Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Saturday, December 31, 2005

deconstructing killer mommy/bugger daddy complex

Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Yes, you do…you are an arrogant, know-it-all jerk. LOL! And I am being nice about it.

Tex, I know many, many good, sincere, honest people who believe the wrong thing even when they should know better.
Every bloody time Bush wants to do something good, such as pumping our own oil from Alaska, Congress always votes against it. Bush is not evil; he is just human.

The problem with you is that you want to throw the baby out with the bath water. The liberal, kosher media hates Bush and so do you … is there a connection?

Stop acting like a violent, mentally deranged freak, and get it on with it.

This is ultimate violent, self-contradictory 'killer mommy' protovirus politics.

....undoubtedly a senseless Enron bleeding ass conservative pro-business formula factotum ('We'll show you what you hate, tell you what you are if you don't" -- and kill you (or get some jews to do it) unless you agree on both points -- in other words, unless you assume the butt-spread position, which they learned to do internally, long, long ago.)

1. "you want to throw the baby out with the bathwater". ? This is intelligible only if taken as equating anti-Republicanism (the water, presumably) and anti-Bush (the baby) -- both identical in evilness, now exposed forever as pathological liars and killers in Iraq.

Formula: split violent opposite-identities into a more/less duo; play off one against another. ("He's just human" -- wants you to know s/he/it bumps boobies on Herr Buscher's butt, likada Barb once did. That's mommy nature talking, sonnny boy. This is all they've got, all they are, doing what workd for them. On top, Skilling and Lay see THIS IS JUST WHAT RUSH LIMBAUGH CONSERVATIVES WANT AND NEED! -- underestimating the audience here.

Babies in bathwater is (mostly unconscious) reference to killer-mommy Andra Yates -- known now to have been abused. It was kept out of her trial because the men down there in the lower part of Texas, De-Lay country, aren't really men at all, just non-entities in males bodies bonded by buggering, again, mental or physical -- all abused (cornholed by Daddy die Busch archetype) abusers, passing it in to their women who are expected to take it up the ass, no problem, turning into kiddy killers themselves ... hating Andrea Yates, left with the life task of raising 5 kids produced by rape, mental or physical, given Bible names, who strick back sorta like a suicide bomber, wasn't it.

Backwater bathwater poisoned by Blackwater hired mossad mercenaries to shoot American citizens in New Orleans' lower 9th ward under the 17th street canal levee on Lake Pontchartrain. Same mentality. Same body-organisms (not really people at all). Its a fact. You can read it in the liberal publication The Nation, where I also post.

2. "The liberal, kosher media hate Bush and so do you." Formula: use double hate-tokens to smear the superior. Even if you reverse the truth. The kosher jew media LOVE BUSH --well, as much as they can love any politician that doesn't actually wear the yarmulka -- maybe he has, I don't know. Check Pdwhoretz, Dickter, Goldberg, etc. Heard anything anti-Bush from the heavyweights? -- Speilberg, Dylan, Ginsberg...? nope. The good jews hate him, of course, though it has taken them a while to come out and say so, and they never could catch up to me, who reviles his very existence at the cellular level, don't fully understand why, but am sure its genetic -- born that way, that is to say, pure west Texan,

3. ",,,is there a connection?" Yep. Just explained. The connection boobiebushiera wanted to insinuate, however (anybody want to guess how big? 60+'s) doesn't exist, which s/he/it knew in advance, but had to get the smear in there. Its a jew and/or fatwoman thing to do (look up "factotum": fac- L. for "Do"; "totum" for "totality": boobiebaby does it all)

4. "Every bloody time Bush wants to do something good, like pumping our own oil out of Alaska..." -- as opposed to killing massive populations and destroying Iraq (=America) to take someone else's away from them -- or learning how to get along without ... "Congress votes against it.". Well, the U.S. Congress, pathetic entity that it is, did stop the pathological liars and psychotic killers from working Monca's sucking off Clinton's dick, set up by Linda "The truth matters" Tripp, Lucienne Goldberg, with Opus Dei and Louiee Freeh into actual impeachment of a U.S. oresident on false charges. So they would have to be the ones to stop killer mommy gravytrain pumpers of "our own" (=Ted Steven's joy-stick power-leverage lubricant) oil out of Alaska. Eskimos trump repubes.


