Sid Thomas S*-ing to Power

S*-ing to Power **** S is for Sign, * is for Use. S*, as in S*-ing, is for SLINGING THE SHLONG AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER ABUSE (Let S* be verse, picture, symbology, rant, whatever talks eternal, American, now) The world is ready and waiting for what we can do here. As John Calvin put it, differently, "It's up to you."

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Location: Binghamton, New York, United States

This is an attempt to extend conversations begun over many years into the present, applying results of work in between to gain analytic method, continuity, scope, depth, vivacity and permanence

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Depicting Depictions

Depicting Depiction 3.28.’06

Further Running Reply
to remarks about my WHRW radio show “TALK AMERICA”

To “depict a sexual act” during the hours 6am-10pm for TV is prohibited by the Federal Communications Commission.

This prohibition is not reasonably applicable to use of “male anal rape” in referring to the type of sexual perversion connected with group-fantasies of the sort Freud diagnoses in the case of Daniel Shreiber (who thought God Almighty was after him at night, for “voluptuosities”. Publishers of Freud’s analysis weren’t publishing obscenity, although it was about topics public discourse generally avoided out of politeness. .

That is how the phrase is used on my program. The site of the program is Harpur College radio Public Affairs talk show Talk America, myself host. The theoretical context is analysis of the dynamic of the unconscious group-fantasies, as they are called, which underlie the contemporary historical process. These are feeling states expressed by “tokens” of communication whose “texts” stand for things a group is obliged to share by the way they are referred to and made to feel about themselves. For example, on Talk America, we might talk about how cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed could be expected to make Muslims feel whose sexuality was bound up with this form of religious sublimation. That would counter Jack Cafferty, or Bill Reilly, on of them, leaning into the TV microphone and spouting smears at “barbaric behavior sparked by cartoon,” as if “we Americans” were beyond that.

Grammatical note: The verb “to depict” is to represent as in pictures, its #1 definition meaning (Webster’s New World Dictionary). Most curious, to myself, obsessed by sign-use, is how cleverly the prefix “de-“ denudes “pictures”, so to speak, thus enabling “depicts” to slide over to its #2 meaning: “to picture in words; describe”. Words, after all, acquire use in mental life after pictures, and the history of this word-compound for that developmental illustrates that! However, it is self-evident that rules for decency applying to pictures do not apply to words, otherwise all literature using sexuality as the gold mine of metaphors would be banished. Reference to the time of day in this case (6 am to 10 pm) is irrelevant, since it concerns protecting children from objectionable TV content. Radio is talk, not pictures, so children could not, in principle, be exposed to anything the rule was meant to prevent, even if they understood the words, and how old and precocious would that require them to be?

a. …Therefore: as a phrase, sans context, “anal rape” is neither “decent” nor “indecent”. Calling it such is a logically improper attribution, a category mistake in Gilbert Ryle’s terms, predicating what is proper to the thing (the act referred to) to the language used to communicate it.

The educational context here, as stated elsewhere, is diagnosis of the use of “terror”, as in the phrase “war on terror”. This is a massive defense of the unconscious group-fantasy of being anally raped. THAT is what is “depicted” at Abu Ghraib. The inordinate obsession on rules, regulations, laws and punishment that occupies minds and institutions across the land and, I suppose, the globe, shows how massive it is.

Terms for emotionally charged things, of course, are properly used with greater care and sensitivity, as in references to body parts, sexual acts, birth, death, sacred remembrances, etc.. In contexts specified educational, however, emotions must be subordinated to the value of communicating objective information.

Two FCC chairmen, Michael Powell (Collin’s son) and Kevin Martin, have iterated that “context is everything” – leaving aside proscription of profanity.
Context is what determines the emotional content of communication, not magical intrinsic properties of word sounds, though these auxilauries are often needed to indicate intended associations, especially when talking about other’s word uses. But even profanity can be used endearingly – not suggesting that I shall. German folk sometimes refer to their kids as “my little shitter”. What’s wrong with that? Similarly, censorship of contexts in which “anal rape” is used for information would obviously be absurd.

It is an absolute principle of free speech that others not be allowed to determine one’s context of communication: “Here is what you are doing -- saying something nasty.” I reject anyone’s claim to such arrogance in principle and will not speak further to them about anything, since nothing prevents them from redefining and twisting anything said to fit their purposes.

POLITICAL MOTIVES FOR CENSORSHIP – Connections between the “war on terror”, and the “Libby Lobby”.

J'Accuse - WHRW


The Public Affairs department of WHRW


In regard to airing an alleged profanity.

A. It is absurd to hold me responsible for violating the FCC non-profanity rule, when the instance cited is virtually inaudible, decipherable without multiple hearings (I checked with a friend who hadn’t heard it before – didn’t get it at all. As a matter of fact, “Hormoaning” was released in Japan, and the US released box set of Nirvana has no translated lyric text lines. There are no official Nirvana English lyrics; someone added the on-line text. Maybe if you spoke Japanese, hearing what sounded like whatever their colloquialism is for dung sung in English might violate a FCC rule against broadcasting profanity? Huh huh huh I wonder why I was told the printed lyrics must be trusted for what cannot be heard?

B. “That (the printed text of the lyrics) is what we have to go on,” I was informed.

2 replies. A. No it isn’t. The test of what a reasonable person could expect a normal listener to hear would surely cover borderline, inadvertent infractions enough to avoid fines -- esoteric associations made by cliques to the contrary notwithstanding. B. So where is that text? If the word can’t be heard, and no text for what is slurred … the glove don’t fit. It’s a bunch of …..

C. “When you hand a CD over to your engineer (sic) you are certifying it contains no violation of the FCC rules,” I was told. Reply: first, I didn’t “hand a CD over” to the engineer; he picked it up off the table, I think. Unimportant detail though it is, it shows how little minds frame up little rituals to hold others responsible for violating. Second: why this is the first time this particular ritual, retro-actively applied, heard from? The advance information session offered every opportunity to say “It is your responsibility to make sure the music played on your program is clean.” One might then have asked “what does ‘clean’ mean? Does it include how it might sound translated into foreign languages”?

The fact that this instance was reported as misconduct, drawing a warning citation, is not a good faith response to what can only have been presumed an innocent, totally innoculous occurrence. “Hey! Did you know a banned word was on that Nirvana tape you played….?”, would have got “What….? You’re kidding…what word? Where?” I chose the selection because of its great guitar work, beat, hard-driving mood.

Then this pre-judgmental behavior on the part of WHRW station personnel, unjustified in itself, was secondarily excused by “that’s what we have to go on” -- not true either, as pointed out above; merely declared – demonstrates a settled disposition to dissemble to avoid the consequences of ham-handed over-reaching. Same thing happened in the famous late 19th century Dreyfus case. The military, church, pro-government factions falsely charging the French Jew of spying for Germany wouldn’t, couldn’t take back its condemnation, even after it was discovered and proved that the evidence was forged. They just continued confabulating punishment fantasies, extended to the whistle blower. Same thing happened at Harpur college in 1988, when it became understood I was right about the anti-Semitic incident of swastikas spray-painted on the Jewish Student Union being faked for effect. Who cared? People got to see their hate tokens displayed there, right side-by-side, courtesy of JSU president James Oppenheim, one can only presume on the evidence. Thus what I said then – they had it coming -- was thus proven doubly apt, afterward. Hyping evidence to accuse someone of misconduct ought to be a punishable offense.

