in as Mars retrograde in Taurus, October-November ‘05… is the upper triad configuration….of which the lower triad is the breakdown of sexual vitality into incestuous cannibalism.

Strung out between the upper and lower triad, as it were, is the threatened pandemic of Avian/Asian flue. In common with the lower level, it represents dysfunctionality at the cellular – viral- level. A new deadly strain, H5 N1 has been christened. This is a ‘displacement upward’ of the deeper molecular DNA dysfunction. But it shows what it is like for the same dynamic to occur on different levels. To go with announcement of sudden startling discovery of the outbreak of a deadly new viral disease on the face of earth there is the psychic condition tagged by the intuitive astrologer Eric Francis as “climate of world fear.” Not just human, but nature’s hierarchies seem profoundly disturbed. By psychosomatic conversion, fear goes over into flu. A mechanism can be traced between the bio-neural (S*3 content) from S*1 arousal to the breakdown in conditions of S*1 arousal, itself, though tracing it leads beyond the scope of the present argument.

To conclude these remarks: I offer the fact that G. W. Bush turned to address the alleged Avian flu pandemic during the middle of a most harried week of his presidency, in late October. Pledging billions of dollars and use of U.S. military to fight the plague. (Say what?) The same two end of the pole connected here “As Above, So Below” through upper and lower triads of sign uses are also functionally connected by the Public Relations apparatus. Bush is required to defend against the same ‘enemy’ in both, attacking him and his kind on different levels.

S*4-ing to '68ers

S*4 –ing the ‘68ers

WHO ARE THE ‘68ers?

Those who entered college in the year l968; the cutting edge of the baby boomer generation. Like the old CW song “Whatever happened to Randolf Scott happened to the best of me”, America can sing “Whatever happened to the Baby Boomer generation happened to our history.” They cashed it in.

In “aboutness” terms, it has been about the relationship between fathers and sons. In America the Vietnam war was WWII generation fathers calling on her sons to shed blood there. This is the upper triad: She = the mother country, America; He = the father warrior leader (Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon) ; We = the ‘children’ of this national political union. Parents (led by the Father) shedding the blood of youth for forgiveness of sin; the youth themselves, progeny of blood of their own youth matured in shame after crumpling under to the Wrong Fathers, stand ready to die for approval and glory. At bottom, the contention all along has been, and is, between the Wrong Fathers and the True Sons and Daughters.

Two 68’ers stand out this week, columnist Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, detailing at great length how she got to be the way she is, as a person, quirks and all. She appreciated Betty Friedan, as who didn’t at the time, but was basically a good Catholic girl not to be carried away on the wings of radical feminism, zipless 007 hangers on, or, even less, today’s wannabe ‘50’s throwbacks with estrogen. But she hangs out with Sex In The City TV gals. Gloria Steinheim, yes. That’s enough. Her work speaks louder than anyone’s at the Times, now, except for those of Paul Krugman, Frank Rich, Bob Herbert. These have been the bulwark of True Sons and Daughters of America standing against the sludge of neconism.

Though taken under the Time’s wing, Maureen Dowd has held her own against them, and more. She emerges among the voluptuaries at the opposite end of the pole from Judith Miller. She slaps Judy right hard -- well-deserved, imho. Although it is not generally mentioned, Ms. Miller is in fact Jewish, as is I. Lewis Libby, with whom she was carrying on some kind of leaker-leakee relation, as with Ahmed Chalabi and the Curveball crowd. All neocon Bolshevikiis mongering war on Iraq. The chief bond of neocons is pro-Israeli or (what it’s government calls) pro-Zionist Mid-East U.S. foreign policy. This itself has never been openly discussed, much less brought to a vote anywhere in America. Which means that “democracy” trumpted abroad is non-existent here; and the mockery is doubled when the term is used to cover the voting process in the Knesset.

So in this one, Ms. Dowd comes out on top of Miss run-amok, make of the religious factor what one will. I return to it below.