Your problem is not knowing shit from shinola

deconstructing killer mommy (OD board)

[quote=TexasAnarch]yeah I got on to this "hate Bush" gimmick a Sunday or two in a little cozy restraurant. I aked "well, do we hate Bush, or not?" to an older after-church family couple. He pushed back a bit and said "see there...I can understand it if you dislike the man, but ...hate? ..." You could see he found that religiously distastful. Oh oh, I thought...and thought again....then

(Impressive picture of G.W.Bush in flight gear, underscored by:)

"You are such a fool, TexasJerk."

(Nice picture of Laura Bush, underscored by:)

"My goodness, Texas Anarch, you certainly are a fool."



"....what so proudly we hail..."

Please see my reply to this "Gabrielle" entity under the "Holocaust" thread. This post explains what they are, and what -- as crypto jews-for-Bush -- their number is -- illustrated by the heartbreaking bravado of the above pictures.

These are pictures of the pile of asses at Abu Ghraib. That will be forever

Thursday, December 29, 2005

OD board exchange

Senior Dissident

Originally Posted by Protruth

Maybe I'm just dense, but what the hell was that Post all about?

(( My original post was a defense of the ACLU in response to:***

"No, the ACLU has taken out a full page ad in the NYTimes calling for Bush's impeachment.

"That makes them good guys -- on the side of America, Christianity, humanity. Whoever supports Bush is the jew: anti-American, ant-Christian, inhuman. Being a Repukelicoon is what jew is today, indistinguishable from nazi. Of course, there are Jewish members of the ACLU. They are the OK ones. Anybody who hates Bush is OK for heaven. Whoever tolerates anybody who supports him is part of the coalition of the buggered -- bleeding ass conservatives. That is what this board is about -- opposing jews; just look at the entries prior to 11.04.
ProTruth responds

Who and what do you support?

I respond

Who in hell are you? -- besides a pathological liar and psychotic killer, if you support Bush.

Add TexasAnarch to Your Buddy List

From "Gabrielle" (2 posts)

"Silence, you freak!

"Yes, do tell, Texas Anarch.
*** My reply to another responder to me original post:

Originally Posted by Bardamu
Would that the world was so uncomplicated! .... A pox on both their houses. UNQUOTE

"It is. Couldn't be simpler. The two artificially divided political parties divide right here, on the inner side:

For the chimp and his herd of jew monkeys ....

vrs. Americans, Christian and human beings (in other than (self-ascribed) name only) against them, as war criminals from the git go. Who stole the election, arranged 9/11 (after the CIA had tried to assassiante Saddam Hussein in l996, setting off the chain of events leading to 'slam dunk' horgie boy's cya), set out to do what the Zionist neocons had prescribed since their "Clean Break" document of that year, undermining the Oslo accords as basis for peace in Middle East ... and "against" means: forever, with curses ...

This last "Against" group includes everyone who is American, Christian, human --in other than self-used name only. That is to say, in the real sense, with the common historic inner content of the terms America, Christian, human.

That is what this board has been about since I joined it in late '02 -- ask anti-Yuppie, PaleoAvatar, Sertorius, Okie, Faust, TD -- you -- and there have been some other fine ones. Pro-Bush? Any of them/you? -- Or were you all such naive fools that you didn't you understand what it was all about? Can't accept that -- I've been explaining it all along. It has been, is, will be forever, about who will assume the ****-my-butt position for G.W. "the chimp" Bush, Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, etc. "repukelicoon" -- after them come the jews, and everybody else who wants to take a poke --- they are officially on record favoring
-lying propaganda, home and abroad

-spying on everyone all the time

-imprisoning without recourse

-torturing you for whatever information can be used to set up whoever they want to kill -- that will include grotesque sexual obscenities you might religiously abhore

-sickening you with their unction for the braindead and 'unborn' (as if they were curled up right there with 'em)