I stipulate that I have never acted toward WHRW as a station, its personnel, Public Affairs department in any other way than in good faith, always, of course, predicated along with some abominable personality defect deep inside somewhere that seems to tick people off in advance, origin largely unknown, but as acceptable as what I can perceive with my own eyes and ears as hardly worse than at least half of the beings I have known and related to for 70+ years, and counting, on this planet inhabited by the species ‘human’. Notwithstanding, all I have consistently got in return has been a constant barrage of thou-shalt-nots, usually shouting the seven prohibited FCC words as if one or all of them might pop out of my mouth at any time, night or day, plus repeated warnings of the sort “WE’LL CUT YOU OFF”, “WILL NOT HESTITATE TO PULL THE PLUG”, “WE’VE GOT OUR FINGER ON THE BUTTON IF YOU CROSS THE LINE, BUSTER BROWN.” – almost as if everyone at the station assumed that THAT was what I was about, and they had it coming. As for helpful hints about how to get over with good programs? Exactly one, the first meeting I attended. A goyish guy; never saw him later, don’t know why. “The more you go over it in advance, the better you will do,” he said.

I therefore advise applicants for a PA slot to expect nothing more, unless a regime change and/or ethnic cleansing occur. It is really a kind of entrapment. What one goes into with ideas, ideals, good faith, and energy galore, may leave them scared, scarred, disillusioned and soul raped.



Citing: Michael Powell, ex-FCC chairman; Kevin Martin, current FCC chairman.

So I guess local WHRW Public Affairs people either know more than the FCC chairmen, or deliberately choose on their own to rate the context of my use of MALE anal rape “indecent.”

“Use of ‘anal rape’ is certainly indecent,” Stefanie Wolff allows.

But that can’t be true, can it, or she would have committed an indedency in writing it. And frankly, coming from a woman, I took a bit of umbrage, since nothing in my contextual use aimed it at the opposite sex. Or “gender”, as we say in these PC days – the word “sex” itself has actually become radioactive, so any reference to what goes on to make babies, much less live a robust, healthy, unrepressed libidinous instinctual life, has been poisoned. In sex-economic terms, which I used to teach about in the Freud, Jung and Reich philo course, that is the underlying psychodynamic condition of the American group-psyche today. ( (Other models apply -- later Freud’s tripartite super-ego/ego/id personality analysis; early Freud’s neuro-physiological/anatomical systems “conscious/unconscious”-cathexis model; Wm. Reich’s arousal-tension/ / discharge-relaxation model of the spasmodic orgastic discharge release; among others.)

CNN ran stories of a rape at Duke University yesterday whose details I do not want to go into here. The FCC, of course, took no notice. It was news. It would be absurd to censor the word “rape”. It’s use is necessary to that context.

Similarly for my use of “MALE anal rape” in the context of Talk America. Granted, what it stands for is an indecent mode of ultra-traumatic humiliation if there ever was one. Certainly, it is not a topic that would arise in cultural Paris or London salons, if there were any, though it might turn up in bordellos and Catholic girls like the oneVIVA attended (60’s thing – a female porno mag published back then by an escapee, Viva). But one could argue that even they have as much right to hear what is happening to America addressed on-air, in terms they understand, as do elitists or religious prudes. And, some terms MUST be used if the condition is to be addressed, whether anyone thinks they are indecent or not. For God’s sake, people. When Kraeplin (sp.) displayed the corpuses of brutalized, murdered girls in the Paris morgue in his forensic lectures from which Freud developed his earliest trauma-repression theory, it is not recorded that he had to fight off indecency police. Trying to shut down communication of truth on the pretext of finding plain references to it indecent is a kind of indecency, itself.

In fact, wonder of wonders, the kind of indecency it is, is the kind that fits the text/token crime. This must be insisted on my defense of the right to use “anal rape” in the context of discussion of what is happening at the unconscious group-fantasy level in the context of discussing American manhood. The words are required to connect the facts with those fantasies; to suppress its literal application is to block this connection between what we see, for instance at Abu Ghraib, and the particular quality of the revulsion felt. Without that connection, the analysis cannot reach its communication goal. The words are less graphic than the pictures, are they not? – even without adding the chair of “John Israel” with its back turned toward the action, away from the camera. That is how America was first alerted to its torture regime and first impressions are lasting in these matters. The FCC would not dare suppress an attempt to get to the bottom of why this occurred, particularly on a university Public Affairs radio Talk Show. You can write and ask them, then cut me off if you have to or want to, but until then you have no choice but let me use it, in whatever vocal modulations are dictated by how I feel at the time in the context of what is happening. As I was getting to in the last show, the Bush Repubes are actually making this anti-human maleness into the ideal standard for manhood, what maleness is. To allow this to go by without calling attention to it, is to become one of the coalition of the willing. It is to allow one’s masculine soul to be raped.

And as old Willie Nelson sings, so beautifully, “inside each woman’s head, there’s a cowboy that wants to come out.” Too bad the women representing Harpur College haven’t got that far.

“Inside every cowboy, there’s a woman who wants to slip out.” he sings. As far as I’m concerned, they can slip back in, what do you say?

There are further deep psychodynamic connections (speaking colloquially) the Bushies (perverted male activists), feminazis (singing in the Decency Police choir), and the “Libby Lobby”, I call it (from “THE ISRAEL LOBBY AND U.S. FOREIGN POLICY”, John J. Mearsheimer, Department of Political Science, University of Chicago and Stephen M. Walt, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, March 2006, London Review of Books, Vol. 28, No.6. available at, and other places, now.) .
Whoever might be “certain” that the words “anal rape” are “indecent”, taken out of context, could surely also be certain that the FCC would not only support, but applaud this effort by an American university to actually act like one.

That means stop harassing me, in particular. If you don’t, I will be forced to report ypur behavior to Colin Powell (Michael's father) himself; to Mr. Gonzales, about infringement of my civil rights; and to judges Scalia and Alitoto -- to uphold, with vigor, speech sounding truth to power.

- Sid Thomas

Saturday, March 25, 2006

WHRW feminazis

March 25, 2006
Stephanie Wolff,
Program director, WHRW

In response to your 2.28.’06

No, the word “shit” cannot be heard on the Nirvana cut you cited. At the place where it might be projected, Cobain as if deliberately slurs any “t” sound, so that what some eager beaver monitor might hear as “shit” is actually “shoot the Shii-a” -- a patriotic song!