The second ‘68er is Paul Berman, author of a new book “POWER AND THE IDEALISTS: Or, The Passion of Joschkn Fischer and Its Aftermath”, brilliantly reviewed by Stephen Holmes (in Nation, 11.14.05, p. 25) “The tenor of Paul Berman’s new book…is suggested by the word “tragedy” in the title to this concluding chapter, “The 68’s and the Tragedy of Iraq.”” That is our connection. The thread to follow is “the evolution of the leading ‘68ers from revolutionary left-ism to liberal internationalism.” Quoting Holmes: “He traced the path by which Fischer , the young anti-bourgeois street fighter in bluejeans who flirted discreetly with lethal vandalism, came to endorse German participation in the Kosovo war. Berman’s theme was “how someone with an extremely radical New Left orientation could have ended up, in the fullness of time, a friend of NATO.”” Plus, becoming a a hunting dog with the pack of neocons, and supporter of the Iraq war on grand humanitarian grounds. The good guy’s Mr. Good Guy. Happens to be a reformed Trotskyite. But Berman studs his narrative with another star: the idealism of Bernard Koucher, a founder of Doctors Without Borders and head of the United Nations administration in Kosovo from July l999 to January 2001. For Berman “nobody in Europe was more heroic that this “fearless humanitarian doctor” who always seemed to be “on a mission of injustice.” “ Koucher saw “Iraq studded with Srebrenicas”; more genocide calling out to men of conscience to be stopped. These are the type of men from the old left you’ll find supporting the Iraq war, by God.

In the midst of his superb demolition of Berman’s major contentions, Holmes breaks out with: “Interestingly enough, Berman admits that fantasy role-playing “lies at the heart of a good deal of modern history”. It is so pervasive, it turns out (!) that Berman indulges in it, too. He poses as a modern-day Orwell, standing up to tyranny, however insufferable to the literati such a daring posture may prove to be….(Readers) should savor this colorful book for what it is: the last testament of an exotic species, the l990’s liberal hawk, by no means destined to survive the blast of Iraq.“

This is pure ice-9 on Berman’s existential handstands over the bones holocaust carcasses. I shall certainly not read his book. His number has been exposed, and, with that, the logic of the situation in re sign-use. You can read his lips without hearing the words. It’s all just a game, now. Showing what it has been all along. Maybe not for a few like Fischer and Koucher themselves, but for types like Paul Berman. What is confronted here is darkness of the deepest depths. Some locate these depths in the Bermuda triangle. Perhaps Atlantis is rising there, as Edgar Cayce predicted, with a great belch to spew them out of her belly.

What Holmes leaves unmentioned, however, is the tribal/religious factor. To comment on that I shall cut-paste a letter of unverified authenticity, guaranteed not in Berman’s book, purporting to be a Serbian Jew attacking Kouchner’s work at Kosovo.

Jews in Yugoslavia ashamed of Kouchner's acts, Tanjug, Dec 18
BELGRADE, December 17 (Tanjug) - Paula Levi, a Jew, has sent an open letter to the head of the UN Civil Mission in Kosovo and Metohija, Bernard Kouchner, in which she asks him what made him act as a very biased person and "excessively take sides with Kosovo Albanian extremists in their genocide acts."
"You know very well that it is not a revenge because the Serbs have not committed such atrocities throughout centuries. It has been best proved by the supposed Kosovo Albanian mass graves you have been searching for five months now, but much to (Bill) Clinton's regret, they are nowhere to be found and the whole world has become aware of the lack of any justification for your aggression. So, what could possibly be the reason that you, a person of the noble Jewish blood and whose parents surely experienced Hitler's expulsions, today support and even instigate the genocide against the Serbs?" Ms.Levi wonders, adding that she could not even imagine that he belonged to the honest Jewish nation.
"It is regrettable and shameful that the closest military and political aides of the American peculiar figure, Clinton, are exactly Jews: Cohen, Holbruck, Albright, Berger, Rubin, Levi, and lastly you," says Levi. According to her, the most atrocious of all is "malicious Albright", US state secretary. "She should be ashamed of her inconsiderate, demagogic, and phobic words, spreading them like a total political anarchist all over the world. Although she and her family found their safe haven in Serbia in 1939, she is responding to it now with bombs, which is extremely pathological," stresses Levi.

"Neither have the words of her honest father - that if he could have chosen his nationality, it would have been Serbian - meant anything to this infamous person, " says Levi in her open letter to Kouchner.

"We, the Jews of Yugoslavia, are ashamed of your acts and while replying to the remarks that all the Jews are with Clinton, we painfully find excuses in saying that they ceased to be Jews a long time ago. We call you all, unless it is too late as you have already deeply sunk in evil, to desist and immediately leave this atrocious Dante's inferno. It is disgraceful for an honest Jew to speak one thing and do completely the opposite," continues Levi.
"You have equally perfidiously acted within "Medicines Sans Frontiers" in Republika Srpska and Kosovo. You should be ashamed of that. This is the message sent to you by Yugoslav Jewish grannies and mothers torn by grief and enraged by you," underlines Levi in her open letter to Kouchner."

TOO Good to be true, these ‘68ers.