It takes a special kind of fool to go along with that, and I think there may -- just may -- be enough of the uncornholed American Christian humans left here, to go with the rest of the 87% of the world who hate, and i mean, really hate these ****ing asshole pieces of shit to send them to hell, literally or figuratively, I report, you decide. I'm just hangin' around on the OD board until whoever decides to pull my plug ... saying the same things I have for 3-23-40 years, started when I and a few others won the Vietname war against the bastards, because it is absolutely the same as it has always been, except for one thing: turned out jews is what they all are. ("Protruth", obviously; didn't you notice?) I mean that in the sense in which it was used by Hitler, probably unjustly for many of the good men who were Jews. Its an archetype of Old Adam, the permanently unredeemed man-slut of humankind that has to go on living on earth, somehow, having learned how to make my country, religion and genetic heritage to be used against me. White, Protestant, Confederate, Old West Texas male but screw that shit. AMERICAN -- that's all this is about. That cannot include anyone who honors the name Ronald Reagan. He equated the founding fathers with Miami Nicaraguan drug runners, didn't he. When itz gettin' here this budding police state is going to get turned inside out. The inmates get the keys.

-Sid Thomas

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Sign-Uses of '05


SINGLES (single signs to designate things, events, situations in the year’s news.)

Neocon -- catalysts of terror war, mostly Jews and Catholics, now trying to slither away into history’s footnotes, as opposed to naming an era of degradation

Israel - from: 2001 - Anthrax attack
2002 – shooting Bethlehem Church of The Nativity bellringer
2003 – shooting Sheik Yasin; incites Fallujah uprising in Iraq
Abu Ghraib; Arafat?
2004 – AIPAC spies (Franklin, Mobbs)
2005 – Libby, Bolton, Abramoff, Irving (corruption)

Iraq Insurgents democratic elections

Religion The Unborn homosexuality hate

“-gates” Libby, Guckert twistedness

Schiavo “persistent vegetative state” ‘pro-life’ repulsive grotesquerie

JPII (Polish Pope’s demise)

John Roberts (Scalito)

Deep Throat (Woodstein)


Katrina (Ophelia, Rita) The Awakener FLOODS “Tipping Point”

Abuses by agencies, supported by Bush Admn.:
- lying propaganda
- spying on citizens
- imprisonment w/o due process
- torture of prisoners

Media melt
- Darth’s OK
- Jacko walks
- BTK at Wichita, Kansas (baby ripped from mother’s womb)
- NYTimes, Judith Miller
- Crime on TV child murder, celebrities, polioce brutality

Jeff Bewkes CEO at Time-Warner (Sopranos, Sex in the City); Roger Ailes multimillion bonus at Fox cable TV news network


Bird Flu from Far East Asia, coming at’cha

DOUBLE SIGN-USES (coupled S*’s compressed in ‘two-tone’ designator; ‘spinning’ the referent)

-Compassionate conservatism
-intelligent design
-bleeding heart liberals
-War on terror (a mental state)
(but see also: “gay homosexuals”, or “gays”; “pro-lifer’s moment of conception” and “the unborn”)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The 7^2 Cubic Hologram


49 Replicas of One (= 50: the completed totality)

= A System for mapping contents of consciousness

under Sign-use (S*), twining text and token


X is where any two diagonal lines on a plane intersect.

X “speaks” when distinct meanings are assigned to the diagonals. It then represents the point, or interface, of their interaction.

Meanings of the diagonals are assigned by equating its lines with the following:

The Cadaseus (twin serpents); the double-helix DNA protein molecule (with leading v. lagging strands twined mitosis); the two separated rays of a beam of coherent light twined to form a hologram ; the attachment of text (meaning) to token (carrier) in the singular sign-use S* twined by the intersection of cortical and sub-cortical processes in the brain (hyp.: at the neural gating in the hippocampus). It is only very recently that the last twining has been discovered. The distinction between text and token, meaning and carrier, has been ubiquitously present, but neglected, throughout the history of philosophy and letters in general. Understandably, since the primary interest in sign-use is communication, what the signs are about, and they are most successful in what they do as signs when not calling attention to themselves, as this distinction does. However, when communication fails, due to wrong twining of text and token, as is happening now throughout the universe of American group discourse, the previously ignored process comes up for close scrutiny and analysis.