"If you can't hear the 't', it can't be "shit", and if it can't be Shit, You must Acquir.") (he he he ... that's how we talk show hosts go, ya know! -- wouldn't have missed it for the world)

So whoever “brought it to your attention” was an eager beaver malinformant, like "curveball" feeding dope about Saddam Hussein's WMD to Janet Miller. Guess they had shit on (or for) their brains, he he. Imagine trying to silence patriotism. Didn’t keep you from “warning” me, though, did it, whether you heard not or not.

It is not for any of your or your informant’s business at WHRW to interfere with the language used for assessing the psychohistorical situation in America, however indecently odious it might “certainly” strike someone as being. The words “anal rape” were NOT used simpliciter in my remarks, but in the context of the qualification “male”. “MALE anal rape” .. as in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s use of “girliemen” – the California Democrats got the point. But what point they got must be stated, for the sake of making what is happening explicit, if you are going to Talk America. Responsibly and truly. But maybe the point is to keep that from happening

Judging by the feminine gender of your first name, you know nothing about the subject addressed, right? Women are barely part of the degredation of Muslin/Arab males at Abu Ghraib showed. They are like little Lynddies, holding the dog-leash, so to speak, come home pregnant. You have taken my words out of context, projected hysterical women’s noxious sensitivities onto a strictly masculine subject of national discourse.

I had the same thing happen in a philo class once. I was trying to explain a point about male homosexuality, from Freud, and had put in extended effort to bring together material it required time to present, when this open lesbian young woman, having heard the discussion turn to homosexuality, apparently assumed the topic concerned herself, and kept interrupting to the point where I shut down class. Another of those god-awful disciplinary hearings ensued. Same thing again here. “Anal rape is anal rape is anal rape, one size fits all”, the bob-tailed reasoning goes. That’s all it hears. In one ear and out the other. But… No. To drop the contextual “male” qualification (it isn’t happening to women, to judge my news reports, though some cults encourage it for the sake of enlightenment) is to assume the “anal rape” under discussion has something to do with everyone, including females. Men haven’t complained; nor would they, I think, because they would be doing what it refers to (turning text into tokens, like Donal Trump saying “You'r fired”). So let the skirts take a hike, whatever they want. It’s like what John Lennon said about using the “N-“ word in “women are the N---ers of the world”. It wasn’t the blacks who complained. They got the point. My show isn’t for everybody, as the disclaimer says.

Your statement “While this (my use of terms, taken out of context) is not necessarily an obscenity, it most certainly is indecent” confuses words with what they stand for. That’s third grade, not university. No one appointed you or anyone else in WHRW guardians of truth vs. “decency”, although of course flagrant abuses -- which my scentilating clinical uses are not -- would require notice and comment. In fact, reference to anal rape by males – once widely practiced on a periodic basis by rival clans in medieval Europe, sources say – is certainly no more indecent than TV reference to breast cancer treatments ad nauseum which the FCC says nothing about. But this isn’t really about the FCC at all, is it? that’s just an excuse to stuff it up the old prof’s wazoo.

3. Making accusations of indecency in sign-uses (mine), after taking them out of context, is a smear and insult that cannot be overlooked. Lying about hearing “shit” on Nirvan’s CD’s; hallucinating indecent intentions toward themselves – these are part of the smearing, insulting mentality. But they, in fact, precisely illustrate the thesis.

The analysis, itself, is so amazingly accurate that only by distorting its language, in context, can it be responded to without answering. The threat must be silenced and controlled. The freedom brought by truth will kill a demon soul.

The underlying current of contemporary historical group-fantasy in America, to repeat again – and again, unendingly; facts are facts – is: “war on terror!” = “defend my (ass/portside) from Muslim/Arab penetration”, defining the psychic condition of the GOPUSA/AIPAC neocon Republican cabal responsible for pushing America into war in Iraq, then re-electing Bush, to keep it going, there – and here, too, apparently. This edge has now been taken over by the Zionist media* (*use of this has been explicitly defended by NYC’s Mayor Bloomber as a free speech issue) and turned into a political text of manhood: those who will, and those who won’t, torture prisoners, including sexual humiliations.

If you approve giving me a show, cut out the bullshit. I don’t intend to let it go without an apology. On air. Accompanied by commendation for doing just what a real university Public Affairs radio program ought to do, today, unique to Harpur College --with expression of full confidence in the host's use of material and how it is handled.

I have never, nor will I ever, sign any document abrogating my freedom of speech in discussing political ideas in academic terms. This refers to your statement “As a PA host, you have been taught and have signed a contract regarding the FCC regulations as well as our station rules.” That is another lie, although I might sign something if it did not abrogate my rights. Please produce whatever document you were basing that statement on, and I will apologize for calling you a liar; it touches a matter of principle. Without such a document to show, you will be required to explain the grounds for this statement.

If you have any further questions or problems regarding my show or general participation in the life of WHRW, please address them to, where this will appear. Or:
I tend to overlook public bulletin board messages.

Sid Thomas,
Associate Professor of Philosophy, emeritus

Friday, March 24, 2006

War on the "War on Terror"

Talk America, WHRW Public Affairs 3.24.'06


The phrase “war on terror” is a double reverse sign use that cannot stand for anything objective.

1. “Terror” - noun for a mental state of extreme fright, associated with trauma, torture; signals imperative to avoid (reverse).
2. “(to) terrorize” - verb for instilling the mental state
3. “terrorism” - noun for an act intended to terrorize.
4. “terrorist” – noun for a person or organization carrying out acts of terrorism.

Neither of these regular grammatical uses fits with “war”, which implies a win-or-lose conflict with an adversary.

3.: the noun “terrorism” stands for a tactic, not an adversary. It’s use becomes rational when it deters attacks; then it’s non-use becomes suicidal. Thus, the phrase “War on terrorism” makes no more sense than “war on bombing”, both are means of war-making.

2.: the verb “to terrorize”, similarly, stands for nothing “war” could be waged against, though “MAD” (Mutually Assured Destruction) thinking could be tacitly assumed to be beyond the social contract defining humanity.

1.: “terror”, the short term preferred by Bush, only converts into an adversary confronted in “war” by making a great metaphorical stretch -- like making war on migraine. Who wouldn’t want to?

4,: “terrorist”: here is a personalized adversary --an enemy of all; criminal by definition (see meanings 1.,2.,3. to get to this noun). Those who would terrorize others? everyone opposes them. It self-evidently condemns while leaving the “what” open for interpretation. Thus, a bumper-sticker I saw today reads “US Terrorist hunter”, while medical clinics report a sharp rise of young males in minority ethnic groups of hysterical fear of being attacked by whites.

The phrase “War on terror” spins the grammar as the context requires.

What weds these terms so tightly? (“War”, “terror”). “911”, of course (and, by association, Pearl Harbor, 12/7, ’41; Rev. 12.14; Daniel 12.7….Sun =12. Moon =7

Hypothesis: The unconscious meaning of “war” as token of child sacrifice – a group sin-cleansing ritual whose deep motive is re-birth: to be re-born.