Nature has broken instances of one sign use, S*, for light, sound, number of major heavenly bodies (in the ancient geocentric, Ptolemaic system); ratios produced by division of one into seven parts are given by variations of 142857, the six digits exclusive of multiples of three, as if they marked a circle around the 3,6,9 triad. Such a representation, called the Enneagram, was taught by G.I. Gurdjieff, related in P.D. Ouspensky’s In Search of The Miraculous. Division of light into the seven hues of the rainbow is by passing it through a prism. Division of sound into the seven notes of the octave was done by Pythagoras on stringed instruments, where numerical ratios of length of string produced repetitions of frequencies and harmonies at different wave lengths. If brain consciousness in the body is analogous to the tip of a ray of light, the pre-cortical processes carried upward through the spine intersect with the cortical processes activated by the visual sensory receptors in the hippocampal/amygdalan firings on the two arms of the fornix, the result would be the field of conscious awareness broken up into content that is singled out, compounded, grammatized and shared with others through the use of signs in communication. The hypothesis here is that this happens. The total brain-stimulation during a moment of sign-use consists of input from outer and inner sources, combining in the full panoply of experience of presence to self in perception. The result, as a totality, is captured on a single surface (sheet of paper, tablet, etc.) in the 7 x 7 = 49 (as One = 50) cubic hologram. Whatever is communicated as content of consciousness sill appear somewhere as a sign used in one of the replicas. Each part is a self-contained, identical-but-different reflection of the whole. The whole, as a whole (the One) exists as/in the unity of each of the parts.


This metaphysic of consciousness under sign-use carries with it a transcendental logic.

What is known about the external world through sense perception is communicated by signs organized under text according to grammar in the languages of science. Each science ranges over a universe of discourse, instances of objects designated by name or unique description. The logic of scientific sign-use is given in the syntax of quantification theory. This combines inferences in discourse that range across the spectrum of identifiable objects in the external world from sub-atomic to super-galactic, based entirely on their causal effects on our sense organs. Again, it has only recently become widely recognized that sense perception, itself, following the Copernican revolution regarding perception of the sun’s motion as apparent, vs. that of earth’s which is real, is not the center of the universe but revolves around it. Think of it: the I of individual consciousness moving from portal to portal in the universe of discourse. This is what happens as experience unfolds for the person under the seven logical types of tokens.

The full details of the formal dimensions opened up by this stratification cannot be explained here, but it belongs to continuation of the ideal of self-consistency in discourse intended for objective representation to require strict adherence to the hierarchy regarding predicates of predicate of predicates of … terminating on individuals of lowest order token-type. When predicates predicate on themselves – text turned into its own token, as in the Cretan asserting “All Cretans are liars” – paradoxes and antinomies break out. The discovery reality calls for levels of predicates, if whatever exists is to be represented in a systematic, self-consistent, complete manner under a single field of reference – experience -- provides the new transcendental apriori unity of apperception. It is the unity presupposed by the project of its ideal completion.

Texts can predicate on themselves without getting lost in circularity and illusion only by positing what is called “the axiom of extensionality” (see B. Russell for details), which requires that predicates of predicates must be resolvable into separate and distinct statements about its manifold instances of application, down to lowest level individuals, in order to conform to logical inference. The alternative will be strings of predicates that are either token-tautologies or self-contradictions.


What Bush did in 2001, in taking responsibility for reversing God-use as a barrier keeping federal funds from going to church charities, and converting “compassionate conservatism” into a faith-based “army of compassion”, is assume the prerogative of promulgating text from his repertoire of privately grounded tokens. Making signals out of sign-uses. Setting up political group communication to run along lines responsive to his private religiosity through government. It is basically to assume the role of high priest, officially intoning the holy sounds that all in the group who honor it’s/His name must respect and obey. Having done this, even though he might – would – say “God did it through me; I was only a vessel”, he has assumed to use the name “God” in predicating on the situation, therefore has predicated on God. That is what priest’s do, as mediators, bring God to the people.

Having done that, he has created a fiat accompli in TokenSpace (TKNSPC* = space as the container of communication). It itself becomes subject matter for predication: his “faith-based initiative”. His “base” of right-wing Republican “people of faith”, most prominently featuring Evangelicals, conservative Catholics, and Zionist Jews. Amplified by commentary, divided into pro-con issues to feed the mass media octopus, cable TV networks and major newspapers, what he has uttered becomes attested to a “part of the record”, virtual fact as in “you knew what he was doing”, even if never brought to adjudication in a court of law.

This sets a precedent: it is possible to create facts by sign-use, these becoming further facts to be predicated on by later sign-use. If ever challenged, the original sign-uses are referred back to as authority. Give ‘em an inch, and they’ll take a mile.

Over time, if this predication on predications on ….private contents continued to be “dumped” into public TknSpc, two dynamically interconnected things will happen. One, he tbc

…Predicating on his/its own predications ….originally unfounded … leads finally to living in a substitute world of pure predicates: let names of objects to which they apply be arranged to match. Thus Americans and Jews are the good guys in Iraq, bringing democracy and leading the march to freedom for people over the entire Middle East. The President says so. And if he is the President, with authority to say so, isn’t it a fact?


-throughout the 7^2 Cubic hologram

Use of “God” as token of a private, exclusive totality content, as by each individual, cannot be “squared” with use of “God” by all, for all, unless the text is guaranteed inclusive of each individual’s private, exclusive totality. But such a universal alignment, however willfully decreed, cannot be guaranteed – that there will finally be a definition on which all agree – because each consciousness is a separate and distinct unity of experience, capable of matching texts for the completing totality with private contents is different ways. The “God” whose totality is completed as the One in all cannot completed in a single instance to the exclusion of others, therefore it cannot serve (function) as token for private content. This is a false crease, or folding of text onto token by an impermissible sign-use loop.

Thus what Bush did, in projecting “God” as sign of token-unity for all, is inherently splitting, divisive, self-contradictory. To the individual consciousness, this arrives as something to which they must align, one way or another. HIS use, repeated, sustained as a conscious intention, becomes the leading vs. lagging strand of double helix DNA reproduction; the un-reflected beam of light to which the split-off, reflected beam re-combines in a hologram; the strings of text-wrapped tokens in sign-use, such as “intelligent design” springing up to fill the new-found politicasl religiosity with hope from Cosmic TokenSpace.

I am saying that from the time GWBush launched his faith-fased iniative, knowing full well the word “God” was going to be at his beck and call from then on, he knew there were many, perhaps a large majority, who would not agree with or accept the text of any belief statement he might produce. He knows, for instance, that those from the 60’s whom Clintons represented are basically anti-everything he stands for, as a person, however pious he is in whosever God’s eyes. Therefore, into the field of audience into which he dutifully dumps his communications --“God” being the most potent, the most reserved Big Stick others use for him, not himself unless in extreme cases. Expected, is antagonism, rejection, hatred as feed-back. “Goes with the territory.” Never mind. Every leader deals with that. “See, the war protestors have the luxury of acting in freedoms we fight to protect.” That is how the description of situations gets twisted by them, predicating on their own predications. They first exclude everyone who does not align with them in the universe of discourse; then, when confronted with the reality of non-alignment (refusal to accept their “God” token under any text), re-distributing the skein of predicates until one aligns in that TksSpc instance to a misdirected totality. This leaves things on the surface as if unchanged; repetition of the cycles of the internal treadmill, calling it a life. But by the effect of the official projection, something fundmebntal – metaphysical – has altered. A self-contradictory process has been installed in the way signs are used. Darkness is being reproduced in communication where there should be light.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Submitted to the New York Times and The Nation


Who is John McCain ?

…hanging in the balance: Victory for Torturers

Yesterday the NY Times’ Sanger and Schmitt report “Bush Says He’s Confident That He and McCain Will Reach Agreement on Interrogation Policy.” That is corpspeak for “assume the position, John boy.” (12.13.A 22) Today, wallah, “New Army Rules May Snarls Talks With McCain on Detainee Issue.” The army has ambushed the Senator, and the U.S. Senate, again. Changed the Army field manual to allow unspecified procedures, “pushing the limits of legal interrogation at the very moment when Mr. McCain (R. Arizona) is involved in intense three-way negotiations with the House and Bush administration to prohibit cruel treatment of prisoners.”