The arcane details are elaborated at great length elsewhere. Here, this hypothesis is invoked to explain the psychosemiotic connection – the glue, or ‘template” locking them together. The unconscious psychodynamic looped into common discourse by its use folds the motive of rebirth in group fantasy, into the interior personal domain – as if what was previously carried on externally, in confronting enemies of the group, is to be carried on by each person, internally, with the same religious fervor of achieving “salvation” – deliverance from Mother’s poisonous womb-placenta. Meanwhile, TPTB decide what causes and individuals qualify as “terrorists.”

If this is right it explains why “war on terrorism” can never be “won”. It is impossible in principle to eliminate all situations and circumstances in which an individual or group become obsessed with paranoid fears of being attacked and decide it is necessary to take preventive terrorist action.

What this war regime has done is install a permanent guilt-reduction, blood sacrifice ritual mechanism on the basis of the birth-rebirth trauma repetition-compulsion.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

J'Accuse - NYTimes insult of males

March l5, 2006

J’Accuse !

As a male, I vehemently object to your picture, in color, of the near naked Palestinian men “tumbling out of a jail compound in Jericho” on Israeli orders. (Page One.)

In Arab lands, as you know, it is customary for nales not be so exposed. A kind of reversal of the old tradition in America, that only her husband sees the wife undressed. In Arabia, their wives see sheikhs unclothed.

Is a cultural manhood, it is more than modesty; a niche of personal privacy. Taken up to the religious level by many Muslims, as anti-homosexuality is by many here. As exposure of the female body was once considered shameful here, so exposure of the male there.

Of course, it is easy for older ones who have ridden the merry-go-round to make fun of younger ones hesitation to get on. “They’ll get over it.” And easy for those accustomed to sexy, sweaty pantex work-out sessions mixing buxom babes with right studly dudes to say “get over it” to people who regard such things as sinful. But that is a wrong attitude.

Calling on Mayer Michael R. Bloomberg’s to witness my right to use the phrase, I call this obscene and abominable publication propaganda of the Zionist Media. It is a direct, unrecallable, deliberate provocation of Arab males. And to all men in general who would respect that as a human right.

It goes with making cartoon fun of the Prophet Mohammed, also defended by Mayor Bloomberg. Its fine if crazy Christians want to see nails pounded through the palms of their savior god, in moving cinema drama; perhaps the civilized spirit of Islam got beyond that point long ago, but still have what the Israelites once had, for those when sacred things meant all.

The Zionist Media. Belittling the spirit of what has been made of humanity’s manhood by an entire segment of earth’s population.

If “shame” meant anything….shame on you. That stands forever, no matter what.

But since the situation is about what shame is, for males, you have pre-emtively transgressed a hitherto tacitly observed understanding not to make fun of, belittle, degrade, disrespect the humanity in others, however repugnant it might be to some. This is a principle the Times itself honors. The shamelessness that has come in regarding malehood bears an unmistakably homosexual component; as if there were an agenda, conscious or unconscious, to “turn them into women”, as the saying goes. Abu Ghraib was not just about torture but about sexual humiliation. The “I-Man”, Don Imus and crew on MSNBC got yuks aplenty off the sight of women’s panties hunging on a naked prisoner’s ear. The New York Times poison belongs up there with, even surpasses in circulation, the continuing anal male rape messages.

In unadulterated Freudian dream-thought talk, this is what is spewing from the mouth of Zion. Torah, it’s not. There are dots here that I do not, nor does anyone else, want to connect, but must, in an appropriate way.

Sid B. Thomas
Associate Professor of Philosophy, emeritus, SUNY Binghamton

2327 Seneca St.
Binghamton,. New York 13903


Phone 607 – 773 -0071

Monday, March 13, 2006

Barb's Barb and The Bush Monologues

KILLER MOMMY ... got BUSH talking to himself

(“Get rid of “‘Aitch” for us, will ya G.B.?” “OK, Mom. Will do.”)

The “X” factor, as in the letter swiped across Dick Cheney’s face by CNN, is also the swipe-swope criss-crossing back-forward-slash picture of double sign-use, with reversal.

As picture, it also represents conflict relationships in current events. The letter “X” is the dream-token of the alphabet used by collective consciousness to mark the spot. (Don’t ask: it’s in the collective pre-conscious.)

AS IN: where she’ll strike next: “One Bush adviser sees political promise for the President in a nuclear peril.” Not just talkin’ theory, here folks. The adviser goes on to say “Certainly, there’s going to be a serious showdown on Iran.”

That is the continuing backward slash of the policy of Reagan’s lying, illegal war on Nicaragua; his sacrifice of U.S. Marines in Lebanon to save Sharon’s ass; the lying Reaganesque war in Iraq; – now further torturing Americans and the world with threat of a lying war on Iran. It’s President has already been lyingly linked for propaganda purposes with the U.S. hostages takers that led to Reagan’s election. That demonstrates their lying propaganda. U.S. ambassador at the UN, John Bolton, says diplomacy should be given a chance to bring them to their senses before it is forced to consider the military option, Israel possibly leading the way. Part of the “war on terror”, The government applies the “terrorist” label to Hamas and Hezbolla, groups opposed to Israel that Iran will not disavow.

Monday, March 13, 2006. G.W. Bush links Improvised Explosive Devices (IED’s) killing U.S. soldiers, children and shoppers in Iraq to Iran.
/” US President George W. Bush directly linked Tehran to roadside bombings against US forces in Iraq, stepping up his criticisms of Iran amid a tense standoff over its nuclear program.
"Tehran has been responsible for at least some of the increasing lethality of anti-coalition attacks by providing Shia militia with the capability to build improvised explosive devices in Iraq," Bush said in a speech.
. He cited recent congressional testimony from John Negroponte, the US director of national intelligence.
The president's comments came as he launched a public relations offensive to bolster support for the war in Iraq some three years after he ordered the US-led invasion that ousted Saddam Hussein.
Bush also charged that "some of the most powerful IEDs we are seeing in Iraq today include components that came from Iran."
"Coalition forces have seized IEDs and components that were clearly produced in Iran. Such actions, along with Iran's support for terrorism and its pursuit of nuclear weapons, are increasingly isolating Iran," he said.
"And America will continue to rally the world to confront these threats," said the president..
Finally: Last week, US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld directly accused the Islamic government in Tehran for the first time of sending Iranian Revolutionary Guard into Iraq to make trouble./*
This is the summary that appeared in Notice how many times Iran is mentioned. To underscore the message CNN put up “IED’s USED TO ATTACK CHILDREN AND SHOPPERS” (sic) below the TV image -- linking U.S. soldiers, Iran and mommies by allusion.
Dick Cheney was also shown attacking Iran in front of a huge white background emblazoned with the letters AIPAC –American Israeli Political Affairs Committee. This appears a blatant attempt to neutralize the anti-AIPAC reaction to news of their using Larry Franklin to spy on the U.S..
This is strong evidence that the sudden surge of anti-Bush administration anti-Arab Dubai Port World deal was/is, in fact, a deliberately calculated public relations ‘misdirection’ to get this enormous escalation in the rhetoric of Mid-East politics. The “backslash” leg of the “X”, venting the increasing hatred of Bush, while at the same time whipping up further hatred of everything Arab and Muslim.

But this is truly remarkable. Mommy’s little killer Bush and the reverse (anti-diaspora Zionist) Jews are going to protect us against Iran.

The common mentality is that of pathological liars and psychotic serial mass killers. It can be psychoanalyzed and traced.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

ethical cleansing



-Written upon arriving at The Reverse Solution (TRS*)
(Gay, Christian, Catholic, Jew, Feminist – American, human being)

The common psycho-historical situation: confrontation with The Reversal: “That Which I/We Am/Are Not” – on the unconscious side; therefore, confrontation with those who Know “Me/Us” as it were “From Within.” Since it is as inescapable as we from ourselves, and it opposes us, it could be called “the sickness.” However, focus should be kept exclusively on the phenomenon, even as a sickness, rather than on models that suggest taking medicine (infectous disease). Those who focus on the medicine, while certainly needed, cannot correct a malfunction originating in the mind.

This situation is common to all, individuals and groups in America -- and beyond. It is manifest in and through communication, the way we do it. The particular signs (pictures and words) used to exchange thoughts, ideas, experiences carry with them the psychological situation of their users. Today, their user’s minds have become sites of powerful psychological opposites seeking to unite with each other. And with us; through us; reproducing their bastard offspring by means of our values, ideals, libido, work.

But it cannot be. Contradictions can exist only in the mind, not in reality, therefore the mentality based on self-contradiction has a necessarily limited run until it destroys itself.

That must prove true of the present situation as well, the only question being how long it takes, and how much destruction ensues before the inevitable end.

Everyone knows that at a certain level, I think. It has passed from the un- to the pre-conscious system, in terms of Freud’s early models.

In external groups: those who use the same terms of reference as oneself knowingly intending to communicate the opposite of an attached emotional content.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Et tu, Brutus? - Another Double Reverse Special



-Living out the psychology of the abused

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in The Situation Room this afternoon (3.2.’06) juxtaposed snippets of ex-President Bill Clinton supporting the Bush administration’s port deal with the United Arab Emirates, over against his wife Hillary’s opposition, she being heavily favored as the Democrat’s ’08 presidential candidate.

See, it isn’t Republicans who are in conflict with each other over port security; it’s the liberals.

This is the way group fantasy works in the mind-set of the abused. The ones they pick on, the way conservatives have always picked on the Clintons, are always accused of harboring the conflict within themselves. The issue at hand just brings it out. Thus, mean white massas would torment blacks by throwing down a knife, daring ‘Rufus’ to pick it up, ready to whack him mercilessly if he did. Called any who hesitated a coward. This is a paradigm abuse situation.

Republicans threw down the knife on America when they pushed through the lying war on Iraq. Numerous other examples illustrate the mind-set of the abused at work, most notably the psychodynamics of torture. Security issues tied to the terror of 9/11 have been yanked to the point of blatant collective paranoia, already. That’s why the Port issue was pounced on by Bush’s adversaries across the board. He had left himself vulnerable at just the point on which he was most “strong” – the old protection racket. “Hoist on his own petard,” smirked The Nation’s Greider, glad to see Bush get it even if in the right! There is no question, I think, but that this feeling-content of Bush getting “blindsided” was a dominant part of the hysterical ambience. This connects by association, again, to “port security” as the group-fantasy token motivated, as the ’04 election, by defending against the threat of anal penetration (the condition of gaynxiety).

However, blatant as the political fantasy-balloon is, Lou Dobbs is fiercely trumpeting bi-partisan Congressional opposition to allowing terrorist-linked companies to “take charge of”, “take control over” (repeated) U.S. Ports, infrastructure, etc., dredging up old charges to heighten the “discomfort” level of supporting Bush. So blatant is the deep-base bellow-pumping against the background of the already burst balloon one has to wonder whether it has gone to the level of conscious self-parody. It is made to seen a genuine attempt to go after Bush however by the way CNN and Lou Dobbs do today’s polls. 34% approval; 57% disapproval of the way he is doing his job, if they can be trusted. These are torrid numbers, whether fueled by pure anti-Bush hatred or not. It is hard, frankly, to take it as other than a deliberate attempt on the part of a segment of the media and political establishment to do him in, take over his military machine, foreign policy toward Israel, India, Iran and China, and tiptoe through the “forgiven” portal of history. Without ever having faced the judge. That would be my judgment of where it stands as of this evening. The key question is, how will Bush respond? It seems to be et tu, Brutes? time in the White House.

What the mind-set of the abused has internalized, namely, that there will always be “terrorists” our to “penetrate their ports”, is exported; the other side of the alchemical mysterium conjunctionis weakness picked up and exploited. Where the on-going situation is penetrated by group-fantasy constructs converted into real threats, the ramifications ramify, and “double reverse specials” like CLINTON v. CLINTON



Teachers beginning to teach. All India (except the nuclear enthusiasts) turn out against Bush/US.

Item 1.

High school teacher's comments investigated by district

AURORA Colorado- A 16-year-old boy at Overland High School doesn't want to hear what he calls his teacher's left-wing political rants.

Sean Allen frequently recorded his teachers to back up his notes. Allen recorded Jay Bennish, his 10th grade World Geography teacher, making comments about President Bush's State of the Union Address.
Allen's father claims the comments made in the recording are biased and inappropriate for a geography class.
"I'm not saying Bush and Hitler are exactly the same, obviously they're not. OK? But there are some eerie similarities to the tones that they use," says Bennish in his critique of U.S. economic and foreign policy.
Towards the end of the class, Bennish goes on to say, "I'm not in anyway implying that you should agree with me, I don't even know if I'm necessarily taking a position. But what I'm trying to get you to do is to think about these issues more in depth and not to just take things from the surface."
The Cherry Creek School District is conducting a thorough investigation of the complaint from the Overland High School parent and student concerning comments.

The following is the entire unedited text of a statement from the Cherry Creek School District regarding the auditape.

The Cherry Creek School District is conducting a thorough investigation of a complaint from an Overland High School parent and student concerning comments teacher Jay Bennish made in his 10th grade World Geography class about President Bush's State of the Union Address. The parent said he believed the comments were biased and inappropriate for a geography class.

From listening to the recording of the class made by the student, it seems evident that a breach of district policy occurred regarding the balanced presentation of sensitive material. The district is taking the following steps to deal with this apparent violation of district policy and expectations during the class.

1. Determine if this is an isolated incident or a pattern of behavior.

2. Correct the breach of district policy and expectations.

3. Take immediate action to resolve student and parent complaints in a fair and reasonable manner.

4. Present a balanced viewpoint to effected students in regard to the President's State of the Union Address.

5. Use this as an opportunity to ensure that all staff understand and comply with district policy and expectations regarding balanced presentations on sensitive subject matter.