Taken together, and with what Bush did to him in South Carolina in the 2000 presidential campaign, these pose a serious question about what kind of man John McCain is. Piquant street metaphor would surely echo “This is a stick in McCain’s eye”, as a ‘defense official’ was quoted to have said (last line above the fold; nice touch, B.K.) – applied elsewhere to his anatomy -- if he takes it. Will he bend over for Bush again?

And another question needs raising, for him, the U.S. military, civilians, all. There was one facet of what went on at Abu Ghraib and at other places that go beyond printable descriptions of abuse, cued, however, by “inhuman and degrading.” It is the use of prisoner’s religious sexual practices and traditions against them, defiling them, or causing them to defile themselves in bodily acts, according to what they were taught was holy, as a mode of torture: reducing them to objects of revulsion and shame in their own eyes. This has been documented to have occurred. It is abominable in the same sense as defecation the Bible or the American flag, only worse, since inflected with permanent trauma on a living person, with the same intent. “Judenhaasen the towelheads” it came to be called at one point. Although on first thought this might be considered a valid instrument of intimidation – “breaking their will; sending a message to Allah- worshippers everywhere of what to expect” – it is not a soldier’s code. Abuse of those under one’s control is not honorable or manly. It is a perversion of humanity, recognized as such by civilized people.

If he yields, McCain’s acceptance of abuse will be for many in America. In the end, when he was given a historical opportunity to do something decisively correct, he crumpled. For the sake of what? The torture forces. The same type of torture carried out on Arab/Muslim males at Abu Ghraib is accepted by him, in principle. For America.

The Torture Now! warriors are out in force, that’s a fact. “Torture May Be Necessary: Former W. House Advisor” Robert Blackwill of Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government is quoted as averring. (NY Times 12.12 on-line Reuters). The Nation magazine’s display “The Torture Tree” illustrates some of the principals fed from Cheney’s treacle. Meanwhile, VICTORY! Sweet VICTORY! was in the air around the president, and the Washington Post launches Ben Connable, “a major in the Marine Corps” at us, saying “The Truth on the Ground” is looking good, for America, there. Iraqi soldiers are re-enlisting for third, fourth tours of duty, and would they be doing that if it were a quagmire?

VICTORY FOR THE TORTURERS? In this showdown on the Potomac, will the real Senator from Arizona please stand up?

Sid Thomas, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Philosophy, emeritus

2327 Seneca Street
Binghamton, New York 13903

607 773 0071

Saturday, December 10, 2005

sickness - sequel


Kierkegaard may have said it all already without knowing exactly to whom he was saying it. .

“Only the Christian knows what is meant by the sickness unto death,” he says. (Introduction)

Is this not a most startling claim? -- that there is a human condition or state, deserving such a doleful title, the meaning of which can only be understood by a certain group: Christians. And if that were so, what difference should that make to others?

Kierkegaard is 19th century Christian Danish, usually classified as an existentialist philosopher. I see his work in this respect as post-Kantian. (Though more often regarded as anti-dialectical in contrast with Hegel.) The disjunction between the phenomenal and noumenal (dinge an such) orders of being which Kant bequeathed is overcome, for Kierkegaard, in the process of living out the Christian concern. But it is also pre-Freudian. It does not relate Spirit, as a ‘given’ metaphysical concept used to define man (“Man is spirit.”) to libido; therefore, under the assumption that Spirit, in the phenomenal sense, is the derivative of sublimation, in the noumenal (psycho-physiological) sense, a dualism like that of Kant’s is perpetuated at a higher level, under disguise. (I say “like that of Kant” ion order to avoid arguments about what the great German philosopher ‘really meant’ by it.) The question is: do sublime and sensuous love proceed from the same source?

As Almighty and all-convulsively consuming sexual ejaculation is, it remains qualitatively different from spiritual apotheosis – if Biblical and other sources (e.g., the psychologist Maslow) are considered, apart from personal experience. One is Exhalted; the other, ecstatic. Both belong to the boundary of consciousness, but at opposite poles.

Living out and working through the differences between phenomenal and noumenal reality amounts (in psychosemiotic terms) to learning how to relate to what exists by using signs to communicate according to two different ‘logics’, or grammars.