6. Make certain that communication timelines are clear so that parents receive a prompt response to any complaints.

The district is in the process of identifying any personnel actions that may be necessary.

Students protest teacher's suspension

• Teacher on leave after comments

• Watch CBS4's report on the tape
By CBS4 News
March 2, 2006
AURORA, Colo. -- Dozens of students at Overland High School walked out of class this morning in support of a teacher who was at the center of a controversy over comments he made about President Bush during a geography class.
It appeared there were also some students who were supporting the student who recorded the teacher's comments and brought them to the attention of radio talk shows. The teacher, Jay Bennish, was on paid leave while the Cherry Creek School District investigated the comments

Item 2.
03/2/06 -
Bush goes on 'trial' in Morris
Parsippany students confront issues of terrorism and war

PARSIPPANY NJ -- President Bush is being tried for "crimes against civilian populations" and "inhumane treatment of prisoners" at Parsippany High School, with students arguing both sides before a five-teacher "international court of justice." The panel's verdict could come as soon as Friday.

Teacher Joseph Kyle said the "hearing"-- he preferred that term to trial -- opened on Monday in a senior advanced placement government class. The school's principal said he signed off in advance on the subject matter.

"I knew it was a sensitive topic. Morris County is a conservative county. Parsippany is a conservative district," Kyle, 37, a teacher at the high school since 1998, said on Wednesday evening.
Alumnus disturbed

Former county Sheriff John Fox of Parsippany denounced the weeklong hearing -- where students debated whether Bush is a war criminal and questioned classmates playing administration officials and the Army general who oversaw Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq -- as "terrible"and "disturbing."

"Those are young, impressionable minds those people have control over. We don't need those liberal academics doing what they're doing. I find that offensive," said Fox, a Republican who graduated from Parsippany High School.
Kyle declined to discuss his opinion of Bush, the war in Iraq or the U.S. response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He said he isn't trying to show up the president.

"President Bush is often tried in absentia all around the world," Kyle said.

"All we hear in the papers is, war crimes this, war crimes that -- without even hearing a defense. It would be irresponsible for a teacher to pretend that isn't happening," Kyle said.
Defense begins

At the high school, prosecutors rested on Wednesday following testimony from nine "witnesses," Kyle said.
The prosecution list included Khaled El-Masri, a German citizen allegedly tortured by U.S. forces; international human rights attorney Michael Ratner; Larry Wilkerson, chief of staff for former Secretary of State Colin Powell; retired CIA foreign policy analyst Ray McGovern; and U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.
Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld were called by the defense before the seventh-period class concluded, Kyle said.
The defense will resume its case today with eight additional witnesses and, possibly, a verdict -- decided by two English teachers, one history teacher, a guidance counselor and someone from the school's media department, Kyle said.
Morris County Freeholder Jack Schrier, a Republican, said he was "truly outraged" by the war crimes hearing.
"It's not un-American. We do have freedom of thought and freedom of speech. But we're a nation at war. Not only this teacher, but so many others in the nation, have lost sight of that," Schrier said.
Principal supportive
High school Principal Anthony Sciaino defended Kyle.
"I think that the way he's doing it, in that it's more of a debate, makes it ideal and connects perfectly with the AP government curriculum," Sciaino said.
Kyle is no stranger to controversial topics. Starting on Tuesday, his sophomore class will put former President Andrew Jackson on trial for alleged abuses against Native Americans.
Kyle insisted that he doesn't have a partisan agenda. While teaching at Montclair High School, he conducted an impeachment trial of President Clinton while he was in office.
"There's nothing bad with exploring evidence on both sides," Kyle said.
Kyle said he received several letters from parents who were "all complimentary" of the war crimes hearing.
One thing that Kyle said he would like to keep private is the verdict.
"That decision is going to be sealed," he said, explaining that students will be told the outcome but asked not to tell others.

Ohio Woman Says Kids Requested Cages
Mar 02 8:04 AM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer
Some of the special-needs children who slept in cage-like beds fitted with alarms had asked for the structures to be built, their adoptive mother testified at a custody hearing.

Sharen Gravelle testified Wednesday that she and her husband Michael built bunk beds and attached a wooden playhouse the family called a club house for some of the children's toys.
The other children then requested them and the couple felt the brightly painted beds enclosed with wood and wire helped keep them from getting into trouble at night, she said.

The couple have pleaded not guilty to several charges, including child endangerment, in a separate criminal case. The custody hearing was scheduled to resume Thursday.

Prosecutors accuse the couple of locking some of their 11 adopted children in cages to discipline them, and want Huron County to take permanent custody them. The children have been in foster care since the enclosed beds were discovered last fall.
The Gravelles are fighting to regain custody. They deny abusing their adopted children, ages 1 to 15, and say the beds were necessary to protect the youngsters, who suffered from various psychological and behavioral problems.

Under questioning by her attorney, Ken Myers, Sharen Gravelle said that when the children became older they acted up more, including escaping from their regular beds in the middle of the night to fetch knives from the kitchen or to punch each other.
"They just didn't seem normal to me, I mean the behavior didn't and I didn't know what to do," she said.

The mother said she sought help from Huron County social workers and received none. So she did research on the Internet and found Elaine Thompson, an independent licensed social worker also charged in the case.
Gravelle said Thompson approved the beds and that at least one inspection for another adoption was done at the home in rural Wakeman about 60 miles west of Cleveland after the enclosures were built.

Huron County Juvenile Prosecutor Jennifer DeLand said the Gravelles have refused a court order to undergo psychological testing. She presented documents from the Gravelles' first adoption home study that she said proved the couple had lied about previous abuse allegations and investigations by a child protective agency in Lorain County, where they used to live.
Sharen Gravelle denied lying and said she had not seen the documents, although she acknowledged her and her husband's signatures were on the papers below a sworn statement that the information was true.

Sharen Gravelle said she met her husband in 1986 at a dinner for a child sex abuse support group. She said she was attending because a relative had been molested. Michael Gravelle was there because he was accused of inappropriate touching, a charge he denies. The couple married two months later.

The Gravelles are charged with child endangering, falsifying adoption applications and lying under oath when becoming qualified for adoption funding. If convicted, they would face one to five years in prison and a maximum $10,000 fine for each of 16 counts of felony child endangering.


ITEM 4.,0,4643031.story

Nuclear Deal With India a Victory for Bush
Associated Press Writer

8:11 AM PST, March 2, 2006

NEW DELHI — On his first trip to India, President Bush and his Indian counterpart agreed Thursday on a landmark nuclear energy agreement that deepens ties between the world's oldest and largest democracies.

Bush acknowledged it will be difficult to persuade Congress to support the agreement, in which the United States would share its nuclear know-how and fuel with India. But he said he's confident it will be approved so India can power its fast-growing economy without expanding world demand for oil.

Critics in Congress say the United States is making an exception for India, which has nuclear weapons but won't sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

"Proliferation is certainly a concern and a part of our discussions, and we've got a good-faith gesture by the Indian government that I'll be able to take to the Congress," Bush said.

"But the other thing that our Congress has got to understand is that it's in our economic interests that India have a civilian nuclear power industry to help take the pressure off the global demand for energy," the president said. "To the extent that we can reduce demand for fossil fuels, it will help the American consumer."

The agreement was a political coup, too, for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. "We made history," he said, standing alongside Bush in a sunwashed courtyard.

***/ (continued)

PM says 'welcome', protesters cry 'Go back Bush'
Minu Jain, New Delhi: While the Indian government rolled out the red carpet for US President George W. Bush, a groundswell of protest erupted across the country Thursday with hundreds of thousands taking to the streets demanding to be heard over the congratulatory chorus of a visit going most smoothly.

However, despite the huge protests, the day went off peacefully with no reports of violence anywhere.

It was a day of protocol and protests in India as the US president officially began his visit in the capital.

As the government feted the president, the ripples of discontent were felt all over with India's civil society, including students and rights activists, joining Left politicians that prop the government and Muslim groups to vent their ire on the streets -- and even in the hallowed halls of state assemblies and parliament.

The niceties of the controversial civilian nuclear deal between the two countries may have been lost on much of the crowds, but Bush's global policies were top of the mind issues, whether in New Delhi or Mumbai, Siliguri or Lucknow.

In New Delhi, a crowd of about 25,000 marched through the streets shouting "Hands off Iraq", "No blood for oil" and "Jo Bush ka yaar hai, desh ka gaddar hai!" (One who is a friend of Bush is a traitor to the country).

While many of the demonstrators at the march from the Ramlila ground in the heart of the city to Parliament Street were from within Delhi, others came from Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. The organisers said 75 buses bringing in protestors from neighbouring states had been halted on Delhi's borders.

"We regret that the Congress party has come forward to make friendship with America," CPI-M general secretary Prakash Karat told the rally, triggering jeers and more anti-US slogans, even as the prime minister was hosting a lunch for Bush.

A prominent face at the Delhi rally was well-known writer and activist Arundhati Roy.

In India's financial capital Mumbai, surging crowds of nearly 150,000 people gathered to protest at the Azad Maidan calling Bush "the biggest terrorist".

Carrying placards like "Bush go back" and "Don't sell India to Bush", the demonstrators burnt the US president's effigy and stamped on the US flag.

Although police made extensive arrangements, traffic went out of gear in the metropolis. Protesters also forcibly closed some shops in the area, including a McDonald's outlet, even as administrators remained mute spectators.

"Bush is the biggest terrorist in the world. India should not have invited a person like him. The person who is responsible for so many deaths is being feted in a country that believes in non-violence," said Mohammed Idris, a schoolteacher.

The scene was replicated in smaller ways perhaps in other towns. In Uttar Pradesh, particularly its capital Lucknow, Muslim groups released black balloons and carried placards like "Enemy of Mankind - George Bush Go Back".

In India's software capital Bangalore, about 2,000 people marched through the central business district for a meeting to demonstrate the strong resentment of "aam admi" (common man) against the hegemony of the Bush administration.

"Though we have nothing against the American people, we condemn the imperial policies of Bush who invaded Iraq and killed thousands of Iraqis, including women and children, on the pretext of eliminating weapons of mass destruction that were never found," said Samajwadi Party leader S. Bangarappa.

Even in the relatively lesser-known West Bengal town of Siliguri, 600 km from the capital Kolkata, hundreds of communists took out protest rallies in several parts of the city.

The situation was much worse in Kolkata, ruled by a CPI-M government, with the city virtually coming to a standstill.

Away from the streets, the situation was equally surcharged.

The anti-US sentiment found an echo in the Indian parliament, where leftist MPs called the visit an "affront" to India and asked Manmohan Singh to "apologise" for breaking protocol to receive Bush on his arrival.

In the Andhra Pradesh assembly, for instance, the house had to be adjourned over protests by the Left parties and Majlis-e-Ittehaadul Muslimeen (MIM).

Novel forms of protests were being planned in the Andhra capital Hyderabad where Bush comes calling Friday.

Bush will fly in a chopper to the N.G. Ranga Agricultural University and the Indian School of Business (ISB) on the city's outskirts. Should he look down, he will see black balloons and black kites flying.

And if only he could hear! Auto drivers have decided not to ply their vehicles but blow horns outside the assembly to vent their ire.

Muslims groups have also called for a shutdown Friday to protest Bush visit.

Added another leader: "Bush is an international terrorist and he should be tried at an international court. His visit has induced Bush flu which is more dangerous than bird flu."

That may be rhetoric. But behind it is a huge anti-Bush sentiment and outrage against his administration that is clamouring to be heard.

*****/ (continued)

All India protest marks Bush visit
New Delhi: Nation-wide protests greeted U.S. President George Bush as he was ironing out the final glitches in the Indo US Civilian nuclear with the Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh in New Delhi today.

A rally organised by the Left Parties along with the Samajwadi Party today witnessed large scale protests as thousands of people participated in it, carrying red flags and shouted anti-Bush slogans.

A wide scale reverberation of “Killer Bush go back” filled the air of the Ramlila Grounds from where the procession started. A gamut of Communist leaders including CPI(M) general secretary Prakash Karat, Sitaram Yetchury, Brinda Karat, CPI leader A. B. Bardhan and Samajwadi Party leader and son of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister , Akhilesh Yadav marched towards the Jantar Mantar.

As the news of the finalisation of the nuclear deal poured in, CPI(M) leader Sitaram Yechury in his initial reaction said that he still do not consider it to be a deal and said that the Left parties is not opposed to the deal until it harms India’s security.

Prakash Karat addressing the rally said: “ I do not know what deal has been finalised but through this protest I want to make clear that Bush may be welcomed by the Government but he is not welcomed by the Indian people at all”.

He also warned the UPA government that his party will not tolerate any misadventure by the United States against Iran.

“The U.S. wants that the way it had invaded the oil wells of Iraq it will be able to attack Iran in a similar way. But we want to tell our government that we will not tolerate any attack on Iran,” said Karat.

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and Samajwadi Party leader Mulayam Singh Yadav while addressing the procession accused the UPA government of stooping to a new low and urged the Left leaders to rethink its decision in providing outside support to the UPA Government

He also said that there has been no unanimity in the political circles regarding the growing engagements of India with the United States as the Prime Minister never bothered to consult all parties in this matter.

Demonstrators carrying anti Bush placards with a sea of red flags also burnt effigies of the US President.

However, the security remained tight as police and personnel from the Rapid Action Force were present in large numbers along with their water cannons and box of tear gas shells along the path taken by the procession.

Meanwhile, in Bhopal also activists of Samajwadi party in toe with the Left Parties beat the effigy of Bush with slippers to vent their anger.

Reports of demonstrations from Bangalore and Kolkata have also reached but no reports of any untoward accidents have come from there.

The Parliament too witnessed uproar in both the houses on the issue of Bush coming to India. Left Parties and Samajwadi Party leaders protested and chanted slogans of “Barbarian Bush Go Back”. This was an extension of demonstration done in the morning by the Samajwadi Party MPs who adorning the red caps expressed their anti Bush feelings.