PHENOMENAL CONTENT is given under the grammar of appearance: “how it appears to me”, specifically distinguishing ‘it’ from anything not included in the awareness of the moment. This ‘inverted’ grammar assigns content to ‘inner’ relations between whatever is wholly contained in consciousness under sign-use*. These include: What I directly perceive, as distinct from what is objectively the case. What I intend or think, however understood by anyone else or whether true or false; What I commit to as a totality inrelating to the universe, as opposed to whatever actually exists; What I will to do, however the act attempted turns out; What I dream (dreamed), whatever the explanation of dreaming; -- all these “settings” unfold as X’s within the generic/phenomenal grammar of appearance: “I am appeared to by ….( content x)”. They are hierarchically ordered as predicates of predicates of predicates…, illustrated by..

conscious will predicating the end of an act over a physical domain if completed. (“to carry out the groceries, I ought, etc.), and are required to remain strictly in their domain of stratified communications to avoid antinomy and self-contradictions. This is laid out elsewhere.

As has been learned, and post-Kantians were adjusting to, perception is caused by stimuli from the external world striking the body’s peripheral organs, which translate their information into streams of tiny electro-neural discharges, sequences of which evanesce in conscious brain events. This locates all content of consciousness, metaphysically, in the single person’s private individual *tokenspace.

PHYSICAL CONENT is given under the grammar of space-time location: whatever is predicated on as existing is essentially defined under predicates for “Where and When”. “Nowhere at no time” defines the externally non-existent. This grammar tacitly assigns its content to a container ‘outside me’; in contrast to phenomenal content explicitly signed as ‘inner’ (by use of ‘appearance’; a ‘for-me’ token).

…now back to K.

My proposal is to translate Kierkegaard’s formula as follows.

“Spirit” is libidinized consciousness: self-awareness as desiring, striving, willing being. It would be the background potentiating the transcendental form of change in the conscious moment. Consciousness itself would be the unity of what is experienced in tokenspace under sign-use (S*).

“The relation that relates itself to its own self” points toward F. H. Bradley’s Absolute, which absorbs all relations into itself, without self-contradiction, because all are its manifestations. In both cases, the question of reality of relations as a metaphysical category has emerged as a fundamental philosophical problem. Thus Kierkegaard writes: “In the relation between the two, the relation is the third term as a negative unity;

Proposed transcript: this passage counts the relation as one thing, and the related ‘two’ as distinct other things. The two are united into a relational whole through what they are not, a “negative unity”. This would hold for the concept of a “day”, as a unity divided between daylight and night time periods, marked as a whole by the sun’s orbital transit. Each of the two is not the other, with respect to light, yet they are united by this which neither is, a “negative unity” in common.

The Sickness Unto Death

From the Original Dissent Forum board

the sickness of CNN and G.


There is a sickness that is unto death, says Soren Kierkegaard in the great book of that title. Both key terms, "sickness" and "death" are used metaphorically it would be said in today's ignorant communication context. This doesn't mean they aren't literal, they refer to a pre-physical condition of something he calls a "soul". We, Americans, have lived under its sway with the election of G.W. Bush (before him: Reagan, Nixon). They are both symptoms, and carriers, of it.

"Only the Christian knows what is meant by the sickness unto death," he says in the Introduction. As to who or what "Christian" is, he says this (leaving aside how you get to be this way): "The Christian heroism (and perhaps it is rarely to be seen) is to venture to be oneself, as an individual man, this definite individual man, alone before the face of God, alone in his tremendous exertion and this tremendous responsibility; but it is not Christiabn heroism to be humbugged by the pure idea of humanity or to play the game of marvelihg at world history."

Claiming that, and only that, as my ground, I judge that the spirit animating Bush, and whoever does support, follow, promote or tolerate the views surrounding this deliberately arranged blood sacrifice of America, its youth, good name, wealth, future -- soul -- in Iraq, is the sickness unto death of which Kierkegaard spoke.

Of that, David Duke is not guilty. Some on this board are. They try to play word games, as if backers of Bush like Blitzer were CNN Jews; and/or attacks of Bush were KerryCohn Jews, using whatever you may hate about Jews, or haters of Jews, either side, as doubled-reverse negative DEFENSE of Bush. (as if he didn't survive, Rove-wise, by spinning both ends against the middle -- the old double-double reverse-negative special)

But what do I know, just an old retired philo prof.