As soon as the House met, MPs of Samajwadi Party demanded an apology from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for receiving US President George Bush at the airport.

“We will not allow the House to run till Singh apologises for receiving Bush at the airport,” SP Parliamentary Party leader Janeshwar Mishra said.

****/ (continued - The Nation)

Bush in India: Just Not Welcome
[posted online on March 1, 2006]
On his triumphalist tour of India and Pakistan, where he hopes to wave imperiously at people he considers potential subjects, President Bush has an itinerary that's getting curiouser and curiouser.
For Bush's March 2 pit stop in New Delhi, the Indian government tried very hard to have him address our parliament. A not inconsequential number of MPs threatened to heckle him, so Plan One was hastily shelved. Plan Two was to have Bush address the masses from the ramparts of the magnificent Red Fort, where the Indian prime minister traditionally delivers his Independence Day address. But the Red Fort, surrounded as it is by the predominantly Muslim population of Old Delhi, was considered a security nightmare. So now we're into Plan Three: President George Bush speaks from Purana Qila, the Old Fort.
Ironic, isn't it, that the only safe public space for a man who has recently been so enthusiastic about India's modernity should be a crumbling medieval fort?
Since the Purana Qila also houses the Delhi zoo, George Bush's audience will be a few hundred caged animals and an approved list of caged human beings, who in India go under the category of "eminent persons." They're mostly rich folk who live in our poor country like captive animals, incarcerated by their own wealth, locked and barred in their gilded cages, protecting themselves from the threat of the vulgar and unruly multitudes whom they have systematically dispossessed over the centuries.
So what's going to happen to George W. Bush? Will the gorillas cheer him on? Will the gibbons curl their lips? Will the brow-antlered deer sneer? Will the chimps make rude noises? Will the owls hoot? Will the lions yawn and the giraffes bat their beautiful eyelashes? Will the crocs recognize a kindred soul? Will the quails give thanks that Bush isn't traveling with Dick Cheney, his hunting partner with the notoriously bad aim? Will the CEOs agree?
Oh, and on March 2, Bush will be taken to visit Gandhi's memorial in Rajghat. He's by no means the only war criminal who has been invited by the Indian government to lay flowers at Rajghat. (Only recently we had the Burmese dictator General Than Shwe, no shrinking violet himself.) But when Bush places flowers on that famous slab of highly polished stone, millions of Indians will wince. It will be as though he has poured a pint of blood on the memory of Gandhi.
We really would prefer that he didn't.
It is not in our power to stop Bush's visit. It is in our power to protest it, and we will. The government, the police and the corporate press will do everything they can to minimize the extent of our outrage. Nothing the happy newspapers say can change the fact that all over India, from the biggest cities to the smallest villages, in public places and private homes, George W. Bush, the President of the United States of America, world nightmare incarnate, is just not welcome

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


DOUBLE READS … And Carl Jung’s Union of Opposites.

Yahoo News


AP BAGHDAD, Iraq - Key political groups agreed Wednesday to mount a campaign to deny Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari another term in a bid to jump-start stalled talks on a new national unity government, as at least 47 people died in bombings…During a meeting Wednesday, leaders of three parties, including Sunnis, Kurds and the secularists of ex-Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, agreed to ask the Shiite alliance to withdraw al-Jaafari's nomination and put forward another candidate.

Comment: The second read, including the context, shows that the lead is a bob-tailed reversal. The “good” text it projects is “IRAQ POLITICAL LEADERS AGREE…:”; the de facto “bad” news conveyed (on the token side, where you have to dig to get it) is: “US brokers deal to overturn the Shiite victory at the polls.” Allawi never was “Prime Minister” of Iraq, only of the U.S.- installed provisional government. The public is deceptively reassured by superficial reading; the situation has been made worse by what it alludes to but doesn’t say.


By LAURIE KELLMAN, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 48 minutes ago (8:48 PM 3.1.03)
WASHINGTON - The Senate on Wednesday cleared the path for renewing the USA Patriot Act, swatting aside objections while adding new protections for people targeted by government investigations.
***/ Is that “good”? – Certainly. It manages to both threaten AND protect citizens at the same time. But since it protects more than it threatens --from terrorists AND government -- it’s “OK”. If the SENATE OK’S it, that’s enough for Laurie. Everything balances out, you see.

Psychosemiotic Discussion

Formal analysis

These items illustrate a particular way of using signs in communication that can be pictured by doubling “S”, as in “SS”, then flipping over the left-hand “S” and conjoining the opposite facing double half-circles back-to-back. (Can’t be shown in this format.) The doubling represents splitting what is communicated by text and token. Flipping the one on the left represents reversing the attitudinal content of the token. Conjoined back-to-back, the opposite facing double half-circles represents a sign read in two ways, the second reversing the expected (“squared’) affect-values the first projects.

To have a formal analysis of this type of sign-use (abv. S*) is unique and significant. It allows a very complex event to be grasped as an intra-psychic dynamic structure, which repeats. The structure of the intra-psychic dynamic is in transitions between polar opposites, positive (sought, ingested, retained) and negative (avoided, rejected, expelled), in the filling of tokenspace templates. Like patterns of fireworks exploding in the night skies on Halloween, each bursting brilliancy bursting again, until a discernible “idea”, “thought”, “scene”, or gesture is completed in the event. As soon as this happens, tokenspace reverts to a tabula rosa and consciousness to its default position. The energy burned in this ulta-micro neuro-chemical process presumably has a definite magnitude, represented by the ‘v” in the definition of a content of consciousness ( “S*(Ql, v) =df. content of consciousness under S* with given quality, intensity). However, since the only manifestation of neuro physical energy it is possible to know is that sufficient to have passed over into consciousness through quality, quantitative description of these mental events is categorically inappropriate. Qualitative complexes, ordered in templates of sign-use tokens, are a higher-level emergent metaphysical unit, beyond arithmeticizing. (There is no “half” of a clear and distinct idea, as Descartes observed; the mental is non-extended.)

Jung's Psychodynamic model

It is altogether startling that dramatic pictures of this psychological situation of union of opposites exist on display in Carl Jung’s Mysterium Conjunctionis, “The two unipeds”, two Siamese conjoined king’s heads with only two feet extending below their cloak, pointing in different directions. The same motif occurs in The “Revelation of the Hidden”,”The Worldly and Spiritual Power”, and “The Royal Pair”, with contiguous left-right arms, “Adam” with one foot showing.” These produce a striking, incongruous effect of the impossibly real, but also of the really fantastical. Linking the pairs is the hidden, secret psychological unity of diametrical opposites that is Jung’s metaphysical trademark. One side of a process carried to its extreme reverts into its opposite; it has been pushing against “the other side of itself,” so it goes over to what it opposed. “Why do you kick against the pricks?” the voice from heavens asked Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. He was converted on the spot, and became the author of basic New Testament writings that defined Christianity.